Review Merchants 1884
Arkansas City Republican, December 20, 1884.
Her Business Firms and Their Establishments.
The Holidays are Here and the Republican Indites a Letter to Santa Claus,
Telling Him of the City and the Merchants.
Soon we witness the demise of the fruitful year of 1884. By her death 1885 will be born. Already the holiday season, the happiest time on earth—is upon us. When this festive season comes, little hearts as well as big ones, are filled with joy by presents from Santa Claus. To the people of the world who contemplate having a visit from that ever welcome individual and more especially to Santa Claus himself do we desire to present the claims of Arkansas City and her live businessmen on his holiday patronage. That our kind-hearted Kris Kringle may know where, what, and when to buy the magnificent gifts which annually laden his sleigh, we indite him a letter, presenting a brief history of Arkansas City, her businessmen, and their establishments, as seen by a REPUBLICAN representative in his rounds just before the holiday trade opens.
ARKANSAS CITY, KANSAS, December 20, 1884.
Santa Claus, Dear Old Friend:
We have met you several holiday seasons in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, and last of all in Sunny Kansas. And now once more we are about to greet you. This time in Arkansas City. You will find here a city reaching up to 2,500 inhabitants within its corporate limits. Should our population be increased in numbers as great during 1885 as 1884 we will have 4,700 people by the time you pay your next annual visit. The last year has added 1,200 people to our city. We will be thrice blessed should good fortune favor us thus kindly during the year 1885. Our thriving city is located on the divide between the Arkansas and the Walnut rivers, about three miles from where the latter empties in the former. Thus you will see we are surrounded by broad fertile bottom land—in fact, the most fertile of the world. Four miles south lies the Indian Territory, which is dotted here and there with herds of cattle belonging to stockmen residing there. The trade with the Indian Territory is almost incredible. Having secured the payment of their annuity, the Indians come to Arkansas City to marvel in the sweets of civilization. Thousands of dollars are thus transferred yearly, to the tills of our merchants. Within the radius of two hundred miles, are numerous Indian reservations. White men are stationed at those points as traders. Their agencies annually purchase, from our merchants, thousands of dollars worth of goods. In addition to these, Arkansas City is surrounded by a country whose land is exceedingly fertile. The husbandman, each season, is able to glean from his farm of 160 or 240 acres, one or two thousand of dollars. This agricultural prosperity causes our farmers to rear elegant homes, and affords them all the luxuries they may desire. All these are purchased in Arkansas City, and thus both country and city are growing in wealth. At no distant day, a railroad will be constructed, running from Arkansas City to Ft. Smith, Arkansas. Another undoubtedly will be constructed, running southwest into Texas and New Mexico. From the cotton and sugar fields of the south will come the material to be woven into cloth, and to be manufactured into a purer article, and both will then seek a market in the surrounding states. Thus will be verified the prediction “that Arkansas City at no very distant day, will be the great distributing point of the west and southwest.”
Our city commenced its career as far back as 1869. The town site was laid out by settlers from Emporia, and three log huts built. This was the then foundation of our now great city. One by one dwellings were erected slowly until our growth demanded better shipping facilities. In 1879 by persistent efforts the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe was induced to extend its line to Arkansas City. Less than 500 people were here then. Since then, we have grown and prospered. But the horizon of our prosperity was not reached until 1882. Passing along her southern boundary from the Arkansas to the Walnut rivers, is a canal, whose water power capacity is unsurpassed in the entire west. This enterprise was inaugurated in 1881, by the Arkansas City Water Power Company, consisting of A. A. Newman, Jas. Hill, W. M. Sleeth, and S. Matlack, and completed in 1882. Immediately three flouring mills sprang up. These are the mills of Landes, Beall & Co., V. M. Ayres, and W. H. Speers. By a widening and deepening of the channel, the volume of water can be made sufficient for any demand that may be desired. Then on the banks of the Walnut, we have Searing & Mead’s. These four mills average the manufacture of about 1,000 barrels per day. The wheat and corn for a radius of forty miles is made into flour here. Thus we have a home market for our farm products. Wheat brings a higher price here than in any other portion of the state.
Another industry will soon be in operation. A stock company with $50,000 capital will build a woolen mill on the canal. This will be completed during the year of 1885, and perhaps a machine shop and foundry will also be constructed.
The latest scheme is to make the Arkansas River navigable. We reprint a former report published in the REPUBLICAN November 19.
“The scheme of navigating the Arkansas River between this city and Little Rock has proven better than the most sanguine had anticipated. Some two weeks ago a flat boat and crew with Engineer Moorhead in command started down the Arkansas River for the purpose of ascertaining the feasibility of navigating the stream. This was brought about by a desire of cheap freight rates to the south on the flour by our millers. The cruise down the river was easily accomplished, and plenty of water was found all the way. From here to the mouth of the Cimarron River, boats drawing eighteen inches of water can be used. From there on down the water is sufficient to carry any boat that may be utilized. The crew and boat returned Tuesday night and Engineer Moorhead has sent in his report. On Wednesday the projectors met and talked the matter over. Thursday at another meeting the following directors were elected: Jas. Hill, W. M. Sleeth, C. A. Bliss of Winfield, V. M. Ayres, and C. H. Searing. A charter has been granted in the name of the Arkansas River Navigation company. Thursday morning it was decided by the stockholders to send Jas. Hill and Maj. W. M. Sleeth east for the purpose of purchasing the power boat, and enough lighters to form a fleet. They left on the afternoon train. The flat boats will be built as quickly as possible, capable of carrying thirteen tons of flour each. Messrs. Sleeth and Hill are in the east negotiating for the power boat.
