Artemus Ward Patterson
Patterson moved a lot: Arkansas City, Geuda, New Kiowa, Caldwell.
Arkansas City Directory 1893: A. W. Patterson. No spouse listed. Boards Hotel Gladstone.
[Note: I found A. W. Patterson to be one of the most interesting people I have ever come across in the old newspapers. It appears that he loved his wife very much and after she died, leaving him with three small daughters, he had trouble coping. MAW]
Winfield Courier, February 20, 1874.
HORSE THIEVES. Two men named James Smith and Jessie Russell, charged with having stolen two ponies from the stable of Mr. Hilton near Arkansas City last Saturday night, were overtaken by A. W. Patterson and John Garaha, near Cedarvale, in Howard County, on Monday, and brought to this place to await trial at the next term of court.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1874.
Miles, the horse-thief who made his escape from the city jail last Friday week, was retaken by constable McIntire, A. W. Patterson, and Mr. Draper last Saturday, on Coal Rock Creek, thirty miles east of this place, at the house of Mr. Johnson. He made his escape by chipping the wood with a hatchet and burning the door of the jail. The hatchet used he claimed to have stolen from Bowen’s Grocery. After his escape he laid out in the grass near Pat Somers’ place all day and all night, and then went to houses on the Walnut, where he was fed by people knowing him to be the identified thief who had escaped. He was delayed two days on account of not finding the Walnut River bridge, but afterwards crossed it and went to Grouse Creek and from thence to Coal Rock Creek, where he was taken. Traveler.
Miles was brought to Winfield and placed in the county jail for safekeeping.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874.
Bill presented by A. W. Patterson: $.50.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 19, 1876. Front Page.
A. W. Patterson, court costs: $21.75 claimed; $20.00 allowed.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 26, 1876.
A WINFIELD man brushed around the country four days in search of a stray horse, and finally had to call on a Rackensack man to get his animal. It’s no use talking: when Patterson straddles old “Leviticus,” and starts for a horse or horse thief, he trots in with his game as sure as fate.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 6, 1876.
A meeting was called to form a Hayes and Wheeler club on Friday evening, September 1, at E. B. Kager’s office. Wm. Sleeth was chosen chairman of the meeting. On motion S. P. Channell was elected President of the club; C. M. Scott, Vice President; C. R. Mitchell, Secretary; I. H. Bonsall, Corresponding Secretary; W. S. Hunt, Treasurer.
Wm. Sleeth, E. R. Thompson, and H. P. Farrar were appointed as committee on constitution and by laws.
On motion E. B. Kager, Geo. Allen, Wm. Sleeth, A. W. Patterson, and W. D. Mowry were appointed an executive committee.
On motion E. R. Thompson, H. G. Bentley, and W. D. Mowry were appointed a committee on music, with power to form a glee club.
Moved and seconded that the proceedings of this meeting be published in the TRAVELER; also a notice of the next meeting of the club, and an invitation extended to all Republicans in the country adjoining to join the club.
After listening to remarks from Messrs. Kager, Scott, Rev. Thompson and others, the meeting adjourned, to meet Thursday night, September 7. S. P. CHANNELL, Pres.
C. R. MITCHELL, Sec’y.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 4, 1876.
ARKANSAS. From A. W. Patterson, who was lately over at Chetopa buying apples by the load, we learn that times about Chetopa are as dull as anywhere. The grasshoppers were more numerous than they were here, and ate the tall wheat that was up. In talking with Arkansas men, he learned that apples were 35 cents per bushel, sheep $1.50 per head, milch cows $20 each, and hogs as dear as in Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.
MAN SHOT. The freighters returning from Wichita bring the statement that a man was shot on “Four-Mile Creek,” last Friday morning, by a man giving his name as Hornemann, who lives on Rock Creek, north of Winfield. The night before, it is said, he who did the shooting stole ten sacks of wheat from Dwyer, while they were encamped on Bitter Creek. Dwyer missed the wheat in the morning, and started in pursuit of the man, overtaking him at the creek, four miles from Wichita, where he endeavored to stop him, and after a few words, the thief got his shot gun and shot the man in the face. He then unhitched his horses and fled. An account of the affair was carried to Wichita, and the Sheriff of Sedgwick County is in pursuit of the murderer. The man shot is not seriously wounded.
LATER. Hornemann, the man who shot Dwyer, of Grouse Creek, was caught by Deputy Marshal Jones, near Douglass, and taken to Wichita to stand trial. Many of our readers will remember him as the storekeeper on Rock Creek during the early settling of this county. It seems he stole ten sacks of wheat from Dwyer, and three sacks from A. W. Patterson, and was trying to get to Wichita with them when Dwyer overtook him and asked him if he did not have some of his wheat. Hornemann said: “Well, what are you going to do about it?” Dwyer replied, “When we get to Wichita, I’ll have you arrested.” Just then, Hornemann took up his shot gun and fired on Dwyer, the charge grazing his face. Dwyer then fled and Hornemann followed him some distance, trying to get another shot at him. Thinking there would be trouble, he left his wagon and ran away with the horses. The load of wheat was taken to a house near by, and guarded, and the same night Hornemann came back and was in the act of hitching his team on when Jones, the Marshal, halted him. He then ran away, leaving his horses, gun, and hat. The horses were put in the stable, but during the night the thief came back and stole them, and started toward Douglass, where he was afterwards caught.
Excerpts from a lengthy article...
Tuesday morning we left Wichita Agency for Fort Sill. After we had traveled about five miles, we met George Shearer, Jerome Hilton, Charles Peters, and E. Worther, and at noon we came to where a number more were camped for dinner, on Killpecker Creek, to wit: Frank Hutchinson, A. W. Patterson, Walt Dolby, H. S. Adams, Hank Nelson, Ross Merrick, Cass Endicott, Sam Endicott, John Tolles, Buck Wintin, Frank Wintin, Jack Martin, Frank Johnson, Wagstaff, Jim Burrell, and Benj. Harberson. Hank Nelson had met with an accident and had his arm in a sling, having been thrown from his wagon while trying to get ahead of someone. We were the invited guests of Ross Merrick, and partook readily of his “sow belly,” biscuit, and what the boys called “bovine” gravy. The rain fell in chunks while we were at dinner, and the meal was stowed away as soon as possible.
After dinner we moved along and before long met M. E. Garner, Poke Stevens, Daniel Hunt, Geo. Christy, Mr. Stevens, Dan Fegans, Ab. Christy, O. J. Palmer, Andrew Meisner, J. Clark, D. Pendergrass, and Joe Garner, on their way back from Sill.
Winfield Courier, March 22, 1877.
Patterson, of Arkansas City, was in the city last Saturday.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 28, 1877.
Bids received March 26, 1877, for breaking 800 acres of prairie at Pawnee Agency, Indian Territory, to be completed by the 15th of June.
L. C. LONGSHORE, 800 ACRES AT $2.50.
A. W. PATTERSON, 200 ACRES AT $2.75.
BERRY BROS., 200 ACRES AT $2.74.
BERRY BROS., 200 ACRES AT $2.65.
BERRY BROS., 200 ACRES AT $2.50.
M. E. GARNER, 200 ACRES AT $2.50.
R. A. HOUGHTON, 200 ACRES AT $2.50.
T. R. HOUGHTON, 200 ACRES AT $2.50.
DAVID JAY, 150 ACRES AT $2.60.
W. D. SHOW, 100 ACRES AT $5.60.
J. REED, 150 ACRES AT $2.60.
Several others from Cowley County had previously offered to break at $3.00 per acre.
Breaking to be done in a good and workmanlike manner, and as such accepted by the agent, who will present duly certified vouchers for payment to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 2, 1877.
Before leaving this place last Tuesday week, Sheriff Walker deputized A. W. Patterson, and offered him a bonus of fifteen dollars if he would capture John Barber, who had escaped from the authorities at Dexter two days before. Mr. Patterson secured the assistance of Constable Gray, and the two started in pursuit. Before going far, they learned he had gone up the Walnut, and immediately followed. After hunting the most of the night, they abandoned the pursuit until next morning.
In the morning Patterson and George Walker found the trail of the criminal and followed it until they came to the house of Robert White, where it stopped. Alighting from the buggy both went into the house and found the man lying in bed asleep, with a Colt’s improved revolver and Bowie knife hanging in their sheaths on the bed post near his head. These were taken possession of by the officers, and a gun and pistol aimed at his head while they took hold of his leg to awaken him. As soon as he opened his eyes, Patterson said to him, “You are my prisoner.” He realized his situation at once, and coolly remarked, “Where are you going to take me?” He was told that he would have to go to Winfield, and he readily assented to it, as his wound needed careful treatment. He told the officers he did not want to go back to Elk County for fear his father and brother would mob him.
In conversation afterwards he told the officers if he had not been wounded, they could not have taken him. In reply to a question of killing the soldiers in Texas, he stated he had heard of it and that it was a man by the same name as his own, but not him. He is now in jail at Winfield, awaiting trial. From all accounts, his father and brother are not as worthy people as they might be, as the father of the culprit, it is said, sent his son to shoot the half brother, saying he had $6,000 to clear him with.
