

Winfield 1873: H. D. Pickering, 23. No spouse mentioned.
Windsor Township 1873: A. J. Pickering, 27; spouse, J. E., 23.
Windsor Township 1874: A. J. Pickering, 30; spouse, J. E., 25.
Kansas 1875 Census, Windsor Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
A. J. Pickering  30  m w Indiana Indiana
J. E. Pickering  25 f w Indiana Indiana
M. Pickering 5 f w Indiana Indiana
A. Pickering 3 f w Indiana   Indiana
H. Pickering 10m   m w Kansas
Windsor Township 1878: A. J. Pickering, 32; spouse, J. E., 28, P. O. Lazette.
Windsor Township 1879: A. J. Pickering, 33; spouse, J. E., 29, P. O. Lazette.
Windsor Township 1880: A. J. Pickering, 34; spouse, J. E., 30, P. O. Cambridge.
Note: A. J. Pickering moved from Windsor Township to Creswell Township.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874.
A. J. Pickering served as an election clerk, receiving $2.00.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.
CIVIL DOCKET. FIFTH DAY. H. S. Silver vs. H. D. Pickering.
Winfield Courier, December 17, 1874.
Mr. Arthur Pickering has taken steps to re-open his harness shop, and hopes soon to be in full running trim, and equal to any emergency in the line of business.
Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.
The Lazette Literary Society had a regular meeting on Friday evening last. The question of a change in the administration of the affairs of the nation was discussed, and it was decided that such change is demanded by the best interests of the country. An election then took place, which resulted as follows.
For President, John Clover; Vice Pres., R. M. Jackson; Treas., Mac D. Stapleton; Secretary, Arthur Pickering; Editors of paper, S. M. Fall and R. C. Story.
Winfield Courier, December 31, 1874.
Mr. Arthur Pickering returned from Wichita last week with a stock of saddlery, and opened his shop on the 28th.
Winfield Courier, January 21, 1875.
LAZETTE, Kansas, Jan. 19, 1875.

The citizens of Windsor Township met pursuant to a call, to organize an aid society and elect a committee to cooperate with the Cowley County committee on relief, in procuring aid for the needy. The officers of the Windsor Township aid society, are S. M. Tillson, Pres., C. J. Phenis, Vice Pres., A. J. Pickering, sec. Committee consisting of I. N. McCracken, C. J. Phenis, S. B. Sherman. On motion there was a committee of one elected for each school district to assist in canvassing the township to ascertain the exact number of destitute. The following were the appointments: District No. 15, P. McDaniel; District No. 14, W. E. Gates; District No. 16, S. D. Tomlin, District No. 87, T. J. Harris, District No. 57, Jesse Hiatt.
By order of the society the committee will canvass the township and report on Thursday evening, and send in their report to the County relief committee on Friday.
On motion it was ordered by the society that a copy of the proceedings of this meeting be furnished the COURIER and the Traveler for publication. A. J. PICKERING, Secy.
Winfield Courier, December 16, 1875.
Esquire A. J. Pickering has had two terms of court since he ascended the judicial bench.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 6, 1876.
The initiary steps to a number of heavy law suits were lately taken by parties in the valley; but unfortunately, the dread of justice to be dispensed by A. J. Pickering’s court caused the contending parties to compromise.
Winfield Courier, March 2, 1876.
Mr. S. M. Fall and A. J. Pickering went to Wichita last week with a hundred bushels of Hungarian seed. They found the market down.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 22, 1876.
Winfield Courier, April 6, 1876. Editorial Page.
MARRIED. On Friday, March 24, D. W. Ramage and Ettie Gardner were married. Mrs. Henry Ramage furnished a very invit­ing supper, and Squire A. J. Pickering tied the knot.
Cowley County Democrat, April 6, 1876.
MARRIED. At Lazette, at the residence of Mr. H. Ramage, by A. J. Pickering, J. P., Mr. D. W. Ramage, to Miss Ettie Gardner, all of Cowley County.
Winfield Courier, April 20, 1876.
LAZETTE, KANSAS, April 17th, 1876. On Saturday evening a large railroad meeting was held in this place. Mr. L. J. Johnson, of Elk Falls, was present and made a lengthy speech explanatory of railroad laws, and matters so far as our interests were concerned.

Speeches were then made by Messrs. Burden, Clover, Fall, Stapleton, Brooks, Story, Jones, Huff, Peebler, McGraw, and others, in almost unanimous support of the movement for an East and West road through Cowley County.
The following resolution was then adopted: Resolved, That we, the citizens of Grouse Valley, stand ready to support a railroad from the East with bonds to the full extent of the law. But few opposing voices were heard during the discussion.
Mr. S. M. Fall was selected as a director to assist in organizing a company this week in Elk County. Messrs. B. H. Clover, R. F. Burden, Mac D. Stapleton, A. J. Pickering, and John Brooks were then placed upon a committee to look after all matters pertaining to railroad interests in connection with our valley.
