N. M. Powers
Winfield 1874: N. M. Powers, 43; spouse, E. M., 40.
Kansas 1875 Census, Winfield Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
N. M. Powers 43 m w Massachusetts Missouri
Ellen Powers 37 f w New York Missouri
Addison Powers 14 m w Illinois Missouri
Nellie Powers 12 f w Illinois Missouri
Winfield 1878: N. M. Powers, 46; spouse, E. M., 43.
Winfield 1880: N. M. Powers, 48; spouse, Helen M., 43.
Note that different ages and name of spouse do not make sense!
Winfield Directory 1880.
Hopkins, Emma, servant, N. M. Powers.
Powers, A. F., mail clerk, r. with N. M. Powers.
Powers, Miss N. M., student, r. with N. M. Powers.
Winfield Directory 1885.
Powers N M, farmer, res 718 Millington.
Asp Henry E, attorney at law, 302 e 9th, res 718 Millington.
Note: Winfield Courier kept referring to “Power,” instead of “Powers.” This gave me fits trying to get the name spelled correctly. MAW
Winfield Courier, Saturday, February 1, 1873.
Teacher’s Report. To the Clerk of Public School Board of Winfield, Kansas, for the month ending Jan. 25th, 1873.
Whole number enrolled, 104.
Average daily attendance, 31.
Roll of Honor. Cora E. Andrews, Luella Blandin, M. Callie Blandin, Adida V. Boucher, P. Nellie Covert, C. Louis Crapster, F. Ella Freeland, Lydia A. Kenworthy, Mary L. Koehler, Jessie Millington, Anna Newman, Nettie C. Quarles, Ida B. Weir, R. Nellie Wiggan, Fred C. Hunt, Frank E. Howard, Frank A. Howland, I. Ernest Johnson, H. Eddie Likowski, Wm. Dean Menor, Holiday H. Menor, O. Orlando Menor, Harold H. Mansfield, Addison F. Powers, Charles E. Weathers.
Winfield Courier, February 4, 1875.
A report was given relative to pupils attending grammar and intermediate departments of Winfield schools by W. C. Robinson. “The efficiency of our schools is much hindered by tardiness and irregular attendance. Parents will oblige us by aiding in overcoming this difficulty.” Students in different departments were listed.
Grammar Department.
Delhe Kennedy, Eddie Whitehead, Frank Howard, Holiday Menor, Addison Powers, Thos. Cochran, Robert Dever, Rolly Millspaugh, Frank Howland, Harry McMillen, Robert Deming, Isaac Johnson, Fred Hunt, Thos. Lowry, Wm. Hudson, Harvey Thomas, Willie McLellan, Harold Mansfield, Eddie Likowski, Ora Lowery, Ella Freeland, Nettie Quarles, Belle Galbraith, Inez Griswold, Ella Manly, Kate Johnson, Jennie Hane, Jennie Lowry, Mary Cochran, Ida McMillen, Mary Hudson, Nellie Powers, Nellie Barnard, Cora Andrews, Bertha Lamb, Eugenie Holmes, Laura McMillen, Pella Bradish, Jessie Millington, Hortense Holmes, Mattie Minnihan, Maggie Dever, Lillie Ford.
Winfield Courier, March 11, 1875.
The Public Schools give an exhibition at the Courthouse Friday evening, the 12th of March, and the following is the programme.
Dialogue: “How they kept a Secret.”—Misses Laura and Ida McMillen, Nellie Powers, Eugenie Holmes, Jennie Hane, Maggie Dever, Mary Cochran and Harold Mansfield. . . .
Winfield Courier, April 8, 1875.
At the city election held here last Monday, the following city officers were elected.
Mayor: D. A. Millington.
Police Judge: W. M. Boyer.
Councilmen: Charles C. Black, James M. Dever, Jonathan Newman, N. M. Powers, and M. G. Troup.
The contest was very close, there being a tie for Mayor, which was decided by lot for Millington.
Winfield Courier, April 22, 1875.
Councilmen Newman and Powers are confined to their beds with sickness. We learn that Mr. Powers is improving, but that Mr. Newman is quite low. We hope to see both about soon.
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1875.
The Council met at Council room, April 26th, 1875. A quorum being present, and there being no fire in said room, on motion adjourned to meet immediately at the office of Curns & Manser. The Council met at the office of Curns & Manser in pursuance of adjournment.
Present: D. A. Millington, Mayor; J. M. Dever, M. G. Troup, C. C. Black, N. M. Powers, Councilmen; J. W. Curns, Clerk. The minutes of last meeting were read and approved.
It was moved and carried that the City Clerk be authorized to procure a warrant record for this city.
Joseph Likowski and Rhinehart Ehret made application by petition for a dram shop license. Said petitions were read and on motion were referred to a special committee of three, appointed by the Mayor, to report on said petition to this Council at an adjourned meeting to be held on Friday evening next. J. M. Dever, M. G. Troup, and N. M. Powers were appointed on said committee.
It was moved and seconded that the Council go into the committee of the whole to consider the Ordinances in relation to license. A motion was made to amend by inserting the words “with the Mayor in the chair,” which carried. The question recurring on the original motion with the amendment was carried.
After duly considering the subject of licenses, the committee prepared an Ordinance in relation to the sale of intoxicating liquors, and one in relation to the appointment, duties, and pay of city officers, which were recommended for passage by the committee.
On motion the committee arose from a committee of the whole, and the Council proceeded to pass on an Ordinance in relation to the sale of intoxicating liquors. On motion said Ordinance was read and duly passed by sections. The vote on the final passage resulted as follows: Yeas—J. M. Dever, M. G. Troup, N. M. Powers, C. C. Black. Nays—none.
On motion adjourned to meet Friday evening next. J. W. CURNS, City Clerk.
Winfield Courier, May 6, 1875.
The Council met at council room, May 1st, in pursuance of adjournment. Present: D. A. Millington, Mayor; N. M. Powers, M. G. Troup, C. C. Black, Councilmen; J. W. Curns, City Clerk.
The special committee to whom was referred the petitions of Joseph Likowski and Rhinehart Ehret for draft shop license, reported that after examining said petitions that they were of the opinion that the petitions contained a majority of the bonafide residents of lawful age. On motion report of the committee was received.
