Polo, Richland Township,
Cowley County


Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.
There is now a weekly mail running direct to Polo through Floral. A petition is in circulation to have it increased to a tri-weekly mail.
Winfield Courier, January 23, 1879.
We are having now a semi-weekly mail from Winfield to Polo, also three times a week from Douglass, and are going to try for a new post office between Polo and Floral, to be kept at S. W. Phoenix’s house.
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.
A sad accident occurred near Polo in this township on the 15th.
Mr. Richard Edwards was struck by lightning and instantly killed, together with two yoke of oxen with which he was breaking sod. He was a farmer residing in Omnia township and was break­ing sod for Mr. Barton, near Dutch Creek. About three o’clock a cloud came from the southwest with very little appearance of rain, and Edwards did not stop work. When the cloud was over­head, the wind suddenly changed to the northwest and the rain came down in torrents accompanied by hail. There was not much lightning. I saw but one vivid flash, and that probably killed Edwards. The current struck him on the right temple, passing down his right arm and along the plow-handle and beam. The chain that coupled the oxen to the beam made the conductor that conveyed the electricity to both yoke of cattle.
Wills Wilson and Mr. E. Jones, who were eye-witnesses, say that Edwards fell an instant first, and over backward; the cattle fell square down. Edwards was buried on the 17th. He leaves a widow and four children in destitute condition. L. J. N.
Winfield Courier, June 3, 1880.
I understand that W. McCormick is in the field for nomina­tion for Judge. MAC is a worthy gentleman and would grace the bench.
G. D. Varner has built him a new house.
Mr. McPherson has been appointed postmaster at Wilmot, vice Mrs. S. M. Phoenix, resigned.
If McPherson will accept the nomination of J. P., our township will elect him.
Mr. E. Holt is decorating his farm with a stone fence, enclosing his fine orchard.
J. W. Weimer has a very fine flock of sheep; so has Frank Blue.
M. C. Selter.
Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.
Water is getting scarce on the upland.

There was a meeting at Summit schoolhouse on the night of the 12th instant, for the purpose of organizing a company of militia. Mr. W. C. McCormick being called to the chair, called the meeting to order and delivered a short address on the duties of citizens. Among those he named was the one most prominent, that of the protection the government owed itself. As in the past so in the future, we must depend upon the citizen soldier. He exhorted all to join, and his call was responded to by the acquisition of several names, and several dollars toward a fund to purchase musical instruments.
Mr. Weimer, Frank Blue, and C. W. Doty have sheared their respective flocks of sheep. They report a good wool crop.
Delegates selected to the county convention were H. J. Sanfort, J. W. Miller, J. R. Cottingham, and N. J. Larkin. The alternates were S. M. Phoenix, D. Maher, I. N. Lemmon, and D. C. Stevens.
In one of my communications I was in error in saying that N. J. Larkin would not accept the renomination for Justice of the Peace. I was misinformed.
There is another candidate in the field for the nomination of Justice of the Peace. His name is J. W. Weimer. He is a very able young man, being a graduate of one of the law schools of the east, and a man of more than average talents. He would, if elected, make an excellent Justice of the Peace. M. C. SELTER.
Note: Confusion prevailed over location of Polo. At one time it was thought that it was in Omni Township. This was incorrect. Next item reveals that they finally had a post office. MAW August 5, 2003
Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.
The fourth has passed pleasantly by, passed down to be recorded by time in the memory of those who participated in the festivities of the occasion. The day was observed here on the third. The people living near here met in John Grooms’ grove, and were the recipients of a treat that was unlooked for. It consisted of the reading of the Declaration by ’Squire Larkin. Speeches by C. W. Doty, J. W. Weimer, H. J. Sanfort, John Watts, and W. C. McCormick, and a display by the Home Guards under the supervision of Sergeant John Flint. The speakers acquitted themselves with recognized ability.
We have two societies here now, the Chinch Bug Militia and base ball club, named the Dutch Creek Skippers.
Mrs. Parks, the ladylike and efficient postmistress, of Polo post office, informs me that the mail service has been increased by her office. We have mail here eight times per week. For the above facilities we are indebted to the Hon. Thos. Ryan.
Rain, plenty of rain. Corn growing nicely. Politics quiet. M. C. SELTER.
Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.
A Young Men’s Republican club was organized in Richland township last Monday night. Fred Hunt and Henry Asp went up in the afternoon. Mr. Asp went on to Baltimore, in Omnia, and organized a Republican club, and Mr. Hunt stopped at Polo and organized the club in Richland. The Richland club selected the following officers: President, James McLester; Secretary, L. C. Park; Treasurer, J. R. Weimer.
Note the comment that post office was to be reestablished...
Winfield Courier, March 24, 1881.
POLO, KANS., March 19, 1881.
Mr. J. R. Weimer has gone to Coffey County on a visit.