Since the construction of the canal, our boom has been rapid and substantial. About 250 residences and store rooms have been erected since the holidays of 1883 and carpenters are still busy building more. Town property is advancing instead of receding as some predicted. Good houses can be purchased from $500 to $2,000. It is next to an impossibility to rent one. Our real estate agents have at the least calculation on their books some 150 houses which they rent. They inform us if they were agents for as many more, they could find tenants. There is not an empty store room in the city. All are occupied and the merchants doing an excellent business. The Hasie and Commercial block, the largest and handsomest building in the state, is almost complete. Three of the store rooms are already occupied and the remaining two will be as soon as finished. Traveling men inform us that it eclipses any building outside of Kansas City. The frontage of the block is 128 feet; the depth 132 feet; and four stories high. There are three business rooms 25 x 132 feet, and one 50 x 132 feet. The upstairs portion of this block would afford superior advantages for a hotel.
We have numerous church denominations. As a rule our citizens are a church-going people. The Presbyterians, the United Presbyterians, the Methodists, the Free Methodists, the Christians, and the Baptists have each a house of worship. Our school facilities are unequaled. Two large buildings accommodate the 900 pupils of this district.
The Central school building is just completed. It is a large stone structure. The east building is of brick. Prof. J. C. Weir is the superintendent, and, friend Santa, if you desire to know anything about the good boys and girls, pen a few lines to him at Arkansas City.
Now, we will make a few remarks about the climate and water and then perhaps you will know enough of Arkansas City to wish to learn something of her merchants. The climate is mild; winter commences seldom until December 20, and rarely lasts longer than February 15. The air has proven very beneficial to persons afflicted with lung diseases. The health-fulness of the country is fully equal to any new country known.
The water obtained here is superior to any in Kansas. It is obtainable at the depth of 15 to 40 feet. It is pure crystal water, known only in the Arkansas valley. The alkali taste is not in the slightest degree noticeable, which is a peculiarity to the water in most portions of the state.
Now that we have told you of our city, we present to you our business firms and their establishments.
is the proprietor of the Arcade Clothing house. The Arcade is located in the north room of the Commercial block. Several months ago Mr. Brunswick’s attention was attracted to Arkansas City by her wonderful growth. He came here and investigated and was so thoroughly convinced of the town’s great future that he invested his idle capital—some $40,000—in the Arcade. Mr. Brunswick is a thorough businessman and is up to the times. He never misses a chance when one is offered to benefit his customers. He saw an opening here for a first-class clothing house, and has established it. Last October he opened up the Arcade. The time of opening was a gala day. People for miles around came and visited the Arcade, and were agreeably surprised at the immensity of the enterprise. They did not expect to have their eyes behold a store-room 132 feet deep by 25 feet in width, equipped with patent shelving on both sides of the room and it loaded up to the seventeen foot ceilings with a well selected stock. In addition, some sixty table counters serve to pile a portion of their clothing on. As you enter the door of the Arcade, your eyes are greeted with beautiful visions of gent’s furnishing goods on one side and hats and caps on the other. A cheerful and courteous salutation reaches your ears either from Sam Wile or Albert Levy, the managers. Always on the alert, ready to accommodate you and sell you clothing at one price to all. No discretion is made at the Arcade between the rich or poor, plebeian or yeomanry, but all are treated alike. The prices are marked on the goods. No deviation is allowed by Mr. Brunswick. He buys such large quantities of clothing, paying the cash therefor, that he is enabled to sell it cheaper than any of his competitors. He attaches such a small advance to the cost mark of his clothing that his competitors wonder how he can afford to carry on business. But he does it and with profit to himself and his customers. For the holidays Mr. Brunswick has provided the Arcade with hundreds of different styles of overcoats from $2.50 up to the costliest. Since the cold snap set in, Mr. Brunswick ordered a “mark down” on these goods. The man of a large family of boys can now purchase each a new overcoat and still have means left to defray the other Christmas festivities. We are glad to say many are availing themselves of the benefit of Mr. Brunswick’s generosity. Overcoats are not all that is displayed at the Arcade. In addition, beautiful silk handkerchiefs, gloves, mit, the handsomest neckties we ever saw in a showcase, slippers, boots, shoes, trunks, valises, etc. This is not one-half. Go and see the boys at the Arcade even if you do not make any purchases. In the evening when the Arcade is lighted up, it is a marvel of beauty. Their numerous large electric lamps, placed in various parts of the room, give out a light almost equal to the radiancy of the sun. The laborer can get just as good a bargain at the Arcade at night as in the daytime. The room is well lighted for this purpose. Before closing our eulogy on the Arcade, we desire to pay a compliment to the managers, Sam Wile and Albert Levy, for their beautifully adorned show-windows and their civility to customers. Every article has a place, and it is always found there. Messrs. Wile and Levy can instantly set their hands on it. Customers do not grow impatient at waiting for the clerks to look up what they want. Call for what you want and you get it immediately at the Arcade. Coming to Arkansas City a few months ago as strangers, they by their gentlemanly bearing and business qualifications now count their friends by the score. Don’t forget the Arcade in your holiday rounds.