Council met May 3rd. Present: D. A. Millington, Mayor; N. M. Powers, M. G. Troup, C. C. Black, and J. M. Dever, Councilmen. Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
An ordinance to provide for the appointment of a clerk, treasurer, marshal, and city attorney, and defining the duties and pay of the same, was read and duly passed. The vote on the final passage was as follows: Yeas, Dever, Black, Powers, Troup. Nays, none.
An ordinance in relation to riding or driving upon sidewalks, was read and duly passed. Vote on final passage as follows: Yeas—Dever, Troup, Black, Powers. Nays—none.
Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.
The Congregational festival at the courthouse last Thursday evening was well attended. The tables over which Mrs. Howland and Mrs. Wait presided were well patronized, and we think the ladies at the other end of the hall had no reason to complain as we noticed the frank and open countenances of Prof. Lemmon and the senior editor of the COURIER up there the greater part of the evening. A lemonade stand from behind which Misses Manley and Powers handed out the cooling beverage and took in the nickels was a feature of the evening. Several old fashioned songs were sung by an impromptu “glee club,” and everybody seemed to enjoy themselves.
Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.
Present: D. A. Millington, Mayor; N. M. Powers, M. G. Troup, and C. C. Black, Councilmen; B. F. Baldwin, City Clerk.
Winfield Courier, August 12, 1875.
That wasn’t an immigrant train that came in late Saturday night from the south. That old wagon sheet had under it Tom. Lowry, Tom. Copeland, Will. Slemmons, and Add Powers, and we don’t know how many more. They had been out to the picnic, and were taking advantage of the moon.
Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.
See John Easton & Co.’s new ad.
SHOT-GUNS, REVOLVERS, AND RIFLES, Kept constantly on hand.
Repairing done neatly and to order. Special attention given to SEWING MACHINES. Don’t send them away, but bring them to us for repairs. Everything from a Threshing Machine to a Knitting Needle mended with promptness, neatness and dispatch.
Also proprietors of the BONANZA BILLIARD HALL.
Call and see what we can do for you. If you haven’t any work to do, come in and amuse yourself with a game of Billiards.
Remember the place—One Door South of Miller & Powers’s Hardware Store, East side Main Street, WINFIELD, KANSAS.
Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.
Present: D. A. Millington, Mayor; M. G. Troup, J. M. Dever, C. C. Black, and N. M. Powers, councilmen; B. F. Baldwin, City Clerk.
Bills of W. M. Boyer, Police Judge, referred to finance committee, were reported favorably on by said committee, and on motion of N. M. Powers were ordered paid if approved by the City Attorney.
Winfield Courier, November 18, 1875.
City Council met November 11th, 1875, at 7 o’clock P.M. Present: N. M. Powers, J. M. Dever, C. C. Black, Councilmen, and B. F. Baldwin, City Clerk. There being no quorum present, adjournment to meet on Monday, November 22nd, at 7½ P.M.
The Council would like all the businessmen and citizens generally to meet with them at that time as they think of providing fire apparatus of some kind, and making a special levy to raise money for that purpose, and asks an expression of the tax-payers before it is done. Come out, one and all! B. F. BALDWIN, City Clerk.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1875.
City Council met December 20th, 1875, at 7 o’clock P. M. Present: D. A. Millington, Mayor; M. G. Troup, N. M. Powers, C. C. Black, Councilmen, and B. F. Baldwin, City Clerk.
The following resolution was read, and on motion, was adopted by Council.
Resolved, That the City Council hereby instruct the City Marshal to patrol the streets until 12 o’clock at night, to see that saloons, billiard halls, etc., be closed promptly at the time prescribed by ordinance; to see that there is no danger of fire from hot ashes and fire thrown out doors, or in any other careless handling of fire, and to strictly enforce all ordinances regulating order and quietude in the City of Winfield.
The Council then adjourned. B. F. BALDWIN, City Clerk.
Winfield Courier, January 13, 1876.
City Council met January 3rd, 1876, at 7 o’clock P. M.
Present: M. G. Troup, chairman of Council; N. M. Powers, C. C. Black, Councilmen, and B. F. Baldwin, City Clerk.
Winfield Courier, January 20, 1876.
City Council met January 17th, 1876, at 7 o’clock P. M.
Present: D. A. Millington, Mayor; M. G. Troup, N. M. Powers, C. C. Black, Councilmen; J. E. Allen, City Attorney, and B. F. Baldwin, City Clerk. Minutes of previous meetings were read and approved.
The report of J. C. Fuller, City Treasurer, referred to the Finance Committee at last regular meeting of the Council, was reported favorably on by said committee, and on motion of N. M. Powers, was duly received.
On motion of N. M. Powers, the Council ordered the City Treasurer to deliver to the City Clerk a certain journal and ledger now in his possession, and that the Clerk open up an account with the Treasurer of all orders drawn on the Treasurer and all receipts received from the Treasurer by him.
On motion the City Clerk was instructed to make and publish a financial statement, beginning May 1st, 1875, and ending December 31st, 1875, showing the amount of all monies collected by the city, from what source derived, and the disbursement of the same by the city.
Winfield Courier, January 27, 1876.
The undersigned, residents of Cowley County, cordially unite in inviting the citizens of said county to meet in mass meeting at Winfield, on Saturday at 2 P. M., FEBRUARY 5TH,
to take such action as shall seem advisable upon consultation to secure the construction of a railroad into Cowley County. We desire each paper in said county to publish this call, and we hope that every township will be fully represented at said meeting.
Dated January 25, 1876.
ROCK TOWNSHIP: John M. Harcourt, Robert F. Bailey, Andrew Dawson, John Foster, J. L. Foster, Jess. J. Tribby, H. D. Lee, W. B. Wimer.
BEAVER TOWNSHIP: William D. Lester, B. W. Jenkins, John A. McCulloch, W. A. Freeman.
VERNON TOWNSHIP: Wm. Martin, C. M. Donkin, R. L. Walker.
SPRING CREEK TOWNSHIP: R. P. Goodrich, Cyrus Wilson, F. W. Vance.
TISDALE TOWNSHIP: E. P. Young, D. H. Southworth.
LIBERTY TOWNSHIP: Chas. W. Frith, J. L. H. Darnall.
