W. J. Pollock


[Ponca Agency and Arkansas City.]
[Note: The name “Pollock” came up numerous times in the early newspapers. I have put in every single one that I found. I do not think that all of those listed were related to W. J. Pollock. Most confusing! Paper had different ways of defining one of the children of W. J. Pollock. At times it was “Oscar,” at times “E. O.,” and at times “O. E.” I also believe that Chas. Pollock mentioned several times was either a son or brother of W. J. Pollock. MAW]
Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1879.
U. S. Indian Inspector Pollock and Mr. Pugh from the Interior Department passed through town on Monday on their way to the Indian Territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1880.
Inspector Pollock of the Indian service came up from the Territory on Saturday last. Sunday brought a department dispatch and Mr. Pollock fell back in good order on the line of duty.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 25, 1881.
Col. Pollock, U. S. Indian Inspector, passed through the city the other day, and is now at Ponca Agency. He will visit other points in the Territory before his return.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 8, 1881.
Gen. [Col.] Pollock, U. S. Inspector, spent several days of last week in town after returning from the Territory, where he has been putting things in the way they should go.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 15, 1881.
Col. Pollock, U. S. Indian Inspector, has been in town the past week, during which time he examined all the flour due the Indians under the contracts of last year. On Monday evening the Col. took his departure for Ponca Agency.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 29, 1881.
U. S. Indian Inspector Pollock, J. D. Miles, agent of the Cheyennes, and Col. Jordan, the newly appointed agent of the Poncas, invaded our sanctum last Wednesday. We regret not being there to do the honors, but hope to have the pleasure in the future. Call again, gentlemen.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 29, 1881.
List of arrivals, at the City Hotel, from Wednesday to Saturday, of last week.
W. J. Pollock, Washington, D. C.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 10, 1881.
U. S. Indian Inspector Pollock was in town last Friday, en route for Osage and Kaw Agencies. We presume he will get at the true inwardness of some of the reports that have been bandied about lately by some of our contemporaries.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 31, 1881.
We are informed that U. S. Inspector Pollock is now en route for the Pawnee Agency, to investigate matters generally.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 14, 1881.
Quite a number of familiar faces from the Territory were on our streets last Monday.

Among them were Mr. O. J. Woodard, of Cheyenne Agency, with W. T. Darlington, J. A. Covington, in charge of Cheyennes and Arapahos going to the Topeka Fair; Thomas and King Berry of Pawnee Agency; Kendall Smith, wife and child, and Mrs. Beard from Ponca Agency, and Col. Pollock, U. S. Indian Inspector; Jake Zalloweger, with his Indian wife and babies, and twenty-five Indians attired in attractive style were the center of attrac­tion. Among the Indians going to Topeka were Black Coyote, Flaces, Tall Left Hand, Walter Matches, Doctor Little Chief, Flying Young, Bull, Warrior, Watan, Lizzard, and fifteen others with ponies, tents, and equipage enough to fill two freight cars. The Topeka party left yesterday morning on the 5 o’clock train.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 28, 1881.
Agent Miles, of Osage Agency, Major Jordan, of Ponca, and Mr. Pollock, of Pawnee, were in town Monday.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 5, 1881.
Wedding Bells at Ponca Agency.
We are often told that “the good times are coming,” and we really begin to believe it, for every now and again some of them, like angelic visitors, or peripatetic book-peddlers, pop in and make us happy. It was our privilege to participate in one of these peculiar pleasant occasions a few days ago at Ponca Agency, Indian Territory.
It seems that on September 24th, ten years ago, Dr. and Mrs. Minthorn were married, and both being high esteemed by the good people of Ponca, and Nez Perce—to whom he ministers in medical things—it was suggested that the tenth anniversary of that happy event should be celebrated by a general jollification, and the musical tin tin abulation of a tin wedding. So preparations were made, invitations sent out, and at 3 p.m., of the 24th, about seventy well pleased guests were gathered in and around the Doctor’s house. Among them were U. S. Indian Inspector Pollock, Agent Miles and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Edmonson, of Osage, Mr. and Mrs. Kellar and daughter, of Kaw, Rev. R. B. Lawyer and wife, Mr. James Reuben, Chief Huses Kute and wife, from Nez Perces, together with the Agent, missionary, principal Chiefs, and all the employees and families at Ponca, making altogether, a pleasing picture as they strolled over the lawn, or collected in groups, chatting and making themselves generally agreeable. The bride and bridegroom, decorated in artistically designed tin ornaments that caught and reflected the rays of the setting sun, mingled in the merry crowd and received the congrat­ulations of their friends with becoming bashfulness.
After partaking of a repast that for get up, elegance, and quality reflected the highest credit on the ladies of Ponca, the bridal presents were arranged in order and the guests invited to look at them. At first sight it seemed as if we had stepped into a Ponca branch of Charlie Sipes’ tin store, or that the Doctor had serious intentions of competing with our worthy trade in the tin department, for everything was there, from a tin whistle, to the most costly article usually to be found in a well assorted stock of tinware.
After a few hours of delightful social intercourse, the company separated, with many hearty wishes for the future welfare of our worthy friends, and a hope that when their golden wedding comes round we may be there to see. J. W.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 18, 1882.
Pollock, the U. S. Indian Inspector, is a candidate for Commissioner of Indian Affairs.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 20, 1882. Editorial.
Indian Inspector Pollock is investigating northern Indian Agencies. Pollock draws the most pay for the least work of any man in the service, and still he wants to be commissioner of Indian Affairs.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1882. [Editorial.]
Col. Wm. Pollock, U. S. Indian Inspector, has been suspended for disobedience to orders issued from the Department, and in defense of his course comes out in a long letter to the Chicago Times, which we think will tend more to his detriment than his good in the future.
Oscar Pollock mentioned was a son of W. J. Pollock.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1882.
Wedding Chimes.
The usual quietude of Ponca Agency was broken on Thanksgiv­ing evening, Thursday, November 30, 1882, by the inpouring of the official residents of the Agencies to attend and celebrate the grand event of the season: The wedding of Miss Florence A. Woodin, of Ponca, to Lester D. Davis, Superintendent of the Pawnee School, of Pawnee. The hour of the wedding was announced by the ringing of the school bell, which immediately called forth to the Agency Mansion a large assemblage of the friends and relatives of the bride and groom. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Jas. Wilson, of Pawnee, the sister and brother of the bride being bridesmaid and groomsman, after which the happy pair were the recipients of heartfelt congratulations and many beauti­ful and costly presents from their many friends.
The bridal party then adjourned to the school building, where they engaged in dancing to most excellent music furnished by the Arkansas City band, ably assisted by Mr. Oscar Pollock, under whose control the dancing was conducted.
The ladies of the Agency deserve the highest credit for their display in the supper room, the tables being laid with a large variety of refreshments, which can never be surpassed and are seldom equaled.
At midnight the bride and groom returned to Pawnee, their future home, after which the guests continued the festivities until the small hours of the morning compelled them to disperse.
Among the noted guests were Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Arthur, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Woodin, Jr., Otoe, Dr. Woodward and wife, Dr. D. Dunn and wife, Oakland, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Nelson and mother, Oakland, Mr. and Mrs. John Walker, Otoe, Mr. Powell and lady, Mr. P. Fouts and lady, Mr. Wilson and lady, Mr. and Mrs. Kendall Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. L. Beard, Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Sherburne.
The many friends of the happy pair in Arkansas City extend their best wishes for their future happiness while the TRAVELER office, in returning thanks for a bountiful supply of wedding cake can only murmur, “May every storm cloud pass them by, and naught but the gentle zephyrs of prosperity ever ruffle the waves of their wedded life.”
Arkansas City Traveler, January 10, 1883.
Indian Inspector Pollock has worked his way back into the Indian service again. He was suspended for several months.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 25, 1883.

