Charles H. Payson


[A Crooked Lawyer Who Started at Winfield.]
Winfield Courier, December 13, 1877.
We were happy to receive a call last Saturday evening from Mr. Chas. H. Payson, from Pontiac, Livingston County, Illinois. Mr. Payson comes to Winfield with the intention of remaining permanently and comes highly recommended both as a gentleman and an attorney. He has taken an office in Maris’ new corner stone building, room No. 4.
Winfield Courier, December 20, 1877. Front Page.
Business in State and Federal Courts promptly attended to.
Collections made and Legal Interest carefully computed.
Office: Room No. 4, Maris’ stone building, corner Main Street and 8th Avenue, Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, December 20, 1877.
Mr. Payson has a gold leaf sign painted upon one of the windows of room No. 4, in Maris’ new stone building. It is a splendid looking sign and shows off well. Prof. Jones always gives good satisfaction.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
Our young lawyer, Charles H. Payson, is winning golden opinions for his legal abilities and gentlemanly qualities.
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
Last Thursday night a greenback meeting was held at the Brane schoolhouse in Pleasant Valley Township. The speakers were all from Winfield. Mr. Payson read a well composed and considered paper advocating greenbacks in general. Mr. Coldwell next spoke in a stirring speech, treating thoroughly on the greenback theory. Mr. Hamilton, the canvassing agent for the Winfield COURIER, followed with some fervent remarks favoring the greenback doctrine to its fullest extent. He then made a motion that Mr. Payson’s paper be published in the Winfield COURIER. This brought Mr. Coldwell to his feet with the question, “Is the COURIER a greenback paper?” In reply Mr. Hamilton said, “It is, and Mr. Millington is in favor of an unlimited amount of greenbacks worth one hundred cents on the dollar.”
Pleasant Valley Correspondence of the Traveler.
Mr. Hamilton, of course, could only give his opinion of the position of the COURIER or its editors as any other man might do, but he hit the nail very nearly on the head when he said, “Mr. Millington is in favor of an unlimited amount of greenbacks worth one hundred cents on the dollar.”
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
Messrs. Coldwell and Payson, of this place, deliver greenback speeches at Darien schoolhouse on Saturday evening next.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.

Coldwell and Payson spoke to the people of Tisdale on the greenback side of finance, last Friday night.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
The Greenbackers of Tisdale listened to a couple of good speeches delivered by Messrs. Payson and Coldwell, of Winfield. The club now numbers 38 members.
The Daily Winfield Courier, Saturday Morning, May 11, 1878.
What has become of C. H. Payson? We have not been favored with a sight of him for more than a week.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
District Court Proceedings. Friday, May 11th. Motion to admit C. H. Payson to the bar. Court appointed S. D. Pryor, J. E. Allen, and L. B. Kellogg a committee of examination. Committee reported favorably and applicant admitted.
Winfield Courier, May 30, 1878.
The Greenback club at this place seems on the decline. Where are Payson and Coldwell?
Winfield Courier, June 13, 1878.
Mr. Riley Wise, late of Illinois, is in town visiting Frank Robinson and Charley Payson. Like all Illinoisans, he is infatuated with the country generally and Cowley County especially.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
The celebration at Queen Village was quite an affair. The grounds were in excellent condition and were filled with people from all points of the surrounding country. The Silver Creek band and New Salem string band furnished plenty of good music for the day. The exercises opened with prayer by Rev. Thomas. Music and songs followed, and then came the address of Charles Payson, distinctly rendered and full of information and thought. Dinner, the most enthusiastic exercise on the ground, followed; and for whole-souled, hospitable people, and excellent, generous cooks, we will back that northeastern country against the state. After dinner came music and an address by Mr. Green, and a song by himself and his accomplished daughter. Then followed a speech by Henry Asp, and we wish to say that Henry did nobly, and that no better speech was delivered on the ground. He was well worded and contained many beautiful thoughts and happy sentiments. If Henry wishes to feel proud over his first soaring of the eagle, he has good right, and the feathers of that noble bird shine with a new luster. The speech of R. C. Story followed, full of enthusiasm, startling statistics, and warm appeals for temperance, delivered in his own intelligent and earnest manner. Samuel Jarvis then addressed the crowd with a few remarks, and shortly afterwards the people dispersed and sought their homes. A platform dance was held on the ground in the evening.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
C. H. Payson and Mark Williams attended a picnic of the Odessa, Centennial, and other Sabbath schools at the grove north of the Grange Hall in Pleasant Valley Township, last Thursday. They were the orators of the day and report that there was a large gathering of Sabbath school scholars who enjoyed the occasion immensely. They had splendid music, an excellent dinner, and of course good speaking besides plenty of other amusements.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.

