I. H. Phenis and C. J. Phenis.
On the 9th day of January, 1870, a party of fifteen men under the lead of Thomas Coats took claims along the Grouse valley. Their names were John Coats, Wm. Coats, Joseph Reynolds, Gilbert Branson, Henry Branson, H. Hayworth, L. B. Bullington, J. T. Raybell, D. T. Walters, S. S. Severson, John Nicholls, and three gentlemen by the name of Phenis: Newton Phenis, I. H. Phenis, and C. J. Phenis.
The search for the three Phenis men was started by R. Kay Wortman many years ago.
Two of the brothers (I. H. and C. J. Phenis) were found living in Windsor Township in 1875 when the census was taken. Newton Phenis, for some reason, was not there.
Kansas 1875 Census, Windsor Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
I. H. Phenis 26 m w Indiana Indiana
A. A. Phenis 22 f w Iowa Iowa
Dora Phenis 2 f w Kansas
A. S. Phenis 1 m w Kansas
C. J. Phenis 25 m w Indiana Indiana
Margaret Phenis 22 f w Indiana Indiana
Newton Phenis, identified as J. N. Phenis, appeared in 1873 in Windsor township census. His age was listed as 21. He was unmarried. No further information on him.
I. H. Phenis was listed in the 1879 Windsor township, age 31; spouse, A., 27. Their Post Office address was Lazette. In the 1880 Windsor township census, I. H. Phenis was listed as age 31; spouse A., 27. Their Post Office address had changed to Cambridge.
C. J. Phenis was listed in the 1879 Windsor township census, age 29; spouse M., 25. Their Post Office address was Lazette. In the 1880 Windsor township census, C. J. Phenis appeared, age, 30; spouse, M., 27. Their Post Office address was Cambridge.
I. H. Phenis...
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1874.
CIVIL DOCKET. SEVENTH DAY. 59. Jerry McCann vs. Isaac H. Phenis.
(?) Phenis...
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1874.
Blair Bros. vs. Phenis, Judgment for plaintiff.
McCann vs. Phenis, dismissed at plaintiff’s cost.
I. H. Phenis...
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874.
Witness: I. H. Phenis, $22.00.
French & (?) Phenis...
Winfield Courier, December 10, 1874.
DIED. Mr. Horace Terry was buried here on the 28th inst. He had purchased an interest in the Saw Mill of French & Phenis, and by very hard work and exposure, brought on Typhoid pneumonia from which he died.
C. J. Phenis...
Winfield Courier, January 21, 1875.
LAZETTE, Kansas, Jan. 19, 1875.
The citizens of Windsor Township met pursuant to a call, to organize an aid society and elect a committee to cooperate with the Cowley County committee on relief, in procuring aid for the needy. The officers of the Windsor Township aid society, are S. M. Tillson, Pres., C. J. Phenis, Vice Pres., A. J. Pickering, sec. Committee consisting of I. N. McCracken, C. J. Phenis, S. B. Sherman. On motion there was a committee of one elected for each school district to assist in canvassing the township to ascertain the exact number of destitute. The following were the appointments: District No. 15, P. McDaniel; District No. 14, W. E. Gates; District No. 16, S. D. Tomlin, District No. 87, T. J. Harris, District No. 57, Jesse Hiatt.
By order of the society the committee will canvass the township and report on Thursday evening, and send in their report to the County relief committee on Friday.
On motion it was ordered by the society that a copy of the proceedings of this meeting be furnished the COURIER and the Traveler for publication. A. J. PICKERING, Secy.
Winfield Courier, June 24, 1875.
Charley Phenis has completed his work as assessor. So far as can be judged, he was entirely successful in enrolling the odds and ends left by the chinch bugs and hoppers of last summer.
I. H. Phenis...
Winfield Courier, February 24, 1876.
I. H. PHENIS has sold his farm in Cowley County and will return to Greenwood. He has left Cowley because he does not like herd law. Greenwood has always got most of the good cattle from down there and will soon have all the best citizens.
Eureka Herald.
“Ish dot so?” Greenwood County has been settled about three times as long as Cowley and has but few more than half the population. Twenty-eight percent of the taxable land in Cowley County is in cultivation, while but ten percent of the land in Greenwood is cultivated. In Cowley the increase of cultivated acres was 32,180, in Greenwood 14,140 during the past year. If a man wants to pasture a herd of cattle where they may range for miles over flint hills without molesting a farmer, Greenwood is the county, but if he wishes to make a home where the soil is productive, society first class, and plenty of it, and where the future wealth will be, Cowley County is the place for him.
