M. F. Kelly
Winfield Directory 1885:
Kelly M F, photographer, 812 Main, res same.
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.
M. F. Kelly, of northern Indiana, has bought the photography gallery formerly owned by McIntire, is open and ready to do first-class work. Give him a trial and be convinced. You will find Kelly a gentleman and always ready to wait on his customers.
J. S. McIntire was located above Wallis & Wallis groceries.
1880 Winfield Directory.
Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.
M. F. Kelly, of northern Indiana, has bought the photograph gallery formerly owned by McIntire, is open and ready to do first-class work. Give him a trial and be convinced. You will find Kelly a gentleman and always ready to wait on his customers.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 7, 1885.
Captain Steuven appointed the following non-commissioned officers of Company C., K. S. M., at a special meeting last night. T. J. Harris, orderly sergeant; M. L. Wortman, commissary; G. F. Corwin, second sergeant; Albert McNeil, third; H. G. Norton, fourth; and C. H. Collins, fifth; W. T. Madden, M. F. Kelly, J. L. Ward, and D. R. Jackman, corporals.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 31, 1885.
Never, excepting in 1876, did Cowley see as beautiful a Christmas day as this year. The sun was warm and bright and the air as soft and balmy as in the glorious month of May. It was a puzzle to tell whether it was really Christmas or the Fourth of July.
Company C., K. N. G., were out on dress parade Christmas morning. At the rink they had a drill and were shot by Photographer Kelly. In their bright uniforms and warlike accouterments, they took a fine picture. In the afternoon they had a rifle practice in McMullen’s pasture, on the west side.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
Mrs. Dr. Brown, of Grand Summit, and Miss Anna Fox, of Council Grove, Kansas, spent Sunday with their friends, Miss Carrie Hord and Mrs. Kelly, the photographer’s wife.
The Gallery of M. F. Kelly Fitted Up in Artistic and Metropolitan Style.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 11, 1886.
We all get shot occasionally—by the cameo. Nothing interests us more than to know where we can get a facsimile of ourselves that will do us justice, if not flatter. That Winfield has a Photographic Gallery absolutely unsurpassed by any outside of the large eastern metropolis, both in artistic work and fashionably furnished and roomy apartments, is now full established. The gallery of M. F. Kelly, over Wallis & Wallis’, has been enlarged and elegantly re-appointed. The two front rooms have been added and handsomely furnished, making large parlors as neat and attractive as those of any private home. Beautiful carpets, mats, stands, upholstered furniture, and elaborate wall adornment make a reception room in harmony with the superior work and reputation of this gallery. Though here but little over a year, Mr. Kelly has established himself as a photographer unexcelled, as his large custom and displays fully attest. This elegantly furnished reception room, etc., has been badly needed and is the cap sheaf to a first-class gallery in every respect. Mr. Kelly’s scenic effects and diversified apparatus, for any kind of photography, are ample to suit the most fastidious tastes. He turns out all kinds of work from the smallest “gem” to the imposing portrait in crayon, water colors, or oil, in a manner unexcelled and giving perfect satisfaction. Drop in and view his new apartments and elaborate display of art. And remember, when you want to “sit” for a picture highly creditable to the original and the artist, you will choose the gallery of M. F. Kelly every time. The most courteous and painstaking treatment will always greet you.