(?) Patterson...
Arkansas City Traveler, May 9, 1877. Front Page.
Buck McCune & Patterson vs. Henry F. Ford et al.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 16, 1877.
I. H. BONSALL and A. W. PATTERSON found it impossible to attend the railroad meeting at Sedan last week on account of high water.
(?) Patterson...
Arkansas City Traveler, June 27, 1877.
BORN. To Mr. and Mrs. Patterson, on Monday night, June 25th, a daughter. Average weight.
Note: Next item refers to “John Marahue.” Later on a different item refers to “Marrihue.” I do not know which is correct. MAW
Arkansas City Traveler, June 27, 1877.
ESCAPED. Last week A. W. Patterson and Wm. Gray arrested a man in Sumner County known under the assumed name of John Scott, by order of a Sheriff of Iowa. The arrested party was accused of horse stealing in Iowa, and broke jail from that State before his trial. The real name of the man was John Marahue. He was taken from this place to Wichita and was confined in a hotel during the night. Thinking him asleep, one of the officers left him locked in his room for a few minutes while he went downstairs after a pair of handcuffs.
As soon as Marahue discovered he was alone, he jumped out of bed, took his clothes under his arm, broke the lock of his door, and one on the hall door, and made his way out. He was then tracked in the mud under an elevator, but before a light could be procured, escaped from them again and is now at large. The Sheriff came down on the train Saturday night, but failed to find his man. Marahue was arrested at this place before he moved to Sumner County for stealing, but afterwards turned loose.
Patterson becomes owner of a meat market...
Arkansas City Traveler, July 11, 1877.
ANOTHER change in the ownership of the meat market took place last week. A. W. Patterson now has charge of it, and will supply the public.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 11, 1877.
MEAT. A. W. PATTERSON will deliver fresh meat at Salt City every Monday morning, and at the houses at this place every day in the week except Sunday and Monday.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 18, 1877.
TOUGH. Mr. McLeese, City Marshal of Coffeyville and deputy Sheriff of Montgomery County, has a constitution something like Buffalo Bill’s. Leaving Coffeyville on the morning of Saturday, the 7th inst., in pursuit of the two young horse thieves recently arrested near this place, he traveled almost constantly, snatching what sleep he could on the open prairie, with no blanket or covering whatever, and arrived at this place Tuesday morning. Waiting until a little past noon, he started for South Haven, twenty-two miles distant, in company with A. W. Patterson, and returned about 10 p.m., with one of the thieves. Stopping only for a bite of supper, the two left immediately for Oxford, another twenty-mile stretch, and returned in the morning with thief No. 2. He started for home the same day with the prisoners, doubtless well tired out, but with a stiff upper lip and a determination to reach home without loss of time. He is a faithful officer.
Next item has “Marrihue” rather than “Marahue.”...
Arkansas City Traveler, August 8, 1877.
The Sheriff of Appanoose County, Iowa, writes A. W. Patterson that it is an old trick of Marrihue’s to escape officers, and that if Pat. gets hold of him again, to “freeze on to him like grim death to a dying nigger.” He also states that he “caught his preacher out in Colorado.” The preacher spoken of borrowed some money and a horse without the consent of the owner, and forgot to bring them back. He would not have taken the money, only it was right there, and he picked up a rope and did not notice a horse was on the end of it until he was some distance away. Marrihue, spoken of, went by the name of Scott in this vicinity, and lived on a claim in Sumner County with his “sister.”
A. W. Patterson and Henry Endicott: proprietors, Farmers’ Meat Market...
Arkansas City Traveler, September 12, 1877.
MEAT MARKET. In another column will be found the advertisement of A. W. Patterson and Henry Endicott, proprietors of the “Farmers’ Meat Market.” They buy the best of animals and keep the best of beef. Anyone having yearling steers to sell can do well by calling on them. They want to buy one hundred head.
AD: PAT & POSEY, Proprietors. FARMERS’ MEAT MARKET, Summit St., Arkansas City, Kas.
Constantly have on hand all kinds of meat. Highest cash price paid for hides, furs, etc.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 14, 1877.
MATCHED HORSES and mules for sale on time, or will trade for cattle or hogs.
A. W. Patterson sells meat market to Henry Endicott...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.
PAY YOUR BEEF BILLS. Having sold my entire interest in the meat market to Henry Endicott, I now want all parties indebted to the firm to call in and settle all they owe, or the accounts will be left with an officer for collection. A. W. PATTERSON.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
Witnesses: W. Dolby, $4.30; A. W. Patterson, $3.80.
Excerpts from a lengthy article...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 18, 1878. Front Page.
[Special Correspondent Kansas City Times.]
WICHITA, KANSAS, APRIL 7, 1878. Last week I took a trip down the Arkansas Valley to Wellington; and from thence to Winfield, the county seat of Cowley County. In company with one of the best citizens of Winfield, I took a drive to Arkansas City, a beautiful town of five hundred inhabitants, situated on the borders of the Indian Territory, and at the confluence of the Walnut and Arkansas rivers. This was one of the most agreeable rides I have ever taken in Kansas. I have explored the state from north to south and from east to west; I have traversed the valleys of all the principal streams, and have looked upon the most beautiful sections of the state, but I am compelled to admit that I have never passed over a more fertile district or gazed upon a more lovely landscape than that which lies between Winfield and Arkansas City. The valley of the Walnut is about two miles wide and is generally greatly undulating. In some places, however, there are rocky bluffs, and in others there are whole sections as level as lawn. The wheat in this valley is as fine as ever grew out of the ground. There are thousands of acres of it between Winfield and Arkansas City, all of which is looking splendidly. There are fields containing hundreds of acres, which covered with a rich, strong, healthy growth, waving in the breeze, presents as fine a sight as the eye ever gazed upon. No artist can equal it, and no pen can describe it.
If the entire area of wheat sown in Cowley County looks as well as that between Winfield and Arkansas City, and no blight comes to destroy it between this time and harvest, then the yield of the country will not fall short of one million and a half bushels.
The following gentlemen are prominent citizens of Arkansas City and vicinity: Dr. Nathan Hughes, Amos Walton, W. B. Skinner, A. W. Patterson, J. H. Dayton. S. M. F.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878. Editorial Page.
CIVIL DOCKET. SIXTH DAY. Buck, McCouns & Patterson v. T. E. Gilleland.
A. W. Patterson and W. Dolby: saloon license...
Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.
The city council met Thursday evening of last week, and granted a saloon license to Patterson and Dolby, on a petition of 130 names. The parties receiving the license were required to give bond in the sum of $___ [EVIDENTLY THE TRAVELER DID NOT KNOW THE AMOUNT] to keep a quiet and orderly house, and forfeit their bond when they sell intoxicating liquor to a minor, or an habitual drunkard.
Artemus Ward Patterson: turning grocery into saloon...
Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.
REUBEN A. HOUGHTON, the popular grocery man, sold the two-story building adjoining Al Horn’s shoe shop to ARTEMUS WARD PATTERSON, last week, to be occupied as a saloon. Artemus Ward Patterson has purchased some of the finest chromos of Dr. Loomis’ stock, and will adorn the room in style.
A. W. Patterson and W. Dolby saloon...
Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.
The saloon of Patterson & Dolby was moved to the new quarters prepared for it, two doors south of where it was, and has been fitted up with chromos of bright colors, and many things of attraction. It is the only place in town where ice can be had, which accounts for the number of blue ribbons going in for a drink of ice water.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.
A Mr. Osborn was up before his honor, Judge Christian, and deposited $5.00 for the privilege of filling his hide with Patterson’s forty-rod corn juice.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.
HOUSE BREAKERS ARRESTED. Young Winans, Merritt, and Wilson, three boys about sixteen years of age, were arrested on complaint of A. W. Patterson for breaking into the old saloon building and stealing liquor last Saturday night.
They were taken to the calaboose and confined until Monday morning, when they were tried before the Police Judge and sentenced to nine days’ labor on the public highway, at $1 per day, deducting fifty cents per day for board, making eighteen days’ labor to be worked out. These boys have had their own way for some time, and in spite of the warnings of both parents and the public, finally committed a deed that under many circumstances would have sent them to the penitentiary. This should be a warning to others whom if justice was done, would place them in the same position.
LATER: The $9 fine was paid and the boys released.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.
Through the leniency of Mr. Patterson and the honorable Police Judge, the boys who created the disturbance Saturday night were only prosecuted for misdemeanor, and were let off with very light punishment. If Mr. Patterson had the disposition, he could have tried them for house breaking and sent them within the prison walls of Leavenworth for a year or more.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.
Some drunken stager ran his hand through Patterson’s screen last Wednesday night. That saloon must be run on a quieter basis, or—well, we can’t stand it.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.