The “Cantata of the Seasons,” under the management of Mr. and Mrs. Kessler, was repeated at the M. E. Church on Wednesday evening of last week with the same eclat which greeted its first appearance. Mrs. Kessler performed exquisitely on the piano, assisted by Mrs. Earnest and Prof. Farringer. The Roberts Bros. furnished string band music of the highest order, while the performance of the vocalists, Mesdames Kelly, Holloway, Buckman, Swain, Earnest; Misses Coldwell, Dever, Stewart, Bryant, Bliss; and Messrs. Roberts, Buckman, Holloway, Holloway, Bliss, Payson, Chamberlain, Harris, Richmond, Root, Evans, and Berkey were very fine indeed. The Cantata company will soon commence to rehearse “Queen Esther” with a view to inaugurate Manning’s Hall, when completed, by the presentation of that beautiful cantata.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
C. H. Payson will address the people of Sheridan Township on the Greenback question at the Sheridan Schoolhouse next Saturday evening.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
Trial List.
The following is a list of cases that will stand for trial at the August A. D. 1878 term of the District Court of Cowley County, and have been placed on the Trial Docket in the following order.
James W. Hamilton vs. John D. Pryor et al. [C. H. Payson; Hackney & McDonald and Pryor & Pryor.]
Nancy Bishop vs. E. B. Johnston. [C. H. Payson; Hackney & McDonald.]
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
On Saturday evening a Greenback meeting was held at the Sheridan schoolhouse, addressed by Charles H. Payson and J. W. Hamilton, of Winfield, and J. B. Callison, of Crab Creek. Mr. Payson first addressed the meeting. His strictures upon the actions of the Republican party for the last ten years were cutting and severe. He affirmed that the Republican party had not passed a single act in congress favoring the laboring classes, but that every act had been passed especially in the interest of capital. Mr. Payson had no complaint to make against those who brought on the war that created this great debt he loves so well to talk about. Mr. Hamilton’s remarks were well received. Cheer after cheer went up as he advanced with the different parts of his subject. Especially was the enthusiasm and excitement at the highest point when he announced in his deep earnest tone of voice that was distinctly heard in every part of the house, “That old France was out of debt and had paid her debt with paper dollars.” Mr. Callison gave a detailed account of conversations he had with two distinguished Republican leaders, Hon. Tom Ryan and Colonel Sumner, of El Dorado. If Mr. Callison made no mistake in his account of these conversations, he most certainly got away with the distinguished gentlemen badly. They are truly to be pitied, but it is to be hoped that they may live over their humiliation and that they may be wiser and better men in the future, and know enough to keep silent when such men as Callison are around.

After the speaking was concluded a call was made by Mr. Callison to organize a Greenback club. Four men promptly responded to the call: three Democrats and one Republican. All seemed harmony and peace until a distribution of the offices of the club was attempted to be made, when it was discovered that there was one office short, four men and three offices. The Republican member being in the minority was compelled to stand aside and let the three Democrats gobble up the offices. A reconciliation, however, took place, and an amicable adjustment of the difficulty was made. The Republican member was promised that he should represent the club at the Great National Convention to come off some time in September at Winfield. If this arrangement is not fully carried out, trouble is anticipated. Esq. Morrow, the leading Greenbacker of the township, was not in attendance at the meeting, having been detained longer at a horse race than he had expected. He wishes it distinctly understood, however, that he has not gone back to the weak and beggarly elements of the Democratic party, but he expects to still earnestly contend for the faith once delivered to him by Brick Pomeroy. MOSBY.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
Mr. Payson was the speaker at the Murphy meeting, Friday evening, at Little Dutch.
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.

Ever since John E. Allen has been in this county he has been a Republican of the ultra stripe and a probable candidate of that party for county attorney. He tells us that he never was a hard money Republican. We don’t know what he calls a hard money man, but he was but recently opposing the greenback movement and offering to discuss before the people the finance questions against Payson and Coldwell. Now, so far as we have been able to discover, Payson and Coldwell are not fiat greenbackers, nor in favor of issuing enough greenbacks to pay off the national debt, so that any Republican who wishes to take issue with their greenback doctrine could not be a very soft money man. He has made many speeches and the “bloody shirt” has always been his stock argument. But shortly before the Republican convention, it became apparent that Torrance, and not Allen, would get the Republican nomination for county attorney and from that time it became apparent that Allen was under conviction. He was immediately converted to the fiat extreme of the finance question, became very hostile to the “bloody shirt” argument, and joined the greenback club. He suddenly became a bitter opponent of the Republican party, discovering that it was rotten and corrupt, the Democrats had never done anything wrong, and became a full fledged fiatist. Here was Chas. H. Payson, an attorney every way his equal, and in many ways his superior, a young man of bright promise. Industrious and honorable, but not like Allen a capitalist or bloated bondholder, who is loaning money at 26 percent; a man who had spent his energies, time, and money for most of the past year in traveling over the country making greenback speeches and organizing the National party, working in storm and shine, and laying on the prairie of nights; a man whom the young party, the Nationals who are such for principle and not for spoils, would have delighted to honor with the nomination of county attorney; such a man is rudely assaulted in convention of his friends, called a dead beat by Allison and set aside by a corrupt ring with a cut and dried ticket sprung upon the convention and carried by a trick of such unblushing effrontery as would put to blush the heathen Chinee with his twenty-four jacks. Will the real greenbackers at the clubs that Payson and Coldwell have helped to form under adverse circumstances, support this ring by voting for Allen while he is now hurrying into the Democratic camp?
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 14, 1878. Front page.
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
District Court. Judge Campbell came down from Wichita on Monday and the session of court commenced. Present: His Honor Judge W. P. Campbell; C. L. Harter, sheriff; E. S. Bedilion, district clerk; J. McDermott, county attorney; and Messrs. J. E. Allen, C. C. Black, S. D. Pryor, A. J. Pyburn, J. M. Alexander, F. S. Jennings, C. R. Mitchell, L. J. Webb, E. S. Torrance, N. C. Coldwell, W. M. Boyer, W. P. Hackney, O. M. Seward, C. H. Payson, H. E. Asp, G. H. Buckman, J. D. Pryor, D. C. Beach, W. M. Boyer, C. Coldwell, M. G. Troup, S. M. Jarvis, A. H. Green, attorneys.
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1879.
Listed as a Courier Advertiser: PAYSON, C. H., is a young lawyer of great promise. He has paid some attention to politics, and is an orator of rare powers and ability.
Winfield Courier, February 20, 1879.
The case of the State vs. Charley Birnbaum for larceny came before Squire Buckman last Monday, County Attorney E. S. Torrance appearing for the State and Messrs. Payson and Jarvis for defen­dant. The case was ably conducted on both sides. The jury returned a verdict of guilty and the property valued at $8.00. He was fined $5 and costs.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
  Nearly a Tragedy.

