A. J. Pyburn
[Note: The maiden name of A. J. Pyburn’s first wife was Adams.]
Kansas 1875 Census, Winfield Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
A. J. Pyburn 37 m w Missouri Iowa
Agnes Pyburn 36 f w Kentucky Iowa
Lucetta Pyburn 16 f w Missouri Iowa
Alice Pyburn 14 f w Missouri Iowa
Andrew Pyburn Jr. 1m m w Kansas
Creswell Township 1873: A. J. Pyburn, age 30.
Creswell Township 1874: A. J. Pyburn, age 35; spouse, Agness Pyburn, 35.
Arkansas City 1893: Mary Pyburn, age 35.
Winfield 1878: A. J. Pyburn, age 40; spouse, A. Pyburn, 40.
Winfield 1880: A. J. Pyburn, age 42; spouse, Agnes(s), 42.
[L. C. Norton, Real Name Unknown, Sued by Cowley County Bank.]
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 5, 1873.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 31, 1873.
The following named gentlemen were admitted to practice law in all the District and inferior Courts in the state:
J. C. Bigger, of St. Louis, Mo.; Louis T. Michener and D. C. Scull, of Brookfield, Indiana; A. J. Pyburn, of Taylor County, Iowa; and T. H. Suits, of Humboldt, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 30, 1873.
Among the lawyers in attendance at the District Court from abroad, we notice Col. J. M. Alexander of Leavenworth; Hon. Wm. P. Hackney, of Wellington; Gen. Rogers of Eureka, and Judge M. L. Adams of Wichita. From Arkansas City are C. R. Mitchell and A. J. Pyburn. From Dexter, Hon. James McDermott. Our own bar is, as usual, ably represented by Fairbank, Torrance & Green, Webb & Bigger, Manning & Johnson, Louis T. Michener, Pryor & Kager, and T. H. Suits.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.
The following are the Attorneys attending at the District Court: Hon. Wm. P. Hackney, Wellington; Hon. Jas. McDermott, Dexter; C. R. Mitchell, A. J. Pyburn, L. B. Kellogg, Arkansas City; Gen. Rogers, Eureka; M. S. Adams, Wichita; Fairbank, Torrance & Green, L. J. Webb, Manning & Johnson, Judge R. B. Saffold, Lewis T. Michener, Esq., Suits & Wood, D. A. Millington, Winfield.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874.
Commissioner’s Proceeding.
Cowley County, Kan., April 16th, 1874.
The following is a list of bills allowed by the Board of County Commissioners at their last regular meeting, showing the amount to whom allowed, and for what purpose.
Judges of Election: A. J. Pyburn, $2.00.
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1874.
Prof. Kellogg, C. R. Mitchell, and A. J. Pyburn, of Arkansas City, have been in town for the past week attending the meeting of the County Board.
Winfield Courier, October 15, 1874.
The Independent convention met at Tisdale last Monday and nominated the following ticket. For Representative, A. S. Williams; for County Attorney, A. J. Pyburn; for Probate Judge, H. D. Gans; for Clerk of the District Court, E. S. Bedilion; and for Superintendent of Public Instruction, G. W. Melville.
Winfield Courier, October 29, 1874. Editorial.
The Arkansas City Traveler, refuses to support L. J. Webb for County Attorney, and Sim Moore for Probate Judge, and supports Pyburn and Gans, of the pie bald ticket. In reference to Mr. Webb’s candidacy, the Traveler says: “L. J. Webb is one of the best criminal lawyers in Southern Kansas, and a personal friend of ours, but we consider A. J. Pyburn the most trustworthy.”
And further on it says: “As we said in our former issues, we shall vote for the best men, regardless of party, local prejudice, or personal ill-will. We are opposed to conventions but will be compelled to submit to them until the people are ready and willing to adopt a better plan. They are not essential in the election of county officers, where we all have the opportunity of knowing the men.”
It seems to us that it would be more manly for the Traveler to state its objections to Webb and Moore. So that should it appear to be anything serious, we could all drop them. We can see no difference between the Traveler’s course and that of any other self-styled reform paper. “We shall vote for the best man,” says the Traveler, “regardless of party, etc.” In this case, Mr. Scott had no more business in a republican convention than a Catholic Priest would have taking part in a Presbyterian General Assembly.
We are sorry the Traveler has seen fit to take the course it has in the present canvass. And until the Traveler shows wherein the two democrats, Pyburn and Gans, are in any respect better, or more worthy, than the republican nominees, Webb and Moore, the people will be of the opinion that there is something besides a desire for “best men,” that actuates the Traveler.
Some of us will still think that the old jealousy of Winfield, of Winfield men, and Winfield things, still rankles in the breasts of our brethren of Arkansas City. It will be hard for Scott to explain why he didn’t throw himself in the breach at the convention and have someone other than Webb and Moore nominated. Why didn’t Mr. Scott tell the convention that he couldn’t support these gentlemen if nominated. Why didn’t he nominate A. J. Pyburn and explain to the delegates that he thought him a “more trustworthy man” than Webb, instead of congratulating the latter gentleman on his nomination. We do not believe that Mr. Pyburn is as fit for County Attorney as L. J. Webb. Nor that H. D. Gans is as well qualified for Probate Judge as Sim. S. Moore.
Winfield Courier, October 29, 1874.
On the evening of October 22nd, the citizens of this vicinity were entertained with speeches by part of the Independent candidates, and by some who were not candidates. Mr. Hemenway was called to the chair and introduced the speakers in a few well chosen and appropriate remarks.
The first speaker was Amos Walton—of whom you may have heard—who appeared to represent Mr. Pyburn, as all the candidates but him were present. Mr. Walton made the principal speech of the evening, and seemed to be the political mouthpiece of the Independent party at this time and place. In his view the country is afflicted with a terrible distemper of corruption and dishonesty coming from the diseased body of the Republican party. Only in this party, it would seem, could one find dishonest men or corrupt measures. The real friends of the people were in other ranks, and the opponents of monopolies and “bloated bond-holders” were to be looked for elsewhere. Even Cowley County, according to Mr. Walton, is in a deplorable condition, from which it, with the rest of the country, can be redeemed only by the turning out of the “ins” and letting in the “outs.”
Mr. Williams made a few remarks, simply introducing himself to the people of this locality. He had no pledges to make to any man or to any party. As he had made none, he would go through the canvass without making any. Neither would he vilify or abuse anybody, even if he could secure his election by such a course.
H. D. Gans was then called out, but preferred making no speech, saying that he was known here by everybody, and his opinions were known by all present.
Mr. Melville then made a few remarks regarding the office of School Superintendent, pledging himself to work for three dollars per day, and to charge only for the days actually employed in official labors. He thought that the saving to the county by his election would be several hundred dollars.
Mr. Julius Woollen was called for, and his judgment was, that as Mr. Wilkinson had done good service for the county in the cause of common schools, it would be a matter of justice to re-elect him to the office of Superintendent.
Mr. B. H. Clover gave the meeting a few remarks in reply to Mr. Walton’s utterances, concluding with the statement that if he were a candidate, and desired anybody to speak for him, he would give Walton a yearling calf to stay at home and keep still.
The remarks made by Mr. Story were for the interests of truth, not of parties. His idea was that corruption was not confined to any one party, but that it invariably followed a long exercise of political power. The sins of the republican party were common to its opponents, who should bear equally the burden of censure and condemnation whenever guilty.
Winfield Courier, November 5, 1874. Editorial Page.
Osborn Goes Out with Nearly Five Hundred Majority.
Brown the Choice of Cowley!!!
St. Clair Beats Saffold Fully Three Hundred Votes.
Tom Bryan elected by at least Two Hundred Majority.
The election in this county last Tuesday passed off quietly. No disturbance of any kind marred the good feeling which has prevailed during the election campaign. Owing to the fact that a great many voters stayed away from the polls a very light vote was cast, probably not over fourteen hundred in all.
The State Congressional and Senatorial tickets received handsome majorities.
The Republican Congressional and Senatorial tickets received handsome majorities.
The Republican county ticket was elected with two exceptions, by majorities ranging all the way from 100 to 225.
What we consider an infamous combination defeated Webb and Moore. Creswell and Bolton Townships, voted almost solid for their own man Pyburn against Webb and the Democratic Gans against Moore. Surely neither Webb nor Moore has cause to be ashamed of their home vote. And notwithstanding the miserable stories set afloat concerning them just before the election each ran ahead of his ticket in their respective townships. Especially may L. J. Webb be proud of the vote given him here. His own home vindicates him from the foul charges of his enemies by seventy-five majority, while the reform candidates with that exception run ahead by small majorities. Never was a campaign conducted fairer than Mr. Webb conducted the one just closed and he has the consciousness that while he has lost the position to which he aspired he yet retains his honor.
Take it all in all, the Republican party of Cowley County have reason to be proud of that day’s work.
Winfield Courier, November 5, 1874.
The reformers in Creswell and Bolton townships went solid against Webb for county attorney because they said Pyburn is a better man, while at Winfield the reformers voted for Webb because they say he is a better man than Pyburn. Alas, we have lost faith in these reformers.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 10, 1874. Front Page.
“Mr. Scott, at the Independent convention held at Tisdale, stated to Ed. Millard, secretary of the convention, in the hearing of John Mark and Justus Fisher, that C. R. Mitchell was an Independent man, and insisted on them giving him the nomination; stating that Pyburn would not accept, as he had too good a thing already. We all know now that he did accept, and gained his election by the unprinciples of C. M. Scott.
“Mitchell being defeated, Scott passed Dr. Thompson and stated to him that Mitchell’s name was used entirely against his (Mitchell’s) will, and that he should not have accepted the office even if nominated. How quick to turn his coat. . . .
“Again, at the Republican convention, held in Winfield, he (Scott) went to Dr. Thompson and asked him in the hearing of Capt. Harellson and Seth Chase, to support Mitchell, stating if the Tisdale delegates would vote for Mitchell that the Arkansas City delegates would support Moore. They refused to support him, and then of course the nominees were incapable, and men unfit for the office. Capable enough, to fill the office at the convention, but not degraded enough to be led by Scott, and hence he had to turn his back on them. . . .”
Winfield Courier, December 10, 1874.
Traveler Items.
A. A. Chamberlain was elected First Lieutenant, in the militia, in place of A. J. Pyburn, resigned, and William Wilson, instead of A. D. Keith, who also resigned. Others in the company were promoted.
Prof. Norton, although not a candidate, received 256 votes for Supt. of Public Instruction in Butler County in the November election.
The Militia are stationed in town for a few days, awaiting rations. It is not definitely known yet whether they will be mustered out, as Indians are frequently seen on the plains.
Winfield Courier, January 14, 1875.
The new county officers entered upon the discharge of their duties last Monday. A. J. Pyburn is a lawyer of ability, and a gentleman in every way qualified to discharge the duties of County Attorney. H. D. Gans is a rising young man, courteous and affable to all who have business with him, and with a little experience will make an efficient Probate Judge. Although we opposed the election of both of these gentlemen, we have no doubt but that their official career will give universal satisfaction. As for E. S. Bedilion, Clerk of the District Court, he is the right man in the right place. With his peculiar fitness for the position, and long experience, his duties will be discharged with promptness, ability, and fidelity. In any event these gentlemen have our best wishes for their future success.
Winfield Courier, January 14, 1875.
Bar Meeting.
At a meeting of the Winfield bar held at the office of J. E. Allen, Jan. 12th, 1875, D. A. Millington, Esq., was chosen chairman, and J. E. Allen, Secy. Col. E. C. Manning, S. D. Pryor, and A. J. Pyburn were appointed a committee on resolutions, who reported the following which were unanimously adopted.
WHEREAS, E. S. Torrance is about to leave us to establish for himself a more eastern home, therefore, we the members of the bar of Cowley County, state of Kansas, being duly assembled, adopt, as the voice of this meeting the following resolutions.
Resolved, That it is with deep regret that we part with a brother attorney so able and eminent in his profession, so urbane and gentlemanly in his deportment, so noble and generous in his instincts, so honorable in his transactions, so incorruptible in his integrity as is E. S. Torrance.
Resolved, That we lose by his departure one of the brightest ornaments of the Bar, one of the most promising of the rising young men of our district, true and energetic as an advocate and counselor and faithful as a friend.
Resolved, That as County Attorney of this county for two terms, covering a period of four years last past, he has been ever faithful to the interests of the public, allowing no personal or political considerations to swerve him from the strict line of duty, and has ever discharged his official labors with distinguished ability and scrupulous integrity.
Resolved, That we heartily commend him to all with whom his lot may be cast and that we earnestly hope and believe that he is yet destined to make a bright record in the history of our county.
Resolved, That the secretary be directed to furnish each of the county papers with a copy of these resolutions, requesting their publication. D. A. MILLINGTON, Chairman.
J. E. ALLEN, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, March 25, 1875.
The District Court is in full blast, Hon. W. P. Campbell presiding. The following attorneys are in attendance: Webb & Millington, Hackney & McDonald, E. C. Manning, J. B. Fairbank, Pryor & Kager, T. H. Suits, John E. Allen, A. H. Green, Alexander & Saffold, T. H. Johnson, M. S. Adams of Wichita, C. R. Mitchell and L. B. Kellogg of Arkansas City, James McDermott of Dexter, and A. J. Pyburn, County Attorney.
Winfield Courier, April 15, 1875.
In the case of the State of Kansas vs. Sridler, for forgery, the jury failed to agree on a verdict. County Attorney Pyburn entered a nolle prosequi and the defendant went free. In the conduct of the suit for the defense, L. J. Webb, Esq., added new laurels to his already good reputation as a lawyer. His argument on the close was perhaps one of the best ever made to a jury in Cowley County, eliciting the highest encomiums from everyone present, and Sridler may thank his stars that L. J. Webb was his attorney.
Winfield Courier, April 22, 1875.
Bar Meeting.
At a meeting of the Cowley County Bar held at the office of J. E. Allen, in the city of Winfield, April 26th, 1875, Judge R. B. Saffold was called to the chair and J. E. Allen appointed Secretary. The following were appointed a committee on resolutions: L. J. Webb, A. J. Pyburn, Amos Walton, and W. M. Boyer, who reported the following resolutions, which were unanimously adopted.
WHEREAS, The Hon. W. P. Hackney is about to remove from our midst, therefore be it Resolved, That we, the members of the bar of Cowley County, do most sincerely regret the loss we sustain in his removal.
Resolved, That in Mr. Hackney we recognize a true lawyer, and one who graces the profession to which he belongs.
Resolved, That we recommend him as one in whom the people wherever he may locate may repose implicit confidence, not only as a lawyer, but as a citizen and neighbor.
Resolved, That the Secretary furnish a copy of these resolutions to Mr. Hackney, and a copy to each of the county papers for publication. R. B. SAFFOLD, Chairman.
J. B. ALLEN, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.
This is to certify that we, whose names are hereto subscribed, do most heartily recommend for our next County Treasurer, FRANK GALLOTTI, who has for the last year and a half faithfully and satisfactorily performed the duties of said office while acting in the capacity of Deputy; and we do hereby further certify that his character during that time has been such as to fully entitle him to the recommendation. The records of said office kept by him, bears ample testimony of his capability and efficiency. We consider him well qualified to fulfill the duties of said office, and therefore cheerfully recommend him to the voters of Cowley County as well worth of their cordial support, and who, if elected, will most faithfully and systematically perform the duties of said office.
One of those who signed: A. J. Pyburn.
Winfield Courier, November 25, 1875.
County Warrants to be Paid.
By virtue of authority given by an Act of the Legislature of the State of Kansas, approved February 10th, 1875, entitled “An Act to amend Section Sixty-nine of Chapter Twenty-five, General Statutes of Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-eight,” I hereby give notice that the principal and accrued interest of County Warrants herein below described will be paid at the County Treasurer’s Office, in Winfield, on and after the 1st day of November, 1875, and that the interest on said warrants will cease on that day. E. B. KAGER, County Treasurer.
By F. GALLOTTI, Deputy.
Names of parties to whom warrants are payable:
A. J. PYBURN: 12 WARRANTS - $127.50.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1875.
The case of the State vs. Sol. Becker and George Nauman came up before Justice Boyer last Friday. A jury of six was called. Defendants were discharged, the prosecuting witness paying the costs. County Attorney Pyburn for the State and T. H. Suits, assisted by E. C. Manning, for the defendants. On the first ballot, the jury stood three against three.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1875.
Bills Allowed by County Commissioners.
WINFIELD, KAN., Dec. 16, 1875.
Board met in special session. Present: R. F. Burden, M. S. Roseberry, Commissioners; A. J. Pyburn, County Attorney, and M. G. Troup, County Clerk. Among other proceedings had, claims against the county were passed upon.
C. A. Bliss & Co., pauper bill.
Jacob Binkey.
J. Headrick.
E. S. Bedilion, express charge.
N. C. McCulloch, ex. charges.
E. S. Bedilion, District Clerk.
R. L. Walker, Sheriff.
H. S. Silver, pauper bill.
[Note: First issues of Traveler on Microfilm: January 1876.]
E. S. TORRANCE Nov. 8, 1870. Jan. 8, 1873.
E. S. TORRANCE Nov. 5, 1872. Jan. 11, 1875.
A. J. PYBURN Nov. 3, 1874.
Winfield Courier, January 20, 1876.
Boyer and County Attorney Pyburn are going to take a look at Florida.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 22, 1876.
Judge 13th Judicial District: W. P. Campbell.
Board of County Commissioners: R. F. Burden, Robert White, Wm. Sleeth.
County Clerk: M. G. Troup.
County Treasurer: E. B. Kager.
Deputy Treasurer: Jas. L. Huey.
Probate Judge: H. D. Gans.
Registrar of Deeds: E. P. Kinne.
Supt. Pub. Inst.: T. A. Wilkinson.
Sheriff: R. L. Walker.
Coroner: Sim. Moore.
County Attorney: A. J. Pyburn.
Clerk District Court: E. S. Bedilion.
County Surveyor: W. W. Walton.
Examining Surgeon U. S. Pensioners: W. Q. Mansfield.
Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, April 6, 1876.
A. J. PYBURN, ATTORNEY AT LAW.—Office in Court House, Winfield, Kansas.
Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, April 6, 1876.
The district court opened on Monday; Judge Campbell on the bench. Attorneys present: A. J. McDonald of Wellington; C. R. Mitchell and James Christian of Arkansas City; James McDermott of Dexter; Mr. Ruggles of Wichita; Byron Sherry of Leavenworth; J. M. Alexander, A. H. Green, L. J. Webb, D. A. Millington, A. J. Pyburn, T. H. Suits, W. P. Hackney, E. C. Manning, John Allen, Wm. Boyer, S. D. Pryor, W. M. Boyer, and Amos Walton of Winfield.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 12, 1876.
The examination of applicants for teachers took place at the schoolhouse at Winfield Friday and Saturday, April 7th and 8th. Professors T. A. Wilkinson, A. B. Lemmon and E. W. Hulse constituted the Board of Examiners. There were twenty-nine applicants, named as follows:
Dora Winslow, Vernon Township.
Jennie Lawson, Maggie Strasburg, Mary Strasburg, Effie Randall, Sarah E. Davis, Ida Roberts, Alice Pyburn, Emily Roberts, S. E. Moore, M. J. Huff, Ollie Huff, Winfield Township.
Sarah Bovee, Mrs. I. E. Brown, Ella Davis, New Salem Township.
C. E. Fitzgerald, Ella Clover, Emma Burden, Arvilla Elliott, Lou A. Bedell, Lazette Township.
Kate Birdzell, Albertine Maxwell, Louisa Franklin, Laura E. Turner, Arkansas City.
Nancy J. Baxter, Alice A. Mann, Little Dutch Township.
Gertie Davis, Tisdale Township.
C. C. Holland, M. L. Smith, Pleasant Valley Township.
The ages of the applicants were 15 to 23 years, and the average standard eight, on a scale of ten.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 19, 1876. Front Page.
Full Report of All the Business Transacted by the Board of County Commissioners Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, April 10, 11, and 12.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, April 10, 1876.
Board met in regular session. Present, R. F. Burden, W. M. Sleeth, Commissioners; A. J. Pyburn, County Attorney, and M. G. Troup, County Clerk. Journal of last regular session read and adopted.
Bills were presented and disposed of as follows.
A. J. Pyburn, County Attorney: $125.00
Arkansas City Traveler, April 19, 1876. Front Page.
There were in attendance upon the District Court in this County, the following named attorneys.
General Sherry, of Leavenworth.
Judge Adams and Major Ruggles, of Wichita.
Judge Christian, C. R. Mitchell, and E. B. Kager, of Arkansas City.
Prof. Kellogg, of Emporia.
Capt. McDermott, of Dexter.
Judge McDonald, of Wellington.
Messrs. Pryor & Pryor, Allen, Boyer, Pyburn, Webb, Millington, Hackney, and Alexander, of Winfield.
Cowley County Democrat, May 18, 1876.
Messrs. A. J. Pyburn and Amos Walton started yesterday morning for Topeka, to attend the Democratic State Convention. Mr. Walton goes from there to the Centennial, where he will spend the summer. We wish him a pleasant trip, and a good time generally, and may he find friends wherever he may locate that esteem him as highly as we do.
Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876.
County Attorney Pyburn has returned from the Democratic State Convention. He reports it enthusiastic but not harmonious.
Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.
Last Saturday, pursuant to call, the citizens of Winfield met at the Courthouse and organized a meeting by calling D. A. Millington to the chair and electing C. M. McIntire secretary.
After deliberation as to what steps should be taken to appropriately celebrate the 4th of July of the Centennial year, the following committee was appointed to draft a plan of procedure and report to a meeting of citizens last night: James Kelly, J. P. Short, C. M. McIntire, W. B. Gibbs, and W. C. Robinson.
At the appointed hour, Wednesday evening, the meeting assembled at the Courthouse and organized by selecting C. A. Bliss, chairman, and J. E. Allen as secretary. The committee made a report which, after some amendments made by the meeting, was finally adopted.
General Superintendent: Prof. A. B. Lemmon.
County Historian: W. W. Walton.
Committee of Arrangements: C. M. Wood, M. L. Bangs, W. B. Vandeventer, John Lowry, J. D. Cochran.
Committee on Programme: H. D. Gans, E. P. Kinne, James Kelly, B. F. Baldwin, W. M. Allison.
Committee on Speakers: E. C. Manning, L. J. Webb, Chas. McIntire.
Committee on Finance: W. C. Robinson, W. P. Hackney, O. F. Boyle, M. G. Troup, J. C. Fuller.
Committee on Music: J. D. Pryor, Mrs. W. D. Roberts, Miss Mollie Bryant.
Committee on Toasts: A. J. Pyburn, J. E. Allen, J. P. Short, Dr. J. Hedrick.
Committee on Stand: W. E. Tansey, T. B. Myers, W. B. Gibbs.
Committee on Decoration: Frank Gallotti, John Swain, I. Randall, Mary Stewart, Jennie Greenlee, Ada Millington, Mrs. Rigby, Mrs. Mansfield.
Committee on Invitation: D. A. Millington, L. C. Harter, J. B. Lynn, C. A. Bliss, J. P. McMillen, H. S. Silver, A. H. Green, S. S. Majors, C. M. Scott, T. B. McIntire, R. C. Haywood, J. L. Abbott, John Blevins, T. R. Bryan, H. C. McDorman, Mc. D. Stapleton, S. M. Fall, J. Stalter, Wm. White, S. S. Moore, Jno. McGuire, H. P. Heath, J. O. Van Orsdol, G. B. Green, W. B. Skinner, J. W. Millspaugh.
Committee on Fireworks: G. S. Manser, T. K. Johnson, C. C. Haskins.
Meeting adjourned to meet at the call of the General Superintendent.
Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.
COUNTY ATTORNEY PYBURN carries his right hand in a sling on account of a severe cut in the palm, whereby two arteries were severed. The wound was received in an attempt to twist the glass cork out of a perfume bottle, the neck of the bottle breaking and cutting the hand that held it.
Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.
Our Winfield Schools.
The Winfield Public Schools closed a nine month’s term last Friday. To see how the “rising generation” was taught to shoot ideas in our city, we visited, in the order named, the Higher, Intermediate, and Primary Departments last Thursday. The school never having been visited by an “item chaser,” it is not necessary to say that one was not expected at that time. We found the “house in order” however, and the floor occupied by Prof. Lemmon, and a corps of handsome young ladies engaged in a hand-to-blackboard contest with “tenths, hundredths, thousandths,” and that little “period” that causes so much trouble with amateurs in decimal fractions. They soon proved themselves mistresses of the situation. . . . We next paid a visit to the INTERMEDIATE DEPARTMENT, presided over by that successful teacher, Miss Jennie Greenlee. . . .
Now we come to the PRIMARY DEPARTMENT, in charge of Miss Ada Millington. This is the most difficult department to manage in any public school. . . . Though her first school, Miss Millington has proven what her friends predicted, that she would make a very successful teacher.
Students Mentioned.
Miss Laura McMillen was most punctual in attendance.
The following students passed the required examinations and received teacher’s certificates: Misses Mary E. Lynn, Maggie Stansberry, Kate Gilleland, Sarah Bovee, Amy Robertson, Ray Nauman, Iowa Roberts, C. A. Winslow, and Mrs. Estes.
Names of students worthy of special mention at the examination at the close of the school year:
“A” Class Arithmetic: Mary E. Lynn, Emily Roberts, and Samuel E. Davis.
“B” Class Arithmetic: Minerva Martin, Nannie McGee, Luzetta Pyburn, and Alice Pyburn.
“C” Class Arithmetic: Lizzie Kinne, Rosella Stump, and Anna Hunt.
“B” Class Geography: Mollie Davis, Emily Roberts, Alice Pyburn, Nannie McGee, Minerva Martin, Ida McMillen, and Jennie Haine.
U. S. History: Harry McMillen and Emily Roberts.
“B” Class Grammar: Mollie Davis, Luzetta Pyburn, and Minerva Martin.
“A” Class Grammar: Emily Roberts and Mary E. Lynn.
The following named students of the Intermediate Department received prizes for good standing in their classes: 1st Fourth Reader, Minnie Stewart; 2nd Fourth Reader, Alfred Tarrant; Third Reader, Eddie Bullene; 1st Spelling class, Hattie Andrews; 2nd Spelling class, Ada Hudson; 3rd Spelling class, May Manning.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1876.
A. J. Pyburn, our County attorney, met with quite a sad accident last Sunday. He was opening a bottle when the neck of the bottle broke off, and a piece of the glass cut a gash in his right hand almost to the bone. Dr. Davis dressed the wound, and it is getting along as well as could be expected, but he will probably be unable to use his hand for several weeks.
He should call in a friend when he wants to open a bottle, or send it down to Wirt Walton, if he wants it neatly opened.
Winfield Courier, August 3, 1876.
COUNTY ATTORNEY PYBURN has formed a law partnership with O. M. SEWARD, late of the Ann Arbor law school. The office of the new firm will be over Green’s drug store. Mr. Pyburn is well known and needs no introduction. Mr. Seward is an active young lawyer and an accomplished gentleman, and we think the firm will succeed. Here’s luck to it anyway.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 6, 1876.
A. J. PYBURN came down last week to see his many friends in this vicinity. He will be the nominee for State Senator on the Democratic ticket this fall.
Winfield Courier, September 7, 1876.
Normal School.
The following are the names of teachers attending the Normal School at this place.
From Cedarvale: Oscar J. Holroyd; Lizzie Conklin.
From Winfield: Wm. J. McClellan; J. K. Beckner; Rachel Nauman; Kate Gilleland; Maggie Stansberry; Sallie E. Rea; M. J. Huff; C. A. Winslow; Amy Robertson; Mary E. Lynn; Lusetta Pyburn; Mrs. Bell Seibert; Nannie McGee; Sarah E. Davis; O. S. Record; Byron A. Fouch; Mary A. Bryant; Mina C. Johnson; Mattie Roberts; Emma Saint.
Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.
That was a very handsome vote that our young friend, S. M. Jarvis, received for the nomination of Probate Judge. He is a worthy citizen, a staunch Republican, and if nominated, would have made a live race for the position. He has studied law under Mr. Pyburn for the past ten months and has made good advancement. Office or no office, Sam’s a Republican all the same, and he’ll be heard from before the campaign is ended.
Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876. Editorial Page.
The convention met at the courthouse last Saturday and temporarily organized by electing E. P. Young chairman and J. W. Curns secretary. Committees were appointed and the convention adjourned till 1 o’clock.
On reassembling the committee on permanent organization reported Amos Walton as chairman and P. W. Smith as Secretary.
The committee on credentials reported the following as delegates.
Creswell Township: J. Benedict, A. Walton, T. McIntire, M. E. Welch, R. Hoffmaster, W. Goff.
Silver Creek Township: N. J. Thompson, Thomas J. Payne.
Beaver Township: W. D. Lester, Geo. Wright, B. W. Jenkins, W. A. Freeman.
Windsor Township: W. R. Bedell, B. Cue, G. W. Gardenhire.
Pleasant Valley Township: W. H. Nelson, West Holland, J. P. Eckels.
Dexter Township: Wm. Moor, W. E. Meredith, C. N. Gates, A. Hightower.
Maple Township: A. Walck, David Walck.
Richland Township: T. Hart, Jas. Howard, S. B. Hunt, C. R. Turner.
Tisdale Township: C. C. Krow, J. G. Young, W. C. Douglass, E. P. Young.
Vernon Township: G. W. Kimball, Kyle McClung.
Winfield: J. W. McDonald, J. B. Lynn, J. D. Cochran, J. W. Curns, N. W. Holmes, C. C. Black, A. J. Thompson, Wm. Dunn, T. B. Ross, G. W. Yount.
Ninnescah Township: P. O. Copple, Chas. James, P. W. Smith.
Sheridan Township: Sol Smith, J. H. Morrison, Wm. Morrow.
Omnia Township: Elisha Harned, John Smiley.
The following townships were reported not represented: Bolton, Silverdale, Spring Creek, Otter, Cedar, Harvey, Liberty, and Rock, whereupon H. S. Libby arose and presented his credentials as a delegate from Spring Creek. On motion the reports were adopted.
Judge McDonald moved that if there were any persons present from those townships not represented, they might be admitted as delegates from said townships—carried.