Col. Pollock came up last week from his stock ranch, 12 miles northeast of Ponca Agency, on the east side of the Arkansas River (one of the best ranges in the Territory). The Colonel looked as though he had been roughing it, and makes a first-rate looking cowboy.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 10, 1883.
Col. Pollock was in the city last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 10, 1883.
Messrs. Florer & Pollock have just completed arrangements with the tribe of Osage Indians, by which they lease over 100,000 acres of good grazing ground in the Osage Nation for a term of ten years, for a yearly consideration of three thousand dollars. We are glad to note this fact, for while it is a good thing for the gentlemen, it is equally good for the Indians, who thus realize a handsome profit from otherwise waste land.
Note that next item reflects a reduction in acres leased by Florer & Pollock...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1884.
As was stated in last week’s Chief, Hon. Eli Titus visited Sedan for the purpose of closing the contract for a lease of 81,800 acres of land in the territory. There were present at the meeting a number of Indian chiefs and the following cattle kings of Southern Kansas, who leased the number of acres set opposite their names. Hewins & Titus, of this place, leased 1,800 acres more than any of the other firms.
Hewins & Titus: 81,800 acres.
Wait, King, and Slaughter: 48,080 acres.
John P. Soderstrom: 65,000 acres.
Carpenter & Leahy: 50,000 acres.
Florer & Pollock: 75,000 acres.
Crane and Larimer: 80,000 acres.
The price paid per acre is three cents per year, the leases running ten years. The contract for fencing the land has been let, and it will be under fence next April. Grenola Chief.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1884.
W. J. Pollock, a prominent Territory stock man, was in the city a few days this week.
Note that paper has now made Pollock a “Major” rather than a “Colonel.”
Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1884.
Major W. J. Pollock was in our city the latter part of last week. The gentleman reports the late storm as having been the most severe upon stock of any during the winter.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1884.
The attention of stockmen is called to the new brand cards of Messrs. J. H. Sherburne and W. J. Pollock, both of whom are holding cattle in the Territory south of this city.
Sherburne Ad shows 4 cattle illustrations; one horse.
STOCK BRANDS -OF- J. H. SHERBURNE. Range on the Ponca reservation. Post office address Ponca Agency, Indian Territory.

Additional cattle brands—S O S, O S, T O M, and a mule shoe.
Additional horse brands—S without the bar number under it, on the right shoulder same place as S-bar.
STOCK BRANDS -OF- W. J. POLLOCK. [HORSE/CATTLE ILLUSTRATION SHOWING BRANDS.] Increase branded three half circles on right side, P on left jaw, med chain on both shoulders and upper half crop on each ear.
Additional Brands: V V on left side; C S on left hip. Bottle on left side. H L on left hip. Range on Osage reservation, I. T. Post office address, Ponca Agency, I. T.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 19, 1884.
Osage Live Stock Association.
At the meeting of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association at Caldwell, last week, the lessees of the Osage, Ponca, and Nez Perce reservations met at the Southwestern Hotel and organized the Osage Live Stock Association. Mr. Crane, of Independence, was chosen president of the association and W. J. Pollock secretary. The following cattle firms were represented.
 1. Florer & Pollock.
 2. Hewins & Titus.
 3. Crane & Larimer.
 4. Wait & King.
 5. Carpenter & Leahy.
 6. Soderstrom & Shoals.
 7. Osage Brown & Son.
 8. Joe Hurd.
 9. T. J. Gilbert & Co., Kaw Reservation.
10. R. A. Houghton, Nez Perce Reservation.
11. J. H. Sherburne, Ponca Reservation.
This association will work in harmony with other organizations of the same kind, yet it shall be a distinctive body. It is their intention to admit the Indian cattle owners into membership, giving them all the benefits and protection enjoyed by their white brethren. Nothing further than an organization was accomplished at this meeting, when they adjourned to meet again on Saturday, May 29, at Osage Agency. The men comprising this association are each and all large cattle owners, are men of influence and wealth, of enterprise and business acumen, and we doubt not that the Osage Live Stock Association will soon rank as high and favorably as does its sister, the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association. Success to it.
Unknown if Jennie Pollock was a relative of W. J. Pollock...
Arkansas City Republican, March 22, 1884.
MARRIED. By Rev. J. O. Campbell at his study on March 20, 1884, Mr. Nathan Morain, of Pleasant Valley Township, and Miss Jennie Pollock, of Arkansas City.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 26, 1884.
MARRIED. On Thursday, March 20, by Rev. J. O. Campbell, Mr. Nathan E. Morain and Miss Jennie Pollock. May long life and happiness be theirs.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 2, 1884.
Osage Leases.
The following are the gentlemen to whom the council of the Osage Nation have leased ranges upon the lands belonging to the tribe.
E. M. Hewins
Wait & King
Carpenter & Leahy
Pollock & Florer
John Soderstrom
Crane & Larimer
Arkansas City Republican, April 12, 1884.
W. J. Pollock, Major Garth, and Drury Warren were up from the Territory this week.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 2, 1884.
Osage Live Stock Association.
The Osage Live Stock Association met according to adjournment at the above date and place, with the following members present;
H. H. Crane, W. H. H. Larimer, and J. H. Pugh, of Independence.
Thomas Leahy and L. C. Wait, of Elgin.
J. N. Florer, of Kaw Agency.
W. J. Pollock, of Ponca Agency.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman H. H. Crane, after which the minutes of the previous meeting were read by Secretary Pollock. After an informal talk on matters relating to the organization and its interests, Mr. Pugh moved that in consequence of the small number present the meeting stand adjourned, to meet at Osage Agency at the time of the June payment, with the understanding that Judge T. L. Rogers would give all parties timely notice of the exact time of such meeting. Adjourned. W. J. POLLOCK, Secretary.
Immediately after the adjournment Messrs. Ed. Hewins, John Soderstrom, Joe Herard, and several other parties interested in stock put in an appearance, and although too late to participate in the formal meeting quite a little social talk was had on subjects connected with stock and the range.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, April 9, 1884.
4. C. M. SCOTT.
5. J. N. FLORER.