This well known institution was founded by John Kroenert in 1878 with Kroenert & Woods as proprietors. Early in 1879 Mr. Kroenert purchased Mr. Woods’ interest, and formed a partnership with F. D. Austin, who was traveling for a wholesale house in Leavenworth. Messrs. Kroenert & Austin, by reason of their long experience in business and large trade, know just exactly what to buy to please the patronizing public. The Diamond Front is one of THE institutions of Arkansas City. In fact, it is a bona fide Arkansas City child. Starting in with a small business and as Arkansas City and surrounding country have grown, so has the Diamond Front’s fame spread. Today her head is high among the leading institutions of our town. There is nothing in the line of staple and fancy groceries, and provisions, which it does not keep, and it fills all orders with great promptness and the most satisfactory manner. It is always important in the holiday season, if not at other times, to know where to get just what is needed in preparing the feast expected of such a time, and in this respect the Diamond Front may be regarded as a public benefactor. Messrs. Kroenert & Austin take great pride in keeping up their stock to a high standard, and in consequence are handsomely rewarded by a lucrative trade. A fine stock of candies, not that which is composed of paint and clay, but the real genuine article, which is as healthful as it is good, is now displayed for the holidays. Nuts, of all kinds, sufficient to supply every social gathering in the county. The Diamond Front is also becoming renowned for her large wholesale trade; it extends for miles in the surrounding country, and the merchants located at the many different trading posts in the Indian Territory all recognize the Diamond Front as one of the leading wholesale grocery houses of our city. The promptness, the attention, the civility shown to their customers, be they rich or poor, by the proprietors of the Diamond Front is noticeable. Courteous to one and all, they make the Diamond Front a popular resort. Hand in hand the Diamond Front and Arkansas City march along the path of time. Each an advertisement of the other. Mention the name of one and the other will be sure to follow. The present quarters are becoming too small for the mammoth business of this establishment. We hope these gentlemen will get their business erected by spring and thus give them a better chance to show their enterprise. It wouldn’t surprise us if in a few years, Messrs. Kroenert & Austin were at the head of the leading wholesale house in Southern Kansas. As yet they are comparatively young men. Just in the prime of life and have years of labor before them. We are proud of the Diamond Front. Long may its front glitter with Diamonds.
The holidays have come and they caught these gentlemen just as we expected—with the largest and handsomest stock of holiday goods in the city. No other firm displays as large a line of goods as they. This house is fully equipped for the large holiday trade which its proprietors had anticipated and have commenced realizing. Extra shelving, and a mammoth double deck holiday table was created on which to display their stock. Judging by the large quantity of holiday goods, one would suppose Messrs. Mowry & Sollitt were running a wholesale house. They are slashing right and left on their stock this year. They bought them for the benefit of their customers and they are bound to sell them. Penniless we wandered into this elysium of holiday goods viewing them at a distance, but when informed of the low prices, our arms hungered to be burdened with some of the beautiful things which we saw. There were all kinds of toys for the children, beautiful plush photo albums suited to adorn the center table of any parlor, hanging lamps that would cause any wife to love her husband ten-fold more on receiving one for a present, handsome work baskets, boys, that would make your sweethearts smile on you sweetly for a decade, elegant solid china mustache cups, girls, to protect the boys’ mustache during its rise and fall, some of the most unique vases, toilet sets, perfumery cases, and a thousand and one other articles suitable for making presents. Do not think for an instant that Messrs. Mowry & Sollitt will neglect their drug trade by the rush for holiday presents. They are fully prepared to meet this exigency. Lately they secured the valuable services of Mr. J. F. Hull, a druggist of twenty years experience. No fears need be entertained of a mistake when Mr. Hull compounds your prescription. Messrs. Mowry & Sollitt are also both experienced druggists. Each have spent almost a lifetime at the business. By the way, something almost slipped our memory. They also have in stock a large assortment of books. Read! Educate! Is the popular cry. A man cannot remain in ignorance all of his life, so if he desires to be learned, he should educate his mind by reading. Therefore, the question naturally arises, what shall I read? This is easily decided by going and looking through Mowry & Sollitt’s mammoth stock of books consisting of poems, and other books, both of history and fiction. Visit them and you will find that half has not been told you.
Here extensive preparations have been made for the holiday trade. Goods have been arriving almost daily for the past month. Nothing is more popular among the ladies for a present than jewelry. This fact inspires their gentlemen friends with the idea of a gift of some kind of a jewelry ornament. Superb gold watches and chains fit to grace a queen are plentifully displayed in their handsome show cases. Beautiful finger rings, necklaces, brooches, and other ornaments suitable for a present to your sweetheart, wife, mother, sister, or daughter. For the gentlemen they have rings, watches, clocks, charms, chains, etc. For Young America they have the best thing on earth as a reminder of the time to go to school—The Rockford watch. It keeps the correct time. You need have no fear of your son being tardy at school, provided he has a Rockford movement watch. Now is the time to buy one and at Ridenour & Thompson’s is the place to make the purchase. There is silverware in superabundance on their shelves. Table cutlery, spoons, castors, card-receivers, that makes the eyes of the spectator glisten with pleasure by their wondrous beauty. Located in the mammoth new store room of the post office, they have a splendid opportunity to show their stock to an advantage. One whole side of the room—some 100 feet—is occupied with their goods. The same distance is occupied by their handsome show-cases, seventeen inches in the clear. They are filled chock full of jewelry. Now a few good words for the proprietors and we will pass on. The REPUBLICAN never tires of saying good words for such good-natured, courteous gentlemen. Jas. Ridenour, the senior member, has been in the jewelry business over eight years in Arkansas City. Jim, as he is familiarly known, is so jolly that it is really a pleasure to buy a big bill of goods from him. You feel when you get through with him that you could pay twice the sum demanded for the goods. Will Thompson is an Arkansas City boy. All know him to be a man of sterling worth to any community. Rather quiet, but sociable, he is quite a favorite among their patrons, especially the ladies. All of the above facts combined, we predict a large holiday trade for Ridenour & Thompson.