OTTER TOWNSHIP: H. C. Fisher, R. R. Turner.
OMNIA TOWNSHIP: Elisha Harned.
DEXTER TOWNSHIP: T. W. Coats, J. D. Maurer, Mark Kenton Hull, Levi Quier, J. A. Bryan, George Bryan.
WINFIELD: M. L. Read, S. D. Pryor, N. M. Powers, N. W. Holmes, N. L. Rigby, Thomas McMillen, L. J. Webb, Charles C. Black, J. S. Hunt, W. M. Boyer, John W. Curns, G. S. Manser, B. F. Baldwin, J. H. Land, A. H. Green, W. Q. Mansfield, E. C. Manning, S. H. Myton, J. C. Fuller, A. B. Lemmon, James Kelly, W. H. H. Maris, T. H. Henderson, A. N. Deming, H. S. Silver, J. M. Alexander, Amos Walton, D. A. Millington, J. E. Platter, W. M. Allison, and one hundred others.
Winfield Courier, February 24, 1876.
City Council met in regular session, February 21st, 1876, at 7½ o’clock p.m.
Present—M. G. Troup, President of Council; N. M. Powers and C. C. Black, Councilmen; J. E. Allen, City Attorney; B. F. Baldwin, City Clerk.
Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved.
City Clerk reported all warrants in his office canceled on the warrant record, as ordered by the Council at its previous meeting. Report received and referred to the Finance Committee with instructions to report at its next regular meeting.
Bill of J. E. Allen for services as City Attorney from May 1st, 1875, to November 1st, 1875, $25.00, was read and approved, and the Clerk ordered to draw a warrant on the Treasurer for the same.
Bill of James Kelly for city printing was read and referred to Finance Committee.
On motion of N. M. Powers, the City Clerk was instructed to advertise for one week for sealed bids for the sinking and walling of two public wells, to be located on Main street between 8th street and 9th street, according to plans and specifications in the Clerk’s office. Council reserving the right to accept or reject any of said bids.
The Council then adjourned to meet Monday, February 28th, 1876, at 7 o’clock p.m.
B. F. BALDWIN, City Clerk.
Winfield Courier, March 2, 1876.
City Council met in regular session, February 28th, 1876.
Present: D. A. Millington, Mayor; C. C. Black, N. M. Powers, and M. G. Troup, Councilmen; B. F. Baldwin, City Clerk.
Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved.
On motion the Council proceeded to open the sealed bids, in the City Clerk’s office, for the sinking and walling of two public wells, as advertised.
On motion of C. C. Black, the further consideration of the bids was postponed until next regular meeting.
The Council then adjourned. B. F. BALDWIN, City Clerk.
Winfield Courier, March 9, 1876.
City Council met in regular session, March 6th, 1876.
Present: M. G. Troup, President of Council; C. C. Black, N. M. Powers, J. M. Dever, Councilmen; B. F. Baldwin, City Clerk.
The finance committee asked for, and was allowed, more time to report on the cancellation of city warrants. On motion of C. C. Black, the further consideration of the bids for the public wells was postponed until next meeting of the Council.
The Council then adjourned. B. F. BALDWIN, City Clerk.
Winfield Courier, March 9, 1876.
SHOT-GUNS, REVOLVERS, AND RIFLES, Kept constantly on hand.
Repairing done neatly and to order. Special attention given to SEWING MACHINES. Don’t send them away, but bring them to us for repairs. Everything from a Threshing Machine to a Knitting Needle mended with promptness, neatness, and dispatch.
Remember the place: One Door South of Miller & Powers’s Hardware Store, East Side Main Street, Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, March 23, 1876.
I, D. A. Millington, Mayor of the City of Winfield, in Cowley County and State of Kansas, do hereby proclaim that an election will be held at the office of W. H. H. Maris on lot 2 in block 108 in said City on Monday, the 3rd day of April, 1876, for the purpose of electing A Mayor, A Police Judge, and Five Councilmen to serve said city for the ensuing year.
The polls of said election will be open at 8 o’clock a.m., and will close at 6 o’clock p.m., of that day.
M. G. Troup, N. M. Powers, and C. C. Black are appointed judges, and B. F. Baldwin and J. M. Reed, clerks of said election.
Witness my hand and the seal of the said City this 21st day of March, 1876.
Attest, B. F. BALDWIN, City Clerk.
Winfield Courier, March 23, 1876.
Note: Council met March 20th; adjourned until March 21st.
City Council met in adjourned session, March 21st, A. D. 1876.
Present: D. A. Millington, Mayor; N. M. Powers, C. C. Black, and M. G. Troup, Councilmen; B. F. Baldwin, City Clerk.
Ordinance No. 58 was read and passed by sections. Vote on final passage was as follows: Yeas—C. C. Black, M. G. Troup, N. M. Powers. Nays—none.
The Mayor, with the consent of the Council, appointed M. G. Troup, N. M. Powers, and C. C. Black as Judges of the City Election, to be held April third (3d), A. D. 1876.
On motion the Council designated J. M. Reed and B. F. Baldwin as clerks of said city election.
Winfield Courier, April 6, 1876.
The following is the result of the vote cast at the city election held in Winfield last Monday.
For Mayor, D. A. Millington: 81 votes.
For Police Judge, Linus S. Webb: 75 votes.
For Councilman, A. B. Lemmon: 86 votes.
For Councilman, C. A. Bliss: 81 votes.
For Councilman, T. B. Myers: 84 votes.
For Councilman, H. Brotherton: 88 votes.
For Councilman, M. G. Troup: 91 votes.
For Mayor, H. S. Silver: 86 votes.
For Police Judge, J. W. Curns: 81 votes.
For Councilman, N. Roberson: 71 votes.
For Councilman, A. G. Wilson: 76 votes.
For Councilman, N. M. Powers: 70 votes.
For Councilman, W. L. Mullen: 57 votes.
For Councilman, Frank Williams: 76 votes.
SCATTERING: J. P. McMillen received 20 votes, C. C. Black 1; and J. P. Short 3, for Councilmen; and J. D. Pryor 5 votes for Police Judge.
Winfield Courier, April 13, 1876.