On motion of Judge McDonald, John McAllister was admitted from Liberty, W. H. Grow and A. D. Lee from Rock; J. W. Ledlie from Cedar; and Geo. Harris and T. J. Jackson, from Harvey.
On motion of P. W. Smith, delegates present were entitled to cast the full vote of their townships. The convention then proceeded to nominate a county ticket. Judge McDonald nominated A. J. Pyburn as a candidate for State Senator and moved that he be chosen by acclamation. The motion prevailed.
Judge McIntire nominated James Christian for County Attorney. He was chosen by acclamation.
Mr. Lynn nominated J. O. Houx for District Clerk. He was chosen by acclamation.
Mr. Lee nominated H. D. Gans for Probate Judge. After some little squabbling, as will be seen in another column, Judge Gans was chosen by acclamation.
The delegates from the 88th representative district organized by electing J. W. Curns chairman and C. C. Black secretary. Nominations for Representative being in order, Messrs. Wm. Martin, C. C. Krow, and J. G. Young were put in nomination. Mr. Young withdrew. A ballot was taken which resulted as follows: Krow 11, Martin 23. On motion of J. H. Land the nomination was made unanimous. A few remarks were made by Messrs. Pyburn and McDonald and the convention adjourned.
Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.
The following attorneys are in attendance at the present term of court: M. S. Adams, of Wichita; L. B. Kellogg, of Emporia; C. R. Mitchell, A. Walton, and James Christian, of Arkansas City; James McDermott, Dexter; Webb & Torrance, Hackney & McDonald, Pyburn & Seward, D. A. Millington, J. M. Alexander, Jennings & Buckman, A. H. Green,
Pryor, Kager & Pryor, A. B. Lemmon, and John E. Allen, of Winfield.
Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.
The following is a list of the teachers attending the Normal Institute, who secured certificates at the examination: Second grade certificates being valid six months, first grade one year, “A” grade two years.
SECOND GRADE: Emery J. Johnson, J. H. Edwards, Wm. E. Ketcham, J. C. Armstrong, Oscar J. Holroyd, O. J. Record, T. B. Kidney, Porter Wilson, R. R. Corson, M. L. Smith, J. T. Tarbet, Charles H. Eagin, E. W. Snow, M. D. Snow, Byron A. Snow, C. W. Dover, George Lee, J. K. Beckner, Frank A. Chapin, J. M. Hawthorn, T. P. Stevenson, W. E. Meredith, Mrs. Belle Seibert, Mrs. A. R. Hauser, Miss Fannie Skinner, Miss Sarah E. Davis, Miss Stella Burnett, Miss Laura Turner, Miss Anna O. Wright, Mis Veva Walton, Miss Georgia Christian, Miss Gertrude Davis, Miss Adelia DeMott, Miss Lizzie Conklin, Miss Sallie Rea, Miss M. J. Huff, Miss M. E. Lynn, Miss C. A. Winslow, Miss Lusetta Pyburn, Miss Helen Wright, Miss Anna Buck, Miss Mary E. Buck, Miss Kate L. Ward, Miss Emma Saint, Miss Mina C. Johnson, Miss Maggie Stansberry, Miss Kate Gilleland, Miss Rachel E. Nauman, Miss Kate Fitzgerald, Miss Mary I. Byard, Miss Jos. Roberts, Miss Lizzie Landis, Miss Amy Robertson, Miss Kate T. Hawkins, Miss Anna Mark, Miss Lucy Pedell, Miss Sarah Hollingsworth.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1876.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, Oct. 2, 1876.
Board met in regular session; all present, with A. J. Pyburn, County Attorney, and M. G. Troup, County Clerk. Journal of two last special sessions read and approved.
Winfield Courier, October 26, 1876. Editorial Page.
Up to the present time we have not uttered one disparaging word against any candidate on the Democratic ticket in this county.
We thought from the high position the candidate for State Senator occupied in this county, that he at least, would not conduct the campaign in the usual “bush-whacking” style. We have learned that in the remote townships, instead of making speeches and coming out squarely on his own merits, he is circulating copies of the Telegram and Traveler containing the false and venomous charges of their editors against Col. Manning, his opponent.
These papers, it is said, he puts in the hands of little children on their way from school and tells them to give them to their parents. We hope this is not true.
We have always entertained a good opinion of Mr. Pyburn and we are loth to believe that he would stoop to such little, unprincipled tricks to gain an advantage over his opponent. It is a very poor recommend for a candidate to be compelled to vilify and traduce the character of his opponent in order to draw attention from his own. We might expect such banditti warfare from a man who, in correspondence, speaks of himself as “Judge Christian,” but certainly not from the dignified and gentlemanly Mr. Pyburn.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.
BALTIMORE, October 26, 1876.
EDITOR TRAVELER: The canvass goes bravely on, and your friend Manning catches it on all sides. I noticed an article in the Republican Daily Journal, published at Lawrence by T. D. Thatcher (one of the most radical Republican editors in the State, and a conscientious, honest, reliable man), headed “Some Curious Revelations,” in which he gives our Republican candidate for the Senate some hard licks, but not a lick amiss. Unless we purge the party of all such characters, ruin and defeat stare us in the face. The article is too long to copy in full, and as much of it has been in print, before, I will omit such and select a few sentences of Thatcher’s comments, to show how our Senatorial candidate is viewed abroad, where he is best known.
“It seems that E. C. Manning, who figured somewhat notoriously in the Caldwell Senatorial election, is again a candidate for the Legislature from Cowley County, and is having a rather rough time of it.”
After giving the substance of a letter written from your city, and the sworn testimony of Sid. Clarke and Dan Adams, with the examination of Manning himself, he winds up with these truthful words.
“It is a little singular that Manning is running for the Senate in Cowley County, Dan Adams for the Lower House as an independent candidate in one of the Shawnee County districts, while Clarke is running John Speer for the Senate in Douglass County. We think that the people have had enough of this crowd. They doubtless swore to the truth about each other before the Investigating Committee. If they did not, they committed perjury. In either case, they are a bad lot for this ‘reform’ year.”
The Democratic candidates, Pyburn and Christian, spoke at our schoolhouse a few nights ago, and made a good impression on their friends, but did not convince many Republicans that the election of Tilden and Hendricks would save the country from Rebel rule and the payment of Rebel claims. Still, both of these men will get a number of Republican votes in this and Silver Creek Townships on purely personal grounds.
The Republicans in this section of the county will not support Manning or any man that upholds him. Our people are determined to support an honest Democrat in preference to a dishonest Republican. OMNIA.
Winfield Courier, November 2, 1876. Editorial Page.
Col. E. C. Manning
We see, by the Cowley County exchanges, that a few dissatisfied Republicans of that county are sliding off with the opposition and doing everything in their power to prevent the election of Col. E. C. Manning, the Republican nominee for the State Senate from that district. Of course, the result of the election in Cowley County does not materially interest us, but having resided in Winfield in the dark days of its beginning, we naturally have a kind feeling for its founders, and are sorry to see discord at our old home. We have many subscribers in Cowley County, and considering this fact, we may be excused for meddling (if it be termed such) with the politics of that county.
Now, to be plain, we think it is with very poor grace that any Winfield man should oppose Col. Manning’s election, considering the fact that he is the father of their now flourishing little city, and has done more for its interest than any other ten men in the county. He has never been found away from his post of duty when the interest of Winfield and Cowley County was at stake, and in the name of common sense, what more could they ask of him as a citizen? As a Republican he has been tried for years, and has always proven himself worthy of any man’s steel. Of course, some localities, especially those which have fought the interests of the city of Winfield, from the time of its birth, oppose him on the grounds that he has spent his time and money in the advancement of Winfield, but this should make those at home think more of him, and vote for him, irrespective of party. Col. Manning is a gentleman, a scholar, and an honest and sober man, and in points of ability he stands, today, the peer of any man in Kansas. He is so much the superior of the man, Pyburn, who is undertaking to run against him, that a comparison would simply be a mockery to the idea of consistency. We would urge the people of Cowley to stand by the claims of Mr. Manning and it will be casting bread upon the waters. Elk County Courant.
Winfield Courier, November 2, 1876.
MR. O. M. SEWARD, the junior member of the law firm of Pyburn & Seward, of this city, has been stumping it for Hayes and Wheeler and the grand old Republican party. He is, we are informed, one of the fairest talkers in the canvass; does not deal in personalities or abuse of political opponents, but simply takes the parties, compares their records and worthlessness and unreliability of the one, and the success and glorious achievements of the other. In Vernon Township his speech was applauded from beginning to end, and in some of the others was as equally well received. We bespeak for Mr. Seward success at the bar in this district in the near future.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.
The Republican Party of Cowley County, by its Own Vote, Shows to the World
That They Do Not, and Will Not, Countenance Corrupt Men,
Even Though They Have to Seek Outside of the Party for Honest Men!
The returns from Creswell Township this morning give Pyburn a majority of 220.
From East Bolton: 14
From West Bolton: 51
From Pleasant Valley: 26
From Rock: 29
From Tisdale: 33
From Windsor: 20
Total: 393
In Maple Township Manning has a majority of 13.
In Richland: 31
In Sheridan: 15
In Vernon: 69
In Beaver: 23
In Winfield: 40
In Silverdale: 1
Total: 192
At present writing, Pyburn has a majority of 201, and most of the townships casting large votes have been heard from. Dexter, Nenescah, and some other townships will give Manning a majority, but not enough to elect him by at least fifty votes.
The votes on Senator are here given:
ROCK 60 89
Total for Manning: 250
Total for Pyburn: 595
Richland, Manning’s majority: 31
Vernon, Manning’s majority: 69
Beaver, Manning’s majority: 23
Silverdale, Manning’s majority: 1
Winfield, Manning’s majority: 40
Windsor, Pyburn’s majority: 20
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1876.
The “as good a Republican as you are” element, which aided in the election of Mr. Pyburn, are now wondering what to do with the elephant which they have drawn. He cannot help the poor fellows to office nor keep any of their ring in office. He must serve his party and they cannot quite control its action. What will they do? They must either join the Democratic party and direct the animal or follow behind and gather up whatever drops and be contented with it.
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1876.
Is the Senator elect from this, the 27th district, for the coming term. The COURIER used all honorable means to elect his opponent and is not sorry for it. It will now do all that it can to make Mr. Pyburn useful to the people of the county and will aid him in anything that he may undertake for their interests. It will not attempt to destroy his influence, but to increase it. In a party sense we expect to disagree with his partisan measures, but for the building up of Cowley County we are with him first, last, and all the time.
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1876.
Total Vote.
Cowley County cast 2,000 votes.
Hayes received 1,625, Tilden, 925.
Anthony received 1,425, Martin 1,125.
Campbell received 1,600, Harris 1,000.
Manning received 1,125, Pyburn 1,275.
Hayes’ majority: 700.
Anthony’s majority: 360.
Campbell’s majority: 600.
Pyburn’s majority: 150.
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1876.
The Democratic jollification last night, over the election of one man out of the thirty-one on the ticket, was a huge affair. At an early hour sundry dry goods boxes, barrels, etc., were fired at the crossing of Main and 9th, the band was brought out, and the unterrified proceeded to get together. They met to rejoice over the election of Mr. Pyburn for fear that they wouldn’t have anything else to rejoice over. Mr. Pyburn was called out and in a few words thanked the Democrats for his election, which cooled the ardor of the bushwhacking Republicans, who were hanging on the outskirts expecting to get a comforting crumb.
Mr. McDonald followed him, of course, and put on the finishing touches. By insinuating remarks he cast reproach upon the name of the defeated candidate for State Senator.
This was more than his hearers could stand, and the only applause he received at its close was loud and repeated cries for “Manning!” “Manning!!” Mr. Manning climbed halfway up the stairway that led to the speakers stand and stopped, remarking that it was a time for “the Republican flag of Cowley County to stand at half mast.” From this stand he gave the “bushwhacking” enemy in his own party such a raking as they will remember for years. He had no feeling against the honest Democrats, who voted their honest sentiments, but against the men who had been nursed and petted by the Republican party until they thought they owned the entire thing.
Mr. Hackney, late of California, was then called out and tried to explain why he was furnished with a “sleeping car” to ride free from Topeka to Galveston last winter, while his constituents were holding mass conventions at home to persuade the same road to build them a line down this valley. He then spoke a few kind words to “my friends,” the Democrats and Republicans, whereupon a full fledged “Dymocrat,” about half “set up,” yelled out, “Which side yer on?” This brought our friend Hackney down, and after more music the next Democratic (?) orator took the stand.
L. J. Webb, who had carried his district by a Republican majority of nearly four hundred, gave the jollifiers a few words that convinced them they had missed their man again.
Dick Walker, the Republican wheel-horse of this county, next stood up and put on the “cap sheaf.” He spoke of Arkansas City’s going back on him, bolting Webb’s nomination, Kinne’s nomination, and every other nomination the Republicans had ever made that wasn’t dictated by them, and that loyal old Vernon, “the only loyal State in the Union,” would remember them for all time to come.
Dick was followed by Capt. McDermott, Prof. Lemmon, and Mr. Kelly. They all made Republican speeches, which the poor Democrats were compelled to swallow. Prof. Lemmon said that he thought the meeting was called to attend a Republican funeral. That thirty out of thirty-one corpses were Democrats, and the anthem singers were nearly all Republicans.
The crowd was good humored and everything passed off harmoniously. The funniest thing is to find where the Democratic jollification came in. The meeting was captured by Republicans, and seven speakers out of ten were “true blue Republicans.”
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 15, 1876.
The Courier was exasperated last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.
The Courier states that “It ain’t sick.” The symptoms, then, were deceiving.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.
Of the votes cast:
Hayes received 1,670, Tilden 955; Anthony 1,401, Martin 1,174; Campbell 1,638, Harris 980. Manning 1,140, Pyburn 1,318.
Hayes received a majority of 725.
Anthony received a majority of 227.
Campbell received a majority of 658.
Pyburn received a majority of 178.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.
We notice in the Commonwealth the name of A. J. Pyburn, with his residence given as Arkansas City. While we would be glad to claim Mr. Pyburn a resident of this place again; we have to state that he has not resided here for two years; has no property or interest here, any more than in any other part of the county, and never had any intention of returning.
The object in placing his name as coming from this place was to make the defeat of Mr. Manning appear as though it was a local issue, when in fact his opponent was one of his own townsmen, and a nominee on the straight Democratic ticket. The only excuse for his overwhelming defeat, while every other Republican candidate was elected by a large majority, is that he was so fearfully unpopular and his record so bad, that in the county where there is over 700 Republican majority, he was beaten by 178 votes.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.
WINFIELD, KAN., Nov. 8th, 1876.
C. M. SCOTT: MANNING IS DEAD, BUT IN DYING HE KICKED AS MEAN AS HE HAS ALWAYS BEEN. Last night we had the band out, and built bonfires in jollification of the great event. Pyburn was cheered enthusiastically, and he appeared to thank, in a genteel manner, the Democrats and Republicans who voted for him. Several others were called out, and made their appearances to say a few words on the occasion, but Col. E. C. Manning acknowledged his defeat in the most bitter language against everybody that opposed him, and protested that had it not been for the “traitors and renegade Republicans, and that sink of infamy, Arkansas City, he would have been the next Senator from Cowley County.” Glory to God that he is not!
What impression his speech made, not only among the Renegade Republicans who did not support him, but also among many of his best supporters, I let you imagine.
Yours, Truly,
Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.
The friends of the man who “only wanted a chance to go before the people to vindicate himself,” wince terribly when you flaunt the people’s verdict in their faces, and sing out, Oh! Well, if we had the Republican majority in that “sink hole of infamy, Arkansas City,” we would have beaten you.
That is thin. Take the Republican majority in Creswell from Mr. Pyburn’s majority, and add it to Mr. Manning’s and it makes no change in the general result, only lessens the majority. Telegram.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.
A Grand Ovation to the Successful Senatorial Candidate.
Bonfires, Music and Speeches!
[From the Cowley County Telegram.]
One of the grandest ovations ever tendered any man in Southwestern Kansas was upon Wednesday night of this week, given the Hon. A. J. Pyburn. Hundreds of citizens proceeded en masse to the office of Mr. Pyburn on the corner of Main Street and Ninth Avenue, and headed by the silver cornet band, serenaded Mr. Pyburn. Bonfires were kindled and the city was wild with enthusiasm over the result of the Senatorial contest.
When Mr. Pyburn appeared upon the balcony in acknowledgment of the serenading party, he was greeted with prolonged cheers, and it was many minutes before the crowd could be quieted so as to hear him. He made a few remarks acknowledging the “honor conferred upon him,” and thanking the citizens for their support in the contest, and “promising a faithful representation of the interests of the County.” After him Judge McDonald was called for and made a neat little speech which was received with wild enthusiasm, especially when mention was made of the favorite candidate for Senator.
Seeing the enthusiasm which prevailed and being so completely filled with bitterness that he could not hold himself, Manning sneaked across the street; and having had it arranged before hand with “backers” to call him, he passed half way up the stairs and there stopped, exclaiming that “he thought it was about time the Republican flag was run up at half-mast” and gave vent to his feelings in a bitter denunciation of his political opponents, denouncing those Republicans who voted against him as “Renegades,” and declaring that if it had not been for that “sink hole of Infamy, Arkansas City” that he would have received a majority of the votes cast,” which was utterly false, for with every Republican vote cast in Creswell Township, there would still have been a clear majority against him.
After considerable more blubbering of the same sort in which he showed his deep chagrin at his defeat, he attacked Hon. W. P. Hackney, and then he subsided; and the crowd called on Mr. Hackney, who in a few minutes speech completely upset everything that Manning had said, and again filled the crowd with enthusiasm for Pyburn and reform.
Manning and his friends, still wishing to turn the meeting into his favor, called for several of his backers—Walker, Kelly, Webb, and McDermott—who in turn pronounced a requiem over the corpse of Manning, which brought tears to the eyes of their hearers—tears of joy that the County had been saved the disgrace of electing such a man as Manning to the State Senate.
Taking all in all there was on that evening a greater display of wild enthusiasm than we have ever before witnessed in the State, and a greater display of petty spite, malice, and chagrin by the friends of Manning, than we have ever dared think they could be guilty of. A display of good feeling on one side and a display of despair and hopelessness on the other, which prompted them to make complete asses of themselves, thereby losing the respect of the honorable minded citizens who were present at the demonstration.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1876. Editorial Page.
Township Officers.
[Note: Also putting down votes given by named townships to Manning & Pyburn for office of State Senator.]
Beaver Township:
R. H. True, Trustee; L. P. King, Clerk; W. Wood, Treasurer; J. H. Kinney, J. P.; M. Teter and W. A. Snyder, Constables.
Bolton Township:
J. Sample, Trustee; T. Parwin, Clerk; A. J. Kimmel, Treasurer; J. Linton, J. P.; E. Lewis and J. Myrtle, Constables.
Cedar Township:
D. W. Wiley, Trustee; J. W. Ledlie, Clerk; Z. Condit, Treasurer; Levi Miller and T. H. Osborn, J. P.; G. Quigley, Constable.
Creswell Township:
T. McIntyre, Trustee; W. M. Mowry, Clerk; W. Gooch, Treasurer; NO J. P.; G. H. McIntire and W. J. Gray, Constables.
Dexter Township:
J. V. Hines, Trustee; J. A. Bryan, Clerk; O. P. Darst, Treasurer; C. W. Dover, J. P.; G. W. Jones and P. A. Asbury, Constables.
Harvey Township:
R. S. Strother, Trustee; H. E. Mathews, Clerk; A. J. Peebler, Treasurer; J. C. Kerr, J. P.; G. Harris and C. Day, Constables.
Liberty Township:
J. Fisher, Trustee; H. C. Hale, Clerk; I. F. Moore, Treasurer; NO J. P.; J. Perkins and S. Greenwell, Constables.
Maple Township:
S. S. Hayes, Trustee; G. Foster, Clerk; A. M. Whipple, Treasurer; NO J. P.; W. Haynes and J. Echenwiler, Constables.
Nennescah Township:
H. H. Martin, Trustee; C. James, Clerk; L. Stout, Treasurer; P. W. Smith, J. P.; P. Stout and H. Burrow, Constables.
Omnia Township:
M. J. Loy, Trustee; C. B. Hale, Clerk; J. Messenger, Treasurer; J. J. Parsons, J. P.; P. S. Loy and H. M. P. Haworth, Constables.
Otter Township:
R. B. Shaver, Trustee; A. J. Edwards, Clerk; C. R. Myles, Treasurer; NO J. P.; J. W. Sterrett and S. Slater, Constables.
Pleasant Valley Township:
C. Dean, Trustee; J. W. Adams, Clerk; S. H. Tolls, Treasurer; T. H. Henderson, J. P.; S. Waugh and J. W. Birdzell, Constables.
Rock Creek Township:
W. B. Wimer, Trustee; G. H. Williams, Clerk; J. M. Harcourt, Treasurer; J. M. Barrick, J. P.; N. Rogers and A. B. Tuggle, Constables.
Richland Township:
M. C. Headrick, Trustee; A. Kelly, Clerk; L. Stevens, Treasurer; D. C. Stevens, J. P.; T. D. Givler and J. Coe, Constables.
Silver Creek Township:
A. P. Brooks, Trustee; S. M. Jarvis, Clerk; J. A. Goforth, Treasurer; NO J. P.; C. Rochenbach and J. Fitzgerald, Constables.
Spring Creek Township:
A. A. Wiley, Trustee; W. W. Thomas, Clerk; J. H. Gilleland, Treasurer; W. E. Ketcham, J. P.; D. McKelvy and J. Hanson, Constables.
Sheridan Township:
W. H. Clay, Trustee; R. R. Longshore, Clerk; E. Shriver, Treasurer; NO J. P.; W. M. Smith and R. Moore, Constables.
Silverdale Township:
B. A. Davis, Trustee; S. Catrell, Clerk; W. T. Estus, Treasurer; W. S. Coburn, J. P.; H. L. C. Gilstrap and W. S. Gilman, Constables.
Tisdale Township:
S. S. Moore, Trustee; J. G. Young, Clerk; O. P. West, Treasurer; C. G. Handy, J. P.; J. Napier and W. C. Bryant, Constables.
Vernon Township:
E. D. Skinner, Trustee; F. Warden, Clerk; C. M. Hopkins, Treasurer; J. W. Millspaugh, J. P.; J. N. Carter and G. T. Stone, Constables.
Windsor Township:
Mc. D. Stapleton, Trustee; A. Tyler, Clerk; J. H. Sweet, Treasurer; A. J. Pickering, J. P.; W. Fritch and J. W. Tull, Constables.
Winfield Township:
J. S. Hunt, Trustee; E. S. Bedilion, Clerk, B. F. Baldwin, Treasurer; W. M. Boyer, J. P.; E. R. Evans and Burt Covert, Constables.
MANNING: 229. PYBURN: 189.
Note: Two of the townships were split up into two voting areas—
1. Otter Township had a) Guthrie and b) Schoolhouse.
2. Richland Township had a) Floral and b) Grooms.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1876.
Pyburn is elected, and “still we have no railroad.”
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1876.
The defeat of the Republican candidate for the State Senate, in this county, gave all true Republicans therein a shock of dismay. It seems to say that personal hate is stronger than love of principle; that men can be destroyed by falsehoods; that money can carry elections in Cowley; that local strifes threaten the future welfare of the county; that a man who has no sympathy with the money shylocks, and who is in sympathy with the farmers has been set aside for one who has no sympathy of any kind; that a man who is working for railroads is dropped for one who takes no thought of railroads; that one who is striving for markets, progress, and material development in the county is cast down, while one who manifests no zeal in these things is set up; that a representative of Republican principles is repudiated, while a representative of Democratic principles is endorsed.
The defeat of Mr. Manning as the Republican candidate for Senator is an unfortunate blow to the best interests of Cowley County. The method of his defeat has created a bitterness in the county that will last for years. A very large majority of the Republican farmers of the county desired his election. He could not have refused to run as their Senatorial candidate and retained their confidence and respect. It was plainly the duty of the minority of Republicans to second their choice.
In the effort to secure his election, no dishonorable methods were adopted. Mr. Manning even offered to withdraw from the ticket if his adversaries could prove that any of the wicked charges of dishonorable conduct made against him were true. He could not withdraw from the canvass without cause. He was desirous that Cowley should be represented in the State Senate by a Republican and was willing to put forward another candidate if good cause could be given for so doing.
The canvass in Cowley County became a personal controversy. All interest in the National and State ticket was lost in the war made upon Mr. Manning by his enemies and the defense made by his friends. The “robber’s roost” in Winfield furnished money to defeat him. Two newspapers in the county poured out column after column of lies about him. A flood of liars were turned loose in every township and in nearly every schoolhouse to defame him, and finally on election day the Traveler and Telegram offices furnished bogus Republican tickets at every voting place with Mr. Pyburn’s name printed thereon as the Republican candidate for State Senator.
As a culminating effort the opposition secured the services of pretended Republicans at every precinct, either volunteers or hired tools, to brow beat every man who intended to vote for Mr. Manning.
This combination of agencies, aided by a nearly solid Democratic vote, backed by the almost solid vote of Creswell Township (Arkansas City), caused the defeat of the Republican nominee.
Such disreputable means as those employed show who the “reformers” are in Cowley County. They are “spotted.”
Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876. Front Page.
ARKANSAS CITY, Nov. 13, 1876.
Ed. Telegram:
“‘Tis sweet to court, but oh! how bitter
To court a gal and then not git ‘er.”
It is a rare occasion where both political parties can rejoice over the result of the same election, but that happy occasion was celebrated here last Wednesday evening, with fire balls, bonfires, and anvils.
One enthusiastic Manningite was determined to fire one salute for the “Little Booby.” He applied the red hot iron to the extempore cannon, but alas! his zeal was only awarded by a “flash in the pan;” the second and third attempts resulted like the first, and nothing but a “rah for Pyburn,” would make the thing speak.
It is rather humiliating to a radical Republican to see a Democratic Senator elected in a strong Republican district, but if the recent defeat of the Republican candidate will teach the “manipulators” to build their platform first and then place their man upon it instead of setting up their man and trying to cover him up with a “buncombe” resolution, we are satisfied.
If, according to the Courier, we have “drawn an elephant” (which we have not), we have at least driven this political hyena back to his den for another four years.
There is not much “hollerin” here, either for Hayes or Tilden, but the post office is crowded every night, everybody on tiptoe for the latest news—one night it’s a Democrat who goes with a broad grin under his arm (the news is too uncertain to come out boldly with such things), and the next night it is a Republican.
Berkey says he shall “employ forty deputies and have a round stool in front of the hole,” but Scott can’t see the “hole.”
The TRAVELER’s allusion to “Tom Wilkinson and the other niggers” is causing considerable indignation here, and Scott will probably be compelled to apologize (to the niggers).
The Indians with the spotted narrative passed through this “sink hole of Infamy” the other day en route for the Territory, hunting claims. Here we take a more hopeful view of the case than that expressed in the Telegram—If, still we have no railroad, Ingines are the next best thing.” ‘Rah for Pyburn! RENEGADE. Telegram.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.
WIRT WALTON wants to be Chief Clerk of the House this winter. Well, Wirt is ambitious, and with Pyburn in the Senate and Mitchell in the House, he ought to get two votes, by some turn or another, but it is doubtful.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.
Like Horace Greeley, when he became a candidate, did E. C. Manning, of the Winfield Courier, when he became a candidate for State Senator, commit his paper to the hands of a friend, that he might not be regarded as an organ grinder, and after all, like Horace Greeley, he did not get elected. A. J. Pyburn “scooped” him. Emporia Ledger.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1877.
Charles A. Seward denies that he ever said “Wirt Walton moved a Government corner stone for $5,” and gives a letter to the Courier to that effect.
Now that he has so completely vindicated Mr. Walton, we have to say we can prove he did say so, and we give his letters as written to us Nov. 20th and Dec. 3rd. The Courier is noted for the faculty of “bringing men around,” and the cause of Seward’s change we can’t account for.
First Letter from Seward.
Winfield, November 20, 1876.
Mr. C. M. Scott:
SIR. Today, for the first time, I find in the Cowley County Telegram a report said to have been published in your excellent paper, to the effect that I said W. W. Walton had moved a corner stone for money. Said statement is false, as concerning my having said so—though there has been such report.
For the facts, I would refer to G. W. Melville, now at Wichita, having a farm on Posey Creek, where said surveying is said to have been done. Now I have no particular regards for Walton, or the tribe he is now connected with, in proof of which, though I am a Republican, I helped to elect your townsman, Hon. A. J. Pyburn, instead of one of my own party in whom I had no faith. I say this to prove my interest in the welfare of the people of this county. Yet I cannot permit my name to be abused and scandalized as it has been in the Courier, a paper which I ceased to take on account of the low origin of its contents.
Please rectify said mistake of the reporter. Yours, with regard, CHARLES A. SEWARD.
Second Letter from Seward.
Winfield, December 3, 1876.
Mr. Scott:
Dear Sir. I do not want you to make a correction of the statement published in your paper in regard to Walton moving a Government corner stone for money. I have heard such a report. That is all. Your reporter made a mistake when he said I had made such report to him, knowing the same to be true. I did not, neither do I think Walton a proper person for County Surveyor, for in my opinion he is not an honest man. Trusting you will correct the mistake (?) made by your reporter, I subscribe myself, Yours, with respect, CHARLES A. SEWARD.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1877.
HON. C. R. MITCHELL will take his departure for the State Capitol this week, in company with Hon. A. J. Pyburn. Hon. L. J. Webb, who has been rusticating in Pennsylvania for some months, will join them in Topeka, fresh from the old hills, and full of vigor. The Cowley County team will be a hard one to get away with.
Winfield Courier, January 4, 1877.
Hon. A. J. Pyburn left for Topeka this morning.
Winfield Courier, January 11, 1877.
It looks as though the whole Cowley County delegation at Topeka had gone back on the COURIER. Not a word from Walton, Lemmon, Webb, Pyburn, or Mitchell in two weeks. Even the ladies have not written. We are not so much surprised at the reticence of Walton, Lemmon, and Webb; but the silence of Pyburn and Mitchell is mysterious. Here we are all anxiety about the prospects of “our Wirt”—days and nights of suspense and no light. We think however the situation is safe or there would have been some “hollering.” But to the time of going to press this is our latest news, taken from the old, reliable morning Commonwealth, of January 9th.
