George Reynolds


Located One Mile South of Salt City.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.
MR. REYNOLDS, the gentleman who came from Ohio and stopped in town for a short time, has purchased a farm one mile south of Salt City, and is building one of the finest residences in that section.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 9, 1877. Front Page.
Coal at Salt City.
SALT CITY, KAS., April 28, 1877.
At a meeting called for the purpose of taking action with regard to the organization of a coal company at this place. On motion Mr. L. Small was elected Chairman and W. E. Chenoweth, Secretary.
A letter was read by Mr. Wm. Berkey, from Todd & Royal, with regard to their proposition, on the shaft already begun. Short speeches were made by the following named persons, concerning the past, present, and future coal prospects: Messrs. Foster, Broadbent, Acton, Mills, Ward, Berry, Chenoweth, Berkey, Reynolds, and Lewis. A lively time was had.
On motion of Mr. Wm. Berkey, an election of five directors for a coal company was ordered. This resulted in the selection of the following gentlemen: George Reynolds, J. H. Hudson, Robert Mills, L. Small, and Wm. Berkey.
Moved and seconded that H. B. Pruden be the Treasurer of the company. On motion, W. E. Chenoweth was chosen Secretary.
Messrs. Berkey and Mills were instructed to confer with Todd & Royal and make arrangements with them on a proposition to proceed with the old shaft.
Motion made by Mr. Lewis that the two men who confer with Todd & Royal meet the Board of Directors on Saturday, May 5th, 1877, at 10 o’clock a.m., and give their report of the result of the conference, and that they invite Todd & Royal to meet the board at that time in the schoolhouse at Salt City.
Motion carried that there be a meeting of the citizens of the vicinity, and all interested parties, at 2 o’clock p.m., at the same place, May 5th, 1877.
Moved and carried that the Arkansas City Traveler, Winfield Courier, and Oxford Independent be requested to publish these minutes.
On motion the meeting adjourned. L. SMALL, Chairman.
W. E. CHENOWETH, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
Mr. George Reynolds, an experienced nurseryman from Ohio, is making arrangements to put out about forty acres of nursery this spring on his place one mile south of Salt City. He has purchased an interest in the Chetopa nursery of which this will be a branch. We wish him abundant success, as it will be of great advantage to this whole country. Their motto is fresh stock, fair dealing, and low prices. RUDY.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.

MR. REYNOLDS, near Salt City, sent us in a quart of new potatoes of this year’s growth, and has had two meals of the same lot this spring. The vines had a wagon sheet thrown over them to protect them from the frost, hence the early growth.
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
Mr. Reynolds is still very busy arranging his new nursery.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.
EDITOR TRAVELER: The ennui of Salt City was enlivened last Sunday evening by the excitement of a double wedding. Dr. Arnold, our highly respected physician, and Miss Becky Reynolds; and Mr. Edward Willard and Miss Jennie Reynolds, were married at the residence of the brides’ parents by Elder Broadbent, on Sunday evening at 4 o’clock. The wedding was a splendid affair. A READER.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
SALT CITY, Sept. 18, 1878.
Mr. Reynolds has just completed the budding of his 52,000 peach trees, and will next season show you more home-grown stock from their celebrated nursery. This is a branch of the Rose Hill and Walnut Valley Nursery, which has been sending out so much fine stock through their agents, Trissell and Baird.
If apples and other fruits succeed as well as peaches, Southern Kansas will shortly cease to ship in dried and canned fruits. Almost every farmer in our county has dried all the peaches he will consume, and many will have bushels to spare.
MARRIAGES. Our doctor is prepared to take better care of the afflicted now than ever, having taken a partner for life. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Broadbent, and the fortunate young lady was Miss Rebecca Reynolds.
At the same time and place, by the same party, Mr. Ed. Willard and Miss Jane Reynolds.
Long may they live and prosper. More when we get it. RUDY.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 5, 1880.
Mr. Geo. Reynolds, of Salt City, paid his respects to the TRAVELER last Friday, and informed us that everything in the vicinity of that growing burgh is in a blooming condition, and that crops generally are looking better than could have been expected. Wheat, he thinks, in that section will average a good half crop, while corn, potatoes, and other crops promise well so far.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 26, 1880.
SALT CITY, May 20, 1880.
Editor Traveler: A fire broke out in George Reynolds’ stable and out-houses last Friday, burning up the buildings together with a large quantity of corn, oats, and meat. No stock was burned. The loss is between $300 and $400.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 18, 1881.
It was with pleasure we grasped by the hand our friend George Reynolds, of Salt City, one day last week. He was looking hearty, as usual, and said things in general were progressing so so in his part of the world.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 7, 1881.
We were pleased yesterday to grasp by the hand our old friend and subscriber, Geo. Reynolds, of Salt City. Mr. Reynolds has been in Colorado and while he likes that State, yet thinks that Kansas will strike a good average with any State in the Union, in which we entirely agree with him.