A. V. Polk


[Rock Township and Later Near Akron, Fairview Township.]
Cattleman for a short time: Purchased calves in October 1881 in Arkansas; he was feeding cattle on Dutch Creek in January 1882. He lost some 50 Durham cattle during a snow storm circa March 1882—they could not adapt to the weather.

[1870] PAGE 140.
A. V. POLK, a retired dentist and farmer of Cowley County, was one of the energetic and industrious men who settled in this county at an early date.  He located in section 32, Rock Township, where he took up his claim August 12, 1870.
A. V. Polk was born in Northumberland County, Pennsylvania, January 6, 1832, a son of Frederick and Mary E. (Vallerschamp) Polk.
Frederick Polk, father of A. V. Polk, was born in Berks County, Pennsylvania, and was a lifelong farmer.  He lived 20 years in Northumberland County, Pennsylvania, and then moved to Columbia County, in the same state, and, later, to Snyder County.  He died in 1873.  His wife was Mary E. Vallerschamp, of Monroe County, Pennsylvania, who died in 1872.  They were the parents of the following children: Simon V., a machinist, married Eliza Owen; Martha Jane, wife of Isaac Hummel, of Kratzerville, PA; Watson, who died, aged 11; Sarah Ann, who died, aged 32; Frederick, who died, aged 21; Wesley, who died, aged 11; Nelson, who died in May, 1890; A. V., the subject hereof; Andrew Jackson, who was educated for a dentist at Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania, and who, although he practiced dentistry many years, was engaged in the manufacture of gas fittings, at Millersburg, Pennsylvania; and Mary Elizabeth, deceased.
A. V. Polk attended the public schools in the vicinity of his birthplace for two winters, and also the select schools, and then studied dentistry with his brother, Andrew J., and Dr. J. Vallerschamp, at Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania. He and his brother practiced together eight years, and one year was spent in Snyder County, Pennsylvania.
A. V. Polk lived in the East until after his marriage and then journeyed to Kansas, first locating near Topeka, where he spent a summer. February 12, 1870, he took 160 acres in section 30, Rock Township, Cowley County, but exactly six months later, he took up his present homestead:  now comprising the southeast quarter of section 32, township 30, range 4 east.  For three years the family lived in a house 19 by 22 feet, in dimensions. For five years Mr. Polk conducted a general store in this house, and at the same time devoted his leisure to setting out trees, and otherwise improving the place. He sold 80 acres of the original property to J. C. Page, and then bought seven acres of James Wall. He eventually owned 87 acres, and raised grain and livestock. His farm contained many good improvements.
Mr. Polk was the oldest dentist in the county, having practiced throughout its extent; but in 1900 he retired from that profession.
Mr. Polk was married September 16, 1868, to Elizabeth Welfelt, of Monroe County, Pennsylvania, a daughter of Adam and Ann (Van Way) Welfelt.  They had a son, Adam, who died in 1874, and they then had an adopted daughter, Myra.

