Reynolds Family
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 6, 1876.
On the 9th day of January, 1870, a party of fifteen men under the lead of Thomas Coats took claims along the Grouse Valley. Their names were John Coats, Wm. Coats, Joseph Reynolds, Gilbert Branson, Henry Branson, Newton Phenis, I. H. Phenis, H. Hayworth, L. B. Bullington, J. T. Raybell, D. T. Walters, S. S. Severson, John Nicholls, and C. J. Phenis.
Cowley County Democrat, Winfield, Kansas, Thursday, July 13, 1876.
HISTORY OF COWLEY COUNTY. Read at the Centennial Celebration, July 4, 1876, at Winfield, Kansas, by Wirt W. Walton.
1870. On the 9th day of January, a party of 15 men under the lead of Thomas Coats took claims along the Grouse Valley. Their names were John Coats, Wm. Coats, Joseph Reynolds, Gilbert Branson, Henry Branson, Winton Phenis, J. H. Phenis, H. Haywood, L. B. Bullington, J. T. Raybell, D. T. Walters, S. S. Severson, John Nichols, and C. J. Phenis.
Beaver Township 1879:
E. K. Reynolds, 29; spouse, S., 30. P. O. Address Tannehill.
Dexter Township 1874:
O. H. Reynolds, 30; spouse, Emily, 30.
N. L. Reynolds, 27. No spouse.
Kansas 1875 Census Dexter Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
Wm. L. Reynolds 28 m w Kentucky Illinois
Francis M. Reynolds 13 m w Illinois Illinois
Dexter Township 1882:
J. H. Reynolds, 48; spouse, R. J., 42.
T. Jeff Reynolds, 25; spouse, Susan, 34.
Miles H. Reynolds, 21; spouse, Mary E., 21.
W. L. Reynolds, 36. No spouse.
Kansas 1875 Census Liberty Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
J. Reynolds 27 m w Illinois Illinois
Liberty Township 1878:
John Reynolds, 30. No spouse. P. O. Address, Tisdale.
Liberty Township 1882:
John Reynolds, 33. No spouse.
Omnia Township 1872:
J. D. Reynolds, 35; spouse, S. F., 30.
Samuel Reynolds, 40; spouse, Elizabeth, 26.
S. T. Reynolds, 35. No spouse.
Omnia Township 1874:
J. D. Reynolds, 37; spouse, S. F., 35.
S. S. Reynolds, 41; spouse, E. J., 26.
Pleasant Valley Township 1882:
K. W. Reynolds, 20; spouse, Ida, 23.
Sheridan Township 1880:
Wm. Reynolds, 45; spouse, R. J., 48.
Sheridan Township 1882:
Wm. Reynolds, 48; spouse, R. J., 50.
Kansas 1875 Census, Silverdale Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
F. Reynolds 34 m w Indiana Missouri
E. Reynolds 24 f w Indiana Missouri
A. Reynolds 6 m w Kansas
Eva? Reynolds 4 f w Kansas
Tisdale Township 1874:
L. Reynolds, 32; spouse, L., 23.
Walnut Township 1882:
E. M. Reynolds, 41; spouse, Mahalia, 32.
H. C. Reynolds, 32. No spouse.
Windsor Township 1880:
J. H. Reynolds, 43; spouse, E., 36. P. O. Address Burden.
Winfield 1878: John Reynolds, 43; spouse, R., 34.
Winfield 1880: John Reynolds, 45; spouse, Rebecca, 36.
Arkansas City 1893:
D. W. Reynolds, 33. No spouse.
E. P. Reynolds, 25; spouse, Netty, 25.
Geo. Reynolds, 31; spouse, Matty, 30.
Geo. Reynolds, 22; spouse, Nora, 24.
H. H. Reynolds, 30; Mary, 28.
J. E. Reynolds, 48; spouse, Molly, 48.
Jno. D. Reynolds, 28; spouse, Maria, 23.
J. W. Reynolds, 67; spouse, Mary, 61.
Wm. Reynolds, 33; spouse, Mrs., 29.
W. R. Reynolds, 58; spouse, L. V., 44.
Note by RKW years ago...
1870. The special census of Cowley County taken February 10, 1870, lists the following members of Reynolds family: Charles, C. M., E. A., Emily, Fett, James, J. H., John, M. I., Mary, Thomas, W. M., and William.
The following Reynolds were taken from early newspapers in date order. An attempt has been made to follow each name given. On the very first name I finally discovered that where was a J. H. Reynolds (Joseph H.) At Dexter and that there was another man (John Reynolds) at Torrance. Talk about confusion! Trying to separate John from Joseph.
1. (A) Joseph H. Reynolds [Dexter Township.]
2. (A) John Reynolds [Torrance.]
Cowley County Censor, October 21, 1871.
Last Saturday the Republican Delegate Convention met at this place and, notwithstanding the day was stormy and disagreeable, all the townships were represented except Creswell. The following named gentlemen were the delegates.
Dexter Township: Jas. McDermott, J. H. Reynolds, and G. P. Wagner.
Walnut Valley Times, December 22, 1871.
[From the Arkansas City Traveler.]
DEXTER. We had the pleasure of visiting this thriving little village last Friday, and found it located about as heretofore described in these columns. At the time of our visit business was brisk. Three new houses were almost enclosed, and we learned that twice that number would be built within the present month. Among the business houses:
Reynolds & Sanford, blacksmiths.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 25, 1873.
Delegates at Dexter were chosen: L. R. Bryan, J. H. Reynolds, and J. H. Serviss, all farmers. The following alternates were chosen: R. T. Wells, Wm. Hoblit, and Dr. G. P. Wagner; all farmers except Wagner. The following township committee was elected: T. R. Bryan, chairman; J. D. Maurer, F. A. Creager; all farmers. Dexter is taking hold of the farmer question in earnest.
Winfield Courier, June 12, 1874.
Isaac Smith and wife to Joseph H. Reynolds and Leon Lippman n w qr. of n w qr. sec 18 tp. 33 s r 7 e $300.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.
Petition of W. H. Primrose and others of Harvey township, granted for road commencing southeast corner of section 32, thence north on section line 6 miles in Township 30, range 7. Viewers, John W. Gull, Evan James, J. H. Reynolds. Meet with county surveyor at place of beginning, February 24th, at 10 a.m.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.
Mrs. John Reynolds is spending the winter in Illinois with relatives.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.
Mrs. John Reynolds has returned home from her visit in Illinois.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 16, 1885.
Mr. J. H. Reynolds has rented part of his house to Mr. Mohler. Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds expect to start for Ford County soon. The children will stay at home and keep house until they return.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 25, 1885.
Mr. John Reynolds is erecting quite a large barn on his farm.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 25, 1885.
Mr. Allen and Reynolds left for their claims in Ford County.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 9, 1885.
Mrs. J. H. Reynolds has been quite sick again.
A son of John Reynolds was buried last Thursday. He was sick only a short time.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 17, 1885.
John Reynolds has gone to Medicine Lodge for a month’s ramble.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 1, 1885.
Willie Reynolds died at his home in Torrance after four weeks of untold suffering. Willie was a bright boy; just entering into manhood, and his death is a sad blow to his many friends as well as to his parents, brothers, and sisters.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 8, 1885.
Mr. Reynolds talks some of removing his family to Ford County. We would be sorry to lose them.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 5, 1885.
Messrs. Reynolds and Allen are going to Ford County soon.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 31, 1885.
Mrs. Reynolds left last week for Chase County.
2. A. S. Reynolds. Winfield.
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.
City Treasurer’s Report. Receipts. The City of Winfield in account with M. L. Robinson, Treasurer, June 15th, 1874.
May 26 By Jones & Reynolds, license butcher: $3.00
Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.
Dissolution Notice. Notice is hereby given that the firm of Jones & Reynolds is this day dissolved by mutual consent. T. J. Jones will assume all liabilities and collect moneys due the old firm. T. J. JONES, A. S. REYNOLDS. Winfield, Kan., June 22nd, 1874.
3. Samuel P. Reynolds.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 16, 1873.
Garrett W. Thompson vs. Saml P. Reynolds.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 30, 1873.
Proceedings of the Cowley County District Court, to Oct. 29th, 1873, the Following Causes having Been Disposed of.
G. W. Thompson vs. S. P. Reynolds, continued.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1874.
15. Garrett W. Thompson vs. Samuel P. Reynolds.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.
S. W. Thompson vs. S. P. Reynolds, Judgment by defendant.
4. J. Reynolds. [Liberty Township]. Possibly moved later to Winfield.
Winfield Courier, November 15, 1877.