C. J. Phenis...
Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.
Township Conventions. The Republicans of Windsor Township met in convention at Lazette, Sept. 9th, 1876, and elected the following delegates to attend the county convention at Winfield, Sept. 16th, 1876: S. M. Fall, C. J. Phenis, and J. N. McCracken, delegates.
Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.
As a general thing, S. M. Fall, of Lazette, don’t take much interest in politics, but last week he consented to come over with Charlie Phenis and Mr. McCracken and give R. C. Story a “lift.” They succeeded in lifting him above all other candidates, and consequently went home happy.
I. H. Phenis...
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
I. H. Phenis, of Windsor Township, has bought his old farm back. He could not stand it away from glorious Cowley, and has come back for the fatted calf.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
I. H. Phenis, now living at Madison, Greenwood County, was in town last week. He still has a farm on Grouse, in this county, to which he will return in the fall.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
Civil Docket. Fourth Day. S. L. Brettun vs. Isaac H. Phenis et al. [Webb & Black.]
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
District Court. The following cases were continued: McMasters vs. Hughes, Brettun vs. Phenis.
Winfield Courier, January 5, 1882.
Ike Phenis was over from Grouse Creek Monday on business before the Commissioners.
Winfield Courier, January 5, 1882.
The I. H. Phenis county road was ordered opened Tuesday and following damages given:
N. H. Skees, $80; J. M. Jackson, $80; Charles Ballou, $80.
C. J. Phenis...
Winfield Courier, March 9, 1882.
Chas. J. Phenis sold his farm of 120 acres, in Sheridan Township, to Lincoln Branson, for $1,200 last week.
Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.
C. J. Phenis, who sold his farm near Torrance and moved to Burden, is now building a residence here and will shortly move back.
Winfield Courier, April 27, 1882.
Mr. Charley Phenis is building a neat house in town and will move over from Burden as soon as it is completed.
Winfield Courier, May 11, 1882.
Charlie Phenis has completed his dwelling and is snugly housed therein with his family.
I. H. Phenis...
Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.
Ike Phenis, of the raging Grouse Valley, was in the city Saturday and smiled across our table for a few moments. Ike is one of Cowley’s old-timers and she has no better citizen within her borders.
C. J. Phenis...
Winfield Courier, September 21, 1882.
Horticultural Matters. MR. EDITOR: Being appointed to report the display of fruits made at the Courthouse, from which to make selections for the State Fair, it would be desirable to give the names of all the contributors; but being appointed at a late hour, and many who contributed brought their fruit and told some member who forgot to properly label (trusting to memory), and thus the name of the donor was lost, I am unable to do so. We desire to give credit to all; yet if, under the circumstances, we should fail, we hope there will be no hard feelings; for, Mr. Editor, if you had seen the deluge of fine fruit and the crowd of visitors, you would certainly commend us for the work we accomplished as a society. I must be content to present the names of those who brought their offerings to the Courthouse, as far as I was able to obtain them, with the name of each variety of fruit (and it will be needless for me to say there were no inferior specimens) and present the reports of special committees as far as they have been handed in.
Mrs. C. J. Phenis brought Grimes’ Golden, McAfee’s Nonsuch, Willow Twig, Maiden Blush; Fall Wine, Missouri Pippin, Sops of Wine, Sweet Pear, Wine Sap, Cannous Pear, Maine and Kentucky red apples.
I. H. Phenis...
Winfield Courier, June 28, 1883.
Notice to Contractors. Bids will be received for the construction of a two-story stone schoolhouse at Torrance, until the 7th day of July. The specifications can be seen at the COURIER office or at the post office in Torrance. Sealed bids must be mailed to I. H. Phenis, Torrance, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.
WINDSOR: S. B. Sherman, Capt. J. Shaw, J. C. Hendrickson, A. H. Baker.
Alternates: S. P. Martin, Joe Bunnell, J. M. Jackson, I. H. Phenis.
C. J. Phenis...
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1884.
BOARD met in regular session agreeable to adjournment of January 16, 1884. Present: S. C. Smith (Chairman), Amos Walton, Commissioner, County Attorney, and J. S. Hunt, County Clerk. Among other proceedings the following claims were allowed the Judges and Clerks of the February 5th 1884 election...paid from $2.00 to $6.00.
