[Starting with 1884.]
Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1884.
The Fuller ranch of 3,000 acres of land on Rock Creek, south of Maple City, was sold last week to Messrs. Taylor, Wilkie, Martin, and others, of Cambridge, Ohio, for $21,000. The same gentlemen got Messrs. Libby & Moody to “set a price” on their farm of 800 acres, which was “set” at $10,000. They purchased that also. Also a ranch in Greenwood County. The gentlemen are friends of Maj. Sleeth, C. M. Scott, and others here and are good substantial men.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1884.
Notice has been received from Chief Bushyhead that the south line of the strip extending to Red Fork, and that all the land on the strip from the Kansas line to the Red Fork is covered by the lease to the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association. Caldwell Journal.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1884.
As was stated in last week’s Chief, Hon. Eli Titus visited Sedan for the purpose of closing the contract for a lease of 81,800 acres of land in the territory. There were present at the meeting a number of Indian chiefs and the following cattle kings of Southern Kansas, who leased the number of acres set opposite their names. Hewins & Titus, of this place, leased 1,800 acres more than any of the other firms.
Hewins & Titus: 81,800 acres.
Wait, King, and Slaughter: 48,080 acres.
John P. Soderstrom: 65,000 acres.
Carpenter & Loyhe [?]: 50,000 acres.
Florer & Pollack: 75,000 acres.
Crane and Larrimer: 80,000 acres.
The price paid per acre is three cents per year, the leases running ten years. The contract for fencing the land has been let, and it will be under fence next April. Grenola Chief.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1884.
Frank Goodin, of Okmulgee, Creek Nation, who was arrested and taken before the U. S. Commissioner at Arkansas City on the charge of stealing a steer belonging to E. M. Hewins, was discharged on the ground that the place where the alleged theft occurred was under the jurisdiction of the U. S. District court for the western district of Arkansas. The steer, it seems, had strayed into the Creek country and was picked up and sold, Mr. Goodin being the purchaser. The moral of this is, that stockmen on the Cherokee strip must not let their cattle wander upon the sacred soil of the Muskogee. Caldwell Journal.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1884.
From the Traveler we learn that the Fuller Ranch of 3,000 acres of land on Rock Creek, south of Maple City, was sold last week to Messrs. Taylor, Wilkie, Martin, and others, of Cambridge, Ohio, for $21,000. The same gentleman got Messrs. Libby and Moody to “set a price” on their farm of 800 acres, which was “set” at $10,000. They purchased that also. Also a ranch in Greenwood County. The gentlemen are friends of Maj. Sleeth, C. M. Scott, and others there and are good, substantial men. This is the old Hackney & McDonald tract, which they sold some two years ago to Mr. Fuller for $8,000.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1884.
Messrs. Howard Bros., our leading hardware men, last week sold to parties in the Territory over five car loads of fence wire. This is one of the livest business firms in the Southwest, and be the order large or small they can give rates as low as the lowest, which fact is fully borne out by the amount of business done at this establishment by the prominent stockmen of the B. I. T.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1884.
The second regular annual meeting of the Kansas State Shorthorn Breeders’ Association will be held in the senate chamber of the capitol, Topeka, Kansas, during February 11 and 23, beginning at 7 p.m. of the 11th. Prominent breeders and speakers of this and other states will be present and give addresses, and take part in the discussions, which will be of much more than ordinary interest. All interested in the breeding of Shorthorns are cordially invited to be present.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1884.
J. H. Sherburne, trader at Ponca Agency, has leased from the Ponca Indians a tract of land south and west of the Salt Fork estimated at 50,000 acres, for grazing purposes. This will make one of the finest watered and timbered ranges in the Territory, and is well worth the price paid for it: $1,700. While in the city last week, Joe ordered two carloads of barbed wire, and will proceed at once to enclose his range and keep his cattle within bounds.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1884.
Mr. Frank Stewart, a stockman of 14 years’ experience, has been in town the past few days. He is senior member of the cattle firm of Stewart, Hodges & Snyder, and has just completed arrangements securing their lease to 43,095 acres in the territory for five years. Mr. Stewart has had a rare experience in the West, Northwest, and Southwest, having been in every state and territory west of the Mississippi.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1884.
A cowardly and brutal assault was made upon old Mr. Howard, living at the mouth of Grouse Creek, last Wednesday. He was in the woods, alone and unsuspecting, when some unknown person struck him a terrible blow with a stone on the back of his head, knocking him senseless. Mrs. Cooper, a neighbor, was in the woods at the time, and not more than five rods distant, yet the first she knew of the occurrence was when she found him lying unconscious, whereupon she gave the alarm. He was immediately taken to a house about one mile distant, and up to Wednesday night had not recovered. The matter is shrouded in mystery, especially as the same thing happens on Grouse about once a year.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1884.
Stock Matters. In a conversation last week with a prominent stock man, who has held stock in Texas and the Indian Territory for the past fifteen years, the following views were obtained in response to the questions propounded.
“What will be the result of this fencing in of the grazing lands in the Territory?”
“It will soon be as it is in some portions of Texas—all grown up with weeds. As it is now, every man has about what he needs for his own present stock, without taking into consideration the increase. With a fence, stock is much easier held, and can be kept cheaper, and the tendency will be to increase the stock. Then a dry season will set in, and the grass will be eaten off close, and in another year weeds will take the place of the grass.”
“What will then be the result?”
“Stock will have to be driven further west, or put on the market. It was the same in Texas a few years ago. Now a man must own every foot of range he occupies there, and it will soon be the same here. If I could buy half the range, or one-fourth the range I have, I should limit myself to less stock and better grade.”
“Are you feeding your stock anything?”
“Nothing at all. Next year, however, I will put up a thousand tons of hay and feed it from racks. I calculate half a ton to the animal. Every year the grass is growing shorter, and in my opinion the winters are becoming colder. I believe as the ground is cultivated, it holds more moisture, and that increased moisture intensifies the cold. The ground has been frozen longer this winter than I ever saw it in Kansas.”
“Do you lose many calves by blackleg?”
“None at all. Stock left on the range seldom die of blackleg. You see, calves that are held in the state until grass is three inches high fatten too fast when turned on it, and the result is blackleg.”
“Is there any ‘loco’ weed in this section?”
“Loco weed has done much damage to stock considerably west of us, but I have not seen anything of the kind this side of Medicine Lodge. In the Pan Handle of Texas, now, it grows very much like a cabbage patch, and horses have to be driven from the range to prevent poisoning.”
“Do you know—”
At this juncture someone at the door winked at our obliging stock friend, and in an instant he had gone—presumably to find out.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1884.
A Handsome Testimonial. The following from the Independence Evening Reporter of last Wednesday, will be read with interest and heartily endorsed by the many friends of Mr. J. N. Florer in this city.