Liberty—L. Weimer, Trustee; E. Newlin, Treasurer; J. Reynolds, Clerk; Geo. Moore, J. J. Hawkins, Justices; J. Campbell, Constable.
5. John Reynolds. [Winfield]
Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.
The following bills were presented to the council, read, approved, and ordered paid.
John Reynolds, police, Sept. 16th: $1.00.
Winfield Courier, October 24, 1878.
Office of the Secretary of the Walnut Valley Fair Association. To the officers, stockholders, and patrons of the above named association: I have the honor to submit herewith a detailed statement of the receipts and disbursements of the association from its organization to the present time, as per order of the Executive Board dated Oct. 17th, 1878.
John Reynolds, hauling.
Winfield Courier, April 3, 1879.
Oct. 13, 1878. To cash, J. Reynolds for pest house: $60.00
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1884.
Mr. A. E. Noble, late of Iowa, has erected a fine residence containing eight rooms, on West 12th Avenue, and John Craine was slashing on the mortar on its interior at a lively rate.
Just south of Mr. Noble, a residence is being built by J. R. Hyden, another newcomer, while a block west, Mr. Henry Forbes and others were found busily engaged in building a house for John Reynolds.
6. John M. Reynolds. [Windsor Township]
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1884.
Township Officers. The Board of Commissioners met Tuesday and canvassed the vote for township officers. The following were declared elected.
JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. Windsor, H. H. Hovey and J. Reynolds.
7. John M. Reynolds [Dexter]
Winfield Courier, September 11, 1879.
Dexter: James Nicholson, John M. Reynolds, A. J. Truesdale, G. M. Hawkins.
Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.
The Dexter township Republicans held their primary meeting last Saturday and had a large turn out, polling 102 votes. The delegates elected by 24 majority are for Jennings for County Attorney; three for Smith, one for Gans, and one for Coldwell for Probate Judge. The delegates elected are J. M. Reynolds, R. Maurer, O. P. Darst, T. J. Rude, and A. Elliott.
Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.
J. M. Reynolds, one of the substantial men of Dexter township, called on us Tuesday.
Winfield Courier, May 18, 1882.
Grouse Valley Items. Miss Mollie Daniels of lower Grouse is visiting the family of Mr. John Reynolds.
Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.
MARRIED. Mr. C. C. Rockwell and Miss Mary F. Reynolds, of Dexter Township, were married by the Probate Judge Monday afternoon. John Reynolds, uncle of the bride, was present, but came in a minute too late. From a remark he made, we judge the affair was somewhat of a surprise for him. The COURIER wishes the young couple a long life of prosperity and happiness.
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1882.
Dexter: J. M. Reynolds, G. M. Hawkins, J. A. Elliott, W. W. Underwood.
Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.
The Cowley County Republican Convention met at the Opera House in Winfield on Saturday, September 1st, 1883, at 11 o’clock a.m.
DEXTER: Thos. McDonough, J. M. Reynolds, S. H. Wells, G. P. Wagner.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1884.
Commissioners Proceedings. Viewers appointed on E. Johnson, C. D. Soule, J. F. McEwen, John M. Reynolds, J. J. Fitzpatrick, and W. B. Galloway county roads.
Winfield Courier, April 17, 1884.
Report adopted on John M. Reynolds road, no damages; on W. B. Gallows road, with no damages; on Frederick Myers road, and on road of Isaac Fitzpatrick, no damages.
Arkansas City Republican, December 4, 1886. Supplement. [Seven Road Notices.]
RECAP: Gather notices were all presented to the Board of County Commissioners of Cowley County, Kansas, held on the 8th day of October, A. D. 1886.
3. John H. Kennedy and others of Otter Township...view and survey for the purpose of locating and vacating certain county roads...W. W. Underwood, R. C. Maurer, and Jno. M. Reynolds, viewers, N. A. Haight, county surveyor.
Daily Calamity Howler, Monday, October 26, 1891.
An all day convention was held at Eaton Sunday, 25th. Sunday School workers were there from a distance. Officers elected were: Pres., W. Watkins, vice pres., Alden Mackey; sec., E. I. Johnson; treas., R. B. Hanna. The following officers were also appointed for Dexter township: Pres. W. Drury; vice pres., H. H. Haven; sec., Gusta Bibler; treas., John Reynolds. J. A. RUPP.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.
The preliminary examination, before Judge Buckman, of Alfred B. Elliott for the murder of Wilborn M. Chastain, at Dexter, on the 22nd, closed at five o’clock last evening. The defendant was granted bail in the sum of $10,000, which was promptly given. The court room was thronged with anxious listeners. The interest was intense and when the case was declared bailable, signs of approbation were noticeable all around.
The crowded audience arose and the preliminary was over. Mr. Elliott was warmly congratulated at his fortune in getting bond. All over the audience and especially among the Dexterites, could be seen a strong leaning in favor of Elliott. The attorneys for the defense immediately prepared the bond. Plenty of men were on hand to sign the bond. The bondsmen are: Alfred B. Elliott, Rowland C. Maurer, John B. Harden, S. G. Elliott, John R. Smith, Azro O. Elliott, Isaac H. Penis, Tully G. Hoyt, George M. Hawkins, John M. Reynolds, J. Wade McDonald, James McDermott, H. R. Branson, and J. M. Jackson—fourteen names. The bond was approved. The bondsmen were not required to qualify. The bond aggregates big wealth.
8. John W. Reynolds. Arkansas City.
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.
CIVIL DOCKET. FIFTH DAY. 70. Jennie Reynolds vs. J. W. Reynolds et al.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 23, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers, filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
Albert A. Newman and Tyler H. McLaughlin et ux to John W. Reynolds, lots 27, 28, 29, 30, blk 12, lots 9, 10, blk 38, Ark City: $500.
Riverview Cemetery records show that there was a J. W. Reynolds born in 1815, who died August 16, 1898, and was buried without a gravestone. His wife Margaret was born in 1837 and died April 6, 1906.
10. Jno. Reynolds. [Salt City.]
Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1877.
SALT CITY, March 30, 1877. A mining party leaves here next week for the San Juan mines. Among the number are J. J. Letts, Dr. Covell, Jno. Reynolds, Will and Hugh Walker.
While Dr. Covell was out hunting geese, his gun bursted, and a piece of the barrel struck him in the face. He is doing well.
11. George Reynolds [Salt City]
Note: Have placed him in “cattlemen” file. MAW
Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.
MR. REYNOLDS, the gentleman who came from Ohio and stopped in town for a short time, has purchased a farm one mile south of Salt City, and is building one of the finest residences in that section.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 9, 1877. Front Page.
Coal at Salt City. SALT CITY, KAS., April 28, 1877. At a meeting called for the purpose of taking action with regard to the organization of a coal company at this place. On motion Mr. L. Small was elected Chairman and W. E. Chenoweth, Secretary. A letter was read by Mr. Wm. Berkey, from Todd & Royal, with regard to their proposition, on the shaft already begun. Short speeches were made by the following named persons, concerning the past, present, and future goal prospects: Messrs. Foster, Broadbent, Acton, Mills, Ward, Berry, Chenoweth, Berkey, Reynolds, and Lewis. A lively time was had.
On motion of Mr. Wm. Berkey, an election of five directors for a coal company was ordered. This resulted in the selection of the following gentlemen: George Reynolds, J. H. Hudson, Robert Mills, L. Small, and Wm. Berkey.
Winfield Courier, May 10, 1877. Back Page.
From Salt City. At a meeting called for the purpose of taking action with regard to the organization of a coal company at this place. On motion Mr. L. Small was elected Chairman and W. F. Chenoweth Secretary. A letter was read by Mr. W. Berkey, from Todd and Royal with regard to the proposition on the shaft already begun. Short speeches were made by the following named persons, concerning the past prospects and future coal prospects. Messrs. Foster, Broadbent, Acton, Mills, Ward, Berry, Chenoweth, Berkey, Reynolds, and Lewis. A lively time was had. On motion of Mr. Berkey an election of five directors for a coal company was ordered. Respectfully in the selection of the following gentlemen:
George Reynolds, J. H. Hudson, Robert Mills, L. Small, and W. Berkey. Moved and carried that H. B. Pruden be the treasurer of the company.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.