RACE HORSES. “Tom Thumb,” now the property of A. W. Patterson, purchased of Fisher for $300, is in the stable in town. “Brown Dick,” the Texas pony owned by Beach of Wichita, was here last week, and Sims’ sorrel colt, the fastest quarter horse in Southern Kansas, is also kept at this place. Any persons wanting a race can be accommodated by making known their wishes.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.
PONY RACE. A race will be made at the race course at this place, for $200 a side, one week from today (Wednesday) between Tom Thumb, owned by A. W. Patterson, and Stockton Kate, owned by Rickery. Both horses are in fine condition, and will make a good run. Distance one quarter of a mile; race at 1 o’clock p.m.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878.
SOLD. A. W. Patterson has sold his horse, “Tom Thumb,” to Mr. Howard at a handsome profit, and has purchased Mr. Sims’ horse, “John Bascom,” better known as the Howard colt.
CHALLENGE. We challenge any horse to run on the Arkansas City race track, for $100 or $500 a side. A. W. PATTERSON, W. H. SIMS.
Brown Dick and John Bascom (the Howard colt) are matched to run a race of 600 yards next Saturday, on the track adjoining town, for $100 a side. The horses are to run at 2 o’clock p.m.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 23, 1879
Patterson sold his fine driving horse to a party in Winfield for $140.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 7, 1879.
A. W. Patterson has repaired and refitted his saloon in modern style. Those acquainted with the business inform us that Pat. has the best rooms in Southern Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 11, 1879.
Some of the small fry started a slop stand at the right of the door of Patterson’s saloon last Friday and dished up the cheap and nasty, pretty lively for awhile.
Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879 - Front Page.
In Winfield next month there is to be a race between “Brown Dick,” owned by Beach of this city, and a horse owned by A. W. Patterson of Arkansas City. The race will take place on the 14th, the distance decided on is three hundred yards, the first horse to get $500.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 9, 1879.
In the afternoon the crowd repaired to the race grounds. In the fast running race the first money was won by Patterson’s horse, “John Bascom,” the second money by “Tom Thumb,” and the third by a bay horse whose name we failed to learn. This race was followed by fast and slow mule races, which created considerable fun, and by a fat and lean man’s race. The former was won by W. S. Voris, of Bolton township, and the latter by G. W. Maness, of the same township, we believe.
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.
With the exception of 17 drunks, a free for all fight, a boy thrown, and a team stuck in the mud, the races Monday passed off very pleasantly. The race between the Patterson horse and Brown Dick was decided a tie, much to the disgust of the backers of the Wichita nag, and vociferous declarations of foul play by the other side. About the best time made was that of the beer wagon in its efforts to quench the thirst of the two or three hundred that had gathered to see the fun.
Patterson sells saloon: goes into livery business with C. O. Brooks...
Arkansas City Traveler, July 16, 1879.
Patterson sold his saloon to Messrs. Smith & Frazier, of Wichita, and will go into the livery business with C. O. Brooks. The boys will keep good stock, and will make things lively in the livery trade.
Patterson’s sale of saloon to Wichita men not consummated...
Arkansas City Traveler, July 23, 1879.
Patterson failed to complete a bargain with the Wichita men who were to purchase his saloon, they paying the forfeit and returning home.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 23, 1879.
While the shades of night were falling fast last Thursday, the sign on Patterson’s saloon was transferred to Mantor & Blakeney’s store. The depravity of some people is startling.
Patterson finally sells his saloon: to Cap. Sanford, formerly of Winfield...
Arkansas City Traveler, August 13, 1879.
Patterson sold his saloon to Cap. Sanford, formerly of Winfield, last Monday. “Cap.’s Place” always had the reputation for orderliness, and we have no fear that Cap. will keep a quiet house in our city.
Patterson and partner, Brooks, running livery stable...
Arkansas City Traveler, August 20, 1879.
Patterson and Brooks are running together in the livery business. They have new teams and stylish turnouts.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 20, 1879.
Patterson bought Mahlon Stubbs’ dun team yesterday for his livery stable.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 20, 1879.
Carriages, Buggies, Spring Wagons, Harness and Horses for Sale. The most stylish turn-outs in Southern Kansas furnished at reasonable rates.
The best attention paid to transient custom. Every man knows his business at this stable.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 27, 1879.
Buggy riding always is nice, but a ride in one of Patterson & Co.’s new buggies, behind those splendid grays, is simply superb. It is without doubt the most stylish turn-out in Cowley County.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 1, 1879.
A. W. Patterson has purchased of Henry Tisdale four lots on the corner east of the stage barn, and has commenced to build a new livery stable. Pat’s turn-outs are the best in the country, and give satisfaction to all who try them.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 22, 1879.
A. W. Patterson is sick with fever.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 22, 1879.
Bi. Terrill’s hack will arrive daily from Winfield at 11 o’clock a.m., and return at 4 o’clock p.m. Those who desire conveyance by this line can leave orders with A. W. Patterson at his livery stable.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 19, 1879.
Two gentlemen from Buffalo, New York, are here buying ponies. They are quartered at Patterson’s livery stable.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 3, 1879.
Another Smithy has put in an appearance south of Patterson’s Livery.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 17, 1879.
Patterson has put a coat of paint on his large stable that gives the building a much better appearance.
Patterson selling livery property...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1880.
A. W. Patterson has a public sale of his livery property on Saturday next, and those in need of good buggies, horses, harness, etc., will find an opportunity to secure them.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1880.
Last Monday afternoon a large brown mule and a white horse strayed from the yard of Patterson’s livery stable. Finder will please leave notice at this office and receive reward.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1880.
Quite a crowd of people gathered at Patterson’s sale on Saturday last and several horses and vehicles were sold. The property brought all it was worth, though some thought it went low, considering the long credit that was given it.
Patterson sells livery stable to partner, C. O. Brooks...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1880.
Read the ad. of C. O. Brooks in this number of the TRAVELER. Mr. Brooks has opened a livery stable in A. W. Patterson’s new building opposite W. H. Walker’s livery stable. Give him a call when in the city.
C. O. BROOKS, Successor to A. W. PATTERSON & CO., LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLE. Good Teams and Buggies to let at all hours. Horses boarded by the Day or Week. Charges Reasonable.
Patterson erecting residence on Central Avenue...
Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1880.
Two new residences are now under course of completion at the foot of Central Avenue. Mr. Stevenson is erecting one and A. W. Patterson the other. Both are neat and substantial buildings and will add materially to the appearance of that portion of town.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 24, 1880
Mr. Patterson is now occupying his new residence on Central Avenue. Pat has built a good house, and the part of town where he resides gives evidence of improvement.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 24, 1880.
Amount of cash received by the City Clerk since March 15th, 1879, to March 14th, 1880, both inclusive.
1879. May 6: For liquor license, A. W. Patterson, $200.00.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 7, 1880.
Patterson dearly loves a joke. He was never known to let the chance slip for perpetrating a joke, no matter upon whom or by what means he gained his end. Last Saturday, while Prof. “Eph. Mowry” was sauntering up the street with his violin under his arm, Brother Patterson quietly asked to “look at the thing.” Opening the box, he examined the instrument with apparent interest, taking occasion before handing it back to put one of those “Union” firecrackers in the box, after which the box and violin were returned to “Eph.,” who walked leisurely up the street thinking up some advantageous trade by which he could dispose of this musical elephant and obtain something he could use. The question was soon solved. A sudden report, a perceptible turning white on the part of the negro, and the violin was—everywhere, but “lost to life and use and name and fame.” This part was all very funny, but as Pat was called upon to fork over an X in payment for the violin, we doubt whether the fun paid for the expense.
Two different papers report on the same accident. See next two items...
Arkansas City Traveler, July 28, 1880.
Last Friday night as a party consisting of Messrs. Covert, Finch, Custer, and Wolcott, of Winfield, and A. W. Patterson, of this city, were on their way to the county seat in a buggy, some demonstrations were made which resulted in the team running away and a general smash-up of the outfit. Custer’s leg was broken in two places, and several of the others were pretty badly shaken up. Patterson, with his usual luck, escaped unhurt, and now says that if there are any persons in Winfield who think they can ride faster than he can, he’s willing to let them try it on—just for fun, you know.
Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.
A party of our citizens, comprising James Finch, Custer, Covert, and Walcott [Wolcott], with Patterson of Arkansas City, went to Arkansas City on a sort of a “jamboree.” They had one of Terrill & Ferguson’s best rigs, and on their return, when within four or five miles of town, managed by careless driving to upset the carriage, breaking the vehicle in divers places, and well nigh making it a complete wreck. The horses were not injured. Custer had a leg broken in two places. Patterson’s collar bone was fractured, and Walcott’s [Wolcott’s] head seriously bruised. Telegram.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1880.
On Monday, the cheap rates still prevailing, Frank Speers and wife, Mrs. Endicott, A. W. Patterson, and Mr. Mott started eastward. Rexford got left.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 15, 1880.
Patterson has returned, and says he’s been having a lively time with his friend, Frank Knisley, in Kansas City, Leavenworth, and adjacent cities.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 20, 1880.