On last Saturday morning, James Kelly, ex-postmaster and once editor of the COURIER, was shot by Frank Manny, proprietor of the brewery northeast of town. The particulars are, as near as we can learn, as follows. Mr. Kelly, it seems, attended the phantom ball Friday night to see that the lights, fire, etc., were all right (as he has been doing in the absence of Mr. Manning), and having a key to the back door, came in that way. The managers of the ball objected to his coming in without a ticket, and ordered him to leave; and upon his refusing, Frank Manny and Ed Nickerson dragged him upstairs from the dressing room, across the stage, and pushed him down the front steps. In the morning Mr. Kelly borrowed the delivery wagon of Baird Bros., and asking Charles Payson to “take a ride with him,” proceeded to the brewery northeast of town, where he found Frank Manny at work on his new stone building. On coming in sight of Manny, Kelly said, “There’s the man I want to see,” and handing the lines to Payson, jumped out of the wagon, upon which Manny started on a run for his house. Kelly called out to him to stop; that he wanted to see him. Manny ran on to the house, which is near the brewery building, and procured a shotgun, which he loaded, and returning to the scene of action, met Kelly coming from the ice house, northwest of the stone building, and commanded Kelly to leave his premises or he would shoot him. Kelly told him to lay down his gun, as they could settle their matter in a minute without it, at the same time advancing toward him. They were about forty feet apart when Manny appeared with his gun. Manny, in an excited manner, kept ordering Kelly off, threatening to shoot while Kelly kept advancing toward him, saying repeatedly that he (Manny) would not shoot anybody. This was continued until Manny pushed him (Kelly) off with the muzzle of the gun, again telling him to leave the place or he would shoot him. Kelly opened his coat and told him he “didn’t think he would shoot anybody.” Manny then stepped back about thirty feet, at the same time remarking that he “would see whether he would shoot or not,” and fired one barrel, which took effect in Kelly’s arm and thigh, and turned him partly around. Manny then fired the other barrel, hitting Kelly in the right leg, and then drew a pistol and walked up to Kelly, telling him that if he did not get off his premises, he would bore a hole through him. Kelly then got into the wagon and was brought to town. He was placed under the care of Dr. Graham, who pronounced him not dangerously hurt. Manny was arrested, and waiving examination, was held to bail in $2,000 to answer the charge of shooting with intent to kill, at the next term of the district court.
We wish to state in connection with this that Charles Payson knew nothing of the affair of the previous evening, when asked by Kelly to go with him, and had no suspicions of anything wrong until they arrived at the brewery.
Winfield Courier, April 3, 1879.
The city election last Tuesday was very warm and excited, but everything went off pleasantly. The result was:
1st w. 2nd w.
O. M. Seward ... 165 116
Chas. Payson ... 99 122
Winfield Courier, May 15, 1879.
C. H. Payson is the “boss” newspaper reporter of the court proceedings.
Winfield Courier, June 5, 1879.
The meeting to devise ways and means for celebrating the “Glorious Fourth,” met at the office of Chas. Payson and orga­nized by electing J. Conklin, chairman, and E. P. Greer, secre­tary. The following committees were appointed.
Arrangements: Messrs. Rogers, Manning, and Wm. Robinson.
Programme: Messrs. Kinne, Troup, and Jennings.
Invitations: Messrs. Allison, Conklin, and Millington.
Music: Messrs. Buckman, Crippen, and Wilkinson.
Let the different committees go to work and let us have a grand, old-fashioned time.
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.

On Tuesday last one of our leading men was in town, and while in front of Baird Bros.’ store met a lady of this place, and spoke concerning the picnic, when up stepped a dashing widow late of Illinois and said: “It’s a wonder you didn’t have me mixed up in it, but you can mix and be durned.” The gentleman just considered the source and let it pass. The picnic at Floral on the Fourth was largely attended considering the weather, quite a number from Winfield being present, among whom were Messrs. Asp, Payson, and Rev. Cairnes. Late in the afternoon came the New Salem side show, followed by two caravans. It caused quite an excitement, and how they did sing! Why, it was splendid! After the picnic was over, quite a crowd came to Mr. D. W. Parker’s where refreshments were awaiting them, then they retired to J. J. Johnson’s, where they tripped the light fantastic. Miss Mollie Buck’s school closed on the 3rd. She had a full atten­dance throughout the term. The people of New Salem think they will have a city here if the railroad comes.
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.
The celebration at Floral was largely attended, fully 400 people being present. Mr. Chas. Payson delivered the speech of the occasion, and was followed by Messrs. Cairns, Trimble, and Asp. Mr. Payson’s speech was highly spoken of by all who heard it.
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.
Mr. Charles Payson, accompanied by several ladies and gentlemen, is off on a hunting excursion to the territory, and will be absent during the week. This will be a very pleasant trip, whether they establish a reputation as being good hunters or not.
Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.
Mr. Chas. Payson and party returned from their trip to the Territory last Sunday evening. They camped on the Chikaskia river about ten miles below the state line, near a beautiful cascade, and spent the time in hunting, fishing, reading, etc.
Winfield Courier, August 21, 1879.
(Commencing Monday, Aug. 25, 1879.)
LAWYERS: Hackney & McDonald, C. H. Payson, J. McDermott.
Rachel Lawson, C. H. Payson, vs. Thos. Lawson, Hackney & McDonald.
J. W. Hamilton, C. H. Payson, vs. John D. Pryor, Hackney & McDonald.
Burrough & Spache, C. H. Payson, vs. Frank Manny, Hackney & McDonald.
C. L. Harter, C. H. Payson, vs. County Commissioners, E. S. Torrance.
V. M. Boyer, C. H. Payson, vs. County Commissioners, E. S. Torrance.
S. M. Jarvis, C. H. Payson, vs. W. D. Anderson, Jennings & Buckman.
S. B. Atkinson, C. H. Payson, vs. W. J. Keffer, no attorney.
J. W. Hamilton, C. H. Payson, vs. Sophia V. French, Christian & Torrance.
J. T. Hook, guardian, Jennings & Buckman, vs. C. F. Bannister, C. H. Payson.
W. H. Gould, L. J. Webb, vs. Wm. J. Hodges, C. H. Payson.
Charles Coleman, C. H. Payson, vs. C. S. & F. S. railroad, A. J. Pyburn.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 3, 1879.
District Court Docket. The following is a list of cases that will stand for trial at the December term, A. D. 1879, of the District Court of Cowley county, and have been placed on the Trial Docket, in the follow­ing order.
Criminal Docket, First Day. State versus Charles H. Payson.
Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.