Mr. Polk was a Republican, and served on the school board. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church, and was a deacon since 1874.
A. V. Polk enlisted in Company A, 1st Reg., Pa. Vol. Cav., at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and acted as regimental quartermaster-sergeant. On board the government boat, “Alby,” he went to Florida with supplies. After being mustered out, he returned to New York City on the boat “Mary,” on April 14, 1865.
When Mr. and Mrs. Polk settled in Cowley County, there were but three log houses between Douglass and Winfield, and Mr. Polk remembered that 150 horses were stolen in one winter between El Dorado and Arkansas City.
Rock Creek Township 1873: A. V. Polk, 40; spouse, Elizabeth, 38.
Rock Creek Township 1881: A. V. Polk, 49; spouse, Elizabeth, 45.
Emporia News, February 3, 1871. Ten miles below Douglass we arrive at a trading point called “Polk’s store.” This store is owned by A. V. Polk, a native of Pennsylvania. He has a good location for his stock of goods. The post office here is called “Lone Tree.” This will make a good trading point, and we rather wonder that a town has not been laid off here.
Cowley County Censor, May 13, 1871.
A steam saw mill is now in running order near Capt. Polk’s store in Rock Township.
Cowley County Censor, October 21, 1871.
Last Saturday the Republican Delegate Convention met at this place and, notwithstanding the day was stormy and disagreeable, all the townships were represented except Creswell. The follow­ing named gentlemen were the delegates.
Rock Township: John Irwin, A. V. Polk, W. H. Grow, and J. Funk.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 11, 1873.
 DARIEN, ROCK TOWNSHIP, Sept. 2, 1873.
In pursuance to call the Republicans of Rock Township met at the Darien Schoolhouse. Meeting called to order by electing A. V. Polk Chairman. On motion, W. H. Grow was elected Secre­tary. The object of the meeting was to elect a Chairman of the Township Committee to fill the vacancy caused by the removal of C. L. Rood to Winfield. On motion Wm. H. Grow was elected Chairman of the Township Committee. On motion the Chairman was instructed to favor the plan of voting for candidates at the primary meetings instead of at the County Nominating Convention.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 16, 1873.
CIVIL DOCKET. THIRD DAY. A. V. Polk vs. John Richards.
Winfield Courier, March 18, 1875.
CIVIL DOCKET. THIRD DAY. No. 448. A. V. Polk, vs. R. L. Walker, et al.
Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.
CIVIL DOCKET. THIRD DAY. Azinia V. Polk vs. A. J. McCollum.
Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.
A. V. POLK, of Rock, called upon us this week. He is a skillful dentist and has considerable to do in his profession in the region where he resides. He ought to understand his busi­ness, having been in practice since 1850. He formerly practiced in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, and has recommendations from leading citizens for whom he did work years ago.

Winfield Courier, March 23, 1876.
CIVIL DOCKET. SECOND DAY. A. V. Polk vs. A. J. McCollum.
CIVIL DOCKET. THIRD DAY. A. V. Polk vs. A. H. Horneman.
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876. Editorial Page.
Rock: Delegates, Frank Akers, A. V. Polk, Hiram Fisk, and C. H. Eagin. Alternates, J. C. McGowan, E. G. Willitt, L. J. Foster, and R. P. Akers.
On motion the following named persons were elected as delegates to the 13th Judicial convention: W. B. Norman, T. R. Bryan, E. Shriver, S. M. Jarvis, Dan Maher, E. S. Torrance, and D. Elliott. Alternates: S. H. Aley, C. R. Mitchell, T. A. Wilkinson, S. S. Moore, L. Lippman, A. V. Polk, and A. B. Lemmon.
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.
Pursuant to call the delegates of the 88th Representative District met in Republican convention at the courthouse, in Winfield, at 10 o’clock a.m., Saturday, August 12, 1876.
R. C. Story, of Harvey Township, was elected temporary chairman, and C. H. Eagin, of Rock Township, temporary secretary. On motion a committee on credentials was appointed, consist­ing of one delegate from each township present, to be named by the delegates themselves. The following named gentlemen composed the committee: E. S. Torrance, of Winfield; Alex. Kelly, Richland; J. W. Tull, Windsor; J. S. Wooley, Vernon; A. B. Odell, Ninnescah; and A. V. Polk, of Rock.
The committee on credentials then submitted the following report. “Your committee on credentials beg leave to report the following named persons entitled to seats as delegates in the convention.”
Rock: A. V. Polk, Frank Akers, J. C. McGowan, and Charles Eagin.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1876.
A Traitor. A. V. Polk, of Rock Township, has been anxious to have Mr. Manning represent Cowley County for four or five years last past. He supported Mr. Manning in the Senatorial and also in the county convention following. A few days before election he was hired to ride over Rock Township and electioneer against the Republican Senatorial nominee.
Winfield Courier, September 13, 1877.
Dr. A. V. Polk, of Rock Township, called to see us last Friday. He is about to visit his old friends in Pennsylvania and will be absent about a month or two. Dr. Polk is one of our best citizens, and we wish him a pleasant visit and safe return.
The Daily Winfield Courier, Saturday Morning, May 11, 1878.
Capt. A. V. Polk and Prof. W. H. Grow, of Rock, called around yesterday to see our six boys stick type.
Winfield Courier, October 20, 1881.
Wm. Huston and A. V. Polk started last week for Arkansas to buy calves.
Cowley County Courant, January 12, 1882.
Dr. A. V. Polk is feeding quite a number of cattle on Dutch Creek, and reports them doing well.