A. W. Patterson’s trial for selling liquor without a license was continued until next term of court.
The witnesses from Winfield, Arkansas City, and the Territory all returned last Saturday, after enjoying a lively time at Leavenworth and Kansas City.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 3, 1880.
If the amendment don’t put a stop to all such business, Knisely & Patterson, at the new “Tivoli,” bid fair to build up a profitable trade. They are undoubtedly artists in their line.
Patterson trades livery stable occupied by Brooks to Cap Sanford for saloon???...
Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1880.
A trade was consummated between A. W. Patterson and Cap Sanford last Saturday, by which the latter gentleman becomes the owner of the building now occupied by C. O. Brooks as a livery stable, on Fifth avenue.
Patterson sells household goods, etc. Makes plans to go to New Mexico...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 19, 1881.
Mr. A. W. Patterson proposes trying the mineral regions of New Mexico, and offers all his household goods for sale in this issue. The furniture is mostly new, and those wishing anything in this line should call on “Pat.”
AD: AT PRIVATE SALE. I will sell at private sale all my household goods, consisting of parlor, bedroom, and kitchen furniture, tables, dishes, etc., all of which were new last spring, and is in good condition now. A. W. PATTERSON.
Henry Endicott purchases Patterson’s residence on Central Avenue...
Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1881.
Henry Endicott has purchased A. W. Patterson’s residence on Central Avenue, and will occupy the same himself in a short time.
Winfield Courier, April 28, 1881.
On Criminal Docket: State of Kansas Versus A. W. Patterson.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 5, 1881.
Mr. A. W. Patterson and wife, who have resided during the summer in Missouri, have returned to the city.
A. W. Patterson and T. A. Gaskill take over Endicott & Loveland meat market...
Arkansas City Traveler, November 9, 1881.
Messrs. Endicott & Loveland no longer preside at the meat market. Gaskill & Patterson have taken their place.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 7, 1881.
Three fine deer adorned the front of Patterson & Gaskill’s meat market last Monday.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 7, 1881.
STRAYED. From the Slaughter House of Patterson & Gaskill, 6 Sheep. Were last seen west of town. Any information leading to the recovery of the same will be liberally rewarded.
Patterson & Gaskill.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 21, 1881.
TURKEYS! TURKEYS!! Call on O. J. Gould at Patterson’s Meat Market and engage Turkeys for Christmas and New Years.
Mr. (?) Patterson...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 4, 1882.
One of the Cheyenne Indian freighters attempted to cross Mr. Gibby’s land since the road has been closed. Mr. Gibby warned him off, but the warning was not heeded. He then caught the horses by the bridle bits to turn them, when the Indian whipped the team, causing them to drag Mr. Gibby some distance. Mr. Patterson came to the relief of Mr. Gibby, when the Indian, it is said, jumped from the wagon and drew a revolver. Mr. Patterson struck him in the face and the fight ended late in the day when the Indian threatened to knife Patterson, who then had him arrested.
Mr. (?) Patterson...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 4, 1882.
LEFT HOME. Messrs. Harry Finley and Harry Hill, aged respectively about 15 years, enamored of the delights of travel as pictured to them by a young man much their senior and whose conduct in this matter cannot be too severely censured, last week left the parental roof and embarked via the A. T. & S. F. for parts unknown.
They stopped off at Winfield, however, and were there seen by Mr. Patterson, who learning they were there without leave of absence, telegraphed to Mr. Finley, who at once hitched up and drove to the hub, returning with the adventurous youths, who if the truth must be told evinced no great amount of sorrow at finding themselves safe at home again. Their older companion, we are informed, was headed for Cincinnati, Ohio, and our city is to be congratulated on being rid of him.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 1, 1882.
The Y. M. C. A. met for the transaction of business, on last Monday evening, at the M. E. Church. The following officers were elected for the current year.
President: W. H. McCune; Vice President: A. W. Patterson; Secretary: C. L. Swarts; Asst. Secretary: Chas. Hutchins; Cor. Secretary: W. D. Mowry; Treasurer: S. B. Reed.
The Association proposes to secure a reading room, and other necessaries and will engage at once in the usual work of the organization. This is the only society of the Y. M. C. A. in this part of the State.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 8, 1882.
A. O. U. W. A Lodge of A. O. U. W., consisting of forty members, was organized last week in this city by J. F. McMullen and B. M. Legg, of Winfield. The following officers were elected.
Past M. W.: James Benedict; M. N.: Capt. O. S. Rarick; Foreman: Archie Dunn; Over-seer: J. G. Sheldon; Financier: W. M. Blakeney; Receiver: W. E. Chenoweth; Recorder: B. W. Matlack; O. G.: H. R. Robinson; I. G.: G. H. McIntire; Guide: A. W. Patterson.
Trustees: A. A. Davis, J. C. Pickering, and C. R. Sipes.
Medical Examiners: H. D. Kellogg, J. T. Shepard.
Meets every Friday evening, at the Masonic Hall, until further arrangements.
Winfield Courier, February 9, 1882.
A young mens’ Christian Association has been organized in Arkansas City. The officers are W. H. McCune, President; A. W. Patterson, Vice President; C. L. Swarts, Secretary; Chas. Hutchins, Assistant Secretary; W. D. Mowry, Corresponding Secretary; and S. B. Reed, Treasurer. They have fitted up rooms on Summit street and will open a reading room.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 15, 1882.
Mrs. A. W. Patterson is convalescing.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 8, 1882.
Wanted. Six two-year-old Bulls. Patterson & Gaskill.
Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.
A jolly party of Arkansas City’s people came up last Wednesday evening to see the show. Among those who stopped over were Conductor Miller, Lady, and Miss Wyckoff, H. P. Farrar, O. Ingersoll, M. J. Capron, G. W. Abbott, B. W. Matlack, A. W. Patterson, H. S. Davenport, H. P. Stanley, C. M. Scott, J. L. Huey, C. U. France, and others whose names we did not get. The Santa Fe freight was held over until after the show in order to let the folks go home that night.
Cowley County Courant, April 6, 1882.
A Geuda correspondent of the Arkansas City Democrat ventilates himself to no small extent, and winds up his letter with the information
That Patterson, the butcher, is going to tear down the old Salt City saloon building, move it to the springs, and construct a two-story house out of it.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1882.
A. W. Patterson’s house is about completed, as well as many others too numerous to mention. G. W.
A. W. Patterson sells meat market to T. A. Gaskill & W. D. Bishop...
Arkansas City Traveler, May 3, 1882.
A. W. Patterson, of the firm of Gaskill & Patterson, meat market men, has sold out to W. D. Bishop. The firm hereafter will be Bishop & Gaskill.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 3, 1882.
A. W. Patterson sold out his interest in the City Meat Market to Wm. Bishop, the latter taking charge of the same last Monday morning. The firm now stands as Bishop & Gaskill. We have no doubt but the new firm will sustain the reputation of the establishment.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1882.
GEUDA’S BOOM. The Coming Health Resort of the South West, Its Business and General Prospects.
A. W. Patterson has a frame building in the city, which will be occupied next week.
New firm: Hilliard, Patterson, & Co., of the Star Livery Stable, Arkansas City...
Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1882.
The new firm of Hilliard, Patterson & Co. have an “ad” in this issue. Read it.
[Could not find ad referred to.]
Arkansas City Traveler, June 28, 1882.
Hacks will be run by Messrs. Hilliard, Patterson, & Co., of the Star Livery Stable, to and from the City Hotel and Godfrey’s Grove on July 4th, at short intervals during the day.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 12, 1882.
STRAY. Taken up at the Stable of the undersigned in Arkansas City, on the evening of July 4th, 1882, one bay stallion, about 15 hands high, three years old, with collar marks, no brands. Owner can have the same by proving property and paying charges.
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1882.
Messrs. Patterson and Grubbs, of the terminus, spent several hours in our city Monday.
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1882.
Patterson has got a corner on the livery business in Arkansas City. He has one of the largest stables in the west.
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1882.
Sheriff Shenneman captured two negro horse thieves Monday. They had stolen horses from the Territory and sold them to Patterson, of Arkansas City. As soon as Shenneman got his eyes on them, he knew they were horse thieves, and took them in. He raked in another man Tuesday. It was the one who stole Mr. Raymond’s ponies and Mr. Hurd’s buggy some weeks ago. Some think it is Tom Quarles, who will be remembered by early settlers as a pretty bad case. He was living with a woman at Independence and had in his possession Hurd’s buggy and harness, one of Raymond’s horses, and a horse that was stolen from L. C. Norton at Arkansas City. Shenneman is a terror to horse thieves.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 23, 1882.
The travel to Geuda Springs has increased to such an extent that Messrs. Hilliard, Patterson & Co. have been obliged to put two daily hacks on the road.
Hilliard, Patterson & Co.: awarded mail routes to Geuda Springs, Wellington...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1883.
Messrs. Hilliard, Patterson & Co., our live livery men, have been awarded the mail routes from this city to Geuda Springs and to Wellington. The former is a daily and the latter is a tri-weekly service, since January 1st, 1883.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 17, 1883.