The ready made clothing business has been revolutionized in Arkansas City and vicinity by this house. The firm is able to offer unusual inducements to purchasers, and its system is such that it is now possible for a man with a slim purse to secure a neat-fitting and durable suit of clothing. At the same time there are more expensive goods for those who are able or inclined to spend more money. It is a mammoth stock, embracing every variety of style, quality, and material, and size from the little boy of three years, to the well matured and full-grown man of six feet seven, weighing three hundred pounds or more. It is a great relief to overworked mothers to be able to buy ready made suits for the romping urchins, as it take a burden off them which sometimes, when added to their other numerous duties, becomes too heavy to be borne with equanimity. Overcoats are being sold at cost during the holidays. Gloves, boots, and shoes, hats and caps, neck-ties, suspenders, shirts, underwear, trunks, overalls, notions, and everything else sold at reasonable prices. The firm is composed of Eli Youngheim and Joe Finkleberg; the latter being the manager. Although located in our city but a few months as stated above this firm has created a revolution. Joe has become so well-acquainted that hundreds of customers grasp him by the hand daily, and the little children run to him with upturned faces for his greeting kiss, when they visit his store. Kind, sociable, honest, and upright, Joe is respected by everyone.
This is the name of our 4-eyed, jolly, whole-souled hardware merchant. He was born on the shores of Lake Erie several years ago, and at an early age he mastered the tinsmith trade. After the war he drifted westward. For a number of years he was in the hardware and implement business in Missouri. Mr. Miller has encountered many reverses in life and has surmounted all, at one time losing all earthly possessions except a three-cent postage stamp. But by his indomitable will, his sterling qualities, and his quiet, unassuming “get there Eli” and bound to succeed spirit, has kept climbing up the ladder round by round, until he is nearing the topmost. He came to Kansas in 1878, landing at Wichita. In 1881 Mr. Miller decided that Arkansas City was destined to be the metropolis of the southwest at no distant day, and accordingly cast his lot here. In that year he founded his present mammoth establishment in a little room 16 x 18. He worked day and night, pounding tin, with a determination to win the esteem of everybody and their money by fair dealings. His efforts have been crowned with success. By his persistency, he has won the esteem of all. But more than all, a happy home and a good paying business—his mammoth hardware establishment, second to none. Mr. Miller handles everything in the way of hardware stores, tinware, and house furnishing goods. Three first-class tinsmiths are employed the year round to do the tin work on the many fine residences that grace our beautiful city and county. He has not been neglectful of the holiday season. He has for presents toilet sets, a fine line of silver-plated teapots, the largest and best selected stock of pocket cutlery in the city, a handsome stock of silverware, and last of all but not least the universal Base-Burner stove. Surprise your family with one of these elegant heaters and make your home pleasant. We can consistently recommend to the generous public, when wanting anything in this line, to go and see G. W. Miller, and he will give you a square deal.
are the proprietors of the lumber yard on South Summit Street. This is the firm of which we are all proud. Coming here but a few short months, Mr. A. V. Alexander has worked up a patronage in the lumber trade second to no other yard in the city. He handles the best lumber the market affords, selling it at but a slight advance. He treats everyone so politely that the first thing you realize after entering his sanctum at the lumber yard is that you have purchased a bill of lumber for your house. Since making his home in Arkansas City, Mr. Alexander has been prominently connected with all the public enterprises which would be of benefit to our town. Of the Arkansas City Building Association, Mr. Alexander is the secretary. This association has been one of the prime factors in the up-building of the south part of the town. The five handsome cottages which this association erected some time ago was the nucleus for the erection of other buildings. Property has advanced in that neighborhood and it has been principally through the instrumentality of Mr. Alexander, but we are afraid we are digressing from their lumber yard business, and yet we cannot help mentioning these facts when a man is so deserving. But to return. What Arkansas City has needed for a long time is a lumber yard that would supply our citizens with a good quality of lumber at a reasonable figure. Since the opening of this yard, over 200 houses have been erected. Alexander & Co., have assisted in their building. They have aided the poor man with a small sum of money in getting cheaper lumber, thus allowing them to build a home for their family and little ones. Our limited space will not allow us to do this firm the justice which we desire. Among the first in all of the public enterprises, Mr. Alexander is a valuable citizen and as such we recommend him to the public.
P.S. You can make orders by telephone at this yard.
are the proprietors of one of the leading wholesale and retail grocery and queensware establishments in the city. It is located in the south room under the Highland Hall. F. B. Hutchison is the manager. By his long residence in the territory before engaging in business, Frank formed many acquaintances and made lifetime friends, both among the noble redmen and the many merchants located at the different Indian trading posts. He now enjoys the fruits of his territorial residence. When in Arkansas City these traders call at J. W. Hutchison & Sons’ store for Frank to figure on a bill of goods. Now, this is his especial delight. If there is anything in which Frank excels, it is in figuring on a bill of goods. He never fails to make the sale. Any time you may drop into their establishment, you are likely to see Frank busily engaged in various gyrations before “Spotted Tail,” “Big Alex,” or some other Indian. This habit was also acquired while in the territory. He enjoys a large and lucrative Indian trade. Especially for the holiday trade, Messrs. Hutchison & Sons have laid in a magnificent stock of queensware and glassware. Throw away your old cracked dishes, do not keep them stuck together any longer with glue, but make your table shine with splendor, by purchasing a new outfit of J. W. Hutchison & Sons. An old adage says the way to reach a man’s heart is by way of his stomach. In order to do this, you must have the dinner table looking neat and inviting. Hanging lamps, mustache cups, dishes and pitchers in endless variety. A specialty made of Hutchison’s Darling cigar. Wives, a box of them would make a splendid present for your husband. On staple and fancy groceries, Messrs. Hutchison & Sons are offering extraordinary inducements during the holiday season.
