Looking for the man who was a cattleman...
Kansas 1875 Census Bolton Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
Thomas S. Parvin 42 m w New Jersey Iowa
Jane Parvin 33 f w New Jersey Iowa
Theodore R. Parvin 12 m w Iowa Iowa
Battie? M. Parvin 9 f w Iowa Iowa
Joe H. Parvin 7 m w Iowa Iowa
Thomas L. Parvin, 43; spouse, Jane, 34.
T. S. Parvin, 47; spouse, J., 40.
T. L. Parvin, 61; spouse, J. B. Parvin, 52.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 12, 1876.
MR. TRISSELL, John Hoyt, Daniel Hunt, Wm. Anderson, John N. Fleharty, Thos. S. Parvin, George S. Callison, Albert Hamel, returned from Chetopa last Sunday, where they have been after fruit trees.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 12, 1876.
We received an interesting letter from Mr. Parvin, which we should have published, had not the party returned in time to tell it.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1876.
2 yoke of Work Cattle for sale by Thos. Parvin. Inquire at the Post Office.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 5, 1876.
FOOT RACE. Thos. Parvin and Jasper Coryell ran a foot race of 55 yards, last Saturday, for the fun of the thing. Both parties ran well, but Parvin was too slow to win.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 4, 1876.
119 TEAMS. Thos. Parvin counted 119 teams loaded with wheat last Friday, on their way to Wichita. One difficulty, lately, is the scarcity of cars to ship the wheat, and frequently buyers refuse to purchase on that account. No. 2 wheat, last week, brought 80 cents; No. 3, 70 and 75 cents per bushel.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1876.
LOST. One boar pig, six months old; black with white feet; some white on body. A liberal reward will be paid for his return to my residence on the line, due south of Arkansas City. T. S. PARVIN.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.
The following officers were nominated in the different townships, and most of them are probably elected.
Bolton Township. Justices, John Linton, Aaron Marshal; Trustee, James Sample; Treasurer, A. J. Kimmell; Clerk, Thomas Parvin; Constables, John Myrtle, Evan Lewis.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.
Last Saturday was a day long to be remembered by those who participated in the turkey roast and birthday feast at Thomas Parvin’s. It is especially remembered with regret by Mr. Steward and another young man, who declined the honor of carving the turkey. The first declined on the ground that he was “too hungry to accept the position.” The second declined under the pretense of being left handed. They will never decline again. The dinner was given to commemorate the 42nd anniversary of Thomas Parvin’s birth.
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1877.
Winfield, Kansas, May 25th, 1877.
Board of County Commissioners met in special session. All the board present, with James McDermott, County Attorney, and M. G. Troup, County Clerk. Among other proceedings had the following jury and election fees were presented and allowed.
Election Fees: T. S. Parvin, $2.00.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 11, 1877 - FRONT PAGE.
The Fourth of July in Bolton.
[For the TRAVELER.]
Mr. Editor: I attended the Fourth of July in Bolton last Wednesday, and took a few notes I want to tell you. I did not go for fun; I did not go for frolic; but for sober, solid information and instruction, and to see the people and things. I saw you there, to begin with, and concluded from appearances that the local department of the paper would be neglected, as you had your hand full, mind full, and from the monstrous basket you towed around, I took it for granted you would soon have a stomach full. An editor is always hungry, they say, and I believe it. But I don’t want to write this article entirely about you, for there were others equally as handsome as yourself and lady.
Do not censure me if I am too critical, for you know half a woman lives for is to see and be seen, talk a great deal, and hear much more. Men are slow, stupid beings, capable of talking only one at a time, but we, the fairest of God’s creatures, can talk all together.
Isn’t it delightful to go to a picnic, sit down under a shady bough, and watch the people, and make comparisons? I had just such a location when I made these notes.
First on the scene was Mr. Skinner, senior. You can assure yourself he would be first if he came at all. Then came Frank Denton, Mr. Parvin, Capt. Hoffmaster, Mr. Steiner, and “Jim,” with their amiable wives all neatly dressed. Soon after came what the TRAVELER has dubbed the “young bloods” of Bolton and Creswell.
There was that wild and reckless Will Stewart, who drives as though he was running a passenger coach, followed by modest (?) O. C. Skinner and the constable of your town, with gayly attired ladies.
Soon the dignity of Creswell appeared, with covered carriages and fine horses. Among them Col. McMullen, Dr. Alexander, Rev. Fleming, O. P. Houghton, and last, but not least, his Honor, Judge Christian, and Amos Walton, speakers of the day.
I did like Judge Christian’s oration, and was surprised at the ability of the old gentleman and his powers of delivery. Anyone could see it was a speech prepared by hard study, and a great amount of reading. If the ground committee had done their duty and prepared seats, many more would have heard the speech, but for elderly persons to stand in a grove without a breath of air stirring is too much for comfort, much less to pay attention to an oration.