WINFIELD, KAN., April 5, 1876. City Council met in adjourned session, March 21st, A. D. 1876. Present: D. A. Millington, Mayor; N. M. Powers, C. C. Black, and M. G. Troup, Councilmen; B. F. Baldwin, City Clerk. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved.
The following bills were presented, read, and allowed, and on motion of M. G. Troup, the Clerk was ordered to draw a warrant on the Treasurer for the same.
J. M. Reed, clerk of city election, on April 3rd, A. D. 1876, $2.00; J. F. Miller, Judge of city election, $2.00; C. C. Black, Judge of city election, $2.00; M. Miller, padlock and nails for city, 85 cents; Simpson & Stewart, repairs on jail, $3.00.
Fee bill of W. M. Boyer, Police Judge, was read, and, on motion of C. C. Black, was laid over.
The Finance Committee made the following report on the cancellation of city warrants:
To the Honorable Mayor and Council of the city of Winfield, county of Cowley, and State of Kansas, we your Finance Committee beg leave to report that we have examined the enclosed package and find it to contain two hundred and forty-three vouchers of the value of $2,467.17, and that said vouchers have been duly canceled on the Winfield city warrant record, and recommend that they be destroyed. M. G. Troup, Chas. C. Black. Finance Committee.
On motion of N. M. Powers the report was received and the vouchers destroyed.
On motion of N. M. Powers, the City Clerk was instructed to make out and present to the County Commissioners a bill of $8.00, amount paid to Simpson & Stewart for repairs on the jail.
The City Council proceeded to canvass the vote of Winfield city election, held on April 3rd, A. D., 1876, which resulted as follows:
Whole number of votes cast: 182.
For Mayor: D. A. Millington, 81; H. S. Silver, 80, E. S. Bedilion, 1.
For Police Judge: Linus S. Webb, 75; J. W. Curns, 81; J. D. Pryor, 5.
For Councilmen: A. B. Lemmon, 86; M. G. Troup, 91; C. A. Bliss, 81; T. B. Myers, 84; H. Brotherton, 88; N. Roberson, 71; Frank Williams, 76; N. M. Powers, 70; A. G. Wilson, 76; W. L. Mullen, 57; J. P. McMillen, 20; C. C. Black, 3; J. P. Short, 1.
D. A. Millington, having received the highest number of votes for Mayor, was declared elected. J. W. Curns, receiving the highest number of votes for Police Judge, was declared elected. A. B. Lemmon, M. G. Troup, T. B. Myers, C. A. Bliss, and H. Brotherton, receiving the highest number of votes for Councilmen, were declared elected.
On motion the Clerk was ordered to furnish each of the above named as elected with certificates of election.
On motion Council adjourned. B. F. BALDWIN, City Clerk.
Winfield Courier, April 27, 1876.
On Monday evening last at the regular meeting of Winfield Lodge, No. 79, I. O. G. T., officers were elected as follows: L. J. Webb, W. C. T.; Miss Ella Walton, W. V. T.; T. C. Copeland, W. R. Sec.; Fred C. Hunt, W. F. Sec.; Miss Nellie Powers, W. Treas.; Henry E. Asp, W. Chap.; F. W. Finch, W. M.; Miss Ella Freeland, W. I. G.; George Gray, W. O. G.
Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.
MASTER AD. POWERS left this week for the home of an uncle in Wisconsin. He thinks a cooler clime would be more congenial to his comfort during the summer months. The boys will miss him.
Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.
GONE TOP. Quite a delegation from Winfield started this week for the Centennial. On Wednesday M. L. Read and wife, M. L. Robinson and wife, Frank Williams, Mrs. Maris and granddaughter, Mrs. Powers, Mrs. Boyer, Mrs. Mullen, and J. C. Franklin lit out.
Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.
Here’s another “heavy tax-payer” who appeared before the City Council remonstrating against using city funds for railroad purposes. For some reasons, best known to himself, he is always doing business in some other person’s name. He will neither do anything himself for Winfield nor let anyone else do anything. He never paid a cent of taxes in the city or county. This taxpayer (?) is N. M. POWERS.
Winfield Courier, July 20, 1876.
Last Tuesday Fred Hunt, Frank Finch, Ad. Powers, Ella Freeland, Pella Bradish, Ella Walton, and Nettie Powers, as delegates, and G. S. Manser, as district deputy, went from Winfield to Augusta to attend the District Convention of Good Templars.
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1876. Editorial Page.
Recap: Involved Winfield Township: Republican local hierarchy versus local Democrats and Independents (self-styled Reformers).
At meeting in Courthouse 45 “Reformers” tried to control the organization of meeting called to obtain candidate for State Senator nomination from 88th representative district.
“Suddenly A. H. Green, a ‘leading Reformer,’ took the floor and called the meeting to order and nominated as chairman one of his followers. . . . James Kelly, chairman of the Republican Township Committee, called the meeting to order and L. J. Webb nominated Capt. J. S. Hunt as chairman. A rising vote was called for, resulting in 39 for, 12 against Hunt, a few not voting. J. P. Short was chosen secretary. . . . The balloting commenced and a large number of names had been registered, all of which voted for what were known as the Manning delegates, whereupon ‘the Reformers’ discovered that they were in the wrong convention. . . . Subsequently, and after nearly 100 ballots had been cast, and many voters had retired from the hall, W. P. Hackney and two or three others returned to the meeting and complained that the call for the meeting was irregular and he thereupon gave notice that on next Tuesday Aug. 8th at 4 o’clock p.m., the Republicans would hold another meeting. He and Tansey denounced the resolutions [made voters pledge themselves to support Hayes & Wheeler] as a gag and the meeting untimely, etc. Aligned against them: Prof. A. B. Lemmon, E. S. Torrance, L. J. Webb, Samuel Burger, and S. W. Greer.
The Cowley County Telegram dated August 4, issued on Monday morning, August 8, had the following article.
MORE CONTEMPTIBLE TRICKERY. Within the past few days Cowley County has been the scene of more of that contemptible trickery and political intrigue and corrupt practices which has made the leaders of the Republican party, in the county, so odious in the sight of an honest people. And especially was Winfield the ground on which one of the dirtiest of these jobs was put up. Knowing that if the masses of the party were present at the primary convention, called for the purpose of electing 10 delegates to the county and district conventions, to be held on the 12th of the present month, the delegates selected by them, and who would, without question, vote for their men, no matter how odious they were, or what their records were, would stand no show for election. So they hit upon a plan whereby their friends would be sure to be present while the opposition would be busily at work on their farms and in their shops.