The prosecution against Charles H. Payson has excited deep interest among his many friends. Some assert that Mr. Payson is the victim of a malicious persecution, while others are of the opinion that he is himself to blame for the whole trouble.
Winfield Courier, December 18, 1879.
On Saturday evening the trial of Charles H. Payson was concluded and the court issued an order of disbarment against him.
Winfield Courier, January 15, 1880.
The District Court convened on Tuesday. Judge Campbell was detained at Wichita to finish up a criminal case on trial in that city, and had not arrived, therefore, the members of the bar elected J. Wade McDonald, Judge pro tem., who proceeded to try the case of the State vs. Isaac J. Henry, known as the North End Meat Market case. Torrance appeared for the prosecution and C. H. Payson for the defense. The case was ably conducted and resulted in the acquittal of the defendant. Mr. Payson’s plea before the jury is spoken of as a very able argument and one of the finest oratorical efforts that have been presented in our courts.
Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.
Two railroaders, James Moore and Michael Reynolds, were arrested last week and brought before Justice Buckman on com­plaint of Dennis Murphy, charged with robbing him of $110.00. Henry E. Asp conducted the case for the State, and Charles H. Payson appeared for the defense. From the testimony of Dennis Murphy, he had got into a “bad crowd” as he furnished all the whiskey and his friends showed their appreciation of his generos­ity by robbing him of his money.
Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.
Old Mrs. Clarke, who lives on Posy creek in Pleasant Valley township, was arrested last Saturday on complaint of Chas. H. Payson, charged with having committed adultery with a man named McCrate. The case was tried before ’Squire Boyer, and was the most disgusting affair that ever encumbered the docket of a criminal court. If one-half the facts that come to our ears are true (and the neighbors seem to think they are), this Clarke outfit ought to be drummed out of the community.
The above item was repeated in the February 19, 1880, issue of the Winfield Courier, followed by an item from the Monitor and a response from the Courier.
The above is a sample of the fairness of the COURIER. Here is a woman who trusted all the money she had to Payson, and he converted it to his own use, and because she prosecuted and had him disbarred for it, he got up this charge against her. She was tried before a jury of twelve men, good men, everyone of them, and they found her not guilty, and that the complaint was mali­cious. Why is it that the COURIER is ever defending such men as Payson, and assaulting poor, ignorant, and defenseless people like this unfortunate woman? It can only be accounted for upon the theory, that “birds of a feather flock together.” If this poor woman is to be drummed out of the community for merely being charged with the crime of adultery, what shall be done with the man who robs her? The COURIER is quick to assault Mrs. Clarke, but its columns are closed to anything reflecting upon Payson, who took advantage of her. Monitor.