“Our sanctum was lighted up yesterday by the benign countenance of John N. Florer, of the Indian Territory. Besides being a ‘lucky dog,’ he is the prince of good fellows, and we are always more than pleased to meet him. His present visit to our city has been made memorable by the presentation to him, by the stockmen of the Territory, of a most elegant gold, hand carved, Elgin watch. The watch was manufactured especially for the occasion, is eighteen karat fine, and the case alone weighs 70 pwt. It bears the monogram of the recipient, ‘J. N. F.’ on the outside of the case in elegant design, while on the inside is engraved with matchless taste, ‘Presented to John F. Florer by his friends, the stockmen of the Osage reservation.’ It is a princely offering, and well worthy the gentlemen who made the present, the cost at the factory being $500. Mr. W. H. H. Larimer presented it yesterday at the Caldwell House, in impromptu but meek and tasteful remarks. It comes to Mr. Florer at his resignation as Indian trader at the Osage Agency, as a token of the appreciation in which his past efforts to do his duty have been held and an earnest of the good wishes of his friends for his future success in his new field of labor. Mr. Florer has for thirteen years been United States Indian trader at the Osage Agency, Indian Territory, and has so demeaned himself toward all who have come in contact with him, as to win the good will and respect of them all. The position is not one without its trials and difficulties, but Mr. Florer has been equal to all emergencies, and while the moving powers have frequently been changed, he has always been able to command from his friends those recommendations, which would secure his reappointment. This alone is the firmest and most telling testimonial he could have as to his ability, gentility, and business capacities. The Osage Agency in him sustains a loss they cannot soon replace. He goes to reside on his ranch near the Kaw Agency, Indian Territory, where he has 75,000 acres well stocked and surrounded by a wire fence.”
The good wishes of a host of Arkansas City friends follow Mr. Florer in his new enterprise, and with those friends the TRAVELER joins in congratulating him upon receiving so fitting a testimonial of his merits. May his good luck continue.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1884.
Capt. Nipp will fence his range in the Territory this spring, and Mr. Love thinks of doing the same. Both these ranges have been contested by Windsor & Roberts, yet Messrs. Nipp and Love have assurance from Washington which prompts them to go ahead, regardless of the stock association or the Cherokee Nation.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1884.
It is almost impossible to get a brand for stock different from any other brand. In looking over the Northwestern Live Stock Journal, published at Cheyenne, Wyoming Territory, we notice Pink Fouts’ “F” brand on the horses up there; R. A. Houghton’s hat brand, and Drury Warren’s boot brand on the sides of steers that range on the Sweet Water. Every letter in the alphabet and almost every figure is represented somewhere, besides houses, bells, scissors, keys, etc. Some are branded with but a dot, while others are branded all over. The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, in New York, sent a committee to Texas recently to try to license the stockmen to adopt some other mode of marking stock, but the old burning principle is held to still.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1884.
M. P. Johnson paid this city a short visit last week, going from here to his cattle ranch on Deer Creek. “Mode” is one of the heaviest and most experienced cattlemen in this section. He has a very large farm in the eastern portion of the county, on which is a very commodious stone house, yet his heart continually yearns for the old cabin and ranch life.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1884.
C. M. Scott continues to add to his domain east of the Arkansas River. Last week he purchased James Brown’s improved farm, and Mr. King’s prairie land, which shapes him out almost in a square of about 2,800 acres of as fine grazing land as can be found in the state. Before another month he will have it all enclosed with a barb wire fence and begin stocking it with cattle and horses.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1884.
DROWNED. A terrible affliction befell Mr. and Mrs. Drury Warren, of Grouse Creek, last Thursday, in the loss by drowning of two boys, aged respectively three and eight years. Three children were guarding a ford to prevent the cattle going on the ice, when the little one walked on the ice, and broke through, and his heroic brother lost his own life in attempting to save that of the little one. The funeral took place the following day. The parents have the heartfelt sympathy of the community in this their hour of sorrow and trial.
Arkansas City Republican, February 16, 1884.
Sad Accident, Drury Warren’s Sons.
A sad accident occurred on Grouse Creek, last week. The two little sons, aged four and seven years respectively, of Mr. Drury Warren, went to the creek for the purpose of playing. Mrs. Warren soon missed them and went in search of them. She found them struggling in the water. The distracted mother plunged into the stream, and doubtless, would have been drowned, but for the intervention of her daughter. The little boys were reached by the neighbors, but not until life was extinguished. Mr. Warren was in Kansas City at the time. He was telegraphed and reached home in time to see his dear children interred. Words cannot express the sorrow of the community in this sad bereavement of such an excellent family.
Spring Meeting of Stockmen.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 20, 1884.
Western Kansas Cattle Growers’ association meets at Dodge City April 2.
Cherokee Strip Live Stock association meets in Caldwell, Kansas, March 11.
North Texas Cattle Raisers’ association will convene at Dallas, Texas, on Tuesday, the 11th day of March, 1884.
Colorado and Brazos Cattle Raisers’ association will be held at Abilene, Taylor County, Texas, Tuesday, the 4th day of March.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1884.
John N. Florer, the lucky stockman, was in town last Friday and Saturday, letting his friends gaze on that magnificent gold watch.
Cattle Brands—F followed by F on its side [F/F] on both sides and circle on jaw.
F on both sides and circle on jaw.
Horse Brand—JF on left shoulder.
Ranch in Indian Territory. P. O. Address, Kaw Agency, I. T.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1884.
J. H. Sherburne was up from Ponca last Monday, and loaded two car loads of wire to be used in the fencing of his pasture south of this city. It will need about fifty miles of fence.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1884.
Quite a number of cattle have died on the North Fork the past few weeks, the principal cause being the lack of open water during the late big freeze, in which all the rivers and creeks were frozen solid. Cattle are, however, in fair condition, and, with an early spring, the loss will not be as great as usual. Among horses, however, the loss promises to be serious, as saddle stock of all kinds on the range is very weak, and the loss among company brands has been considerable. This was occasioned by the late fall rains rotting the grass so as to furnish little substance to grazing horses, and in consequence they are in poor flesh and very weak. A good demand for broke cow horses will result when spring opens.
Cheyenne Transporter.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1884.
The attention of stockmen is called to the new brand cards of Messrs. J. H. Sherburne and W. J. Pollock, both of whom are holding cattle in the Territory south of this city.
Sherburne Ad shows 4 cattle illustrations; one horse.
STOCK BRANDS -OF- J. H. SHERBURNE. Range on the Ponca reservation. Post office address Ponca Agency, Indian Territory.
Additional cattle brands—S O S, O S, T O M, and a mule shoe.
Additional horse brands—S without the bar number under it, on the right shoulder same place as S-bar.
STOCK BRANDS -OF- J. W. POLLOCK. [HORSE/CATTLE ILLUSTRATION SHOWING BRANDS.] Increase branded three half circles on right side, P on left jaw, med chain on both shoulders and upper half crop on each ear.
Additional Brands: V V on left side; C S on left hip. Bottle on left side. H L on left hip. Range on Osage reservation, I. T. Post office address, Ponca Agency, I. T.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1884.
The stock meeting of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association begins at Caldwell, March 11. Cattlemen from all parts of the United States will be represented, and it is thought it will be the largest meeting of the association ever held.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 5, 1884.