The Wichita Daily Times says A. W. Patterson and E. Y. Baker, of Arkansas City, and Bill Couch, of Douglass, are in the city. People had better lock their barns.
Announcement: Hilliard, Patterson & Co. erecting livery stable at Geuda Springs...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 31, 1883.
[From the Geuda Springs Herald.]
Hilliard, Patterson & Co. intend erecting a new livery stable here at once. It will be a frame building 30 x 60 feet in size, situated on First Street, opposite Musgrove’s store. This will make three good livery stables here.
Patterson departs: Firm now “J. H. Hilliard & Co.” Located in Arkansas City...
Arkansas City Traveler, February 14, 1883.
As will be seen by the dissolution notice elsewhere in this issue, A. W. Patterson has retired from the livery firm of Hilliard, Patterson & Co. The firm will be continued under the name of J. H. Hilliard & Co., for whom we bespeak the patronage of our people.
DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the firm of Hilliard, Patterson & Co. has this day been Dissolved by mutual consent, A. W. Patterson, retiring. The business will be conducted under the firm name of J. H. Hilliard & Co., by whom all debts against the late firm will be settled, and to whom all accounts due Hilliard, Patterson & Co. must be paid. Thanking the public for their patronage, we hope to receive their patronage in the future. A. W. PATTERSON. J. H. HILLIARD & CO.
Arkansas City, Kansas, February 6th, 1883.
Geuda Springs: Owner of livery stable in question as Patterson stopped work.
It appears that Capt. Thompson is owner of Nipp and new stable???...
Arkansas City Traveler, February 21, 1883.
[From the Geuda Springs Herald.]
Capt. J. B. Nipp was over from Arkansas City the first of the week on business connected with his new livery stable. He is a very pleasant and sociable gentleman, and we wish him success.
At the present writing it is almost impossible to give any definite information in regard to the new livery stable here. The carpenters received orders from Mr. Patterson to cease work for a few days, as he had sold out to Capt. Thompson. A day or two later Capt. Nipp bought a half interest in the stable, and now we are informed that he has sold out to Thompson.
Thompson no longer in livery business. Plans to buy/sell horses...
Arkansas City Traveler, February 28, 1883.
We understand that Mr. A. W. Patterson is now out of the livery business and intends making a business of buying and selling horses. We wish the gentleman success.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 14, 1883.
Mr. A. W. Patterson, we understand, met with an accident by the overturning of a buggy last Saturday evening. Buggy top slightly torn; no other damage.
Winfield Courier, March 29, 1883.
The Horse Thief Particulars. We clip the following account of the capture of two horse thieves by Deputy U. S. Marshal McIntire, mentioned in another column, from the Arkansas City Democrat.
About three weeks ago a young man by the name of Jay Wilkinson, a well known cowboy of the Indian Territory, sold a pony to Capt. J. B. Nipp of this city, and a few days afterward the Captain found out that the pony had been stolen from a ranchman in the Territory, and informed Deputy U. S. Marshal McIntire of the fact, who, in company with a gentleman by the name of Phipps, started out to capture Wilkinson, whom they learned was at Smithey’s ranch on the Cimarron River in the Indian Territory. Upon arriving at the ranch, they found out that Wilkinson had been informed by some of his confederates in this city in regard to the movements of Deputy McIntire, and with two of his companions had proceeded to an old dug-out some ten miles from the ranch, armed and equipped with provision and ammunition, with the intention of standing the officers off. George and Mr. Phipps made a careful survey of the situation, and found that the boys were too well fortified to attempt an attack by themselves, so they quietly pulled out for Caldwell, where they secured the services of Deputy U. S. Marshal Hollister and another gentleman and returned for their game. When they arrived at the dug-out, they found it deserted, but the indications were that the boys had made a hasty exit, as they left behind a shot-gun, revolver, and a number of other articles, and upon looking around they discovered Wilkinson and his two companions just disappearing over a hill some two miles distant. They immediately mounted their horses and started in pursuit, and had a lively chase for twenty miles, when they arrived at Johnson’s ranch, where they found Jack Martin sick in bed and the only one at the camp, who informed them that Wilkinson and one of his gang had been there about half an hour before them, and had left their ponies and taken two of the best horses at the ranche and struck out in a northerly direction.
Just as the officers and posse were getting ready to leave, a young man by the name of Frank Hostetter, whom they had spotted as one of the gang, rode up and they placed him under arrest, and left one man to guard him, while the remainder of the party struck out after Wilkinson, whom they followed for about forty miles in the direction of the State, but finally lost track of him, and returned to the ranch after Hostetter. Hostetter was brought up to the city and taken before Commissioner Bonsall for preliminary examination, and bound over in the sum of $500 to appear at the next term of the U. S. Court at Wichita; being unable to give the required bond, he was taken to Winfield and placed in the county jail to await trial.
Wednesday, the same day the officers arrived in this city with Hostetter, Wilkinson rode into Johnson’s ranch with the intention of again swapping horses, but as Smithey and Johnson happened to be at the camp at the time they persuaded him, with a couple of double-barreled shot-guns to give himself up, and the next day took him to Caldwell and turned him over to Deputy U. S. Marshal Hollister, who telegraphed to George McIntire that he had started for this place with the prisoner, and to meet him in the Territory so there would be no trouble; and George, in company with Marshal Sinnott, Patterson, Nipp, and Rarick, started out and met Hollister about twelve miles from the City and escorted him in. Wilkinson had his preliminary examination on Saturday and was sent up to the county jail to await his trial at the next term of the U. S. Court.
There are four or five others connected with the gang whom the officers are laying in wait for, and the indications are that they will bring them to town before many days.
LATER. Since writing the above the officers arrested another young man known as Mulvane George, whom they have good reasons to believe is connected with the gang. His bond was fixed at $500 and his father, who resides at Mulvane, was telegraphed to and came down and fixed it up.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 4, 1883.
The improvements that are almost daily taking place in our city were forcibly brought to our notice last Saturday afternoon by Mr. A. W. Patterson, who drove us around town in one of the elegant outfits turned out by the Mammoth Livery Stable, and for which we tender our thanks.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 4, 1883.
A. W. Patterson informs us he intends to put up a residence on the east half of the property lately purchased by him on Fifth Avenue. He has already set out quite a number of trees and made preparations for fencing, etc.
J. B. Nipp and A. W. Patterson purchase city hotel: call it Leland Hotel...
Arkansas City Traveler, April 11, 1883.
THE LELAND. The City Hotel, of this city, is a thing of the past, its name having been changed as above. Messrs. Nipp & Patterson last week purchased Mr. McIntire’s interest in the house and have placed Mr. R. E. Grubbs in charge of the same as manager, and as he is chuck full of energy, an old hand at the business, and solid with “the boys on the road,” we confidently look for the Leland to take its place among the first-class hotels of the Southwest.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 23, 1883.
Leland Hotel. Among the arrivals at the Leland Hotel, now under the management of Mr. A. W. Patterson, we find the following.
Hon. J. R. Hallowell, Topeka, Kansas.
Hon. R. W. P. Muse, Newton, Kansas.
Captain Knawlton, Newton, Kansas.
Fritz Snitzler, Wichita, Kansas.
A. K. Rodgers, Topeka, Kansas.
Jonathan Gore, Cherokee Nation.
John Sargeant, Topeka, Kansas.
L. F. Copeland, Indiana.
W. S. Coll, Ohio.
Ben Phillips, Wellington, Kansas.
C. Fergusson, Winfield.
J. T. Lawrence, New York.
Frank Lockwood, St. Louis.
Peter “Big Mead,” Osage Indian.
J. J. Broadbent, Bolton.
A. A. Newman and wife, City.
J. H. Hilliard and wife, City.
Mrs. C. R. Mitchell, Geuda Springs.
A. J. Gilbert
James Reuben, Oakland Indian Territory.
L. J. Miles, Osage Agency.
L. E. Woodin, Ponca Agency.
H. H. Arthur, Ponca Agency.
J. H. Windsor, Titusville, Pennsylvania.
F. Beall, Chicago, Illinois.
Chas. Elson, Dayton, Ohio.
G. D. Baker, Topeka, Kansas.
J. M. Humphrey, Washington.
The arrivals for Monday numbered over forty.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 30, 1883.
Select Knights Ball. The ball and supper given by the select Knights A. O. U. W. in this city last Wednesday evening, was, owing to the unfavorable state of the weather, not so largely attended as was expected, although quite a number of our people took part in the festivities. The arrangements were first class, and all present will bear testimony to the enjoyable time had till near 3 o’clock in the morning. The supper which was elegantly gotten up was served at the Leland Hotel, and Mr. A. W. Patterson, the genial landlord, deserves credit for the best layout of the season.
A. W. Patterson and J. B. Nipp dissolve partnership in Mammoth Livery Stable and Leland Hotel. Patterson takes over hotel; Nipp takes over livery stable...