MR. REYNOLDS, near Salt City, sent us in a quart of new potatoes of this year’s growth, and has had two meals of the same lot this spring. The vines had a wagon sheet thrown over them to protect them from the frost, hence the early growth.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
FROM WEST BOLTON. Mr. George Reynolds, an experienced nurseryman from Ohio, is making arrangements to put out about forty acres of nursery this spring on his place one mile south of Salt City. He has purchased an interest in the Chetopa nursery of which this will be a branch. We wish him abundant success, as it will be of great advantage to this whole country. Their motto is fresh stock, fair dealing, and low prices. RUDY.
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
WEST BOLTON. Mr. Reynolds is still very busy arranging his new nursery. RUDY.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
SALT CITY, Sept. 18, 1878. Mr. Reynolds has just completed the budding of his 52,000 peach trees, and will next season show you more home-grown stock from their celebrated nursery. This is a branch of the Rose Hill and Walnut Valley Nursery, which has been sending out so much fine stock through their agents, Trissell and Baird.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 5, 1880.
Mr. Geo. Reynolds, of Salt City, paid his respects to the TRAVELER last Friday, and informed us that everything in the vicinity of that growing burgh is in a blooming condition, and that crops generally are looking better than could have been expected. Wheat, he thinks, in that section will average a good half crop, while corn, potatoes, and other crops promise well so far.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 26, 1880.
Editor Traveler: A fire broke out in George Reynolds’ stable and out-houses last Friday, burning up the buildings together with a large quantity of corn, oats, and meat. No stock was burned. The loss is between $300 and $400.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 18, 1881.
It was with pleasure we grasped by the hand our friend George Reynolds, of Salt City, one day last week. He was looking hearty, as usual, and said things in general were progressing so so in his part of the world.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 7, 1881.
We were pleased yesterday to grasp by the hand our old friend and subscriber, Geo. Reynolds, of Salt City.
Mr. Reynolds has been in Colorado and while he likes that State, yet thinks that Kansas will strike a good average with any State in the Union, in which we entirely agree with him.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 18, 1883.
Messrs. Reynolds, Doty, and Hubbell have been awarded a license to open an Indian trading store at the Cheyenne and Arapaho Agency.
Winfield Courier, April 3, 1884.
Certificates of wedded bliss have been issued by Judge Gans.
Geo. E. Reynolds to Mattie J. Reynolds.
Arkansas City Republican, July 26, 1884.
G. W. Childers sold his property adjoining the City Drug Store, to a Mr. Bell of Eureka, Kansas, for $3,000 and his stock of confectioneries to W. D. Johnson. He has purchased the property of Mr. Reynolds for $4,850, and about the first of September will open a confectionery, oyster parlor, and will buy and ship game.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 26, 1884.
It is reported that the Cheyenne Indians have refused to receive the lease money from Geo. E. Reynolds of Colorado. Mr. Reynolds leased a strip off the east side of their reservation, for which he was to pay them $14,500 annually. The Indians now claim that he has fenced more than he agreed and will not accept the money. No settlement has as yet been effected.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, September 2, 1885.
The great cattle companies that have illegally fenced in millions of acres of the public lands, learn their fate in the proclamation lately issued by President Cleveland. Probably it will never be known exactly how far their rapacity has gone, since some of them will probably hasten to abandon parts of the territory they have seized, in the hope for longer retention of the rest. Yet it is known that their bold trespasses have been carried on upon a prodigious scale. “These stock ranges,” said Commissioner McFarland’s report, “sometimes cover several hundred thousand acres. Special agents report that they have ridden many miles in single enclosures, and that the same often contain much fine farming land.”
Documents laid before the committee on public lands in the last congress showed that in Colorado alone two foreign companies had fenced in more than a million acres each of the public lands. In the same state H. H. Metcalf and J. W. Powers, according to a letter of Secretary Teller, had fenced in 200,000 acres each; Lowery Brothers, 150,000; McDaniel & Davis, 75,000; E. C. Jane, Vrooman & McFife, and the Reynolds Cattle Co., 50,000 each; Garnett & Langford, and Chick, Brown & Co., 30,000, and so on with less rapacional squatters. In Nebraska the Brighton ranch occupied 125,000 acres, and the Kennebee from 20,000 to 50,000; Coe & Carter had up to fifty miles of fence; J. W. Wilson, forty; J. W. Bosler, 20. In Nevada W. Humphrey had up to thirty miles of fence, and Nelson & Son twenty-five. In Kansas great tracts were fenced in. In Wyoming more than a hundred companies had made illegal enclosures. Dakota showed the same reckless trespassing, and in New Mexico were the Dubuque, Cimarron, and Renello Companies and others with very large enclosures, one of which was declared during a debate in congress to be thirty miles square.
Attempting to draw up approximate statistics of illegal fencing that had been reported to him, the late land commissioner found them to include 2,300,000 acres in Colorado, 1,500,000 in New Mexico, 300,000 in Nebraska, 250,000 in Wyoming, 200,000 in Kansas, 60,000 in Nevada, and an unknown acreage in Montana and other territories.
The seizure of the public lands is not the only wrong done in these cases. Armed herdsmen hold these tracts against the entrance of genuine settlers. The preemption and homestead laws, designed to aid citizens, are perverted or opening defied by the cattle companies and their unscrupulous agents. The latter seize the pasturage and leisurely examine the mineral wealth of the domains they have fenced in, while even the United States mail courier has sometimes been compelled to go miles away from his accustomed route, from finding barbed wires stretched across his path. Homesteaders have been fenced in by them, in some cases, and have been threatened with violence or actually shot at for complaining or forcing an egress for themselves through the wires.
Even these acts of open violence do not complete the offenses of the land grabbers. In many instances they have sought to gain a partial hold on public lands, in order to avoid sudden ejection from them, by a pretended acquisition of title. The land office not long ago thus referred to this incidental wrong of the illegal fencing.
“A frequent incident to this control of large bodies of land is the acquirement of title by stock owners to the valleys, water courses, and other especially valuable lands within the enclosures, by means of fraudulent or fictitious entries caused to be made under the pre-emption, homestead, and desert land laws.”
At last, however, a check to this career of trespass, thieving, and fraud, with its interruption of public travel, detention of the mails, and intimidation of honest settlers, may be expected. The law passed at the last session of congress certainly gives all the additional facilities demanded for putting an end to these wrongs. It will not be surprising, however, to discover that the companies in some cases hold pretended titles to parts of their tracts through the connivance and assistance of local representatives of the government. In each case it may be found that the first necessity for the detection and punishment of the frauds is the removal of all registers, receivers, agents, and other government officers, whom negligence, incapacity, or corruption has made these wrongs possible. New York Sun.
13. George Reynolds. [Windsor Township]
Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.
Windsor township held her Republican primaries on Monday. The interest manifested was intense as shown by the fact that over 100 votes were polled. We are informed that the delegates elected stand on County Attorney two for Jennings and one for Asp; on Probate Judge, three for Gans; on Commissioner, two for Clay and one for Fall. The delegates are Shaw, Reynolds, and Denton.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1880.
The following is the central committee for the 89th Representative district, elected at Dexter on the 7th, of which G. H. McIntire is chairman. Windsor: George Reynolds.
14. William Reynolds. [Sheridan Township] [Dexter Township.]
[Question: Were there two people instead? One in Sheridan; one in Dexter?]
Later reference is made to W. L. Reynolds at Dexter.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
SHERIDAN CLIPS. William Reynolds, formerly of Sheridan, who had his house burned three years ago, is now making arrangements to again settle upon his place.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
William Reynolds and William Ovington commenced cutting their winter oats a week ago. They will yield about 70 bushels per acre and are the most profitable kind to raise.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
Sheridan Items. Mr. Reynolds threshed for Mr. Fossett on Grouse a piece of volunteer wheat which yielded seventeen bushels to the acre. CHATTERBOX.
Winfield Courier, November 7, 1878.
SHERIDAN, Nov. 1, 1878. Since our last items were sent, a great many changes have been made in our neighborhood. Farms have exchanged hands, old settlers have left, and newcomers have moved in. Among those visiting our country with the view of making it their permanent home in the future may be mentioned Mr. Edgar Cornell (nephew of Mr. Wm. Reynolds) from near Fondulac, Wisconsin, and Mr. Dick and son-in-law, friends of G. W. Burnett, from Kentucky. CHATTER BOX.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 9, 1879
List of jurors drawn to serve at the May term of the District court, in and for Cowley County, Kansas. Dexter Township: W. L. Reynolds.
Winfield Courier, October 13, 1881.
