James H. Randall
[Bushnell, Ninnescah Township; Arkansas City.]
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
NINNESCAH TOWNSHIP. W. W. Bush has sold the east one-half of the northwest one-fourth, section sixteen, in this township to James H. Randall; also, Mr. Huddleston, a part of the same section to Mr. Beaman. Mr. Bush moves to Bushnell tomorrow, where he will open the Bushnell hotel. We think he will cater to the wants of the traveling public, in an acceptable manner, as he is just the right sort of a man to make a good landlord, and we have not the least doubt of the efficiency of Mrs. Bush as a landlady.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
Real Estate Transfers.
James H. Randall to Gabriel Berry, sw. 6, 31, 3; 160 acres, $1,500.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878. Editorial Page.
Bushnell Items. Bushnell House well down far enough—15 feet of water and more coming. After digging to rock, they drilled through it, the drill dropping about three feet after getting through the rock, and the water came up with such force that one man could not hold a hand spike in the drill hole tight enough to stop it. It is thought that if they had a tube, the water would have been forced above the level of the ground.
Napier & Randall have enlarged and repaired their storeroom and furnished it with new counters and shelves preparatory to getting on a full new stock of general merchandise.
Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878. Front Page.
FROM BUSHNELL. ED. COURIER: Mr. James H. Randall has sold his interest in the store to his partner, Mr. Napier, who seems to be bound to stay with and do the best he can for us. Whether he does it or not, can best be told by the large number of his customers and the large amount of goods he sells. Mr. Napier seems to fill the place better than any merchant we have ever had here. The cause of Mr. Randall’s retirement was ill health. He talks some of going to Colorado to recuperate.
Winfield Courier, May 30, 1878.
Elisha Bowen and wife to J. H. Randall, nw. 6-31-3; 160 acres, $550.
Winfield Courier, June 13, 1878.
Real Estate Transfers.
Elisha Bowen and wife to James H. Randall, nw. 9-31-3; 160 acres, $550.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
BUSHNELL. Improving! Of course we are. J. M. Napier has erected a 24 by 46 stable for the accommodation of the Bushnell House and the traveling public. Mr. Bush has much improved his house; has nine nice bedrooms upstairs, and intends to make his guests comfortable. Randall & Napier have just received a large stock of general merchandise. They have to send for supplies often. We think we are “getting out of the woods”—now we can get at home five pounds of coffee, or nine pounds of sugar, or twenty yards of calico for one dollar.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
NINNESCAH. Mr. J. H. Randall bought a quarter section in this vicinity for $550, and will probably break 80 acres this season. He understands making a farm. He sold the one he just made for $1,500.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 5, 1879.
Mr. Randall, of Bushnell, is in town looking over our town and country with a view of locating here.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 14, 1879.
The following is a list of new subscribers to the TRAVELER since our last issue:
Arkansas City: J. H. Randall.