Among the audience there was the handsome young widow with money to loan, the belles of Bolton and their adored, the boisterous town roughs, and wives of distinguished citizens, who came alone, leaving their husbands to remain at home to look after the “by-bie.” There were good, bad, and indifferent persons among the crowd. At the table also was a sight. On one side, mild, kind, and lovely women could be seen, and nearby the uncouth, voracious individual whose mouth looked as though he had his throat cut, every time he opened it.
There were many strangers I had never seen before, and familiar faces I have not had the pleasure of seeing for some time. One fine appearing, Christian looking gentleman, I learned, was from Illinois, and others I was informed lived across the Arkansas. Understand me when I say across the Arkansas, to mean on the north side, for I am a resident of Bolton Township.
But I have scarcely referred to my notes. Rev. McClanahan, a new preacher, began the exercises with prayer. The Declaration was then commendably read by Mr. Parvin, of our side; then the brass band of your place, after a series of toots, and yells for “Charley,” “Frank,” “Ret,” “where’s Lyman Herrick?” and “where’s Ed. Thompson?” worked up a tune. We supposed “Charley” and “Frank” and “Ret” to be single men, and imagined they might be promenading with someone’s sister, but we do not know it. Yes, they worked up a tune finally. I would give you the name of it, if I could, but I could not find anyone who knew it.
After prayer, Dr. Shepard, who was appointed Chairman, introduced Hon. James Christian. His speech lasted about half an hour, and was appreciated by all who heard it. Hon. Amos Walton then spoke in a strong, pleasing tone, after which the gathering began to separate and seek their homes.
This, Mr. Editor, is all I have to say. If at any future time you wish me to express my sentiments, I may be in the mood to favor you. I desire to thank the people of your township for the patriotism they manifested in coming to Bolton Township for a Fourth of July Celebration when they couldn’t have one at home, and the good wives of the Bolton men who worked to make it a success.
I also want to say that the visit paid us by your most estimable ladies, Mrs. and Miss Revs. Thompson, Mrs. Fleming, Mrs. Shepard, Mrs. Hughes, Mrs. Sipes, Mrs. McMullen, and a number of others, will be returned, as they added much to the enjoyment of the occasion. I also desire to thank the band boys, for they meant well in their heads, but their hearts, I fear, troubled them. There were a number of young ladies, also, whom I would be gratified to have call on me at any time, and the young boys know they are all cherished and loved by AUNT MARY.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 11, 1877.
BOLTON TOWNSHIP, July 5th, 1877.
Today finds us in Bolton again, enjoying the luxuries of which all practical grangers have a bountiful supply about harvest time. Harvesting has been going on at a rapid rate during the past two weeks. Many farmers are done cutting wheat, and some have already commenced stacking. Mr. Parmer has cut 200 acres of wheat with one Marsh harvester and has a greater portion of it stacked. Mr. Dave Maricle is nearly done heading his 400 acres. Polk Stevens has been running his harvester day and night during the past week. He says he will get away with 275 acres with one machine.
The wheat crop is light this year, caused by the recent heavy rains. Corn and oats promise a good yield.
We had the pleasure of attending a picnic in Capt. O. C. Smith’s grove, on Spring Creek, yesterday, the 4th. Owing to the committee being busily engaged, the grove was not very well prepared. Notwithstanding the limited preparations made and the heat in the grove, the participators in the picnic seemed to enjoy themselves finely. The programme for the day was somewhat varied on account of the band boys being unable to get over until noon. The exercises of the day commenced with prayer by Rev. McClanahan. Then came Lieut. Thos. S. Parvin, who read the Declaration of Independence, which was listened to with extraordinary patience, as Mr. Parvin is an elegant reader. Next in order was dinner, which consisted of every variety of goodies, which are too numerous to mention. After dinner we listened to a very interesting, eloquent, and patriotic discourse, delivered by Judge Christian, of Arkansas City. Then came the band boys with a recital of “The Red, White, and Blue,” which seemed to cheer all present, even the “old folks.” Next in order was a speech from Mr. Amos Walton, who spread the eagle in the most elegant manner, after which lemonade, ice cream, music by the band, etc., until evening, when everybody went home with a gladsome heart.
The citizens of Bolton tender their many thanks to the gentlemen, speakers, and the band for their favors. More anon. C. C. H.
Winfield Courier, July 12, 1877.
County Commissioners’ Proceedings.
Winfield, Kansas, July 5th, 1877.
Board of County Commissioners met in regular session. Present: R. F. Burden, Chairman, W. M. Sleeth and William White, members of the board, with James McDermott, County Attorney, R. L. Walker, Sheriff, and M. G. Troup, County Clerk. Among other proceedings claims against the county were presented to the board and passed upon as follows, viz.