Arkansas City Traveler, May 30, 1883.
DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have this day dissolved partnership in the Mammoth Livery Stable and Leland Hotel business by mutual consent. All accounts against the Leland Hotel are assumed and will be settled by A. W. Patterson and all accounts against the Mammoth Livery Stable are assumed and will be settled by J. B. Nipp.
Signed: JAS. B. NIPP, A. W. PATTERSON. Arkansas City, Kansas, May 11th, 1883.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 6, 1883.
We never felt worse than one day last week when compelled, on account of a previous engagement, to decline Mr. Patterson’s invitation to dine at the Leland. We knew we were missing a good thing, but have so awful appetite saved up for the next time we get a chance at him.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, June 20, 1883.
Sudden Death. On Wednesday morning of last week about 7 o’clock, Howard, the colored porter at the Leland Hotel, died suddenly of heart disease. He had been more or less affected with dangerous symptoms for several months past. It appears that the diseased arose feeling as well as usual and went about his morning work and was engaged in the kitchen when stricken by the hand of death to the floor from which he in vain attempted to rise, staggering and falling again at every attempt. Mr. Patterson, the landlord, sent for Dr. Chapel and in the meanwhile Howard was carried upstairs, but expired in about ten minutes despite all that could be done by the attending physician. The young man by reason of his courteous and pleasant manners was a general favorite with all and his untimely taking off is much deplored. The burial took place the same day from the residence of Mr. J. Hand, and Rev. Daily preached his funeral sermon last Sunday at the Guthrie schoolhouse in West Bolton.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 20, 1883.
The new addition to the Leland Hotel, we are informed by Mr. Patterson, will be commenced at once. It will be 24 x 50 feet, two stories high, giving on the first floor a main office 14 x 30 feet and two 12 x 20 feet sample rooms, while upstairs there will be seven large and elegantly fitted bedrooms. We congratulate Mr. Patterson on his enterprise and wish him the success he deserves.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 4, 1883.
A. W. Patterson, mine host of the Leland, Sundayed at Wichita.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 4, 1883.
A. W. Patterson has secured the services of Mr. and Mrs. White to assist him in the Leland Hotel. Mr. White is well known and immensely popular with all the boys on the road. Good.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 22, 1883.
Among other improvements I noticed was a new brick hotel just completed by H. H. Perry, who recently came here from Iowa. The hotel is 50 x 80 feet, two-stories and basement, the first floor rooms being fifteen feet to the ceiling. The sample rooms are large and spacious, and the office will be fitted up in the finest and most elaborate style; the rooms are large and well ventilated, and will be elaborately furnished in the best of style. It will be named after its proprietor and builder, and will be called the Perry house.
But this is not all, not even in the hotel line. Maj. Patterson, who, by the way, is one of the best hotel men in the state, and who caters with a lavishness that merges almost to profligacy, finds his room becoming circumscribed, and has gone to work and built a large two-story addition, 30 x 50 feet to the Leland, which he will finish and furnish, making it among the best hotels in this part of the state. The Leland already has a splendid reputation gained under the management of Maj. Patterson, and when he gets into his new quarters, there can be no doubt that he will entertain the boys royally. On the whole the indications are that between the “Leland” and the “Perry,” Arkansas City will be remarkably fortunate in being well supplied with excellent hotels, and that the traveling public and wayfaring man will have no reason to complain.
Arkansas City can well and truly boast of being the beautiful little queen city of the border. DE VERA, in Kansas City Journal.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 29, 1883.
That new “Rackett” cigar A. W. Patterson dishes out at the Leland is just boss, so the boys say. We never smoke—in fact, have no bad habits—so have to take the boys’ word for it.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 5, 1883.
Quite a large number of our citizens, among whom were J. B. Nipp, O. S. Rarick, G. H. McIntire, and A. W. Patterson, were subpoenaed to attend the term of the United States court now in session at Wichita.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 10, 1883.
Mine host of the Leland has a heart that beats for the poor and rich alike and knows no class. Race, color, or previous condition of servitude cuts no figure with A. W. Patterson, and he would just as soon see a negro in the gallery at the opera house as to sit there himself.
Patterson purchases Leland Hotel property from Henry Tisdale...
Arkansas City Traveler, November 7, 1883.
“Mine host” of the Leland, A. W. Patterson, has given most substantial proof of his success in catering to the public and of his confidence in the commercial metropolis of Southern Kansas. Last week he purchased of Mr. Henry Tisdale the Leland Hotel property, consisting of three lots and buildings thereon, for the sum of $5,500, which leaves him sole proprietor of the property, which has so long drawn tribute from this city. A. W. has always made a success of whatever he undertook, and in his admirable management of the Leland has fully sustained his reputation as a thorough, enterprising businessman. The public may look for better satisfaction than ever now.
Charley France leases Leland Hotel from A. W. Patterson...
Arkansas City Traveler, November 21, 1883.
Hotel Change. The widely known and popular hotel man, Charley France, last Monday took charge of the Leland, leasing the same of Mr. Patterson. Charley takes hold of a good business, and is the best man in Southern Kansas to manage the large and increasing patronage of the Leland, having had valuable experience at Wichita, Wellington, and Arkansas City during the past five years. C. U. will spare no pains to sustain the high reputation of this popular hotel. His success is certain.
Patterson, France arrested by Sheriff Gary; Kitchen arrested by Deputy Taylor...
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 28, 1883.
Last Friday evening Deputy Sheriff Taylor came down from Winfield, and arrested Mr. Kitchen for selling liquor contrary to the prohibitory law of this state, and on Saturday Sheriff Gary arrested A. W. Patterson and C. U. France on the same grounds of offense. Papers were served on the latter gentlemen more from a desire to sift the matter to the bottom than from any belief that they were at all implicated. Concerning this move, which has more in it than an honest desire to bring these men to justice, we have simply this to say.
Insofar as it is the result of a desire on the part of our county officers and law abiding citizens to protect the dignity of the law and to punish its offenders, we cannot but say amen; but insofar as it springs from an attempt of our city marshal to shield himself from just censure for his neglect of duty on Thursday or from an understanding that effort will be made to lessen the establishment of L. D. Skinner in consideration of his furnishing whatever information he may possess, we hope it will fall flat. Mr. Oldham is suddenly taking a very lively interest in the temperance cause—more than would reasonably be expected from a person of his proclivities; but in his desire to procure witnesses against Mr. Kitchen and direct the public eye away from himself and Skinner, he completely ignores a most valuable witness for the state—himself. He need not have waited until last Friday to become such a shining light with his good work, as by personal observation he long ago possessed all such knowledge necessary. Such a course, however, is but in keeping with the tactics he has pursued for some time in the office of marshal—to hit the game if it is a deer and miss it if it is a calf. The gentlemen who are on Mr. Skinner’s bond have always been conscientious temperance men, ever working against the liquor traffic in any shape. From them the whiskey dealers have never expected anything but uncompromising war; but it was a matter of surprise that such a good consuming though poor paying customer as the city marshal should become so thoroughly converted in so short a time.
While we desire to see the law take its course, we most profoundly hope the offenses against decency, last Thursday, which were witnessed by the entire city, will not be overlooked; and that in the effort to convict one man or set of men of violating the law, the inefficiency of an officer will receive due consideration.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 28, 1883.
A. W. Patterson and wife left for Michigan yesterday, and will while away a few weeks among relatives and friends.
D. T. Kitchen arrested; charges against Patterson and France dismissed...
Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.
The county officials have been rattling up the dry bones in Arkansas City during the past week for violation of the prohibitory law. Patterson, France, and D. T. Kitchen were arrested by the sheriff Saturday. There were three counts against Kitchen. The complaints against Patterson and France were dismissed and Kitchen plead guilty. His fines and the costs in the case amounted to $485.30.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1884.
A. W. Patterson returned to his Southern Kansas home last Saturday, after an absence of some six weeks. He leaves his wife in Michigan, where she is receiving medical treatment for necrosis of the bone in her left hand.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 26, 1884.
Mr. A. W. Patterson is expected home this week from Michigan.
A. W. Patterson again assumes control of managing Leland Hotel...
Arkansas City Traveler, April 9, 1884.
Mr. A. W. Patterson informs us he will assume control of the Leland Hotel tomorrow and invites everybody to come and eat dinner with him. Pat is too well known by everybody for us to say anything, but will take in the dinner, all the same.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 9, 1884.
A. W. Patterson and family returned from Michigan Monday. Pat will at once assume control of the Leland, he says, giving it his personal supervision. He only weighs 212 pounds, but we trust his health will improve in balmy Southern Kansas.
Arkansas City Republican, April 12, 1884.
A. W. Patterson has returned from Kalamazoo, Michigan.
Arkansas City Republican, April 12, 1884.
Last Thursday Col. Neff retired from the management of the Leland Hotel, and A. W. Patterson assumed control. The new proprietor celebrated the event with an excellent free dinner to all who chose to accept his hospitality.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 16, 1884.