L. Davidson and Wm. Reynolds formed two of the party that attended the Topeka fair.
Winfield Courier, October 20, 1881.
Wm. Reynolds lost a fine cow a few days ago. From what cause it is not yet known.
Winfield Courier, November 10, 1881.
Wm. Reynolds has gone to Missouri to buy cattle.
Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.
Wm. Reynolds has returned from Missouri with about 80 head of fine young cows.
Winfield Courier, February 23, 1882.
DEXTER. BIRTH. Latest news, a bouncing big boy at the house of Billy Reynolds. Father happy and mother and child doing well.
Winfield Courier, March 2, 1882.
M. W. Underwood and W. L. Reynolds, two solid men from Dexter, made us a pleasant call on Monday.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 21, 1883.
Recap of Publication Notice: David Hood, Plaintiff, vs. Elijah W. Burge, Phalby Burge, and William Reynolds, Defendants...$232.00 was the amount owing to Hood by the Burges plus 12 percent per annum interest from April 1, 1883...Mortgage on property. Attorney for plaintiff: A. J. Pyburn.
Winfield Courier, April 17, 1884.
On W. S. Rigdon road, John Maurer, Wm. Reynolds, and W. W. Underwood appointed viewers.
Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.
Recap. Sheriff’s Sale September 8, 1884, of real estate to be sold by Sheriff McIntire.
Plaintiff, David Hood. Defendants, Elijah W. Burge, Phalby Burge, and William Reynolds.
Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.
The jury list for the October term of Court was drawn last week. The drawing of the Grand Jury of fifteen was first made and resulted in the selections of the following persons:
Dexter Township. W. L. Reynolds.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 9, 1885.
The Board of County Commissioners have been in session since Monday. Most of the time has been occupied examining and allowing claims against the county. E. J. Johnson, J. Hurt, and Wm. Reynolds were appointed to appraise s hf se qr and e hf sw qr and nw qr 36-33-6 school land.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
DEXTER. Delegates: E. B. Nicholson, C. A. Peabody, J. A. Bryan, J. V. Hines, C. W. Dover, R. C. Maurer, John Wallace. Alternates: W. L. Reynolds, Sol Smith, Dick Gilbert, L. C. Patterson, John Clifton, J. D. Maurer, Sam Nicholson.
Winfield Monthly Herald, March, 1892.
[Note: Winfield Monthly Herald was a publication by Winfield Baptist Church.]
New members received since our last publication.
Received by Baptism: Wm. Reynolds.
15. Jefferson Reynolds.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
FROM GROUSE. Henry Branson and his neighbor Reynolds have been doing some valuable improving in the way of ditches through their farms.
Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.
MARRIAGE LICENSE. Jefferson Reynolds and Mary A. E. Markley.
Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.
A Sad Affair. Grouse Creek valley is all worked up over a woman-beating scrape, which occurred Sunday evening. Terry Bullington was the attacking party and Mrs. Jeff Reynolds the victim. The two families live as neighbors and for some time have had a misunderstanding between them engendering bitter feeling. Sunday evening Mrs. Reynolds took one of Bullington’s cats, which was in her yard, and threw it over into the owners. This seemed to enrage Bullington, who picked up a stick and attacked Mrs. Reynolds, hitting her on the head and knocking her down twice, and afterward breaking the stick over her body. Mrs. Reynolds’ husband is absent in Missouri, and the lady is badly injured. We cannot imagine what manner of man this can be who would attack and beat a woman with a club, no matter what the provocation. He should hide his head in shame for evermore.
16. Michael Reynolds.
Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.
Two railroaders, James Moore and Michael Reynolds, were arrested last week and brought before Justice Buckman on complaint of Dennis Murphy, charged with robbing him of $110.00. Henry E. Asp conducted the case for the State, and Charles H. Payson appeared for the defense. From the testimony of Dennis Murphy, he had got into a “bad crowd” as he furnished all the whiskey and his friends showed their appreciation of his generosity by robbing him of his money.
Winfield Courier, February 26, 1880.
Court convened Monday and after calling the docket adjourned till Tuesday morning. The case of the State vs. M. Reynolds, resulted in the conviction of the defendant of the crime of grand larceny.
Winfield Courier, March 4, 1880.
Sheriff Shenneman started to Leavenworth with Reynolds, who was convicted of grand larceny at the last term of court and sentenced to one year in the penitentiary.
17. O. M. Reynolds. Winfield.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 10, 1881.
Salt City, August 7, 1881. The following is a list of the visitors at the Geuda Springs Bath House for the week ending August 7, 1881: O. M. Reynolds and family, Winfield.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1884.
A coal company has been formed for the purpose of prospecting for coal here. Quite a large sum has already been subscribed to prosecute the work and it is the intention of the company to begin work as soon as the necessary boring machinery can be secured. This enterprise is a most important one for our City. There is no doubt but that our town is underlaid by coal deposits and all it needs is enterprise to develop them. The following gentlemen are the incorporators: W. P. Hackney, M. L. Robinson, B. F. Cox, J. L. Horning, C. C. Black, J. M. Keck, O. M. Reynolds, C. L. Harter, S. C. Smith, and Geo. Emerson.
18. K. W. Reynolds. Winfield.
Cowley County Courant, December 22, 1881.
19. E. M. Reynolds. Walnut Township.
Winfield Courier, August 18, 1881.
Miss Eva Reynolds is visiting friends near Dexter.
E. M. Reynolds is visiting friends in Chase County, and will be absent some time.
Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.
A CARD. Hon. Jas. McDermott, Winfield, Kansas.
DEAR SIR: We the undersigned citizens of Cowley County, Kansas, anxious that an able and faithful man represent us in the coming legislature, and ever mindful of the important legislation that will come before that body, unite in requesting you to become a candidate for the office of Representative from this district, July 11th, 1882.
Hackney, W. P.; Gridley, A.; Bethel, Jas.; Millington, D. A.; Greer, Ed. P.; Finch, Frank W.; Siverd, H. H.; Pryor, J. D.; Wilson, W. J.; Hunt, J. S.; Bryan, T. R.; Curns, J. W.; Harris, T. J.; Arrowsmith, J. W.; Hendricks, A. D.; Soward, T. H.; Story, R. C.; Reynolds, E. M.; Buckman, G. H.; Haight, N. A.; Cook, S. A.; Webb, L. H.; Fuller, C. E.; Hudson, W.; Wood, B. F.; Kelly, James; Shot, J. P.; Platter, Jas. E.; Gridley, A., Jr.; Asp, Henry E.; Trimble, E. T.; Roberts, W. D.; Moore, Wm. H.; Hackney, J. F.; Waite, R. B.: McMullen, J. C.; Lee, W. A.; Holloway, S. S.; and others.
Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.
TAKEN UP by the undersigned one mile east of Winfield, on Wednesday, July 19th, a dark bay Texas mare, about 14 hands high, badly tick-bitten, about 14 years old, three white feet, small star in forehead, tender in front feet, branded with figure 4 on left shoulder and letter L on left hip. Owner can recover same by calling on E. M. Reynolds, near Winfield, and paying charges.
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1882.
Walnut Township Delegates: J. P. Henderson, J. C. Roberts, E. M. Reynolds, T. A. Blanchard, R. I. Hogue.
State Convention Delegates: W. P. Hackney, C. M. Scott, S. B. Fleming, J. S. Hunt, Geo. L. Gale, P. B. Lee, S. P. Strong, Barney Shriver.
State Convention Alternates: E. M. Reynolds, J. D. Guthrie, H. L. Marsh, D. S. Sherrard, M. Christopher, Sol. A. Smith, Harvey Smith.
Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.
E. M. Reynolds is off for a month’s visit with friends and relatives in northeastern Iowa.
Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.
Mrs. E. M. Reynolds is enjoying a visit from her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Workman, of Nora Springs, Iowa.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1884.
The Stockholders Meet and Elect a New Board. E. M. Reynolds, 1 share.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1884.
Delegates: Walnut: E. M. Reynolds, S. Cure, J. O. Mack, D. C. Beach, Jno. Mentch.
Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.
Mr. E. M. Reynolds and lady are off for a visit to their old home in Iowa and Wisconsin. E. M. will attend the reunion of his old battery, the 6th Wisconsin, which will meet at Lone Rock in June. The people of the place have presented the surviving members of the battery with a plot of ground for a Cemetery, and a portion of the ceremonies will consist of the unveiling of a Monument. Mr. Reynolds, since coming to Cowley six years ago, has steadily ascended pecuniarily and otherwise, and is in good shape to thoroughly enjoy the long visit anticipated in this trip.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, July 30, 1884.