Stockmen’s Meeting. The stockmen’s meeting to be held at Caldwell next week commencing Tuesday, March 12, will be a grand affair and will be attended in force. There will be some races, a ball and banquet, and in fact nothing will be left undone by the citizens to welcome and entertain their guests in good shape, and we are fully confident their efforts will be successful and a glorious time result.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 5, 1884.
Loss of Cattle. This section was visited last week by the severest storm that has occurred for several seasons. It commenced sleeting on Monday, the 11th, and in a few hours the ice covered everything, so that horses and cattle were unable to get anything to eat, and it was so slippery that they could scarcely stand. This continued for three days, during which the stock wandered and slipped around without drink or food, their backs covered with an icy coat, and the cattle bellowing with pain. In consequence, large numbers of cattle perished from the exposure—the principal loss being along the lower part of the North Fork and along the Washita. Horses died also in great numbers, and the Indian herds were swept through by the mortality. Many cow horses also perished—being in poor flesh. The mortality among cattle, although severe, was confined mostly to a few brands, the stock being Arkansas cattle brought in late. With these exceptions, the loss is not as great as was expected, and the percentage of loss will not be excessive. The sleet, which was the cause of most of the loss, did not extend above the Cimarron. Cheyenne Transporter.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1884. Mr. Geo. Miller, residing east of town, sold one hog to our Geo. W. Miller for $30 Tuesday. Geo. W. Miller says that is more than he ever paid for one hog before. It was bought for shipment. While we are speaking of Millers, we would like to suggest that some of those in Cowley change their names to something beside George. With about a dozen George’s in the county, how are we going to keep from getting them mixed? The Smith families want to branch off from Williams, too.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 12, 1884.
A meeting of the stockmen is called at Darlington, Indian Territory, on March 20, to provide for a round-up of the country south of the Cherokee Strip.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 12, 1884.
Joe Hoyt has been engaged for this entire week at Caldwell to furnish music for the festivities in that city during the gathering of stockmen.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 12, 1884.
Quite a number of prominent stockmen of the Territory south of here left for Caldwell yesterday morning, where they go to attend the annual meeting of the stockmen of the Cherokee strip.
Winfield Courier, March 13, 1884.
This has been a hard winter on stock and in the Territory and other places where cattle were unsheltered—the losses were heavy. The sleet of a month ago laid on the animals’ backs longer than ever before.
Arkansas City Republican, March 15, 1884.
J. B. Nipp and A. A. Wiley have been absent this week, at the Stockmen’s Meeting at Caldwell.
Arkansas City Republican, March 15, 1884.
A man on Thursday night occupied the same bed, at the Farmers’ Hotel, as did a cowboy. In the morning the man disappeared and so did the cowboy’s revolver. Capt. Rarick undertook the capture of both man and weapon, and succeeded in taking them about half way between Arkansas City and Hunnewell. Esquire Schiffbauer fined the person $25 and costs and committed him to jail until both were paid.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, March 19, 1884.
Will Protect Themselves. CHEYENNE, WYOMING, March 10. The appearance of the foot and mouth cattle disease in Maine and Kansas creates great alarm among the cattle men of the West. The Wyoming Stock Growers’ Association will take immediate steps to quaran-ine the territory and exterminate the affected cattle. Should the disease appear in this terri-ory, the association has legal authority and indemnity funds raised for the purpose. The association also dispatched to the governors of adjoining states and territories urging the enforcement of quarantine regulations against the infected cattle and infected districts and the extermination of the disease by the destruction of the cattle. Should the disease break out in the respective states and territories, Gov. Hale will use full legal authority to protect this territory against the disease.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, March 19, 1884.
We may now have some revealment as to the alleged embezzlement by Col. W. A. Phillips of $22,500 of the Cherokee appropriation. Attorney General Brewster has ordered that Col. Boudinot’s charges to that effect be tested by a criminal indictment and trial of Phillips.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 19, 1884.
Our readers may remember that some months ago Mr. S. J. Taft, of West Bolton, was stopped at the west bridge on his way home one evening, and an attempt was made to rob him. The would-be highwayman escaped without effecting his object, and since then the officers have been on the lookout for him. Last Saturday he was arrested on the Feagins farm, he having been in the Territory since his exploit with Mr. Taft. His name is Clarke, and his trial is set for tomorrow.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 19, 1884.
The Second Annual Meeting at Caldwell.
The meeting was called to order at 10:30 a.m., Wednesday, March 12, 1884, in the opera house in Caldwell, by President Miller.
The object of the meeting was very pleasantly stated in a neat speech by Mr. Miller, in which he congratulated the members of the association and the West in general upon the successful year just closed in their business. The minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary, and on motion approved.
A committee of ten was appointed to prepare a place of proceedings in the matter of spring round-ups.
Considerable time was taken up in the discussion of the foot and mouth disease, now making such sad havoc in parts of our state, and a resolution was unanimously passed requesting the governor to call an extra session of the legislature to consider and enact such laws and regulations for quarantine and other purposes as may be deemed necessary and expedient. The association pledged its support to the governor and other public authorities in all measures taken to suppress the disease. Telegrams to the above effect were sent to Gov. Glick and to Major Hood, of Emporia.
The subject of the national convention then came up for discussion, and a letter was read calling for a convention to be held in St. Louis or some other central point this fall. Speeches were made showing the necessity for such a convention, citing that the stockmen should combine to protect their interests from the encroachments of designing politicians and others; that the English Farmers’ Alliance was organized with the sole view, and its best energies directed to, the prohibition of American beef from that country, and that it behooved the stockmen to be combined in their efforts to offset the effects of this class of men and organizations; that this end could only be attained by a national organization, and in support of his ideas offered a resolution in favor of holding such convention at as early a day as practicable. The association as a body favored St. Louis.
On motion, two car loads of corn were sent to the Ohio River Flood sufferers.
The second day was devoted mainly to the reports of committees and discussion of matters pertaining to the cattle business. The foot and mouth disease received considerable attention, and the committee was authorized to increase the appropriation of $500 to aid in suppressing this disease to $1,000 or more if necessary.
The president announced that the roll would be called, and an election of a board of nine directors for the ensuing year would be had, and stating that the vote would be taken by acclamation. Roll called. Mr. Bridge moved that the present board of directors be declared reelected for the ensuing year. The motion prevailed and the old board was declared duly elected.
Arrangements were completed for the spring round up, the strip being set off into ten divisions, and so arranged that the strays from two different ranges at least will be called at the same point. The round-up will be held the first week in June.
After considerable routine business, the convention adjourned. It was a most enthusiastic meeting throughout.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 19, 1884.
Osage Live Stock Association.
At the meeting of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association at Caldwell, last week, the lessees of the Osage, Ponca, and Nez Perce reservations met at the Southwestern Hotel and organized the Osage Live Stock Association. Mr. Crane, of Independence, was chosen president of the association and W. J. Pollock secretary. The following cattle firms were represented.