The meeting was attended by the leading men from most of the eastern sections of the county. The feeling is growing deeper and wider among our people that our large agricultural interests can be properly nurtured and cultivated by and through direct railroad communications with eastern markets.
Winfield Courier, May 4, 1876.
A. J. Pickering is to be appointed postmaster at Lazette, vice R. C. Story, resigned.
Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.
S. M. FALL and P. M. PICKERING walked into our office to chat over what “might have been” in railroads, and to say that Windsor was red hot for anything to break the present
Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.
Township Conventions.
The Republicans of Windsor Township met in convention at Lazette, Sept. 9th, 1876, and elected the following delegates to attend the county convention at Winfield, Sept. 16th, 1876: S. M. Fall, C. J. Phenis, and I. N. McCracken, delegates. The following delegates were chosen to attend the district convention at Dexter, Sept. 23, 1876: C. W. Jones, J. W. Tull, and R. W. Jackson. The following named gentlemen were chosen to fill the township offices: Justices of Peace, C. W. Jones and A. J. Pickering; Trustee, John Brooks; Constables, Wm. Fritch and J. W. Tull; Township Clerk, S. Tyler; Township Treasurer, Joseph Sweet; Road Overseers—District No. 1, E. Rockwell; No. 2, Pike Everts; No. 3, E. M. Freeman; No. 4, T. B. Washam; No. 5, J. W. Hiatt.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.
The following officers were nominated in the different townships, and most of them are probably elected.
Windsor Township. For Justices of the Peace, C. W. Jones, A. J. Pickering; for Constables, Wm. Fritch, J. W. Tull; for Township Trustee, John Brooks; for Township Treasurer, Joseph Sweet; for Township Clerk, S. Tyler; for Road Overseers: Dist No. 1, E. Rockwell; Dist No. 2, Pike Everts; Dist. No. 3, E. M. Freeman; Dist No. 4, T. B. Washam; District No. 5, J. W. Hiatt.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1876. Editorial Page.

Windsor Township: Mc. D. Stapleton, Trustee; A. Tyler, Clerk; J. H. Sweet, Treasurer; A. J. Pickering, J. P.; W. Fritch and J. W. Tull, Constables.
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1877.
Election fees: $2.00.
Winfield Courier, November 15, 1877.
Windsor—H. D. Wilkins, Trustee; J. H. Sweet, Treasurer; M. Hemingway, Clerk; T. Tyler, A. J. Pickering, Justices; D. A. Dale, C. W. Kelly, Constables.
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1877.
Election services, A. J. Pickering.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.
A delegate Convention of the Republicans was held at the courthouse in Winfield on Saturday, Aug. 10th, at 10 o’clock a.m. The meeting was called to order by Hon. C. R. Mitchell, Chairman of the Republican Central Committee, who read the call and stated the object of the meeting.
On motion, Hon. E. C. Manning was elected temporary chair­man, and C. M. Scott, Secretary, with Ed. G. Gray, Assistant Secretary.
On motion a committee of five was appointed by the chairman, to act as Committee on Credentials: W. A. Metcalf, Cedar Town­ship; Ed. G. Gray, of Creswell Township; Mr. Strong, of Rock Township; James Kelly, of Winfield Township; and A. J. Pickering, of Windsor Township.
Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878.
LAZETTE, KANSAS, Sept. 12, 1879.
[RE MARRIAGE OF SOL. FRAZIER.]  The citizens of Lazette met at the store of Mc D. Stapleton; meeting called to order and L. C. Pattison elected president and Geo. Lee secretary. The meeting was for the purpose of procuring aid for one Sol. Frazier, one of our worthy citizens lately married. On motion a committee of one was appointed to pass the hat and take up a collection. Mc. D. Stapleton passed the hat and all present contributed very liberally and a sufficient sum was raised to purchase a sack of flour, forty cents worth of coffee, and a bunch of salt. A. J. Pickering was appointed to deliver said provisions, which he did in the best of style. On motion a committee consisting of Thos. Walch and Phillip Baker was appointed to visit and look after the wants of the family during the coming winter. On motion a vote of thanks was tendered Sol. Hisler and B. Fritch in assisting A. J. Pickering through a little trouble which he accidentally happened to have on his hands, and I will say for the benefit of all present that they are a success.
On motion a committee of the whole was appointed to escort the bridegroom to his home, after which three rousing cheers were given him and his fair one and the party dispersed in good order. By order of the meeting. L. C. PATTISON, President
GEO. LEE, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.
Sold Out by a Ring—The Way It Was Done. During Thursday and Friday of last week, Allison, A. A. Jackson, J. E. Allen, and two or three other greenbackers of this city were apparently very industrious and busy with the Democrats fixing up something. It seems that they arranged who should be chairman of the greenback convention, what he should do, who should be the committees, what they should do, who should be nominated by the convention, and how it should be done. They had their tickets printed and everything well cut and dried. At least the developments of Saturday show such a state of facts.