6. N. W. PARVIN.
NOTE: R. A. HOUGHTON SHOWS...Postoffice address: Arkansas City, Kansas, OR, C. C. ENDICOTT, range manager, Oakland Agency, Indian Territory. Range on the Nez Perce reservation. OODLES OF BRANDS!
NOTE: C. M. SCOTT...ON SIDE OF CATTLE: SCOT. Horse brand, CM on left shoulder. Range 6 miles south of Arkansas City. P. O.: Arkansas City, Cowley County, Kansas.
Sheep brand, S & T on left shoulder. Range 6 miles south of Arkansas City.
NOTE: DRURY WARREN brand looks quite different on side of cattle. Appears to me like N followed by two sizes of boots. States: Range on Duck Creek and Chicaskia, Indian Territory. GAVE UP TRYING TO READ OTHER BRANDS USED.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 30, 1884.
Col. Pollock was in town several days the past week.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 30, 1884.
 2. W. J. POLLOCK.
 4. J. N. FLORER.
 5. N. W. PARVIN.
 7. J. C. TOPLIFF.
11. C. M. SCOTT.
12. BURKE & MARTIN   - P. O. Address, Red Rock, Indian Territory. Range on the Cimarron river, south of McClellan’s. Horse Brand: [?] on left shoulder. Cattle are branded on both sides. [B & M]
13. T. J. Gilbert & Co.
14. J. B. NIPP.
Range on Turkey and Possum creeks, west of Ponca Agency, I. T.
Horse brand same as cattle.

Ear marks—Smooth crop on left and smaller fork and over-bit on right. LOOKED LIKE Sh with bar underneath on cattle depicted.
16. T. E. BERRY & BROS.
Arkansas City Republican, May 3, 1884.
MARRIED. Married at the parlors of the Perry House, Saturday, April 26, by Rev. J. O. Campbell, Carlos M. Cheney, step-son of Col. Pollock, of Ponca, Indian Territory, and Miss Rose Losourt, of New Britain, Connecticut.
Arkansas City Republican, May 24, 1884.
J. S. Van Nortwick, late of Batavia, Illinois, but who has recently bought an interest in Pollock’s ranch, in the Osage country, Indian Territory, was in the city this week, and bought Drury Warren’s herd of cattle.
Have no idea if “Professor Pollock” is connected to W. J. Pollock...
Arkansas City Republican, May 31, 1884.
Professor Pollock, of Orient, Iowa, visited our school last Monday. Call again, Professor.
Arkansas City Republican, May 31, 1884.
Prof. S. E. Pollock, principal of the schools of Orient, Iowa, paid the schools of this city a pleasant call Monday.
Believe “Oscar E.” and “Chas. V.” Pollock are sons of W. J. Pollock...
Arkansas City Republican, May 31, 1884.
Messrs. Oscar E. and Chas. V. Pollock were up from Ponca agency this week.
Have no idea if “Nettie Pollock” is related to W. J. Pollock...
Arkansas City Republican, July 12, 1884.
The Normal Institute.
The Normal is progressing finely. There are now 29 teachers enrolled. Those who were enrolled from Arkansas City this week are Misses Emma Campbell, Mollie Coonrod, Nettie Pollock, Dido Carlisle, Messrs. Ellsworth, R. W. Harris, M. J. Scott, J. W. Warren.
Arkansas City Republican, July 19, 1884.
Thirteen wagons, driven by Ponca Indians, were filled at the lumber yards of A. V. Alexander & Co., Monday. The lumber was all first-grade and was intended for Col. Pollock’s new ranch. The value of the order was nearly one thousand dollars.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 23, 1884.
STOCK BRANDS -OF- W. J. POLLOCK. Increase branded three half circles on right side, P on left jaw; moccasin on both shoulders and upper half crop on each ear.
Additional Brands: PV on left side; CS on left hip; bottle on left side; HL on left side.
Range on Osage reservation, Indian Territory. Post office address: Ponca Agency, I. T.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 8, 1884.
Osage Live Stock Association.
Quite a number of the stockmen of the Osage Nation and vicinity met in the council rooms at Osage Agency September 30, 1884, for the purpose of taking steps toward forming an association having for the object the mutual benefit and protection of those engaged in stock raising on the Osage and contiguous reservations.

