Various People by the name of Potter mentioned.
[Note: Jerry Potter of Silverdale Township in separate file.]
Kansas 1875 Census, Silverdale Township, Cowley County, 3/1/1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
J. Potter 46 m w Tennessee Illinois
[L/K?] J. Potter 43 f w Tennessee Illinois
G. Potter 15 m w Kentucky Illinois
M. Potter 12 m w Kentucky Illinois
J. Potter 10 f w Illinois Illinois
John Potter 6 m w Illinois Illinois
Potter, J. O., 24. No spouse listed.
Potter, Thomas J., 30; spouse, E. A., 28.
Potter, A. W., 53. No spouse listed.
Potter D N, carpenter, res 419 w Blanden
Potter H R, drayman, res 419 w Blanden
A. C. Potter...
Winfield Courier, July 12, 1877.
County Commissioners’ Proceedings.
Road Chainmen: J. L. Parsons, $1.50; A. F. Smith, $1.50; E. M. Freeman, $1.50; A. C. Potter, $1.50; M. Hemenway, $1.50; Jno. F. Patten, $1.50; and W. H. French, $1.50.
Death of A. W. Potter, of Winfield...
Winfield Courier, November 3, 1881.
Died. A special dispatch to the Commonwealth from Emporia announces the death of Mr. A. W. Potter. Mr. Potter has been a resident of Winfield for several years, and clerked for T. K. Johnson last summer. He was found dead in his room at the Emporia House. The cause of his death is not known.
O. O. Potter, of Meadville, Pennsylvania...
Cowley County Courant, April 27, 1882.
O. O. Potter, James Deming, and J. J. Piffer, of Meadville, Pennsylvania, have been here looking over the country, with a view of locating.
Winfield Courier, April 27, 1882.
O. O. Potter, James Deming, and J. J. Piffer, of Meadville, Pennsylvania, are among those who have been here looking over the country with a view of locating during the past week. We hope they will conclude to settle here.
W. H. C. Potter...
Arkansas City Traveler, October 3, 1883.
W. H. C. Potter vs. O. P. Barr et al.
Emma Potter marries Watson Titus...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 21, 1885.
Fred Davey and Anna Mentch; R. B. Hunter and Susan Thayer; Watson Titus and Emma Potter; R. M. Moore and Ada E. Lane were granted matrimonial certificates by the Probate Judge—a streak of sunshine amid a large amount of clouds.
Capt. Potter, 18th U.S. Infantry, Fort Gibson...
Arkansas City Traveler, July 22, 1885.
Capt. Potter, 18th U. S. Infantry, spent a day or two in town last week. His own and another company of the 18th are stationed at Fort Gibson, a post which is growing badly dilapidated and has been abandoned more than once. The captain says great interest is taken in Cherokee land in the coming election, the one issue at stake being the opening of the territory to white settlers. The election is held, we believe, the first Monday in August.
Col. Potter...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 1, 1885.
A Letter From the Seat of the Indian Trouble.
CALDWELL, July 21, 1885.
To the Editor of the Eagle. Having returned I will try and fulfill my promise to you. An insight into the Cheyenne and Arapaho trouble as I saw them, including all the time of Sheridan’s presence up to the day I left. During the last year Indian Inspector Gardner spent considerable time, off and on, at the agency and became well posted with the actual feeling among the Cheyennes. In support of Agent Dwyer’s continued calls for military support, Gardner reviewed the situation and recommended that 3,000 troops be sent there to enforce obedience. This is on record at Washington. Every time the Indians were guilty, Dwyer would write up the circumstance and ask respectfully whether the department intended to sustain him, saying it was worse than useless to make any attempt at punishing crime until he was sure of being sustained, as a failure after such a move would only make matters worse.
You have gone over the ground (in your editorial) of how the president ordered them disarmed—how Sheridan pigeon-holed the movement; how Dwyer’s, Rev. Haury’s, Capt. Bennett’s, and all the other old officers’ reports agreed: “Troops, and disarming, or war.” How Sumner, the new commander and Inspector Armstrong said the same thing upon arrival. The situation was dangerous, or all of these men would not have kept calling for more troops. You know how the troops were blockaded by Col. Potter and Gen. Augur until raiding parties actually left the agency and the Kansas scare resulted. Then troops commenced to move until 4,000 were in motion. Then Sheridan was sent, we thought then, to take charge and act. Now, we know better.
It is only too true now that Sheridan was detailed to make the first move of the Indian patronage for his party. Sheridan did this because he was only too glad to get a chance to repay old scores on the Camp Supply cattle herd that the present grass rentals crowded off that reservation.