Some 230 persons took dinner at the Leland house in this city last Thursday. A. W. Patterson assumed control of the house on that day, which fully accounts for the above handsome showing.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 16, 1884.
The Leland Opening. As announced in last week’s TRAVELER, the Leland was opened under the management of its former proprietor, A. W. Patterson, on last Thursday, and everybody was invited to the noonday feast, which was as free as the water of life—without money and without price.
A. W. has a well merited reputation as a landlord in this country, and the news that he was once more at the head of this favorite resort was hailed with pleasure by the lovers of good eating and courteous treatment. Some two hundred and thirty partook of the Leland’s hospitality last Thursday. With one voice the guests pronounced it the best dinner ever served in this city. Mine host says that he will have such dinners every day now, with equally palatable morning and evening meals. There is no denying that “Pat” is what is generally known as a rustler for business, and if setting good tables with everything that money can buy, having it well cooked and well served, and looking after the convenience of guests, will avail anything, the Leland will certainly be crowded. It was during Mr. Patterson’s regime that the new part of the Leland was built, which furnishes the best of accommodations for the traveling public, and now that he has once more assumed control, we bespeak for him the success he merits.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 23, 1884.
The TRAVELER office last week turned out job work to the amount of $50 for A. W. Patterson of the Leland.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 23, 1884.
Our grocerymen, McLaughlin Bros., last week sold to A. W. Patterson, of the Leland, for the month of April, goods to the amount of $300. Somebody evidently eats once in awhile at the Leland.
Arkansas City Republican, April 26, 1884.
The traveling public will be glad to know that A. W. Patterson is back at the “Leland” as proprietor. He celebrated the event by a big free dinner, which was of course a grand success, only some two hundred of the guests rather overdid the thing by eating more than was good for them. Emporia Daily Republican.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 14, 1884.
A. W. Patterson has the nobbiest turnout in town in the way of a fine buggy and harness. Hotel business is evidently good at the Leland.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 21, 1884.
The Leland hotel under the genial management of A. W. Patterson is fast becoming the most popular hotel in the southwest.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 28, 1884.
Mrs. A. W. Patterson left yesterday for Missouri, where she goes to receive medical treatment, which we sincerely hope may prove beneficial.
A. W. Patterson resting at Geuda Springs...
Arkansas City Traveler, June 18, 1884.
A. W. Patterson, proprietor of the popular Leland, is rusticating at Geuda Springs.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 6, 1884.
C. R. SIPES, Treasurer.
I herewith submit my report of the amount of water tax collected up to August 2, 1884.
A. W. Patterson $10.00.
Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.
A. W. Patterson, of the Leland Hotel at Arkansas City, was in the city Monday. Pat is one of the best hotel men in Cowley County and always gets things up in style.
Ward and Perry take charge of Leland; D. T. Kitchen retained as manager...
Arkansas City Traveler, August 20, 1884.
Yesterday afternoon the Leland house changed hands, Messrs. Ward and Perry taking charge thereof. Under Mr. Patterson’s management, it was a very popular resort and the new proprietors are to be congratulated upon securing such an excellent business. Messrs. Perry and Ward are both well known, and will fully sustain the Leland’s good name. Mr. D. T. Kitchen is retained as manager. No surer step could have been taken to secure the immense commercial trade of this house.
Patterson becomes a salesman for Atchison house, selling teas and cigars...
Arkansas City Traveler, September 3, 1884.
A. W. Patterson is now running for an Atchison house, selling teas and cigars. “Pat” is a rustler and will make a good salesman.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 17, 1884.
A private letter from W. F. Dolan & Co., of Atchison, says that A. W. Patterson (our “Pat”), who is now running for that house, sends in larger orders than any other man in their employ. The Messrs. Dolan have given A. W. liberty to go in any or all parts of the state. “Pat” is a rustler in anything he undertakes.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 19, 1884.
H. G. Chipchase, J. A. McCormick, Tom Dinwoodie, Abe Rosenfeld, Albert Levy, A. W. Patterson, Pete Killiam, C. Vernon, A. G. Kirkpatrick, and Joe McDowell, in three carriages, took the B. I. T. by storm Saturday evening. For one whole day throwing business cares away and escaping from the accustomed din of their daily routine—such as “Cheap Clothings,” “Dinner for Two,” “Pass the Jack Plane this way,” “Two to one on Cleveland,” “Hello,” etc., they amused themselves by pointing their guns south and killing some poor unfortunate ones to the east or west. These, however, had better luck; they came back Sunday night with four bad colds, three bad headaches, one broken carriage, two quails, and a coon. They claim, however, that they did not bring all their game back with them, which is true. The corpses by the way-side speak for themselves.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 19, 1884.
A. W. Patterson, our “Pat,” covered himself with glory Monday night again. This time his genius expended itself in an oyster supper to the boys at Goeden & Burnett’s oyster parlor. The boys speak very highly of the supper and manner in which it was served.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 19, 1884.
Below we give the registers of the different hotels in the city for Saturday, November 15, 1884. Nothing we could say would show, so clearly, and unmistakably, the bustle of activity and the appearance of business of our little city.
WINDSOR HOTEL. A. W. Patterson and family, City.
Arkansas City Republican, November 22, 1884.
A. W. Patterson, by Cleveland’s election, has been the winner of quite a number of handsome wagers. With charity in his heart for those who were not so fortunate, he collected a number of his democratic friends together Monday evening and hied them to the St. Louis Restaurant. Now Messrs. Goeden & Burnett thoroughly understand getting up Democrat suppers, and on this occasion “did themselves proud.” Oysters and many delicacies of the season refreshed the inner man and when the feasting crowd arose from the tables, it was with sighs that they could eat no more. After wishing “t’hat” winner of many more such wagers, the merry crowd departed for their homes.
Henry Bowe (owner) and Patterson (agent) selling horses and mules...
Arkansas City Republican, December 13, 1884.
A. W. Patterson brought in another carload of St. Louis horses, Thursday night.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 17, 1884.
A. W. Patterson has shipped in two car loads of Missouri horses lately, which he is holding in the rear of the old Star Livery Stable. He had the misfortune to lose two more animals through injuries received while en route. He has now thirty-five head of horses and two spans of good mules.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 17, 1884.
Bowe & Patterson have now for sale a fine lot of large brood and farm mares, geldings and mules, weighing from 1,000 to 1,400 pounds. Can be seen back of the Leland Hotel. Price from $100 to $125 per head. All stock warranted as represented or no sale.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 17, 1884.
A. W. Patterson is carrying his hand in a sling now. The cork stuck.
Arkansas City Republican, December 20, 1884.
A. W. Patterson cut his hand badly last Sunday night while “fumbling” with a [TWO WORDS OBSCURED] piece of glass. Dr. G. H. J. Hart dressed the wound.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
W. B. Hagins and A. W. Patterson, in their usual great hearted way, took pity on six little shavers who perambulate the streets, crying “shine yer boots,” and took them up to the Episcopal supper, New Year’s evening, and fed them such a supper as we warrant they had not seen for a long time. When there is any in need or suffering, there is no need of going farther than to these gentlemen—whose pocket books are ever open in such a cause. If this act and others, of which the public wot not, were more generally followed, there would be less hunger and privations among the poor of our city.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 28, 1885.
Messrs. Joe Finkleburg, A. W. Patterson, and W. B. Hagins, of the Terminus, spent a part of Tuesday and Wednesday in Cowley’s capital.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 7, 1885.
Thursday afternoon as Ed Bass and Bob McGinnis, both colored and the latter residing in West Bolton, were discussing some grievances they waxed warm. Frank Sheets, who was standing nearby was resorted to as a referee in the dispute. Finally the quarrel narrowed down to McGinnis and Sheets, which continued about a bird dog until the latter remarked that he could lick the former on less ground than he could stand on. McGinnis replied he did not want to fight and was not prepared to fight. Sheets wanted McGinnis to go outside of the city limits and fight it out, which we believe was finally agreed upon, Sheets turning and walking away. When he was several feet from him, friends who were holding McGinnis, let him loose. He started after Sheets and made several slashes at him with a razor, one cut taking effect in his neck, barely missing the spinal vertebrae, and inflicting an ugly wound. If the cut had extended but an eighth of an inch farther, it would have severed the external jugular vein, and Sheets would have bled to death. Two other slashes took effect on his shoulder and arm, but not making more than a scratch. The wounded man saw he was going to be carved and having nothing with which to defend himself, started to escape. By this time McGinnis was prevented from doing any further damage by Capt. Rarick, who arrested and disarmed him. Joe Finkleburg and A. W. Patterson assisted the wounded man upstairs into Dr. G. H. J. Hart’s office, where his wound was dressed. The wound was about three inches in length. Dr. Hart washed, dressed, and took the necessary stitches quickly and in a manner which designated that he was perfectly familiar with this portion of his profession. Sheets stood the pain like a hero, never flinching. The hide on his neck was so thick that the needle would not penetrate, and an instrument was used in order to make the necessary stitches. After the wound was dressed, Sheets walked around about the same as usual. The scrimmage occurred on Summit Street, between the post office and T. R. Houghton’s harness shop. Henry Asp, the county attorney, was sent for, who came on the evening train. The preliminary examination was had before the Mayor, F. P. Schiffbauer. It commenced as soon as Asp arrived. A good part of Thursday night and until noon yesterday was used up in taking the evidence. In the afternoon the arguments pro and con were rendered before Mayor Schiffbauer. The charge was assault and battery with intent to kill. J. A. Stafford represented McGinnis and Henry Asp the State.