Mr. Charles W. Doty is attending the Iowa City Law school this winter. He will be with us again soon.
Mr. N. K. Park and wife have returned from Indiana, whither they went to spend the winter. They return with an addition to their family. It is a girl.
Mr. Joseph T. Park, from Indiana, is building him a resi­dence here and will be a valuable member to the farming community.
We are very sorry that Mor Curd has left. May he be suc­cessful in his new abode is the wish of his many friends.
Several cases of mumps and croup in the neighborhood.
Messrs. William Holt and George Wilson have gone to Colorado on a visit.
Mr. J. T. Park is sick. Dr. McCormack is in attendance.
We are soon to have a store at Polo and the post office re-established. We will then get the COURIER on Thursday. As it is now, we have to wait until Saturday.
The Literaries at Bellwood and Summit have adjourned until next fall. M. C. SELTER.
Cowley County Courant, February 9, 1882.
WILMOT, February 7th, 1882.
The winter so far has continued to be a pleasant one.
Mr. Phoenix grinds every Thursday and gives the farmers a square deal.
Corn is high, so get it ground if you want to get the substance out of it. Two bushels of ground corn is worth three in the ear, fed to horses, sheep, cattle, or hogs.
Miss Lizzie Palmer’s term of school at Summit, closed last Friday, February 3rd. Miss Lizzy has given entire satisfaction as a teacher in our school.
David and Sarah McPherson’s oldest daughter, Mary McPherson, was married to Theodore Heineken, January 17th, and now are living on Timber Creek enjoying the happiness of a newly married couple.
Jones and Lewis of Polo have dissolved partnership. The old firm is still running Jones & Co. “E. Mc.”
Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.
Mr. Jones, our groceryman, is doing a good business. We could not get along without him and his store.
Land buyers are as thick as candidates for office, and land is changing hands rapidly, giving our new Esq. Kennedy employment filling out deeds.
DIED. Mr. and Mrs. Jones of Polo have met the sad fate to lose their little baby boy. The bereaved parents have the heartfelt sympathy of the community in their deep affliction.
We are watching and waiting to see the surveying party coming over the hill on the new line of railroad from Eureka to Winfield, hoping when it comes, we may be favored with a station at some convenient place, or at Polo.