The meeting was called to order by the temporary chairman, Col. H. H. Crane, with Col. W. J. Pollock at the secretary’s table.
On motion, the above named gentlemen were unanimously elected as permanent chairman and secretary, with Mr. J. N. Florer as treasurer.
Motion of Mr. Florer: That the membership fee to this association be $2. Adopted.
Motion of Mr. Hewins: That any member of the Osage Nation, any Indian owning stock, or any person rightfully occupying ranges on the Osage, Kaw, Cherokee, Ponca, and Nez Perce reservations may become members of this association upon payment of $2 to the treasurer. Adopted.
Membership fees were then paid by the following named stock men and stock firms, who were enrolled by the secretary upon the books of the association.
On motion of E. M. Hewins, Col. W. J. Pollock was appointed a committee on constitution and by-laws, to report at the next meeting of the association.
On motion of E. M. Hewins, J. N. Florer was authorized to get up a brand book, to include the brands of all members of the association who send their brands to him on or before November 10, 1884. Any person owning stock, not a member of this association, desirous of having their brands inserted in the brand book, under the head of “Miscellaneous brands,” can do so by sending description of brand and four dollars to J. N. Florer, treasurer of the Osage Live Stock Association.
On motion of Mr. Hewins, Mr. Florer was appointed a committee to give the stock men of the above reservations and others interested notice of this action of the association in such manner as he deems best.

On motion of E. M. Hewins, the chair appointed the following gentlemen delegates to attend the national live stock convention, which meets at St. Louis on November 17, 1884:
Col. W. J. Pollock, L. C. Wait, ___ ___ Carpenter, J. N. Florer, W. S. Brown, and W. H. H. Larimer.
On motion of Mr. Hewins, the chairman, Col. H. H. Crane, was added to the above delegation as an honorary member.
On motion of Mr. Florer, the meeting was then adjourned to 9 o’clock a.m., of December 29, 1884, to meet at Osage Agency, Indian Territory. W. J. POLLOCK, Secretary.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 8, 1884.
W. J. Pollock, secretary of the Osage Live Stock Association, was in the city a couple of days this week.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 22, 1884.
W. J. Pollock, secretary of the Osage Live Stock Association, was in the city yesterday and left for a visit to his old home in Aurora, Illinois.
Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.
The recent prairie fires in the Territory have worked great damages. On the Kaw reservation about one-third of the grass land was swept over by fire. Maj. Pollock lost considerable hay.
Believe Chas. Pollock is son of W. J. Pollock...
Arkansas City Republican, December 13, 1884.
Chas. Pollock, of Ponca Agency, was in town Tuesday and Wednesday.
Arkansas City Republican, December 20, 1884.
F. A. Burgess, of Emporia, trainmaster on the middle division of the A. T. & S. F., and C. E. Pollock, chief clerk to Supt. Nickerson, came in with Paymaster Moore Tuesday.
Arkansas City Traveler, Supplement, December 24, 1884.
 4. B. F. CHILDS.
 8. T. E. BERRY & BROS.
10. C. M. SCOTT.
11. J. C. TOPLIFF.
14. W. J. POLLOCK.

Unknown if S. E. Pollock is related to W. J. Pollock...
Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.
Bridge Meeting.
At a meeting of the voters of Creswell Township, Monday, December 29, business pertaining to the township was transacted, after which the subject of maintaining certain bridges was brought up for discussion. We know that certain bridges have been built and maintained for the benefit and accommodation of other townships and corporations almost exclusively. Now the question is who must support these bridges. So far Creswell Township has been taxed to build and support said bridges, but the fixed determination at the present is to throw off this oppression. Not because we are opposed to internal improvements, or any legitimate expenditure of money whereby we may be benefitted to any reasonable extent.
Speeches were made by F. M. Vaughn, G. Kirkpatrick, R. L. Marshall, and A. B. Sankey. Mr. Kirkpatrick proposed to make said bridges self-supporting by making them toll bridges. Mr. Vaughn proposed to have the bridges vacated and closed, as they are the private property of the township. Others proposed different schemes. It was agreed by all, however, that the supporting of said bridges was an injustice and an imposition. It was thereupon
RESOLVED, (1) That the grievance be placed in the hands of a committee appointed by the chair. (2) That this committee be instructed to bring the matter before the county Commissioners, and to decide what steps should be taken toward righting the wrong. (3) That the Clerk be authorized to present a copy of these proceedings to the different papers of Arkansas City for publication. R. L. MARSHALL, President.
S. E. POLLOCK, Secretary.
Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.
After attending the meeting of the stock association at Osage Agency the first of the week, J. H. Sherburne, of Ponca, and W. J. Pollock, of Osage, came up to Arkansas City on a business tour. They returned Wednesday.
S. E. Pollock again mentioned...
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
S. E. Pollock finished his winter term of school at the Parker schoolhouse Tuesday. He gave good satisfaction as a teacher.
A new Pollock mentioned: J. M. Pollock...
Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.
J. M. Pollock, of Wichita, came down to see our prosperity Thursday.
Robert Pollock, son of James Pollock, is definitely not related to W. J. Pollock...
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
Robert Pollock, who resides four miles west of town with his father, had a severe ordeal to pass through last Thursday morning. Several years ago while a resident of Ohio, he had a bone broken in his hip. The bone became dead and formed what is known to the medical profession as Necrosis of the crest of the Ilium. An opening was made in Pollock’s side, the bone scraped, and a piece removed. Dr. Reed performed the operation, assisted by Dr. J. A. Mitchell. The patient was a boy 17 years of age, and is improving since the operation.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

Drs. Reed and Mitchell performed a painful and difficult operation Thursday last, on Robt. Pollock, son of James Pollock, living east of the Walnut. The young fellow had, in a fall, crushed the crest [?] of the ilium or upper part of the pelvis (hench bone). [?] The new bone formed across the piece broken off and it was necessary to make an incision [?] in this to remove the old bone. The operation was successful and the boy is getting along as well as could be expected.
S. E. Pollock again mentioned...
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
S. E. Pollock was, we believe, the only teacher in attendance from this vicinity on the Cowley County Teachers Association at New Salem, Friday and Saturday of last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.
We call attention to the call of W. J. Pollock, secretary, for a meeting of the Osage Live Stock Association, at Osage, March 27. A full attendance is requested, as business of importance awaits attention.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.
Stockmen, Attention!
The members of the Osage Live Stock Association are requested to meet at Osage Agency Friday, March 27, promptly at 9 o’clock, to transact business of importance.
Wm. Pollock, Secretary.
J. N. Florer, Treasurer.
Article about Pollock, the teacher...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 21, 1885.
The Arkansas City Schools.
It was our privilege to pay the schools of Arkansas City a visit last week. Meeting our old friend, Mr. Pollock, one of Cowley’s best teachers, we went in company to the high school rooms, where we found Miss Hattie Horner in charge. Miss Horner is a lady of fine talents and good experience as a teacher. She graduated at the state normal some years ago and was one of our pupils. She was one of those from whom the school expected much and they have not been disappointed in this instance as she is teaching an excellent school. She seems to command the respect and love of her pupils and everything seems to move like clockwork. Her assistant seems to be a very pleasant and efficient lady.
After the close of school we had the pleasure of meeting Prof. Weir, the superintendent. He stands high in the state as an educator, and is making the schools of Arkansas City among the very best. We speak thus positively because we took an opportunity upon the following day to visit several departments and found them all doing excellent work and the evidences of good grading, perfect system, and thorough work were numerous. Among those, upon whom we called, were our old pupils from Emporia, Myrtle Jones, Eva Collins, Lena Gause, and Miss Obenchain.