ANNOUNCEMENT. The Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association will hold its Second Annual Exhibition at Winfield, Kansas, September 23 to 27, 1884.
Shareholder: E. M. Reynolds, 1 share of stock.
Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.
E. M. Reynolds and family have returned after a very enjoyable visit among relatives and friends in Iowa and other eastern states.
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.
WALNUT: S E. Burger, S. Allison, S. Cure, E. M. Reynolds, W. P. Hackney.
The delegates of the county convention of the first commissioner district organized by the election of W. P. Hackney, chairman; and J. C. Long, secretary, and the following ballots were had for commissioner: 1st. S. C. Smith, 16; E. M. Reynolds, 12; J. W. Millspaugh, 5; D. L. Kretsinger, 3. 2nd. Smith, 18; Reynolds, 13; Millspaugh, 5. 3rd. Smith, 19; Reynolds, 12; Millspaugh, 5; and S. C. Smith was made the nominee by acclamation.
Winfield Courier, December 25, 1884.
Mr. T. E. Byers, postmaster of Nora Springs, Iowa, is visiting his old friend, Mr. E. M. Reynolds.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 6, 1885.
E. M. Reynolds hands us his home paper, the Nora Springs, Iowa, Advertiser, containing this unique personal. The parties are probably well known here and their foreign rambles will be noted with interest: “Mr. Q. Cumber and his sister, Mrs. Belle Ache, have been guests of ye editor the greater part of the week, and all discrepancies which occur in this paper may be laid to their protracted and unwelcome visit.”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 6, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
E M Reynolds et ux to M L Robinson, lot 12, blk 10, Grand Summit: $100.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 17, 1885.
The committees, appointed at the citizens’ meeting, to work up the submitting of propositions for the extension of the Florence El Dorado & Walnut railroad from Douglass to Winfield, met yesterday afternoon in McDougall’s hall to determine on the apportionment of the amount of aid asked. Judge T. H. Soward called the meeting to order. S. P. Strong was chosen chairman and W. J. Wilson, Secretary. M. L. Robinson then explained the object of the meeting, to get everything in readiness for aggressive work in submitting the propositions and securing this road. The townships through which the road will run were represented as follows.
Rock: S. P. Strong, H. F. Hornaday, E. J. Wilbur, and W. H. Grow.
Fairview: J. C. Paige and T. C. Covert.
Walnut: J. C. Roberts, J. B. Corson, John Mentch, T. A. Blanchard, J. Anderson, W. D. Roberts, and E. M. Reynolds.
Winfield: H. H. Siverd, J. A. Eaton, D. L. Kretsinger, Col. Whiting, T. H. Soward, B. T. Davis, M. L. Robinson, S. J. Smock, G. H. Crippen, J. E. Conklin, W. P. Hackney, G. L. Gale, Chas. Schmidt, W. J. Wilson, Ed P. Greer, H. E. Asp, A. H. Limerick, F. C. Hunt, and J. W. Curns.
Judge T. H. Soward then came forward with figures, taken directly from the official records of the county, that will knock the winds out of the “burdensome taxation” growler, should he attempt to display himself. They are conclusive evidence that the voting of bonds to secure this railroad is not a burden.
Here are the figures.
The assessed valuation 1885: $132,800.00
Tax levy of 1885 except school and road: $2,184.80
Interest on $18,000 bonds asked for at 6 per cent: $1,080.00
Valuation with proposed road bed: $178,300.00
The present rate of taxation on township with road, will produce: $3,137.98
Tax to be raised with interest on bonds: $3,264.89
Difference and amount to be raised: $226.91
Assessed valuation 1885: $16,335.00
Tax levy 1885 except school and road: $1,844.15
Interest on $19,000 bonds asked for, 6 per cent: $600.00
Valuation with proposed road bed: $183,835.00
Present rate of taxation with road bed will produce: $3,143.77
Total tax, with interest on bonds: $2,444.15
Difference in favor of township: $699.62
Assessed valuation 1885: $231,328.00
Tax levy 1885 except school and road: $3,642.51
Interest on $15,000 bonds asked: $900.00
Valuation with proposed road bed: $365,838.00
Same rate taxation will produce: $5,229.82
Total tax with interest on bonds: $4,542.51
Difference in favor of township: $687.37
Windsor township in 1879 had a valuation of $73,129.09
Valuation 1881 with S. K. R. R.: $193,153.00
Increase in valuation: $120,024.00
Maple township, 1879, had a valuation of $70,307.00
Valuation 1881, with R. R.: $90,278.00
Increase in valuation: $20,000.00
These figures prove conclusively that the increase of valuation by the advent of railroads pays the bonds with a sinking fund. There is no burden involved in the voting of aid to railroads. And when you add to the road itself the big increase of values through railroad facilities, transportation, convenience, etc., the benefit is incalculable.
J. C. Paige, T. C. Covert, W. P. Hackney, and W. H. Grow made pointed remarks. It was decided to submit propositions to Rock for $18,000; Walnut $15,000; Fairview $10,000; Winfield $17,000, making the $60,000 required for the extension. Committees were appointed to canvass and work up the propositions, as follows.
Rock: G. H. Williams, R. Booth, Sr., S. P. Strong, H. F. Hornaday, W. H. Grow, J. M. Harcourt, and E. J. Wilber.
Fairview: Tom Covert, J. C. Paige, H. C. Schock, J. W. Douglass, J. M. Barrick, R. P. Burt, A. J. McCollum.
Walnut: T. A. Blanchard, John Mentch, J. P. Short, John C. Roberts, W. D. Roberts, E. M. Reynolds, Chas. Schmidt.
The propositions are now being printed, and in a few days will be ready for signatures.
20. Miles H. Reynolds.
Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.
MARRIED. At the residence of Mr. B. Daniels, of Dexter, December 24, Miss Mary E. Daniels and Mr. Miles H. Reynolds were united in the holy bonds of matrimony by Rev. S. McKibben.
21. H. C. Reynolds. Winfield.
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1883.
While Mr. Reynolds was putting down some piping in a well on T. B. Myers’ farm, preparing to drill it deeper, the wall fell in, burying everything. Just before it caved, both Mr. Reynolds and Mr. Myers were thinking of going down to adjust the drilling apparatus. Had either of them done so, we would have headed this notice, “Killed in a Well.”
Winfield Courier, June 7, 1883.
New Firm. Cairns & Reynolds. Carry a full stock of All Kinds of Pumps. They also run a pump wagon in the country and will put in new pumps or repair old ones on short notice.
Office with Brotherton & Silver, Main St., Winfield, Kansas.
Also handle the Enterprise Wind Mills.
Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.
Best pump for cistern, Cairns & Reynolds, city, 1st premium.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1884.
DIED. On Monday afternoon Chas. E. Hickenlooper, a young man about twenty years old, while manipulating a well drill near Moore & Son’s stone quarry east of town, was accidentally struck on the top of the head by the drill crank and died in a few hours from the effects of the blow. He had been in the county since last fall and worked during the winter for George Anderson, near Floral, but was employed this spring by H. C. Reynolds, of the firm of Cairns & Reynolds, pump dealers, to assist in running a well drill throughout the county. His parents reside in Albia, Iowa, and in his pocket was found a long letter from them, full of parental admonition, encouragement, and love. On the day of his death a letter from the father was taken from the post office which, after giving the “home news,” would up as follows: “Well, I must now close, hoping that you may prosper in business, keep good health, a good conscience, and an honorable manhood. Write often so that we may know that you are well and doing well, for your mother gets so uneasy when she don’t hear from you often, that she can’t rest.” It was written in a beautiful hand and showed every mark of refinement. Little did those parents think that the next thing they would hear from their boy would be a telegram announcing his sudden death. An answer to the telegram sent by Mr. Reynolds to the father requested that the body be given a good burial and that money would be forwarded for the expenses. The young man had no relatives or other than casual friends in the county, and no money. He seemed to be of good character and industrious, but of a roving disposition. Mr. Reynolds gave the body careful attention, for which he is deserving of credit, and it was buried Wednesday afternoon, Rev. J. Cairns conducting the ceremonies.
Winfield Courier, April 3, 1884.
Our readers will remember the sad accident mentioned in the COURIER a few weeks ago wherein Charles Hickenlooper, a young man in the employ of Mr. H. C. Reynolds was struck on the head by a well drill crank and died in a few hours. He was a moneyless stranger in a strange land and in recognition of the kindly care given the body, the following card of thanks has been sent us for publication by the young man’s parents at Albia, Iowa.
