Adin Post


RKW started this file years ago...
The Federal census for Cowley County in 1870 lists:
Edem Post, 21, male, Born Michigan.
Pleasant Valley Township 1874: Adin Post, 25; spouse, Harriet A., 24.
Pleasant Valley Township 1875: Adin Post, 26; spouse, Amelia, 25.
Kansas 1875 Census Pleasant Valley Township, Cowley County, 3/1/1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
Aldin Post  26 m w Michigan Michigan
Amelia Post 25 f w Michigan Michigan
Arthur Post 3?  m w Kansas
Pleasant Valley Township 1878: Adin Post, 27; spouse, H. A., .
Pleasant Valley Township 1879: A. Post, 27; spouse, H. A., 26.
Pleasant Valley Township 1881: Adin Post, 31; spouse, Harriet A., 30.
Pleasant Valley Township 1882: Adin Post, 33; spouse, Amelia, 32.
Below is the item RKW uncovered. It shows “Adlin” Post. Based on the newspaper items that I have uncovered and the census taken in Pleasant Valley Township, his name was “Adin Post.” Have corrected the item shown in paper in 1940. MAW
Below is the item RKW uncovered...Note the variance in name of Mr. Post [“Edem,” “Adin,” “Aldin,” and “Adlin.” It appears to me that the Winfield Courier item got his name wrong. “Adin” appears to be the most common spelling for his first name. MAW
From the Winfield Courier of January 11, 1940.
Adin Post and his family lived in the South Bend neighborhood for almost 50 years before moving to Arkansas City about 19 years ago. Adin Post was born in Michigan and first walked to Kansas in 1869. He was a lumberjack and gradually worked his way through Michigan from one lumber camp to another, moving on when he had become rested from his previous hike. The first claim he took was at Hackney, now the present site of the Hackney United Brethren church. Later this was known as the Holland home, and the nearby school still bears this name. Mr. Post did not like this location and left the claim, going to Arkansas City. He camped in Riverside park with several other men. After the course of the river changed, the large elm under which he had pitched his tent was out in the river about 50 feet from the bank. Ten years ago the current took the old tree down the River. Mr. Post broke prairie with oxen for several settlers east of Arkansas City.

Mr. Post went back to Michigan, staying but a short time as he came back to Kansas in 1870. This time he stopped in Kansas City and gradually worked his way back to South Bend. He claimed a quarter of land also claimed by Lon Broadwell. In a jury of settlers Lon Broadwell overpowered him by one vote and he lost the land, now the home of Mrs. Mary Paton and her son, Fred and family. In Michigan, low land was mucky and not good for farming. Thinking that the same rule prevailed in Kansas, Mr. Post next chose an upland farm and moved to the 160 acres on the hill still known locally as the Post place. This land cornered the land he had lost. He built on the hill and established his family there. Here Arthur Post was born and grew to manhood. Neighbors were far apart and the only playmates Arthur had when a little fellow were the little Indian boys and girls who twice a year camped in the canyon east of their house. The Indians made the trip to Kansas City and back twice a year to do their trading. There were about a dozen little children in the group. They were dressed just alike so Arthur Post never knew the girls from the boys. In those days there was a good spring in the lower canyon, the especial camping place of this particular tribe of Indians.
Mr. Post was the first settler in South Bend to plant cane and make sorghum. He broke out seven acres on land south of his house and planted it to sorghum. He bought a mill and made the syrup, selling what he could spare to his neighbors. Within a few years the neighbors began to plant a small acreage of cane and had the syrup made on shares. Mrs. Post would boil down the sorghum until it crystallized and made sorghum sugar for the family use. She used a rolling pin to pulverize it for table use. White sugar was little used in the neighborhood in the early days. One family kept both kinds of sugar. When they had company both the brown and the white sugar were on the table—but woe unto any member of the family who dared to use the white sugar. When the company left, the retribution was swift.
During the grasshopper year of 1871 the grass was eaten to the roots and the land was as bare as a baseball diamond. Mr. Post and a neighbor, who lived three miles away, went four miles and cut slough grass, which they stacked up to cure until they could haul it home to stack for the stock. One day when they stopped to eat their lunch, they let the fork handle they had been using lay over on a pile of hay. When they went back to work the grasshoppers had eaten the handle almost in two in their craze for the salt left by sweaty hands. The family kept this handle for many years as a memento.
The chore of Arthur Post and the little boy who lived with them, Frank Reynolds, was to herd the cattle. They ranged from the house north to Posy creek. As the country became more settled and land was broken for crops the range was restricted to the home lands. During the blizzard of 1886 the Post family lost only a few small calves, which had been born during the storm.
In 1890 Mr. Post bought 80 acres of land, on the river south of him, from Alice Graves. This was the site of the Dunkard mill land now owned by the Fred Mueller family. He built a house in the edge of the timber just south of the gate into the Lon Turnipseed farm. They lived here several years, but the flood of 1904 was so high they moved their house back to the hill.
Arthur Post was married to Miss Dora Frances Balding in 1895. They had two children:  Harry G. Post of Topeka and Mrs. Freida Mae Wood of St. Louis, whose husband was an aviator.
Adin and Amelia Post lived on D street in Arkansas City many years, but now lay at rest in the South Bend cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Post lived on Second street in Arkansas City.
Post’s canyon...
Winfield Courier, Saturday, January 11, 1873.