1. Florer & Pollock.
2. Hewins & Titus.
3. Crane & Larimer.
4. Waite & King.
5. Carpenter & Leahy.
6. Soderstrom & Shoals.
7. Osage Brown & Son.
8. Joe Hurd.
9. T. J. Gilbert & Co., Kaw Reservation.
10. R. A. Houghton, Nez Perce Reservation.
11. J. H. Sherburne, Ponca Reservation.
This association will work in harmony with other organizations of the same kind, yet it shall be a distinctive body. It is their intention to admit the Indian cattle owners into membership, giving them all the benefits and protection enjoyed by their white brethren. Nothing further than an organization was accomplished at this meeting, when they adjourned to meet again on Saturday, May 29, at Osage Agency. The men comprising this association are each and all large cattle owners, are men of influence and wealth, of enterprise and business acumen, and we doubt not that the Osage Live Stock Association will soon rank as high and favorably as does its sister, the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association. Success to it.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 19, 1884.
A little difficulty occurred at the Geuda Springs dance last Thursday, occasioned by a Caldwell gambler desiring to raise a row. After severely hitting one of our boys with brass “knucks,” he made his escape; but before morning, some parties found him lying on the ground pretty thoroughly bruised up. Just who did the work is not known, but it is generally conceded that such an experience was what the gambler was pining for, and very few are sorry that he was accommodated.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1884.
Geo. W. Miller has shipped fifteen carloads of sheep this week.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 26, 1884.
Geo. Reed, who has charge of J. H. Sherburne’s cattle, spent a few days in the city last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 26, 1884.
C. M. Scott has added another quarter section of land to his Otter Creek ranch, making now about 3,000 acres in one body, one third of which is black loamy plow land and the balance good grazing.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 26, 1884.
The legislature is making considerable stir about the foot and mouth disease, yet it allows the driving of cattle into the state that spread fever and causes far greater losses than does the foot and mouth disease.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 26, 1884.
The Osage Live Stock Association will meet according to adjournment at Osage Agency next Saturday, March 29. It is needless to urge a full representation, as stock men are always on hand at meetings held in their interests.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 26, 1884.
Mr. M. H. Snyder, for many years a resident of Winfield, has sold his property in that city and moved down among us. He is interested in the cattle business with Mr. Al. Dean. Mr. Snyder has purchased the Woolsey place just north of town.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 26, 1884.
Our old friend, Peter Hollenbeck, of Bitter Creek, was in the city last week, and made us a pleasant call. He also desired to tell the readers of the TRAVELER something about “cattle wanted.” For particulars see a special notice in another column.
Ad. Stock Wanted! Wanted, to pasture 600 head of cattle in fenced range adjoining southwest corner of Cowley County on state line. Address, P. Hollenbeck, Bitter Creek, Sumner Co., Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 26, 1884.
The Cherokee nation has a law prohibiting the driving of Arkansas and Texas cattle through their country during the summer months, and some parties, to circumvent this law, are driving now and feeding on the way. They will be here by the time grass is sufficient to keep them.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 26, 1884.
The following recipe is said to be an infallible cure for Spanish fever. Cut it out and preserve it. Half pint of castor oil, fifteen or eighteen drops of croton oil, and three ounces of sweet nitre. These ingredients constitute one dose, which is to be repeated in eight or twelve hours if the fever does not abate.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 26, 1884.
50 Cents Reward! The undersigned parties of Darlington, Indian Territory, will pay the above reward for the capture of one R. E. Beck. When last seen was going toward Caldwell, Kansas. J. W. BLACKWOOD, CHAS. W. PARKER, ED. GILROY.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 26, 1884.
From Mr. L. E. Woodin, clerk in charge at Otoe Agency, we learn that on the 4th of February last a German giving his name as Fred Schaefer came to the house of Gus Ladue, an Otoe Indian living on the Otoe reservation, and wanted to stay with him until the Oklahoma lands were opened up. He had with him a sorry looking team and very little else. He said he had left two children (a boy aged 14 and a girl aged 19) at the house of F. M. Mellon, Thackerville, Chickasaw Nation, Indian Territory. He claimed that his daughter had run him away with a shotgun. During the time he was at Ladue’s, we are informed, he would frequently scream out and say that his daughter was after him with a shotgun. He seemed all right until about March 19, when he had one of his screaming spells and dropped down dead. Deceased was about 65 years old, five feet and seven inches in height, and weighed about 135 pounds. He was buried at Otoe Agency. His team and other effects will be held there until claimed. There seems to be no doubt as to the old gentleman’s insanity.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 29, 1884.
A terrible conflagration swept over a portion of the Indian Territory, situated southwest of Arkansas City, last Thursday. As far as we can learn at present, Capt. Nipp’s and Mr. Love’s ranches located about 18 miles southwest from our city, were partially or wholly destroyed. The rapidity of the wind drove the flames with lightning speed.
Unfortunately, six miles west and south, Mr. Lingenfelter and son were going with two double teams to Willow Springs for posts. A terrific cloud of dust and smoke completely hid the fire from view, rendering escape difficult. He was destitute of matches, and had no way of starting a fire. Mr. Lingenfelter placed his boy in a path and covered him with an overcoat. The boy thus escaped, with the exception of a slight burn on the leg. Mr. Lingenfelter himself was seriously burned on the face, head, and hands, in trying to preserve his son. Both wagons and harness were burned, and one horse so seriously, that he soon died, and another cannot recover; the other team ran off and were saved. Sweeping on its course, the fire reached the state line. Mr. Pettit lost 3,000 bushels of corn in the flames; also his stables and corral. Mr. H. H. Beacham lost four cows. Mr. Wolf’s small stables were burned. Mr. Rheinhart’s and Capt. Scott’s stables were also consumed. A dwelling near the line went up in the flames. The Chilocco Indian schools were saved by the activity of the teacher and employees.
Arkansas City Republican, March 29, 1884.
The strip of land lying south of the Cherokee country has been taken into the hands of the stock association and will be leased to the stock men now holding ranches between the Cherokee strip and the Cimarron River.
Arkansas City Republican, March 29, 1884.
[AT FIRST NEXT ITEM DID NOT MAKE MUCH SENSE...UNTIL THE WORD “OIL” BEGAN TO sure it refers to the “Sinclair Oil People”...Roberts, if I recall rightly, was a son-in-law of the big cheese in company.]
A wood hauler would like to know by what right or authority the oil company or any company can cut timber on an Indian reservation and convert it to their own use in any way, and then forbid the honest granter from hauling off the dead tops for fire wood? THE REPUBLICAN has this to say: One man’s right in the territory is as good as another’s, unless he is an officer of the law, a citizen of the Nation, or licensed by the government, as trader, mail carrier, etc. The Department “recognizes” the lease to cattle men for grazing purposes, but there is no law for it.
Arkansas City Republican, March 29, 1884.
S. L. Williams, who for some time past, has been in the Territory, overseeing the management of Drury Warren’s cattle ranch, came up Wednesday and reports cattle as being very thin, in consequence of not having sufficient hay; he also stated that very few were dying.