“To the many friends, though strangers to us, at Winfield we return our unfeigned thanks for their true Samaritan benevolence, Christian manners, humane services, and evidence of respect toward us, the parents, and our unfortunate one, in this dire calamity. Especially to H. C. Reynolds and brother, Mr. Emmet Noble and lady, Rev. Cairns, the editors of Winfield for kind notice, and to all others sympathizing. Charles Hickenlooper, Mary Hickenlooper.”
Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.
Just received by Cairns & Reynolds, a carload of “Enterprise” Windmills.
Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.
Cairns & Reynolds have furnished a windmill for the Union Cemetery and the trenches for a system of waterworks are being dug this week. This will be a big improvement and will soon show itself in the changed appearance of the cemetery. About three hundred dollars has been subscribed by citizens for this purpose.
Winfield Courier, November 6, 1884.
Some individual with evil intent tried to gain entrance recently into the residence of Mr. H. C. Reynolds, but the latter gentleman appeared on the scene and caused a mighty hasty retreat.
Winfield Courier, November 20, 1884.
We are closing out to quit business and are offering our entire stock of pumps and windmills at actual cost. Cairns & Reynolds.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.
Mr. H. C. Reynolds is elated over the advent of a big, bouncing boy at his home Monday night.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.
All those having tools belonging to Cairns & Reynolds will return them at once, as they are closing out business. Pumps and windmills at cost.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 16, 1885.
Bassett & Bertram have bought the pump and windmill business of Cairns & Reynolds. James Cairns will soon depart for Washington Territory.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 23, 1885.
The partnership heretofore existing between us is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All accounts must be settled at the old stand at once.
JAMES A. CAIRNS, H. C. REYNOLDS. April 13, 1885.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 30, 1885.
All parties knowing themselves indebted to Cairns & Reynolds, or H. C. Reynolds, will please call at our old stand, at Brotherton & Silver’s, and settle and save further costs.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 30, 1885.
For sale: Twelve good milch cows; one yearling and one two-year-old bull; one yearling heifer; a nice property in Howland’s addition to Winfield, to sell or trade for a farm.
Winfield Courier, December 3, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
Alonzo D Penland to Henry C Reynolds, se qr 30-30-3e, 160 acres: $3,800.
Henry C Reynolds et ux to Alonzo D. Penland, 1 acre in 27-32-4e: $2,000.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 10, 1885.
A week filled up with selfish, small-souled scheming, and Sunday stuffed full of religion, will make a good Pharisee but a mighty poor christian.
A. D. Penland, we learn, has sold his farm to a Mr. Reynolds, of Winfield. Mr. Reynolds is a practical well borer and is going to prospect for coal, a show of which has been found on the Penland place.
22. Stenographer Reynolds. [Have no idea which one he would be.]
Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.
Stenographer Reynolds has completed his transcript of the evidence in the Colgate case. It makes eighteen hundred folios, one hundred and eighty thousand words, the paper on which it is written weighs ten pounds, and it costs one hundred and eighty dollars. The transcript will be the largest ever filed in the supreme court.
23. Cora E. Reynolds.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.
The city schools will open Sept. 29th, under the superintendency of A. Gridley, Jr., with the following corps of teachers. Miss Cora E. Reynolds, High School.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.
Miss Cora E. Reynolds, of Dundee, Michigan, a classical graduate of Hillsdale College and a teacher of several years experience, has been engaged as teacher in our High School. Miss Reynolds comes among us highly recommended as a lady of refinement and scholarly attainments.
Winfield Courier, December 11, 1884.
The Senior Class of the High School will give an entertainment Friday night, December 12th, at which the following programme will be presented.
5. Essay: Cora Reynolds.
Winfield Courier, December 25, 1884.
Misses Cora Reynolds and Fannie and Jessie Stretch, three of the most popular and efficient teachers in our city schools, departed Friday last to utilize the holiday vacation in witnessing the attractions at the World’s Fair.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 1, 1885.
A. H. Limerick and wife, Misses Cora Reynolds, Lois Williams, Fannie Stretch, Mattie Gibson, Mary Hamill, Mary Bryant, Flo Campbell, Kate Rodgers, Jessie Stretch, Allie Dickle, Sada Davis, Retta Gridley, Davenport, Mrs. C. M. Leavitt, Mr. C. W. Barnes, and A. Gridley and wife, prominent teachers of Winfield, were in the city last Wednesday for the purpose of visiting our excellent schools. Unfortunately, our schools had dismissed in order to allow our teachers to attend a meeting at El Dorado. Failing in this, they visited the Chilocco schools.
24. Mary Reynolds Radcliff.
Arkansas City Republican, October 18, 1884.
Marriage Licenses for the week: Peter Broderson and Mary Winter; Samuel Mohler; Lewis Cunaham; John Radcliff and Mary Reynolds.
25. Eva Reynolds.
Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.
The people proceeded to reorganize the Sunday school last Sunday, by re-electing the following officers: Superintendent, J. L. Higbee; Assistant Supt., Mr. Reighle; Secretary, Miss Eva Reynolds; Treasurer, Lou Wilson.
Wm. Taylor returned on last Saturday from the west looking as though he liked the country, which he says is true. He expects to return this week; also his brother, and Col. Reynolds, to make the west their future home. They are located in Ford County, where there is quite a colony of people from this neighborhood. They have about 2,500 acres in one valley and have established a town, the name of which I have not yet learned.
The young people’s Mite Society met last Saturday night at the residence of Mr. Reynolds and enjoyed themselves for a long time; in fact, they stayed till Sunday. They also concluded to hold a “Mother Hubbard” festival on Friday night, the 31st of this month. Hope they will, for they are deserving of something of this kind and the proceeds are to go toward buying an organ for the schoolhouse. Committees were appointed and everything looks favorable at present.
Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.
Miss Eva Reynolds wielded the birch for Miss Erma McKee one day last week, while the latter visited the school in the lower part of this district. The little fellows say she’s “awful cross.”
26. Joseph Reynolds/Mrs. Reynolds.
Winfield Courier, December 4, 1884.
Joseph Reynolds and George Gardenhire, of this place have gone to the Territory for a winters’ hunt.
The young folks met at the residence of Mrs. Reynolds of this place on Saturday night and had quite a fine time: all except Add Higbee, who received severe injuries on the head from an instrument in the hands of some parties unknown. However, hopes are entertained of his recovery at this writing.
27. Jennie Reynolds Cowles.
Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.
MARRIED. Russell Cowles turned over a new leaf, January 1, 1885. He was united in marriage to Miss Jennie Reynolds by Rev. N. S. Buckner at the residence of Dr. Alexander. New Year’s night Russell “called” for the social “hop” at the Leland. No sentimentality lingers in Mr. Cowles’ breast.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
MARRIED. Married New Year’s evening, at 4 o’clock p.m., at the residence of Dr. J. Alexander, Miss Jennie Reynolds and Russell L. Cowles, Rev. Buckner officiating. Russ called on us Friday with the cigars and received the congratulations of the entire force.
Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.
MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses have been granted.
Russell Cowles and Jennie Reynolds.
28. Miss Willie Reynolds.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 22, 1885.
Last Thursday evening a representative of the REPUBLICAN had the pleasure of being one of a large number who went fishing along the Arkansas.
J. A. McCormick and Miss Willie Reynolds were the chief managers, the former inviting the gentlemen and the latter, the ladies. They met at the home of Miss Reynolds, where the couples were arranged so as to suit all parties. Before starting it was discovered that they had no baits, but one of them informed the rest that an excellent bait could be manufactured out of flour and cotton. This was proven to be a good bait by the number of fish they caught.
It was late when they got to the river, but they improved their time, had considerable fun, and returned to the city carrying a great many fish—lines.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 24, 1885.
Last evening Mrs. Wm. Henderson experienced a very agreeable surprise. Yesterday was her birthday and Miss Willie Reynolds devised the plan of getting up a party. She invited the guests—friends of Mrs. Henderson—and managed the preparation of refreshments, which were in abundance and fully appreciated by those present. Mrs. Henderson was decoyed away the first part of the evening and on her return was surprised to see her friends gathered there. She received a fine rocking chair as a present. A pleasant time was had.
29. J. A. Reynolds.
Arkansas City Republican, May 8, 1886.
Since the bonds have been voted in the border townships for the Kansas State Line road, real estate has changed hands at an astonishing rate and at exceedingly good prices. Our town has been alive this week with capitalists seeking purchases.