Notice is hereby given that there will be a petition pre­sented to the Commissioners of Cowley county at their next meeting, on the 4th day of February, 1873, for the location of a certain county road: Commencing on the left bank of the Walnut river, at the place known as South Bend ford near the southwest corner of section 2, township 34, south of range 43 [?48?], crossing the river east and bearing south until reaching the south line of said section, thence east to the southeast corner of said section, thence north one mile, thence west one-half mile, thence bearing northwest up what is known as Post’s canyon, until getting upon the bluff, thence west one-half mile to the ridge west of the house of J. Lindewood, thence south to the section line, thence west nearly two miles until intersecting the Winfield and Arkansas City road. GEORGE KEFFER, Principal Petitioner.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 8, 1881.
Mr. A. Post, living some six miles north of town, had a team of horses stolen from him last Thursday. Parties started in pursuit the next morning and succeeded in overhauling the thief and team at Mulvane, on Friday. He exactly answers the descrip­tion of a horse thief who escaped from the custody of police officers in the Territory, and had in his possession at the time a set of harness stolen from a neighbor of Mr. Post the same day, and also another horse, which it is believed he stole from L. W. Marks, a deputy U. S. marshal, in the Territory, at the time of making his escape from custody. He was taken before a justice and remanded to the Wellington jail.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 15, 1881.
The man who recently escaped from Deputy U. S. Marshal Marks, in the Territory, and afterwards stole a team of horses from A. Post, in this county, will be tried in the State, by which arrangement he will receive, if found guilty, a much more severe punishment than if he were taken to Fort Smith on the charges made against him in the Territory. Satisfactory arrangements were made as to the payment of the reward offered for his arrest.
Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.
Last Wednesday evening Mr. Adin Post, of Pleasant Valley township, had his team stolen. Thursday morning the captain of the Stock Protective Association of that township was notified of the fact and in a short time sixteen well mounted men were on the trail. The party was divided up, taking different roads. On Friday the party which took the Wichita road captured the thief near El Paso. He had an extra horse, which was afterward found to have been stolen from U. S. Marshall Marks, of the Territory. The thief gave his name as James Jackson. Messrs. J. L. Hon, Burt Eastman, Jerry Smith, and Mirian Croak were the parties who captured him. This is the second time the Pleasant Valley Stock Protective Union has caught their man. Horse thieves will give that neighborhood a wide berth.
Cowley County Courant, February 9, 1882.
The Pleasant Valley Township held their primary last Friday and made nominations as follows. For Trustee: A. B. Myers. Treasurer: Daniel Graham. Clerk: Alfred Bookwalter. Justices of the Peace: D. S. Sherrard and W. A. Ela. Constables: Adin Post and J. A. Miller.
Cowley County Courant, February 16, 1882.

The township election in Pleasant Valley resulted as fol­lows. For trustee, J. S. Hill received 44 votes; treasurer, Daniel Gramm, 42; clerk, Alfred Bookwalter, 40; justice of the peace, W. A. Ela, 41; justice of the peace, D. S. Sherrard, 39; constables, Adin Post, 42, and J. A. Miller, 37. The ticket elected was straight Republican with the exception of the office for trustee, the Greenbackers saving a brother out of the wreck.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1882.
The following is the average standing of the pupils of Dist. 42, for the second month ending on Friday, Nov. 18, 1882.
Kizzie Bookwalter 90; Geo. Birdzell 90; Isabel Sitter 97; Jacob Morain 86; Jennie Hughes 95; Andrew Sitter 90; Emma Welman 90; Simon Sitter 95; Chloe Hughes 94; Willie Welman 91; Katie Sitter 89; Orin Kindig 94; Neva McClung 84; Williston Sitter 95; Clara Kindig 94; Jamie Broadwell 92; Linnie Hughes 97; Arthur Post 90; Lizzie Morain 97; Ida Morain 90; Daisey Broadwell 91. JESSIE SANKEY, Teacher.
Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.
Township Elections. The following township officers were declared elected by the Board of Commissioners at their canvass of the vote on Tuesday.
PLEASANT VALLEY: Ludolphus Holcomb, trustee; Frank A. Chapin, clerk; Daniel Gramm, treasurer; D. S. Sherrard, J. P.; S. Miller and A. Post, constables.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1884.
Township Officers. The Board of Commissioners met Tuesday and canvassed the vote for township officers. The following were declared elected.
Constables: Pleasant Valley, A. Post and P. Byers.
Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.
Commissioners’ Proceedings, July, 1884 session.
SPECIAL VENIRE. Joseph Abrams, C. G. Bradberry, George Easterly, J. M. Jarvis, Warren Wood, R. N. Huff, D. S. Beadle, E. B. Gault, J. F. Carter, Z. B. Myer, J. M. Midcalf, A. DeTurk, T. F. Axtell, Adin Post, J. S. Pickering, I. H. Bonsall.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.
Died, on the 4th inst., Mary, infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Adin Post. The obsequies were conducted by Rev. Mr. Harris.