Sheridan arrived. After he had been there three days, he had had but a short interview with Dwyer, had entirely ignored Sumner, had not allowed either Ben Clark, post Interpreter, and Geo. and Robert Bent, and Ed. Guerrier, leading agency interpreters, to talk for the agency Indians or for themselves. Instead, he went into caucus with Col. Potter and Interpreter Chapman and Col. Mike Sheridan, and during those three days took Stone Calf, Little Robe, and other leading discontented Indians, had Chapman represent to them that they would neither be punished nor disarmed if they would act according to instructions, and went into private council with them, allowing them to talk without allowing anybody to be present to hear or dispute their statements. (Now read your last two dispatches from their agency giving the Indian version of that council.)
You can easily see that the Indians were only speaking their little pieces as instructed by Chapman. None of the cattlemen, who have lost thousands of dollars in cattle killed by these Indians, were allowed to speak. Not an Indian opposed to Stone Calf and Chapman was allowed an audience. Finally when the agent protested against such an unheard of state of affairs and asked for a hearing of other Indians, Chapman was allowed to select the Indians who denied in toto all that the others said, and finally in despair they gave up the situation and left with their case not stated.
Nothing had been done yet when I left to disarm the Indians—on the other hand, 200 of them had been enlisted as scouts and given government arms and ammunition. (What for, I wonder, to kill Kansas settlers?)
Matters culminated in the attempt to count the Cheyennes. The Indians had been instructed by Agent Dwyer to form their village and take their stations and remain stationary when counted. They did not wish to be counted and in consequence when the time arrived, they rushed wildly about on foot, in wagons, and on horses, all in confusion, and refused to hear orders or instructions. Armstrong, who was present and intoxicated, made a beastly attack upon Agent Dwyer, accusing him of not having control of his Indians and cursing him in a brutal manner. Dwyer replied in a quiet manner, what all creation now knows, that the Cheyennes have been beyond control for years, that he had asked for troops to make them mind, that the troops were here, but that he had not been sustained. Prominent cattlemen and reporters standing near told Armstrong they would sustain Dwyer if he would slap Armstrong in the face. A Kansas City Times reporter present afterward attempted to give the scene to his paper by wire and Gen. Sheridan refused to allow him to use the wire.
Agent Dwyer has taken steps preparatory to resigning, the whole investigation by Sheridan has been a farce, his information has all been obtained from strangers (the Camp Supply outfit); and his recommendations all hatched out before he left Washington. One thing is apparent—the Indians will not be disarmed as long as they are in charge of a civilian agent, but the necessity will be used as a lever to have them turned over from the interior to the war department.
Of course, it is Dwyer’s misfortune that he is a civilian and a republican. If the department would sustain him in this crisis, he would have an after influence with these Indians that would enable him to advance them in one year where it would take a new agent (also unsupported) ten years. On the other hand, if turned over to the military, they will be a tribe of drunkards.
Four thousand troops have been put in motion. Kansas has been the subject of an expensive scare, and immigration has been affected. The general of the army has come all the way from Washington, and what is the result. The Indians are still armed to the teeth, they have ponies that can out travel the cavalry, and they are able to cross the Kansas line in one night and a day from starting. They can then murder and steal and be back home in two days. They are lamblike now, in the face of the military; but unruly and dangerous when they are gone. Instead of their ring leaders being made an example of, they have been elevated above the level of all the whites and other Indians in the country. Is this the way to control Indians? To Sheol with such a policy!
Mrs. L. B. Potter, of Kansas City...
Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.
Mrs. L. B. Potter, of Kansas City, is visiting at the residence of Mrs. R. E. Grubbs.
G. I. Potter...
Arkansas City Traveler, October 21, 1885.
The City Council met in regular session on Monday evening, all the members present, acting Mayor Thompson in the chair.
The following bills were acted on.
G. I. Potter, 40 cents; allowed.
Potter of Wisconsin, now at New Salem...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 12, 1885.
A large store building has been erected in Salem by Mr. Potter, formerly of Wisconsin. He will put in a large stock of goods and his wife will conduct the millinery department.
“Billy” Potter...
Winfield Courier, December 3, 1885.
“Billy” Potter gladdened the hearts of his Salem friends by his presence for a day or two last week.
Rosa Potter, Belle Plaine (?)...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 31, 1885.
Miss Rosa Potter and Miss Myers, principal of the high school at Belle Plaine, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Holloway during the holidays.
Wm. H. Potter and Lydia Klaus married. “Billy” Potter of New Salem?...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 21, 1886.
Saturday afternoon caught two matrimonial victims, Noah M. Douglass and Florence Hammond; Wm. Potter and Lydia Klaus, the latter couple being married at the home of her father, Geo. Klaus, the drayman. It is quite a youthful couple: he twenty-two and she only thirteen.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 21, 1886.
Married by J. H. Reider, in Winfield, January 17th, 1886, at the home of George Klaus, on 11th avenue, Wm. H. Potter and Lydia B. Klaus.
Anna Davis, Winfield, sister of Mrs. (?) Potter...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1886.
Miss Anna Davis, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Potter, returned to her home in Winfield, Friday last.
G. F. Potter, blacksmith, Arkansas City...
Arkansas City Republican, March 13, 1886.