The National Greenback Labor Convention met on Saturday at 11 o’clock a.m. J. B. Callison was chosen chairman and A. J. Pickering secretary. A committee on credentials and permanent organization was appointed and then Allison moved that a committee be appointed by the chair to confer with a similar committee to be appointed by the Democratic convention, then in session, to agree upon terms, and candidates for a fusion of the two parties. This motion was opposed by several delegates. When one of them commenced to speak against the motion, Allison would boisterously call him to order and the chairman would help choke the speaker down. Then Allison would make a speech for the motion abusing the opposers. In this way they choked down several delegates and finally crowded the motion to a vote taken standing. Fourteen delegates voted for and sixteen against the motion. The chairman looked beat and at a loss what to do, but Allison was equal to the occasion. He said, “It is carried, Mr. Chairman,” and then the chairman said, “it is carried,” and took up a paper from his table and read from it the names of the pre-arranged committee, of which Allison was made chairman. The convention then adjourned to 2 o’clock p.m.
At the hour named the convention again met and the committee on credentials and permanent organization reported the names of delegates entitled to vote, and in favor of J. B. Callison for chairman, A. J. Pickering for secretary, and T. J. Floyd for assistant secretary. The report was accepted but was not adopted or otherwise disposed of.

Allison then sprang to the floor and in a loud, hurried, and excited manner read without leave the report of his fusion committee nominating M. G. Troup for representative 88th district, M. R. Leonard for 89th district, H. D. Gans for Probate Judge, John E. Allen for County Attorney, J. S. Allen for District Clerk, J. S. Baker for Superintendent, and A. G. Wilson for commissioner first district. He said that the Democrats would nominate this ticket and moved that his report be accepted. This immediately raised a storm. The anti-fusionists were in a majority and a number of speakers arose to oppose, among whom were Douglas and Tansey and Crum, who would not be choked down, as their speakers had been in the morning. A standing vote was taken on the motion to accept, which resulted 17 for and 20 against. This did not trouble Allison much. He pronounced his motion carried and so did the chairman, but Tansey demanded in a motion a call for the ayes and noes. Allison made several speeches and Alexander and Jackson spoke. Seeing they were in a minority they changed their tactics to entreaty, said a vote to accept was not a vote to adopt, that it was necessary to vote to accept in order that the convention might get to work, that after they had voted to accept, they could kill the report by laying it on the table or in any other way they chose and that it would be a terrible insult to the committee to refuse to accept. After an hour of choking down speakers who opposed, of entreaty, bulldozing and confusion that would have put Babel or the gold room into the shade, some of the anti-fusionists yielded and the vote to accept was carried. A part of the anti-fusionists announced their withdrawal from the convention. Allison then decided that the report was adopted so far that the convention must vote for or against the nominees of the report. The anti-fusionists not having the matter cut and dried as had the fusionists, were taken at a disadvantage and were caught and beaten by the trick. In order to make the trick sure to win a motion was made that the candidates having the highest number of votes should be the nominees and was carried before the anti-fusionists had time to see the drift of it. The balloting then commenced and of course the fusion nominees got a plurality and were declared the nominees of the convention. By some blunder some of the fusionists voted for Millard instead of Baker which was the only flaw in the execution of the program.
A cold deck had been prepared, the cards were stocked carefully, the deal and cut were in the hands of the fusionists and the moment a few anti-fusionists consented to play with them they were beaten. It was perfectly clear to any unprejudiced observer that the anti-fusionists were in a majority but were beaten by the cut and dried tactics of Allison and his ring. This ring had completely sold out the convention to the Democrats. They did not even adopt a platform but adjourned hastily. This omission of the platform was evidently not accidental, but was probably a part of the pre-arranged program. The Democrats furnish the platform as they dictate the candidates for the new fusion party. The Democratic snake has swallowed the tail end of the National party but we imagine that the head end will separate and go for principles rather than for fusion with the democrats. After the adjournment of the Nationals the Democrats accepted their blunder and nominated Millard, Allison, Jackson, Allen, and perhaps a few others composing the ring that has done the business.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
A. J. Pickering, postmaster of Lazette, was in town last week and called at the post office.
Winfield Courier, June 5, 1879.
The new drug store in charge of Squire Pickering is one of the neatest stores in the west.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1880.
The following Report of the Public Schools of the city for the school month ending February 6th.
HIGH SCHOOL. Jerry Adams, S. B. Reed, Henry Smith, Sadie Pickering, Fred McLaughlin, Charlie Randall, Mollie Christian, Alice Knight, Alice Warren, Robert Hutchison, George Endicott, Jacob Endicott, Martin Warren, Frank Randall, May Hughes, Jessey Finley, Ella Bowers, Mary McClung.