The day set by the county central committee was the 8th—the call so read—the Republican organ so stated in an editorial, and urged that upon that day every voter should turn out. Right in the face of this they quietly send out their strikers to tell the “faithful” that they must come in four days earlier, as the convention would be held then and their presence was needed. On the morning of the earlier day determined upon, a few posters were posted up in out-of-the-way places calling a primary for that afternoon. So far their little plan worked well, but when the Republicans who were opposed to this way of transacting business saw this, they went to work and gathered together a force sufficient to scoop them, which they would undoubtedly have done, had not one of the ring-leaders of the corrupt gang rushed through a resolution requiring that each man who voted should subscribe a pledge to support the nominees on the National, State, and county ticket. The “gag” a hundred or more Republicans refused to swallow, and they had it all their own way, electing their ticket by a majority equal to the number of their friends present. The whole proceedings were corrupt, illegal, and scandalous, and engineered by a set of political tricksters of whom the people of the whole county entertain feelings of the greatest disgust. It is only a continuation of the corrupt practices they have been foisting upon the people as Republicanism for years past—and such a job as will cause the honest voters of the county to repudiate their entire outfit at the polls next November.
The men who managed the affair are respectively candidates for State Senator, County Superintendent, Probate Judge, Representative, District Judge, and County Attorney. Let the voters spot them. . . .
On Tuesday, August 8, before 4 o’clock, Cliff Wood, A. H. Green, T. K. Johnston, John D. Pryor, N. M. Powers, Joel Mack, and 5 or 6 others who do not desire to have their names published, because they do not approve of the action taken, slipped over to the courthouse one at a time by different routes and pretended to hold a meeting. . . . A few minutes before 4 p.m., Mr. Manning went to the courthouse to have the bell rung and upon entering the courthouse found that C. M. Wood was occupying a chair at the table as chairman and John D. Pryor occupying another chair in the capacity of secretary. Mr. Manning took the floor and inquired if the meeting was organized, and to what style of proceedings it had arrived whereupon a “reformer” at once moved an adjournment, which was at once put and carried, and ten of the purifiers of Cowley County politics fled the room in such haste as to leave three or four others who had not fully comprehended the trick, sitting in wonder at the unseemly haste of those present, and expecting to have a chance to vote for delegates.
As soon as Mr. Manning entered the room a bystander rang the bell, whereupon nearly one hundred voters poured over to the courthouse. A meeting was organized by electing S. D. Klingman as chairman and B. F. Baldwin secretary. The action of the “reformers” was related to the meeting. A committee on resolutions was appointed, which soon reported the following, which was adopted by sections, with but one dissenting voice to the first resolution.
They passed more resolutions, which endorsed the previous action taken.
Manning and his group won again!
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1876.
BIRTH. Born on Friday, November 3rd, 1876, to Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Powers, a son. Weight 10 pounds.
Winfield Courier, July 5, 1877.
Quite an animated contest occurred at the Sheriff’s sale of the Darrah property last Monday. The dwelling sold for $500, and the barn for $400. Mr. Powers bought the former and A. G. Wilson the latter.
Note: Powers no longer a hardware dealer. Fire destroyed Powers’ residence four miles west of Winfield...
Winfield Courier, October 4, 1877.
The residence of our esteemed citizen and ex-hardware dealer, Mr. N. M. Powers, four miles west of Winfield, was destroyed by fire on last Saturday. The fire is supposed to have originated from a defective stove pipe and was under such progress when discovered that but little could be saved and the clothing of the family, bedding and furniture, excepting an organ and some small articles, were lost.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 2, 1879.
The following is a list of new buildings erected in the city of Winfield since January 1, 1878, with the name of owner and cost of building.
N. M. Powers, residence, frame: $300.
N. M. Powers, barn, frame: $200.
Nellie Powers, daughter of N. M. Powers, marries attorney Henry E. Asp...
Winfield Courier, May 6, 1880.
We take great pleasure in announcing the marriage of Mr. Henry E. Asp and Miss Nellie Powers. It was celebrated at the residence of the bride’s parents in this city last evening. Henry’s many friends will unite with us in wishing them many long and happy years. No young man in Winfield enjoys the confidence and esteem of its citizens more than does Mr. Asp. Coming among us as he did five years ago, without friends or acquaintances, he has, by his energy, strict integrity, and close attention to business won a legal reputation reaching beyond the confines of Cowley, and which we predict will some day reach even beyond the confines of the State. The bride is one of Winfield’s fairest ladies.
Shreves & Powers buy grocery store of Lee & McKnight...
Winfield Courier, September 29, 1881.
Messrs. Shreves & Powers have purchased the grocery stock of Lee & McKnight.
Winfield Courier, October 20, 1881.
CHANGE OF FIRM. Messrs. Shreves & Powers have purchased the Grocery business formerly run by Lee & McKnight. They have refitted, refurnished, and “restocked” the concern and now have one of the best apportioned grocery houses in the city. Everything with them is a specialty. Their store will be known as the “Illinois Grocery.”
Winfield Courier, November 10, 1881.
Shreves & Powers have put a splendid delivery wagon on the street. They are going to “whoop ‘em up.”
Cowley County Courant, January 19, 1882.
The Merchants’ and Business Men’s Protection Association met Thursday evening at the office of A. H. Doane & Co., president Spotswood presiding. The committee on constitution and by-laws tendered their report, which was received and taken up for action by sections, after which it was adopted as a whole, and the secretary instructed to have the same printed and furnish each member with a copy. The following firms became members of the association.
A. T. Spotswood & Co.; J. P. Baden; B. F. Cox; Wallis & Wallis; McGuire Bros.; J. S. Mann; Hendricks & Wilson; Hughes & Cooper; Hudson Bros.; Miller & Dix; J. L. Hodges; A. H. Doane & Co.; S. H. Myton; W. B. Pixley; A. E. Baird; Whiting Bros.; Shreves & Powers; Cole Bros.