Courier response: The idea that the above item was calculated to “defend Payson,” is simply absurd, and will not receive a second thought at the hands of sensible men. If he has defrauded this woman out of her money, he is no less guilty than if he had stolen from respectable people. Of the Clarke outfit, we have but few words to say. From the admission of parties, this man McCrate was once the husband of Mrs. Clarke, and is the father of several of her children. He still lives with them, apparently master of the premises, although he is passed off as a brother-in-law. Mr. Clarke is a decrepit old man, nearly deaf, and easily imposed upon. These simple facts, even if they were not backed up by evidence of a nature too revolting to appear in print, would be enough to brand them as the lowest of the low. Numbers of the best citizens of Pleasant Valley township have, during the past three weeks, complained to us of the Clarke’s; but we have refrained from speaking of the matter until convinced that the community would be better off without them. Brother Conklin is in poor business when he puts this outfit up as a picture of “injured innocence,” and installs himself as their champion. If he needs must have some subject at which to direct the efferves­cence of a too fertile brain, we would humbly suggest that he give us a few “grammatical criticisms.” They would at most be harmless and equally as foolish.
Winfield Courier, February 19, 1880.
The following is a list of cases that will stand for trial at the adjourned December, A. D. 1879, term of the district court of Cowley county, beginning on the 4th Monday, February 23, 1880, and have been placed on the trial docket in the following order.
Criminal Docket. First Day. State vs. Charles H. Payson [2 cases].
Winfield Courier, March 4, 1880.
Last Saturday Mrs. McNeil brought suit against Charles H. Payson for obtaining a deed under false pretenses. The case was rather a mixed-up affair, and there is no knowing how it will terminate. Mr. Payson was bound over to the district court in the sum of $2,000, and in default of bail was committed to jail.
Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.
A writ of habeas corpus has been asked for by Charles Payson, and the Probate Court will hear the arguments for the same on Thursday.
Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.
We are told that Mr. Payson and perhaps some others have made statements reflecting upon Mrs. McNeil, the complainant in the case now pending against Mr. Payson. We have this to say: that Mrs. McNeil is a well-educated and intelligent lady of irreproachable character. We have seen letters from eminent physicians, lawyers, mayors, councilmen, school superintendents, and other persons of character and reliability, who have known her from childhood, and all of them are unanimous in their testimony that her character is above reproach.
Winfield Courier, May 6, 1880.
Mrs. Payson, mother of Chas. H. Payson, arrived from Illi­nois last week. She will remain during Mr. Payson’s trial.
Winfield Courier, May 6, 1880.
Court convened in the courthouse Monday at 2 o’clock. The court disposed of many cases which had been agreed upon by the litigants during the recess, and adjourned to meet Tuesday morning at 9 o’clock. Tuesday. Harris vs. Day taken up and jury impaneled. In the case of State vs. Payson, the Court decided to let the matter go to trial. It comes on immediately after the case of Harris vs. Day is disposed of.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 12, 1880. Editorial.
The case of the State of Kansas versus Charles H. Payson, charged with fraudulently obtaining the signature of Miss Lena McNeil to a deed to certain property in the city of Winfield of the value of about $800, was tried and concluded on Monday the 10th inst. at 3 o’clock p.m. The jury had retired but a short time when they returned a verdict of guilty.
This was probably the most closely contested case that has ever been tried in this court, and a considerable feeling was mani­fested on both sides.
The jury was composed of the substan­tial men of the county and we believe they discharged their duty faithfully according to what they believed the evidence to be. It is very unreasonable to criticize their action, but more especially so in the case of those who did not patiently hear all the evidence adduced in the case. Payson’s argument was spoken of very highly by all who heard it; and if there was error in the trial of the case, he has his remedy.
The case was prosecuted by E. S. Torrance with his usual ability, which of course means to all that know Mr. Torrance, that every point of benefit to the State was thoroughly developed, and the evidence for the defense carefully sifted. We do not believe that Mr. Torrance has any superior in the State as a prosecutor. After the verdict was rendered, you could hear its merits and demerits discussed on every street corner in Winfield as the friends of Payson were surprised, especially at the short time it took the jury to agree.
Winfield Courier, May 13, 1880.
Probably no case was ever tried in this county which has created so much interest as the trial of C. H. Payson, just terminated with the verdict of guilty in the District Court. After the verdict large squads of men were gathered on each corner discussing it with much warmth, and criticizing scathingly those who took part in the trial either as witnesses, attorneys, jury, or judge. The majority seemed to sympathize strongly with Payson; eulogized his plea in his own defense as one of the best forensic efforts ever heard; thought that though Payson was probably guilty of something bad, he was not guilty of the offense charged in the indictment; and that if he was guilty of another offense, the prosecuting witness was equally guilty of the same offense. They criticize the county attorney for being too zealous in the prosecution; and the judge as acting as prose­cuting attorney, and ruling out evidence supposed to be favorable to Payson. The minority seemed to be equally sure that Payson was guilty as charged, and had been given a fair trial; that Torrance had done his whole duty and nothing more; that the judge was fair and impartial; and that the jury could not have done otherwise than it did.
The new jury of the whole public will probably never be able to agree.
Winfield Courier, May 13, 1880.
The boys tell us that in the trial of Payson, when the witness Goodrich was on the stand for cross-examination, Judge Campbell took the witness out of the hands of the attorneys and cross-examined him for an hour in an effort to make him contra­dict himself.
This reminds us of a case before Judge Davis, of Illinois, in which the attorney for the prosecution demanded that the case proceed to trial at the time set, though the attorney for the defense was absent.
Judge Davis said the case could go to trial, but would mention that a similar case happened in La Salle County, and this court looked to the interest of the absent attorney for the defense, and said Judge Davis, “You remember that we beat ’em.”

Winfield Courier, May 13, 1880.
The argument of E. S. Torrance for the prosecution, and of C. H. Payson for the defense, in the trial of the latter are both spoken of as remarkable for power and brilliancy.
Winfield Courier, May 13, 1880.
The Telegram insinuates that there was a ring of lawyers prosecuting the late case against Payson. It probably had in view the fact that Hackney and McDonald were counsel against Payson in other cases, but we are informed by persons who know that neither Hackney and McDonald nor any other attorney assisted Mr. Torrance in any way in the case just tried.
Winfield Courier, May 13, 1880.
County Attorney Torrance has won additional laurels in his successful conduct of the Payson case. Some are inclined to divide the credit equally between the prosecuting attorney and the judge, but we assert, and we will stick to it, that Torrance was the main prosecutor.
Winfield Courier, May 13, 1880.