Last Sunday the temperance people of Richland met at the Summit Schoolhouse for the purpose of pushing on the good work, and behold we were greeted by our worthy County Superintendent, Mr. Limerick. Mr. Limerick, after being introduced by Capt. A. Stuber, addressed the audience with an accomplished speech, followed by Capt. A. Stuber, President of the association. A general invitation was extended to all to help in the temperance cause.
Threshing is partly finished. The farmers are wonderfully surprised and delighted with the large yield per acre, to what was expected. The stack yards hardly gave room for the enormous crops of millet produced by Cowley’s rich soil; and in fact, every acre of land is groaning under its great weight of rich foliage. One thing we take notice of in particular is the corn husks. They are too short to cover the ear. The remark has been made that we have corn from ten to sixteen inches through, but the long way of the ear. In the potato patches the ground is heaved up with the largest potatoes ever grown in the history of Cowley. We intend calling on Mr. Hoosier Grocery Store with two or three pound potatoes, and walk off with the prize offered by him for the largest and best Irish potatoes. The question arises, where will we get material to build corn cribs sufficient to hold our corn. Some suggestions have been made that we will not be at a loss for material. The sixteen foot stalk will make good bottoms and top covering. We can afford to trim the corn stalks down to ten feet and build our cribs after rail fashion. H. H. H.
Winfield Courier, April 3, 1884.
John Cairns and lady came down from Polo last week and spent a few days with relatives. John is manipulating Col. McMullen’s 11,000 acre farm and doing it in a manner most creditable.
[Paper had 11000...11,000 acres??? 1,100 acres???]
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.
R. R. East daily at 4:45 and 9:00 p.m.
R. R. North daily at 2:30 except Sundays.
R. R. West daily at 9:20 a.m.
R. R. South daily at 10:25 a.m. except Sunday.
Douglass hack daily at 7:00 a.m. except Sunday.
Dexter hack daily at 2:00 p.m. except Sundays.
Salt City hack Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, 8:00 a.m.
Polo hack, Tuesday and Saturday, 1:00 p.m.
By R. R. from East daily at 7:30 a.m. and 11:10 a.m.
By R. R. from North daily at 12 noon except Sundays.
By R. R. from West daily at 5:45 p.m. except Sunday.
By R. R. South daily at 3:30 p.m. except Sundays.
By Douglass hack daily at 6:15 p.m. except Sunday.
By Dexter hack daily at 12 noon except Sunday.
By Salt City hack, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, 5:15 p.m.
By Polo hack, Tuesday and Saturday, 12 noon.
POST OFFICE OPEN, 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. except Sundays 12 noon to 1:00 p.m.
Closes week days from 10:15 a.m. to 12 noon for distribution of the large mails from the East and North.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.
Mrs. S. W. Phoenix has been quite sick.
H. H. Hooker, our new justice, will soon be ready for business.
We understand that Mr. Chas. Bahntge has purchased Mr. Dunbar’s farm.
The new schoolhouse which is now being built at Polo adds much to the looks of that city.
The neighbors and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Stuber surprised them on the evening of February 25th by meeting at their home to celebrate their wooden wedding. The young folks were full of glee and the older ones were as happy as sunflowers.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 20, 1885.
Mr. Cottingham will have his blacksmith shop ready for the workman in a few days.
The Town company here finished their well 93½ feet, with an abundant supply of water 40 feet.
Mr. Adam Stuber is on the invalid list, having been so for the past two weeks, but is improving somewhat at present.
Work on Mr. Lorton’s building is progressing rapidly and will be ready for our Kansas City merchant in a few days.
Mr. R. C. Jones of Polo is figuring on the probable cost and place for a store room at Wilmot, and expects to be one of us in the near future.
A restaurant on the tapis this week, and will be ready to furnish the hungry yeomanry and others with the necessary of life (good grub) in short order.
Mr. D. F. McPherson will move his stock of goods this week from his old stand at the post office to Mr. Phoenix’s stone building, which he will occupy until he has time to erect a building of his own.
Mr. David Roberts, we understand, has purchased the Coon quarter of land adjoining his farm, which will be a splendid addition to his already improved farm; also, that F. B. Moery has purchased the Shannon quarter, 8 miles northwest of town.
The town of Wilmot is located about 13 miles northeast of Winfield, on the line of the K. C. & S. W. R. R., in one of the most prosperous and enterprising neighborhoods in the county. The sound of the hammer is heard and the streets present a busy appearance.
We learn that Mr. Holt has rented his grain and stock farm to Mr. J. R. Thompson for a term of one year, and will take up his abode in the suburbs of Wilmot, having already purchased 5 acres of land from the Wilmot Town company. He expects to erect a residence thereon this fall.
The K. C. & S. W. is completed to Wilmot, building will commence in dead earnest now that the lumber can be laid down here by the cars. The boom is surely coming to this part of the moral heritage. The dry bones are beginning to rattle, and the purchase of land is the talk of the day.

The county commissioners were out Monday to see if the railroad company had filled their contract in regard to the first 10 miles of constructed road in the county before they issue the county bonds to the railroad company as per contract. We predict they will find the road all right. We understand that L. D. Latham, of Chicago, was also down along the line this week looking up the future prospects of his belongings.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 20, 1885.
Brother Henthorn, of the Burden Eagle, convicted himself of “assault with intent to kill” in the following. Any man who would deliberately, with malice aforethought, seek to inveigle a fellow sinner into abject poverty and sure death by starvation, should receive a long term in the “pen.” Listen: “There are several towns in Cowley County needing newspapers. The field is open. Atlanta, Wilmot, Floral, Torrance, New Salem, Box, Glen Grouse, Maple City, Tisdale, Hackney, Kellogg, Polo, and Rock are among the number.”
The above entry was the last one that mentioned “Polo.”
From Volume I.
Polo. The post office was opened August 12, 1874, with Willis Wilson as postmaster. The office was closed December 11, 1879.
The office was reopened March 2, 1880, and closed again December 20, 1880. The Polo post office reopened again May 12, 1881. The office closed for the final time November 23, 1885.