The by-laws provide that any firm in the city may become members by complying with the by-laws, rules, and regulations, and that each member will be furnished with a pass book containing a list of doubtful and bad paying customers, professional beats, etc. From the reading of the constitution and by-laws of the organization, it is evident that the business men are in earnest, and that they propose to protect cash and prompt paying customers and to give doubtful and bad paying customers, and especially dead beats, a wide berth. The method adopted by the association for equal and mutual protection is sound and reasonable, and will bring to its membership every business firm in the city. The result will surely prove satisfactory to both buyer and seller.
Ad. Powers, son of N. M. Powers...
Winfield Courier, February 23, 1882.
The Catholic Fair. “A little fun now and then is relished by the best of men.” The Catholic Fair, which closed Friday evening, Feb. 10, was the source of much amusement to the people of Winfield. Everything in the way of pleasure was there, and the citizens did not fail to patronize the good work. The businessmen when called upon for contributions responded liberally, as did the ladies, in donating the various articles for a supper and refreshment tables. The fancy articles which were donated were duly appreciated, and served to decorate the booths nicely. We do not pretend to name the several articles; however, we will give a few. The china set of one hundred and fifty seven pieces, which was won by Mr. J. B. Lynn, who afterwards presented it to Father Kelly, occupied a prominent position on one of the tables. A handsome family Bible, a fine gold necklace and bracelets, donated by Mr. P. Laverty; a wax cross, a silver castor, donated by Mr. Schroeter; a silver butter dish and knife, the gift of Hudson Bros.; an artificial flower pot, given by F. Manny; a large wax doll, a silver pickle castor, and two silver goblets, donated by Mr. and Mrs. C. Buckley; a Kalomeda set, given by Johnston & Hill; a pair of vases, by Harter Bros.; lace curtains, by Mr. Hahn; a box of fancy note-paper, by Mr. P. Buckley; a handsome album, by Mrs. Charlie Allen, of Wichita; a pair of vases, by H. Goldsmith; a pair of gentleman’s slippers, by Smith Bros.; pin cushions, tidies, toilet sets, mats, pillow shams and numerous other articles, which decorated the fancy tables over which Mrs. J. C. Fuller and Mrs. Pierce presided. The refreshment stand was taken charge of by the Misses Healey, McGonigle, and Kelly. The supper table was superintended by Mrs. Dockery and Mrs. Lanbener. Miss Kate Healey was postmaster and distributed many letters and valentines to the young folks. Mrs. Charlie Allen, from Wichita, took care of the oyster table. Our friend, Capt. H. H. Siverd, was the winner of the hanging lamp and pickle castor; he deserved them for his energy in trying to make the fair a success. Dr. C. C. Green won the horse. The ball, though last, was not least. It was conducted with so much propriety that many church members were tempted to “tip the light fantastic toe.” Capt. C. Steuven was floor manager. There were many visitors here during the fair. Mrs. E. Woolheater, Mr. Buck, from Newton, Miss D. McDoigle, from Leavenworth, and Mrs. Charlie Allen, from Wichita, being noticed. Nearly all the young folks of Winfield were out. The young men were very gallant and generous in taking chances on all articles to be disposed of in that way. Capt. W. Whiting, Dave Harter, Ad Powers, Willie Smith, C. Hodges, J. Hyden, Fred Whiting, Ed and H. Cole, C. C. Harris, J. O’Hare, H. Seward, and A. D. Speed were among the many who assisted in making the fair a success, both socially and financially, and we feel sure the Catholics will feel grateful for the kindness of all those who contributed toward the good work.
Winfield Courier, March 9, 1882.
Messrs. Shreves & Powers have decided to close out their grocery stock, and are offering it at cost for the next thirty days.
Cowley County Courant, March 9, 1882.
Shreves & Powers, at the Illinois grocery, are now selling goods cheaper than any other grocery house in Winfield. Groceries, queensware, and woodenware at net cost for the next thirty days. Now is the time to lay in a supply!
Cowley County Courant, March 9, 1882.
We get a report by telephone that Hendricks & Wilson will soon be in the room now occupied by Shreves & Powers, and that the latter firm is contemplating going out of business.
Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.
AD. CLOSING OUT SALE: The following is a list of prices.
9 lbs. Granulated Sugar: $1.00
11 lbs. Coffee c. Sugar: $1.00
6 lbs. Arbor Dil. [??] Coffee: $1.00
Best coal oil: $.20
Baking powder: $.90
Salt per bbl.: $2.75
Teas and canned goods in proportion.
Produce taken in exchange. Powers & Shreves.
Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.
Shreves and Powers have closed out their grocery stock and quit the business.
Cowley County Courant, April 20, 1882.
Ad. Powers is the latest victim of a turn-over. We don’t mean that he has turned over a new leaf, but that as he was returning home the other day, from having taken his girl home, he swung around the corner on South Main street, the buggy flopped over, and Ad. stretched out on the ground very much resembling an elephant taking a nap. There was no damage done, except breaking the buggy considerably, and severing half a dozen or so of Ad.’s ribs.
Cowley County Courant, June 22, 1882.
Another wedding is announced among the boys. Ad. Powers is shortly to promise to love, cherish, protect, and keep until divorced, his best gerl. Boys, get your last year’s oyster cans and other musical instruments in tune. It has been some time since we have had a full grown charivari with tin can accompaniment.
Edgar Powers, son of N. M. Powers...
Winfield Courier, September 28, 1882.
A happy crowd of very little folks met as per invitation at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Buckman Wednesday afternoon, to celebrate the third birthday of little Miss Stella Buckman. It was one of the few real jolly parties that have been held this season. The ceremony of introduction was dispensed with and each one present seemed imbued with unusual conversational power. In the matter of real, solid enjoyment, it was the model party of the age. Little Miss Stella was the recipient of many beautiful presents from her youthful friends. Those present were Misses Flora Morehouse, Maud Miller, Mamie Pryor, Margie Pryor, Gracie Gary, Edna Glass, Inez Crippen, Blanche Troup, Nellie Harden, June and Bessie Schofield, and Mattie Marshall. Our future statesmen were represented by Masters Willie Nixon, Edgar Powers, Johnnie Crippen, Willie Troup, Ralph Brown, Eddie Greer, Harvey Harden, Baron Bahntge, Roy Robinson, Robbie Platter, and Royal Carver. As this was the first event in the social life of the little ones, it will be remembered with much pleasure.