Cowley County Courant, March 16, 1882.
Dr. A. V. Polk lost some of his fifty Durham cattle during the last snow storm. We think that breed of the bovine race not adapted to this climate.
Cowley County Courant, June 8, 1882.
Dr. A. V. Polk, of Rock township, has been very sick for the past week. Some time ago one of his mules was bitten by a mad dog, and died. The Dr. opened the animal and claims that a sore on his hand received the poison. Dr. Emerson, who has been attending Dr. Polk, says that he really has an attack of fever, but that he insists himself that it is hydrophobia.
Cowley County Courant, June 8, 1882.
The social given by the ladies of the Walnut Valley Church at the residence of J. Q. Pember, Esq., was a success as far as the supper was concerned, but the weather being unsettled and roads muddy, prevented some from being present. Dr. Polk just across the road from where the supper was served, threw open the doors of his fine residence and told the young folks to go in and have a good time. The Dr. furnished the refreshments and you can just bet they improved the time. The ladies realized about fifteen dollars from the supper, while the young men realized out of pocket and a great many kisses.
Charley Baxter had the first cake there; made it himself. Girls, make a note of this. WILLIAM.
Rock, Kansas, June 2nd, 1882.
Winfield Courier, June 28, 1883.
The festival on last Friday night was a grand success. The weather was favorable and the house was crowded to its utmost capacity. Two organ dealers came out from Winfield with an organ apiece, accompanied by some excellent singers, so the music during the evening was perfectly charming. The ice cream that disappeared was simply immense, especially to those that had to make it. Almost $60 was cleared. Dr. Polk by his perseverance succeeded in raising over $70 at Winfield, Douglass, and other places, making the amount almost $180. A committee of five was appointed to decide which organ to buy. They decided to take the Estey organ sold by Mr. Friend at $102.50. The remaining sum will go toward buying another chandelier and the completion of the tower. The people are famous in getting up anything of the kind and a failure is never known. Many thanks are extended to those from a distance for their liberal patronage. AUDUBON.
Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.
Dr. Polk is building an addition to his house to make room for his increasing dignity.
Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.
Mr. and Mrs. Acres, Two of Cowley’s Pioneers, Celebrate Their Fortieth Wedding Anniversary, With Children, Grandchildren, Great Grandchildren, and Many Acquaintances  Present. The Particulars by a Spectator.

In response to invitations extended to them, a large number of the relatives, friends, and neighbors assembled at the home of Cornelius and Susan Acres, in Rock Township, on the 22nd of August to celebrate with them the fortieth anniversary day of their wedded life.
The morning hours were passed by the “old settlers” in pleasant converse and enthusiastic reviews of “ye olden time” when the classic “vale of the Walnut” was yet echoing the wild halloo of the departing Osages, for it was away back in the “distant past,” some four years before the memorable “grasshopper year,” that Father and Mother Acres and all their boys and girls came and built their cabin and made their home among the early pioneers of Cowley’s smiling domain. What a fruitful theme of contrast for those “old folks” to talk on were those early days of 1870, with their meager fare of “rusty bacon” and “sod-corn bread,” and those other dark and fearful days of burning, parching, scorching 1874, when the “devouring locusts covered the land and darkened the air,” and the cry went up, “aid us or we perish!” Aye, what a contrast between then and now, in 1883.
The presents were handsome and when arranged upon the table presented an attractive display. The list of gifts and names of the givers were:
Dozen pie dishes and book, “Pathways in the Holy Land,” Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Polk, Akron.
Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.
Ex-Soldiers of War Organizations. During the Soldiers’ Re-union last week it was determined to effect a permanent organization, and the soldiers present from each state were requested to appoint one member of a committee to recommend a form for such organization and the officers for the first year. The committee met and organized by electing comrade James McDermott, chairman, and comrade A. H. Limerick, secretary. The roll of the committee was called and the following members were found present.
A. V. Polk, 3rd Pennsylvania.
Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.
About sixty of the friends and neighbors assembled at the home of Dr. and Mrs. A. V. Polk, November 8, 1883; to unite with them in celebrating their crystal wedding. Dr. A. V. Polk and Miss Elizabeth Welfelt were married in Middle Smith Township, Monroe County, Pennsylvania, by Rev. Henry Little, on September 16, 1863. There they lived until December 1, 1868, then coming to Topeka, Kansas, December 4, 1868, and finally to Cowley County, February 12, 1869, and the next day settled on their present claim, where we find them this beautiful day. The wedding should have occurred September 16th, but as the Dr. was building, it was postponed until November 8th, which caused none the less enjoyment. The Dr. had beautiful apples for dinner of his own raising.
The occasion was a very pleasant one. All seemed to enjoy themselves and most heartily congratulated Dr. and Mrs. Polk in view of the prosperity which had attended them during the first fifteen years of wedded life. The dinner, which was abundant in variety and supply, and of the best quality, was served in good style, and was well received, as was evident from the manner in which the guests carried out their part of the programme.
After dinner, Prof. A. H. Limerick, in a beautiful and appropriate speech presented to Mr. and Mrs. Polk the following gifts.