With so many teachers from the state normal, it is no wonder the schools of Arkansas City are excellent, and are fast attaining a state reputation. Although our stay in each department which we visited was short, we were permitted to witness some exercises in each department that gave evidence of good work, but must speak of the excellent exercise in calisthenics presented by Miss Jones, just before recess, and the beautifully decorated blackboards and general appearance of neatness in the rooms of Miss Gause and Collins. There are new rooms, which were so nicely kept as to impress us as being the most attractive schoolrooms we ever visited. One other thing made a deep impression upon us and that was the orderly and perfect plan of conducting recess. We cannot close this review without speaking of the very neat course of study, rules and regulations which have been issued by these schools. Should anyone desire to know more of the details of the workings of the Arkansas City public schools, they should secure one of these pamphlets. Winfield Tribune.
C. V. Pollock mentioned...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 25, 1885.
C. V. Pollock, of Ponca, Sundayed in the city.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 1, 1885.
Osage Live Stock Association.
Pursuant to call the above association met at Osage Agency on March 17th, 1885, with the following members of the association present or represented: G. M. Carpenter, L. C. Wait, Wm. Larimer, Virgil Herard, J. H. Pugh, Julian Trimbly, John Soderstrom, T. J. Gilbert, J. N. Florer, H. N. Hampton, P. Revard, P. M. Matthews, Gus Choteau, W. J. Pollock, A. C. Stitch, E. M. Hewins, R. T. Hampton, T. L. Rogers.
In the absence of the president and secretary, L. C. Wait was elected to the chair, pro tem, and H. P. Standley, acting secretary pro tem.
Meeting called to order and minutes of previous meeting read and approved.
The report of committee on by-laws received and action taken upon the same section as read, after which they were adopted unanimously as a whole.
In accordance with section 3 of the by-laws, the president appointed the following gentlemen as the Executive Committee for the transaction of the general business of the association until its regular meeting Sept. 30th: W. J. Pollock, G. M. Carpenter, H. H. Crane,
Julian Trimbly, Virgil Herard, Judge Rogers, and E. M. Hewins.
On motion the acting secretary was elected as honorary member of the Association.
On motion of J. N. Florer, seconded by T. J. Gilbert, it was decided for the purposes of the spring round up, that the Osage reservation should be divided into five districts, and the Kaw reservation into one, and each district send one man, each leaseholder on the reservation to send one man, and Messrs. Brown and Herard each to furnish four men for the round up, to meet at Osage Agency on Monday, May 18th, 1885.
On motion of J. N. Florer, seconded by T. J. Gilbert, that the Arkansas City TRAVELER be the official paper of the Osage Live Stock Association. Carried.
After the transaction of some other minor business, the meeting adjourned.
Below we append, by request, the names and addresses of the members of the association at this writing.
Florer, Gould & Ayres, Kaw Agency, Indian Territory.
Col. W. J. Pollock, Ponca Agency, Indian Territory.
T. J. Gilbert & Co., Arkansas City, Kansas.
Mrs. Jane Benvenue, Kaw Agency, Indian Territory.
B. F. Childs, Arkansas City, Kansas.

Virgil Herard, Elgin, Kansas.
Elgin Cattle Co., Elgin, Kansas.
Wait, King & Pugh, Elgin, Kansas.
Gus Choteau, Pawhuska, Indian Territory.
Louis Rogers, Pawhuska, Indian Territory.
E. M. Matthews, Pawhuska, Indian Territory.

C. H. Prudom, Pawhuska, Indian Territory.
Pat Rogers, Pawhuska, Indian Territory.
Hewins & Titus, Cedar Vale, Kansas.
W. S. Brown & Sons, Independence, Kansas.
Crane & Larimer, Independence, Kansas.
Hy Roberts, Kaw Agency, Indian Territory.
Harrison H. Hampton, Bartlesville, Indian Territory.
J. H. Sherburne, Ponca Agency, Indian Territory.
C. M. McClellan, Otoe Agency, Indian Territory.
R. T. Hampton, Bartlesville, Indian Territory.
Drury Warren, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Peter Revard, Elgin, Kansas.
Harkleroad & Irons, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Jos. Greenlee, Kaw Agency, Indian Territory.
John Soderstrom, Farm Creek P. O., Kansas.
C. W. & W. W. Sholes, Fredonia, Kansas.
Mentions Oscar E. and Emma Pollock, and daughter...
Arkansas City Traveler, April 8, 1885.
DIED. Died at Col. Pollock’s ranche in the Indian Territory, on Monday, March 30th, at 3:15 a.m., of gastritis, Nevins Belle Pollock, daughter of Oscar E. and Emma Pollock, aged two years, nine months, and twenty-eight days.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 8, 1885.
A Visit to This Home of the Red Men Described.
A visit to the Ponca Agency shows matters progressing there with customary quiet. The Indians number 586, and many of them are now busy preparing their farms for summer crops. The patches of winter wheat seem to have sustained but slight injury, and present indications favor the expectation of a fair yield. During our brief stay at the Agency, Chief Joseph came in from the Nez Perces camp with his wife. The once haughty chief maintains his intelligent look and robust proportions, but his adoption of white men’s ways is evidently a humiliation, and he still holds to the aboriginal belief that he and his people have been deprived of their former homes by pale face usurpation. When questioned as to the impending removal of himself and followers to the great Northwest, he merely remarked that it would have been more reasonable in Washington to have first consulted the Nez Perces in the selection of a future home. Chief Joseph is a man of solid sense, but the rapid spread of the white race over the hereditary hunting grounds of the red man evidently confuses him, and he is unable to keep up with the march of events. The fate of poor Lo is a sad one, but like Napoleon at Marengo, when informed of the death of Desalx [? Could not read it ?], we have not time to weep for him.