“We are authorized to state that Judge Webb is not a candidate for Chief Clerk of the House. This we suppose assures the unanimous election of Wirt Walton. He will make a No. 1 Clerk in all respects and is entitled to the office.”
Judge Webb is the only opposing candidate that we have heard of and consequently Mr. Walton must have a clear field.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 17, 1877.
SENATOR PYBURN is a member of the Judiciary Committee (one of the most important of the Senate), also, the Committee on Enrolled Bills, Accounts, Internal Improvements, and Texas Cattle—five in all.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 24, 1877.
The Commonwealth in its mention of the different State Senators, says:
Andrew J. Pyburn was born September 12, 1837, in Andrew County, Missouri; received an academical education; read law at Bedford, Iowa; was admitted to the bar in 1870, and practiced at Bedford for two years; removed to Cowley Co., Kansas, in 1872, and has since practiced his profession at Arkansas City and Winfield; has served as County Attorney for one term; and was elected to the Senate as a Democrat in 1876.
Winfield Courier, February 1, 1877.
TOPEKA, KANSAS, Jan. 27, 1877.
Evidently Manning was trying to get Plumb elected...the legislature had to vote for a U. S. Senator to take the place of Hon. J. H. Harvey, whose term of office was due to expire March 4, 1877. MANNING HAD BEEN IN TOPEKA FOR FIVE DAYS ALREADY!
. . . . Southern Kansas is largely interested in the Congressional legislation upon the Indian Territory. If the people of southern Kansas could know for one year in advance that at a certain date the Indian Territory would be opened for settlement, they would of course hold their grain and products and not sell a bushel of the same until the Territory was opened, at which time Southern Kansas would be the Egypt in which to buy the corn for the new country.
MANNING CONDEMNS HON. A. J. PYBURN . . . “he votes, day after day, for John Martin or W. C. Blair, two square-toed Democrats who never could be elected U. S. Senator from this State. His vote is wasted and is of no use to the county he represents.”
MANNING admits he has been busy politicking in order to get a railroad. Mentions bill pending that would change the time of holding court. In Cowley County there were at the present three terms of court: 1st Monday in May; 4th Monday in August; 1st Monday in December...they wanted to increase these terms. Judge Campbell was in Topeka and opposed the increase of terms, but Manning said all the members are for the bill and Campbell therefore concluded to yield. “One of the Cowley County members suggested to Campbell that if he would execute the laws that the Legislature would take the responsibility of making them.”
Arkansas City Traveler, February 14, 1877.
Mr. Pyburn—A Democrat in a Republican Senate, is Chairman of an important Committee and a member of five others. Manning, a Republican, in a Republican House, in 1871, and who voted for the successful candidate for Speaker, was made member of no Committees, whatever, and yet Manning says that “Pyburn will not set the world on fire.”
Oh Jealousy, thou Green eyed monster! Thy name is certainly E. C. Manning. Telegram.
Winfield Courier, February 15, 1877.
The time has come when plain talk is necessary to awaken the people of Cowley County to the dangers that beset them. All pretend to want a railroad constructed into this county. We know that some men do not want one constructed. We know that the farmers, the mechanics, the laborers want one; we know that the men who are so involved in debt that they cannot save their farms except by favorable crops and cheap access to market or by selling at such figures as the construction of a railroad only can bring are also seriously in favor of a railroad. We know, that as a rule, the money loaners do not want a road, and that some of the merchants do not want a road, and the A. T. & S. F. company does not want a road, and that the paid attorneys of the various parties, corporations, and interests above mentioned, do not want a road built into Cowley County.
Now, oh, most respected legislators for whom are you going to legislate? If you allow the present railroad bond law to stand upon the statute book, you do it in the interest of the latter class, so far as Cowley County is concerned. If you allow the majority of the voters of Cowley County to decide whether they will aid a railroad or not, even at an election called by a petition signed by two fifths of the taxpayers of the county, then will you legislate for the first enumerated class.
Most wise A. J. Pyburn! We warn you that it would be better for you to never have seen the valley of the Walnut River than to record your vote against a bill which allows a majority of the people of Cowley County to settle this railroad question for themselves. If you are even the remote cause of maintaining the present law, then shall you be made responsible for all the evils that follow.
At a meeting held in Winfield last Tuesday week, which was called for the purpose of having some railroad men talk to our citizens, a resolution was offered asking the Representatives and Senators from this county to vote in favor of a change of the bond law from two thirds to a majority vote. That resolution was tabled. The Telegram of this place, which is the tool of those who do not want a railroad, parades the action of the meeting as an indication of public sentiment on the question of the change of the bond law. But such is not public sentiment. The men who want railroads feel outraged by the action of that meeting.
The unwise and unjustifiable impulse that prompted the persons who opposed the adoption of the resolution will be better understood and properly corrected in due time. The action of that meeting itself would not have been noticed had it not been given a significance it does not deserve by the tool of the anti-railroad men. It is not time now to stop and quarrel. Unless that law is changed, we get no railroad in Cowley County for three years. There are but a few days in which that work can be done. The taxpayers of Winfield Township are called together for consultation next Saturday, Feb. 17th, at 2 p.m., for the purpose of taking such action on this question as the situation demands. Let every farmer, every taxpayer in this township who wants a railroad, be on hand. If you wish your voices heard, NOW IS THE TIME TO SPEAK.
[Skipped the rest of Manning’s editorials. He criticized Hon. L. J. Webb for being a member of five different committees and as a result neglecting his house duties. He pushed for a narrow gauge railroad in two or three articles. He praised Senator Plumb in another article. He condemned government for pushing 500,000 acres of land belonging to the common school fund into the hands of railroads.]
“By act of February 23, 1866, the Legislature passed a law by which these lands were ordered sold and the proceeds given to certain railroad companies therein named to aid the construction of the several lines of railway represented by such companies. This act has been ‘a harp of a thousand strings,’ whereon demagogues have made music to the bewilderment of the people.”
Winfield Courier, February 15, 1877.
Hon. A. J. Pyburn came home yesterday on account of sickness in his family.
Winfield Courier, February 22, 1877.
The Gov. has named Hon. A. J. Pyburn as one of the regents of the Agricultural College.
Winfield Courier, March 1, 1877.
Rejoice and Be Exceeding Glad.
Because the Tax Payers of Cowley Have Been Delivered From
The 3 Percent Despoiler.
Three Names that will be “God Blessed” by the Mortgage Oppressed Of
Cowley While There is Gratitude in the Human Heart—Manning, Webb, Walker.
TOPEKA, KAN., FEB. 27, 1877.
4 o’clock p.m.
TO JAMES KELLY, Winfield, Kansas.
Bill has passed the House O. K. Signed: MANNING.
Dear reader: The above isn’t much; but it means a great deal more than we can tell in this short article. It means that the bill to repeal the infamous “two thirds” clause of the railroad law which was passed in the interest of the railroads then operated in Kansas, has passed both branches of the legislature, and that now the interest paying and mortgage bedeviled yeoman of Cowley County can get a railroad by a majority vote.
It means that brain and muscle has at last triumphed over money, wind, and brag. We cannot refrain from congratulating the good people of this county upon their happy deliverance from the thraldom of the money ring of Winfield. Now we can get a railroad in spite of the opposition of Read and Robinson and their paid strikers, the Hackneys and Rushbridges.
The friends of a railroad have reason to thank Col. Manning, Leland J. Webb, and R. L. Walker for their untiring efforts in their behalf. Over the active opposition of Pyburn in the Senate, Mitchell in the House, the Traveler and Telegram, the brick bank, with a Methodist preacher and a lawyer as a tail to the kite thrown in. Leland J. Webb, solitary and alone, aided by Col. Manning’s fertile brain and Dick Walker’s splendid tact, wins the fight and the people are again triumphant. Glory enough for one day.
Winfield Courier, March 8, 1877.
How about that regent of the Agricultural College? The Senate refused to approve of the appointment of our friend Pyburn, and that large cuck-a-doodle-do by the bantam was premature. Some friend up in that republican senate said it would be “rather a slam on the boys” in Cowley and the thing miscarried. After the senate had put its foot on Pyburn’s regency, the Governor’s private secretary came in with a wing and dust pan and brushed up the fragments and carried them out.
Winfield Courier, March 8, 1877. Editorial Page.
Cowley County is out of the woods on the railroad question. The Kansas legislature has cut the withes that bound us hand and foot. It is not possible for sidewalk politicians, money loaners, town-rivalry, and present existing railroad lines to prevent the grain growers of Cowley County from obtaining cheap transportation over a direct line of railroad. We can help ourselves, and all know how it is with people who can help themselves; then there are plenty who are willing to help them. The men and communities who sought to bind the withes tighter now hang their heads in shame and are shaking in their boots.
Never since Cowley has been settled have its people experienced such a sensation as last week’s COURIER created—consternation among the few, joy among the many. Such hand shakings and congratulations among the farmers over the news on the bond law question never was known in this new country. Last Thursday and Friday evenings men left their homes after dark to go two and three miles to read a copy of the COURIER containing the news. By word, by letter, and correspondence to the COURIER the warmest commendations and words of encouragement have poured in upon us for the persevering effort made and success obtained right in the jaws of seeming defeat.
Several times during the last three weeks our friends at Topeka had informed us that help was needed at Topeka to pass the bill changing the law from a two thirds vote on railroad bonds. The first step necessary seemed to be to get an expression of the people here in favor of the change. An attempt was made to obtain that expression. It was defeated. Our readers know by whom and how. While that meeting was held Senator Pyburn was here in person and informed all with whom he talked that the law could not and should not be changed. As soon as he arrived in Winfield private letters left here to the majority law friends in Topeka to push the bill through the Senate during Pyburn’s absence. It was done. On Thursday evening at 7 p.m., Feb. 22, word was received from Topeka informing us of its passage and advising that it was necessary that help should be present to put the bill through the House. In two hours from the time of receiving the letter, three “solitary horsemen” in an open buggy might have been seen leaving Winfield at a brisk trot. They drove to Wichita in six hours that cold, dark night, arriving about 10 minutes before the train started for Topeka. Arriving at Topeka at noon they found the bill in the hands of the “Committee on Municipal Corporations,” which was hostile to its passage.
To get a favorable report out of a committee that was opposed to the passage of the bill, to lift the bill over the Committee of the Whole, to put it on third reading without amendment over the heads of two hundred bills, each of which had friends anxious for their passage, to overthrow and outwit the opposition of the older counties, the railroad terminuses, the lines which carry our products, the three members from Butler, one from Sedgwick, one from Greenwood, Mitchell and Pyburn from Cowley (for Pyburn had returned and opposed the passage of the bill through the House), and to finally obtain 67 votes, three more than was necessary, looks, now that the battle is over, an impossible task.
It would make a long story to tell it all; and furthermore, it would let our enemies into the mysteries of legislative legerdemain which might be of advantage to them hereafter.
But we cannot leave this subject without giving the names of those who were not members of the Legislature, but to whom the people of Cowley are under special obligations for this great favor; this quick, decisive, and glorious victory, with all the odds against us.
Here they are: A. B. Lemmon, W. W. Walton, R. L. Walker, B. F. Baldwin, and a State officer in high position who would not like to have his name mentioned in this connection. Modesty prevents our naming the other individual.
The heavy battle was fought in the House. It occupied the most of the day Tuesday. Of course, our own Webb was the only champion on the floor for the bill from the great southwest. Hon. Ed. Hewins, of Cedarvale, did noble work. Guy of Chautauqua, Dobyns of Elk, Hubbard of Sumner, Baldwin of Wichita, and Baker, one of the members from Greenwood, stood square up to the work in all the parliamentary dodges that were taken by the enemies of the bill to defeat it.
Winfield Courier, March 8, 1877. Editorial Page.
From Dexter.
Mr. Editor, I will give you an account of the effect of the news concerning the political situation. Early this morning I noticed quite a large crowd of Democrats assembled at Democratic headquarters. And as you know that a meeting called in the interest of democracy is always attended by a large number of persons and plenty of alcohol. I hastened to answer to my name as the roll was called. “Mr. Nasby,” said the chairman, “have you anything to say to this meeting?”
I replied by saying: “Mr. President and gentlemen of this large and respected assemblage: we are called together to consider the situation concerning the news from Washington, as it affects us here more than all the other news put together. It is now certain that Hayes will be declared elected by that infamous set of radical scoundrels assembled in Washington, and as for my part as a leader among you, I won’t stand it. I will join Mr. Hackney’s command, and go there and resist his inauguration, for you know that set of radicals that set around McDormans will continue to keep the post office and I will continue to be left out.
“You also know that that thief Manning at Winfield will keep Kelly in office up there and great God what will we do? The post offices are all gone for four years, and that radical little scoundrel McDermott has taken the printing out of the Telegram office and given it to Manning, and undoing everything that our good brother Pyburn has done for our party. And now you know he can’t do anything at Topeka because you know that man Manning went up there and told the radicals that Pyburn was a Democrat and not to do anything for him; if they did, it would be helping the Democrats that much. So you see he can’t fool anybody up there. Great God, what will our good chairman do for an office. We expected Mr. Tilden to give him the Agency of the Kaw tribe; but alas, all is gone.
“Brothers, we can only do one thing, and that is for us all to stick close together, and not trade with any radical, or patronize any blacksmith that adheres to the radical side. We can go and get a democratic doctor when we get sick, and let Wagner wait on his radical friends, as you know he was the man that lit the lamps for Manning’s meeting and in consequence of that act he is unfit to practice among good Democrats.”
With these remarks Mr. Nasby closed by saying, “May God bless the people of Crab Creek as they furnish more of that article called spirit than all the rest of the Democrats of the township put together.”
The chairman called on others to speak, but they all declined to say anything more than endorsing Mr. Nasby’s remarks. One member moved an adjournment, which was carried by loud cheers for Mr. Nasby and the corners. NASBY.
Feb. 28, 1877.
Winfield Courier, March 8, 1877.
The stem-winder that runs the Traveler is worried about Manning’s brains. Nobody ever worried about the brains of the stem-winder. The Traveler, the Telegram, old man Pyburn, handsome man Mitchell, the 4 percent ring on one side; Webb, the COURIER, and the people on the other side—’twas an unequal contest. Poor Pyburn! Poor Mitchell!! Poor stem-winder!! Squeak.
Winfield Courier, March 15, 1877.
Hon. A. J. Pyburn returned Monday evening last. He made a flying visit to Missouri.
Winfield Courier, March 22, 1877.
From Pleasant Valley.
We are all having a jubilee over the good news except Pyburn and Hackney men. Hayes, President. Going to have a railroad. We were all brought to a halt the other day by an object which we took to be Bill Hackney, going down to Washington on his bayonet charge, but when we met the object, it was nothing but one of those horned toads which get so low that they slide on their bellies.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1877.
The following teachers received certificates at the examination at Winfield, Friday and Saturday, March 23rd and 24th.
Misses Emma Burden, Sallie Leavering, Sarah E. Davis, Jennie Hane, Ioa Roberts, Arvilla Elliott, Mattie Minnihan, Alice Pyburn, Mary Lynn Emma Saint, Mary Tucker, Effie Randall, Dora Winslow; Mrs. M. S. Tucker, Mrs. A. R. Houser, Mrs. Adelia Baird; and Mr. S. J. Hockett.
Sixteen received certificates. Whole number of applicants thirty-seven. The first three received first grades. Many who failed have been teaching in the county two and three years.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 23, 1877.
The following attorneys were in attendance upon the present term of the District Court: Hon. Alfred L. Redden, of Eldorado; Mr. White, Howard City; Judge M. S. Adams, Wichita; Mr. McBryan, Sedan; Hon. C. R. Mitchell, Amos Walton, Judge Christian, E. B. Kager and Col. McMullen, of Arkansas City; and Messrs. Hackney & McDonald, Pryor & Pryor, Jennings & Buckman, Pyburn & Seward, Jas. McDermott, Henry E. Asp, E. S. Torrance, J. E. Allen, L. J. & Linus Webb, D. A. Millington, A. H. Green, W. M. Boyer, J. M. Alexander, of Winfield.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 23, 1877.
The chimney of A. J. Pyburn’s in Winfield caught fire yesterday, but was soon extinguished.
Winfield Courier, July 12, 1877.
County Commissioners’ Proceedings.
County Treasurer Examiner: H. D. Gans, $2.00; A. J. Pyburn, $2.00; and Amos Walton, $2.00.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 15, 1877.
The following are the teachers attending the Cowley County Normal.
Winfield. Misses Ella C. Davis, Mary Pontious, Fannie Pontious, Mina C. Johnson, Alice Pyburn, Lusetta Pyburn, Mattie E. Minnihan, Lissie Summers, Mattie E. Walters, Rachel E. Nauman, Allie Klingman, Alice A. Aldrich, Genie Holmes, Ella E. Scott, Ella Hunt, Ella Wickersham, Emma Saint, Molly Bryant, Ella Freeland, Maggie Stansbury, Amy Robertson, Lizzie Kinne, Sarah Hodges, Jennie Hane, Sallie Leavering, Effie Randall, Sarah E. Davis, Ina Daniels; Messrs. O. S. Record, Frank Starwalt, M. H. Markcum, J. D. Hunt, J. A. Rupp, C. C. Holland, J. B. Freeland, N. N. Winton, A. B. Taylor.
Winfield Courier, August 30, 1877.
The District Court commenced its session on Monday with a light docket, and it is to be hoped that it will be cleared up this week. The following members of the bar present: Hon. W. P. Campbell, Judge; E. S. Bedilion, Clerk; R. L. Walker, Sheriff; M. S. Adams, of Wichita, C. R. Mitchell, E. B. Kager, and A. Walton, of Arkansas City; J. McDermott, County Attorney, J. E. Allen, A. J. Pyburn, O. M. Seward, W. M. Boyer, L. J. Webb, W. P. Hackney, J. W. McDonald, E. S. Torrance, H. E. Asp, D. A. Millington, S. D. Pryor, J. D. Pryor, F. S. Jennings, G. H. Buckman, and A. H. Green, of Winfield, attorneys.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 12, 1877.
The following persons were qualified to teach in Cowley County at the last examination.
GRADE “A”: Misses Mina Johnson, Alice Aldrich, Emma Saint, Sarah Hodges.
GRADE I: Ella Freeland, Ella Scott, Allie Klingman, Sarah E. Davis, Jennie Hane, Mr. O. S. Record.
GRADE II: Misses Maggie Stansbury, Ann Robertson, R. E. Newman, Fannie Pontious, Mary Pontious, Lissie Summers, Mattie Minnihan, Effie Randall, Alice Pyburn, Loretta Pyburn, Mrs. B. Seibert, Mr. J. D. Hunt, John Poor, A. B. Taylor, B. F. Starwalt, E. M. Snow, J. A. Rupp, M. H. Markcum.
Winfield Courier, October 11, 1877.
A. J. Pyburn’s law office is temporarily located in the office of Curns & Manser.
Winfield Courier, October 11, 1877.
HALL OF ADELPHI LODGE, No. 110, A. F. & A. M.,
WINFIELD, October 7, 1877.
WHEREAS, The grim tyrant death has invaded our fraternal circle and taken from our midst our worthy brother, James D. Cochran, thereby depriving our brotherhood of one of our brightest and most exemplary members, the family of our beloved brother of a loving husband and father, and the community of a useful and energetic citizen; Therefore be it
Resolved, That while we bow in humble submission to the will of our Supreme Grand Master, we do most sincerely deplore the great calamity thus visited upon the fraternity, the family of our departed brother, and the community at large.
Resolved, That we extend to the bereaved family our sincere and heart-felt sympathy, and more especially do we mingle our tears with her, who is thus left a widow—to her and to the children thus bereaved, we pledge our brotherly guardianship in this their life’s greatest affliction.
Resolved, That these resolutions be spread upon the records of the Lodge, that a copy be furnished to the family of our deceased brother, and also to the city papers for publication, and that the members of the Lodge wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days.
M. L. READ, M. G. TROUP, A. J. PYBURN, Committee.
Winfield Courier, December 13, 1877.
Miss Alice Pyburn, District No. 60, Rock.
Miss Lussetta Pyburn, District No. 6, Ark. City.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 6, 1878.
CALLED. We received calls from Col. J. C. McMullen, E. P. Kinne, Senator Pyburn, Hon. Wm. P. Hackney, James Hill, Burt Covert, John Allen, of Winfield; Mr. Haskell, the Kansas architect, and Mr. Smith, the contractor of the Pawnee school building, last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 17, 1878.
MESSRS. Hackney, Walker, and Hon. A. J. Pyburn, of Winfield, called on us last week. Dick took a smoke on the patent cigar case from Osage Agency.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
Literary guns are discharged every Wednesday evening at the Godfrey schoolhouse. Target for next evening: “Resolved, That nature has more pleasures than art.” President, C. W. Roseberry; Secretary, Miss Alice Pyburn.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
Miss Lusetta Pyburn’s winter term of school at the Godfrey schoolhouse expires today. Though a novice in the “spanking” profession, she shot a reasonable number of ideas.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 25, 1878.
[Special Correspondence Kansas City Times.]
There are a number of good lawyers in Winfield, among whom are Hackney and McDonald, Senator A. J. Pyburn, and Webb & Black.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
District Court Proceedings.
Monday, May 6th, 10 o’clock a.m. His Honor, W. P. Campbell, on the bench. Present: C. L. Harter, sheriff; E. S. Bedilion, clerk; Jas. McDermott, prosecuting attorney; attorneys C. Coldwell, W. F. Hackney, Henry E. Asp, J. E. Allen, D. C. Beach, E. S. Torrance, J. M. Alexander, A. J. Pyburn, N. C. Coldwell, Jas. Christian, G. H. Buckman, S. D. Pryor, J. Wade McDonald, C. R. Mitchell, J. D. Pryor, C. C. Black, R. C. Story, L. J. Webb, W. M. Boyer, F. S. Jennings, and D. A. Millington.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
Loan money at LOW RATES of interest on LONG OR SHORT TIME on
security, at the law office of A. J. PYBURN,
In Maris’ building, up stairs,
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
Walnut Valley Fair Association.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, June 24, 1878.
Board met pursuant to adjournment at the office of Col. J. M. Alexander. Present: J. W. Millspaugh, President; Col. Alexander, Treasurer; E. E. Bacon, Secretary; and Messrs. E. P. Kinne and E. C. Manning, Directors.
On motion, A. J. Pyburn was appointed Chief Marshal.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
The Normal Institute.
The Normal Institute opened with the following teachers in attendance.
From Winfield: Margie K. Wallis, Lewis Brown, Pella Bradish, Nannie McGee, Mattie E. Walters, Ella Hunt, Henrietta King, Alice Pyburn, Lusetta Pyburn, Any Robertson, C. C. Critz, Maggie Stansbury, T. J. Floyd, Sarah E. Davis, Sarah E. Aldrich, Ray Nawman, Mary A. Bryant, Ioa Roberts, Mattie E. Minnihan, John Bower, R. A. O’Neill, Lizzie T. Wallis, Sarah Hodges, Alice Bullock, Ella Freeland, Mina C. Johnson, W. Trevett, J. D. Hunt, G. B. Richmond, Nellie M. Aldrich, Hattie F. Finch, Celina Bliss, Samuel Davis, Ida Carey, Ella Stewart, Allie Klingman, Fannie Pontious, A. B. Taylor, M. D. Snow.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
Real Estate Transfers.
C. L. Harter, sheriff, to A. J. Pyburn, se. 30-34-5.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
Teachers’ Examination.
Winfield: Lewis Brown, Ella Hunt, Henrietta King, Alice Pyburn, Pella Bradish, Nannie McGee, Amy Robertson, C. C. Critz, Maggie Stansbury, T. J. Floyd, Sarah E. Davis, Sarah E. Aldrich, Ray Nawman, Mary A. Bryant, Ioa Roberts, Mattie E. Minnihan, John Bower, R. A. O’Neill, Alice Bullock, Ella Freeland, W. Trevett, J. D. Hunt, G. B. Richmond, Hattie F. Finch, Celina Bliss, Samuel Davis, Ida Carey, Allie Klingman, Fannie Pontious, A. B. Taylor, Warren Miller, Hattie McKinlay, Mrs. P. B. Seibert, Mrs. S. E. Litton, G. C. Whitelock, L. McKinlay, ’Squire Humble.
There were 44 second grade and 34 first grade certificates issued, eight applicants failing to reach the required standard.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
Trial List.
The following is a list of cases that will stand for trial at the August A. D. 1878 term of the District Court of Cowley County, and have been placed on the Trial Docket in the following order.
M. L. Read vs. S. C. Winton et al. [Hackney & McDonald; Pryor & Pryor and A. J. Pyburn.]
J. H. Hill et al. vs. Geneva Jackson et al. [Hackney & McDonald; Coldwell & Coldwell and A. J. Pyburn.]
Mercy M. Funk vs. Cynthia Clark et al. [Hackney & McDonald; A. J. Pyburn.]
William Martin vs. Laura Lewis et al. [A. J. Pyburn.]
W. H. H. Maris vs. J. V. Waggoner et al. [A. J. Pyburn; J. E. Allen.]
W. H. H. Maris vs. T. W. Gant et al. [A. J. Pyburn.]
A. A. Jackson vs. The Winfield Town Company. [Coldwell & Coldwell and A. J. Pyburn.]
A. H. Green vs. Margaret J. McGee. [Hackney & McDonald; Coldwell & Coldwell and A. J. Pyburn.]
Note: Lawyers—first named (for first party mentioned).
After semicolon: lawyers for second party.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
District Court.
Met Monday morning, August 26th, 1878.
Present: Judge W. P. Campbell, Sheriff C. L. Harter, Clerk E. S. Bedilion, Attorneys McDermott, Torrance, C. Coldwell, N. C. Coldwell, Hackney, McDonald, Pryor, Pyburn, Allen, Jennings, Buckman, Black, Webb, Alexander, Beach, Troup, Jarvis, Asp, of Winfield; and Dennison, of Osage Mission.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
Democratic Convention.
The delegates to the Democratic County Convention met according to call at the courthouse in Winfield on Saturday, August 24th, at 2 o’clock p.m., and the meeting was called to order by Hon. A. J. Pyburn.
The veteran, Judge T. B. Ross, was chosen permanent chairman, and J. S. Allen secretary. There were twenty-five delegates present and, on motion, the call of the delegates was dispensed with and the meeting resolved itself into a mass convention.
The following named gentlemen were chosen delegates and alternates to the state convention, which meets at Leavenworth on Wednesday, September 4th, 1878, viz:
Delegates: A. J. Pyburn, J. B. Lynn, T. B. Ross, A. Walton, W. D. Lester, J. B. Adams.
Alternates: C. C. Black, R. B. Pratt, J. F. Miller, Ed. Green, J. Christian, T. McIntire.
It was voted that the delegates chosen have power to fill vacancies.
Convention adjourned.
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.
We would call attention to the law card of Pyburn & Boyer in this paper. They are gentlemen of much experience in the law and can be relied upon for honor and strict attention to the interests of their clients.
ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Winfield, Kansas. Office in Page building.
Winfield Courier, October 24, 1878.
Allison and other speakers in the interest of Troup, in their violent efforts to charge some evil against E. C. Manning, are making the statement that Manning stole the townsite of Winfield, and that it is from the money that he got for lots belonging to others, which has erected his magnificent building.
Now, some of the men who most strenuously insisted on Manning’s candidacy at this time, and who are among his most earnest supporters, are men who fought him all through this townsite contest and know, if anyone does, of any wrong that he did in relation to that matter. If they do not know of any, no one does.
But when such a charge is made, it is not against Manning alone, but becomes a personal charge against the senior editor of this paper and others associated with Manning in the town site enterprise, and we now propose to answer it by stating the facts which all who are familiar with the past history of this city know to be true, for the information of such voters as were not here, and know these matters only by hearsay.
The settlement of this county commenced in 1869, before the treaty for the removal of the Indians was made; before there was any survey of the lands or any steps taken to open these lands up for settlement, by settlers coming in and making claims of 160 acres each and improving them, which claims were afterward secured to these settlers by law. Among these claimants were E. C. Manning and A. A. Jackson, who made claims on what is now the north half of section 28. A. Menor and H. C. Loomis laid claims on the south half of same section, and C. M. Wood and W. W. Andrews claimed the half section next north of this section. Each of these claimants proceeded to occupy and improve his claim, and had as good a right to his claim as any man had on this reserve. Each had the undisputed right to prove up and enter his claim when the land should be ready to be offered.
In 1870 these several parties and others formed the project of making a town site. A town company was formed and Manning was to give the town company a certain 40 acres of his claim when he had entered it, for which the company was to pay one-half of the expense of building the old log store. Jackson, Wood, Andrews, Loomis, and Menor were all to sell portions of their claims to the town company at about seven dollars per acre, so that in the aggregate the town site should be 160 acres.
In August, 1870, we, in company with J. C. Fuller, came here. Jackson was then “off the track,” denying having agreed to sell any part of his claim and stating that he never would sell any of it to the town company. We bought Jackson’s claim for J. C. Fuller, paying Jackson $1,000 in cash for it.
It was found that neither of the other parties would sell any part of their claims to the town company, but Manning turned over his 40 acres to the town company as it had been agreed, and this was all the land that the town company could get out of the original arrangement.
No one then doubted the right of E. C. Manning to the remaining 120 acres of his claim, or of J. C. Fuller to his 160 acre claim bought of Jackson. In the meantime, through the efforts of Manning exclusively, the county seat had been located at Winfield, at which time Manning was the only occupant, and, deeming it necessary to move ahead in building up the town in order to retain the county seat and other advantages, and as there was not land enough belonging to the town company, the Winfield Town Association was formed by Manning, Fuller, and others, including ourself, to handle another 40 acres of Manning’s claim with the west 80 acres of Fuller’s claim, which, with the town company’s 40 acres, made a town site of 160 acres in square form. This was surveyed and platted, and the two companies proceeded to give away lots to persons who would improve and occupy them, to other persons who would work for the benefit of the town in any way, and for other purposes to benefit the town. More than one-third, and nearly one-half of the lots in value, have been given to occupants, to stage companies to induce stage service to Winfield, for services in and outside of Winfield, for churches, schools, courthouse and jail, and for other public purposes.