SECOND PRIMARY. Grace McClung, Nina Pickering, Charlie Rarick, Walter Wintin, Phillip Huff, Frank Peek, Otis Endicott, Clara Ford, Lizzie Garris, Susie Fullerlove, Frank Leonard, Willie Peek, Newton Lancaster, Howard Warren, Etta McMahon, Frank Nowe.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 10, 1880.
SCHOOL REPORT. For the month ending March 5, 1880.

SECOND PRIMARY: Bert Hughes, Howard Warren, Newton Lancaster, Charlie Nelson, Annie Wagstaff, Nina Pickering, Grace McClung, Lizzie Garris, Clara Ford, Otis Endicott, Belle Johnson.
Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.
The Normal Institute for 1880 has opened with a large attendance of teachers. Four instructors have charge of the divisions, and the aim of all is to make this summer’s work especially practical. The morning exercises begin at 7:30, in the courtroom, and the recitations end at 1 p.m. There are at present enrolled 79 teachers as follows.
Arkansas City: Susie L. Hunt, Mrs. F. E. Phelps, Ella Grimes, Chas. W. Grimes, R. C. Gaily, Mattie F. Mitchell, Flora L. Finley, Linnie Peed, Blanche Marshall, Sadie E. Pickering, Elva Pickering, Rose Sample, Chas. Hutchings, Mary S. Theaker, Derwin Hunter, Jessie Sankey, Thirza Dobyns, Chas. W. Finney, Mrs. L. M. Theaker, Alice M. Warren, Alto Maxwell, S. C. Murphy, Will M. Henderson, Jerry L. Adams, Frank Chapin, and Nellie Swarts.
Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.
A. J. Pickering, of Cambridge, was in town Monday.
Winfield Courier, September 2, 1880.
Winfield Courier, September 30, 1880.
Mrs. Pickering and daughter, who have been visiting Prof. Story and family, returned to Cambridge Monday.
Winfield Courier, October 14, 1880. Front Page.

This beautiful town is situated on a gentle slope on the west side of Cedar Creek, and east about one mile of Grouse Creek. It overlooks the fertile valley of Cedar Creek, and the scenery is grand and romantic. On the east of Cedar and west of Grouse is a range of gentle mounds, oval shaped, running for a distance of ten miles south. On both of these valleys, you will find some of the best land in the state of Kansas. It produces splendid crops of wheat, corn, or any other product. Cedar Creek is quite heavily timbered at this point, and its waters are supplied with fish of all kinds. The people here are intelligent and industri­ous and vie with each other in making this the paradise of eastern Cowley. They manifest a friendly feeling toward all new comers, and succeed in settling many in the vicinity. They have ample room for a large town and the advan­tages of the place can be seen at a glance. The town company are merchants of wealth and standing in the community and are liberal with all settlers who come to make a home among them. A. J. Pickering, Esq., who is land agent and notary public, is solici­tor for the company, and is constantly at work making deeds, titles, etc. He is also postmaster of the town and druggist. Mr. Pickering is a gentle­man who is widely known throughout the county and state. It is strongly represented that an enterpris­ing merchant of this town has under consideration the erection of a large elevator for the accommodation of the farmers who ship their grain at this point. The town is already represented by all classes of trade, school facilities, church organizations, and other institutions to accommodate every person who wishes to settle in this prosperous town.
I will name a few of the solid and enterprising merchants who are now permanently located here and who have invested extensively.
B. H. Clover, Esq., has erected an extensive flouring mill, which will turn out 8,000 pounds of flour daily. His flour is from wheat grown on Grouse and Cedar valleys, which is of the finest quality. He ships flour to all the surrounding towns and settlements and can scarcely supply the demand. They have to run the mills at night in order to fill the various orders. Mr. Clover is an old pioneer in Kansas, and is well and favorably known throughout the state.
McD. Stapleton keeps a general supply store. There is no article necessary for the household or other use but what you can get it at this monster establishment. The dimensions of the store are 25 x 110 feet. From the number of wagons distributed about his store tells how much business he does. As he purchases his goods directly from the manufactories, he monopolizes the trade of the town and surrounding country.
Henrion & Walton also run a general supply store. These gentlemen are very extensive dealers and are doing a splendid business, both here and in the surrounding country. They keep every necessary called for, pay cash for their goods, and sell low. In connection with their store (which is 25 x 90 feet), Mr. Walton keeps a lumber yard and distributes his lumber as he does his groceries: cheap for cash.
“The Cambridge House,” J. P. Craft, proprietor, contains twelve large, spacious sleeping apartments, well ventilated, elegantly furnished throughout, large dining hall, which will seat thirty persons at a time. Every appointment about the hotel is first class and the table is always supplied with the best of edibles. Mr. Craft is untiring in his efforts to make guests comfortable. Both he and his good lady superintend in person to see that nothing is deficient. Mr. Craft, being an old hotel keeper, understands hotel keeping to a letter, and in connection with his house keeps a livery, feed, and sale stable in order to accommodate the commercial public. He furnishes the fastest turnouts in this section of the country.