Cos. F and L, of the 2nd [? 22nd ?] U. S. Infantry, are still stationed at the Ponca Agency. The command is under charge of Capt. Clark, of Company F [? E ?]; the other officers are Lieuts. Rice and Root, and Assistant Surgeon McCaw [?]. The force consists of 100 men, all told, sixty of whom are in camp; thirty others are picketed at neighboring points, and the remainder are on detailed duty. Private Gray deserted during our stay at the Agency, carrying with him his musket and accoutrements, he also took a watch borrowed from a comrade. He has been three years in the service, but bears rather a hard name. Should he be arrested, he stands a good chance of serving several years in the military prison at Fort Leavenworth. The compound is remarkably healthy, and officers and men express satisfaction with their pleasant location. Returning, we called at the cavalry camp at Chilocco, and received a cordial greeting from Captain Rucker, Lieuts. Hughes and Parker, and some others. The force is stationed on a fine piece of meadow land, affording ample room for drill and other evolutions, and the whole camp is as neat as a pin.
The school enrollment is sixty; 36 boys and 24 girls; their ages ranging from 5 years to 25. The adult pupils are 7 in number. There are 26 other scholars in the Lawrence school, 18 in the school at Chilocco, and one at Carlisle, making 105 attending school in all. The young people of school age number 129; but a portion of these are engaged in farm work. Mr. and Mrs. Holmes have charge of the Ponca school as principal and matron respectively, the assistant teacher is Miss Ellis. The duty of administering this school is faithfully performed; the sanitary condition of the inmates being well looked after, and their studies diligently prosecuted.
We regret to record the death of little Belle Pollock (notice of which is published elsewhere in our columns), an exceptionally bright child, the light of the household, and beloved by all at the Agency. She was a long and patient sufferer, and when this promising human bud finally closed her eyes in death, a gloom was spread over all who had witnessed her sweet young life. The body was laid to rest in a meadow contiguous to the dwelling-house, and the last sad rites were participated in by a large number of sorrowing friends and neighbors. The presence of a group of stalwart Osage braves gave picturesqueness to the solemn scene.
Agent Scott and the government employees keep busy in promoting the well being of their dusky charge, and Joe Sherburne, the popular trader, has his customary number of irons in the fire, but by his address and celerity keeps all from burning. F. L.
Eugene Pollock is mentioned. Gather this is Oscar E. Pollock...
Arkansas City Traveler, April 22, 1885.
BIRTH. Born on the 13th inst., to the wife of Eugene Pollock, Ponca Agency, a son. This wellspring of pleasure has been sent to relieve the parents of the gloom cast over their household by the death of their daughter, Belle, a few weeks ago. We hope the child may be preserved to them.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.
Increase brand: As on cut, three half circles, on right side; bar (-) on left jaw; and heretofore an upper half crop to each ear, but hereafter a small crop off both ears.
Range on Creek reservation.
Wm. J. Pollock, Secretary and Manager.

Address, Ponca Agency, Indian Territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.
Col. W. J. Pollock, of the Aurora Cattle Company, well known to all our citizens, returned on Thursday from a few weeks sojourn in the east, and returned the next morning to his ranch.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.
Ponca was represented on our streets last week, by the presence of Agent Scott, Joe Sherburne, the trader, and Col. W. J. Pollock, a cattle magnate. The two latter made an affectionate adieux to the departing Nez Perces.
James M. Pollock...
Arkansas City Republican, June 27, 1885.
James M. Pollock, of Wichita, one of the gentlemen who purchased one of Dr. Chapel’s lots on North Summit street, came down Thursday to get figures for a store room, two stories, and 25 x 80 feet.
S. E. Pollock...
Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.
S. E. Pollock was suddenly taken ill Tuesday morning in Mowry & Sollitt’s drug store and as he went to pass out of the door to go home, he fainted away, falling against the door and bruising his forehead quite badly. By the timely aid of Dr. Westfall, he was able to travel in a short time.
E. O. Pollock. [Believe this should be Oscar E. Pollock...
Arkansas City Traveler, September 2, 1885.
E. O. Pollock and wife are in town visiting their friends.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 23, 1885.
Col. Pollock, J. H. Sherburne, and Mr. Hodges came up from Ponca on Sunday to attend the meeting of cattlemen.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 21, 1885.
Yesterday Col. Pollock started from the Aurora Cattle Co.’s ranch, at Ponca, with 200 beeves to ship to market. The drive will be to Coffeyville.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 28, 1885.
Capt. A. J. Hersey and Col. W. J. Pollock registered at the Leland yesterday.
Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.
The recent prairie fires in the Territory have worked great damages. On the Kaw reservation about one-third of the grass land was swept over by fire. Maj. Pollock lost considerable hay.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 2, 1885.
Col. W. J. Pollock came to town on Saturday after an absence of several weeks in the east. He attended the cattle convention in St. Louis, and reports a large attendance, but he did not stay out its sittings. He returned home the following day.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 2, 1885.
  Don’t Be Without It.
Such letters as the following from subscribers are always welcome. It is dated from Aurora, Illinois.

