Rev. A. F. Randall


Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
Messrs. Randall and Evans, Evangelists, are expected in Winfield today to commence the work of a revival. Their success in such work has been scarcely inferior to that of Moody and Sankey.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
Messrs. Randall and Evans, Evangelists of the Baptist persuasion, are holding a series of meetings at the Methodist Church. The Presbyterians, Methodists, and Baptists are united in supporting these meetings. The interest manifested, and the skill and talent exhibited in the management, address, and music are marvelous to say the least. The house is nightly crowded and great results are anticipated.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
Wichita Herald: Rev. Randall’s talks were simple, yet powerful and convincing. As his objective point in coming to the state was Winfield, he was constrained by the earnest calls from them, to leave by stage Thursday morning for that town. Wellington Press.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 21, 1878. Front Page.
COMMUNICATED. On Thursday, Feb. 7th, Rev. A. F. Randall, the Evangelist, who has been expected for some time, arrived in this city and commenced holding services. The first meeting was held in the Baptist Church on Thursday evening and since that time in the Methodist Church. On Saturday evening Mr. M. H. Evans, who, with his wife, conducts the singing in connection with those meetings, joined Mr. Randall. The meetings are a union effort of the Methodist, Baptist, and Presbyterian churches for the promotion of religious life among the churches of Winfield and the conversion of the irreligious. . . .
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
Union services at the M. E. Church on Sunday evening, at 7 o’clock, preaching by Rev. A. F. Randall.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
The union revival meetings, which have been in progress here for the past ten days, are in every sense a success. Not less than fifty persons have been either converted or restored, and the number now inquiring will doubtless exceed this, while many more are giving the subject a serious consideration. The spirit manifested by all the workers in these meetings is excellent, and we trust will remain so to the close. Messrs. Randall and Evans are fully satisfied both with the results and spirit of the meetings. And this encourages them to look for a still more abundant harvest of which this is only the first fruits. Let the Christian people of Winfield not fail to cooperate heartily in this movement. If these men can come 1,000 miles to preach and sing for the salvation of our neighbors, surely we ought to stand by them, work with them, and pray for them. N. L. R.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
The meetings that have been in progress for two weeks conducted by Messrs. Randall and Evans will be continued during this week. There have been about one hundred conversions. It is believed that their effort will prove a lasting benefit to this community.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.

Messrs. Randall and Evans closed their evangelical labors here on last Friday evening, and on Saturday morning started for Wichita, where they will conduct a series of revival meetings. The closing address of Mr. Randall on Friday evening at the Presbyterian Church was the best of the whole course, and elicited high encomiums from his hearers. It was a practical lecture on the duties of parents, replete with sound sense and eloquent appeals. It is believed that the result of these meetings is a great and permanent good, not only to the many individuals who have been brought immediately under their influence, but to the whole neighborhood. The accessions to the church are: Baptist, 40; Presbyterian, 70; Methodist, 38.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
The exercises at the installation of Rev. J. E. Platter as pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Winfield last Sunday, were exceedingly interesting. The house was decorated with flowers, a floral anchor at the foot of the desk being a prominent feature. The house was filled to overflowing by a pleased and interested audience. The music from the orchestra was excellent and inspiring. The ceremonies were conducted by the Rev. A. M. Mann, of Belle Plaine, assisted by Rev. Curtis, of Osage City; Rev. Garrison, of Newton; Rev. Fleming, of Arkansas City; Rev. Berry, Rev. Randall, and Rev. Rushbridge. The occasional sermon delivered by Mr. Curtis was historically and geographically instructive, elegant in diction and pleasing to the imagination. The charge to the pastor delivered by Mr. Fleming and that to the church by Mr. Garrison were both excellent.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
The Baptists have been so fortunate as to secure the Rev. Randall as their pastor for the coming summer. We are glad of this and hope yet to reckon Mr. Randall as a permanent citizen of this place.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
Rev. Randall will preach at the Baptist Church next Sabbath.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
The parties from Winfield who attended the Masonic picnic at Dexter were J. McDermott, Rev. Randall, J. Wade McDonald, C. C. Harris, B. F. Baldwin, and A. D. Speed with the Misses Coldwell, and Ed. Clisby and S. Suss with the Misses Finney. The Dexter people gave them a splendid dinner and the most distinguished treatment as guests, and they enjoyed the occasion “hugely.” Capt. McDermott and Judge McDonald were the orators, and the music was from a choir under the leadership of F. A. Creager. The attendance was large and the picnic was a success.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
MARRIED. Married at Oxford, on the 11th inst., at the residence of the bride’s father, by Rev. A. F. Randall, Dr. Edward Smith and Miss Roxy Humphrey. The beautiful bride has many acquaintances in Winfield, who hold her in the highest esteem and extend her their warm congratulations and best wishes.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
Rev. Z. Richmond will occupy the pulpit of the Baptist Church next Sabbath morning. The pastor, Mr. Randall, will preach in the evening.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.

The Sabbath school picnic, for which extensive preparations have been going on for some time, passed off very pleasantly last Saturday at McCulloch’s grove, the Centennial being the first to take direct measures in regard to where and when the picnic should be held. Their invitations were accepted and responded to by the Odessa, Pleasant Grove, and Pleasant Valley schools. The four schools formed an unbroken procession nearly a mile in length. Each school had a four- or six-horse banner wagon, drawn by horses or mules. On arriving at the grove the schools were conducted by their respective marshals to seats which had been previously arranged. The order of exercises was headed with a song rendered by the Centennial school, after which came Mr. Teter, their Superinten­dent, who stated the purpose of the entertainment. Next on the programme was a song by the Pleasant Grove school, followed by prayer by Rev. Randall of Winfield; then songs and responses from the other schools present.