is Arkansas City’s leading merchant tailor. Mr. Heitkam came here last Spring. Since then he has worked up a wonderful trade. He is a young man and is full of enterprise. The weather and the season are both suggestive of a new suit of clothing. It is poor economy to go badly clothed, and ill-fitting garments are an abomination both to the wearer and the beholder. A man always feels more like being a christian when he knows that he is making a good appearance. This being true, consider what Mr. Heitkam has done for the benefit of his fellow citizens in this part of the moral vineyard. Those who pass from under his skillful hands have assurance that they are presentable, in whatever company they may be thrown, be it Kings, Queens, or Presidents, and this consciousness gives them an ease of bearing, which adds greatly to their dignity and captivating appearance, essentials particularly requisite in young men who wish to make a favorable impression upon the opposite sex. You can obtain of Mr. Heitkam besides a neat fitting suit everything in the gent’s furnishing line. Neck-ties, collars, cuffs, pins, shirts, underwear, etc., are all obtainable here. He has all of the new styles of pantings and suits. Mr. Heitkam’s store is so advantageously situated that he keeps a first-class tailoring establishment. He invites the gentlemen of Cowley and adjoining counties to examine his goods and leave orders for suits. He is satisfied that they will be both pleased and benefitted. He is continually adding new goods, therefore any selection you may make of him will not be out of style after the first wearing.
are the proprietors of the lower stone flouring mill on the canal. This mill was built during 1883. The building is five stories high, all of stone. It cost some $65,000, for machinery and building. About $55,000 capital is required to keep this huge piece of machinery in operation. It is the flouring mill of the southwest. An average daily run of 250 barrels of flour is turned out. The Crescent Patent is their leading brand. The Morning Star is the favorite, and the third brand is Old Gold. As to the merits of these different grades of flour, the large wholesale trade carried on by Messrs. Landes, Beall & Co., simply testifies. Daily they make large shipments to the west and southwest: Kansas, Arkansas, Texas, and many other states are supplied with flour by the mill. Owing to their large southern trade, the demand for lower freight rates to that region has caused these gentlemen to enter prominently in the scheme of navigating the Arkansas River between here and Little Rock. Should the height of their ambition be reached and a line of steamers be kept constantly plying between the two above named points, then their southern wholesale trade will be increased three fold. This firm alone averages shipments of 200 barrels of flour per day, and as the demand for their flour grows, so will the firm of Landes, Beall & Co., increase their facilities for making it. They are men of enterprise and will succeed when others fail. To the world at large, the REPUBLICAN cheerfully recommends this firm and their flour.
One of our best businessmen in the city is Geo. W. Cunningham. In the make-up of Arkansas City’s list of businessmen, Mr. Cunningham is near the top. He is an implement dealer. His establishment is the largest of this kind in Arkansas City. It is a double-room, two-story brick. It is filled already with implements, wagons, buggies, windmills, corn shellers, etc. He handles nothing but the best goods. For enterprise Mr. Cunningham is not surpassed in Southern Kansas. There are a few weeks in the year that the implement business lags, but a visit to Mr. Cunningham’s establishment would never have divulged that fact. Words of commendation from us of Mr. Cunningham are almost useless, for who is it of our farmer friends that are not well acquainted with the above gentleman; but we would like to whisper a few words into your ear, toilers of the soil. Mr. Cunningham is making greater preparations accordingly. He handles the boss line of cultivators, plows, rakes, and other farm implements. His line of wagons for general use are second to none. All the above facts coupled with his great popularity with the patronizing public, appears to make his store room the center of attraction for people who desire anything in the implement line.
are the proprietors of the leading boot and shoe house in Arkansas City. The ladies will be delighted to learn that Mr. Brown has just returned from the east with a stock of shoes and slippers, especially for the holiday trade that will make their beautiful eyes glisten with pleasure. A neat fitting shoe or slipper is the ladies’ delight. It will not be the fault of Messrs. Brown & Pell that all the ladies are not re-shod during the holidays at their establishment. Nor have they been unmindful of the wants of the gentlemen and boys. All the leading manufacturers are represented. Fine boots and shoes they take pride in having constantly in stock. For heavier wear they have coarser stock. They flatter themselves that they have the best selected stock of boots and shoes of any house in the city. They handle boots and shoes exclusively. Their attention is not detracted from this line of business by any other branch. As the holidays are generally accompanied by a cold wave, they have laid in a mammoth stock of overshoes, especially for this season. They can save you 50 percent on all goods purchased of them. Should they fail in fitting you out of their stock, they can easily manufacture what you desire. Give them a call and take our word for it they will please you.
are the proprietors of the Arkansas City gun-shop. Work guaranteed.
is the latest acquisition to the City in the drug line. He came from Indiana several months ago and concluded to open up a first class drug store. He is one of those energetic Hoosiers who can never rest but are always rustling their business. Since the opening up of his store, he has been doing an excellent business. At the rear of his room he has partitioned off an office for Dr. E. Y. Baker, who will assist him in the drug business during the leisure hours of his practice. Mr. Steinberger has an exceedingly large prescription case filled with the purest of drugs. His stock is all new and fresh. It has not been on the shelves for months. For the holidays he will have a large stock of confections, just received. He handles none but the best brands of cigars. Tobacco he has plenty and if variety is spice, you can find both at this drug store. Combined with his drug stock, Mr. Steinberger has a fine line of pocket cutlery, nickle-plated shears, silver spoons, knives and forks, and revolvers which he will sell at a bargain. He desires to close them out at a bargain in order to make room for his new drug stock which he has arriving daily. He also carries the best brands of razors in the market. You will find his room on South Summit Street near the skating rink.