A Trip to Willow Ranch.
Arkansas City Republican, March 29, 1884.
Last Wednesday evening it was our good fortune to receive an invitation from Dr. Jamison Vawter to accompany him on a professional visit to Willow Ranch, 17 miles south of the city in Indian Territory. Of course we accepted, and in a short time the doctor was at our boarding house for us with one of Capt. J. B. Nipp’s best double rigs. We started from the city about seven o’clock, and in two and a half hours were at our destination. We found Mr. Fouts, the proprietor of the ranch, suffering greatly with neuralgia and malarial fever, but the doctor administered a remedy that soon relieved his pain, and leaving more medicine to be taken during the night, we retired. The next morning we found Mr. Fouts’ health much improved, and after the doctor had given full direction as to the further treatment of the case, and assured Mr. Fouts that he would soon be able to attend to business again, and we had partaken heartily of an excellent breakfast, we started on our return, and were soon home. The trip was a pleasant one! The Doctor knows just how to entertain a fellow bachelor, and we shall always remember Mr. and Mrs. Fouts and the boys employed on the ranch for the kind and hospitable treatment received from them while at the “Willows.” Mr. Fouts is the proprietor of two ranches; the Willow Ranch, containing 35,000 acres, and another containing 12,000 acres, and both are well-stocked with cattle, horses, and sheep. He has been in the stock business several years, and has prospered, and everything now about him shows prosperity. As to the Territory, we can say the same as everybody else that it is a fine country to remain idle as it now is. On our way home we saw hundreds of prairie chickens and snipes, and could have easily killed a great many of them from our buggy if we had taken a gun.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 2, 1884.
Milt Bennett, treasurer of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock association, was in the city last Wednesday, in quest of barb wire. His many friends will be pleased to learn that he is fast recovering from his recent illness.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 2, 1884.
Osage Live Stock Association.
The Osage Live Stock Association met according to adjournment at the above date and place, with the following members present;
H. H. Crane, W. H. H. Larimer, and J. H. Pugh, of Independence.
Thomas Leahy and L. C. Waite, of Elgin.
J. N. Florer, of Kaw Agency.
W. J. Pollock, of Ponca Agency.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman H. H. Crane, after which the minutes of the previous meeting were read by Secretary Pollock. After an informal talk on matters relating to the organization and its interests, Mr. Pugh moved that in consequence of the small number present the meeting stand adjourned, to meet at Osage Agency at the time of the June payment, with the understanding that Judge T. L. Rogers would give all parties timely notice of the exact time of such meeting.
W. J. POLLOCK, Secretary.
Immediately after the adjournment Messrs. Ed. Hewins, John Soderstrom, Joe Herrard, and several other parties interested in stock put in an appearance, and although too late to participate in the formal meeting quite a little social talk was had on subjects connected with stock and the range.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 2, 1884.
Osage Leases.
The following are the gentlemen to whom the council of the Osage Nation have leased ranges upon the lands belonging to the tribe.
E. M. Hewins
Waite & King
Carpenter & Leahy
Pollock & Florer
John Soderstrom
Crane & Larimer
Arkansas City Traveler, April 2, 1884.
Mr. J. P. Holloway of Atchison County, Missouri, paid the TRAVELER a pleasant call last Monday and stated his intention of making this his permanent home. He expects to bring his family to our city in a few days. The gentleman is interested in the stock business with T. J. Gilbert of our city, and we gladly welcome him and his to our social circle.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 2, 1884.
The new livery stable now in course of erection by Thompson & Woodin, on Fifth Avenue, will be the largest stable south of Topeka—as Arkansas City will soon be the largest city in the same scope of country. This stable will be fifty-five feet front and 132 feet deep, two stories high, with accommodations for over 100 horses and thirty buggies and carriages. Thompson & Woodin use both sides of the street now, and are going to try to keep their business within the confines of one immense building. Their prosperity is well merited.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 2, 1884.
Johnny Blair reports three of the Galloway bulls as having concluded to quit business in the Indian Territory. They have all three died within the past three weeks. The cause of death is unknown but supposed to be from eating sand burs that grow in such wild profusion among the sand hills on the Salt Fork, on the old trail. The Shorthorn bulls are surely all right, as they are a little more choice in their food than the Galloways. Mr. Blair says the Galloways eat anything in sight, whether it be corn, hay, old grass, brush, or sand burs. They are rustlers from away back, and if they could be broken from eating sand burs, could be just the breed for the range. Caldwell Journal.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 2, 1884.
Territorial Jots.
On Friday of last week, in company with Capt. J. B. Nipp, we started for Osage Agency to attend the gathering of stock men set for the 29th. The weather was exceptionally fine, and as the captain’s gallant team rapidly left the city in the distance the exhilarating influence of pure air and sunshine had a decidedly charming effect. Reaching Grouse about noon, we (true to our printer’s code, “never to miss a meal,”) could not help stopping to see our friend, Drury Warren, who kindly cared for us and sent us on our way rejoicing. All the afternoon we drove through a splendid country, over which the gentle hint of coming spring could be seen in the fresh green grass and flowers on every hand. As the shades of evening drew upon us we neared the ranch of Mrs. Bevenue, whose roof sheltered us from the night and at whose table we partook of such goodly cheer as will ever make us kindly remember “Aunt Jane.”
Early Saturday morning we were on the road, and when about seven miles from Osage met Charley Schiffbauer and Tip Davenport, with whom we exchanged civilities and resumed our journey, driving into the agency about 10 a.m., a little too late to be present at the stock meeting, the particulars of which appear elsewhere.
At the agency we were the guests of Major and Mrs. Miles, whose genial hospitality was duly appreciated. At this place also we were pleased to meet our friends, Ed. Finney, Dr. Bird, Mr. Wismeyer, and others, and also to make the acquaintance of Messrs. Davidson and Hamilton, each of whom is running a trader’s store. Quite a busy time is being had at the agency buildings just now, repairing and painting, which will materially help the appearance as well as the comfort thereof. Everything around the agency is in a prosperous condition, much of which is due to the untiring work of Maj. Miles, who spares no effort to provide for the welfare of his charges.
Leaving Osage at 3 p.m., we started for Kaw Agency, and after a very pleasant ride through a glorious country already covered with quite a growth of grass, arrived at 7 p.m., and were at once taken in hand by our friend, Tom Finney, who was for us “a good Samaritan,” and we spent a really pleasant evening in his home circle. Next morning being Sunday, we made a short call upon Supt. Keeler, who we found genial as ever, but looking a little out of sorts, which was explained when he stated that everything was upside down owing to repairs and painting being in progress. This agency is one of the most pleasantly located agencies that we know of, and it would appear to us anything but a hardship to reside thereat.
Bidding adieu to our friends, we once more took the road, reaching Arkansas City about 1 p.m., having experienced a most enjoyable time and accomplishing the round trip in about fifty hours.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 2, 1884.
Thursday’s Wind Storm.