Dr. J. H. Pleasants, a graduate of the St. Louis Medical College, has an extensive practice here. You can always know the doctor’s house, as there is generally a carriage at his door waiting for him. From what I can learn in this vicinity, the doctor’s medical attainments are second to none in this part of the country.
L. C. Patterson runs a general blacksmithing shop. Mr. Patterson is a mechanic who has had considerable experience in that line. He makes a specialty of agricultural implement work. His rates are very reasonable.
Mr. W. M. Gooch, blacksmith, does a large share of the work done here, and his customers are always satisfied. Give him a call. Horse shoeing is one of his specialties.
W. S. Chandler is a general mechanic. He is now doing a lucrative business and monopolizes the trade of the vicinity, is well known, and commands the respect of all through his untiring energy and industry. Mr. Chandler will soon have to extend his place of business to more spacious quarters.
Winfield Courier, November 11, 1880.
The following are the names of the enterprising citizens who brought in the returns from different townships on the night after the election.

From Windsor: A. J. Pickering.
Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.
Mr. A. J. Pickering was one of the “unfortunates” who were snow bound here Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. He returned home Monday morning.
Winfield Courier, March 24, 1881.
A. J. Pickering, of Cambridge, called Tuesday.
Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.
A. J. Pickering, of Cambridge, got loose from the mails long enough to spend last Tuesday in the city.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 12, 1881.
Miss Pickering is teaching the school in District 34.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 26, 1881. Editorial Page.
There are ninety teachers in Cowley County holding certifi­cates, of whom the following are teaching in the districts named.
ARKANSAS CITY. Prof. C. T. Atkinson, city schools; Miss Jennie Peterson, city schools; Miss Susie L. Hunt, city schools; Miss Mary Theaker, city schools; Miss Rose Sample, District 80; Miss Linda Christian, district 33; Miss Jessie Sankey, district 51, Miss May Benedict, district 32; Miss Sadie Pickering, district 34, Miss H. M. Goodwin, district 93; W. M. Henderson, district 89; E. C. Brown, district 53; E. W. Coulson, district 44.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 4, 1882.
Rose Valley School.
Report of school in District No. 34, for the month ending December 23rd, 1881.
Number of pupils enrolled, 45; number of visitors, 5.
The following list shows the standing of the pupils on a grade of 100.
GRADE A. Maggie Guyer, 75; John Sankey, 85; Aaron Purdy, 85; Joe Maxwell, 85; Lillie Purdy, 97; Ollie Kirkpatrick, 93; Theo. Tucker, 80; Audley McKetrick, 85; Jimmie Hughes, 85, Howard Maxwell, 83.
GRADE B. Hiram Tucker, 75; Hannah Drennan, 80; Willie Purdy, 100; H. T. Hamilton, 70; Nannie Maxwell, 95; Sarepta Tucker, 95; Maggie Kirkpatrick, 95.
Winfield Courier, January 12, 1882.
Teachers Directory 1881-82. ARKANSAS CITY. MONTHLY SALARY.
Sadie E. Pickering, District 34: $30.00.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1882.
Report of Rose Valley School, Dist. No. 34, for the month ending Feb. 28th, 1882.
Number of visitors, 2.
Names of those neither absent nor tardy: Emma Locke, Calvin Burt, Walter Burt, Willie Maxwell.

Names of those perfect in deportment: Maggie Guyer, Nannie Maxwell, Walter Burt, Willie Maxwell, Cal. Burt, John Warren, Willie Purdy, John Sankey, Bettie Maxwell, Roscoe Hamilton, Aaron Purdy, Hiram Tucker.
Names of those in the A grade who received an average of 80, or more, grading on a scale of 100: Ollie Kirkpatrick, 80; Maggie Guyer, 96; Aaron Purdy, 90; John Drennan, 91; Howard Maxwell, 88; Lillie Purdy, 95; John Sankey, 88; Theo. Tucker, 89.
Grade B, averaging 75 or more: Nannie Maxwell, 93; Hiram Tucker, 76; Hannah Drennan, 94; Willie Purdy, 86; Calvin Burt. 78; B. Kirkpatrick, 80; William Maxwell, 100.
Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.
Miss Sadie E. Pickering has taken the school in district 131.
Winfield Courier, May 11, 1882.
Miss Pickering enjoys the honor of presiding over the first school taught in the Walton schoolhouse, which, by the way, is a very comfortable, neat and attractive building, and a credit to the enterprise of the district.
Winfield Courier, May 18, 1882.
Creswell Township, Delegates: G. S. Rorick, W. M. Sleeth, Theo. Fairclo, R. H. Reed, Uriah Spray, W. H. Speers, S. Matlack. Alternates: A. Dunn, A. J. Pickering, J. Barnett, R. J. Maxwell, Chas. France, J. L. Huey, John Williams.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1882.
Several Lies Nailed.