Proprietors of the City Book Store, will greet you this season with the handsomest line of holiday goods in Kansas. S. P. Gould commenced his career as a book dealer in 1883. His business increased so much that a partner became necessary. Several months ago N. T. Snyder associated himself with Mr. Gould. By the partnership the stock was about trebled. Now their shelves and display tables are creaking with the load of beautiful things for the holidays. There are albums that will be an acquisition to the centre table of any parlor. Books of poems of all the principal authors. Histories, works of fiction. Writing desks. Boxes of fancy stationery, Paper knives, Sewing baskets, Cigar cases, Perfumery, Lamps. This is only a partial enumeration, and to these are added vases, harmonicas, toys, pictures, scrap-books, and many minor articles which we cannot mention on account of our limited space. We have often heard of Paradise Lost, but if you will step into Gould & Snyder’s book store, you will have it found.
What is there more appropriate for a present at this season of the year than a handsome parlor set, bed room suit, or something that is substantial, besides beautifying your home. For the holidays Mr. Pearson has received almost three carloads of furniture. He buys directly from the manufacturer and pays spot cash. In this way he is enabled to sell goods cheaper than anyone else. Mr. Pearson has been in the furniture business for a long time in Arkansas City. His present establishment is growing entirely too small for his increasing patronage. He has the basement chock full, the business room so full that you cannot turn around without jostling against furniture, and the upstairs so full that you are unable to get your head in the doorway. All this furniture Mr. Pearson has purchased for his customers during the holidays and mark our words, Peter will get rid of it and don’t you forget it. Pictures he has in endless variety, and everything in a first-class furniture store. Kind readers, you cannot afford to allow the holidays to pass by without visiting Peter Pearson’s furniture store.
The quiet and gentlemanly proprietor of the Green Front is the oldest dry goods merchant in Arkansas City. For fourteen long years, Mr. Houghton has handled dry goods here; no one now can show a longer continuous business in the place than he. And what he doesn’t know about the dry goods business is not worth knowing. He knows where and what to buy and how to sell. As the city has increased in population and wealth, so has Mr. Houghton’s trade grown. He has become a permanent fixture in Arkansas City’s circle of businessmen and it would be an impossibility to do without him. Located in one of the most prominent places, first door north of Cowley County Bank, every man, woman, and child knows where to find him. For the holidays he is offering superior inducements in dry goods, carpets, ladies’ wraps, boots and shoes, notions, etc. Something that will be of use to you as well as ornamental is what you should buy to make presents during the holidays and the Green Front is the place to make your purchases. You will be deftly waited on by Mr. Houghton or any of his corps of assistants.
is the youthful artist who has lately leased Mrs. D. W. Stevens’ art gallery. There is one thing which is welcome in every household, and that is the picture of a friend. Though absent in flesh, the counterfeit presentment keeps his memory bright and fresh in our minds. What a comfort it is to open the album and look upon the portraits of those whom we cannot have with us! Without the modern art gallery, the most of us would be denied this satisfaction. The gentleman mentioned above takes pride in granting your friends this satisfaction. His works are his recommendations. A glance at his samples will convince you, as an artist, he ranks second to none in the state.
Here is a large and well-selected stock of almost everything pertaining to a lady’s wardrobe—hats, trimmings, laces, handkerchiefs, collars, ribbons of every shade, Jersey caps, embroidery, silks, and notions of every kind. The winter season is almost over and special bargains are offered her in hats, saxony yarns, zephyrs, etc., at the City Millinery. It is the ladies’ paradise. Stamping done on short notice. Mrs. May Huyck is the lady who presides over the City Millinery and she is adept in the art of making ladies look beautiful under their head-gear.
Arkansas City Republican, December 20, 1884.
NO. 33,
located in Newman’s corner brick, is one of the neatest arranged drug stores in the state of Kansas. It will not do to pass by this house in search for presents. No. 33 has a splendid selected stock of goods. It affords the gentlemenly proprietors much pleasure to be able to supply their customers with a superior class of goods. There are odor and dressing cases, plush mirrors, pocket-books, albums, writing desks, vases, lamps, cologne sets, ink stands, and various other articles suitable for a present. Their holiday goods consists of presents that are useful as well as ornamental. A lady or gentleman can easily find a present at No. 33 that will suit the taste of the most fastidious. Dr. H. D. Kellogg and L. V. Coombs are the gentlemanly proprietors. Messrs. Kellogg & Coombs are so well known to our readers that it is almost unnecessary for the REPUBLICAN to endorse them. They have been in the business so long, especially the senior member of the firm. Call and examine the stock of No. 33 and you will discover that we have not told the one-tenth part. You will find it a pleasure as well as a benefit to stop at No. 33.
was built about three years ago by Mr. V. M. Ayres. He is the pioneer in the mill business on the canal. He was the first to utilize Arkansas City’s water power. He erected first a combination mill of burrs and rolls and had a capacity of 125 barrels. Lately owing to his brisk trade, he enlarged and remodeled his mill into the complete roller system, including all the latest improvements. By this improvement the capacity of the Canal Roller Mills was almost doubled. They now rank with the best flouring mills of the state. Their new facilities also created a better grade of flour, and now they are turning out flour second to none manufactured in the southwest. Mr. Ayres’ leading brands are Roller Patent, Venus or Half Patent, and Zenith. As the result of Mr. Ayres making these grades of flour, it has given him a name in the principal cities of Kansas, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee, Georgia, and the Indian Territory, as being one of the leading millers in the southwest. In these states he does a mammoth wholesale business.