WINDSOR TOWNSHIP. Judges: S. B. Sherman, J. C. Hendrickson, M. K. Hull; Clerks: James Kinley, C. J. Phenis.
Winfield Courier, April 17, 1884.
Charles Phenis, of Windsor Township, was allowed a constitutional exemption and all personal property tax for 1883 was remitted.
I. H. Phenis...
Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.
CAMBRIDGE NEWS. Ike Phenis, who lives south of Torrance, has lost over forty head of hogs in the last few days, from disease.
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.
Mr. I. H. Phenis, of Windsor Township, was in the city Saturday and told us of a very strange disease which has killed sixty-five head of his hogs and is still preying on the flock. He at first supposed the disease was cholera and treated the hogs accordingly, but could give them no relief. The hogs would begin to cough, become sluggish, and in about a week die. The symptoms were nearly the same as in cholera, but Mr. Phenis determined to investigate the matter. He held a postmortem over several of the victims and found all the interior organism apparently healthy excepting the lungs, which were decayed, feverish, and bloated. This fact convinces him that the disease is lung fever, but he has as yet discovered no remedy. His loss is now about seven hundred dollars and he will pay a big reward for a cure. The disease has appeared only among the hogs of Mr. Phenis, and prompt action with a speedy cure may stop the plague entirely.
I. H. Phenis...
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.
The report of the committee on credentials was then submitted, and the following parties reported as entitled to seats in the convention.
WINDSOR. J. A. Irwin, R. F. Roberts, I. H. Phenis, B. H. Clover.
Winfield Courier, November 20, 1884.
Ike Phenis, Mr. Hendricks, and Amos Campbell are going to take a trip to the west this week in order to look at the country and perhaps locate.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.
County road petition of S. G. Carter granted, and M. K. Hull, Shelton Morris, and Ike Phenis appointed viewers.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.
S. G. Castor et al; for road in Liberty township, commencing on sw corner of sec 6, in township 33, s of range 6 e; thence w along the sec line, or as near thereto as practicable, to point on said line w of place of beginning, where a public road is now located, between sections 2 and 11, in township33, s of r 5e, in Cowley County; same being 1¼ miles in length. M. K. Hull, Shelton Morris, and Isaac Phenis, viewers; and N. A. Haight, county surveyor, will meet at place of beginning on March 23rd, 1885, at 10 o’clock a.m., survey said road, and give all parties a hearing.
C. J. Phenis...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.
Windsor: Chas J. Phenis, trustee; W. L. Koons, clerk; James B. Rowe, treasurer; I. B. Todd and J. T. Rittenhouse, justices; S. Greenleaf and Joseph Jackson, constables.
I. H. Phenis...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 7, 1885.
The May party given by Miss Eva and her school last Friday was quite a success. They ate dinner at the schoolhouse, and just had everything good to eat. After dinner Mr. I H. Phenis took them all down to the creek, where they spent the afternoon fishing. Miss Eva was presented with a nice cake by the school.
C. J. Phenis...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 18, 1885.
ASSESSORS’ FEES. C. J. Phenis, $138.00.
I. H. Phenis...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
WINDSOR. Delegates: S. M. Fall, J. W. Tull, W. B. Weimer, G. G. Barber, W. E. Dwyer, Ike Phenis, Shelton Morris. Alternates: A. B. Booth, Ben Clover, N. E. Darling, Jesse Hiatt, C. Rheims, Will Branson, N. S. Crawford.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 5, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
Dan N. Dressler et ux to I H Phenis, lot 7, blk 121, Torrance: $15.00.
James Lyon et ux to I H Phenis, lot 19, blk 141, Torrance: $15.00.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 14, 1886.
J. D. Maurer and I. H. Phenis were in Winfield several days last week, being caught in the storm.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.
I. H. Phenis has been under the weather for several days.
C. J. Phenis...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.
The assessors of the several townships and cities of Cowley County, Kansas, met at the office of the County Clerk at 10 o’clock a.m. on Monday, March 1st, 1886, for the purpose of fixing a basis of assessment for the real and personal property of said county for the year 1886. The following assessors were present. C. J. Phenis, Windsor.
[Note: My coverage of Phenis brothers quits with the last item. MAW]