Clerk of Election: Thos. Parvin, $2.00.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 18, 1877.
In the matter of the petition of Frank Lorry and others, voters and resident taxpayers of said township asked for a special election to be held for the purpose of voting bonds to repair the bridge across the Arkansas River in Section One, Township Thirty-five, Range Three East, to the amount of Two Thousand Dollars. Signed by J. M. Sample, Trustee; A. J. Kimmel, Treasurer; and T. Parvin, Clerk on July 14, 1877.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 1, 1877.
PONIES. A Texas man has four hundred head of horses and mules in the Territory, near Mr. Parvin’s farm four miles south of this place, that he is offering for from $25 to $75 each. Most of the stock is small wild mules. The horses are ordinary animals, weighing probably from 500 to 700 pounds, most all unbroken to the saddle or harness.
Next article very pertinent...
Arkansas City Traveler, August 1, 1877.
THOUSANDS OF TEXAN’ CATTLE are crossing the Arkansas at Deer Creek crossing every week, on their way to Coffeyville. There is a beaten trail resembling a State road only a few miles south of us, and yet many people are ignorant of the fact that a railroad to this place would carry every hoof of cattle to market there is south of the State line.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 8, 1877.
Those horses and mules announced last week near Mr. Parvin’s did not reach their destination until today, on account of some parties promising to meet the herd while on Bitter Creek.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 12, 1877.
MR. THOMAS PARVIN wishes to return thanks to the parties that stole fifty bushels of wheat from him, last Saturday night, for leaving him their scoop shovel.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 19, 1877.
On Thursday night Dennis Whitney, who has been working for Thos. Parvin, left the county, taking with him a horse belonging to Mr. Trissell, which he had subsequently traded one of Mr. Parvin’s horses for.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 26, 1877.
EDITOR TRAVELER: In your issue of last week in regard to Whitney stealing Trissell’s horse, please correct the name, etc. Camillias Whitney stole a pony from me instead of Mr. Trissell. T. S. PARVIN.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 3, 1877.
That Pony Story.
MR. SCOTT: I am a reader of your paper, and like to see the Bolton items. I saw one in your last week’s paper about Mr. Parvin having a pony stolen. I think Mr. Parvin’s pony story is like fried wool—it is a little mixed. Mr. Whitney was to work for Mr. Parvin four months for a “jack,” and Mr. Parvin gave him the privilege of trading it off for two ponies. One of them died, and he traded the other one to Mr. Lewis for a pony.
Then he traded it to Mr. Trissell, the pony he rode off. Mr. Whitney worked for Mr. Parvin about three months and a half, and as a good hand on a farm is worth twenty dollars a month. I don’t think Mr. Parvin lost any pony, and his neighbors think as I do. Now I will give the pony and Mr. Parvin a rest. E. A. EATON.
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1877.
Claims Presented for Election Services.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, Nov. 9, 1877.
Among other proceedings had, the Board allowed the following claims for election services. One of these was T. S. Parvin.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1878.
Bolton Bridge Bond Election.
WHEREAS, A petition has been presented to the Township Board of Bolton Township, signed by 114 voters, being more than three-fifths of the votes at the last general election, for the purpose of voting Two Thousand Dollars to build a combination bridge and repair the old bridge across the Arkansas River south of Arkansas City; it is therefore ordered that an election be held on the Ninth day of March, 1878, at the usual voting precincts in Bolton Township, for the purpose of voting for or against the proposition to issue Two Thousand Dollars to repair that part of the old bridge now standing, and to build a combination bridge in place of that part destroyed, across the Arkansas River south of Arkansas City. The form of the ballots shall read: “For the Bridge Bonds,” and “Against the Bridge Bonds.”
J. M. SAMPLE, Trustee.
T. S. PARVIN, Clerk.
A. J. KIMMEL, Treasurer.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.
HURRAY FOR THE NEW BRIDGE to span the raging Rackensack! Topliff’s happy, Parvin’s happy, Capt. Hoffmaster’s happy, Skinner is happy, and three-fourths of the residents of Bolton Township are happy over the result of the election. One hundred and eighteen to thirty-nine is a pretty good majority. No more reports of “ferry stuck,” or waiting an hour and a half on the other side.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.
Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to an election held in the township of Bolton, in the county of Cowley and State of Kansas, on the 9th day of March, A.D. 1878, by the electors of said township, for the purpose of voting for or against the issuance of the bonds of said township to the amount of $2,000, in denominations of $500 each, to aid in the construction of a bridge across the Arkansas River, south of Arkansas City, Kansas; said bonds to be made payable in ten years from their date and to draw interest at the rate of ten per centum per annum; said election having resulted in favor of said bonds—we, the undersigned, Township Trustee, Clerk and Treasurer of said Bolton Township, will, on the 22nd day of April, A.D. 1878, issue said bonds according to law. JAMES M. SAMPLE, Trustee.