The two companies with Manning, Fuller, and ourself, have paid out in the aggregate more than five thousand dollars in cash for the general benefit of the town site in various ways, aside from buildings for personal use. These expenses are too various for enumeration, and perhaps some of these expenditures were not judicious. One hundred dollars to procure early railroad surveys to this place, for instance, also ninety dollars for printing and circulating posters and papers to advertise the town, two hundred dollars to enter the town site, expenses in traveling to railroad director’s meetings, making a ferry across the Walnut, running roads, surveying the town site, employing legal counsel, etc. Each of us have expended a great deal of time in various ways intended to benefit the town.
The parties who were induced to occupy and improve lots on the town site before the survey and before the entry, did so under an express agreement, generally in writing, as to what their individual interests in the town site should be and what should be the interests of the town companies. The government survey took place in January, 1871, and on the 10th day of July, 1871, the land became subject to entry at the land office at Augusta.
In nearly all the other town sites of the state made before entry, the original claimants entered the land and then deeded to the occupants, town companies, and others, according to previous agreement, and that was originally the intention with regard to this town site, but the commissioner of the general land office had made a ruling in the case of this reserve, that the claimant must, before entering, subscribe an oath, that he had not sold or agreed to sell or otherwise dispose of, any part of the claim he proposed to enter, and though this ruling was clearly outside of law and the oath if taken would not be an oath at all in fact (as afterwards decided by the courts) yet Manning and Fuller did not like to conform to it as others were doing. They, therefore, procured the probate judge of the county to enter the town site under the town site laws, and then each entered the other 80 acres of his claim in his own name.
About this time became manifest a disposition of some of the occupants to claim more of the town site than the lots they had improved and quite an excitement sprung up. In order to avoid litigation and make an equitable settlement, Manning called a public meeting in which he offered for the two companies to submit all the matters of difference to arbitration, the companies naming one arbitrator, the dissatisfied occupants the second, and the two thus appointed to select the third, who should hear the evidence of all parties and determine their interests and rights in the town site and their decision should be final, which proposition was voted down and rejected by the dissatisfied occupants. It has since frequently been offered to individuals.
The probate judge, under the law, appointed three commissioners to set off the lots to the several occupants according to their respective interests, and they made their award in accordance with the previous agreement between the occupants and companies as to what those interests should be as above stated and the probate judge executed the deeds accordingly.
The larger number of the occupants expressed themselves satisfied, and to quiet the titles made quit claim deeds to the companies of their interests in the unimproved lots. A few would not be satisfied, but commenced an action to set aside the deeds made by the probate judge. This action was in the courts some time and was finally beaten in the Supreme court on demurrer.
Another action was commenced having the same final object in view, which was finally beaten in the Supreme court. The companies in order to try to get the people to work in harmony for the general benefit of the city, made a great many concessions to pacify these litigants.
During the pendency of the first action, a settlement was made with A. A. Jackson, a leading disturber and plaintiff in that action, by which, in addition to the $1,000 and the two valuable lots that had already been given him, the companies gave him two other valuable lots for any remaining or supposed interest he had in the balance of the town site and the nominal sum of $25, and he withdrew from the suit.
Others were compromised with in various ways, and made quit claims, quiet was restored and all seemed united to promote the general prosperity. These litigations had been very expensive and damaging to the prosperity of the town and had stirred up much bad blood, making Manning many bitter opposers, but in the few years since, the bitterness has mostly died away.
Jackson concluded to grab another valuable lot and Hill & Christie brought suit for possession. Jackson defended on the ground that the deed of the probate judge to the Winfield town company on which Hill & Christie’s title was founded was illegal and void. Jackson employed Hon. A. J. Pyburn and two other attorneys to defend, but was beaten in the trial. As the law provides for a second trial in a case of this nature, this action is now pending in the district court for a new trial.
Two attorneys whom Jackson employed were newcomers and had not gained a practice in the courts. They attempted to start a practice and make a reputation by stirring up a grand litigation on this old town site matter, assured parties that they could burst up the whole thing, get the deeds of the probate judge set aside and a new deal of the town lots. They offered to take the job for one-third of the spoils and urged upon the city council to commence litigation at the public expense.
They finally got A. A. Jackson to go in as plaintiff and a suit was commenced against the Town Company, Manning and Fuller, with a great flourish of trumpets about their ponderous papers and pleadings, but no notice was taken of their summons until court time and they demanded judgment for default, when they learned that they did not know how to get a case into court. They now seemed to conclude that the reason they got beat each time was the fault of the law, and set themselves to manipulate politics so as to get a law passed that would help them beat in these cases, and in another case in which they have succeeded in getting an elderly woman, who had a lot given her, and a slab shanty on it at the time of the entry, to start another suit for a rip up of titles and a new deal.
Pyburn, one of Jackson’s attorneys, is a member of the State Senate and it is thought he can be depended upon to get the new law through the Senate, and, if they can get Troup elected to the House, they feel confident they can pass a law that will beat Hill & Christie, town company, et al., in their pending suits and everybody else that holds title under either of the town companies.
This is the real attempt to steal the town site, but not by Manning. We have no apprehension that any law they can get passed, or any litigation under it, or under the present law, will ever void the titles to the town site, but we do apprehend that it might promote and cause a vast amount of expensive litigation which would be a great detriment to the city by throwing doubt upon titles; make much room for vicious lawyers to practice barratry and champerty, and stir up more bad blood without the least benefit to anyone except the lawyers employed in the matter.
By the way, the lots which Manning has been selling to help build his brick block are in the part of his original claim which he entered himself, and not in that part which was entered by the probate judge, if that makes any difference. Manning probably never got much, if anything, more for lots on the town site than he has expended for the general benefit of the town.
This way of commencing a suit in the courts and then getting a law passed by the legislature to rule and decide the case is a new invention in litigation which no Yankee lawyer would have ever thought of. Such are the facts about stealing the town site.
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
District Court.
Judge Campbell came down from Wichita on Monday and the session of court commenced.
Present: His Honor Judge W. P. Campbell; C. L. Harter, sheriff; E. S. Bedilion, district clerk; J. McDermott, county attorney; and Messrs. J. E. Allen, C. C. Black, S. D. Pryor, A. J. Pyburn, J. M. Alexander, F. S. Jennings, C. R. Mitchell, L. J. Webb, E. S. Torrance, N. C. Coldwell, W. M. Boyer, W. P. Hackney, O. M. Seward, C. H. Payson, H. E. Asp, G. H. Buckman, J. D. Pryor, D. C. Beach, W. M. Boyer, C. Coldwell, M. G. Troup, S. M. Jarvis, A. H. Green, attorneys.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 2, 1879.
The following is a list of new buildings erected in the city of Winfield since January 1, 1878, with the name of owner and cost of building.
A. J. Pyburn, addition: $150.
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1879.
The Courier feels proud of its list of advertisers. No county newspaper in the state can boast a larger list or one made up of better, more honorable or more enterprising men. Here they are in alphabetical order.
PYBURN AND BOYER are a law firm of character and reliability. A. J. Pyburn is State Senator, and his election when his party was a one-third minority is a sufficient proof of his popularity. W. M. Boyer is a justice of the peace of long standing, and the people seem determined to keep him here for life unless they promote him to a higher position.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1879.
Representatives Manning and Leonard and Senator Pyburn, who represent Cowley County in the Legislature of this State, went to Topeka last week, and they will be on hand to attend the inaugural ceremonies the 31st inst.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1879. Editorial Page.
For more than two months our State Senator, Hon. A. J. Pyburn, has been constantly at his post at the capital. His return to his home and friends is taken as an opportunity for speaking of his work.
Though differing from Mr. Pyburn politically, we take pleasure in commending his course during the winter. In his support of Mr. Ingalls, he obeyed the wishes of a very large majority of his constituents of all parties. By securing the enactment of the law governing the issuance, payment, etc., of school district bonds, he has rendered the entire State a service, this being one of the most important laws enacted by the legislature. Should it ever be our fortune to be again represented in the State Senate by a democrat, we shall hope that Mr. Pyburn will be the man.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1879.
Senator Pyburn returned home from Topeka last week.
Winfield Courier, August 14, 1879.
The Normal is now in fair running order, and the teachers are getting down to hard, solid work. Profs. Wheeler, Story, and Trimble, with their corps of assistants, are working like beavers, and there is a united feeling among teachers and pupils to make the time count. The teachers in attendance number 117, and seem as intelligent and as capable of training the young ideas as can be found anywhere.
Below we append a corrected list of those in attendance.
Lorenzo Harris, S. P. Bailey, C. W. Crank, Sarah Bovee, Lou A. Bedell, T. B. Hall, Mina C. Johnson, Mollie L. Rouzee, C. L. Swarts, Martha Thompson, Mary Buck, John L. Ward, John W. Jones, W. E. Ketcham, Squire Humble, C. C. Overman, R. B. Overman, P. S. Martin, Carrie Morris, Mattie L. West, R. S. White, Jonathan Hunt, Henrietta King, Florence Wood, Effie Randall, Jerry Adams, Ella E. Davis, Mattie E. Minnihan, Allie Wheeler, A. B. Taylor, Ray E. Newman, John Bower, Adam L. Weber, R. A. O’Neil, John C. Rowland, Jennie Davy, Rosa Frederick, Flora Ware, Mattie Mitchell, J. J. Harden, Jennie R. Lowry, Mary Cochran, Alice Bullock, Maggie Stansbury, Ella Hittle, George Wright, Cinna May Patten, Mrs. J. E. Brown, Electa Strong, Mary Tucker, Mrs. E. T. Trimble, A. Limerick, E. A. Millard, E. I. Johnson, R. B. Corson, Celina Bliss, Fannie Pontious, Ella A. Kirkpatrick, Ella Kelly, Mrs. S. Hollingsworth, Lizzie Landis, Fannie McKinlay, Mrs. L. M. Theaker, Mary S. Theaker, Alice Pyburn, L. C. Brown, T. J. Floyd, Alvin E. Hon, Nettie D. Handy, Alfred Cochran, J. P. Hosmer, Floretta Shields, Ella Akers, Ella Sandford, Lusetta Pyburn, Mrs. Southard, Allie Klingman, Amy Robertson, Annie Hunt, Sarah Hodges, H. G. Blount, Grant Stafford, Risdon Gilstrap, James Lorton, James E. Perisho, Nannie M. McGee, Ella Z. Stuart, Anna O. Wright, T. J. Rude, Nellie R. Waggin, Alice E. Dickie, Inez L. Patten, Ella Freeland, Sarah E. Davis, Mollie Davis, Mattie Walters, Nannie Andrew, Albertine Maxwell, Ella Grimes, H. C. Holcomb, Hattie Warnock, D. S. Armstrong, S. A. Smith, J. F. Hess, Tirzie B. Marshall, C. Hutchins, Arvilla Elliot, Ella Bosley, L. McKinley, James Warren, A. J. Denton, Fannie Skinner, Hattie McKinley, Estella Cronk, Jessie Sankey, Anna Bartlett, Anna L. Norton.
Winfield Courier, August 21, 1879.
(Commencing Monday, Aug. 25, 1879.)
W. H. H. Maris Pyburn and Boyer, Jennings & Buckman.
T. W. Gant, et. al. Pryor & Pryor, Webb.
Moline Plow Co. Pyburn and Boyer
L. F. McMaster
Henry S. Ireton J. M. Alexander
C. S. & F. S. railroad A. J. Pyburn
James Jordan Pryor & Pryor
C. S. & F. S. railroad A. J. Pyburn
Charles Coleman Payson
C. S. & F. S. railroad A. J. Pyburn
F. W. Schwantes Hackney & McDonald
C. S. & F. S. railroad A. J. Pyburn
R. B. Waite Pryor & Pryor
C. S. & F. S. railroad A. J. Pyburn
Victor M. Geer, et. al. Hackney & McDonald
C. S. & F. S. railroad A. J. Pyburn
W. H. Carpenter A. J. Pyburn
Michael H. Mount
Hannah F. Gorn A. J. Pyburn
Daniel Venator
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1879.
The County Convention of Democrats met on Saturday, the 13th, at 11 o’clock a.m., at Manning’s Opera House, in this city.
It was called to order by Hon. A. J. Pyburn, Chairman of the Central Committee. Dr. D. V. Cole was elected temporary chairman, and J. C. Keenan, secretary. Judge T. McIntire, H. S. Silver, I. D. Hon, E. P. Young, and Wm. Moore were appointed a committee on permanent organization. R. D. Jillson, Robert Hanlon, and L. Weimer were appointed a committee on credentials.
A Central Committee was chosen, consisting of one member from each township. This committee subsequently organized by the appointment of the following executive committee: R. D. Jillson, chairman; J. C. Keenan, secretary; A. J. Pyburn, E. P. Young, and T. McIntire.
Winfield Courier, October 16, 1879.
Messrs. Pyburn and Jackson are off for a visit to the mountains.
Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.
Messrs. Pyburn & Bush have removed their law office to the Bahntge building, No. 4, upstairs.
Cowley County Teacher, October 8, 1879.
Cowley County Teachers.
Miss Lusetta Pyburn
Miss Alice E. Pyburn
Winfield Courier, May 13, 1880.
Cancers can be cured and are cured by Chas. Brash. For verification refer to Hon. A. J. Pyburn, of Winfield, or Mr. Dakin, of Grouse creek. Address communications to
J. E. AYERS, Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 14, 1880.
Hon. A. J. Pyburn, of Winfield, was in the city last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 28, 1880.
The Democrats of this county scrambled together at the county seat last Saturday, and tickled themselves in the ribs by putting in nomination a county ticket. The following are the nominees: State Senator, A. J. Pyburn; Representative, 88th district, R. H. Schofield, of Rock; 89th district, M. R. Leonard, of Creswell; county attorney, L. Pence, Winfield; probate judge, T. McIntire, of Creswell; clerk of district court, J. S. Allen; county superintendent, Mrs. I. E. Brown, of Tisdale.
W. C. Garvey, Amos Walton, C. C. Black, G. W. Gardenhire, and R. Hite were elected delegates to the State convention, and were instructed for E. G. Ross for Governor.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 4, 1880.
The Democrat pole-raising was a complete success last Saturday, everything passing off harmoniously and with no delay. The speeches by Judge McDonald, Lafe Pence, and Hon. A. J. Pyburn were masterly efforts and heartily received.
Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.
“Hackney is a railroad attorney,” is the whine of a few individuals who are engaged in the business of making political capital for Mr. Pyburn.
That the firm of Hackney & McDonald has been employed to transact some legal business for the Kansas City Lawrence and Southern railroad is a fact. The firm was retained for this purpose more than a year ago, long before Mr. Hackney was mentioned as a candidate for the State Senate. The engagement was for an indefinite period and is liable to terminate at any time. It was only for the prosecution of certain special cases. The firm was employed because of its recognized ability and not for any political reason. All who know Mr. Hackney are fully satisfied that such business transactions will not, in the least, influence his action as a legislator. Did they have any influence whatever, it would be to cause him to be more guarded of the people’s interests. His ambition and his past fidelity to the public trusts confided to him are a sufficient guarantee of his future faithfulness.
How is it with his Democratic opponent? Was he employed as attorney for the A. T. & S. F. railroad because of his legal ability, or because of his occupying the position of State Senator? Does anyone acquainted with the bar of this city and county believe that this great corporation deliberately selected Mr. Pyburn, from among its members, because of his standing as an attorney? In other words, does one of our readers believe he would ever have been appointed attorney for the Santa Fe railroad at this place, if he had not been our State Senator? He is still our Senator, and while serving in that capacity, receives bread and butter from a railroad corporation. The query is: Did he prostitute his official position for a soft place with a great corporation?
Railroad companies do not employ attorneys because they look wise and are good fellows. It is only after the people have given such fellows the control of sacred interests by putting them into responsible official position that they become valuable to these great corporations.
Now, taking the records of these two men, which is most likely to prove true to the people? Mr. Hackney has never betrayed us, while Mr. Pyburn’s position is, at best, a questionable one.
The private citizen, Mr. Hackney, has rendered honorable service as an attorney for both individuals and corporations. He has done this work for compensation. There has been nothing dishonorable in this. It has been such service as every attorney in the county would have been glad to render.
Mr. Hackney has been employed to do that work, because individuals and corporations have had confidence in his ability and integrity. No one can point to a public trust of any kind that he has ever betrayed.
Next winter we shall want just such a man as Mr. Hackney to look after our welfare at Topeka. His interests and ours are identical. He has pledged himself to stand by his constituents. . . .
Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1880.
In the Monitor of July 31, giving an account of the Democratic convention, we find the following glowing tribute to Hon. A. J. Pyburn, the Democratic nominee for State Senator, uttered by one of the pure and undefiled. Says Brother Conklin:
A special Monitor reporter slipped around among the delegates for items. It was admitted on all hands that there was no possible hope of success unless through defection of Republicans, and it became a question of grave importance to them, as to the best means to employ in order to accomplish this end, and the probability of there being any serious defection. Some contending that there was not now, neither was there likely to be any serious defection this year; others insisted as the Republican party was largely in the majority in this county, it would this year, as it has always done in the past, develop animosities that could find vent only by bolting.
Others replied to this that last year for the first time in the history of Cowley County, the Republicans made a clean sweep. When this statement was made, a rural rooster jumped up and startled a group with “Yes, and it was the d d Monitor and Bill Hackney who did the work that brought this about.”
Whereupon a prominent Democrat of Winfield informed him that “it were well if he kept his mouth shut about what Hackney had done for the Republican party, that his enemies in his own party had for years been misrepresenting him relative to his politics; that he was one of the most effective workers in that party, and that it was all important that his services to the party should be kept in the background, in order that any injury done him by his enemies might be used against him in this campaign.”
This did not seem to mollify the rooster any and he demanded in impatient tones: “Well, Smarty, if you will be kind enough, please tell me who there is in the Democratic party that we can beat him with?” “Pyburn, of course,” replied Smarty. “To h l with Pyburn!” roared the rooster. What did he do as a Senator for us that we should vote for him? Why, he has been four years in the State Senate, and in all of that time he did not accomplish as much for the public as that infernal bulldozer, Bill Hackney, did in sixty days; don’t talk Pyburn to me! He voted for that infamous Republican, John James Ingalls, for the United States Senate—that man, who more than any other since the days of Jim Lane, vilifies us Democrats.”
To this Smarty replied, “that the party could not afford to find fault with Pyburn for that, because he pledged every Republican who voted for him four years ago, that if he was elected he would ignore politics and vote for the Hon. P. B. Plumb, of Emporia, for the United States Senate, and that his vote for Ingalls was only following out his pledges then made to the men in the Republican party who elected him, and in order to secure his election he would have to make the pledges again; that it was true that he had not accomplished anything as a Senator, except the introduction and securing the passage of a resolution memorializing Congress to pass the electoral bill.”
Here Rooster could wait no longer, and he broke out again at a white heat: “Yes, he pledged the Republicans to vote for Plumb, did he? I know he did, but did he do it? I know Plumb; he is an honest man, and Pyburn never voted for him or any other Republican that winter, but steadily voted for John Martin, who was the Democratic caucus nominee for United States Senator, and thus violated his pledges to the man who elected him. Oh yes! he wanted to keep faith with the Republicans who elected him, did he, when he voted for Ingalls? but he did not want to keep faith with them when he voted against Plumb. The Republicans claim that Ingalls bought his way into the Senate, and everybody admits that Plumb was honestly elected, and all admit that money was used in Ingalls’s election, and that none was used in Plumb’s. Your ideas as to the motive that made Pyburn go back on the Republicans who voted for him in one case, and caused him to keep faith in the other, is evidently very widely different from my idea!”
Closing his remark with a sneer, the Rooster said: “And Pyburn got up that resolution endorsing that caused the electoral bill, did he? That infamous bill that defrauded us out of our President, and you offer that as the only thing he did while a Senator? I know that is the only time I ever heard of him as a Senator, but d m me if I ever thought any Democrat would point to that as commendable in his career—even the worst enemy he has. No. You can nominate him if you like, but if you do I will not vote for him.” Whereupon Smarty and the rest of them proceeded to kick him out of the Democratic party.
After much wrangling similar to the above, the time came to meet, and they all adjourned to the courthouse, and the reporter quietly stole from behind the barrel of whiskey in Fahey’s saloon, where he had been hiding, and was soon swallowed up in the crowd as they wended their way to the convention.
When that body was duly organized, A. J. Pyburn was nominated by acclamation. Our reporter looked over the room for the “Rooster,” but he was not there. The next seen of him he was blind drunk with his arms around Amos Walton’s neck, ejaculating that he would not vote for Pyburn—no, not he, while Amos wildly beseeched him to vote the straight ticket.
Rock Township, Aug. 9th, 1880.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1880.
Ed. Monitor: Some days ago I noticed an editorial in the Telegram, in opposition to the passage of the proposed constitutional amendment, which destroys that provision of our present constitution exempting from taxation $200 worth of the property of every head of the family. And in this, the writer endorses the Telegram. Here is a poor man, a laborer, with a large family; he has not team or wagon, his family are dependant upon him for their daily bread. He has a couple of cows and other personal property and household goods, worth, all told, only one hundred dollars. It is as much as he can do to feed his family, much less pay taxes on this pittance of property (under our present constitution this property is exempt from taxation).
And the last legislature passed a joint resolution, submitting to the voters of this state, the proposition to take this exemption away, and thus force my neighbor, poor as he is, to pay taxes upon this property. This is not right. Let the rich man pay the taxes; take away the burden from the poor as much as we can, is the correct rule. And yet A. J. Pyburn, the Democratic nominee for State Senator, favored the taking of this poor man’s property, and voted to submit the amendment to the people in order to accomplish that end.
Not so with W. P. Hackney, when he was in the legislature; he voted and worked for the people—the poor men. Stand his successful effort to repeal the infamous attorney fee bill up along side of this act of A. J. Pyburn, and the poor man can readily see who is his friend. Bill Hackney will run like a scared wolf in this township, and don’t you forget it. We are all for him, regardless of the pleading of E. C. Manning and other disappointed tricksters in Winfield who hate him because they cannot control him. Yours respectfully, ECHO.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1880.
The Monitor of last week, in an article entitled “Party Fealty,” makes a strong argument for the support of the entire Republican ticket this fall. The article is written in reply to one who signs himself “A Liberal Republican” after a lot of whining in the Winfield Telegram, in which he tries to defend his course in bolting the county ticket. So much of it as refers to Hon. W. P. Hackney we produce below. It tallies with our views exactly.
“If the majority of a party are not permitted in convention to name the men who shall receive the support of Republicans, what is the use of having conventions? Why not abandon them at once? Our present system for selecting delegates, holding conventions, and nominating tickets, is universal, and accepted by all. Under this system delegates were elected that nominated James A. Garfield; under this system delegates have been elected that will help nominate John P. St. John; under the same system delegates were elected that nominated Hon. W. P. Hackney, Frank Jennings, Judge Gans, and others.
“Who is there today that will vote for Hancock and still claim to be a Republican? Who is there, if St. John is nominated, that will vote for his opponent and claim to be a Republican? The same can be said as to Hackney and Pyburn, and other candidates. Will the Republican masses accept such men as Republicans? Rather will they say, ‘Depart from me, ye workers of iniquity; I know you not; you are not Republicans.’
“And what is the difference between a bolter of Garfield’s, St. John’s, or Hackney’s nomination? Were they not all nominated by the same process? Yet the Telegram, under the careful manipulation of ‘A Liberal Republican,’ says that ‘wherever the tricksters of any political party who manipulate our primaries, and make the party nominations, place upon their ticket men whose public and private life will not bear scrutiny,’ the people are to repudiate such nominations.’ Now this is richness intensified, coming as it does from a Democratic paper, in view of the killing, by that party, of Dixon, and others we might mention if we only had space, solely because they bolted a nomination.
“Whoever heard of a Democratic bolter? The dissatisfaction against A. J. Pyburn this fall in that party is the first exhibition that ever came under our observation. Did ‘A Liberal Republican’ have reference to Jack when he penned the above?
“How do the two thousand republicans of Cowley County who attended the primaries that elected delegates to the county convention like to be kicked by this ‘Liberal Republican,’ and called tricksters, corrupt manipulators, and other names? How do the ninety men who participated in the nomination of Mr. Hackney like to be denounced by this defamer as ‘corrupt manipulators?’ Only such wholesale abuse is indulged in by men who hate a party because they have been ignored by it.
“Mr. Hackney was nominated after one of the most spirited and hotly contested campaigns that ever took place in Cowley County. His opponents organized the party against him everywhere they could. The brought out against him a man who personally was one of the most popular men in Cowley County. For days and weeks they traversed Cowley County in a crusade against him, every effort known to politicians being resorted to in order to compass his defeat. He was fought by a cloud of old and life-long politicians of both good and bad repute. The primaries were attended by hundreds that never before looked after the preliminary affairs of the party. There was but one issue, and that was Hackney and anti-Hackney, and the friends of Mr. Hackney came out with fifty-six delegates, every man of them good and true, as were the thirty-four for his opponent. These ninety men met in the convention; they were good and true Republicans; fifty-six of them said that W. P. Hackney, a man whom they had known intimately for nearly ten years, should be their candidate for State Senator; and yet the Telegram charges these fifty-six men, and the Republicans in the various townships that elected them, as tricksters, etc., and that they nominated a bad man, and therefore must be bad themselves. The worst Democrat in the land does not say worse about Garfield, and yet where is the Republican of sense who pays any attention to such stuff? So every Republican should treat the idle sayings of ‘A Liberal Republican.’ They and the other Democrats are all toned with the same stick. Anything to beat Hackney is their motto. And why?
“Mr. Hackney came to Cowley County in August, 1870. He has been in politics ever since he came here. He was elected to the legislature from Sumner County in 1871 by a large majority. In 1873 again by a large majority. He stood so well in that body in 1874 that when State Treasurer Hayes was impeached by the house for the improper use of the money of the people, that body elected Mr. Hackney along with the now Chief Justice Horton and John Martin to prosecute him before the Senate.
“Moving to Cowley County in the fall of 1874, he was unanimously elected to the legislature in 1875 because of his well known integrity and ability; the redistricting of the State then as now being of commanding importance and vital interest to our people. His subsequent legislation for the people, his great services for the party during the past three years, all combine to make him a most formidable candidate and rival, hence when he received the nomination, the Democracy with his enemies jumped hands to beat him, and they opened up the sluice gates of their venom, and not satisfied with besmirching him, they equally assault the men who nominated him, and finally the Republican party. There is no excuse for any Republican to oppose him. There is every reason why every Republican should support him. His past services for the party and the people call for a solid Republican vote. The prosperity of our people, the hopes of Winfield and Cowley County from a commercial standpoint, call for his election.”
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, September 1, 1880. Front Page.
Cowley County District Court calendar, August term, 1880.
Consolidated actions. A. J. Pyburn referred.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 8, 1880. Front Page.
While attending the State convention at Topeka, we met the Hon. W. P. Hackney, of Winfield, Cowley County, the Republican candidate for State Senator from the 24th district.
Cowley County alone constitutes the district, and while it had about five hundred Republican majority, still owing to jealousies heretofore existing in the ranks of the party, the district enjoys the proud (?) distinction of being represented in the Senate by a Democrat. We are glad to be able to say to the Republicans of the State that there will certainly be a gain of one Republican Senator at the next session of the legislature, for W. P. Hackney will be as certainly be elected as that an election is held.
Mr. Hackney is a man far above the average in ability; is a fine lawyer, and is the law partner of Mr. McDonald, the Democratic candidate for Congress in the third Congressional
district, and right here, it may be pertinent to say that Mr. Hackney will as surely be elected as Mr. McDonald will be defeated.
Mr. Hackney was raised upon a farm, and at the early age of eighteen, entered the Union army as a private soldier. He served four years in company “H,” seventh Illinois infantry.
At the battle of Fort Donelson he was promoted to the rank of sergeant; at the siege of Corinth to the rank of orderly sergeant, and at the battle of Altoona Pass, Georgia, to captain; at the latter battle he was twice wounded.
Mr. Hackney has resided in Kansas ten years, coming to the State in 1870. At the election in November, 1871, he was elected as a member of the legislature (in the House) from Sumner County, and was reelected in 1873. In 1875 he was elected to the House from Cowley County. Being a member of the legislature at the time of the impeachment of State Treasurer Hayes, he was honored by being selected by the members of the House to prosecute him.
We have briefly stated these facts showing that Mr. Hackney has the advantage of legislative experience, and that when he takes his seat in the Senate next January as the legally-elected successor of the Hon. A. J. Pyburn, that experience, together with his other sterling qualities, is the guarantee that the people of his district have that the change will in no manner mediate against their interests.
Mr. Hackney came to Kansas a poor man, but in the practice of his chosen profession has accumulated a competency; his Republicanism has never been questioned; he is a stalwart, in every way worthy, and well qualified to grace the position to which he aspires. Without presuming to dictate—only making a suggestion—we say that the Republicans of Cowley County will do themselves honor in the election of W. P. Hackney by an old-time majority, and we believe they will do it. Leavenworth Times.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 8, 1880.
A. J. Pyburn visited our city last Saturday in the interest of a case before the U. S. Commissioner.
Winfield Courier, September 9, 1880.
WINFIELD, Ks., Sept. 7, 1880.
EDS. COURIER: In the Daily Telegram of Monday is an article entitled “Two Edged Swords,” in which among other falsehoods, is the following:
“Hackney during the last legislature spent the full term there. Knowing Pyburn, Hackney suggested to the Santa Fe people his employment.”
This in the personal organ of Senator Pyburn, is peculiarly significant.
I did not go to Topeka as the paid attorney of any railroad company, as this article charges. The people of Cowley had no railroads. Our bonds had been voted to the Santa Fe company on condition that this company should build the road in a limited time. Before the company had effected the loans necessary to raise the money with which to build this road, the legislature met and immediately was commenced a war on the Kansas roads, seeking by legislation to take the control of them from the men who furnished the money with which to build them, and to place it in the hands of men to be appointed by the Governor.
These movements on the part of the legislature had the effect to so intimidate Boston capitalists who were to furnish the money to build our railroads, that they would not invest. The committee which had been appointed by our citizens were notified that this road could not be built if the proposed legislation should be effected.