J. A. Reynolds, of Cameron, Missouri, was prospecting in this vicinity this week. He purchased the farm of J. C. Chase, a few miles west of Arkansas City. He paid $4,500 for it.
30. P. J. [OR] J. C. Reynolds.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 14, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
P. J. Reynolds, of San Francisco, California, has been secured as head baker at the Cracker Factory. Mr. Reynolds has been for a number of years connected with the California Cracker Company at San Francisco. The management of the Cracker Factory at this city intend to produce nothing but a superior class of goods, and are therefore employing only gentlemen who thoroughly understand the business.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 27, 1886.
“This morning a representative of the REPUBLICAN visited the Arkansas City Cracker Factory. We found everyone busily engaged at work, but we had scarcely gotten upon the inside of the building when we were met by the genial manager, L. B. Davidson, who escorted us from ‘pit to dome’ of the establishment, besides answering the many questions we propounded in regard to the mysteries of ‘his art’ with great cheerfulness. Many changes for the better have occurred since the first starting of the factory. The capacity has been greatly increased. The first floor is utilized for the packing of the goods made, and also the manufacture of boxes. The second floor is where fine crackers, cakes, etc., are made. Here the eye is delighted with the fine specimens of mechanism. Probably the most interesting study is the cracker machine, as it rolls out its 20 barrels of flour per day into the best A. C. Soda crackers. This is the third machine of this make in use in the United States. J. C. Reynolds, late of the California cracker company’s works, has charge of the cracker department.
“The third floor contains the candy manufactory. This department is under the management of C. V. Frazell, lately of Chicago. That he thoroughly understands the making of confections is evinced by the samples shown us of his handiwork. At present he is getting up some fancy candies for the holidays. It will be as fine a line of goods as we have seen anywhere.
“Mr. Davidson informed us that when the factory was first started but three barrels of flour were used per day. It soon increased to ten, and now it has gone to twenty. Trade is good, and the company have about all the orders they can fill at present. In fact, they cannot supply the demand for candy. At present twenty hands are employed in the establishment, and as the patronage grows the force will have to be increased. The management is highly pleased with the success the factory is attaining. In this connection we wish to remark that the Arkansas City Cracker Company was very fortunate in securing the services of Mr. Davidson as manager. He is a man of great business talent. He does not stand around and say, ‘I can do so and so,’ but places his shoulder to the wheel and shows the people what he can do by his works. He is a man that pushes his business with great vim.
“The Arkansas City Cracker Factory is an industry of which we may well be proud, and the management is deserving of praise.”
31. Young Reynolds. [???]
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 5, 1887. From Saturday’s Daily.
Geuda Springs, February 25, 1887. DIED. Young Reynolds, who has been sick for some time, is dead.
32. E. P. Reynolds.
Daily Calamity Howler, Tuesday, October 13, 1891.
MARRIAGE LICENSE SECURED. R. L. Halley, of Ponca, Indian Territory, and Miss Lida Park, of Clemence, Kansas, secured marriage license last evening. E. P. Reynolds and Miss Nettie Perry, of Arkansas City; Wm. H. Moore, of Atlanta, Georgia, and Miss Emma S. Howland, of Winfield, were the latest victims of cupid as shown by the records of the probate court.
33. W. V. Reynolds. [Mrs./Miss.]
Arkansas City Traveler, Thursday, June 16, 1921.
Over eight hundred dollars has been subscribed up to date for the benefit fund for the Pueblo flood sufferers, according to an announcement made this afternoon by the secretary of the Chamber of Commerce. Part of these subscriptions have not as yet been paid. The total sum now is $852.50. Following is a total list of those who have subscribed toward the fund for the Pueblo victims. $2.00 pledge—Mrs. W. V. Reynolds. $1.00 pledge—Ms. W. V. Reynolds.
Arkansas City Traveler, Thursday, April 27, 1922.
Building permits issued by City Clerk since April 25, 1921.
W. V. Reynolds, garage, $50.00.
34. Fern Reynolds.
Arkansas City Daily Traveler, Tuesday, August 16, 1921.
Lincoln school: Fern Reynolds.
35. Esther Reynolds.
Arkansas City Daily Traveler, Wednesday, September 7, 1921.
Senior and Junior High Schools: Esther Reynolds, Secretary.
36. Frank Reynolds.
Arkansas City Traveler, Tuesday, February 7, 1922.
The building committee of the I. O. O. F. lodge was appointed last night and consisted of the following members: Frank Reynolds, E. A. Wycoff, James M. Griffith, Chas. Peek, Frank Lemaster, and W. W. Albee. Plans for the remodeling of the second floor of the I. O. O. F. building were adopted last night, and this reconstruction work, it is estimated, will cost between $3,000 and $4,000.
37. Dr. O. H. Reynolds.
Arkansas City Traveler, Thursday, March 23, 1922.
Dr. O. H. Reynolds, charged with illegal sale of narcotics; and O. W. Cromwell, charged with having liquor in his possession, will not be tried this term, their cases having been stricken from assignment.—Courier.
38. W. W. Reynolds, Dexter.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, March 29, 1922.
Winfield, Kans., March 29.—Bank robberies of the Majors gang of outlaws in 1919 were the subject of stories told on the witness stand in district court Tuesday in the trial of Bruce Emory. Emory is charged with the buying of Liberty bonds which he is alleged to have known were stolen. The banks in the stories are the State bank of Benton, Butler County, and the State bank at Bartlett, Labette County, about 20 miles east of Coffeyville.
Following are the names of the jurors who are hearing the testimony in this case, before Judge Fuller, at present: W. W. Reynolds, Dexter.
39. Ray Reynolds.
Arkansas City Traveler, Friday, April 14, 1922.
RECAP: There will be dog races at Newkirk all next week, beginning Monday, April 17. Prizes: $25 to $100 for each race, and there will be six races daily. Local entrants with dogs: Ham Potter, W. Tate, Chick Featherhoff, Bill Ulrich, Ray Reynolds, and Tom Piersol.
40. Mrs. May Bolton Reynolds.
Arkansas City Traveler, Saturday, May 27, 1922.
William Bolton, an old-time citizen of Dexter, but who for the past two years had resided in this city, died at 3:30 this afternoon at 102 South Fifth street. He was 76 years old. For years he had resided at Dexter, and owned a farm adjoining the Dexter townsite on the north. He was a Presbyterian. He leaves a daughter and two sons. The daughter, Mary Bolton, lives at Winfield. One of the sons, John A., resides in this city, being in the employ of the Santa Fe. The other son, William, Jr., lives on the farm near Dexter. He also leaves two sisters, Mrs. Cora Lefler of Dexter, and Mrs. May Reynolds of Red Cloud, Neb., and two brothers, Jim Bolton of Mount Hope, Kans., and Newt Bolton of Spokane, Washington. Oldroyd & Sons will ship the body to Dexter, where funeral services and burial will occur.
41. A. F. Reynolds.
Arkansas City Traveler, Thursday, June 22, 1922.
Justice of the Peace, Arkansas City: Republican—R. F. Fitzpatrick, A. F. Reynolds, and J. W. Martin. Independent—C. W. Sanderson.
42. Miss Mary Reynolds.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, July 12, 1922.
Miss Mary Reynolds is at present occupying the position of secretary of the Chamber of Commerce and secretary of the Retailers association, as these two offices are vacant at this time. O. B. Seyster has left the city and his successor has not yet been appointed.
Since the resignation of O. B. Seyster as secretary of the chamber of commerce, arrangements have been tentatively agreed upon between the board of directors and Ross H. Rhoads, proprietor of the Palace Grocery, that if he can dispose of his grocery store, he will assume the secretaryship of the chamber. Mr. Rhoads has been an active chamber member and is at the present time president of the retailers’ association and is quite generally regarded as a good man for the place. In the meantime the office of the chamber is in the hands of Miss Mary Reynolds, the efficient stenographer for both the chamber and retailers’ association.
43. Miles H. Reynolds. Dexter.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 9, 1885.
At a special communication of Dexter Lodge, No. 156, A. F. & A. M., the following resolutions were adopted.
WHEREAS, It has pleased the Supreme Architect of the Universe in His infinite wisdom to call from labor among us to refreshment in the Supreme Grand Lodge above, our well beloved brother, M. H. Reynolds, therefore, be it
Resolved, That while we deplore his untimely end, we bow in humble submission to the fiat of our Supreme Grand Master while our deceased brother takes his seat as a member of the Supreme Grand Lodge above.
