Manse Pickering


Pickering’s Hall???...
Winfield Messenger, July 19, 1872.
The Davis Family Concert Troup will give an exhibition in Pickering’s hall tonight. On account of high water they could not get here yesterday as advertised. Their entertainments are strictly moral and first class and should be liberally patronized by our lovers of pleasure.
They go from here to Arkansas City, where they give enter­tainments Saturday and Monday evenings, and will return to Winfield on Tuesday and will give another concert here with an entire change of programme.
W. M. Pickering??? [Could this have been “Manse” Pickering?]...
Winfield Messenger, August 30, 1872.
The ballot for delegates to the Congressional Convention at Lawrence to nominate three members of Congress and State Presiden­tial electors, resulted as follows—four delegates: J. P. Short; F. E. Collins; and E. C. Manning and W. M. Pickering as alter­nates.
Winfield Messenger, October 11, 1872.
A small but interesting dance came off at Pickering’s Hall last Tuesday evening.
[Next item about Pickering. Could not find address. Everything said about previous owners (Jackson & Myers, later Myers & Johnson, and then Close & Greer) indicates east side of Main Street. At one time when A. B. Close & Co., which followed Close & Greer, was in this building, it was indicated as being one door south of Capt. Davis’ Livery Stable. His stable was on Eighth Avenue and Main Street, Winfield.]
Winfield Courier, Saturday, January 18, 1873.
A. B. CLOSE & CO., Dealers in School and Household Furni­ture, Coffins and Undertaking. East Main St., one door south of Capt. Davis’ Livery Stable. Winfield.
Winfield Courier, Saturday, January 18, 1873.
On Eighth avenue and Main Street.
Winfield Courier, Saturday, January 11, 1873.
[Pickering’s Old Stand. Main St., one door south of Lagonda House.]
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 20, 1873.
Walnut Valley. The Walnut Valley Saloon and billiard hall has again changed hands. M. Pickering is now the happy owner.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 13, 1873.
Manse Pickering sold a quart of “trotting” whiskey to a fellow from the country the other day, with which to get up an indignation meeting for the Telegram. We guess when the whiskey got down, the meeting got up.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 20, 1873.

“Evening Star” is the very appropriate name given a new, neat, and tastily arranged billiard hall and saloon just opened by Manse Pickering in the store room on Main street formerly occupied by Close & Greer. It really has the appearance of as creditable an institution of the kind as we have seen west of Kansas City. “Manse” invites all of his friends to call and see him.
Pickering leased “Town Company Building” for one year...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 1, 1873.
Parlor Saloon and Billiard Hall. At an expense of upward $3,000, Manse Pickering has furnished and fitted out complete the finest saloon and Billiard Hall in this part of the state. He has leased the property known as the Town Company building for one year, and the interior as well as the exterior improvements made on the building surpasses any like improvements in the city. The second floor will be exclusively a billiard hall while the saloon and one billiard table will be kept on the first floor. Manse proposes to open out tonight, in best style, and tomorrow evening he will give “Free Lunch,” with music, etc. The thirsty are specially invited to call and partake of anything in the line of drink, and consequently feel happy.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 8, 1873.
To Whom It May Concern.
Know ye, that by the payment of three hundred dollars, I am permitted to retail intoxicating liquors at my saloon.
To the wife who has a drunken husband, or a friend who is unfortunately dissipated, I say emphatically, give me notice in person of such case or cases in which you are interested, and all such shall be excluded from my bar. Let mothers, fathers, sisters, and brothers do likewise and their request will be regarded; this is simply the sum and substance of the whole matter. I am licensed to sell whiskey and liquors, and I want it distinctly understood that I have no desire to sell to drunkards and minors, or the poor and destitute. I much prefer that they save their money, and apply it where it legitimately belongs, to their families. There are gentlemen, men of honor and money, who sport, and who can afford it, and with such and such only do I desire to exchange.
To this class my bar is open—none others need apply. For gentlemen of such style, I have fitted up a splendid saloon, and keep constantly on hand a full stock of all kinds of the best Wines and Liquors; including Milwaukee Ales and beers, California Catawba extra fine, and unanimously acknowledged as healthy and good for the promotion of health. To those who wish to trade with me and can afford it, come and I will treat you gentlemanly and courteously. Pay your cash, choose your drinks, go about your business, and it is nobody’s business but your own. MANSE PICKERING. Winfield, May 8, 1873.
Next item indicates Pickering moved back into his old stand on East Main Street...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 3, 1873.
Manse Pickering is surely indomitable. He has purchased another entire new outfit of bar fixtures, billiard tables, liquors, cigars, etc., and opened out in regal style in his old stand on East Main Street. He has had an extra choice lot of wines and liquors, and extends a cordial invitation to his old friends and patrons to call and “take a smile” with him.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 7, 1873.
J. Bihimers vs. Manse Pickering, dismissed.
Cowley County Courant, November 17, 1881.
Mr. T. H. B. Ross took in Winfield last Friday in the interest of our school district. He says there has been many changes there, but few of the old “boys” are left, and Winfield does not appear now as it did in 1870-74. Caldwell Commercial.
Well, that’s a fact; there have been a good many changes in and around Winfield since those days. The old log store has been reduced to ashes, and some of the boys who used to gather there evenings to play “California Jack” and speculate on the future price of corner lots in Winfield, now take their wives and children to the theater in the fine Opera House that has arisen on the site of the old store. Max Shoeb’s blacksmith shop has given place to Read’s bank; the Walnut Valley House, as a hotel, has passed away. Likewise, the firms of Manning & Baker, U. B. Warren & Co., Alexander & Saffold, Bliss & Middaugh, Hitchcock & Boyle, Maris & Hunt, Myton & Brotherton, and Pickering & Benning. S. H. Myton is about the only one that is left. Tisdale’s hack, which came in whenever the river would permit, has given way to our two railroads; Tom Wright’s ferry, south of town, has been replaced by a handsome iron bridge, and Bartlow’s mill and its crew have disappeared.