CRESWELL TOWNSHIP, May 20th, 1882. Ed. Traveler: Permit me space in your paper to reply to an article which appeared in last week’s Democrat. It is so evidently the work of spleen, and comes so near to downright intentional lying that I do not feel it right to let it pass. The article referred to is headed “A Pretty Kettle of Fish,” but it is too wordy for repro­duction here. In the first place the issue was not Hackney, or anti-Hackney, but Whiskey, or anti-Whiskey—such issue being made secretly by a few persons; and some good temperance men put on the ticket to give it tone, and the Democrat know such to be the case.
Secondly—Creswell Township was represented in the Conven­tion by the ticket elected with the exceptions shown below, the reason of which exceptions will be seen by the following extracts from the report of the Committee on Credentials.
Creswell Township: Delegates—G. S. Rarick, W. M. Sleeth, T. Fairclo, R. H. Reed, U. Spray, W. H. Speers, S. Matlack. Alternates—A. Dunn, A. J. Pickering, I. Barnett, R. J. Maxwell, Chas. France, J. L. Huey, John Williams.
We further recommend that J. B. Nipp cast the vote for R. H. Reed, that C. M. Scott cast the vote for U. Spray, and Calvin Swarts cast the vote for W. H. Speers for Creswell Township in this convention, those delegates and their alternates being absent.
Why the Democrat is so worked up on a Republican issue, and goes for Mr. Bonsall by name, is more than we can tell, unless it is on account of its editor being so badly scooped by the people when he ran against Bonsall for Police Judge a few weeks since.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 26, 1882.
Misses Annie Norton, Flora Finley, and Linda Christian are attending the Normal. Miss Sadie Pickering will enter this week.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 30, 1882.
ARKANSAS CITY. GRADE A. Sadie E. Pickering.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 4, 1882.
School will commence next week in Dist. No. 10. Miss Sadie Pickering, of Arkansas City, will preside over the obstreperous urchins.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1882.
GRAMMAR DEPARTMENT. The following were neither absent nor tardy during the past month: Angie Small, Flora Gould, Nina Pickering, Maggie Ford, Edna Worthley, Katie Warren, Myrtle McNelly, Thaddeus Jones, Nellie Patterson, Belle Hart, Guy West, Robert Warren.
Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.
Report of Excelsior school, District No. 9, for the month ending January 20, 1883.
No. of pupils enrolled, 31; Average daily attendance, 20. No. of visitors present during the month, 5. Names of those perfect in attendance: Metta Byers and Harry Pierce. The examination held at the close of the month resulted in the following standings, graded on a scale of 100.
Of the advanced grade, Frank Crawford 95; Dora Smith 93; Harry Pierce 94; Flora Smith 97; Anna Crawford 96; Josie Robinson 94.
Intermediate grade: Welden Crawford 94; Katie Robertson 90; Philena Copple 84; Harry McLaughlin 86; Willie Sherrod 97; Ora DeWitt 93; Willie Wright 96.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 14, 1883.
Miss Sadie Pickering was in our midst again last Friday evening. Come again, Sadie.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, June 6, 1883.
Library Benefit. Wednesday, June 6th, a literary and musical entertainment and the Class Exercises of the class of 1883 will be held at McLaughlin’s Hall, for the benefit of the High School Library.
Programme: Music—Orchestra. Orations: Harry L. Finley; Etta M. Barnett. Music. Alice L. Lane; Mollie Coonrod; Hannah Gilbert; C. L. Swarts; Harry C. Shaw; Mollie Christian; W. M. Blakeney.
Dramatis Personal: [Drama put on] Anna Norton, Maggie Barrows, Etta Barnett, Sadie Pickering, Linda Christian, George Wright, W. D. Mowry, Harry C. Shaw, Harry L. Finley, F. C. McLaughlin.
Doors open at 8 o’clock. Admission 25 cents. Children under 12 years 15 cents. No extra charge for reserved seats, for which tickets can be obtained at the Post Office. All are cordially invited to attend.

Arkansas City Republican, April 26, 1884.
A. J. Loomis and David Pickering were tried Tuesday for fighting on the streets and were fined $1.50 each, and costs.
Arkansas City Republican, August 23, 1884.
Teachers Receiving Certificates.
The following is a list of teachers granted certificates at the late examination.
One of those named: Sadie E. Pickering.
Arkansas City Republican, September 20, 1884.
Last Tuesday evening a birthday surprise party was given in honor of Miss Sadie Pickering.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 15, 1885.
The following are the names of the ladies composing the W. R. C., who visited Winfield Wednesday: Mrs. J. Q. Ashton, president; Mrs. S. Mansfield, senior vice president; Mrs. E. Taylor, junior vice president; Mrs. J. Cooper, secretary; Mrs. R. J. Hubbard, treasurer; Mrs. May Daniels, conductor; Mesdames S. A. Smith, H. Blubaugh, S. H. Davis, H. M. Guthrie, A. R. Randall, E. H. Bishop, L. H. Rarick, M. S. Jones, H. R. Hopps, A. E. Maidt, and Miss Sadie Pickering. The Courier says of them: “They are all ladies of good appearance, intelligence, and zeal—just such as enter into every good cause.”