The scribe of the REPUBLICAN in speaking of G. F. Potter, the blacksmith in our columns, called him G. T. Potter. We correct and promise G. F. the like will never occur again.
Franklin Potter...
Arkansas City Republican, April 24, 1886.
Franklin Potter sold his home and lot in Beaumont through the agency of Lowe, Hoffman & Barron. Consideration $400.
Percy Potter dies. Son of Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Potter, Arkansas City...
Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.
Died August 6, 1886, little Percy Potter, aged 18 months, son of Mr. and Mrs. Potter of the 4th ward. Funeral services were held at the family residence Saturday morning by J. P. Witt. Remains interred in Riverview Cemetery.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 14, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
DIED. Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Potter, Saturday morning. Rev. J. P. Witt officiated at the funeral services. The remains were interred in Riverview Cemetery.
Thos. Potter and wife, of Jersey City...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 2, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Thos. Potter and wife, of Jersey City, are visiting in the city. They are friends of N. T. Snyder and family. Mr. Potter is a well-to-do gentleman and is out in Kansas on a prospecting tour. We hope he will locate with us.
G. T. Potter, of Arkansas City, building opera house in Coolidge, Kansas.
Note later article which states “G. H. Potter” at Coolidge.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 20, 1886. From Saturday’s Daily.
From Coolidge.
COOLIDGE, KANSAS, November 7, 1886.
ED. REPUBLICAN: Thanks for a copy of the REPUBLICAN. Of old it was welcomed to our family circle—much more so now, seeing that it is so much improved. Thrice welcome, Arkansas City REPUBLICAN! The copy before me contains a letter from my esteemed friend, Wanderer, which merits attention. That gentleman will be surprised to learn that the three lots offered him only a few weeks ago, when he was here, for the trifle of one hundred and fifty dollars, sold this morning for three hundred dollars spot cash. Stone buildings are going up on them immediately. The fact is, Wanderer was disgusted with the price of our lots, and turned aside, went 35 miles northwest of Coolidge, and laid out a town in Colorado; and the day this was known, Coolidge realty advanced 25 percent. Coolidge will be the shipping point for Wanderer’s town, which is a beautiful site on Lake Sheridan. Two railroads are now surveyed to it, and it will, in all certainty, be a county seat. Clyde is the name of the town, and from all the surroundings it will be able for the earthquake boom with which it is threatened in Wanderer’s letter. A thick vein of coal has been recently discovered near Wanderer’s town. This will be good news to him, and it is a bonanza in itself. No man seeking a new location can do better than go to Sheridan Lake or Clyde.
Our friends in Arkansas City will be glad to learn that Rev. Covey, Charles Covey, Gambel, McDonald, and G. T. Potter are all pleased with the country, and are satisfied with their share of it. Mr. Potter is now putting the finishing touches on his opera building, which is costing him ten thousand dollars. Among the more commendable things in this country is its health. Coolidge has one thousand inhabitants, and for the last six months, not one of sickness has been reported. ECHO.
Mrs. Potter [Franklin Potter?] of Beaumont dies...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 26, 1887. From Monday’s Daily.
DIED. Rev. J. P. Witt was called to Beaumont this morning to preach the funeral of Mrs. Potter, who died very suddenly at that place yesterday. Mrs. Potter was the wife of a railroad man who formerly resided here. The remains will be brought in on the evening Frisco train and interred in Riverview Cemetery.
Mrs. L. R. Potter and son, of Kansas City. She was sister of Mrs. B. Grubbs...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 26, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
Mrs. L. R. Potter and son, of Kansas City, are visiting Mrs. B. Grubbs, sister of the former.
G. H. Potter [not G. T. as shown in first item about Coolidge]...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 12, 1887. From Thursday’s Daily.
A REPUBLICAN representative, who has just returned from Coolidge, Hamilton County, says: “Coolidge has some splendid natural advantages and its prospects for the future are good. The town is beautifully situated on the north side of the Arkansas river, about two and a half miles from the Colorado line. It contains nearly a thousand inhabitants. A $20,000 stone hotel, a $5,000 business house, and several residences are building and will soon be completed. A $15,000 city building, a $12,000 schoolhouse, and over a dozen residences are under contract. Beautiful building stone is obtained at the quarry nearby, owned by S. T. Covey, formerly of Arkansas City. Water can be gotten at the depth of twenty feet. The Santa Fe shops, containing twenty-four stalls, are located there. In short, Coolidge will make rapid progress during the coming summer, and will probably have what Kansas town so prize—a boom. We had a pleasant time while we were there. We were happy to meet some old acquaintances from Arkansas City, among whom were T. D. Ross, G. H. Potter, Mr. McDonald, and Mr. Covey.
1891: Wm. T. Potter of Portion, Arkansas, marries Ida May Straughn, Winfield...
Winfield Monthly Herald, April, 1891.
MARRIED. Mr. Wm. T. Potter of Portia, Arkansas, and Miss Ida May Straughn, of Winfield, were married March 20th, 1891.