Thereupon the committee and citizens of Winfield and Cowley County were alarmed, and applied to me to go to Topeka and try to prevent the passage of what was known as the Rigg’s bill. Busy as I was at the time, and much as it cost me in the loss of valuable law business, I was prevailed upon to go for ten days. At the expiration of that time I should have returned, but for the personal solicitation of General Manager Strong, who assured me that the pending legislation was having a disastrous effect upon the attempts of the company to raise the money to build our road. At his request, I remained until some time in February, when I met the men who organized the Southwestern Kansas and Western railroad company. I was chosen one of the directors, went to Kansas City, examined into the matter, and became convinced that they meant business and could build the road.
I came home with Gen. Blair, their attorney, and the proposition to vote bonds to the east and west railroad was submitted. The proposed legislation was defeated; both roads have been built, and the people have the benefit. I have never received one nickel for the time and money I expended in securing these roads. I am still a director in the latter, having been re-elected since because, as I suppose, of their faith in my honor.
Before I went to Topeka, our people hauled their wheat and hogs 50 to 75 miles to Wichita, and there paid $45 a car to Kansas City. In consequence of the building of these two roads through the county, for the last two months our farmers have been shipping their wheat, hogs, and corn from home to Kansas City for ten dollars a car, and no hauling to Wichita, and have saved enough already to pay the bonded debt.
Then why this railroad howl against me in the Telegram? It is only to try to beat me by any means, fair or foul.
No railroad corporation or agent of one has ever approached me on the subject of what will be my course with regard to rail roads if elected to the senate. No person, corporation, or firm has ever contributed one cent toward my election or the expenses connected therewith either directly or indirectly, and I never said anything to indicate otherwise. When the impersonal columns of the Telegram or its personal owner says aught to the contrary, it or he simply lies, and I mean this statement to be broad and long enough to cover every charge made in that article and that the shoe shall fit him who asserts and him who circulates these lies, let them be whom they may.
The Telegram says because I knew my man, I could get the Santa Fe people to employ him. Now I assert that Pyburn and I were not divided in opinion but stood on the same platform and acted in concert that winter. I had supposed that the company employed Pyburn because of his ability as an attorney, but the ass-tute manager of the Telegram tells us that such is not the case, but that he was appointed at my request because I knew my man. The Telegram intimates that his employment was not on account of his legal ability but for the purpose of controlling his vote on the pending legislation. This is the only inference that can be drawn from the Telegram article. Verily does Pyburn suffer from this insane zeal to vilify me. It is bad to have a fool-friend. If the Telegram keeps going, it will convince its readers that Senator Pyburn is either a fool or a knave, possibly both. I suppose that Mr. Pyburn attends to such legal business as is entrusted to him by the Santa Fe company. The firm of which I am a member does the same for the K. C. L. & S. company. We do this work for pay just as we work for other clients.
And now I pronounce the fusillade of billingsgate with which the columns of the Telegram have been filled, regarding myself, for weeks and months past, as false, malicious, cowardly, and libelous, and the authors of them characterless hypocrites and malicious scoundrels. I invite the small pack of coyotes who contribute to its columns to do their dirtiest. I expect no favors from them in this campaign and will grant none. My public services are well known to the people of the county; and if again wanted, they will elect me to the Senate in spite of such opposition. If not, I shall be content and henceforth give my individual attention to my business. Respectfully, W. P. HACKNEY.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 15, 1880. Editorial Page.
The Democracy evidently weakens before the contest fairly began. Mr. Pyburn, the Democratic nominee, surprised the people of Cowley last Friday by withdrawing his name from the ticket, urging he could spare neither the time nor money to make the canvass necessary. The Democratic central committee met in Winfield to select a new candidate for State Senator, and the lightning struck C. C. Black, editor of the Telegram. Mr. Hackney’s victory is now an assured and easy one, as Mr. Pyburn is the acknowledged leader of Democracy in this county, and by all odds the most available man in their party. Many leading Democrats of Winfield, we understand, have now declared themselves for Hackney, and none of them have any hope for success with Mr. Black. We feel good all over.
Winfield Courier, September 16, 1880.
And now the democratic Black, Allison & Company ring has succeeded in driving Mr. Pyburn from their ticket so that the ambitious “Charles” might secure the very doubtful compliment. During the canvass he will “rattle around” in the place recently filled by Mr. Pyburn.
[EARLIER: Hon. A. J. Pyburn, the best timber that the Democrats had for State Senator, placed his withdrawal from the candidacy in the hands of the Democratic committee last week, and that committee met last Saturday and placed C. C. Black in nomination.
Charley Black does not stand half the chance Pyburn did, but he has got the money to run the machine with, and lots more of it coming in as interest on his notes and mortgages. He can afford it.]
Winfield Courier, September 30, 1880.
While attending the State Convention at Topeka, we met the Hon. W. P. Hackney, of Winfield, Cowley County, the Republican candidate for State Senator from the 25th district.
Cowley County alone constitutes the district, and while it had about 500 Republican majority, still owing to jealousies heretofore existing in the ranks of the party, the district enjoys the proud (?) distinction of being represented in the senate by a Democrat. We are glad to be able to say to the Republicans of the state that there will certainly be a gain of our Republican Senator at the next session of the legislature, for W. P. Hackney will as certainly be elected as that an election is held.
Mr. Hackney is a man far above the average in ability; is a fine lawyer, and is the law partner of Mr. McDonald, the Democratic candidate for Congress, in the Third Congressional District, and right here, it may be pertinent to say that Mr. Hackney will as surely be elected as Mr. McDonald will be defeated.
Mr. Hackney was raised upon a farm and at the early age of eighteen, entered the Union army as a private soldier. He served four years in company “H,” seventh Illinois infantry.
At the battle of Fort Donelson he was promoted to the rank of sergeant; at the siege of Corinth to the rank of orderly sergeant; and at the battle of Ottawa Pass, Georgia, to the rank of captain; at the latter battle he was twice wounded.
Mr. Hackney has resided in Kansas ten years, coming to the state in 1870. At the election in November, 1871, he was elected as a member of the legislature (in the house) from Sumner County, and was re-elected in 1873. In 1875 he was elected to the house from Cowley County. Being a member of the legislature at the time of the impeachment of State Treasurer Hayes, he was honored by being selected by the members of the house to prosecute him.
We have briefly stated these facts showing that Mr. Hackney has the advantage of legislative experience, and that when he takes his seat in the senate next January as the legally-elected successor of the Hon. A. J. Pyburn, that experience, together with his other sterling qualities, is the guarantee that the people of his district have, that the change will in no manner mediate against their interests.
Mr. Hackney came to Kansas a poor man, but in the practice of his chosen profession has accumulated a competence; he is a stalwart, and in every way worthy, and well qualified to grace the position to which he aspires. Without presuming to dictate, only making a suggestion, we say that the Republicans of Cowley County will do themselves honor in the election of W. P. Hackney by an old time majority, and we believe they will do it. STENE, in Leavenworth Times.
Winfield Courier, December 2, 1880.
Senator Pyburn will be found at his old quarters in the Page building.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1881.
Hon. A. J. Pyburn, of Winfield, accompanied by Mr. Nelson, representing Coler & Co., of New York, were in the city last Friday taking up the railroad stock sale.
Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.
Judge Pyburn carries his arm in a sling, the result of an ugly boil on his elbow.
Winfield Courier, March 31, 1881.
WINFIELD: Misses Loy Pyburn, Maggie Stansbury, Ella Hittle, Jennie Carey, Caro F. Meech, Maggie Seabridge, Ella S. Kelly, Messrs. I. N. Lemmon, and W. B. Dickerson.
Winfield Courier, April 14, 1881.
Frank Gallotti left for Colorado with Judge Pyburn Tuesday. He talks of going into the real estate business at Durango.
Winfield Courier, April 14, 1881.
Judge Pyburn left for Durango, Colorado, Tuesday. He goes on a tour of inspection, but will settle there if he is pleased with the place.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 20, 1881.
Hon. A. J. Pyburn is now in Colorado on the qui vive for a good location in which to practice law.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 11, 1881.
Judge Pyburn is once more amongst us, having returned from Colorado a few days since. We presume he was not very favorably impressed with the country, as the Monitor gives him credit for the following:
Colorado is principally composed of adventurers, many of whom have not money enough to pay for a meal’s victuals, and as all parties and professions have to rely on the mines and miners for support, he does not believe the prosperity of Colorado and New Mexico will long continue.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 8, 1881.
Judge Pyburn of Winfield was in the city last Saturday on legal business. The Judge recently returned from a trip to Colorado, and is now fully satisfied that Cowley is a good place to live in.
Winfield Courier, June 16, 1881.
A considerable number of the citizens of Winfield met on Monday evening on the steps of the Winfield Bank to provide for raising funds for the immediate relief of the sufferers caused by the cyclone Sunday evening. Mr. Crippen called the people together by music from the band.
A. J. Pyburn: $2.00
Arkansas City Traveler, June 29, 1881.
List of arrivals, at the City Hotel, from Wednesday to Saturday, of last week.
A. J. Pyburn, Winfield.
Winfield Courier, September 15, 1881.
Hon. A. J. Pyburn has returned from Durango again.
Winfield Courier, November 10, 1881.
Hon. A. J. Pyburn left for Kansas City Tuesday, where he will probably engage in the law business. He will not remove his family from Winfield for the present. We are sorry to see Mr. Pyburn go for he has been an honored citizen of this county for so many years that we had come to regard him as a permanent fixture here.
Cowley County Courant, December 15, 1881.
Five cases have been commenced in the District court since the last term of court, namely, I. D. Skinner vs. O. C. Skinner, attachment; L. Scott vs. Margaret Weir, foreclosure of mortgage; G. W. Chaplin vs. John & Sinnie Garrabee, foreclosure of mortgage; A. Furst & Co. vs. F. I. Sanford, attachment; A. J. Pyburn vs. N. W. Fitzgerald, attachment of home and lot.
Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.
Judge Pyburn came in from Kansas City Thursday and will return today. He has still considerable law business in our court that has to be looked after.
Winfield Courier, January 5, 1882.
Winfield Courier, February 2, 1882.
Senator Pyburn came down from Kansas City Friday on business. He finds business pushing him at both ends of the line.
Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.
Will Robinson has purchased the residence of Hon. A. J. Pyburn, on south Loomis street. We’ve been expecting something of this sort, ever since Will came out with that aesthetic bouquet in his button-hole, at the “Esmeralda”entertainment. He looked handsome enough to own a residence, with morning glories running over the back porch, and a ___ (continued in our next.) [Note: There was no follow-up to this in next issue. MAW]
Cowley County Courant, March 30, 1882.
Will Robinson has purchased the residence of Hon. A. J. Pyburn, on South Loomis street. Well, that’s all right. Why not?
Cowley County Courant, April 20, 1882.
The following is a list of cases that will stand for trial at the April term of the District Court, commencing on the 25th day of April, A. D. 1882.
A. J. Pyburn vs. N. W. Fitzgerald.
Winfield Courier, April 20, 1882.
Senator Pyburn has removed his law office from Kansas City to LeMans, Missouri, where he is enjoying a most lucrative practice.
Cowley County Courant, April 27, 1882.
A. J. Pyburn, a former resident of Winfield, but now of Lamar, Missouri, has been in town a couple of days.
Winfield Courier, April 27, 1882.
This is Court week and our lion-like attorneys are in clover. The following gentlemen are present: A. J. Pyburn of La Mars, Missouri; C. R. Mitchell, of Geuda Springs; Senator Hackney, Judge McDonald, Judge Tipton, Jas. O’Hare, Henry E. Asp, S. D. Pryor, J. F. McMullen, D. C. Beach, O. M. Seward, J. E. Allen, A. P. Johnson, James McDermott, P. H. Albright, T. H. Soward, Geo. H. Buckman, M. G. Troup, and County Attorney Jennings.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1882.
Hon. A. J. Pyburn, one of Cowley’s earliest, and for several years most prominent citizens, is now engaged in the practice of law at Lamar, Missouri. Mr. Pyburn during a several years residence in this county, practicing law, earned the respect and esteem of all with whom he came in contact by his geniality and square dealing business habits, in proof of which it is only necessary to state that he served a term in the State Senate with credit to himself and satisfaction to his constituents. While we regret the gentleman’s departure from amongst us, we in common with his many friends, have naught but good wishes for his prosperity in his new location.
Winfield Courier, March 22, 1883.
Ex-Senator Pyburn has decided to return to Kansas. He will probably return to Winfield.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 11, 1883.
Hon. A. J. Pyburn thinks somewhat of locating at Arkansas City in the near future. You and yours will be heartily welcomed, A. J.
Winfield Courier, May 3, 1883.
Judge Pyburn is surprised at the growth Winfield has made since he was last here. The Judge has been living in staid old democratic Missouri long enough to appreciate the rush, push, and enterprise of a live community. He will come back.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 9, 1883.
Hon. A. J. Pyburn has rented a house in the city and will shortly remove here with his wife and family. The gentleman intends to engage in the practice of the law and we are glad to welcome him back to the professional ranks of our city.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 30, 1883.
We are under obligations to Hon. A. J. Pyburn for services rendered in the publishing of this paper during our absence on the Editorial excursion, for which we tender him our thanks.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 4, 1883.
A. J. Pyburn spent Monday in Wellington attending to law business.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 4, 1883.
A. J. Pyburn will occupy offices in the new Cowley County Bank building.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 18, 1883.
Recap: Case in District Court of Cowley County, Kansas. Charles C. Butterfield, plaintiff, vs. David Jay, Cindarilla Jay, and W. Marsh Kasson, Defendants. A. J. Pyburn, attorney for plaintiff.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 1, 1883.
Judge Pyburn leaves today for Harper County, where he expects to remain several days on legal business.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 8, 1883.
Hon. A. J. Pyburn returned from his Harper County trip last Friday and reports being much pleased and surprised by the goodly appearance of things in general in that section of the footstool. He says the farmers are making substantial improvements of all kinds, crop prospects cannot be beat anywhere, and consequently everybody is happy.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 19, 1883.
John Hopkins and Frank Woodbury, partners as Hopkins & Woodbury, plaintiffs, vs. F. E. Coolidge & Co., defendants. Notice is hereby given that on the 14th day of September, 1883, I. H. Bonsall, a justice of the peace of Creswell Township, Cowley County, Kansas, issued an order of attachment, in the above named case for the sum of thirty-two ($32.00) dollars, and that said cause will be heard on the 15th day of October, 1883, at 9 o’clock a.m.
HOPKINS & WOODBURY, Plaintiffs. A. J. PYBURN, Plaintiffs’ Attorney.
Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.
Hon. A. J. Pyburn was up from Arkansas City Tuesday.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 7, 1883.
Next week a telephone will be put in the Indian industrial school on the Shilocco, six miles south of this city; one in Landes & Beall’s mill, and one in their office; one in the schoolhouse, and one in A. J. Pyburn’s office. Quite an effort is being made to run a line to Ponca Agency, Indian Territory, which would result in the placing of three or four more instruments here and probably one at Willow Springs, the half-way station between this city and Ponca. Our businessmen thoroughly appreciate this convenience, and there is no town in the state, of the same size, which patronizes the telephone so liberally as does Arkansas City. [Note: Proper name was “Chilocco Indian Schools.”]
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 21, 1883.
Recap of Publication Notice: David Hood, Plaintiff, vs. Elijah W. Burge, Phalby Burge, and William Reynolds, Defendants...$232.00 was the amount owing to Hood by defendants plus 12 percent per annum interest from April 1, 1883...Mortgage on property. Attorney for plaintiff: A. J. Pyburn.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 21, 1883.
Recap of Publication Notice: S. M. Jarvis, Plaintiff, vs. John N. Sicks & Nancy J. Sicks, defendants...$528.48 Mortgage plus 12 percent per annum interest from April 1883. Foreclosure on property. Attorney for Plaintiff: A. J. Pyburn.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 5, 1883.
S. M. Jarvis, Plaintiff vs. John N. Sicks and Nancy J. Sicks.
Plaintiff’s attorney: A. J. Pyburn.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 5, 1883.
In the probate court, Estate of William F. Dickinson, deceased. To Barney P. Dickinson, Ellen Rolf, R. S. Light, the heirs of the body of Charles Dickinson, deceased; the heirs of the body of David W. Dickinson, deceased; the heirs of the body of Harriet Light, deceased; Jane Stevens and Betsey Dickinson; and the heirs at law of William F. Dickinson, deceased, and all others interested in said estate...A petition of the administrator, with the will annexed, of the estate of William F. Dickinson, late of said county, deceased; asking the said to authorize and empower him to sell, for the payment of legacies, the debts and expenses of administration, the following described real estate, etc. O. Stevenson, Administrator with the will annexed of the estate of William F. Dickinson, deceased.
A. J. Pyburn, Attorney for Administrator.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 12, 1883.
Mrs. Mary Logan of Rich Hill, Missouri, is now in the city visiting with the family of Senator Pyburn.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1884.
Teachers of Cowley County.
We present below a list of the teachers of Cowley, their post office addresses, and the amount they are receiving per month for their services. This list will be valuable to teachers, school officers, and the public generally. It is taken from the records, through the courtesy of Supt. Limerick.
District Teacher Amount
35 Lousetta Pyburn 35.00
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 16, 1884.
Hon. A. J. Pyburn occupies rooms over Cowley County Bank. He is a gentleman of profound learning, of excellent legal acumen, and unflinching integrity. Mitchell & Swarts have their office in Newman’s basement. They are among the oldest practitioners in this section of the State. O. C. R. Randall has his office on Central Avenue, at which place he will attend to all legal business entrusted to his care.
Arkansas City Republican, April 5, 1884.
Citizens’ Meeting.
At the meeting at the opera house, last Wednesday evening, for the purpose of nominating a citizen’s ticket, Dr. A. J. Chapel was called to the chair; G. W. Cunningham and S. W. Duncan were elected secretaries. The following ticket was nominated:
Mayor, A. J. Pyburn; councilmen, George W. Cunningham, T. H. McLaughlin, Cal. Dean, Frank Leach, and John Love; Police Judge, Wm. Blakeney. Judge Pyburn since the meeting, having declined the nomination for mayor, Frank Schiffbauer has been substituted to his place on the ticket.
Arkansas City Republican, April 5, 1884.
Hon. A. J. Pyburn: Though aware of your repeated refusal to become a candidate for any office; and the determination to devote your time to your profession, and although cognizant of the fact that an election and acceptance would involve to a certain extent the sacrifice of personal interests, yet we request and urge that you permit your name to be used in nomination for the position of mayor of Arkansas City, feeling as we do, that in your election, you will represent the whole people regardless of politics, issues, or business, and have only at heart the best interests of the place, and welfare of the citizens.
G. W. Cunningham, A. D. Ayres, R. C. Lent, E. Neff, P. Pearson, M. B. Vawter, S. B. Fleming, O. P. Houghton, W. B. Kirkpatrick, T. McConn, N. T. Snyder, J. G. Hunter, W. D. Mowry, Jno. Kroenert, Chas. H. Searing, L. D. Austin, S. V. Goeden, B. H. Dixon, Jas. Benedict, W. R. Owen, Frank Speers, C. R. Sipes, J. Vawter, E. S. Eddy, C. M. Swarts, W. W. Brown, Ira Barnett, T. H. McLaughlin, J. R. Rogers, F. B. Hutchison, M. Harkins, J. L. Huey, Chas. Hutchison, Cal. Dean, W. S. Thompson, Jas. Ridenour, J. C. Topliff, P. M., W. E. Gooch, T. L. Wharton, H. P. Farrar, F. W. Farrar, W. M. Sleeth, T. McIntire, C. A. Howard, A. Worthley, Geo. E. Hasie.
GENTLEMEN: Your call upon me to allow my name to be used in nomination for mayor of the city, is before me. Coming as it does from representative businessmen of our city, irrespective of party, I assure you of my profound appreciation of the motives that prompted it. And could I, in duty to my private and personal business interests, I should feel bound to accede to your demands, but this I cannot do, and must therefore, respectfully decline to become a candidate. Very Respectfully, A. J. PYBURN.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 9, 1884.
Mr. A. E. Kirkpatrick has about completed his tasty residence on Fifth Street, north of Judge Pyburn’s, and now begins to feel more like a real live city man.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 23, 1884.
R. B. Wilson, the famous blind-tiger man, came to the front again last week in the person of a hook-nosed, goggle-eyed attorney named Weston. It will be remembered that Wilson is suing several of our citizens for the trifle of $13,000, in payment for tipping over Frank J. Hess’ house and spilling $4.50 worth of whiskey and two kegs of beer for the weeping Wilson. His attorney, Weston, a recent importation from the land of hoop poles and pumpkins, now laying around Elk Falls, this state, formally notified the defendants last week that they must appear in person or by attorney in Marion and Shelbyville, Indiana, on the 28th and 29th of this month, to answer to depositions that will be taken in those towns at the time specified. W. P. Hackney, of Winfield, and A. J. Pyburn, of this city, are attorneys for the defendants, and will see to it that Mr. Wilson’s $13,000 is properly cared for. Just where Lawyer Weston is to get his money does not appear as Wilson only had $100 to start in with after being run out of Marion Center, or some other town north of us.
Arkansas City Republican, April 19, 1884.
A large number of the citizens of this township assembled at Highland Hall in this city last Tuesday evening to take action upon the proposition of the directors of the Kansas City and Southwestern railroad to run their road to this city, upon Creswell Township’s voting bonds for $35,000 of the capital stock of said road. Judge T. McIntire was elected chairman, and S. W. Duncan, secretary. Upon being requested James Hill stated the object of the meeting, and, with convincing arguments, he dwelt at length upon the advantages of the road to the township and the city. James N. Young, president of the railroad company, then read the proposition, and a motion was made to adopt it, upon which considerable argument was produced. Pending the discussion, C. R. Sipes offered as a substitute for the motion that Judge A. J. Pyburn, T. H. McLaughlin, Dr. H. D. Kellogg, M. N. Sinnott, G. W. Cunningham, and James Benedict be appointed a committee to confer with the directors of the railroad present, and examine the proposition submitted and report whether it was suitable to the wants of the township, and just, and legally binding. The substitute was adopted and the committee, after making some small changes in the proposition, reported favorably, whereupon the house on motion adopted the report of the committee, and passed the motion to adopt the proposition as amended by the committee.
On motion of James Hill the chair appointed T. H. McLaughlin, G. W. Cunningham, and J. L. Huey a committee to have the petitions printed and circulated for signers. The meeting then adjourned.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1884.
Hon. A. J. Pyburn was up from the Terminus Tuesday on legal business.
Arkansas City Republican, May 24, 1884.
Attorneys A. J. Pyburn and C. L. Swarts have been attending court at Winfield this week.
Arkansas City Republican, May 31, 1884.
Miss Pyburn’s school was out yesterday; she has taught a very successful term, and will probably get the school next winter.
Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.
Hon. A. J. Pyburn, of Arkansas City, visited the “hub” Monday on legal business.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 2, 1884.
Mrs. F. M. Adams of Hastings, Nebraska, is visiting with the family of Judge A. J. Pyburn.
Arkansas City Republican, September 6, 1884.
A. J. Pyburn went to Wellington Thursday on legal business.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, September 24, 1884.
Our Democratic friends outdid the Republicans in the way of wrangling last Saturday at their county convention. The disturbance has all grown out of the independent move, and Mr. Schiffbauer’s determination to capture the Democratic endorsement, which has been resented by the better class of Democrats, whose leader is Judge Pyburn. The factional feeling ran so high that on last Thursday two primaries were held and two sets of delegates sent to Winfield, which of course carried the fight into the county convention. The committee on credentials, anxious for “harmony,” reported in favor of admitting three from each delegation, but Judge Pyburn very naturally refused any such compromise, justly claiming that all his men were entitled to seats, or none of them were. By a vote of the convention then, Pyburn’s delegation was admitted, the vote being nearly unanimous. For reasons of its own, the convention afterward concluded to adjourn until Saturday, October 4.
Of course, this fight is none of our funeral, and is only a matter of secondary interest to Republicans, but we will say that in our opinion Judge Pyburn and his friends are making a commendable fight for Democratic principles. It is worse than childish to accuse the judge of not being interested in Democratic success. He is a life-long Democrat, and enjoys the singular prominence of being a thoroughly upright and honorable man. Nothing would make him feel more complacent than to see every officer in the land a Democrat. But he and his friends are opposed to furthering Mr. Schiffbauer’s private plans for the very good reason that Mr. Schiffbauer not only does not represent a single Democratic principle, but he does not represent any other well defined principle. He simply wants the office, and means to have it if scheming will accomplish it. The simon-pure Democrats want a Democratic candidate, and want to see him elected. The other fellows are engaged in a go-as-you-please race for Schiffbauer, and not one of them can give a good and sufficient reason why he should be elected. The vexed question will be passed upon next Monday, when the Democratic district convention will be held in this city, and after which we will proceed to snow under all opponents to the Republican candidate.
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.
Where the Teachers of Cowley Teach this Winter.
Their Names and the Salaries They Get.
Coburn, Silverdale Township, Lozetta Pyburn, $40.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, October 1, 1884.
The Democratic Nominee.
The Democrats, in nominating Mr. Harkleroad, selected a man who, if weaker than Mr. Pyburn, is equally honorable and upright, and one who should draw every Democratic vote. Our opposition to him is based solely on his politics because of the principles he represents and must vote for. That he is a strong Democrat there is no denying, that his character is spotless is also true. The issue is now simply between the principles each candidate represents, and the result should prove the political complexion of this district beyond doubt.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, October 1, 1884.
Whatever may be the actual facts in the case, and while we believe rumor has magnified them considerably, it is nevertheless true that a few Republicans in Arkansas City have signified their intention to vote against Mr. L. P. King, Republican candidate for the legislature, and in favor of the Democratic or independent candidate—for what reason? Simply because Mr. King does not live in Arkansas City, or has not done all his trading at this point—because he is not known by every businessman in the city. It has even been asserted that Republicans were very desirous of bringing out Mr. Pyburn and electing him, so that our city should have the representative. This is not true, but it shows to what extent rumor will go, and in the light of Arkansas City’s political history, it has considerable weight with the outside townships.
We do not hesitate to say that any defection in the Republican ranks of Arkansas City this fall will be more serious in its results than is generally believed. It is a fact that in times past Arkansas City has frequently thrown aside party allegiance and elected men solely on their claims to interest in the city. This was all well enough when the Republican party sought to elect unworthy men, as in the instances when Judge Pyburn was made county attorney and state senator, but we have carried this feeling too far in more than one instance.
Arkansas City slaughtered A. A. Wiley, for which Silverdale, Spring Creek, and Cedar Townships still entertain a feeling of resentment toward us. Arkansas City beat Harbaugh for commissioner, which has strained Pleasant Valley’s friendship. As soon as Mitchell was thought to have more interest outside of Arkansas City than in it, the city did its best to beat him. And now if we follow up this record by defeating King, Arkansas City will simply stand alone, advertised as caring for nothing outside of its city limits, and courting the opposition and enmity of the county at large.
Now, can we afford to do this? Is Republicanism here to mean nothing more than Arkansas Cityism? True, we are growing, and growing rapidly, but we are not yet able to get along entirely independent of the county. In the event of a railroad fight, we are keen enough to send our men into Beaver, Bolton, Silverdale, Spring Creek, Cedar, and Liberty Townships to coax, argue, and plead with the farmers to stand by Southern Cowley; but a great many farmers are beginning to think that we are not so completely carried away by Southern Cowley as we are bound up in Arkansas City, and two or three election returns bear them out in their convictions.
We have today petitions in circulation in this city praying the county commissioners to submit to Cowley’s voters a proposition for the county to purchase the three bridges now owned by Creswell and Bolton Townships. Will the county commissioners act on this before the general election? If Arkansas City, with its Republican majority, defeats King, is anyone foolish enough to suppose the county will help take this bridge burden from our shoulders? In the coming years we may frequently desire to call on the county at large for aid. The county is Republican; so is Arkansas City; and if we do not show a reasonable degree of fairness in politics, we cannot blame the rest of the county for working against us in matters purely local.
Another item is that of prohibition. Three-fourths of our businessmen are prohibitionists and opposed to resubmission. At least, they claim to be such, and the opportunity for proof now presents itself. Does any man suppose that any independent or Democrat will vote against resubmission? Now, if you want prohibition, who will be most likely to aid you—a Republican, Democrat, or an independent? This is the issue all over Kansas. In every instance the Democratic candidate is instructed for resubmission; in some instances resubmission Republicans will be elected. The plain truth is the chances for and against resubmission will be pretty equally divided in our next legislature, and wherever temperance people can elect their man, they should do it. We can safely trust the farmers with this question, but will every prohibition businessman in Arkansas City have the courage of his convictions and vote for L. P. King? No man is stronger than his party, and it is folly to look to a Democrat, however respectable, upright, and honorable he may be, to vote against his party. Many good men are opposed to the prohibition law, but those in favor of it cannot trust their interests to such men. It is the man’s vote you must take into consideration; not the man himself, nor how many dollars he spends in Arkansas City.
Still another and most important question is that of United States Senator. There is little or no political significance in such offices as sheriff, county, attorney, county clerk, and the like; they are merely offices which must be filled, and are usually given to those who have been most willing to work for a party’s interests, and who are sufficiently qualified. But a vote for state senator or representative is a vote that directly influences the political complexion of the United States. To use a common phrase, we pull the trigger here and the report is heard in Washington. Do we want to run the risk of a combination next winter that may send Glick to the United States Senate? In the event of such a thing being possible—and stranger things have happened—is there a Democrat in Kansas who could resist the party pressure brought to bear upon him and withhold his support from Glick? Democrats are not fools, though very knavish.
There is no reason for any good Republican refusing to support Mr. King. He was fairly nominated; he is an honorable, intelligent farmer and school teacher, with the esteem and respect of his entire township without regard to politics; he is a staunch Republican, and for fourteen years has done as much as any one man to make Cowley what she is as an agricultural country. There are only two questions of importance to be acted upon in the next legislator—prohibition and United States Senator. Let every Republican ask and answer the question: “Who will best represent my views on these points?”
Arkansas City Traveler, October 1, 1884.
The Democrats and Independents Meet and Nominate.
Last Monday was a political red letter day for Arkansas City, two conventions holding forth at the same time.
The Democratic Convention
for placing in nomination a candidate for representative from this district met in the opera house at 11 a.m., and effected a temporary organization by electing Amos Walton chairman and E. G. Gage secretary. After appointing the various committees, adjournment was taken until 1 p.m. In the afternoon the temporary organization was sustained. The committee on resolutions reported the following.