Arkansas City Traveler, August 19, 1885.
Visit to Winfield. ED. TRAVELER: The ladies of the Women’s Relief Corps, a short time ago, received an invitation to visit the Relief Corps of Winfield, which they accepted and accordingly they made a raid on that city last Wednesday.
It was decided to go in carriages as the time of the trains was inconvenient. Eight o’clock found eighteen ladies with three teams ready for a start. They drove through dust, but soon found mud, as the Centre had been blessed with a bountiful rain. For this reason the ladies of Winfield were not expecting them, so they drove to the Brettun House, where they found the courteous proprietor ready to receive them, he having been notified by telephone that they were on the way.
After a sumptuous repast they were waited upon by our old townsman, Capt. Nipp, in company with the Courier’s reporter. The Winfield ladies having been notified of the arrival of the A. C. Ladies, soon had a committee ready to receive them and escort them to the G. A. R. Hall, where they were right royally entertained. Capt. Nipp again called around and brought with him Judge Soward, Prof. Limerick, and others of the G. A. R. boys, who favored the ladies with pleasant and appropriate addresses. They then escorted both corps to the ice-cream parlors, where they were entertained with ice cream and cake.
Both ladies and gentlemen accompanied them to the hotel and started them safely on their journey home, where they arrived at a late hour, well pleased with their visit, and feeling assured that more such days of pleasure would make life happier.
The ladies of Arkansas City relief corps desire to return thanks to Major Soward and Captain Nipp for the polite attention they received at their hands; and also to the ladies of the Winfield corps for the hospitality extended to them. ONE OF THE CORPS.
Arkansas City, August 14th.

Below we give the names of the ladies who composed this pleasant excursion party.
Mrs. J. C. Ashton, president.
Mrs. S. Mansfield, senior vice president.
Mrs. E. Taylor, junior vice president.
Mrs. J. Cooper, secretary.
Mrs. R. J. Hubbard, treasurer.
Mrs. Sarah Davis, conductor.
Mrs. May Daniels, guard.
Mesdames S. A. Smith, H. Blubaugh, S. H. Davis, H. M. Guthrie, A. R. Randall, E. H. Bishop, L. H. Rarick, M. S. Jones, H. R. Hopps, A. E. Maidt, and Miss Sadie Pickering.
Frank Greer, of the Courier, with his customary elan, made a pleasant mention of the visit of our fair towns women, and very politely says of them, “They are all ladies of good appearance, intelligence, and zeal—just such as enter into every good cause.”
This is rather better manners than was shown by our neighbor of the Republican, who insulted our lady visitors from Wichita by declaring that “we failed to see a handsome fan” (misprint for face) among them.
Arkansas City Republican, September 19, 1885.
Mission Sunday School. ARKANSAS CITY, KANSAS, Sept. 17, 1885.
For the last two weeks the Misses Wilson, Duncan, and Pickering, realizing the wants of quite a large number of families in our town, and that neither they nor their children attended either church or Sabbath school, with praiseworthy zeal began visiting these families and obtained a promise from them that they would come to a mission school if such was opened in one of our school buildings. Permission was obtained from the school board for the use of the stone school building. On last Sabbath at 3:30 p.m., the first meeting was held and there were over 70 persons present—parents and children. A few remarks were made by Dr. Reed, who explained the object of the school; that it was for the especial benefit of the poor, or those who did not feel like going to the Sabbath schools connected with the different churches, because they thought their clothes were not good enough.
J. C. Armstrong was elected superintendent and Amos Spray assistant; Miss Duncan, secretary, Miss Wilson, treasurer. Superintendent then called for volunteer teachers. There was no lack of teachers. The school was divided into classes and teachers assigned and work was commenced at once. At the close of the exercises, a committee of two in each ward was appointed to visit each family to solicit funds and old clothing for the needy, that all might come. We hope each family will feel invited to come; that all will do what they can to make this mission school prove a blessing to the town—especially the poor. This school is wholly undenominational; it is a union mission. We hope the different congregations feel invited to come and work. All will be done that can be done to make it interesting. J. C. A.
Arkansas City Republican, October 3, 1885.
Teachers’ Association. The second monthly meeting of the Cowley County Teachers’ Association will be held at Arkansas City on October 17, 1885, the programme to be as follows.
1st. What are the secrets of success in school government? Paper: Prof. Gridley; discussion: J. W. Warren and Miss Cora B. Beach.

2nd. In what respect should recitations in primary classes differ from those in advanced classes? Paper: Prof. Weir; discussion: Miss Jessie Stretch and F. E. Haughey.