Last Thursday’s wind storm was without exception the most severe that has ever visited Cowley County. From early morning the breeze was rather stiff, but from noon it had very nearly approached the dimensions of a cyclone. About 5:30 p.m., an especially violent current struck the new roller mills of Landes, Beall & Co., with such force as to wrench about ten feet of the roof away and hurl it to the ground. The mill operatives say the immense five story structure shook very perceptibly for nearly a minute. When it is remembered that the walls to this mill are from five to two and one-half feet thick, the power of the wind may be imagined. A piece of cornice work was also blown off the Cowley County Bank building, though no damage of any consequence was done in the city.
Many farmers suffered from prairie fires which came up from the Territory south of us. Some two weeks ago large quantities of dead grass were burned off the cattle ranges, during which some hay stacks caught on fire. There was a great deal of fire smouldering in the remains of these stacks when the wind of last Thursday came along and blew the fire across the burnt districts, on to old grass, and then the race to the state line was a short one.
The heaviest loser is probably Mr. Pettit, on the Christy farm, just north of the Indian school, whose outbuildings were entirely destroyed, together with over 3,000 bushels of corn, making his loss run up to $1,500 and over.
Mr. Voris lost his house; Mr. Rhinehart’s stable and farming implements were consumed; Chris. Wolfe’s hedge on three sides of his farm was burned, besides some farming implements; other farmers lost in a greater or less degree. Mr. Wolfe’s hedge was of compact, nine years’ old growth, and is of itself quite a loss.
A Mr. Linkenfelter, with his son, was making a trip in the Territory after posts, having two teams. The fire was on them before Mr. Linkenfelter fairly realized it, and when it was too late for him to start a fire for his own safety. He wrapped his boy in a blanket and laid him in the middle of the road, and then looked after himself and horses as best he could. One team ran away and escaped death; one horse was burned to death and the other nearly so; his wagon was destroyed, and himself most severely burned, the boy escaping with only slight injuries.
Mr. N. C. Kenyon, near Salt City, we understand was also a victim to the ravaging flames, losing nearly everything except his residence. Mr. Caldwell, of West Bolton, had the upper part of his house blown down, sustaining a loss of about $100.
Altogether it was a sorry day for southern Cowley, whose like we hope never to see again.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 2, 1884.
Pink Fouts has been wrestling with the malaria fever at Willow Springs; but is now better. It takes something worse than malaria to keep Pink down for any length of time.
Winfield Courier, April 3, 1884.
Ranchmen from the Territory report numerous death among the cattle herds. They are seriously afflicted with the mouth disease—the want of some nourishing substance to masticate.
Arkansas City Republican, April 5, 1884.
Mr. Pink Fouts, of Willow ranch, whom we visited last week with Dr. J. Vawter, has recovered from his illness. He came to the city Thursday evening, and left yesterday on a business trip to Caldwell.
Arkansas City Republican, April 5, 1884.
Thompson & Woodin, proprietors of the Star Livery and Feed Stable, and the Arkansas City, Geuda Springs, and Wellington Stage lines, have leased their stables on the south side of Fifth Avenue, and are building a new stable and stock yard on the north side. The new building will be about 82 x 132 feet and two stories high, the largest livery stable in the state south of Topeka. They own six lots lying together and the remainder of the ground not taken up by the building will be enclosed in the stock yard and divided into two lots. A hay rack and watering trough will be put in, and the yard and stable will be carried on in first-class style in every respect. They expect to have the building completed by May 1, and will add new buggies and horses as the trade demands. Their buildings on the south side, which they have leased, will be occupied as a blacksmith shop and paint and carriage shop.
Arkansas City Republican, April 5, 1884.
J. W. Hutchison raised about $75 by subscription from the citizens of the city Thursday for Mr. Lingenfelter, who was burned in the prairie fire last week. The burns he received proved to be of a very serious nature, but Dr. Baker, his attending physician, says that he is fast recovering, but is still confined to his room. His horses did not die as was reported last week, but they both will recover.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, April 9, 1884.
4. C. M. SCOTT.
5. J. N. FLORER.
6. N. W. PARVIN.
NOTE: R. A. HOUGHTON SHOWS...Postoffice address: Arkansas City, Kansas, OR, C. C. ENDICOTT, range manager, Oakland Agency, Indian Territory. Range on the Nez Perce reservation. OODLES OF BRANDS!
NOTE: C. M. SCOTT...ON SIDE OF CATTLE: SCOT. Horse brand, CM on left shoulder. Range 6 miles south of Arkansas City. P. O.: Arkansas City, Cowley County, Kansas.
Sheep brand, S & T on left shoulder. Range 6 miles south of Arkansas City.
NOTE: DRURY WARREN brand looks quite different on side of cattle. Appears to me like N followed by two sizes of boots. States: Range on Duck Creek and Chicaskia, Indian Territory. GAVE UP TRYING TO READ OTHER BRANDS USED.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 9, 1884.
P. C. Wyeth and E. M. Ford, of the Territory, were in the city after ranch supplies last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 9, 1884.
Messrs. Burke and Martin, whose range is on the Cimarron, last week purchased of Thos. Hill 350 head of stock cattle.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 9, 1884.
Drury Warren was in the city Saturday on his way home from the range. He says the losses this winter are rather more severe than he at first expected, but that stock are now picking up fast.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 9, 1884.
On last Wednesday night some parties at present unknown cut about two miles of wire fence belonging to Windsor & Roberts, in the Indian Territory, at the same time sawing off many of the posts. Not satisfied with this work of destruction, the parties set fire to a car load of barbed wire belonging to the above gentlemen, and destroyed the entire lot—over 20,000 pounds. The wire was in the state on Pettit’s place, we believe, and was purely the work of deviltry. If the perpetrators can be found, they should be most summarily dealt with for such an outrage. The penitentiary is too good for men who thus wantonly destroy private property. Whatever grievance, fancied or real, they may have against a man or corporation, it furnishes no excuse for burning up the property of such corporation.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 16, 1884.
Garth & Co. have secured ten years’ lease on the Otoe reservation for range purposes, and will fence immediately.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 16, 1884.
On Wednesday evening, April 2, during a heavy north wind, a prairie fire came down on Kirkpatrick & Nichols’ range at the mouth of South Coon, on the Arkansas, and though the herders were in a measure prepared for such an emergency, before the cattle could be got off the heavy grass, six head were burned to death and many more or less scorched. Stewart & Hodges also lost some, though the exact number is not yet known. Nothing but the hard, effective, and quick work of Mr. Kirkpatrick’s herders saved him from the loss of his entire herd.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 16, 1884.