T. S. PARVIN, Clerk.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.
Frank S. Denton died Monday morning about six o’clock from congestion of the brain. He was thrown from a mule about one o’clock on Sunday, September 8th, and was found lying insensible by Mrs. Brash. He was taken to Thomas Parvin’s house, where he died in the presence of his wife and three physicians, namely, Dr. Hughes, Dr. Shepard, and Dr. Carlisle. He did not speak a word. The shocking news was received at this place with many regrets. We have known Frank Denton as long as we have known Arkansas City, and always found him to be an upright, moral, and conscientious man. Thus passes away another one of the early settlers of this section. Our sympathies are extended to the bereaved wife.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 25, 1878.
Mrs. F. S. Denton desires to express her thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Parvin, Mr. and Mrs. Carlisle, Mrs. Brash, Mr. and Mrs. Harkins, Mr. Mowry, and many other friends and neighbors who assisted in caring for Mr. Denton during his last hours.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.
At a Republican meeting in Bolton Township last Thursday, R. A. Thompson was called to the chair and Thomas S. Parvin was chosen secretary. The following officers were then nominated: Trustee, J. M. Sample; Treasurer, A. J. Kimmel; Clerk, A. H. Buckwalter; Justices, T. S. Parvin, J. Linton; Constable, J. Pearson. R. A. Thompson and T. S. Parvin were then elected delegates to the Dexter convention, after which the meeting adjourned.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 27, 1878.
Mr. Parvin, residing directly south of this place on the State line, lost, on Saturday last, his stable, harness, and hay from a prairie fire that passed through that neighborhood.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 17, 1879.
ED. TRAVELER: At a meeting of citizens of Bolton on the 12th inst., to talk bridge matters, our Township Board and ten citizens were appointed to meet the citizens of your Township and city, and hear what they propose to do about the Bridge across the Arkansas River. Said committee to meet at A. Walton’s office on Wednesday at 1 o’clock.
It was also unanimously resolved that Frank Lorry be exonerated from all wrong in the printing of the resolutions in the Semi-Weekly and that he did as the meeting ordered him to do. T. S. PARVIN, Secretary.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 24, 1880.
The Arkansas River bridge is reported to be on the move towards the Bolton shore. Mr. Parvin is our authority and states that by actual measurement the whole fabric has already receded some eight inches from the northern bank. This is a serious matter, but the movement is no doubt caused by the insecure support which is afforded to the newer portion of the bridge by the older, and in order to arrest the motion it is only necessary to strengthen the supports at the south end. The attention of the trustee is called to this matter, in which a little prompt action may be the means of averting a catastrophe in the future.
Battie Parvin...
Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1880.
Mr. Charles Hutchins, teacher at the Stony Point schoolhouse, district 89, furnishes us with the following report of his school for the month of November.
Mary Buzzi, Hattie Harkins, Isabelle Buzzi, Clarence Thompson, Alpha Moore, Dora Bartonia, Bert Moore, Battie Parvin, Maggie Patterson, Geo. Harkins, Fred Harkins, Mary Stevens, John Harkins, Jacob Buzzi, Antonia Buzzi.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 8, 1881.
FOR SALE! Sulky Plow, with 2 breaking shares, as good as new, for $35.00 cash, or will trade for stock. T. S. PARVIN.
Thos. S. Parvin questions tax by Cherokees on stock...
Arkansas City Traveler, July 6, 1881.
WASHINGTON, D. C., June 30, 1881.
Thomas S. Parvin, Esq., Arkansas City, Kansas.
Sir: In reply to your letter of the 28th ult., addressed to the Hon. Secretary of the Interior, and by him referred to this office, inquiring whether the Cherokee National authorities have the right to collect, from U. S. citizens, tax on cattle, sheep, etc., grazing in the Indian Territory south of Arkansas City, I have to state that such right has been fully recognized by Congress, and by this Department, and that the properly constituted Cherokee collectors or agents can lawfully collect such tax. In the event of the imposition of any unreasonable or oppressive tax by the Cherokees, the United States will intervene and afford the necessary relief, but so long as the tax is reasonable, and does not exceed the penalty imposed by the act of June 30, 1834, for grazing stock on the Indian lands (which is $1.00 per head), it is considered that the Cherokee Indians are fully justified in imposing it, and should be sustained by this Department. Very respectfully, H. PRICE, Commissioner.
Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.
T. S. Parvin, of Bolton, spared a day from his stock and plow to come to this city Wednesday. He called at this office.