3rd. Importance of essay writing—the means to secure it. Paper: Miss Florence Campbell; discussion: Florence Patterson and Laura Barnes.
4th. Should a knowledge of vocal music be a qualification of the common school teacher? Paper: Miss C. Bliss; discussion: E. Collins and Chas. Wing.
5th. The teachers preparation for assigning and conducting a recitation. Paper: Miss Sadie Pickering; discussion: Amy Chapin and L. H. Hart.
6th. The feasibility of dropping technical grammar from the course of study of the common school. Paper: Miss Ella L. Kelly; discussion: Misses Lida Strong and Maud Pierson.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 7, 1885.
Skipped article re Second Monthly Meeting of the Cowley County Teachers’ Association to be held October 14. Paper by Prof. Gridley, discussion by J. W. Warren and Miss Cora Beach. Paper by Prof. Weir. Discussion by Miss Jessie Stretch and F. E. Haughey. Paper by Campbell; discussion by Miss Florence Patterson and Miss Laura Barnes. Paper by Miss Celina Bliss. Discussion by Miss Eva Collins and Chas. Wing. Paper by Miss Sadie Pickering. Discussion by Miss Amy Chapin and S. S. Hart. Paper by Miss Ella Kelley, discussion by Miss Lida Strong and Miss Maud Pierson.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 30, 1885.
The Women’s Relief Corps of this city held their annual election of officers on Saturday, the 26th. The following were elected.
President: Mrs. Ashton.
Senior Vice President: Mrs. Guthrie.
Junior Vice President: Mrs. Randall.
Chaplain: Mrs. Chapin.
Treasurer: Miss Sadie Pickering.
Conductor: Miss Nina Pickering.
Guard: Mrs. Blubaugh.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 3, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
The young people of the city met in the Y. M. C. A. Hall last evening and organized the “Literary Club of the Young Men’s Christian Association.” Wm. Blakeney was president and Miss Pickering secretary. A programme consisting of declamations, essays, music, etc., was rendered. The constitution and by-laws were read for approval, and were ratified by the names of the members being subscribed thereto.
Arkansas City Republican, August 27, 1886.
Gala Picnic. The Woman’s Relief Corps, of Winfield, having invited their sister corps of Arkansas City to enjoy a festivity with them yesterday, the following ladies responded to the call: Mesdames Ashton, Guthrie, Mansfield, Ruby, Taylor, Lewis, Chapin, Blubaugh, Nelson, Neil Shields; and Miss Pickering.

Arriving at their destination, they were met by their entertainers, who conveyed their guests to Winfield’s beautiful park near the placid waters of the Walnut, where they were greeted by some 60 co-workers in that grand old regiment—Relief. The sociability and encouragement of these ladies with each other was pleasant to behold. And when the hour for dinner arrived, quite a number of Winfield’s veterans of 61 and 65 came down to the happy throng to assist in doing away with that bountiful repast, which was spread upon a table rock, 12 x 20 feet, and which seated about forty persons. The dinner was simply immense and the ladies of Winfield with Mesdames Walton, Beach, and Thompson at the head, spared no pains to make this social gathering one to be long remembered by their guests. The quartermaster and chaplain of the Arkansas City post were also present to keep a protective eye on the ladies (as it were). And the ladies (oh my) didn’t they do themselves proud in catering to the wants of the inner man, a day long to be remembered by ONE WHO WAS PRESENT.
[W. R. C.]
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 4, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
At the meeting of the committee on resolutions, the following preamble and resolutions were adopted.
WHEREAS, Our worthy president, Priscilla Ashton, has tendered her resignation of the W. R. C., No. 56, of Arkansas City, being compelled to remove for the benefit of her health.
Resolved, That we accept the resignation which severs our relation of president and Corps with feelings of heartfelt sadness.
Resolved, That the year and a half of faithful services rendered by her to this society have been blessed in building up our Corps and creating feelings of fellowship and good will among us.
Resolved, That in paying our kindest wishes will ever attend her, and that we recommend her to any Corps with which she may become identified.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 1, 1887. From Wednesday’s Daily.
School at the Guthrie schoolhouse will open Monday. Miss Sadie Pickering of this city is the teacher, and we are informed that she is giving general satisfaction. The attendance is larger this year, we believe, than it was last year.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 1, 1887. From Wednesday’s Daily.
The residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Guthrie, two miles west of the city, was raided last evening by a surprise party, consisting of members of the W. R. C. and G. A. R., and friends.
P. A. Lorry, in behalf of the W. R. C., presented the hostess a beautiful set of table linen. Those present on this happy occasion were Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard, Mr. and Mrs. Derr, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Randall, Mrs. Reed, Mrs. Rarick, Mrs. Lorry, Misses Sada and Nina Pickering, Miss Randall, Miss Maria Marshall, Mr. P. A. Lorry, Mr. Duncan, Mr. F. B. Marshall, Mr. Walter Pickering, and Willie Schnee.