Edward Grady, proprietor, is still in the ring, not in the least disfigured by having so much competition in the lumber trade. The sale of building material in this community the past year has been very large and he has sold his share. During the dull season this yard has done a thriving business. This lumber yard is now chock full of all kinds of builders’ material, and of the best quality. He does not make a big blow about the amount of business done in the days gone by, but generally rolls over into the new year by having disposed of many thousands of dollars worth of material between the first and last day. Mr. Grady’s customers have learned that he always gives them the benefit of the very lowest prices possible, and after the first transaction, they always “come again.” Lately he has added coal to his lumber business, owing to the incessant demand of his customers for that article. Mr. Grady is business and is well recompensed for his efforts to please his customers.
is the proprietor of the “old reliable” harness shop of Arkansas City. He has been tried by the citizens of this community and found not wanting. He came here a number of years ago to make our town his home. Since then he has built up a lucrative trade. He has a large stock of harness, saddles, bridles, whips, spurs, etc.; in fact, his room is so full of stock that it is almost impossible to turn around. His room is much too small to accommodate his wants and his customers. Mr. Houghton does not try to build up his trade by tearing someone else’s down; nor does he make a great ado but proceeds quietly along in the even tenor of his way, making friends and augmenting his trade. He is busy now preparing for next season’s custom for which he will make a lively competition. A man among men is T. R. Houghton and this fact has been discovered by his customers and they stay with him.
Among the latest but by no means less important of our business establishments is that of E. L. McDowell, the jeweler. He came out here last spring to take charge of the jewelry establishment of Fitch & Barron’s store, but is so well pleased with the country and the kind treatment he has received at the hands of the people of this place, that he has decided to locate permanently, and accordingly rented part of Kellogg & Coombs’ room December 1, where he has displayed a very fine stock of clocks, watches, jewelry, etc. Mr. McDowell learned his trade in the east and is a practical workman, and having had experience in both the wholesale and retail jewelry trade, is enabled to keep up with the times. He hopes by fair and honest dealings to gain a foothold among us, and we wish him success. He has a handsome line of holiday goods.
Mr. Bonsall is the oldest and the best known photographer in Arkansas City. He was a citizen here long before we knew of this beautiful town. He served during the war as a U. S. Government photographer with credit to himself and profession. In the art of picture taking, he has had more experience than any artist in Cowley County. His gallery is furnished with all the modern fixtures, the latest improved camera, and he never fails to produce an exact likeness of his subject. There is nothing nicer for a distant friend than your photograph and Judge Bonsall is the artist to take it. Geins [?], photos, cabinets, and panel pictures especially. Mr. Bonsall is also U. S. Circuit Court Commissioner for this district.
is the place to get a lunch or a square meal. Stedman Bros, are the proprietors. Cigars, canned goods, cider, etc., can be obtained here. Fresh oysters received daily and gotten up in first-class style.
extends to his many friends and customers a hearty welcome, and desires to tender you his sincere thanks for your past liberal patronage and hope by fair and honest dealing to merit your confidence and support in the future; confident that thereby we may be mutually benefitted. He is determined to keep a full and complete stock of everything kept in a first-class furniture store. Buying his goods of the most reliable eastern firms, he can offer them to his customers, feeling that they speak for themselves as to quality and beauty. It is not his custom to try and build up a trade by running down goods bought of other parties, but by fair and honest dealing. Again extending his thanks for your kind and liberal patronage, he wishes you all a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
Mr. Kirkpatrick is the proprietor of a neat grocery and bakery combined. Now a bakery during the holidays is especially needed to prepare the many good things designed for the numerous festive gatherings. Here is the place to supply this want. He has a Noal [?] baker, who thoroughly understands his business. Mr. Kirkpatrick always keeps on hand an ample stock of staple and fancy groceries and during 1885 he proposes to furnish the larders of many families in this vicinity. The report noised around and strengthened by publication that Mr. Kirkpatrick was going to retire from business is untrue. He intends to be a giant of usefulness to the public the remaining years of his life in furnishing their groceries and the products of the oven.
is the proprietor of one of the leading agricultural implement establishments in Arkansas City. He occupies Benedict & Owen’s old stand and is successor to them in the implement business. Mr. Means is a young and energetic businessman, and if his opening trade is an indication of what his trade will be when it has reached its maturity, he will do twice the business of his predecessors. All the latest improved farming machinery he has for sale. Pumps, windmills, corn shellers, wagons, buggies, garden and grass seed, gas supplies, etc., fills his store room to repletion. Possessed of the vim and energy which Mr. Means has, we have no fear but what he will create a vast amount of rustling among his competitors.
The proprietors of the Notion Store is headquarters for Santa Claus. They are not exactly Santa Claus themselves, but they love to gladden the hearts of everyone. Toys of every description for the children, vases, toilet sets for the girls and boys, sewing machines for the mother, musical instruments for the family. In fact, there is nothing usually kept in a first-class notion store that they are not displaying for the holidays. At present they are closing out their dry goods at greatly reduced rates. Everything to please you will be found in this establishment arranged neatly and at prices to suit the times.
with Ivan Robinson as proprietor. For a long time our town has felt the want of a coal yard. Mr. Robinson, on his own responsibility, came down from Winfield a few weeks ago and opened up a first-class yard. He has risked his capital in the investment and we are glad to see that our citizens are not backward in showing their appreciation of Mr. Robinson’s enterprise. They welcome him so warmly that already his business has reached such proportions as to require an assistant. You can get all kinds of coal of Mr. Robinson at any time. He keeps some ten carloads in stock.
is the aesthetic knight of the razor who presides in the parlors of the Red Front tonsorial palace. Homer is king and reigns supreme and his subjects must bow down for mercy. But avaunt with nonsense and tell the truth. To our notion Mr. Deets is the easiest shaving barber in Arkansas City. He is ably assisted by Sir Knight Peecher. The shop is kept clean, which is a great item in barbering. Shampooing, sea foams, and hair cutting a specialty. Bath rooms in connection. Warm, cold, or shower baths given.