It is hereby declared that we accept the platform of the national Democratic party and the candidates thereon.
Further, that the state Democratic platform embodies our views and the candidates named upon it are worthy of our support and work.
Further, that justice to the people of Kansas demands a fair and square resubmission of the constitutional amendment to the end that it may be settled forever as to the question of prohibition.
Resolved, That the arrest of persons at Rock Falls, in the Indian Territory, by the military authorities, without due process of law, and taking them beyond the jurisdiction of the court of said district, is an outrage upon humanity, and is an usurpation unwarranted by the letter or spirit of our constitution and dangerous to personal liberty.
An informal ballot for representative was then taken, resulting in 18 votes for I. D. Harkleroad and 16 for A. J. Pyburn. Mr. Pyburn rose and disclaimed any desire for the office, advising the convention to nominate Mr. Harkleroad by acclamation. A vote was then taken by townships and Mr. Harkleroad was nominated by a vote of 22 to 15. The nomination was then made unanimous, after which a central committee was elected and the convention adjourned.
The “People’s” Convention.
This convention met in the city council rooms at 10:30 a.m., in pursuance to call made by the committee, and organized by electing T. J. Sweeny chairman and J. B. Walker secretary.
Mr. A. C. Williams stated the object of the meeting was to nominate a people’s candidate for representative from this district. He was followed by Col. Neff, after which the convention adjourned to 1 p.m.
Upon reassembling the chairman made some remarks in regard to the object of the meeting for the benefit of parties who were not present during the morning session. Mr. W. D. Kreamer made a few remarks, after which the chair requested any candidates present to state their views. Mr. Schiffbauer came forward and addressed the convention in a short speech, setting forth his views, when it was moved and carried that he be nominated by acclamation. Mr. Schiffbauer thanked the convention for its endorsement and laid before it his plans for the campaign. The following district committee was then appointed, after which the convention adjourned: E. Neff, J. M. Felton, W. D. Kreamer, P. Ellis, H. M. Maidt, Creswell Township; A. C. Williams and Frank Lorry, Bolton Township.
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.
The old case between Tony Boyle and Uncle Billy Rogers is being tried this week by Judge Pyburn as referee. Tom Blanchard, Henry Ireton, Jim Burns, Geo. Brown, W. W. Andrews, and other old Black Hills tourists are witnesses. The suit is over a quartz mill which Boyle & Rogers established in the Black Hills in 1875.
Arkansas City Republican, October 4, 1884.
“Treachery, it was treachery that defeated Pyburn.” Ed. Gage.
Arkansas City Republican, October 4, 1884.
The Independents are now laughing in their sleeves over the defeat of Judge Pyburn.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 8, 1884.
The Democratic Convention.
The Democrats in Winfield last Saturday nominated John R. Smith for state senator, Joe O’Hare for county attorney, and L. L. Beck for probate judge. No nominations were made for the offices of district clerk or county superintendent, and so far as the result in November is concerned, the other offices might as well have been left blank. Our Tammany element was there and tried a new scheme by urging the nomination of I. D. Harkleroad for state senator, without having even as much as consulted brother Ike. But Pyburn was on hand, and nipped that scheme in the bud. The independent strikers didn’t have enough political sense to know that the central committee could place another Democratic candidate for representative on the ticket, even if Harkleroad should be transferred. It is no use, boys. The jig is up; the “straight-outs” are too many for you.
Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.
RECAP: 2 Sheriff’s sales by G. H. McIntire Monday, October 13, 1884.
1. R. R. Conklin, Plaintiff, vs. Wm. W. Whiteside, Amanda M. Whiteside, and Fred R. Foster, real estate.
2. S. M. Jarvis, Plaintiff, vs. John N. Sicks and Nancy J. Sicks, real estate.
A. J. Pyburn, Attorney for both plaintiffs.
Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.
RECAP: 3 MORE SHERIFF’S SALES by G. H. McIntire, to take place Monday, October 13, 1884.
1. R. R. Conklin, Plaintiff, vs. Rebecca A. Withrow, Emily E. Withrow, Amanda F. Withrow, and Eby D. Withrow, Defendants, sale of real estate.
2. R. R. Conklin, Plaintiff, vs. Eliphus W. Hanning, Carolina Hanning, and Wesley McEwen, Defendants, sale of real estate.
3. David Hood, Plaintiff, vs. Elijah W. Burge, Phalby Burge, and William Reynolds, Defendants, sale of real estate.
It appears that A. J. Pyburn acted as Plaintiff’s Attorney in all three cases.
Arkansas City Republican, October 11, 1884.
The patrons of school district 62 have, at a cost of about three hundred dollars, fixed up their schoolhouse and have hired Miss Lousetta Pyburn to teach their school this term. She taught for us last winter a good school and we are glad to have her with us again.
Arkansas City Republican, October 18, 1884.
“Schiffbauer as a Legislator.”
Editors Republican:
GENTLEMEN: Knowing as I do that you are my political opponents in this campaign, yet I still believe there is still honor and fairness enough in journalism to allow you to publish the following statement in answer to an article published in the Traveler under the title of “Schiffbauer as a Legislator.” The amount of truth there is established in that article I will attempt to show; and I leave the matter to those who were present and heard all the remarks I made whether or not I have made a true statement.
In the first place, Mr. Traveler, you say that article was not with any desire to misrepresent me, and that your information was gained from good and reliable independent and Democratic sources. A little further along you state that my supporters are not a very choice part of the community. Then your independent informants cannot be thoroughly reliable according to your views, can they?
I never at any time made the statement you mention to the effect that the bridge south of town should be assumed by the state; nor did I make any statement at any time that could be tortured into meaning this. I did say, and I repeat it here, that all bridges now built and maintained by the various townships in the county, should be assumed and maintained by the county. And all bridges hereafter to be built, costing to exceed two hundred dollars, should be built by the county and maintained the same as other bridges, by the county. You say there have been laws passed in our state legislature authorizing different counties in the state to assume the bridges therein when certain conditions have been complied with, and this law is in force in Cowley County today. Then why under the sun is the law not enforced, and thereby relieve the township from this burden which has been borne with patience so long.
You say further Mr. Schiffbauer’s election could have no influence whatever on the bridge question. Now I want to cite you to the laws of Kansas of 1883, to the laws passed by our state legislature and senate in relation to bridges. I refer you to house bill No. 205, page 90; senate bill No. 221, page 90; house bill No. 296, page 95; house bill No. 301, page 97; senate bill No. 264, page 99; house joint resolution No. 9, page 100; senate bill No. 28, page 104; senate bill No. 124, page 111; senate bill No. 69, page 114; and so on. You can find on pages 119, 131, 129, and 133. Now, why the necessity of these acts, if, as you say, our representative can have no influence; why did our representative two years ago pledge himself to secure a similar act to those cited to above; if he had, or could have nothing to do with bridges? He was and is an expounder of Coke, Blackstone, and constitutional laws and ought to know; was he the hypocrite you picture me to be? It does seem to me you judge me by the rest of your party.
About the time I came to your city, the bridge south of town was washed away by the freshet, and Creswell Township was bonded to her utmost limit, and the vexed question was how to replace that bridge. And I then said that in my opinion the general government should give us an appropriation sufficient to place a new bridge across there, and I believed they would do so if the matter was properly presented; and I still hold that opinion. And it is the duty of the best senator the United States ever had (?) to assist us in this matter, as he knows as well as anyone else, that this bridge is used fully as much for the benefit of the Indians and military departments as by the citizens of this state; and an appropriation of this kind would be quite as judiciously expended as the $20,000 to $50,000 expended on this same stream, in the shape of some cadet of the U. S. Engineer corps surveying and estimating the number and extent of the sand hills and snags between Wichita and Little Rock.
You say I will spend twice as much money in the campaign than my salary would amount to. You are mistaken, it does not require much money to conduct an honest campaign. We need no brass band; we need no torch light procession. As Ben Butler says: “We need not dress up like monkeys and parade the streets.”
You state in quoting what I said on the freight question that I should have said the remedy did not lie in making another railroad law, but rather in passing a law compelling the courts to do their duty. Now, you can give your informant my compliments, and tell him he lied on that score, and there were plenty of good people present, who heard what I did say, who will bear me out when I make that assertion. What I said on this subject was that we had no railroad law for courts to enforce, but that our supervision of railroads was rather given to three railroad commissioners, and those at an expense of about $12,000 per annum to the state. I further stated we had received no benefit from what railroad legislation we had, only on the matter of passenger fare; and what we wanted was thorough railroad laws enacted; with heavy penalties attached for failure, refusal, or neglect to comply with these laws, and then let the courts enforce these laws; and if we could get rid of the commissioners in no other way, hire some good men to shoot them as they had proved themselves a public nuisance instead of public benefactors. I did say that it cost more to transport goods from Kansas City here, 280 miles, than from New York to Kansas, 1,500 miles, and I can prove it to you or anyone else that may call on me to do so.
The reason I did not seek the Republican nomination is, because I did not desire it, nor would I have accepted it if tendered me.
As regards my remarks pertaining to the Territory, I have said the proper resolutions should pass both houses of this state at the next session demanding the proper tribunals to settle this much vexed question as to the title of these lands, and thus set at rest this much vexed question between the military and Capt. D. L. Payne. Wherein the consistency of our military taking the poor people prisoners, and destroying their property within forty miles of the Wichita courts, the proper tribunal for their trial, take them to Ft. Smith, Arkansas, thence to Ft. Scott, Kansas, thence in a round about way to Wichita, finally, is a problem I leave you to solve. That is a military ruling I have not found in Blackstone or Coke. Neither have I ever found why this government is so lenient with a man whom they claim has so grievously offended her laws as Capt. D. L. Payne; if in fact he is guilty, why is he not tried, found guilty, fined, imprisoned, or hung, as the offense may warrant. I say again, the whole proceedings against the Oklahoma people by the government is a long continuation of a wholesome farce and fraud, and I have said I would vote, if sent to represent this district, for any man for U. S. Senator, who would not pledge himself to use his influence to right this wrong, and neither will I, not even for “the best senator the United States has ever had,” as you quote him.
You say none were more righteously indignant at the men who cut the cattlemen’s wire fences in the territory than the Schiffbauers. That may be. I cannot care to sanction such proceedings on the part of our citizens and I think I can safely say I was especially indignant towards the mob who perpetrated the outrage in our city about a year ago, and if the act had been accomplished by the not very choice part of the community as you see fit to style the poorer classes, you would have been especially indignant, but under the circumstances, you sanctioned that dirty job; herein lies the difference.
Why I am an Independent candidate the people of this district know. And whether I have ever loosened any ribs for the laboring classes, farmers, or freighters, or not, I leave them to judge; if I have ever done one of them any harm, I don’t want him to vote for me.
As to your statement that Southern Kansas, and especially Cowley County, would be ruined eternally in the event of Mr. King’s defeat, I only answer that we have survived thus far without Mr. King in our representative Hall, and I believe we will exist even if this terrible disaster should befall the Republican party of the 67th district in November next.
You say I announced myself for no other reason under heaven than to get the Democratic endorsement. I answer that by stating just as emphatically as you do the Republicans of Arkansas City brought out Mr. Pyburn for no other reason only to knock me down with and elect Mr. King; and when Mr. Pyburn found he could not deliver the goods he shouldered the load onto Mr. Harkleroad and he has not delivered it yet. That thing was so transparent that all the people have seen through it long ago in spite of your denial. People should never sell out unless they can give a true bill of sale.
I will say in conclusion I have promised to accomplish nothing, but use my best endeavors to bring about the I advocate. I am yours for Glick Resubmission.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, October 22, 1884.
Our worthy and intelligent mayor occupied two columns of the Republican last Saturday in answering our article of two weeks ago. His denials are accompanied with such reservations as to make them a tacit admission of the truth of our assertions, and to still more thoroughly convince us of his unfitness for the office to which he hopes to be elected. He starts out by disclaiming the assertion that the bridge south of town should be assumed by the state, and says he meant the county; then a little further on he explains that what he did say was that the general government “should appropriate a sufficient sum to place a new bridge across there, and I believe they would do so if the matter was properly presented, and I still hold that opinion.” This is all very pretty in theory, and was probably suggested to Frank because of his long experience in dabbling in government contracts; but even a man so thoroughly familiar with the liberality of the government as is Frank never heard of the United States making such an appropriation as he calls for. Nor do we believe he is foolish enough to believe in such a possibility himself. It is simply a very nice piece of bait to throw out in the hope that hungry and dissatisfied voters will catch at it.
Mr. Schiffbauer is not the first nor the only man who has advocated the county’s assuming our bridges, and in questioning our statement as to the law in regard to our bridges, he only displays more of that ignorance and stupidity which has thus far characterized his campaign. There is, and has been for years, a law authorizing Cowley County to assume the bridges of the county. Why isn’t it enforced? Because our county commissioners have always been instructed by the county attorney that this question must be decided by ballot, and that the bridges could not be accepted as a gift, but must be purchased, the county paying therefor a nominal sum. The question has never been submitted to the people for the simple reason that heretofore it has been impossible to carry it; but for your special edification, Frank, we will say that one week from next Tuesday, Cowley County votes on this question, thus relieving you of the responsibility of securing an appropriation from the general government.
“It is the duty of the best senator the United States ever had (?) to assist us in this matter,” says F. P. Schiffbauer. Well, the senior senator for Kansas has more sense than to bring this matter up in the senate, however keen a Schiffbauer might be to make an ass of himself by so doing. What has turned our Frank against Ingalls so suddenly and so bitterly? Didn’t John J. do enough for you, Frank, when you carried that letter of introduction to him last spring requesting his assistance in some “business matters” with the government, which you wished settled? It is barely possible that Senator Ingalls refused to drop all other business and run Frank’s claim through the departments.
Mr. Schiffbauer further says:
“As regards my remarks pertaining to the Territory, I have said the proper resolutions should pass both houses of this state at the next session demanding the proper tribunals to settle this much vexed question as to the title of these lands, and thus set at rest this much vexed question between the military and Capt. D. L. Payne.”
This would sound new and refreshing to a man just arrived from Kamtschatka, but every voter in this county or state ought to know that for the past ten years “proper resolutions” have passed both branches of our legislature, requesting congress to take some action in this matter. These resolutions are forwarded to Washington every two years, and that is the last heard from them. Why? Because the general government is running the Indian Territory according to law and treaty stipulations, and not at the bidding of a few deadbeats and tramps in this or any other section of the country. There is no need to say anything further on the Oklahoma question. It is not a party question, but is simply taken up by Democrats in some neighborhoods for the purpose of making a few votes. When congress passes a law opening up these lands to settlement, it is time enough to think of going there, but until this is done, it is contrary to all principles of government, civilization, law, or order to advocate forcible entrance into the Territory. This is what Mr. Schiffbauer does indirectly, and it is certainly in poor taste for a man to ask that he be made a law maker when he advocates law breaking.
Mr. Schiffbauer states the truth when he says he was indignant at the proceedings of certain citizens who demoralized the “blind tiger” in our city last fall. He had grounds for his indignation as we believe one of his relatives was found therein.
The assertion that Republicans brought out Mr. Pyburn is unqualifiedly false. No Republican ever solicited Mr. Pyburn to become a candidate. Only one Republican ever told Mr. Pyburn he would vote for him if he was nominated, and two or three others said so on the street, but not to Mr. Pyburn. Mr. Pyburn lent his name simply to redeem Democracy from the supposition that it was controlled by the independent mob. His purpose was accomplished at the primaries which defeated Mr. Schiffbauer’s followers, and Mr. Pyburn took the first opportunity to announce himself out of the race after this was done. There was no trade or bargain between Republicans and Mr. Pyburn, and the man who says otherwise either talks on a question of which he is ignorant or he deliberately lies.
The trouble with Mr. Schiffbauer is, he sees his chances for election growing smaller and beautifully less every day, and consequently his chances for securing the special legislation he wishes are correspondingly decreased. Mr. Jas. Fay, an eminent ex-saloon keeper of Winfield, says he knows what Mr. Schiffbauer wants, and that if Harkleroad or King would pledge himself to work for Schiffbauer’s interests he would withdraw. That it is something outside of resubmission is evident, for Harkleroad will vote for that measure; and it is somewhat significant that Frank fails to touch upon our reference to the possibility of his having vital interests in the Territory which need the protection of his senatorial vote. A man who is soon to be a licensed Indian trader among the Osage Indians, and who has various claims against the government now pending, is hardly the man for farmers to send to the legislature with a view to looking after their interests. The whole scheme is too thin. The voters of the sixty-seventh district are more interested in the question of United States senator than in deciding who shall sell goods on Gray Horse Creek on the Osage reservation.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 22, 1884.
Judge Pyburn received a telegram yesterday from Gov. Glick, saying that he would address the Democracy of this city on Friday evening, October 31.
Arkansas City Republican, November 8, 1884.
Judge Pyburn, in a dispute with Pete Yount, was called a falsifier of the truth. The Judge’s honor would not permit such a vile slander, so he retaliated by laying his hand unkindly on Yount’s ear. Major Woodin interposed his manly form, and on account of our committeeman’s elephantine proportion, Yount was unable to discern his pugilistic friend. No damage done to anyone.
Arkansas City Republican, November 22, 1884.
A. J. Pyburn went up to Wichita the latter part of last week. We can’t say whether the Judge procured any Democratic “consolation” while there; but one thing certain, he did not bring home any Republican “salvation.”
Arkansas City Traveler, December 3, 1884.
Maggie Sample, Minnie Hoffman, Minnie Stewart, Alice and Setta Pyburn and Joe. Finkleberg visited Winfield, Thursday.
Arkansas City Republican, December 6, 1884.
A. P. Adams, of Iowa, and John Q. Adams, of Nebraska, brothers of Mrs. Judge Pyburn, are paying a visit at the Judge’s residence this week.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 10, 1884.
Messrs. Adams, one from Iowa and one from Nebraska, are visiting their sister, Mrs. Judge Pyburn.
Arkansas City Republican, December 13, 1884.
The Auction Social.
Last Tuesday evening, at the residence of J. L. Huey, the social event of the season occurred. The Presbyterian ladies are renowned for their successful entertainments, but this, the auction social, excelled all others. The weather was somewhat inclement, but nevertheless the large residence was filled to its utmost capacity with guests to partake of Mr. and Mrs. Huey’s hospitality. The entertainment of the vast assemblage was begun by a panoramic view of a dream by Frank Hess. Mr. Hess indulged his appetite to too great an extent in mince pies, which caused him to pass into dreamland. As he lay in the arms of Morpheus, several unique, as well as very laughable, scenes were presented to the audience as Mr. Hess performed the role of a gentle deceiver. One scene was where Frank’s thoughts reverted to the laughing darkey who made the pie; finally Mr. Hess was awakened from dreamland, and the guests were then entertained by music and singing. The Chinese song, rendered by Messrs. Hutchison and Grosscup, was justly applauded. Their shadow picture imitations of Chinamen eating rats, resembled the real performance so perfectly that some of the guests’ appetites were stayed before supper was announced. The selling of the ladies now occurred. Rev. J. O. Campbell performed in the role of the auctioneer. To say that he was a success hardly expresses it. It sounded somewhat natural to hear his well trained voice crying: “I am offered 95, who will make it $1?” The auctioneering of the ladies was highly rousing, and the bidding lively. The good natured contest for the lady on sale, made the entertainment more enlivening. The ladies were all masked. The prices ranged from 75 cents up to $7.00, Miss Ida Lowe being the fortunate lady who brought that price. It will be seen by a glance at the list that Geo. W. Cunningham was almost equal to Brigham Young. We always knew George was a great admirer of the ladies, but never thought he had turned Mormon. Appended is the list of the “sold” ladies and their purchasers, as near as we could obtain them.
Miss Alice Pyburn to R. U. Hess.
The purchase of a lady entitled the buyer to his supper. The handsome sum of $43.75 was realized in this manner. Mr. Cunningham’s disposal of one of his ladies to her husband for $1—25 cents commission. Songs were rendered by Mrs. Frank Beall, Rev. Harris’ two little boys, and others. Good instrumental music was interspersed in the programme. All in all, it was the event of the season.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.
Amos Walton is located over the Cowley County Bank with Judge Pyburn now. Amos says he has the cheapest money in the city to loan on real estate. He will also engage again in the law business.
Arkansas City Republican, December 27, 1884.
Amos Walton is assisting Judge Pyburn in the legal business.
Arkansas City Republican, December 27, 1884.
Christmas Festivities at Chilocco.
The Chilocco Indian School did “itself proud,” on Thursday evening in closing up Christmas day with a very merry time. By noon there had gathered a great many of the pale faced neighbors from over the line, bringing more than enough for themselves to eat, and this, added to the school’s own culinary supply, furnished a feast for all. In the evening others gathered in to join the merry-making. The large hall was well lighted and beautifully decorated. Appropriate Christmas drawings in color adorned the walls. These were executed by Miss DeKnight of the school and the Indian pupils. The chief attraction was Santa Claus and his revolving inverted pyramid all lighted, and loaded with presents. The pyramid was made to turn by some unseen agency. We suspect that Santa Claus was no less a person than Mr. Nelson, and that there was a dark faced Comanche or Apache boy underneath the table whirling the pyramid. Many and various were the gifts. Rev. Fleming addressed the school, and then songs and recitations were had. The assistants in the school, Mrs. Theaker, Misses Pearson, DeKnight, and Hayes, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson, and Mrs. Dr. Minthorn were present to make the pupils and visitors have a good time. Besides Rev. Fleming there went down from this city Miss Robertson of Winfield; Misses Ella Love and Alice Pyburn; S. P. Gould, Frank Hutchison, and Dr. J. A. Mitchell. These persons were not forgotten by Santa Claus, but were called up one by one to receive diminutive tin tops, tin plates, and clothes pins to the enjoyment of the pupils and the gratefulness of the visitors. The merry-making broke up between 9 and 10 o’clock with many good wishes for the future, mingled with regrets that “Christmas comes but once a year.” It might be added that aside from the pleasure of the occasion, such gatherings as this are a civilizing force, of which the teachers in the school are not unmindful.
Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.
Money to Loan on Real Estate. Pyburn & Walton over Cowley County Bank.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
Knights of Pythias.
Triumph Lodge No. 116, of Arkansas City, Kansas, was instituted last Friday night, with the following members.
Judge A. J. Pyburn, T. J. Sweeny, G. W. Miller, C. C. Sollitt, T. H. McLaughlin, F. W. Farrar, G. S. Howard, J. J. Clark, J. M. Ware, W. E. Moore, H. P. Standley, H. P. Farrar, J. L. Huey, J. A. McIntyre, W. B. Higgins, W. D. Mowry, C. Mead, O. Stevenson, Jr.
The lodge was instituted by the following members of the Newton lodge.
John S. Haines, Chancellor Commander.
G. W. Holmes, Past Chancellor.
P. J. Mathis, Past Chancellor.
Henry E. Brunner, Vice Chancellor.
H. Godfrey, Master at Arms.
A. R. Ainsworth, Isaac Levy, and J. A. Heilman.
After the institution of the lodge in due form, the following officers were elected and installed.
A. J. Pyburn, Past Chancellor.
W. D. Mowry, Chancellor Commander.
H. P. Farrar, Vice Chancellor.
J. L. Huey, Prelate.
C. C. Sollitt, Keeper of Records and Seal.
T. H. McLaughlin, Master of Finance.
F. W. Farrar, Master of Exchequer.
T. J. Sweeny, Master at Arms.
G. W. Miller, Inside Guardian.
J. J. Clark, Outside Guardian.
In the final instructions the visiting brethren remarked that they never before had had the pleasure of instituting a lodge with such bright prospects of future usefulness and growth, and that has the inherent strength and stability that Triumph Lodge No. 116 had.
After the initiatory ceremonies were concluded, all adjourned to the dining room of the Windsor Hotel, where a feast was served, “such as never man saw”—all the delicacies of the season, and served only as Mo, the genial host, and his able corps of assistants can. Thus the time passed until nearly five o’clock Saturday morning, when the participators parted, the visitors extending their heartiest thanks to the new lodge for the Knightly manner in which they had been received, having been treated in a truly royal way, worthy of their patron Knights of old.
The new lodge returns thanks to the visiting K. P.’s for their kindness and vote them to
Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.
A. A. Newman and Judge Pyburn are mentioned as councilmen from the first ward. Both are good men.
The Death of Mrs. Agnes Pyburn.
Arkansas City Republican, January 24, 1885.
DIED. Mrs. Agnes Pyburn, the wife of Judge A. J. Pyburn, died Wednesday morning at 8 o’clock. When the report became circulated on the street Wednesday, the sad news could not at first be realized. For the last fifteen years of her life, Mrs. Pyburn had been in poor health, but her sudden demise was wholly unexpected. Several days previous to her death, she had been suffering from a severe cold and cough, and on Monday she was taken violently sick, growing worse till her death. Perfectly conscious that she had to die, Mrs. Pyburn passed to the “other shore” without any signs of fear. During her illness she suffered untold agonies, and all through the lonely hours of the night preceding her death, the anxious family stood around her suffering body, expecting her tired spirit to wing its celestial flight at any moment.
Miss Agnes Adams was born in ___, in the month of January, 1835, and was married to A. J. Pyburn on the 14th day of October 1857. At the age of 16 years she joined the Christian Church, and has ever since been a faithful member. By this marriage five children were born, four of whom are still living. Her funeral occurred Thursday morning at 10 o’clock at the family residence, Rev. Fleming, officiating in the obsequities. Her remains were interred in the Riverview Cemetery. The REPUBLICAN extends its sympathies to the bereaved family, and we feel positive that we are but voicing the sentiments of one and all when we say she is in Heaven.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
DIED. Agnes, wife of Judge A. J. Pyburn, died Wednesday morning, January 21 A. D. 1885, at 8 o’clock. For a great many years Mrs. Pyburn has been in poor health, yet the blow was none the less unexpected when it came. She was alarmingly ill only two or three days, her family anxiously surrounded her on Tuesday night. Quietly in the morning she passed away.
A. J. Pyburn and Miss Agnes Adams were married October 14, 1857, she being 20 years of age then. At the age of sixteen she joined the Christian Church, and has always been a living example of the truths she professed. She leaves four children living.
Her funeral services were conducted by Rev. S. B. Fleming Thursday morning at 10 o’clock, at the family residence.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.
Mrs. A. J. Pyburn died at her home in Arkansas City Wednesday morning of last week. She came to Cowley with her husband, Judge A. J. Pyburn, in early days, and had many friends in Winfield.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
Guy Sparks is studying for the legal profession with A. J. Pyburn.
Arkansas City Republican, February 28, 1885.
A. Dakan, of Minden, Nebraska, was in the city the fore part of the week, visiting at the residence of A. J. Pyburn. He left for home Thursday.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.
The most successful of the season’s social events occurred last night at Highland Hall under the auspices of the Favorite Social Club. A large and select party of maskers were they, who glided about the hall in the many intricacies of the dance. A feast for the eyes was the many colors as they glided in and out in serpentine movements or moved along stately in massed colors. The beautiful costumes of the ladies, the grotesque and glaring ones of the gentlemen, called up scenes of oriental splendor and was soothing and calming while yet exciting to the lookers on. The names of those who were invited to the Ma Hubbard, were, so near as we could learn as follows.
One of those who attended: A. J. Pyburn.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.
The men of this community are taking steps to form an organization, looking not to the perpetuity of their elegant shapes so much as to having a good time. We opine that this club will produce and enjoy more fun and laughter at their meetings than would be possible for any other band. It seems to be a fact that “laugh and grow fat” has been the motto of their lives; the latter we have ocular proof of, and of the former auricular (copy wrighted). A more jolly fun loving and laughter enjoying crowd could not be scared up in any community. The following persons are eligible to membership, each being over 200 pounds in weight.
C. Atwood; J. L. Howard; Mr. Richardson; H. H. Perry; A. A. Davis; A. W. Patterson; R. Hubbard; A. J. Pyburn; E. B. Multer; D. P. Marshal; T. V. McConn, J. W. Hutchison; L. E. Woodin; Chas. Bryant; Mr. Robinson; M. S. Hasie; S. B. Fleming; T. L. Mantor; H. B. Calef.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 25, 1885.
An Enthusiastic Electing in the Interest of the Kansas City and Southwestern Railroad,
And Steps Taken For Securing It.
Mr. James Hill called a meeting of the citizens of Arkansas City at Highland Hall, Saturday last, to take steps toward securing this projected road for this part of the county. Mr. Hill called the meeting to order and stated the result of its meeting in Winfield several days before; which was, in effect, that the people of that city wanted the road very badly, and wanted equally as badly that Arkansas City should not have it. They wanted the Company to locate their machine shops there, run the road to Geuda Springs or near there, and bind themselves to leave Arkansas City severely alone. Such a proposition the company could not and would not accept.
After considerable discussion as to ways and means, a committee of seven was appointed to look over the ground relative to leaving Winfield out in the cold if she persisted in her insane efforts to boycott the Canal City, and make their report today. The action of Winfield in this matter was severely dwelt upon, and excited the just ridicule of the speakers.
They then adjourned to meet on call of the Chairman of said committee.
Monday afternoon another meeting of our citizens was called at the office of Judge Pyburn. The purpose of this meeting was to meet and confer with a delegation of Burden’s leading businessmen. The committee from Burden consisted of Messrs. Henthorn, Walton, Snow, Cunningham, Zimmerman, and one or two others, whose names we did not learn. The proposition these gentlemen came to make was in effect that as Winfield was attempting to take the bit in her teeth and walk off with the whole bakery, it was manifestly the duty of Arkansas City and Burden to combine their efforts and thus guide the unruly animal of the porcine species out of harm’s way. Their argument was to the effect that if Burden was given the go-by so would Arkansas City and vice versa. Arkansas City and Burden combined could compel Winfield to come down from her pedestal of egotism and self-glory; as she could have no hopes of carrying county bonds. This would also cut off the hope of her getting sufficient bonds from the townships. The way to the Territory line is just as near and over better country from Burden via Winfield to Arkansas City as by any other proposed route. In short, their proposal was to enter into such an agreement as would forbid the acceptance of any proposition not altogether favorable to both Burden and Arkansas City.
