Wm. Resch


Salt City and Geuda Springs.
From the Margaret Russell Stallard Book, Remembering Geuda Springs.
Geuda Springs Area 1882-1883.
Wm. Risch, Salt City, Blacksmith & Hardware, Settled in 1878. From Germany.
Geuda Springs Directory 1883.
W. M. Risch, Dealer in hardware, farm machinery, and blacksmith.
Salt City Directory 1883.
Rice & Risch, Dealers in hardware, agricultural implements, etc.
General blacksmith done with neatness and dispatch. First-class in every particular.
NOTE: The name “Risch” only appears in Stallard’s book. The newspapers referred to him as “Resch.”
Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1877.
Mr. Wm. Resch who has lately located here is doing a good work in the blacksmith line. He solicits the patronage of the surrounding country. The town is improving morally as well as in business.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
Salt City. At Salt City is the best ferry on the Arkansas River, and it is on the shortest route from Winfield to South Haven and Caldwell. Salt City is fifteen miles southwest of Winfield, is a nice little town with one store, two hotels, one blacksmith shop, one large feed stable, and nine residences. Travelers can get good accommodations there. The people want the mail route opened up from Winfield via Salt City to South Haven and Caldwell, which shortens the distance eight miles. Dr. W. J. Arnold is a practicing physician at that place. Wm. Resch does all kinds of blacksmithing and also does horse shoeing and plow work splendidly.
Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879 - Front Page.
[Item written by Topeka Commonwealth Correspondent.]
SALT CITY, KANS., JUNE 10, 1879.
This is the famous salt region of Sumner County. It was laid out by Messrs. Mills and Foster in 1874. It is situated in the southeastern part of the county near the Arkansas River. It is surrounded by some of the best lands of the valley. The farms show that their owners understand their business, as they are well improved and cultivated. The population at the present time is only about fifty. It has a weekly mail, which arrives on Friday. It is very unjust to the people, as it arrives just at the right time to prevent them from receiving the weekly papers until they are at least ten days old. If the date of arrival was on Monday or Tuesday, it would be a vast advantage to them. Something ought to be done for them by the postmaster officials.
The town contains one business house, a drug store, a large blacksmith shop, and two hotels.

I am under obligations to Drs. Allen and Arnold, and Messrs. Berkey, Resch, and Mills, for courtesies shown, for which I thank them.—W. G. H. in Commonwealth.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 14, 1880.
Salt City, July 10, 1880.
William Resch, our blacksmith, is putting up a new dwelling house, having rented his former residence. [Sometimes “Rish” is shown as name of blacksmith. MAW]
Arkansas City Traveler, January 12, 1881.
SALT CITY, Jan. 9, 1881.
Wm. Resch, our blacksmith, has rented out his shop to James Millson, of Hunnewell, formerly of this place. B.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 10, 1881.
Mr. Resch returned from Colorado yesterday evening, and we understand he intends to remove thither shortly, provided he can dispose of his property here satisfactorily.
Arkansas City Republican, March 15, 1884.
The Flying Dutchman Gets There All Covered With Glory.
Geo. W. Cunningham, in regard to the plow trial, held on the farm of Mr. B. Sturgill today, to determine the difference in draft between the Flying Dutchman and a Weir Walking Plow, we, the undersigned committee, appointed to make the test, hereby certify that the Flying Dutchman Sulky Plow beat the Weir Walking Plow fairly and squarely at least 80 pounds in draft.
Committee: W. B. Sturgill, M. T. Pitt, Wm. E. Sturgill, Thomas Pruitt, D. R. Goss, Owen Skinner, J. H. Sturgill.
THERE WERE OTHER TESTIMONIALS: Moline, Illinois, H. L. Lawson; Geuda Springs, Kansas, R. K. Melick; Geuda Springs, Wm. Resch; North Creswell Township, Johnlon Leeper.
[Note: The above items were all that I could find on Wm. Resch. MAW]