Mr. Eddy has a good selected stock for the holiday trade. There are toilet sets, dressing cases, pocket books, albums, vases, and a variety of other articles calculated to please. He has a novelty in the way of Pampas grass and bouquets made of winter flowers. They are immense for holiday decorations. Mr. Eddy is an old citizen here and has been in the drug business a number of years. The holiday season has always found him ready for business and he is not lacking this time.
This is the appellation of a new real estate firm doing business over the post office. Uriah Spray is well known to our citizens and is doing a good business in the effecting of sales of lands. They have a number of choice farms for sale at a bargain, lots in all parts of the city, horses, cattle ranches, and in fact anything usually for sale at a real estate agency. One thing characteristic of Mr. Spray is his truthfulness. He has had a great deal of experience as a land agent and his word once passed may be counted on as reliable.
are the proprietors of one of the leading wholesale and retail grocery houses of Arkansas City. They keep a select stock of staple and fancy groceries, the finest line of glass and queensware in town. Beautiful hanging lamps adorn their show windows, such as would be an attraction in any lady’s parlor. Messrs. Kimmel & Moore are good men to deal with. Accommodating, sociable, and generous, they await you at their store. You will find it a pleasure to deal with them.
Attorney-at-law, practices in all the courts. Mr. Jenkins lately removed here and is rapidly polishing up his reputation as a lawyer. We advise those desiring legal advice to call on Mr. Jenkins over the post office.
the genial draymen, do not desire to be left out in the cold in our “write-up.” These gentlemen do the greater portion of the hauling for the businessmen mentioned in this review. They have several teams which are constantly on the go from early morn till late at night. If it were not for these enterprising gentlemen and their draying outfits, our merchants would be in a sad predicament indeed. They are especially fitted up for holiday hauling.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.
The modesty of Kansas people is proverbial. It is on this account we seldom hear of this state. We are disposed to keep quiet in regard to our mild winters, our cool evening winds, our magnificently producing soil. We dislike to mention, even in a whisper, the fact that our people are a little more than half civilized, that once in a while you will find a church and occasionally a schoolhouse. That we do not all go barefooted nor bareheaded. It tears our self command to shreds to have to admit such things. But they are facts.
This feature in our people, we are sorry to say, even extends to our brother Knights of the scissors—men who are supposed to have all the adamantine gall and three-thickness-iron-plated cheek to say and do most anything. We refer especially to some of our neighbors. Some of our near neighbors, indeed, who are well acquainted with us, know our ingoings and outgoings. These dear brethren are very much affected with modesty of expression, caused by a sudden contraction of conscience accompanied at the same time by an equally great expansion of cheek, when they think of or mention Arkansas City. You never hear them speak of our four large mills, the most of which run day and night, and ship flour to all points of the compass, from the Alleghenies to the Rockies, and from the Gulf to the Lakes, manufacturing, as they do, the flour and the barrels to hold it under the same room. They do not forget about this—they are too modest to say anything, that is all. We do not remember to have heard them say anything about our “ditch,” which is now running three large mills and will soon have a woolen mill perched on its banks. It has not, within the last decade anyway, been incidentally mentioned by them that this same canal gives us the best water power in the state, able to furnish power for a dozen large mills or manufactures. Of course, they do not allude to this because they are afraid their hearers or readers, as the case may be, may think them to be bragging. Of course, this is the reason. They “disremember” the fact that the Commercial and Hasie block is the finest block, with only three exceptions, in the state, and that our opera house is not to be exceeded south of Topeka. They perhaps never heard of it. Perhaps. It may be possible, however, that they have had an intimation that Arkansas City has all the government freight for the Territory, that that brings in thousands of dollars in trade, that we have the contract for a million and a half pounds of flour for the Indians, that this is the best outfitting point for cattlemen and traders on the border. They may have had such an intimation, but no tomb was ever more silent. Our beloved rib-of-our-sides brethren of the clipped ideas either forgot more than they remember or they do not hear as much as they hear. But notwithstanding all this, in spite of it, in fact, Arkansas City is heard of some way or other, as evidenced by the train loads that arrive every day—the full hotels, etc. See Arkansas City and live forever.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.
Winfield and Arkansas City have a summary way of disposing of the auction and Wandering Jew class of men who come in to stay a few days to dispose of a shoddy stock of goods and swindle the community in general. Two men of this class made efforts both here and in Winfield to get a building to put in a large stock of jewelry, silverware, etc., to auction off for Christmas trade. Our merchants here and the Winfield merchants there froze them out. We believe them to have done exactly right in this matter. Arkansas City owes her present flourishing condition to our enterprising businessmen who have come here and invested their money and time, and the citizens are in duty bound to protect them. The fact that we can perhaps save fifty cents on an article by buying it from some traveling dead beat, does not justify us by any means in buying it of him. We do not admit that this can be done as a rule. If there is a difference in price, there will almost invariably be found a difference in quality. Guarantees, from such parties, are of no value whatever as they are not responsible, being here one day and the Lord only knows where the next. Under the circumstances our merchants did just right and ought to be supported in it.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.
On New Year’s Day.
The ladies of the Episcopal Society of this city will receive calls on New Year’s Day in Masonic Hall from 2 to 4 p.m., and during the evening a social will be held at that same place. Elaborate preparations are being made for this event, and when we consider the high social qualities of the Episcopal ladies in Arkansas City, and their eminent fitness for holding such a reception as is contemplated, we are perfectly safe in guaranteeing a delightful afternoon and evening. Choice refreshments will be served by the ladies to all who accept their very cordial invitation extended to come and be merry with them. There will be room for all, and no one should fail to take advantage of this, the only New Year’s reception in Arkansas City.