Messrs. Windsor & Roberts are taking active measures to ferret out the parties who cut their wire fence some two weeks ago, and propose to make it warm for the guilty ones if they succeed in catching them. There is a standing reward of $500 by the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association, which will be paid for each and every conviction of wire cutting or other-wise destroying range property in the Territory. As we said last week, the farmers along the line may have cause for grievance, real or fancied, but to resort to willful destruction is a very poor recourse. We are not certain but that a fence along the line will to a certain extent be beneficial to the farmers, as we understand the oil company leave a gap at every road into the Territory, and in no way interfere with the farmers hauling wood from the nation, and offer free pasturage to the cattle of farmers living along the line, thus saving them from the trouble of protecting their fields from straying cattle. At all events, Messrs. Windsor & Roberts are determined that the wire fence shall stand, and if opposition is continued, it looks as though serious trouble might result. With no desire to hastily champion either side’s cause, we submit to our farmer friends that at present Messrs. Windsor & Roberts have the law on their side, and that the proper way to remedy a wrong is through the courts—not by placing themselves in the rank of criminals. We trust there will be no further trouble.
Winfield Courier, April 17, 1884.
D. L. Payne has filed with Gen. Rosecrans the sworn statement of Captain H. H. Maidt, of Cowley County, which charges most inhuman treatment from United States troops of Oklahoma colonists last August.
Arkansas City Republican, April 19, 1884.
Capt. D. L. Payne arrived in the city from Washington on Tuesday last, and reports everything as favorable concerning Oklahoma.
Arkansas City Republican, April 19, 1884.
Mr. Gordon, of Washington, D. C., is here negotiating for the Oklahoma War Chief at Geuda. Mr. Gordon is an old newspaper man and will edit the paper in the interests of the Oklahoma colony.
Arkansas City Republican, April 26, 1884.
Mr. Lingenfelter, who was burned so badly in the prairie fire in the Territory, has recovered sufficiently under the successful care of Dr. E. Y. Baker as to be able to be on the streets and attend to business.
Arkansas City Republican, April 26, 1884. The stage drivers on the routes between Arkansas City and Oklahoma report about two thousand people upon that section of the Territory, and about five hundred teams. Returning to this place they met many colonists. The persons already there are staking off claims and laying out a city. The Southwestern Stage Co., has chartered seventy-five teams for Oklahoma.
The suit against Capt. D. L. Payne in the U. S. Court has been continued until June. He is expected in the city today. An issue of the Oklahoma War Chief will be published today. The emigrants are buying much provision from our merchants.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 30, 1884.
The periodic Oklahoma fever is now raging, and our city is full of men waiting to enter the promised land. A squad of them made a start some two weeks ago, and last Friday one of them came in town, hungry, foot-sore, weary and bedraggled, and reported that they had met the enemy and were theirs. He made his escape by swimming the river, and came on to the state with dispatches for Payne and Gordon, but Uncle Sam’s troops were entertaining the great body of Oklahomaites, and were looking very closely to the comfort of the invaders. After the returning pioneer had met the enterprising Gordon, editor of the War Chief (which has been on the verge of appearing for the last week), he changed his tune, and said everything was O. K. But his private opinion is that he has got enough of Oklahoma, and he wants to go home.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 30, 1884.
To the Oklahomaites.
We take pleasure in publishing the following letter, which we hope will soothe the agitated Oklahoma bosoms in this community. It comes from a locality where the best information on this subject exists, and is worth more than all the loud mouth buncombe given by Payne and his fellow leaders.
Darlington, Indian Territory, April 24, 1884.
ED. TRAVELER: Just a line or two to say that you can tell your readers that the invaders are now being ejected from what is called Oklahoma. Three companies of troops, in command of Capt. Carroll of the Ninth cavalry, met Payne on the ground. The trespassers will be summarily ejected under more stringent orders than formerly. Yours, etc.
Arkansas City Republican, May 3, 1884.
Daring Robbery.
At ten o’clock last Wednesday morning, four men, armed with Winchesters, rode up to the Medicine Valley Bank, at Medicine Lodge, Kansas, and two went into the bank and demanded the money, while the other two held the horses. E. W. Payne, president, and G. G. Gephart, cashier, the only occupants of the bank, refused. They were fired upon, and the cashier was killed and the president fatally wounded. As the citizens gathered quickly, the robbers were compelled to depart without their booty. Within ten minutes, thirty men were in hot pursuit. On Thursday they overtook and captured the robbers. The excitement became intense when it became known that two of the robbers were Henry Brown and Ben. Wheeler, marshal and assistant marshal of Caldwell. The other two were Jno. Wesley and Bill Smith, cowboys from the “T 5" range. They were placed in the calaboose. A crowd gathered at ten o’clock, Thursday night, at the prison and attacked the building. One of the robbers fired and was immediately riddled with bullets. The others were taken out, conducted to the edge of the town, and hung.
Arkansas City Republican, May 3, 1884. Many colonists for Oklahoma were in the city, during the first of the week, most of whom have departed for the promised land. Many are coming; many are going. The latest news is that the settlers are surrounded by U. S. Colored troops. Many persons are anxiously awaiting the action of the government.
Oklahoma War Chief Printed at Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Republican, May 3, 1884. Emigrants from the east to Oklahoma come by the way of Arkansas City. Capt. Payne has been stopping at the Central Avenue Hotel in this city since last Saturday. The Oklahoma War Chief is printed here. Our merchants are selling large quantities of goods to the emigrants.
Note: The “Boomer Movement” and “Railroad Interests” came to the fore on May 3, 1884, due to Sidney Clarke’s speech in Arkansas City. MAW]
Sidney Clarke Speaks to Payne Followers in Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Republican, May 3, 1884. Hon. Sidney Clarke, an ex-member of congress from this state, was in the city last Wednesday on private business, and by the invitation of Capt. Payne and others, spoke at Highland hall Wednesday evening to a large audience on “The Rights of Citizens to occupy Public Lands.” The speech was directed against the granting of public lands to railroad corporations and the failure of congress to open the Indian Territory to settlement. He spoke of large grants of lands that should now be declared forfeited, and made some good points and was frequently applauded. He also produced some good arguments in favor of opening the Territory to settlement. At the conclusion of his speech, Capt. Payne, being present, was called for; and on coming to the stage, was greeted with tremendous applause. He said they were going to settle Oklahoma, that they meant to continue to go there till they were allowed to stay. He read several acts of congress in proof that the land was a part of the public domain and said that Senators Plumb and Ingalls would do nothing toward opening the country to settlement because they had private cattle interests there. He said that by the first day of next March these cattle men would not have a piece of fence post in Oklahoma large enough to make a tooth pick or a piece of wire long enough to hoop a wash-tub. Capt. Payne has not the gift of eloquence, but is in some way getting up a big boom for Oklahoma.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, May 7, 1884.
Dodge City Times: The loss among cattle during the past year is the greatest that has occurred for several years past. Mr. Longendyke and also Mr. J. H. Baker estimate their loss for the year at about ten percent. This winter losses will probably reach as high as six or eight percent. These are fair representations of losses among range herded cattle generally in this locality.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 7, 1884.
The first herd of cattle passing up the trail so far this spring came up from Texas last week. It numbered 1,600 head, and consisted of one and two year old steers, being contracted stock, and are being delivered to G. W. Miller, whose range is up on the Salt Fork. Transporter.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 7, 1884.