“Enclosed please find $1.50 for the TRAVELER. We couldn’t think of getting along without your paper. We are more interested in Arkansas City than in Aurora. We are all very much dissatisfied with this country and expect sooner or later to make Arkansas City our home. Every paper is eagerly scanned for some news of old friends in that country. It is very sickly here—some families losing all the children they have with diphtheria. W. J. Pollock and family took dinner with us yesterday. Tomorrow he starts for St. Louis, and from there he goes to his ranche in the Territory. Be sure and put all the news in your paper you can hear from Ponca Agency, for having lived there nearly five years, we are very much interested in its doings.”
S. C. Pollock...
Arkansas City Republican, December 5, 1885.
S. C. Pollock, who has been having an attack of malarial fever, is able to be around once more.
Arkansas City Republican, April 17, 1886.
S. C. Pollock went to the Chilocco schools to teach the young Lo how to shoot Thursday.
Back to Col. Pollock, now manager of the Aurora Cattle Co.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.
 On the Move.
Mr. N. S. Martin (of Burke & Martin) came to town on Friday, as he expressed it, “to get some chuck for the boys.” They are moving their herd from the Cimarron River to the Osage Nation, having agreed on terms with Col. Pollock, manager of the Aurora Cattle Co., to pasture their herd on his range. Mr. Martin says their cattle are in fine condition, many of them being four and five year old steers, which they have withheld from market on account of the low prices prevailing. The present change in location is made because of a false survey run some time ago, by which a portion of land south of the Cimarron was attached to the Cherokee strip. They selected their ranch there as members of the Cherokee Livestock Association, and under authority of their lease; but before they had finished putting up their fence, the piece of land south of the river was declared a portion of Oklahoma, and their occupation of it forbidden as a trespass. This left them in bad shape with their ranch unenclosed, and subject to the incursions of boomers at one time and a cavalry raid the next. Last winter they had a rough deal, feeding every tramp that came along for fear of incurring his ill will, and then having their range fired by the very men whom they had hospitably entertained. This hanging on by the eyelids became too precarious at length, and they are now comfortably housed on the Aurora Cattle Co.’s fine ranch, with abundances of feed for the winter, and Col. Pollock, the most genial of cattle kings, for a neighbor. May they rest in peace.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.
Col. W. J. Pollock is in town from the territory, spending a few days with his many friends.
C. M. Pollock...
Arkansas City Republican, May 22, 1886.
Real Estate Transfers of Monday and Tuesday.

C. M. Pollock to Jennie Peterson, 2 lots, $200.
Eugene Pollock [Think this is Oscar E. Pollock.]...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 12, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Eugene Pollock purchased of Sept. Andrews today one of the handsomest saddles and bridles we have seen in this neck-o’-woods. The price was $85.
Samuel Pollock...east of Walnut...
Arkansas City Republican, October 2, 1886.
Pursuant to recommendation of County Central Committee and call of Committeemen for township, the Republicans of Creswell met at the Stone House, one mile north of Arkansas City, at one o’clock, called to order by Committeeman Vaughn, and organized by electing J. B. Guyer, Chairman; and F. M. Vaughn, Secretary. The following delegates, west of the Walnut, were chosen to attend the convention.
DELEGATES: S. C. Priest, A. Abrams, Jessie Stansbury.
ALTERNATES: I. L. Wade, G. W. Ramage, W. Allen.
West of the Walnut.
DELEGATES: A. B. Sankey, W. C. Guyer, F. M. Vaughn.
ALTERNATES: J. B. Tucker, Boen Louis, R. L. Marshall.
Pursuant to call of the Dist. Committeemen, at the same time and place the Delegates were chosen to attend the representative Convention.
East of Walnut.
DELEGATES: A. G. Kells, J. B. Tucker, R. L. Marshall.
ALTERNATES: [INITIALS LEFT OUT] Campbell, S. E. Maxwell, Samuel Pollock.
West of Walnut.
DELEGATES: S. C. Priest, J. L. Wade, A. Abrams.
ALTERNATES: J. E. Roseberry, Jessie Stansbury, Wm. Cunningham.
Our meeting adjourned. J. B. GUYER, Chairman. F. M. VAUGHN, Secretary.
Col. Pollock...
Arkansas City Traveler, October 13, 1886.
Col. W. J. Pollock has a touch of malaria.
S. E. Pollock, representing Y. M. C. A. of Arkansas City...
Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1886.
On Wednesday last a delegation consisting of R. W. Campbell, G. W. Nix, Geo. E. Coonrod, E. G. McGill, Rev. J. O. Campbell, and S. E. Pollock, representing the Y. M. C. A. of this city, left this city for Ottawa, to take part in a state convention to be held in that place. Two hundred and fifty delegates were present, and we understand that the reports read from various parts of the state were of an encouraging character, and the business transacted was important and profitable. Four of the above named gentlemen returned yesterday; the other two (Rev. J. O. Campbell and S. E. Pollock), will return tomorrow.
Reference to Col. Pollock and son Eugene’s wife...
Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1886.