Murdoch and Ad. Powers...
Winfield Courier, October 19, 1882.
The skating rink under the management of Murdoch and Powers opened on Monday evening with a small admission fee for the band, which discoursed sweet music the while. The rink is a popular resort of our young people.
Edgar Powers...
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1882.
Little Folks’ Party. A large number of little folks gathered together at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Pryor Monday afternoon to celebrate with little Mamie her third birthday. The crowd was the jolliest and liveliest we have seen and each of the little folks seemed to take in the full measure of enjoyment. A splendid repast was set for them which they attacked with a relish. Little Mamie received a large number of elegant presents from her young friends. The following is a list of the presents and of those present: 1 silver set knife, fork, and spoon; 2 Majolica plates; 2 gold sash pins; 1 gold ring; 1 child’s decorated china wash stand set; 1 child’s dinner castor; 1 hand painted mug; 1 porte-monnaie; 5 China cups and saucers; 2 China mugs; 1 glass mug; 1 doll’s parlor suite; 1 autograph album; 1 photograph album; 1 wood tea set combination table and cupboard; 1 Brittania tea set; 2 child’s glass sets; sugar bowl; butter dish, etc.; 3 dolls; 2 doll’s canopy top phaetons; 1 doll and carriage; 2 picture books; 1 flat iron and stand; 1 bell cart and span of goats; 1 bouquet; 1 basket of flowers; 1 satin puff box; 1 panorama egg; 6 elegant birthday cards; 1 little brown jug; 1 necklace of pearl beads; 1 shell box; 1 photograph with frame; 2 China match safes; 2 bottles perfumery; 1 card receiver (Kalo Meda); 2 handkerchiefs (embroidered); 1 collar; 1 tooth-pick holder.
Present: Misses Birdie Wright, Edna Glass, Blanche Bliss, Blanche Troup, Stella Buckman, Mamie Black, Frankie Black, Mary Spotswood, Maggie Pryor, Edna Pryor, Muriel Covert, Annie McDonald, Clara Austin, Pearl E. Snyder, Maggie Johnson, Emma Johnson, Bernice Bullen, Beryl Johnston, Nina Nelson, Nona Nelson, Lube Myton, Josie Myton, Ethel Carruthers, Mary Brotherton, Bell Brotherton, Nina Harter, May Harter, Maud Miller, Gertie Lynn, Effie Lynn, Edna Short, Alma Miller, Mollie Trezise, Lillie Trezise, Fannie Bryan, Flossie Bullen, Ollie Newcomb, Edna Fitch, Maud Cooper, Daisy Clark.
Masters Eddie Greer, Eddie Thorp, Ralph Brown, Roy Robinson, Bertie Silliman, Vere Hollenbeck, Charles F. Green, Charlie Sydal, Henrion McDonald, Dolphi Green, Clare Bullen, Bruce Carruthers, Edgar Powers, Charlie Lynn, Paul Bedilion, Codie Waite, Zack Miller, Willie Trezise, Carl Farringer, Walter Baird, and Willis Young.
Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.
WINFIELD DON’T WANT SALOONS. On looking over carefully the list of signatures on the petition to Hackney, we find a considerable number of names of persons who live in the country, and many more whom nobody knows. We find only 101 names, less than half of those on the petition, who are known as citizens of Winfield. Less than half of these probably understood what they were signing, and are in favor of saloons. It is presumable that the originators got all the names of prominent Winfield men they could by any kind of representations; and, considering all these things, the petition is not so very formidable after all. But it is enough to give our city a bad name, and give a severe stab to the cause of prohibition. The Kansas City Journal’s Topeka correspondence says that the names of all the prominent men and business firms of Winfield are found on that petition, except one bank and one hardware store. We notice that the following Winfield firms and names are conspicuously absent from the petition.
COURIER Office, Winfield Bank, S. H. Myton, W. E. McDonald & Co., W. C. Root & Co., Hughes & Cooper, J. W. Johnston, J. S. Hunt, A. B. Arment, D. F. Best, F. M. Friend, C. E. Steuven, N. M. Powers, H. D. Gans, T. R. Bryan, C. Farringer, McGuire Bros., A. H. Green, T. J. Harris, Wm. Newton, Jacob Nixon, Curns & Manser, T. B. Myers, L. B. Stone, Frank Jennings, Henry E. Asp, G. H. Buckman, H. H. Siverd, Frank Finch, J. Wade McDonald, T. H. Soward, Ed Bedilion, J. M. Dever, Bliss & Wood, W. P. Hackney, P. H. Albright & Co., R. C. Story, Youngheim Bros., E. S. Torrance, Mr. Tomlin, Brown & Son, H. Brotherton, E. T. Trimble, W. A. Lee, A. B. Robinson, A T & S F R R STATION, Holmes’ Packing House, K C L & S R R Station, C. Trump, Dr. W. G. Graham.
Besides all the clergymen of the city and more than four hundred other businessmen and voters of the city, it does not show up big when we remember that but a very small proportion of the 650 voters in the city signed the petition.
Ad. Powers opening skating rink...
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.
Ad. Powers is arranging to open a skating rink under McDonald & Miner’s store. He will be ready for business next week.
Addison F. Powers...
Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.
Roller Skating. I will open a skating rink Monday evening, December 3rd, 1883, in the basement under McDonald & Miner’s dry-goods store. Roller skating is the most popular amusement of the day among the most refined class of society. And in introducing this graceful exercise in this city again, I beg leave to announce my intention to conduct the assemblies in the most elegant manner, and extend the freedom of the hall to the polite class of people only. It is the object to establish a pleasant place of resort, where ladies and gentlemen, parents and children, may meet for healthful exercise, safe and pleasant recreation. The assemblies will be select, the order perfect. The management, on behalf of the patrons, reserves the right to refuse admission and the use of skates to any objectionable person. Doors open at 3 and 7 p.m., and close at 5:30 and 10 p.m. A. F. POWERS, Manager.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1884.