During this conversation a delegate from Winfield, who had become alarmed at the visiting of Burden’s diplomats, of which they were aware, called out a member of the meeting, and notified him that Winfield was ready to agree to any terms that might be offered by Arkansas City, and that it was altogether unnecessary to call in Burden to our assistance, as their intentions were fair and just toward us.
After this trivial interruption of child’s play, the discussion and consideration of the proposition was resumed. It was the opinion of the majority that this was the only way to obtain our just recognition, and it was accordingly adopted as the sense of the meeting.
The status of the affairs now is, Arkansas City and Burden hold the key to the situation. Winfield alone cannot carry county bonds nor secure sufficient township aid. When she learns this, and learns it well, she will doubtless listen to reason. If not, then there is still one way and we believe it can be made successful. Arkansas City and Burden, we believe, can secure sufficient township aid. Burden stands ready to vote $35,000, Creswell is enthusiastic on the subject. Sheridan is all right, Liberty’s heart beats accord, Silverdale is wise enough to grasp the opportunity, Bolton wants a switch. Omnia, we presume, can be carried. It is a desperate game; but when it is necessary, the Canal City will be found with flying colors on the top wave. Remember 1882.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 25, 1885.
I, E. B. Allen, Secretary of State of the State of Kansas, do hereby verify that the following and annexed is a true and correct copy of the original instrument of writing filed in my office February 14th, 1885.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my official seal. Done at Topeka, Kansas, this 14th day of February, 1885.
E. B. ALLEN, Secretary of State.
First: The name of this corporation shall be “FARMERS’ CO-OPERATIVE MILLING EXCHANGE.”
Second: The purpose for which it is formed shall be the construction and operation of a flour mill for the purpose of doing an exchange and [? goodwill ? general ?] milling business.
Third: The place of business of said corporation shall be at Arkansas City and on the canal adjacent thereto, in Cowley County, Kansas.
Fourth: The term for which said corporation shall exist shall be ninety-nine years.
Fifth: The number of directors of said corporation shall be thirteen and the names and residences as follows.
H. Harbaugh, Winfield; T. W. Grant, Arkansas City; G. Ramage, Arkansas City; C. F. Snyder, Arkansas City; D. P. Marshall, Arkansas City; Wm. Trimble, Arkansas City; A. V. Alexander, Arkansas City; C. W. Jones, Minneapolis, Minnesota; F. H. Brown, Constant; G. Greene, Silverdale; Ed. Grady, Arkansas City.; J. L. Andrews, Maple City.
Sixth: The amount of capital stock of said corporation shall be 75,000 dollars and shall be divided into 3,000 shares.
We the undersigned hereby subscribe our names to the within articles of incorporation.
Personally appeared before me, a notary public in and for Cowley County, Kansas, Amos Walton, C. W. Jones, D. P. Marshall, A. V. Alexander, and T. W. Grant and duly acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act and deed.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my notary seal, this 7th day of February, 1885. A. J. PYBURN, Notary Public.
(Seal.) Commission expires November 18th, 1887.
[NOTE: NOT SURE IF “MARSHAL” OR “MARSHALL” IS CORRECT ABOVE. As a rule, the article portions showed “Marshal.” But whenever a signature was called for, it always shows up as “D. P. MARSHALL.”]
Arkansas City Traveler, April 1, 1885.
Citizen’s Meeting.
Pursuant to call, the citizens of the city met in Highland Hall, Friday night, at 8-1/2 o’clock. The meeting was called to order and Prof. C. T. Atkinson elected chairman, R. E. Howard, secretary, and J. P. Musselman, assistant secretary. The following nominations were made for Mayor: Frank P. Schiffbauer, A. V. Alexander, Chas. Bryant, and Geo. E. Hasie.
The informal ballot resulted.
F. P. Schiffbauer: 198; A. V. Alexander: 45; C. Bryant: 4; A. J. Pyburn: 6; L. E. Woodin: 3; James Hill: 1; J. J. Breene: 1; W. D. Kreamer: 1; Col. E. Neff: 1.
Under suspension of rules, F. P. Schiffbauer was nominated by acclamation, which was made unanimous.
C. R. Sipes was nominated and by acclamation, without a single dissenting voice, elected as the nominee of the convention for City Treasurer.
For Police Judge, Chas. Bryant and W. D. Kreamer were candidates, resulting in the election of the latter by a vote of 97 to 67.
James L. Huey was unanimously nominated as candidate for Treasurer for Board of Education.
S. C. Lindsay was nominated for Justice of the Peace without any opposition.
For Constables, J. J. Breene and J. R. Lewis walked off with the bread basket, no one dissenting.
The several gentlemen made short speeches after their nomination.
Arkansas City Republican, Wednesday, April 4, 1885.
The Squirt-Gun Ordinance the Cause.
Thursday the businessmen and taxpayers held a meeting to place in nomination a ticket for the city officers to be filled next Tuesday. The following was the result.
Councilmen: Jacob Hight; A. C. Gould.
School Board: S. B. Adams; T. D. Richardson.
Councilmen: Archie Dunn; Calvin Dean.
School Board: J. P. Witt; John Landes.
Councilmen: J. P. Johnson; M. C. Copple.
School Board: A. D. Prescott; L. E. Woodin.
Councilmen: John M. Ware; W. P. Wolf.
School Board: A. P. Hutchinson; T. R. Houghton.
Arkansas City Republican, April 4, 1885.
Judge Pyburn for Mayor.
Arkansas City Republican, April 4, 1885.
Judge Pyburn for Mayor.
The following is explanatory within itself.
HON. A. J. PYBURN, We, the undersigned, citizens of Arkansas City, Kansas, herein respectfully request and urge the use of your name as a candidate for the office of mayor and pledge you our best support.
T. H. McLaughlin, C. A. Howard, John Landes, J. P. Musselman, S. Matlack, J. W. Sparks, A. D. Prescott, Thos. Van Fleet, T. R. Houghton, T. Kimmel, Jas. Ridenour, S. P. Gould, W. S. Thompson, M. S. Hasie, Geo. E. Hasie, H. C. Nicholson, F. K. Grosscup, J. R. L. Adams, T. L. Mantor, S. B. Reed, E. M. Multer, G. W. Cunningham, P. Pearson, J. M. Collins, Archie Dunn, S. B. Adams, Frank J. Hess, Ira Barnett, Wm. M. Jenkins, Uriah Spray, Wm. R. Smith, J. L. Henry, W. E. Gooch, N. S. Snyder, A. P. Hutchinson, R. P. Hutchison, Frank D. Austin, G. W. Miller, C. C. Sollitt, F. W. Farrar, O. G. Shelden, J. L. Howard, H. H. Perry, J. D. Hill, F. B. Hutchinson, E. L. McDowell, A. W. Alexander, P. Wyckoff, L. McLaughlin, E. E. Eddy, Geo. H. Heitkam, S. F. George, O. P. Houghton, O. Ingersoll.
Our space being limited, we are unable to publish a full list of the petitioners, but there were about 360 more names appended to the different petitions circulated in all.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 8, 1885.
The Citizens Elect Their Ticket and the Reformers Get Scooped.
Our city election yesterday hinged upon the question of sustaining Mayor Schiffbauer and the council in their water and gas ordinances. The matter has been discussed at some length in the newspapers, and voters have talked the matter over with more or less warmth. The meeting on Monday night was held for the purpose of more fully informing the people of the merits of the case, it being the belief of those who called the meeting that when the action of our city fathers was fully rehearsed, the popular verdict at the polls would be given in their condemnations. Mr. Hill, as an expert, denounced the method for supplying our city with water, as ineffective and obsolete; the contract which binds our citizens to pay for the work he showed to be so loosely worded that no security was afforded the public interest; and the haste with which the business was transacted, he said, naturally begot the suspicion that some secret influence had been at work which the people would do well to rebuke. Judge Pyburn dwelt more especially upon the law governing the case. He declared that since the proclamation of the Governor changing Arkansas City from a city of the third to the second class, no legislative action of the city government had been valid, except the ordinance dividing the city into four wards. This dictum relegated the water and gas ordinance to the region of informality.
This brought Mayor Schiffbauer to his feet, who explained the action of himself and council, and in the brief vindications made some telling points. Mr. Porch also arose to declare that he had money at his command to fulfill the contracts, be the cost what it may; and Mr. O’Neil made the further assertion that gas and water would be furnished our citizens no matter what might be said in opposition.
This exposition, it is to be supposed, was duly considered by the voters, and how it affected their judgment is best shown by the result of the polls. The Citizens’ ticket elected in most the wards, but owing to the late hour of receiving the returns, we can only give the majorities, which are as follows.
For Mayor, F. P. Schiffbauer [C] 117.
Treasurer, C. R. Sipes [C & R] 578.
Treasurer, Board of Education, James L. Huey [C & R] 643.
Police Judge, Chas. Bryant [R] 35.
Justice of the Peace, S. C. Lindsay [C] 100.
Constables, Frank Thompson [C & R] 641. J. J. Breene [C & R] 641.
For council: Jacob Hight [C & R] long term, 57.
James Hill [C * R] short term, 57.
For school board: J. W. Ruby [C] long term, 57.
S. J. Rice [C] short term, 57.
For council: Calvin Dean [R] long term, 2.
Archie Dunn [C & R] short term, 134.
For school board: Rev. J. P. Witt, 68; John Landes, 68.
For Council: O. S. Rarick [C] long term, 1; M. C. Copple [R] 66;
C. G. Thompson [C] 66. [A tie between the two latter.]
For school board: H. D. Kellogg [C], long term, 1.
John Love [C], short term, 1.
For Council: A. N. Davis [C], long term, 44.
H. George Bailey [C], short term, 45.
For school board: Alex. Wilson [C], long term, 67.
J. C. Duncan [C], short term, 58.
The initials in the above statement stand “C” for Citizens’ ticket, and “R” for Reform candidate.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, April 11, 1885.
Monday night a meeting was held in Highland Hall by those desiring reform. Jim Hill, Judge Pyburn, and others made speeches. The speeches were devoted mainly to discussion of the water works ordinance, which was pretty well ventilated. Mr. Hill substantiated the REPUBLICAN’s arguments fully, and set forth other facts of which we had never thought. It is to be hoped that the new council will re-model this water works ordinance to at least the extent which Porch and O’Neal stated in their circulated circular. We hope the council will embody the contents of that circular in the ordinance. It is nothing but right that it should be, to do justice to the taxpayers.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, April 11, 1885.
The City Election.
Tuesday the city election occurred. There were only two tickets in the field—the Citizen’s ticket and the Reform ticket, but the supporters of each worked hard for victory. F. P. Schiffbauer was elected mayor by 117 votes.
The councilmen chosen in the first ward were Jacob Hight, long term; James Hill, short term. School board: S. J. Rice and J. W. Ruby.
In the second ward, the race of councilmen was very close. It resulted in the election of Archie Dunn, long term; and Calvin Dean, short term. J. P. Witt and John Landes were put in the school board.
In the third ward Capt. Rarick and C. G. Thompson were elected councilmen; the school board is John Love and Dr. H. D. Kellogg.
In the fourth ward A. A. Davis and George Bailey were made councilmen; J. C. Duncan and Alex. Wilson were elected to serve on the school board.
Chas. Bryant was elected police judge.
C. R. Sipes was elected city treasurer.
J. L. Huey was elected treasurer, board of education.
Constables elected were J. J. Breene and Frank Thompson.
Justice of the Peace elected is S. C. Lindsay.
No fights occurred during the day, and no drunkenness occurred until after the returns came in. The returns were not canvassed until last night; therefore, the REPUBLICAN is unable to give the vote of each candidate.
Arkansas City Republican, April 11, 1885.
Steps are being taken towards the organization of a building and loan association. Those whom are interested are requested to meet at Judge A. J. Pyburn’s office tonight. An association of this kind is what Arkansas City has been in need of for years. The poor man can have a chance of obtaining a house now and not pay his hard-earned wages out in rent. The same amount of money paid out in rent can be used in making payments on your home.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 15, 1885.
Proposed Building Association.
On Saturday evening, a meeting was held in Judge Pyburn’s office, to consider the question of starting a building association in this city, to enable working men and others without means, to build themselves houses to avoid the burden of rent. Arkansas City is increasing in population rapidly, and many who would settle among us are forced to go elsewhere through want of houses to dwell in. This proposed association is designed to meet the want. There was but a small gathering of men interested in the enterprise, but most of these had had experience in building societies in other places, and they explained the various methods used. After an informal discussion, it was resolved to incorporate and obtain a charter, and Judge Pyburn was entrusted with the duty. When the articles of incorporation are obtained, another meeting will be called, when an opportunity will be afforded our citizens of enrolling themselves as members and subscribing for stock.
Arkansas City Republican, April 18, 1885.
The Building and Loan Association.
Saturday night about 30 citizens met in Judge A. J. Pyburn’s office to take steps toward organizing a building and loan association. Judge Pyburn acted as chairman. They have applied for a charter and will organize permanently as soon as they receive it.
Thursday the charter for the organization of the Building and Loan Association was received. The books are expected to be opened in about two weeks. Last night the gentlemen desiring to further this association met and elected officers. To give our readers an idea of the workings of the association, we give a synopsis of the plan which has been adopted.
As quick as stock is subscribed and paid in, the sums are loaned out to the shareholders. For example, say 600 shares at $2.50 per month, are subscribed and paid for, at the first meeting. This gives $1,500, which will be loaned, as follows. After dividing the amounts into three equal parts, $500 each, two or three parts are separately loaned by ballot, to be drawn by numbers representing the numbers of each share, to the members holding shares corresponding thereto. These two loans are let without interest. The third part is then put up at auction, and competed for by the members, the one giving the largest rate for its use, not to exceed the legal rate, taking this loan.
By this means it is thought a larger amount of goods at a smaller expense can be done the greater number, and thus benefit each member as well as advance the interests of the city. The association should receive the hearty support of all having the advancement of the city at heart.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 22, 1885.
A Friend to the Enterprise Offers Some Useful Suggestions.
ED. TRAVELER: In your issue last week you have a brief report of a meeting held in Judge Pyburn’s office the preceding Saturday evening, to consider the question of organizing a building association. Your report says, “there was but a small gathering of men interested in the enterprise.” This slim attendance was caused by some failure to connect. The meeting was called for 8 o’clock, and at 15 minutes past that hour, the hall of the building was filled with men drawn there to take part. But the judge’s door was locked and his office unlit. After waiting awhile I, with others, left for our homes, supposing the meeting would not be held. This, however, made no material difference, as I see the few present resolved to incorporate and procure a charter, and then give those who desire to take stock, a chance to subscribe for shares.
I think the movement timely, as homes for working-men are hard to obtain in our city, and many people are driven away who would stay amongst us if they could procure houses to live in. Seeing that the growth of Arkansas City is so steady, and the confidence felt in our future prosperity is so general, I am surprised that some of our moneyed men do not, in combination or individually, build a number of inexpensive dwelling houses to rent to those seeking homes. Such an investment would pay a big interest, and it would be a public benefit in aiding the growth of the city.
Since men of capital do not put their means to such a use, this building society scheme is projected that the poorer class may help themselves. I, for one, favor it, and if the method of conducting it meets my approval, shall want to buy a few shares. But those who go into such an enterprise, and who, like the writer of this letter, depend upon their labor for their living, must not expect to acquire a home without making a sacrifice, and running some danger of losing their money. As an instance, I can mention the case of a fellow workman (a carpenter) in Northern Kansas, who built himself a house by means of a loan obtained from a building society, and, who fell into evil fortune while he was paying his monthly dues. He had sickness in his family, he cut his leg with an axe, and during the winter he was idle two months. The by-laws of the society provided that the member who fell behind three months in his dues, should forfeit his stock; or more properly speaking, it was sold, the claims of the society deducted from the proceeds, and the balance, if any, handed to the delinquent member. This man saved his home, but it was by putting his family on a diet of corn-meal and potatoes, the neighbors helping them out through their winter’s privation.
Let me give another instance. In an Indiana town I took ten shares each in two building societies—twenty shares in all. I thought to buy a lot with the money obtained from one society, and to build a house with a loan from the other. My dues were twenty dollars a month, which added to the rent I was paying ($15 a month), were beyond my means. I was desirous to build a house, and thus deliver myself from the burden of rent. But others were like myself, probably, the competition was keen, and I had to pay a premium of 50 percent to obtain my loan. With this I bought a building lot, but when I sought to obtain money from the other society to put up my house, it was refused me on the ground that the mortgage on my first lot, held by the first society, if foreclosed, would sweep in all improvements. Seeing that this way of procuring a home did not help me, I tried to dispose of my lot, but purchasers refused to deal with me because I could not guarantee when the payments to the building society would come. When I finally got clear, I found myself $107 out by the venture.
I mention these incidents, and they could be multiplied by the score, to put those who may take part in framing the rules of the proposed building association on their guard. This is an effort on the part of the working-class to procure themselves homes without paying tribute to capital. Let your rules be stringent enough to protect the interest of all, but don’t make them so unyielding as to crush out a member who happens to be down. Working-men should stand by one another. I would modify the penalty article, by providing for a board of equity or counsel, who should inquire into the cause of the delinquency in a member, and if it is found to proceed from causes over which he had no control, to submit his case to a regular meeting of the members, on a motion that an extension of time (a sort of dispensation of grace) be granted. This selling out the house of a poor fellow under a mortgage held by a building society, when he is unable to help himself, is an ugly feature in the association business.
By writing thus, Mr. Editor, I do not seek to throw any difficulty in the way of organizing the proposed building society. I am a friend to all associations for useful purposes. In union there is strength. But let us allow proper regard for the weak. The tendency of our social life is to trample upon the defenseless ones in our eager effort to come out ahead. When we combine for mutual aid, let this selfish instinct be restrained. I find in my days’ talks and walks quite a number of our citizens who take an interest in this building enterprise. Let another public meeting be incorporated, and the sound judgment of the members may be trusted to frame safe and humane rules. A WORKING-MAN.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.
The People’s Building and Loan Association of this city has been incorporated, with A. J. Pyburn, W. R. Smith, I. H. Bonsall, A. J. Chapel, A. G. Love, and N. N. Winton as incorporators.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.
Railroad Meeting.
On Wednesday several gentlemen interested in the Kansas City and Southwestern railroad visited the city for the purpose of submitting a new proposition to our citizens for aid to that road. The notice being impromptu, a few score persons were notified on the street, and when the meeting was convened in the Cowley County Bank, in the evening, about fifty of our citizens were present. The railroad company was represented by Henry Asp, Esq., their attorney, who was accompanied by ex-senator Long and W. P. Hackney, both of Winfield. The proposition originally made was for this county to issue bonds to the amount of $160,000, on certain conditions known to our readers. Whether such a proposition would carry with the voters of the county was considered doubtful by some, as the eastern portion of the county would be less directly benefitted by the road. The modification made in the proposal submitted on Wednesday, was the issue of $100,000 in county bonds, with $20,000 of city bonds by this city and a similar amount by the city of Winfield. With this was coupled a proposal to render county aid to the Denver, Memphis and Atlantic road to the tune of $100,000 more. This addendum received but slight favor from the meeting, and after a feeble effort to support it, it was withdrawn. The other portion of the proposition was debated in an informal manner at some length, and at 10 o’clock an adjournment was taken till the following morning.
On Thursday the meeting reconvened and approval of the modified proposition was finally given. On motion Judge Pyburn, H. O. Meigs, and A. A. Newman were appointed a committee to lay before the County Commissioners, in session in Winfield, the petition of the people of Arkansas City, that a county election be called to vote on the $100,000 bonds to aid in the construction of the Kansas City and Southwestern road. The issue of city bonds by this city and Winfield will, of course, be determined by a city election in both of these places.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 6, 1885.
Railroad Meeting in Dexter.
The citizens of Dexter are stirred up over the subject of railroad communication, and on Saturday they held a mass meeting to consider the question. They favor the bestowal of county aid upon the Denver, Memphis and Atlantic road, and desire that the $100,000 of county bonds asked by that corporation shall be granted. But they seem to be impressed with the fact that the diversity of local interests may interfere with the success of this project, and hence the expedient was favored of pooling issues in order that all may work together. After an animated discussion, a motion was adopted that the citizens of Dexter lend their support to the proposed issue of bonds to aid the Kansas City and Southwestern road on condition that Arkansas City gives its assistance to secure an equal amount of bonds to aid the D. M. & A. Road, and in order to present this matter to the voters of this city, and learn from them whether they favor the proposed consolidation of interests, a committee consisting of W. E. Merydith, R. Hite, A. S. Gray, C. W. Ridgeway, A. C. Holland, and W. G. Seaver, of the Dexter Eye, was appointed to visit this city, and interview our citizens on the subject. Those gentlemen reached here on Monday at midnight, being delayed on their way by swollen streams, and yesterday they employed in carrying out the purpose of their visit.
A meeting was held in Judge Pyburn’s office, at which a number of our representative businessmen were present to confer with the delegation from Dexter. The latter rehearsed the facts as briefly stated above and asked an expression of sentiment from those present. The offer of cooperation from the citizens of Dexter Township was very cordially received, and the assurance given that Arkansas City would work with them in good faith in granting aid to the road they are most directly interested in. It was stated that the county commissioners, in cession at Winfield, would that day (Tuesday) order an election to vote on the issue of $100,000 of county bonds to aid in the construction of the north and south road; the election to vote bonds for the road running east and west will be held later.
The result of the conference was satisfactory to the Dexter delegates, and they were unreserved in their assurances that the Dexter vote will be given for the Kansas City and Southwestern.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.
1) Byron Farrar vs. Sarah A. Drennan, Noah Griffen as the guardian of Olive E. Griffen, a lunatic, Samuel E. Maxwell, et al.
Real estate property to be sold June 29, 1885, at the south door of the courthouse in Winfield by GEO. H. McINTIRE, SHERIFF.
A. J. Pyburn, Plaintiff’s attorney.
2) Wm. M. Sleeth vs. Sarah A. Drennan, Noah Griffen as the guardian of Olive E. Griffen, a lunatic, Samuel E. Maxwell, et al.
SAME AS #1...Sheriff McIntire to sell real estate property on June 29, 1885, to settle claim. Pyburn, Plaintiff’s attorney.
[In above article “Gribben” and “Griffen” were both used.]
Arkansas City Traveler, June 10, 1885.
The Woman Suffrage society of Arkansas City will meet at the residence of Frank J. Hess, Wednesday, June 10th, at 7:30 o’clock. The exercises will consist of recitations, music, both vocal and instrumental, and a debate, the principal speakers being Judge Pyburn and Rev. J. O. Campbell. A cordial invitation is extended to all.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 11, 1885.
Judge Pyburn was up from the Canal City Monday.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 18, 1885.
A. J. Pyburn and son, Walter, were up from A. C. Saturday.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 16, 1885.
Hon. A. J. Pyburn and son, Walter, Arkansas City, visited the Metropolis Monday.
Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.
A. J. Pyburn visited Winfield Monday.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 25, 1885.
In Honor of the Dead Hero.
The Grant mass meeting of the citizens at Highland Opera House Thursday evening was well attended. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Schiffbauer and Judge Sumner was chosen chairman and Frederick Lockley secretary. The meeting was held in respect of the dead hero, Gen. Grant, and to make preparations for the observance of his funeral. Remarks were made by Chairman Sumner, Revs. Fleming, Campbell, and Buckner, T. J. Stafford, and others. Committees were appointed as follows.
On arrangements: A. J. Pyburn, Cal. Dean, Frederic Lockley, Revs. Campbell, and Buckner, Al. Mowry, and Maj. Sleeth.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 25, 1885.
Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.
Tomorrow night at the Baptist Church, union services will be held by the churches of the city for the purpose of taking steps towards making a reform in the morals of our city. Judge A. J. Pyburn, Wm. Jenkins, and the minister will make addresses and furnish food for thought. All are invited.
Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.
The little Misses Helen and Lou Pyburn are visiting in Iowa, at their former home.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 5, 1885.
Preparations Made for the Becoming Observance of the Day.
At a meeting of the Arkansas City Post of G. A. R., held on Saturday, the 1st, inst., the following resolutions were adopted.
WHEREAS, It has pleased an all-wise Providence to remove from our midst our illustrious comrade and foremost soldier of the late war, Ulysses S. Grant; and
WHEREAS, It is our desire as loyal citizens and former companions in arms of the deceased hero, to testify our affectionate regard for his memory; therefore
Be it resolved, That the veterans of Arkansas City Post, No. 158, G. A. R., place on record their admiration of the distinguishing qualities of their former commander-in-chief, his heroic patience under affliction, and his moderation in the hour of triumph; a soldier without passion or revenge, who closed his military achievements and the great civil war of the age without the traditionary horrors of such internecine conflicts.
Resolved further, That as a civil officer of the republic, his simplicity of character and wisdom of counsel added lustre to his successes in the field, and won the confidence, the admiration, and the affection of the entire American people; they believed him to be upright and just, and no error of judgment, or reverse of fortune shook their abiding faith in his integrity.
Resolved, That in testimony of our deep affection, our post-rooms be draped, and the members wear mourning badges for a period of thirty days; that this expression of our sorrow be inscribed on the adjutant’s record, and that copies of the same be furnished the city journals for publication.
It was also resolved that the city clergy be invited to deliver ten-minute addresses, also Col. Sumner and Judge Pyburn.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 6, 1885.
Judge Pyburn was up from A. C. Monday.
Arkansas City Republican, August 8, 1885.
Frank J. Hess’ trial came off before Judge Bryant Tuesday morning. He was found guilty of screwing on the goose-neck of water-pipes, and fined $10 and costs. Frank pleaded his own case owing to the fact that his attorney had to be away that day to attend a sheriff’s sale. Judge Pyburn was the attorney and he went to Judge Bryant and asked him to continue the case until he could be in attendance. Bryant refused on the ground that the mayor might object to it. And yet when Stafford went and asked for a continuance, he was willing to grant it. We don’t like such partiality in our police courts. Hess has appealed his case.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 15, 1885.
“He whom God crowns, let no man discrown,” said Joseph Cook of Wendell Phillips, and the same expression may be well applied to the late General Grant.
A. J. Pyburn spoke next, referring to the tenderness with which those, who were opposed to Gen. Grant during the late war, now think of him. He called him “the greatest military chieftain of all ages,” a man of unbounded magnanimity, whose “name has become a household word.”
Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.
Miss Alice Pyburn, while out riding horseback last Friday evening, fell from her pony, bruising her arm and shoulder severely. The saddle turning was the cause of her fall. She is able to attend to her duties behind the counters of the Green Front at present writing.
Trial Docket Cowley County District Court,
September Term, 1885, Commencing Sept. 1st.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 27, 1885.
1819. Houghton & McLaughlin vs John Brown, A. J. Pyburn for plaintiff; W. P. Hackney for defendant.
2046. E S Brown, receiver, vs W J Pointer and C M Pointer. A. J. Pyburn for defendant.
2053. C M Scott vs H P Farrar et al. Mitchell & Swarts for plaintiff; A. J. Pyburn for defendant.
2064. B W Matlack vs William Vansickler. J. F. McMullen for plaintiff; A. J. Pyburn for defendant.
2095. H M Basham vs George E Hasie, et al. Hackney & Asp for plaintiff; A. J. Pyburn for defendant.
2099. Permelia H Emley vs Wm Emley. A. J. Pyburn for plaintiff.
2100. S M Jarvis vs Elijah E Craine et al. A. J. Pyburn for plaintiff; McDermott & Johnson for defendant.
2101. R R Conklin vs John M Jarvis et al. A. J. Pyburn for plaintiff.
2104. R R Conklin vs John H Hicks et al. A. J. Pyburn for plaintiff.
2105. The New Hampshire Banking Co. vs James Loper et al. A. J. Pyburn for plaintiff.
2108. Wm H Hibbard vs S D Pack et al. A. J. Pyburn for plaintiff. Hackney & Asp for defendant.
2114. John Reinhart vs Cynthia J Reinhart. A. J. Pyburn for plaintiff.
2116. Geo W Cunningham vs M C Shivers. A. J. Pyburn for plaintiff; Wm. M. Jenkins for defendant.
2123. Daniel Bunnell vs Sarah C Bunnell et al. A. J. Pyburn for plaintiff.
2128. A W Patterson vs J A McIntire et al. A. J. Pyburn for plaintiff.
2138. R R Conklin vs William H Frank et al. A. J. Pyburn for plaintiff.
2143. R R Conklin vs John E Mayse. A. J. Pyburn for plaintiff; S. D. Pryor for defendant.
2144. S M Jarvis vs Alonzo Johnson et al. A. J. Pyburn for plaintiff; D. C. Beach and John A. Eaton for defendant.
2145. R Emily Kinney vs John C Armstrong et al. A. J. Pyburn for plaintiff.
2148. Edward Grady vs E C Mason et al. W. M. Jenkins for plaintiff; A. J. Pyburn for defendant.
2156. John Windell vs John H Hicks et al. A. J. Pyburn for defendant.
2161. Elijah Tyner vs Anna Tyner. Henry T. Sumner for plaintiff. A. J. Pyburn for defendant.
2168. Henry Goldsmith vs Jerome E Beck et al. A. J. Pyburn for plaintiff.
Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.
Miss Lou Pyburn and little sister, Helen, returned home Wednesday from their Iowa visit.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 3, 1885.
Judge Pyburn and son, Walter, and Ed G. Gray, came up from Arkansas City Saturday.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 10, 1885.
Judge Pyburn and son, Walter, Canal City, were up Monday courting.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 17, 1885.
Judge Pyburn was up from Arkansas City Monday afternoon, and it is currently reported that he got a wedding document from the Probate Judge. Judge Gans has been numerously besieged regarding this matter, but won’t give it away. We know, but can’t tell. Just wait!
Arkansas City Republican, September 19, 1885.
Judge Pyburn was up from Arkansas City Monday afternoon, and it is currently reported that he got a wedding document from the Probate Judge. Judge Gans has been numerously besieged regarding this matter, but we won’t give it away. We know but can’t tell. Just wait!
Winfield Courier.
A representative of the REPUBLICAN chased Judge Pyburn all over the city and after rounding him up, he claimed there was nothing in it. Judge tells us it was only a delusion of the Courier reporter.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 14, 1885.
The People’s Building and Loan Association will meet in Judge Pyburn’s office at 7:30 this evening. All stockholders are requested to attend.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 15, 1885.