Geo. L. Phillips, president, and Paul W. Bossart, superintendent of the United Telephone company, will be in our city in a few days, to look up the matter of a telephone line to the agencies in the Indian Territory. Wellington and Caldwell want the line to run south from there by the way of Hunnewell. Our merchants should at once take steps to secure this telephone line from here. If it should start from any of the towns west of us, it would cut off a large portion of our Territory trade, and we cannot afford to lose it. The stock men and all the traders and agencies are anxious for a telephone connection with the state.
N. T. SNYDER, Manager Telephone Exchange.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 7, 1884.
Stockmen and farmers are particularly requested to read the new advertisement of Messrs. Larmon & Co., livestock and commission merchants, Kansas City, Missouri, which appears in this issue. This firm is thoroughly reliable and we are glad to recommend them to our patrons, feeling sure that any business entrusted to them will be carefully and promptly attended to.
BIG AD. JOHN LARMON, Kansas City, Mo.
JOHN SALISBURY, Kansas City, Mo.
JAMES LARMON, Cincinnati, Ohio.
LARMON & CO., Live Stock Commission Merchants, IN EXCHANGE BUILDING, KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI. Correspondence solicited. All business entrusted to us shall receive our personal attention. We are at all times prepared to furnish papers to assist in marketing your stock. By consigning your stock direct to us, and advising us by telegraph, you are sure to find good pens, plenty of feed and water, and ready assistance in disposing of your stock.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, May 10, 1884.
The latest report from Oklahoma is that the soldiers conducted a squad of 48 men to Ft. Reno and turned them over.
Arkansas City Republican, May 10, 1884.
Sheriff Geo. McIntire and Deputy, O. S. Rarick, arrested on the streets of Winfield last Tuesday Jno. Daniels, alias Jim Weston, a noted horse thief, who has been stealing cattle and horses in the Territory. He is supposed to be one of the parties who robbed the car in this city last January. After he was disarmed, he broke away from the officers and was afterwards arrested again about two miles from the city.
Arkansas City Republican, May 10, 1884.
Thos. J. Becket, who resides on Grouse Creek, had four horses stolen from his premises about two weeks ago by a couple of brothers named Allen, who left immediately with their booty for parts unknown. Their whereabouts was not ascertained until last week, when they were heard of near Carthage, Missouri. Accordingly Capt. Rarick, in company with Mr. Becket, left immediately for that place to capture the thieves and reclaim the stolen horses. They succeeded in overtaking the thieves and arresting them at a farm house several miles out from Carthage, and started on their return trip, arriving at Winfield last Saturday night. The thieves now languish in the county jail.
Arkansas City Republican, May 17, 1884.
We had the pleasure last Tuesday of meeting Mr. E. M. Ford, P. C. Wyeth, and A. A. Wiley, cattle men of the Territory. They started down last Wednesday to attend the roundup, which is taking place throughout the whole Territory at the present time.
Arkansas City Republican, May 17, 1884.
LA PORTE, INDIANA, May 10, 1884.
C. T. Atkinson, Editor Republican, Arkansas City, Kansas.
DEAR SIR: I have seen mention in one or two of your papers of persons going to Oklahoma. What is the social and moral standing of these individuals? Some of the papers would convey the impression that they are all disreputable. Your old friend, J. H. L.
In reply to our friend’s inquiry, we would say that it will not do to brand the persons seeking settlements in Oklahoma as disreputable. While doubtless there are some adventurers, a great number of them are sober, industrious men. These gentlemen truthfully think the land is subject to entry, and are acting accordingly. The impression that all these parties are low in character is a false one.
Oklahoma Colonists in City.
Arkansas City Republican, May 17, 1884.
A large number of Oklahoma colonists have been in the city for several days. Col. Bentley, of Wichita, was advertised to speak at Highland Hall Thursday night, and on his failure to be present, Capt. D. L. Payne addressed the audience. The house was crowded, and he was frequently applauded. After he concluded his address, the members of the colony, about seventy-five in number, held a secret meeting and elected officers. They have established headquarters at McGinnis’ Hall, and a lively correspondence was carried on yesterday. We called at the headquarters yesterday morning, and learned from Col. E. S. Wilcox, of North Springfield, Missouri, the principal member of the colony, that they were not discouraged by the action of the government in ejecting them from the Territory, but would persist in going there, till they were permitted to remain. A number of those arrested and taken to Wichita, mentioned in another column, have arrived in the city, and we learned from one of them that they were charged with two offenses; the punishment of one of which is a fine of $1,000, and the other $10,000 and two years imprisonment, and that eight were discharged upon each giving his separate bond for $250 for his appearance to answer the charges, and one was discharged without bond.
Arkansas City Republican, May 24, 1884.
J. S. Van Nortwick, late of Batavia, Illinois, but who has recently bought an interest in Pollock’s ranch, in the Osage country, Indian Territory, was in the city this week, and bought Drury Warren’s herd of cattle.
Arkansas City Republican, May 24, 1884.
W. H. Cloyd, J. W. Weatherford, and J. J. Drye, of Kentucky gave us a pleasant call Wednesday evening. They are prospecting for farms, and stock ranches, and will likely locate with us.
Arkansas City Republican, May 24, 1884. Police Court. Capt. H. M. Maidt was fined $5 and costs Tuesday for being drunk and using profane, vulgar, and obscene language.
Arkansas City Republican, May 31, 1884.
Mr. T. Bentley has lately taken charge of the War Chief. He is a man of considerable newspaper experience and it is hoped that the paper will succeed.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 7, 1884.
A large Oklahoma meeting was held at Wichita, Monday evening. Messrs. Bentley and Stafford of Wichita, Harry St. John of Washington, D. C., and Capt. D. L. Payne made speeches in favor of opening the country to white settlement. After some discussion the following resolutions were adopted:
WHEREAS, We believe the lands known as Oklahoma are public lands, and whereas citizens of Kansas who have gone on to such lands for the purpose of settlement have been abused by the U. S. Army; and
WHEREAS, Such citizens have not been prosecuted and convicted of any crime; therefore, we denounce the action of the U. S. Army as an act of tyranny, and we call upon the President of the United States to so command the Army that such acts of injustice must cease.
Arkansas City Republican, June 7, 1884.
Ben Simpson, U. S. Marshal, shot and killed Sims, at Pagosa Springs, Colorado, last week, while making an arrest, Sims resisting him. Sims is one of the three who stole the fifty Osage ponies about a year ago, and were placed in jail in Wichita, from which place Sims and one of the others escaped. Capt. O. S. Rarick gave the information that led to the capture. Sims ran away with another man’s wife from this place some time ago.
Arkansas City Republican, June 7, 1884.
Lew Skinner, a cowboy, was arrested at the circus Wednesday night for disturbing the peace by discharging fire arms, and raising a row with some of the special police. Several shots were fired between the parties on the outside of the tent, but without injury to anyone. A large number rushed out of the tent when the firing began, and it seemed for a time as if there would be a stampede in that direction, but the excitement soon abated. Skinner deposited $15 and gave his own recognizance for his appearance before Judge Kreamer Thursday morning at 9 o’clock, but failed to appear.