Resolved, That in his death, Dexter Lodge, No. 156, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, loses one of its most earnest and faithful craftsmen, and one who has ever taken great pleasure in hewing out the rough ashlers and fitting them for use in the erection of our Masonic Temple, which is the earnest desire of all good and true Master Masons.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be furnished to the bereaved wife and parents of our deceased brother; a copy spread upon the minutes of the lodge, and a copy furnished to The Eye, Winfield COURIER, and Telegram, with a request that they publish the same.
JOHN D. MAURER, W. G. SEAVER, S. H. WELLS, Committee on Resolutions.
44. Aaron Reynolds. Dexter.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 20, 1885.
Since our last writing Miss Ada Tetrick and Mr. Aaron Reynolds have gone from single wretchedness to married blessedness. We wish them all the joy and happiness that life affords.
45. Earnest M. Reynolds. Winfield.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.
The following is an abstract of the report of the claims allowed by the County Auditor for the month of November, A. D., 1884. E. M. Reynolds. Jury fee.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 22, 1885.
Mrs. Earnest Reynolds was one of the lucky winners at the Bee Hive Prize Drawing.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 25, 1885.
The lunatic at large here is M. L. Felkner. He was a physician in Butler County. Earnest Reynolds dug a well for him some years ago. He is twenty-nine years old.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 16, 1885.
Ed. P. Greer and Earnest Reynolds took a flying trip up to the K. C. & S. W. R. R. Monday.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 3, 1885.
Some dirty rapscallion is in the lowest thievery of all. Saturday the ivory rings were cut from the harness of Earnest Reynolds’ team, and several others standing hitched on Main street. The low devil is spotted and the best thing he can do is to mosey around and fix the matter up as cheaply as possible, or get in the cold grip of the law.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1885.
Earnest Reynolds has built an addition to his residence, which adds much to its appearance.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 29, 1885.
The reporter mounting a steed sallied forth early Friday morning to take an inventory of the improvements and new buildings which have gone up since the season opened, and the ones under construction at the present time. Being rushed, we are satisfied many have been overlooked. The valuation given is below the market value rather than above. The following list we know will surprise our own citizens. Earnest Reynolds, addition: $1,000.00.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 29, 1885.
Earnest Reynolds received a severe cut on the head Friday while superintending a job at Amos Tolles, six miles from here. The mast wheel dropped from the well boring apparatus, striking him on the head, cutting a deep gash. Mr. Reynolds can congratulate himself that it was no worse.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.
Earnest Reynolds, who lives in the eastern part of town, arose at an early hour Tuesday and looking out doors, failed to see the large washing his wife had put out the previous evening. Upon investigation he found a naked line. He at once commenced to search and found traces of the thieves bearing in an easterly direction. In getting over the fence east of his residence, they had torn a shirt to pieces, and farther on he found a few napkins. He came uptown and had a search warrant issued and he and the Marshal made a thorough search of several premises in the neighborhood, but have found nothing up to this time. If the thieves are found, the law should deal heavily with them. It was a large and valuable washing, containing mostly new clothes.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 14, 1886.
Monday evening was the occasion of a very enjoyable time at the Post, it being the installation of the new officers elect. The boys have a very roomy and well furnished Post room and well fitted for entertaining a crowd. The Woman’s Relief Corps was out in full strength and quite a number of visitors. Everybody was sociable and jolly and the reporter felt just like a school boy on holiday. We like to mingle in such a crowd. We feel better for days afterward.
After the installation the ladies of the Relief Corps slyly brought out some mysterious looking packages and soon revealed a feast that every old “vet,” including the reporter, began to grin about and never let up until they reached home and had to send for the doctor. Cakes, oranges, candy, apples, and everything good was passed around in abundance. The reporter and John Arrowsmith were on the sick list and looked as blue as indigo because they couldn’t eat anything. Dr. Wells’ friends watched him closely and whenever the bald place on his head began to turn blue, they pounded him on the back, and took away his dish. Tom Soward and Capt. Nipp were cautioned by their friends several times to eat slower, but you might as well have told them, during the war, to fight slower. They are excusable as they confidently told the reporter they had been expecting this and had fasted since the day before. Earnest Reynolds never grunted after the cake began to go around. He looked down at the floor and lost no time. It is estimated that the Post lost $4.67 by his presence. As for Siverd, words will not express his troubles. Three times was he choked on an orange. His friends are very much worried about him, as he has been troubled for years with dyspepsia. After the feast it was noticed that the Captain’s pockets stuck out like an air balloon, and it is thought he is injured internally. Space will not allow us to speak of the other boys. They all did justice to everything. Their gastronomical propensities worked like a charm.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.
Earnest Reynolds is quite sick with pneumonia. Mrs. Reynolds received word yesterday that her mother in Iowa is not expected to live.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
E. M. Reynolds is out from a severe tussle with pneumonia.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
Mrs. Earnest Reynolds left Monday for Nora Springs, Iowa, to see her mother, who is very low.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1886.
Charles Rempe, who lives in the eastern part of the city, just east of Earnest Reynolds, is preparing to set out sixty acres, about three miles from town, in all kinds of fruit. He has already invested about $700 in fruit of different kinds and will keep at it until he covers the sixty acres in small and large fruit. He expects to save about fifteen acres for pasture. Mr. Rempe is an old hand at the business and knows what he is about. He will have none but the choicest. There can be no question of it paying in five years time, if he has ordinary luck. He will have a bonanza. He will also put up a first-class residence on this land, where he will live. We are glad Mr. Rempe has taken hold of this and will make this his permanent home, as we are loth to lose men of his standing and ability.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 11, 1886.
Mrs. E. M. Reynolds returned Friday from a month’s visit to her mother in Nora Springs, Iowa, her childhood home. When she left there the 4th inst., there were fifteen inches of snow, making our Italian climate all the more glorious in comparison. Earnest began to look pretty rough from his long widowerhood and is mighty glad to have an end to it.
46. George Reynolds: from Iowa...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 12, 1885.
George Reynolds and D. E. Sinskey, from Panora, Iowa, old friends of Bob Farnsworth, are in the city looking up a location for a bank. They are very much pleased with our city. They think this is the best place they have struck in Kansas.
47. J. (Joseph) H. Reynolds. Windsor Township.
Winfield Courier, September 20, 1877.
Republican Convention. The following persons are elected delegates to the Republican convention at the Courthouse next Saturday. Windsor. M. Jackson, J. Reynolds, Geo. Lee.
Winfield Courier, September 27, 1877.
THE CONVENTION. Windsor: J. W. Jackson, Jos. Reynolds, Geo. Lee.
Winfield Courier, July 28, 1881.
Windsor: Jos. Reynolds.
48. Thomas Reynolds.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 8, 1885.
Mrs. Reynolds, wife of Thomas Reynolds, living near Torrance, died last Thursday and was buried Friday in the Dexter cemetery. Rev. Warner made some touching and very appropriate remarks at the grave. She leaves a husband and several children to mourn her loss.
49. Willie Reynolds. Winfield.
Winfield Courier, December 3, 1885.
Willie Reynolds fell over the stairway banister of the Second Ward school building last week, breaking his arm and wrist and otherwise bruising himself up. He fell head first about eight feet. A few years ago he had a foot split from toe to ankle while around a threshing machine, from which he limps badly. The weakness of this foot caused the disaster yesterday.
50. Col. Reynolds. Torrance.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 7, 1885.
Col. Reynolds is lying very sick with lung fever.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 1, 1885.
Colonel Reynolds left Monday for Ford County, to be gone several weeks.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 29, 1885.
Married at the residence of J. L. Higbee, Miss Lizzie Higbee to Fred L. Darrow, of Schell City, Mo., by Rev. Childs, Oct. 20. There were present Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Higbee, of Schell City, Mo., brother of the bride, Miss Ida Straughn, of Cambridge, Lottie and Sallie Haygood, Laura Elliott, Low and Mattie Wilson, Eva Reynolds, Mattie Rittenhouse, and Ida Hemenway, all of Torrance. Gentlemen: Robert Haygood, Will and Ab Taylor, Link Branson, Chas. Elliott, H. G. Norton, Col. Reynolds, and Will Barr, of Torrance, and Thomas Jones, of Cambridge. The bridal party left for Schell City, Mo., where they will make their future home.
51. Joe Reynolds.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 28, 1885.
Mrs. Joe Reynolds is lying very sick.