   Shipment of Stock.
Col. W. J. Pollock, accompanied by his daughter-in-law (Eugene’s wife) and child, came to town on Saturday, and remained here two or three days on a visit. On Tuesday he shipped twelve cars of cattle from his ranch on the Salt Fork to St. Louis, a portion of the stock coming from his own herd, and the remainder being owned by Burke & Martin, who have sub-leased from the Aurora Cattle Co., of whose business Col. Pollock is part owner and manager. He and his son’s wife also left town yesterday to spend some time at their home in Illinois. He describes his herd as in fine condition and his crop of calves exceptionally abundant; the product being 400 calves from 600 cows. This successful effort in stock raising is due to proper provision made for the cows, sufficient grain and hay having been fed them through the winter, and sheds to shelter them during the worst periods. This must strike the reader as the correct method. If the present rule of stock raisers, which banishes all she cattle from their pasture, is to be generally adopted, how is the supply of beef for the wants of the country provided? Col. Pollock’s judgment and enterprise have created a model ranch; substantial and commodious buildings for all necessary uses, ample grain fields, and provided care of stock at all times. It is to be regretted that his generous outlay of money has not been representative, but it’s a long lane that has no turning. There is a tide in the affairs of men, and these sorely depressed cattlemen who have the constancy and bank account to tide them over the present ebb, will find the shoals and narrows that now impede their course made navigable by the inflowing current, and then they can float over halcyon seas to a prosperous harbor. We have drawn from Shakespeare for our imagery, but it makes pleasant reading, and has beside the solid merit of sound prophecy.
S. E. Pollock, of Chilocco...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 13, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
S. E. Pollock, of the Chilocco Indian School, went up to Topeka yesterday to look for two Indian boys who ran away from the school about two weeks ago. They were Pottawatomie Indians. One is aged 17 and the other 19 years. Mr. Pollock tracked them to Lawrence, at which place the two runaways were seen last Monday.
S. E. Pollock...
Arkansas City Republican, December 4, 1886. Supplement. [Seven Road Notices.]
RECAP: Gather notices were all presented to the Board of County Commissioners of Cowley County, Kansas, held on the 8th day of October, A. D. 1886.
6. S. Howell and others of Creswell Township...view and survey for purpose of locating a certain county road...Washington Allen, J. F. Delzell, and S. E. Pollock, viewers, N. A. Haight, county surveyor.
Robert Pollock, Samuel Pollock, and Wes. Pollock, students at Rose Valley...???
Arkansas City Traveler, December 8, 1886.
Roll of Honor.
Of the Rose Valley School, District No. 34, for November. Willie Phillips, Charlie Phillips, John Sankey, Willie Maxwell, John Cue, Elbert Maxwell, Frank Requa, James Phillips, Eddie Purdy, Edgar McMaine, Turner Sankey, David Maxwell, Robert Pollock, Wes. Pollock, Samuel Pollock. L. F. Abernethy, Teacher.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 15, 1886.
Col. W. J. Pollock, and his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Eugene Pollock, returned from their Illinois trip on Wednesday last, and on Friday took the Southern Kansas cars for their home on the Salt Fork.
Col. Pollock moves to Arkansas City and enters into real estate business with Joe Sherburne...His son, Oscar, starts managing agency affairs...???
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 25, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Col. W. J. Pollock, of Ponca, has turned the management of his agency affairs over to his son, Oscar. The Colonel has removed to this city and will enter into the real estate business with Mr. J. H. Sherburne. They will have their office on 5th Avenue in a building which A. A. Newman will erect on lots adjoining the Star Livery Stable.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 25, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Pollock & Sherburne will open up their real estate agency next week. They have temporary rooms for an office until the building which they will occupy can be put up. This morning we were shown plans of their proposed office building. It is to be 22 x 21 feet and two stories high with a basement and of pressed brick. It will be put up on the rear part of the lot on which stands the No. 33 drug store, by A. A. Newman. Arkansas City still continues to grow and spread. A great many buildings are going up in our city, notwithstanding this is winter.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 22, 1887. From Thursday’s Daily.
A. A. Newman has had work commenced on his new building on Fifth Avenue, and which, when completed, will be occupied by Pollock & Sherburne, real estate agents. J. W. French has the contract of the building.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 29, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
Pollock & Sherburne sold six lots in Sherburne addition to Messrs. Turner and Simpson yesterday for $900. These gentlemen are employees at Ponca Agency.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 5, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
Pollock & Sherburne sold yesterday $33,750 worth of real estate, suburban tracts, and city lots, to J. M. Douglass, and others. They were of Nashville, Tennessee. Arkansas City does boom this cold weather.
Samuel Pollock...of Creswell...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 12, 1887. From Monday’s Daily.
Samuel Pollock, of Creswell, is down with the measles. Mr. Pollock is 60 years of age.
Pollock & Sherburne...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 26, 1887. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Pollock & Sherburne sold the balance of the William R. Johnson farm on this side of the Walnut to S. D. MacDonald, Jr., of Kansas City, at $100 per acre.
Excerpt from long article...mentions Laura Pollock of Brownsville, Texas...
Arkansas City Traveler, Friday, March 7, 1919.
Some Nice Subscriptions Are Still Being Turned In.

The directors of the local Y. W. C. A. have decided not to finish the campaign for funds until the solicitors have seen all the people who are willing to give. One of the plans of the committee for this year is to fit up the large flat roof outside the dormitory as a roof garden, where the girls can be comfort­able in summer. It is planned to have lumber placed on the roof, with canvas overhead and with cots there to be kept that way all during the hot summer. Another plan is a summer camp at the Green ranch, or somewhere else near the city, where the girls may spend a few days vacation.
The directors want to extend a welcome to all the girls of the city, irrespective of religious belief, to the rooms, cafete­ria, club recreation, classes, and club supper, every Thursday at 6 o’clock. The price of the club is 25 cents.
The directors sincerely thank all donors to the Y. W. for their noble assistance.
Miss Laura Pollock, of Brownsville, Texas, formerly of this city, writes the following encouraging letter to the commit­tee:
“I just heard of the Y. W. C. A. drive that is being carried on there and would like to be permitted to do a very small part in a cause that has always interested me so much. Am only sorry that I am not there to be of personal service, but am sure that you have plenty of good help. Hope you may soon reach your goal.”
Mayor W. J. Pollock in 1902...picture taken!
Of Nineteen Here in Year 1902 Eight Are Now Deceased.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 21, 1921.
R. F. Fitzpatrick, former city clerk of this city, and who is one of the early day settlers here, has dug up a real relic of the bygone days in the city affairs, in the nature of a group photo of the city officials who were in office in the year 1902. At that time W. J. Pollock was the mayor, and the occasion of making the picture at that time, was the fact that Mayor Pollock’s term of office was about ended and the officials at that time had the photo made, and from it there was a large picture taken, which was presented to the retiring mayor.
There are nineteen of the city officials and employees in the picture; and of this number, eight are now deceased.
Following the Pollock administration, Capt. M. N. Sinnott, present city clerk, was the mayor for four years. The picture in question may be seen at this time at the office of Fitzpatrick & McDowell.
This old time photo contains the likeness of the following men.
William J. Pollock, mayor, deceased.
R. F. Fitzpatrick, city clerk.
J. W. Stanford, treasurer, deceased.
L. C. Brown, city attorney.
Thos. S. Murray, city assessor, deceased.
L. E. Woodin, superintendent water works (now residing at San Pedro-Wooley, Washington.)
Capt. O. S. Rarick, city marshal, deceased.
Geo. H. McIntire, policeman, deceased (died only last week here).
P. E. Nash, policeman, deceased.
J. H. Matthews, city engineer.
T. B. Norman, sexton, Riverview cemetery, deceased.

P. H. Franey, street commissioner, deceased.
J. W. Bennett, engineer, water works (present superintendent, water works).
Frank Brandenburg, jailor (present chief of fire department).
George Blakey, fire marshal.
T. T. Tyler, assistant fire marshal.
Ben McCullough, city fireman.
Ernest Wolfe, city fireman.
Walter Blakey, city fireman.