The trial of Chas. H. Payson, for obtaining property under false pretenses, terminated last Monday by the jury bringing in a verdict of guilty. While this case was pending, we carefully avoided saying anything that would tend to prejudice the minds of our readers for or against the unfortunate victim; but now that the matter has been fully tried, a verdict rendered, and the case no longer before the jury and court, we shall attempt a review of the testimony and facts pertaining to the prosecution and conviction. On or about the 26th of January, Mr. Payson filed for record a deed from Lena McNeil to himself, conveying certain real estate known as the “Curns property.” This deed he claimed to have obtained for services rendered in the trial of Dick Rhonimus (a brother of Mrs. McNeil who was then in jail charged with stealing cattle), and for legal services to be rendered during the year. Soon after obtaining the deed, he mortgaged the property to James Jordan for $480, and subsequently sold it to G. H. Buckman, subject to the mortgage, for $200. About this time Rhonimus escaped from jail, and soon after Payson was arrested for obtain­ing the deed under false pretenses, and after a preliminary examination, was remanded to jail until this term of the district court. At this trial the examination was full and searching, every effort being put forward by the prosecution and the defense. Mrs. McNeil, and her daughter, Lena, testified that their intention was to convey the property to Mrs. McNeil, and that Payson produced and read to them a deed making such conveyance; but afterward, while going from Mrs. McNeil’s house to the notary public’s office, substituted another conveying the property to himself, which was signed and acknowledged by Lena upon his representation. These are the facts as gleaned from the evidence; and in our opinion, the jury brought in a verdict in accordance, as they were sworn to do, “with the law and evidence in the case,” but from an outside standpoint, we regard the matter in  a very different light, and are free to say that we believe Mrs. McNeil to be as deep in the mud as Payson is in the mire. If the information in this case had been quashed, as the court at first intimated it would do, and a strict investigation had been made into the jail delivery business, more light would have been thrown upon a very complicated matter. As it is, we are heartily sorry for Charles H. Payson. Had he pursued an honorable, upright course in his everyday life and conduct while practicing here, he would have won fame, honor, and wealth with scarcely an effort, and might have laughed at any prosecution brought against him. Even in this, his darkest hour, he has many friends who believe him innocent, and who will leave no stone unturned to secure his early release. It is sad to see a young man, just in the prime of his life, and upon whom nature has lavished her most costly gifts, con­demned to a fate which, to a person of spirit, is worse than death. Where he will live on from year to year with all the finer sensibilities and feelings of a man seared and contaminated by constant association with the vilest class of humanity, and to come forth at last with the brand of Cain upon his forehead and the curse of an ex-convict upon his life.
Winfield Courier, May 13, 1880.
The Court has this week disposed of the following cases. State vs. Payson: guilty. The demurrer to the proceedings to set aside the deed made by Lena McNeil to C. H. Payson was overruled, and defendant allowed to file answer.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 19, 1880.
The following affecting incident in the trial of Charles Payson we clip from the Winfield Courier. While it is right that all criminals should be punished, we cannot but extend our sympathy to our young friend, whose mistaken course has led to his ruin, and also to his grief-stricken mother, who clung to him with all the tenacity of a loving mother’s heart.
“One of the saddest things happening during the trial of Payson was the effect which the verdict had upon his aged mother, who was present throughout the whole proceedings. As soon as the verdict of guilty was pronounced, her emotion overcame her, and she threw herself into his arms, moaning out in all the bitter­ness of a broken heart, ‘Oh, Charley! won’t they let me go to prison with you?’ Verily, her gray hairs will be brought down in sorrow to the grave.”
Winfield Courier, May 20, 1880.
Judge Campbell characterizes the men on the streets on Monday after the Payson verdict as “drunken rabble.” We say it was not a drunken rabble. No one was drunk so far as we observed. The crowds were made up largely of the best and most intelligent men in the county. They were men who could make a clear statement of the case, and certainly made what appeared a good case for Payson. They were as respectable a crowd as we have seen upon our streets, men whose opinions are entitled to as much weight. We were certainly surprised at the fact that so great a majority sympathized with Payson and condemned the court proceedings.
In the May 20, 1880, issue, the following development occurred, which brought about a new situation: a contempt charge by Judge Campbell against three Winfield editors. Am covering only the first part...
Winfield Courier, May 20, 1880.
Last Monday morning an attachment for contempt of court was issued by Judge Campbell against W. M. Allison, of the Telegram, and D. A. Millington and Ed. P. Greer, of the COURIER.  A fine of two hundred dollars each was assessed against Messrs. Allison and Millington, and one dollar against Mr. Greer, parties to stand committed until paid. A stay of execution, without bond, for ten days was granted to allow the defendants to make a case for the Supreme Court. The alleged contempt was the publication of certain articles relating to a criminal case tried last week.
Winfield Courier, May 20, 1880.

Last Monday morning we were taken completely by surprise by an attachment issued for us by Judge Campbell for contempt of court. On examining the complaint, which was written by the judge himself, we found that the contempt consisted in, and was entire­ly made up of, the following three short articles, which appeared in last week’s COURIER, namely:
Probably no case was ever tried in this county which has created so much interest as the trial of C. H. Payson, just terminating with the verdict of guilty in the District Court. After the verdict large squads of men were gathered on each corner discussing it with great warmth, and criticizing scathing­ly those who took part in the trial either as witnesses, attorneys, jury, or judge. The majority seemed to sympathize strongly with Payson; eulogized his plea in his own defense as one of the best forensic efforts ever heard; thought that though Payson was probably guilty of something bad, he was not guilty of the offense charged in the indictment and that if he was guilty of another offense, the prosecuting witness was equally guilty of the same offense. They criticize the county attorney for being too zealous in the prosecution, and the judge as acting as prosecuting attorney and ruling out evidence supposed to be favorable to Payson. The minority seemed to be equally sure that Payson was guilty as charged, and had been given a fair trial, that Torrance had done his whole duty and nothing more, that the judge was fair and impartial, and that the jury could not have done otherwise than it did. This new jury of the whole public will probably never be able to agree.
The boys tell us that in the trial of Payson, when the witness Goodrich was on the stand for cross-examination, Judge Campbell took the witness out of the hands of the attorneys and cross-examined him for an hour in an effort to make him contra­dict himself. This reminds us of a case before Judge Davis, of Illinois, in which the attorney for the prosecution demanded that the case proceed to trial at the time set, though the attorney for the defense was absent. Judge Davis said the case could to trial, but would mention that a similar case happened in La Salle County, and this court looked to the interest of the absent attorney for the defense, and said Judge Davis, ‘You remember that we beat ‘em.’
“County Attorney Torrance has won additional laurels in his successful conduct of the Payson case. Some are inclined to divide the credit equally between the prosecuting attorney, and the judge, but we assert, and we will stick to it, that Torrance was the main prosecutor.”