Judge Pyburn was among the A. C. courters Monday.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 24, 1885.
The Railroad Muddle.
For the past ten days the all-absorbing railroad topic has held the attention of our citizens. You could see them gathered in crowds on the street corners discussing the prospect of having a branch extended west three miles north of us. We all realized that such a branch would be detrimental to Arkansas City, and have been very much excited over the project. We naturally would as it effects our home. Anyone possessing the slightest patriotism at all would enter a hearty protest against the junction being made north of us only three miles.
The excitement was cooled down considerably by promises made by our townsman and a prominent member of the K. C. & S. W., Jas. Hill, that no such a branch would be constructed. He informed our citizens at the council chamber last Monday evening that should the K. C. & S. W. Railway extend its line west at all, the junction would be formed at or south of Arkansas City just across the Arkansas. The reason he assigned for this was that if the branch was made to Geuda north of Arkansas City that about ten miles of road would have to be constructed without any aid from the people, and that a bridge across the Arkansas at Geuda, costing about $35,000, would have to be erected and maintained. As the construction of railroads cost about $20,000 per mile, it will be readily seen that if that branch was ever built, it would cause a large outlay of money, which would be useless if the company came to Arkansas City and then went west. He also stated that the reason propositions had been submitted in Sumner County on this branch was to head off the Ft. Smith & Wellington road. The K. C. & S. W. was desirous of going west and they submitted their proposition for the purpose of holding that territory in order that they might receive aid when they were ready to build their projected western line.
He further stated that Mr. Asp had submitted the propositions without any orders from President Toole, Jas. Young, or himself.
Jas. Young, one of the most influential spirits of the K. C. & S. W. company, came down from Winfield Tuesday to meet our citizens and have a talk with them about the matter. The meeting was held in Judge Pyburn’s office, the Judge presiding over the assembly by an unanimous vote. Mr. Young stated to us that he and the company had no intentions of building the branch west; that they were not ready to do so, and that he had informed delegates from Caldwell and Geuda Springs on Monday that all propositions along the projected line had better be withdrawn; that in his judgment the junction should be formed at Arkansas City or just south across the river if the line was ever extended west; that while Mr. Asp was acting in good faith, he was doing so without instructions from the company. Mr. Young further stated that by withdrawing the K. C. & S. W. proposition in Sumner County, it would be a detriment to the company as the matter had gone so far. That he was going to St. Louis immediately to consult with Pres. Toole on the matter of calling in the propositions and that he would telegraph the citizens of Arkansas City immediately the action taken.
Mr. Young also said that Arkansas City and Omnia Township had stood by the K. C. & S. W. company and that their interests should not be forgotten.
This is the action up to our going to press. We have concealed nothing and told nothing but the bare facts, which have been laid before us in the last few days.
Our readers can draw their own conclusions. Winfield citizens forced the K. C. & S. W. track on the west side of their town, in order that the road might be forced to run as far west in Beaver Township as possible. They had in view the building of the branch to Geuda three miles north of Arkansas City and have “boomed” it. They are now probably laughing in their sleeves at our discomfiture. But the true old saying of “He who laughs last, laughs loudest and longest,” should be remembered. They laugh now, but perhaps Arkansas City will turn the tables soon. We won’t forget Winfield’s contemptible action in this matter nor the men who originated and propelled the scheme to injure our town. The time may come again when they will want to join hands with Arkansas City in order to secure an enterprise, but our eyes are open now, and no more will we affiliate with them.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 31, 1885.
A Citizens Committee.
Last Monday evening several of our leading citizens met in the office of Judge Pyburn, for the purpose of organizing a citizens committee, its object to be to protect and promote the interest of Arkansas City, in any way that would tend to help and sustain the rapid growth of the Border City. A. J. Pyburn was called to the chair, and M. N. Sinnott was elected secretary. A temporary organization was made and an adjournment was taken until Tuesday evening at the same place, when a permanent organization was made by electing A. J. Pyburn, president; H. D. Kellogg, vice president; M. N. Sinnott, secretary; N. T. Snyder, assistant secretary; W. D. Mowry, treasurer. A finance committee was also appointed consisting of the following: A. A. Newman, H. O. Meigs, and W. D. Kreamer. Also an executive committee as follows: G. W. Cunningham, Wm. Sleeth, Amos Walton, H. D. Kellogg, N. T. Snyder, T. H. McLaughlin, W. D. Mowry, A. D. Prescott, and F. P. Schiffbauer. Committee made an assessment of $5.00 on all members and it was also decided that any citizen of good standing could become a member by paying the same fee.
The following are the charter members.
Names selected by the committee: Chas. Sipes, Geo. Howard, Geo. Cunningham, Wm. Mowry, Rev. Fleming, F. P. Schiffbauer, A. J. Pyburn, H. O. Meigs, Jas. L. Huey, Wm. Sleeth, W. D. Kreamer, A. A. Newman, A. D. Prescott, Jacob Hight, T. H. McLaughlin, O. S. Rarick, Jamison Vawter, J. P. Johnson, H. D. Kellogg, Ed. Grady, O. P. Houghton, M. N. Sinnott, Geo. W. Miller, N. T. Snyder, Amos Walton, Jas. Ridenour.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 31, 1885.
The Citizen’s Executive Committee was called together yesterday and met in Judge Pyburn’s office for the purpose of taking steps to plank the west bridge over the Arkansas. A. A. Newman, Maj. Sleeth, and T. H. McLaughlin were appointed as a committee to solicit aid, and were instructed to purchase lumber and repair the bridge. Our friends west of the city will in a few days be able to communicate again with us over a new bridge.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 4, 1885.
The directors of the People’s Building Association met in Judge Pyburn’s office last Saturday, and by resolution surrendered their charter and dissolved the association. The money paid in by the stockholders will be divided pro rata.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 4, 1885.
A Popular Movement to Advance the City’s Interests.
On Monday evening of last week, about a score of our prominent citizens held a meeting in Judge Pyburn’s office to consider the most practicable means of advancing the interests of this city. The views expressed were that in a rapidly growing country, where incoming population is apt to seek new channels, and business interests are created by the changing tide of affairs, it is necessary for every city that seeks growth and prosperity to be on the alert and lend its hand in shaping matters to its own advantage. It was agreed that to put the forces of a community to the best avail, it is necessary to have some organization to depute some number of men of good judgment and business acumen to watch the changes in the kaleidoscope of social life, and suggest means for turning them to proper advantage; to perform the duty of a picket guard in the army. In fact, holding themselves in an advanced position, and watching every movement that comes under their notice. As an initial step to the organization sought after, the meeting chose of the persons present, Messrs. A. A. Newman, A. D. Prescott, G. W. Miller, N. T. Snyder, and Amos Walton as an executive committee, with power to add to their number, and report to a public meeting to be held in the Opera house the following evening.
On Tuesday the Buckskin Border Band stationed outside that popular place of amusement, gave notice to the public that business was to be done by playing several choice airs in their usual artistic style. Several score of people gave heed to the summons, and by 8 o’clock there were about a hundred assembled. The meeting was called to order, Mayor Schiffbauer was chosen chairman, and our new postmaster, M. N. Sinnott, appointed secretary. Amos Walton, on behalf of the originators of the movement, was called on to explain the object of the meeting. He told what had been done the evening before, and handed to the secretary a list of names selected by the committee to add to their number, and said he would then ask the sense of the meeting on the choice made. The secretary read the following names.
C. R. Sipes; G. W. Cunningham; Rev. S. B. Fleming; A. J. Pyburn; H. O. Meigs; W. M. Sleeth; Jacob Hight; O. S. Rarick; J. P. Johnson; Ed Grady; Geo. Howard; D. Mowry; F. P. Schiffbauer; James Ridenour; Jas. L. Huey; W. D. Kreamer; T. H. McLaughlin; Dr. Jamison Vawter; Dr. H. D. Kellogg; O. P. Houghton; M. N. Sinnott.
Mr. Walton said he commended the object of the proposed organization because it gave our citizens the benefit of the counsel and services of two dozen of our most experienced citizens (He wished to exclude himself from self commendation.) who would be on the lookout for opportunities to turn to the public good. The plan as he sketched it was for those two dozen sagacious men to mature among themselves whatever movements would advance the public good, and then call a public meeting to whom their plans could be unfolded and action taken on them. On motion the list of names read by the secretary was approved.
Several other speakers followed in like strain.
Frank Austin preferred to have the organization placed on a broader basis. It had been called a board of trade by some speakers, and he wanted it made one in fact. He wanted membership thrown open to all eligible persons, and stated times of meeting. To create a fund for any sudden use he would have an initiation fee and an annual subscription.
But this proposition was generally opposed on the ground that it was taking the organization out of the hands of those who framed it. The meeting having nothing further before it, adjourned.
At a subsequent meeting of the executive committee, on the 29th, an organization was effected by electing A. J. Pyburn, president; H. D. Kellogg, vice president; M. N. Sinnott, secretary; N. T. Snyder, assistant secretary; W. D. Mowry, treasurer. It was also decided to increase the membership by admitting any fitting person on payment of $5 initiation fee. The following committees were appointed.
Finance Committee: A. A. Newman, H. O. Meigs, W. D. Kreamer.
Executive Committee: G. W. Cunningham, W. M. Sleeth, Amos Walton, H. D. Kellogg, N. T. Snyder, T. H. McLaughlin, W. D. Mowry, A. D. Prescott, F. P. Schiffbauer.
Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.
The K. C. & S. W. Once More.
Wednesday morning, bright and early, information reached our citizens that some of the propositions to be submitted by the Geuda Springs and Caldwell road in different townships in Sumner County asking aid, read to the effect that the road was to leave the K. C. & S. W. between Arkansas City and Winfield. In Walton Township—Geuda—the proposition read to go west from Arkansas City. By this it would seem that someone was determined to hurt the interests of Arkansas City. Our citizens were once more aroused to action, and when James Hill, L. D. Latham, and H. E. Asp made their appearance upon the streets in the afternoon they were besieged on every side by inquiries in regard to the matter. We were told by these gentlemen that we had been informed correctly. Immediately the citizen’s committee marshaled its forces and called a meeting, requesting the railroad company to be present. The meeting was held in Judge Pyburn’s office, that gentleman presiding. Some very plain and sensible talk was indulged in by our citizens and the company. The latter was informed that if any such propositions reading that the road would be extended west between here and Winfield, were submitted in Sumner County, no right of way through the city would be granted and the company’s interests would be fought by our citizens on every hand. This stirred the gentlemen up somewhat and after a conference among themselves they decided to comply once more with the requests of Arkansas City. It was agreed that all propositions to be submitted in Sumner County should be sanctioned by our citizen’s committee before submission. A copy of each petition calling the elections will be forwarded to the citizen’s committee for perusal in order that no more “monkeying,” as Jim Hill expresses it, may be indulged in. We are glad to announce to the public that it has been decided by the company to build its road west from Arkansas City via Geuda to Caldwell within the next 16 months and petitions calling elections in the several townships will be submitted to that effect in a few days. This is as it should be.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 12, 1885.
A. J. Pyburn, James Hill, and W. M. Sleeth were up from the Terminus Monday.
Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.
J. C. Topliff resigned his position as deputy postmaster and has accepted a situation in the Arkansas City Bank. Chas. Chapel has been appointed Mr. Topliff’s successor. Miss Lucetta Pyburn has received the appointment of postal clerk.
Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.
Yesterday morning a railroad meeting was held in Judge Pyburn’s office. Mayor Schiffbauer stated that the object of the meeting was to hear what Mr. Wood had to say in regard to the Ft. Smith, Wellington & Northwestern railway. The latter gentleman is the general manager of the Arkansas Valley route, and stated that he was in favor of building the road from Ft. Smith to Arkansas City, if bonds to the amount of $4,000 per mile were voted to aid in its construction. He also stated that Ingalls, Peters, and Perkins were in favor of this route and had agreed to aid in procuring the right of way through to Arkansas City. A motion was made by Maj. Sleeth that we work up the necessary aid. We want the road and there is no doubt that everything will be satisfactorily arranged.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 28, 1885.
The Constitution and By-Laws Adopted.
A. J. PYBURN, President.
H. D. KELLOGG, 1st Vice-President.
WM. M. SLEETH, 2nd Vice-President.
M. N. SINNOTT, Secretary.
N. T. SNYDER, Assistant Secretary.
A. D. MOWRY, Treasurer.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 5, 1885.
Tendered the Hon. James Hill Thursday Evening By The
Businessmen of Arkansas City.
He Was Also Watched.
Last Thursday evening between the hours of 7 and 8 o’clock, the businessmen began to assemble at the Leland Hotel. When a fair representation had congregated, the crowd repaired to the Leland parlors, where everyone was treated to cigars. By the time the smokers had reduced their Havanas to ashes and indulged in a sociable and animated conversation, the feast was announced ready for devourment. At this moment 47 businessmen of Arkansas City showed an inclination to move towards the spacious dining halls of the Leland. The march was commenced, and when we entered, ye gods! What a sight was presented to the vision of 47 hungry businessmen of Arkansas City. A long table, the entire length of the dining room, was loaded to its uttermost capacity with refreshments for the inner man. Mine Host Perry undoubtedly acquired great fame as a caterer on this occasion. The invited guests filled the long rows of chairs on either side of the table, with Maj. W. M. Sleeth presiding and Jas. Hill occupying a seat at the opposite end of the table. Henry E. Asp and Contractor Moore were present and enjoyed the hospitality of the sturdy businessmen. It was an interesting study to the writer to note the faces present. Here and there among the assembly we recognized faces of the old land-marks. There were thirteen who came to the city on the sand hill in 1870—fifteen years ago. What a mammoth municipality has been constructed upon that small foundation which was laid fifteen years ago. All honor to that noble thirteen who were then present, for the many able efforts they have set forth to build up Arkansas City within the last fifteen years. We will call them the corner stones of the municipality. Then, again, in other places there were faces that have appeared upon the scene later, and by untiring zeal and hard work have aided very materially in the advancement of Arkansas City. They were here when the sunflower was rank in the streets, and the stalks grew so large that they were used for hitching posts, and the festival raccoon climbed up them and hid his carcass in the branches. They came later on, having heard of the many natural advantages here for making a city. From far-off climes they came, and they came to stay. Behold, what a city has grown! But to return to the banquet. In the language of the immortal poet, “The big, the small, the lean, the tall, ate a half ton each and all.” And yet the half of it remains to be told. When the “task” of feasting was over, Maj. Sleeth arose and, in one of the most able and touching addresses we have ever heard, handed to Hon. James Hill a handsome gold watch and chain. It was a gift from those there assembled as a token of appreciation for the efforts Mr. Hill put forth in bringing the K. C. & S. W. Railroad here, and also, in behalf of what he has done for the prosperity of Arkansas City. Mr. Hill responded in a very neat speech. Henry E. Asp, being called for, arose and made an excellent little speech. He was followed by Judge A. J. Pyburn, who toasted in behalf of Arkansas City; and kind readers, let it suffice for us to say that the Judge did his subject justice. Judge McIntire, also, made a few interesting and telling remarks very suitable to the occasion. By motion it was unanimously declared that it was the will of those present to adjourn to the parlors once more and “schmoke.”
As we have stated above, the banquet was given in honor of Hon. James Hill. Mr. Hill has done much for Arkansas City. We will not attempt to enumerate what he has done, for our readers have known the honorable gentleman many years more than the writer. But we believe he is deserving of the honor conferred upon him last Thursday evening. Long may he live to do good to our thriving little city.
The Grist in Waiting for the December, 1885, Term of the District Court,
Beginning Tuesday, the 15th.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 10, 1885.
Houghton & McLaughlin vs John Brown, A J Pyburn pros; Hackney & Asp defense.
E S Brown Receiver vs W J Pointer et al, A J Pyburn pros; H T Sumner defense.
C M Scott vs H P Farrar et al, Mitchell & Swarts pros; A J Pyburn defense.
B W Matlack vs William Vansickler, J F McMullen pros; A J Pyburn defense.
E S Brown Receiver vs W J Pointer et al, A J Pyburn pros.
H M Beacham vs Geo E Hasie et al, Hackney & Asp pros; A J Pyburn defense.
R R Conklin vs John M Jarvis et al, A J Pyburn pros.
New Hampshire Banking Co vs James Loper et al, A J Pyburn pros.
Geo W Cunningham vs M C Shivers, A J Pyburn pros; Wm M Jenkins defense.
A W Patterson vs J A McIntire et al, A J Pyburn pros.
R R Conklin vs William H Funk et al, A J Pyburn pros; Hackney & Asp defense.
Edward Grady vs E C Mason et al, Wm Jenkins pros; A J Pyburn defense.
130, 2206. Jacob Smith vs Susan F Godfrey et al. A. J Pyburn pros.
H P Farrar vs V M Ayres et al, A J Pyburn pros; Hackney & Asp defense.
The Wilcox and White Organ Co vs James L Huey, A J Pyburn pros; Henry T Sumner defense.
209, 2306. A A Newman et al vs K C & S W R R Co. A J Pyburn pros; Hackney & Asp defense.
210, 2307. Frank J Hess vs K C & S W R R Co. A S Pyburn pros; Hackney & Asp defense.
211, 2308. Mark Morris vs K C & S W R R Co. A J Pyburn pros; Hackney & Asp defense.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 16, 1885.
The Kansas and Arkansas Valley Route Considered by the Board of Trade.
The board of trade held a meeting in Judge Pyburn’s office on Monday afternoon to listen to the report of Mayor Schiffbauer on his return from Arkansas. His honor reported his visit entirely satisfactory. The railway project is in the hands of responsible men, the incorporators being Elisha Atkins, F. Gordon Dexter, C. W. Huntington, and J. H. Thomas, of Boston; E. H. Winchester, of New Hampshire; R. T. Wilson, of New York; John G. Fletcher, John D. Adams, George W. Hughes, and Henry Wood, of Little Rock; and Jesse Turner, of Van Buren, Arkansas. The capital subscribed is $8,000,000, and the parties above named are earnest in their intention to build the road. A bill has been prepared for introduction in Congress, asking the right of way through the Indian Territory. The route as given in the bill, indicates a point on the eastern line of the territory, at or near Fort Smith, then through the territory, on the north side of the Arkansas River “to the northern boundary line of said territory at or near Arkansas City.” The road will then be carried on to Wellington and ultimately to Colorado. A strip 100 feet wide is asked in the territory, for which liberal compensation will be paid; the passenger rate is set at three cents a mile, and power is reserved to Congress to fix the freight rates. Mr. Schiffbauer from conversation with several of the incorporators satisfied himself of their good faith toward this city, and received their assurance that the southern members in congress will give the measure almost unanimous support. During the discussion of the matter by the members of the board of trade present at the meeting, the opinion was generally expressed that a road placing this city in direct connection with New Orleans, and giving us access to the timber forests of Arkansas was one for this city to aid with all the means in its power. We understand that Mr. Ingalls will present the bill in the senate, directly after the holidays, and the delegation from this state will be requested to render it support.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 23, 1885.
Knights of Pythias Ball.
The anniversary ball given by the Knights of Pythias in Highland Hall on Friday evening was, as the Winfield Courier characterizes it, “a grand affair.” The committees to whom the preparations for the festivity were assigned, determined to make it the social event of the season, and they spared neither money nor labor in carrying out their ends. Invitations were sent to acceptable citizens in this city, Winfield, and other parts of the county, and so hearty was the response to the call that 115 tickets were readily sold. Ten couples and a few odd bachelors came in from Winfield on a special train, and the orchestra came down from Wichita. By 9 o’clock fully 100 couples were on the floor, many of the ladies dressed in elegant costumes and their beaux attired in conventional style. The orchestra discoursed music from the stage; and parlor games, such as cribbage and chess, were provided for those who were tired of the light fantastic. The arrangements of the ball were admirable, no pains being spared to secure the enjoyment of every participant. The reception commit-tee—Messrs. Landes, Huey, H. P. Farrar, Pyburn, George, and Balyeat—performed their duties with assiduity and grace; and the floor managers were equally efficient in their supervision.
Dancing was kept up till 11 o’clock with interest and animation, when a portion of the company withdrew to partake of supper at the Leland Hotel. In preparing the banquet Mine Host Perry displayed his customary liberality and taste as a caterer; but the dining hall being inadequate to provide for so large a company, the guests were entertained in divisions. This broke into the dance arrangements, and the interruption was continued for several hours.
About seventy persons sat down to the first tables, which were bountifully supplied with every delicacy, and the table service was perfect. These guests, satisfied, returned to the ball room, and a second relay filled the dining hall. When they had partaken their meal, the tables were again set for a third company. The supper thus eaten in detail consumed nearly three hours, and the program was abandoned, miscellaneous dances being substituted. But this no way marred the enjoyment of the company.
The revelry was kept up to the wee sma’ hours, and when the company finally broke up, all admitted that the enjoyment of the night was unalloyed and long to be remembered. The Winfield folks returned home at 3 o’clock on a special train over the Kansas City & Southwestern road, and our own citizens repaired to their several abodes. The anniversary hall was a gratifying success, and the Knights of Pythias have won honor for the handsome and successful manner in which they carried it through.
The K. P. Ball at A. C. a Grand Affair.
Winfield and The Terminus Mingle.—The Frigidity Broken.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 24, 1885.
For years past there has been a considerable frigidity between Winfield and Arkansas City society. Why this was, couldn’t be explained. Invitations to social events of note passed back and forth, but fell on the desert air. The ice had got to be a foot thick. It is now broken: completely melted, on the part of Winfield. Friday night did it. It was the occasion of a ball and banquet by the Knights of Pythias, of Arkansas City. This Lodge is composed of many of the Terminus’ most prominent men. A grand affair was assured. A number of Winfield’s young folks determined to participate, in answer to hearty invitations. A very happy and mutually agreeable party was made up, as follows.
Mrs. Riddell and Misses Julia Smith, Margie and Lizzie Wallis, Sadie French, Jennie Lowry, Emma Strong, Nona Calhoun, Bert Morford, and Anna Hunt; Messrs. J. L. M. Hill, E. B. Wingate, Willis A. Ritchie, Wm. D. Carey, Tom J. Eaton, Chas. F. and Harry Bahntge, Byron Rudolph, P. H. Albright, George Jennings, Eli Youngheim, and THE COURIER scribe. They went down on the K. C. & S. W., arriving at 7 o’clock, and were handsomely received. This ball and banquet was the biggest social event in Arkansas City’s history. The entire management was perfect under the careful attention of—
Executive committee: A. Mowry, G. W. Miller, and Geo. S. Howard.
Reception committee: John Landes, J. L. Huey, H. P. Farrar, A. J. Pyburn, S. F. George, and F. E. Balyeat.
Floor managers: C. C. Sollitt, F. W. Farrar, T. B. Hutchison, Thos. Vanfleet, and W. E. Moore.
Over a hundred couples of the best people of Arkansas City participated—its youth, beauty, and vivacity. Many of the ladies appeared in elegant costume. The music was furnished by the Wichita Orchestra. The Winfield folks were made perfectly at home and given every attention. Our girls “shook” the Queen City fellows for the handsome ones of the Terminus, and our boys put in the time admirably under the charming presence of the A. C. girls. It was a hearty mingling that made many agreeable acquaintances and completely broke the distant feeling heretofore existing socially between the two cities. The Terminus certainly shows enticing sociability—a circle of handsome, stylish, and genial people, whom the Winfield folks are most happy to have met on this occasion. The banquet, set by H. H. Perry, mine host of the Leland, was fit to tickle the palate of kings—everything that modern culinary art could devise. At 3 o’clock the “hub” folks boarded a special train on the K. C. & S. W., which the managers of that road had kindly furnished for the convenience of the visitors, and were soon landed at home, in the sweet realization of having spent one of the most enjoyable nights of their lives. A jollier crowd of young folks than went down from here would be exceedingly hard to find. The got all the enjoyment there was in it. The A. C. people were delighted with the visit and expressed a warm desire and determination to return the compliment at the first opportunity. This is the inauguration of a new social feeling between the two towns.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 2, 1886.
In another column appears a call for the meeting of the members of the Board of Trade, which will occur next Monday evening at Judge Pyburn’s office. It is important that each and every member of the board should be in attendance. There is business of great importance to be attended to.
Arkansas City Republican, January 2, 1886.
Notice. There will be a meeting of the Arkansas City Board of Trade, Monday evening, January 4, at 7 p.m., at Judge Pyburn’s office, for the election of officers and to consider other important business. Every member is earnestly requested to be present.
A. J. PYBURN, President., N. T. SNYDER, Asst. Secretary.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 16, 1886.
Statement of the amount of orders issued, to whom issued, and for what purpose issued, on the bond funds for the building of the Central or Stone School Building, between June 24, 1884, and December 19, 1884; and orders issued to teachers from October 1, 1884, to June 3, 1885. Also, amount orders issued on the Incidental fund from July 10, 1884, to June 3, 1885. This is the best the present board can do. Not having any receipts recorded on the district clerk books, drawn from the county treasurer, we can give nothing but the one side.
Nov. 28, 1884 A. J. Pyburn, Legal fees: $25.00
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 21, 1886.
Judge Pyburn and Cal Swarts, leading attorneys of the Terminus, were up Monday courting.
Arkansas City Republican, January 23, 1886.
The Cowley County Cattle Company held their annual meeting last Monday evening in Judge Pyburn’s office and elected the following officers. President, W. J. Hodges; vice president, W. M. Snyder; secretary, R. A. Houghton; treasurer, W. M. Snyder, and manager,
G. L. Kirkpatrick.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
Judge Pyburn and son, Walter, were up from Arkansas City Saturday.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1886.
Judge A. J. Pyburn and Mary Alice O’Marsh, of Arkansas City, were married Friday afternoon by Father M. C. Dougan, at the Catholic parsonage in this city.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds yesterday.
Ella Schooley & hus to Andrew J Pyburn, lots 15, 16 & 17, blk 94, A C: $1,700
Arkansas City Republican, March 6, 1886.
Isaac Schooly sold his property in the third ward to Judge A. J. Pyburn Saturday. The consideration was $1,700. F. J. Hess made the sale. Judge Pyburn will not remove to Florida until fall.
Arkansas City Republican, April 10, 1886.
Hackney Harpings.
W. B. Holland has consented to do stenographic work for Judge Pyburn. Bob is ambitious and energetic and will yet knock the persimmons.
Arkansas City Republican, May 8, 1886.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Pyburn went east Tuesday morning on the Frisco. They will visit in Cleveland.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 12, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
A. J. Pyburn went back to Ohio this morning on J. L. Howard’s excursion via the Frisco. The Judge has gone to join his wife at Cleveland and return home with her.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 26, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Judge A. J. Pyburn returned home Sunday evening from his eastern trip. He was accompanied by his wife. While away the Judge took it into his head to visit Washington and witness how it was done under a Democratic administration. He saw Grover and Francis and they resembled very muchly other newly married couples. He also visited the House and Senate while in session. The ability of the members of the House, he tells us, is not as great as it should be. In the Senate it is different. He spoke highly of the ability of Senators Beck, Randall, and Ingalls. He saw our venerable friend, Peter Wyckoff, there.
[They had Francis for Mrs. Cleveland...think this is wrong!]
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 26, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Walter Pyburn, while out riding Monday, was thrown from his pony and had his arm severely sprained. He now carries it in a sling.
Arkansas City Republican, June 26, 1886.
The first morning of Judge Pyburn’s arrival in Washington was spent inspecting the U. S. Navy. This occupied fully an hour before breakfast. After hearing the roll called in the senate and seeing the herd of Democratic congressmen “rounded up,” he made a formal call on the Washington Monument, “done” Maryland Avenue, and finally brought up at the White House. It appears that Mrs. Cleveland had just received a letter from Grover’s cousin, stating that she and the children would make them a visit in a few days. Of this the president was not aware. Drawing near, the judge overheard the following remarks.
Mrs. Cleveland: “Now, Grover, we may just as well understand each other first as last. As I am mistress of the White House, I will not be annoyed with children.”
Mr. Cleveland (pulling down the corner of his eye): “Say, Frankie, do you see anything green? Do I look like a young man of no experience? Don’t you think the campaign of my election would naturally knock all the philo-progenitiveness out of a fellow, if he had any? No, it shan’t happen again. This is a reform government.”
“Good! Me, too!” exclaimed the judge, winking at the president through the half open door, “that’s genuine Democratic reform.”
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 23, 1886. From Saturday’s Daily.
A perusal of the back files of the Democrat would prove interesting just now on Mayor Schiffbauer’s record. Say about the time Judge Pyburn and he ran for the office of Mayor. It was about this time that the Democrat alluded to Mr. Schiffbauer as a thief, etc. The Democrat has a wonderful swallower. It will swallow anything no matter how bitter or choking it may be, so long as it is labeled democratic.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 23, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
J. H. Eckert, of Belleville, Illinois, has located in our city. Mr. Eckert is an attorney and has taken office rooms with Judge J. Pyburn. He is a friend of C. Atwood.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 27, 1886.
J. H. Eckert of Belleville, Illinois, is the latest addition to the bar of Arkansas City. He has been attracted hither by the fame of our growing city, and brings long experience in the law business and ripe attainments to promote success. Mr. Eckert has taken rooms with Judge Pyburn.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 27, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Judge A. J. Pyburn and C. P. Jeffries have entered into a partnership for the practice of law. This is a strong combination and will result beneficially to both gentlemen.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 19, 1887. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Judge A. J. Pyburn and wife left last evening for St. Louis. Mrs. Pyburn will go on to Cleveland, Ohio, to visit relatives. The Judge will return to this city.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 26, 1887. From Thursday’s Daily.
Today in Judge Kreamer’s court, Enos Goodrich of Maple City was acquitted. He was accused by Wm. L. Hill, of the same town, with receiving money on a note which did not belong to him (Goodrich), or in other words fraudulently. The prosecution failed to have any evidence to show that Enos was guilty and the court acquitted him, taking up the costs of the case, some $25, to Hill. Pyburn & Jeffries appeared for Goodrich. The case was prosecuted by County Attorney Swarts.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 5, 1887. From Wednesday’s Daily.
They say while Judge Pyburn was down in St. Louis last week, he was met on the street by an acquaintance who asked him what he thought of St. Louis. The Judge reflected a moment and replied: “Why it is the regular Arkansas City of the east.”
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 26, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
Miss Alice Pyburn is sick with rheumatism.