Mrs. Abbie Tribbey, fruit dish.
Mr. and Mrs. Wall, 2 pickle dishes.
Frank Sperry, toilet set.
Mr. and Mrs. Akers, 2 pickle dishes.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Huston, fruit dish.
D. A. Huston, mug.
Mrs. A. B. Steinberger, pickle dish.
Nancy J. Baxter, butter dish.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Huston, ink stand.
Mrs. H. McGraw, fruit dish.
Mrs. E. J. Dawson, glass pitcher.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Kelsey, pepper box.
Miss Mary Huston, set sauce dishes.
Thos. C. Brown and Miss Emma Williams, set of glass dishes.
Robert and J. W. Hanlen, large lamp.
Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Rogers, butter dish.
Mr. and Mrs. Martindale, glass cup.
Mrs. Alice Stump, glass pitcher.
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Limerick, glass pitcher.
Mr. Andrew Dawson, peck of apples.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McKibben, glass pitcher.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Weimer, cake stand.
Mrs. S. Huston, tidy.
Mrs. W. O. Hammond (of Wichita), lace fichu.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Pember, jelly stand and set of goblets.
Miss Celia N. Lyons, pair mittens.
Miss Jessie Pember, cup and saucer.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. M. Lacey, paper holder.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mann, a bread plate with the following words in gilt letters thereon: “Give us this day, our daily bread.”
The following letter was with the plate given by Mr. and Mrs. Mann.
To Mr. and Mrs. Polk:
DEAR FRIENDS: Allow us to present you with this small token of our regard, hoping you will not measure our esteem by the intrinsic value of the gift, for then we would feel humble indeed. We trust the happy recurrence of this—one of the most important events of your lives—may as the years roll on, bring you each year renewed happiness. And may your daily bread be like the “Widow’s cruis,” never diminish, and may all the good things of this life be poured on you with lavish hands. And may the bountiful Giver of all good endue you with the bread of life, that when the Master shall call He may say, “Well done, thou good and faithful servants.” GUEST.
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.
Talisman: A. V. Polk.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1885.
It is reported that Mr. Polk is going to start a hardware store at Wilmot.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 25, 1886.
Dr. Polk, Wilmot’s hardware merchant, was in town Thursday.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds yesterday.
A V Polk et ux to A S Holmes, lots 7 and 8, blk 19, Wilmot: $125.
Wilmot Town Co to A V Polk, lots 7 and 8, blk 19, Wilmot: $125.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 11, 1886.
A. T. Holmes, the rustling young Rock township farmer, has taken another branch of business, having bought the hardware and implement house of A. V. Polk, at Wilmot. Ab. is one of the county’s best young men and will succeed in any business. Of course he continues the raising of blooded stock on his fine farm.