The judge considered us guilty of contempt for publishing the above and assessed a fine of $200. Now anyone who reads the first article above quoted, and was present on the streets last Monday after the verdict was rendered and paying attention to what was going on, knows that the article does not tell the whole truth in regard to the intensity of feeling expressed and numbers of those who sympathized with Payson. It seems to us that any such person can see that we intended to state the facts in a modified way with a view to allay the excitement, instead of attempting to stir it up, as the judge claimed. We did not state our own opinion of the Payson case because we had not attended the trial, and therefore our opinions could not be of value; but we had the idea that Payson had a reasonably fair trial, that the verdict of the jury was just, and that the fact that the judge questioned a witness an hour was not such an offense against law, the witness, and the prisoner as was claimed by the people. Our local attended the trial, and his views, which he expressed in the local columns, were different from ours. We had a clear right to publish that article, and we maintain that had we told the whole truth con­cerning what was said and done on the streets that day, whatever the effect of such publication, it would not have been a contempt. The second article complained of is a treatment in the same way of the fact that the judge cross-examined a witness for an hour. Those who heard the denunciations, accusations, and threats that were uttered against the judge on this account, will see that our manner of making light of it would tend to relieve the judge rather than to embarrass him. But we had a right to tell the truth about it in any event.
But that last squib was the feather which broke the camel’s back. The judge says that was the meanest thing of all in that it had a political motive. He does not claim that this was in itself a contempt. Well, when we allowed that to go in (we did not write it), we did observe that it looked like taffy for Torrance and irony for Campbell. It did look as though we were partial to Torrance as against Campbell. Notwithstanding the uniform courtesy we have shown him in our canvass against him for District Judge, he seems to have somehow got the idea that we were personally bitter toward him, and just ready to rake up everything that could be said against him and publish it to the country. Under this hallucination, perhaps it is no wonder that he sees concealed in the articles complained of so much that we never dreamed of. But we forbear further comment at this time. In our cooler and more dispassionate moments, we may have more to say.
The fight that occurred by the Winfield editors and Judge Campbell goes on for some time. In the meantime events were happening with Charles H. Payson, which I am covering. MAW
Winfield Courier, May 20, 1880.
Judge Coldwell succeeded in getting a writ of habeas corpus for Charles H. Payson, with which Payson was met at Lawrence and is now at Topeka, where his trial is in progress before the Supreme Court.
1880. Convicts in Kansas State Penitentiary.
2214 - Chas. H. Payson
Sentenced May 13, 1880. Received at Prison May 20, 1880.
Crime: False pretenses. Did not plead Guilty. Term: 5 Years. Age: 24. Height: 5'10-3/4"
Lawyer. Born: Indiana. Parents both living: H L. & Marie [Marisco?] Payson, Ashkusa, Illinois. Time in Prison: 2 months. [Signature: Chas H Payson]
Arkansas City Traveler, September 8, 1880.
Payson, sentenced to the penitentiary lately, has charge of the clothing room, and endures it better than he expected. His brother is a prominent candidate for Congress in Illinois.
Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.
The case of Buckman and Jordan against Lena McNeil, involv­ing Buckman’s title to the McNeil property, which he purchased of Chas. Payson, was decided in Buckman’s favor by the Supreme Court, reversing the decision of the district court.
Winfield Courier, June 23, 1881.
Mr. Payson, of Illinois, father of Charles Payson, was here last week to take the initial proceedings to procure the pardon of the latter. Mr. Payson, the elder, is a very agreeable and intelligent gentleman, and goes about his work in the most judicious way.
Winfield Courier, November 3, 1881.

Cowley County, Kansas, November A. D. 1881 Term.
Judge: Hon. E. S. Torrance. County Attorney: F. S. Jennings. Civil Docket. Second Day. Lena McNeil vs. Charles H. Payson, et al.
Cowley County Courant, November 24, 1881.
That C. H. Payson has been pardoned out of the penitentiary, and is now a free man, as in the humble opinion of a large number, he should have been all the time.
Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.
Mr. Charles H. Payson has received a pardon from the Governor and was released from the penitentiary about two weeks ago. He is now, we understand, in Illinois with his brother.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 30, 1881.
C. H. Payson, an ex-Winfield lawyer, who was recently pardoned out of the penitentiary, is now rusticating in Iowa.
Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.
Charlie Payson delivered a lecture at Ummethums Opera House, in Leavenworth, Saturday evening, on the subject of “Crimes and Criminals.” Mr. Payson is a very fine orator, and has had abundant opportunity to study the subject on which he lectures. Charlie has at least opened up a new field for lecture bureaus to draw from.
Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.
Judge Tipton is following the footsteps of Payson and Nat Coldwell in making greenback speeches and organizing clubs. He started a club of four members at Rose Valley last week.
Winfield Courier, January 5, 1882.
Chas. H. Payson is here and will deliver his lecture on “Crime and Criminals” next Monday evening; and we predict to the largest audience that has ever assembled in Winfield. Whatever be Payson’s faults, he still has friends in this community who cling to him, and we believe and hope that past experiences will serve as a guide for future actions, and that Charlie will yet live to be a respected and useful citizen. He has our best wishes for the future, but none other than himself can frame it.
CHAS. H. PAYSON -WILL DELIVER A- LECTURE -ON- “CRIMES AND CRIMINALS” -AT THE- OPERA HOUSE, -ON- MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 9. Admission 50 cents. No extra charge for Reserved seats, which can be secured at Goldsmith’s.
Cowley County Courant, January 5, 1882.
Charlie Payson, Opera house, Monday night.
Cowley County Courant, January 5, 1882.
C. H. Payson will lecture at the opera house next Monday evening on “Crimes and Criminals.” Admission 50 cents; no extra charge for reserved seats.
Cowley County Courant, January 5, 1882.
Charley Payson’s lecture at the Opera House next Monday night promises to be well worthy of a good audience. His subject is one he is familiar with on account of his association and observations in and about the penitentiary of Kansas for eighteen months. No doubt his subject will be new to many of our people. Mr. Payson is a very pleasant talker, and will find all there is in his subject.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 11, 1882.
Charlie Payson delivered his lecture, “Crimes and Criminals,” at Winfield last Monday.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 11, 1882.
Charles Payson, recently pardoned from the penitentiary, has returned again to Winfield. He has a lecture on “Crimes and Criminals.”
Arkansas City Traveler, January 11, 1882.
The case of McNeil vs. Buckman, over the possession of the old J. W. Curns house, which got Charlie Payson into his diffi­culty, has been decided in favor of Buckman. Geo. will take possession of the property and move his family in.
Cowley County Courant, January 12, 1882.
Charles Payson intends lecturing in Arkansas City on “Crimes and Criminals.”
Cowley County Courant, January 12, 1882.
A petition signed by a large number of Winfield citizens has been presented to Charlie Payson, asking him to again deliver his lecture on “Crimes and Criminals” at the Opera House, some evening soon, and he will probably do so.
Winfield Courier, January 12, 1882.
Payson’s Lecture. Notwithstanding the real and unfortunate illness of Mr. Payson last Monday night, he delivered the principal part of it to a very large audience. His physical condition prevented him from using his wonted vim and force in delivery, but he is a natural center and his effort was a pleasant success. The subject matter had been studied carefully and arranged gracefully, making the performance exceedingly interesting. Besides it contained a large amount of interesting information and true sentiment. A large number of citizens have requested him to repeat the lecture, which he has promised to do sometime next week.
Cowley County Courant, February 23, 1882.
Charlie Payson, who was sent to the penitentiary from Winfield for crookedness in real estate transactions, and par­doned by Gov. St. John, was recently announced to lecture in Florence. He delivered his lecture and failed to pay his hotel and other bills. Augusta Gazette.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1882.
Charles Payson, who was sent to the Penitentiary from Winfield for crookedness in real-estate transactions, and par­doned by Gov. St. John, was recently announced to lecture in Florence. He delivered his lecture but failed to pay his hotel and other bills. Augusta Gazette.
Winfield Courier, March 9, 1882.
It seems that Chas. Payson has got into trouble again and papers are out for his arrest. Soon after he was discharged from the penitentiary he visited Topeka and while there it seems that several lawyers who wished to help him along gave him a collection of $200 to make, for which he was to receive $25. He made the collection, but never paid the money over, and the lawyers who wished to help him had it to pay. It seems that Payson’s experience has done him no good.
Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.
Chas. H. Payson’s parents furnished him with $250, with which to pay back the money he embezzled, but he got the money and skipped.