The preliminary resulted in the mayor binding McGinnis over to appear at the next term of court in the sum of $400. We understand that McGinnis will give the necessary bond.
Sheets was taken before Judge Kreamer and fined $1 for disturbance of the peace yesterday morning.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.
The men of this community are taking steps to form an organization, looking not to the perpetuity of their elegant shapes so much as to having a good time. We opine that this club will produce and enjoy more fun and laughter at their meetings than would be possible for any other band. It seems to be a fact that “laugh and grow fat” has been the motto of their lives; the latter we have ocular proof of, and of the former auricular (copy wrighted). A more jolly fun loving and laughter enjoying crowd could not be scared up in any community. The following persons are eligible to membership, each being over 200 pounds in weight.
C. Atwood; J. L. Howard; Mr. Richardson; H. H. Perry; A. A. Davis; A. W. Patterson; R. Hubbard; A. J. Pyburn; E. B. Multer; D. P. Marshal; T. V. McConn, J. W. Hutchison; L. E. Woodin; Chas. Bryant; Mr. Robinson; M. S. Hasie; S. B. Fleming; T. L. Mantor; H. B. Calef.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.
Henry Bowe and family arrived Monday. Mr. Bowe is the owner of the horses now being kept in the rear of the Commercial block, of which A. W. Patterson is the agent.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.
A. W. Patterson is a rustler in his line and can’t be beat. He has disposed of $3,092 worth of horse flesh in the past 60 days.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.
A. W. Patterson is absent in Missouri buying a carload of large mules. He is expected back tomorrow. Anyone desiring anything of that kind will do well to call on him, as his judgment can be relied on.
Mrs. A. W. Patterson dies: leaves husband and three girls...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, April 11, 1885.
DIED. Thursday afternoon Mrs. A. W. Patterson died. She has been sick for several days, but it was thought by the attending physician that her illness would not prove fatal. She leaves a husband and three little girls. Her funeral occurred yesterday from the Presbyterian Church and her remains were interred in Riverview Cemetery. Her death is a very sad affair, leaving the three little children motherless.
Next four items: Patterson spends time in Geuda during troubles with the law...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 25, 1885.
“TOOK IN THE TOWN.” A. W. Patterson filled himself a little fuller’n usual Monday, dropped the reins, and turned himself loose on the streets of Arkansas City. He began by brutally stamping the life out of his little bird dog, which he was leading around the street by a halter. Then he bored the fine plate front of A. A. Newman’s store with a bullet, and made numerous and sundry wild antics and flourishes with his revolver. His yells and “gun” were given full sway all over town, paralyzing Arkansas City’s gentle-hearted citizens and officials. After much gentle persuasion they got him toned down. The Terminus evidently needs a marshal with just a little sand—or else the people ought to stop such proceedings. The man who would try to “take” Winfield would soon get a mighty sorry mug—and don’t you forget it.
Arkansas City Republican, June 27, 1885.
Monday afternoon Artemus W. Patterson filed too many statements for his disease, and as a consequence became unruly. During the afternoon sometime he became enraged at his bird dog, which he tried to make lie down. The “pup” didn’t understand Pat’s language and refused to obey. He beat the dog quite severely. The marshal had a warrant issued against him for cruelty to animals and when he went to serve it, Patterson had quieted down, and he let the matter drop. In some way Artemus was informed that Billy Gray had a warrant for his arrest. This re-aroused his ire and a few more doses of medicine fixed him in good shape. While standing in front of Newman’s store, with one or two other persons, someone in the crowd pulled a revolver and shot a hole through one of the large plate glass windows. Artemus skipped down into the Commercial Restaurant, where he had a picnic with the police. He refused to allow them to arrest him, telling them they were too little. By a dint of coaxing, Johnnie Breene finally got him to come along with him to Judge Bryant’s office. He fixed the matter up in some manner with Judge Bryant and went over to Geuda. He came back next day—Tuesday—and appeared in Bryant’s office and settled the city case against him for $2.50. Wednesday Capt. Rarick served a state warrant against Artemus for resisting the officers. Thursday before Judge Kreamer he plead guilty to the charge and was fined $50 and costs—about $75 altogether. The prosecuting attorney, Bill Hackney, recommended leniency; but Judge Kreamer thought that that fine was about right. This will teach Pat a lesson. We all remember how the little daughter of Jos. Perry was killed in Wellington by a drunken man discharging a revolver on the streets. A similar tragedy might have been enacted here. As it is, someone is out about $102 for the plate glass in Newman’s window. When Pat was finally arrested, no revolver was found on his person; and no one testified that they saw him do the shooting. He denies doing it. The general supposition is that he did it. Since writing the above Patterson has informed us that he would go before a justice of the peace and make an affidavit that he would not touch a drop of whiskey for six months. We hope he will carry out this resolution and stick to it six years instead of six months.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 2, 1885.
SOMETHING ROTTEN. A. W. Patterson got on a “high” at Arkansas City the other day, stamped the inwards out of an innocent and valuable bird dog, sent a bullet through A. A. Newman’s plate front, and terrorized the whole town. He was hauled up before a petty magistrate the next day and fined two dollars and costs—about twelve dollars. The Democrat gives vent to its disgust. “If a country lad comes to town and gets a little too much bug juice in him, he is jerked up and fined from six to ten dollars, and placed in the cooler if he does not pay it. But let one of our city bums get drunk and raise ‘a little h l’ on the streets and he generally has to pay from $1.00 to $2.00. There is indeed something rotten in the management of the affairs of the city.”
Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.
The Commercial Building Association will begin a suit against A. W. Patterson for $110 to recover damages done by someone shooting through the plate glass window in Newman & Co.’s store a short time since.
Patterson moves to New Kiowa: engages in drug store business...
Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.
Capt. Rarick was out to New Kiowa the first of the week. He saw A. W. Patterson. He is engaged in the drug business and doing well.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 27, 1885.
CIVIL DOCKET: 2128. A W Patterson vs J A McIntire et al. A. J. Pyburn for plaintiff.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 3, 1885.
Kiowa comes up with the latest b-l-o-o-d, last Wednesday night. A. W. Patterson, Arkansas City’s wild and wooley “Pat,” is running a house of sportive shape out there. He had sold out one den and was just opening another, when a festive gambler bored a soldier from Dodge, laying him out instantly. Cards and whiskey the cause.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 3, 1885.
Joe Black, the gambler who murdered the soldier at Kiowa the other night, was lodged in the Wellington jail Saturday. The soldiers, two companies from Ft. Riley, camped at Kiowa, attempted to string Joe up. It was a cold blooded homicide, the soldier having done nothing to provoke it. The affair was in A. W. Patterson’s den, where Al. Terrell, well known here, manipulates the bar.
Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.
Tillie Crawford, who went to New Kiowa with A. W. Patterson last spring, came back to Arkansas City Wednesday. On going to New Kiowa, Tillie quit Patterson and commenced work for another drug man, as life was too rough as a bar-tender. He is on his way to Kansas City, where he intends to attend medical lectures.
Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.
A. W. Patterson is in from New Kiowa, visiting convivial companions.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 8, 1886.
53. 2128. A W Patterson vs J A McIntire and H H Perry, A J Pyburn for plaintiff.
Arkansas City Republican, April 10, 1886.
A. W. Patterson, of New Kiowa, was in the city Thursday night. He was subpoenaed as a witness in the Mowry trial by the defense.
Arkansas City Republican, May 15, 1886.
A letter from A. W. Patterson from Kiowa on Thursday states that he was not shot and killed. The report has been prevalent upon our streets that “Pat” was shot last Saturday night.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, May 22, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
A. W. Patterson came in from New Kiowa today. He didn’t look as if he had been shot.
Patterson moved from New Kiowa to Caldwell...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 4, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
A. W. Patterson came over from Caldwell this morning.
A. W. Patterson and Archie Dunn, partners: livery barn...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 12, 1887. From Thursday’s Daily.
A. W. Patterson and Archie Dunn are having the house moved from their lots on 6th street, preparatory to the building of their livery barn.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 19, 1887. From Tuesday’s Daily.
W. Ward’s team fell in a cistern today. He was engaged in scraping dirt from the cellar over which A. W. Patterson’s stable is to be erected, when one of his horses stumbled, and fell in the cistern and pulled his mate in after him. One was badly injured.
[Above item was the last one found on A. W. Patterson, who evidently remained in Arkansas City as noted by his residency in a hotel at a later date on Page 1. MAW]