The Masquerade. The members of the Pleasant Hour Club have made the winter thus far very pleasant in a social way. Their hops have been well attended, and the utmost good feeling and harmony has prevailed. Their masquerade ball last Thursday evening was the happiest hit of the season. The floor was crowded with maskers and the raised platforms filled with spectators. At nine o’clock the “grand march” was called, and the mixture of grotesque, historical, mythological, and fairy figures was most attractive and amusing. Then, when the quadrilles were called, the effect of the clown dancing with a grave and sedate nun, and Romeo swinging a pop-corn girl, was, as one of the ladies expressed it, “just too cute.”
The following is the list of names of those in masque, together with a brief description of costume or character represented.
Ad. Powers, Snow.
For a short time Ad. Powers and a partner handled a skating rink in Sedan...
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1884.
SEDAN NEWS. Our skating rink is one of the attractions of the town. Winfield boys are always clever, while Mr. Powers and his partner are exceptionally so. I have taken several good sweats in trying to learn the “trick,” and with the clever advantages which the managers provide, we all expect to be flying on the rink soon.
The following item is quite complex! It appears that A. H. Jennings bought property from Mrs. N. C. Powers that was being occupied by “Newton’s Harness Shop” in Winfield for $2,500...
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1884.
A. H. Jennings bought of Mrs. N. C. Powers last week the property occupied by Newton’s harness shop for twenty-five hundred dollars. Mr. Jennings is investing largely in Winfield property.
Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.
Ad. Powers returned Saturday night from Sedan, where he has been running a skating rink for some months past. He looks very much emaciated, only weighing now 229 lbs.
Winfield Courier, December 11, 1884.
Ad. Powers came in from Ashland Tuesday, looking none the slimmer for pioneer life.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 21, 1885.
We had the pleasure of looking through the new and elegant house of N. M. Powers, Thursday. It is finely finished; the rooms large and well planned. Mr. Asp has a suit of rooms, elegantly furnished, above. The lower part will be occupied by Mr. Powers and family in a short time.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 23, 1885.
Mr. J. E. Conklin has just adorned the grounds of Mr. N. M. Powers’ handsome residence, corner of 8th avenue and Millington street, with several hundred feet of as fine flagging walk as we have ever seen. It was done by Mr. Conklin’s contractor, Nick Sandner, and the stone came from Mr. Conklin’s quarry, just east of the Platter farm. It is symmetrical and smooth as a floor, and will last forever. Nothing could give residence grounds better adornment, and the magnificence and convenience of our stone puts it in the reach of all. Mr. Powers is making a complete residence. The finishing touch should be given by cutting out half the trees that obstruct the public view.
N. M. Powers was involved in the following project...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 3, 1885.
The following charter was filed Thursday last, in the office of the secretary of state.
“The Geuda Springs, Caldwell & Western Railroad Co.” Places of business, Winfield and Geuda Springs, Cowley Co.; and Caldwell, Sumner Co. The purpose is to build and operate a railroad of standard gauge through the counties of Cowley, Sumner, Harper, Barbour, Comanche, Clark, Meade, and Seward, in the state of Kansas. Capital stock $5,600,000. Directors for the first year: Alonzo Stephens, Chicago, Illinois; Wm. Gostlin and C. N. Towle, Hammond, Indiana; Wm. D. Carey, E. P. Greer, N. M. Powers, D. A. Millington, and J. C. Long, Winfield; and C. R. Mitchell, Geuda Springs, Kansas.
According to the next item, Powers was living in Vernon township...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
The convention met at the Opera House in Winfield at 10 o’clock a.m. today according to the call, and was called to order by W. J. Wilson, chairman of the county committee.
VERNON. Delegates: J. G. Pearson, J. W. Millspaugh, W. E. Tansey, J. F. Martin, N. M. Powers, C. D. Soule. Alternates: None.
Addison Powers now living in Ashland. Involved with real estate and law business...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
Addison Powers came in yesterday from Ashland to take in the Fair and visit with his parents for several days. Ad is in partnership with Will McCartney in the real estate and law business.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1885.
Mrs. N. M. Powers is enjoying a visit from her cousin, Mr. Addison Steele, of New York. He is accompanied by his wife and they are highly pleased with Winfield and Cowley.
Listed the first three items to show that the residence of “N. M. Powers” was considered by Winfield citizens at that time as quite a place!
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 29, 1885.
The reporter mounting a steed sallied forth early Friday morning to take an inventory of the improvements and new buildings which have gone up since the season opened, and the ones under construction at the present time. Being rushed, we are satisfied many have been overlooked. The valuation given is below the market value rather than above. The following list we know will surprise our own citizens.
M. E. College $100,000
Imbecile Asylum 75,000
N. M. Powers’ residence 5,000
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 29, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
Catherine Rembaugh and husband to N M Powers, lots 12 and 13, blk 235, Citizens ad to Winfield: $450.
N. M. Powers was involved with the following railroad scheme...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 11, 1886.
Another Winfield Railroad. Winfield men are to the front again with another railroad scheme. It is one of considerable magnitude, the Kansas City, Colorado & Texas railroad, with a total length of 1,500 miles and a capital stock of $30,000,000. The directors named in the charter are Capt. J. B. Nipp, Senator J. C. Long, J. L. Horning, H. D. Gans, J. H. Fazel, N. M. Powers, Jas. A. Irwin, Edwin Beeney, John Kuddiman, of Winfield, and others from abroad. Among the foreigners: L. S. Olmstead, builder of the Chicago & Alton, B. F. Beesley, J. L. Morrison, and D. H. Mitchell, old railroad men from Jacksonville, Illinois. Already capitalists and other old railroad men are seeking interest in the scheme. The capital stock is limited to $20,000 a mile. The proposed route is from Kansas City to and through the counties of Wyandotte, Johnson, Franklin, Douglass, Osage, Lyon, Morris, Chase, Marion, Dickinson, Saline, McPherson, Ellsworth, Rice, Barton, Rush, Ness, Lane, Scott, Wichita, and Greeley, to the western line of the state; thence through Colorado to Denver. A line will diverge in Osage County, and pass southwesterly through Osage, Lyon, Coffee, Greenwood, Chase, Butler, Cowley, and Sumner; thence through Indian Territory and Texas to San Antonio. Another line will branch off in Morris County and pass through Chase, Marion, Butler, Harvey, Sedgwick, and Sumner, going through Indian Territory and Texas to San Antonio.