Cowley County Courant, March 16, 1882.
Our former citizen, Chas. H. Payson, whom it was hoped experience would teach a lesson, was recently arrested and lodged in jail at Topeka. His parents sent him $250, which he used to pay back the money he was charged with embezzling, and he is again on the wing. We are afraid Payson is a lost community.
Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.
From our Topeka correspondent we receive the following.
C. H. Payson, late of your city, has been figuring quite conspicuously here of late. It appears that when he was pardoned he came here from Leavenworth, and while here a young lawyer named Spencer took pity on him, and to “help him out,” gave him an account of two hundred and twenty-five dollars to collect. The debtor was in Leavenworth County, and Payson was to go there and collect the claim and receive twenty-five dollars and his expenses. He went to Leavenworth, collected the money, and on his return here made no report to Spencer, but left for Winfield. Last week he was arrested in Burlington this state, and brought here. He telegraphed his brother in Washington to send him the money, and also sent a dispatch to his father in Illinois to send the following dispatch to his brother: “Please send Charlie the money he wants this once. FATHER.” This was on Tuesday the 7th. Charlie was locked up that day, but on the 8th a dispatch came from the brother in Washington that he had sent the money. So Payson was allowed to run about during the day, but confined at night. On Friday the money was received by Payson in the shape of a draft. As soon as he received the letter he took the draft to a bank and got it cashed and has not since been heard from. The constable is now on the lookout for him. When asked what he did with the money he said he had lost it, but declined to state how or in what manner. Governor St. John is reported to have said that he should always regret having pardoned Payson.
Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.
The criminal genius of Charles Payson, is something remark­able, and will lead him either to glory or the grave. His getting the money sent him by his father while he was in jail at Topeka and getting away with it in his possession was an act calculated to call forth admiration for a brilliant criminal exploit if such a thing could be done. This man slides around in society plundering wherever he goes, and escapes from the meshes of the law like an eel through a man’s hand. The fact that a man just out of the penitentiary should use his disgraceful punish­ment as the foundation for a lecture, and travel around as a high toned gentleman, is enough to take a man’s breath away to contem­plate. Wherever he has gone he has played the dead beat, and at the same time made friends who would be ready to swear to the purity of the man’s character, and consider him an unfortunate and much abused gentleman. The man is inherently bad and can no more keep out of the penitentiary than a piece of wood can drift against the current of a river. In some particulars, this man strongly resembles Guiteau. He has an inordinate desire for notoriety or to attract public attention, and he also seems blessed with the idea that he is a highly respectable gentleman and worthy of the unlimited confidence and regard of his fellow men. He is a character worth observing and will never fail of attracting attention. He is a grand blood sucker to be turned loose upon society.
Cowley County Courant, May 4, 1882.

Judge McDonald’s brief to the Supreme Court in the Payson and McNeil case is one of the strongest legal documents we have ever seen. It covers twenty-seven pages of printed matter and the citations embrace the law in every phase of the case. The document was printed by our job department, and we flatter ourselves that it compares favorably with any work of the kind ever laid before the Supreme Court. Courier.
We have no doubt but that Judge McDonald’s brief is a good and strong one. We judge wholly from the gentleman’s ability. But when it is considered that the Courier has about as much idea of law as the running gears of a last year’s crow’s nest, the compliment is somewhat doubtful.
Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.
The famous suit for the possession of the McNeil property, which Payson fraudulently gained possession of and sold, has been settled by the supreme court, which affirms Mr. Buckman’s title to the premises.
Winfield Courier, October 11, 1883.
Several of our Winfield folks saw C. H. Payson at Denver during the reunion. He is traveling for a Chicago publishing house.
[This was the last news about Charles H. Payson.]