W. H. Richardson


Winfield Township and Pleasant Valley Township.
Winfield Township 1874:
Wm. H. Richardson, 51; spouse, Louisa, 32.
Kansas 1875 Census, Winfield Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
W. H. Richardson 57  m w Illinois Illinois
Louisa Richardson 56 f w Illinois Illinois
Catharine Richardson 26 f w Illinois Illinois
Angeline Richardson 16 f w Illinois Illinois
Larkins Richardson 15  m w Illinois Illinois
Earnest Richardson 10  m w Illinois Illinois
Caroline Richardson 4 f w Illinois Illinois
George Richardson 2  m w Kansas
Winfield Township 1878:
W. H. Richardson, 55; spouse, Louisa, 40.
Pleasant Valley Township 1881:
W. H. Richardson, 57; spouse, Louisa, 44.
Pleasant Valley Township 1882:
Wm. H. Richardson, 57; spouse, Louisa, 44.
Note: 1875 census showed Catharine Richardson, age 26. Not known if “Angeline” might have been Catharine.
Winfield Courier, February 23, 1882.
MARRIED. Mr. David Lamb and Miss Angeline Richardson, of Pleasant Valley Township, were married last Thursday, the 16th. Rev. Snyder performed the ceremony. Miss Richardson and the writer attended school together at Excelsior years ago, and he can congratulate Mr. Lamb on gathering into the fold one of the most sensible girls in the township. They have the COURIER’s best wishes.
Cowley County Courant, April 20, 1882.
CIVIL DOCKET. NINTH DAY. Chas. C. Black vs. Wm. H. Richardson et al.
Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.
Messrs. Croco and Richardson are arranging the preliminaries preparatory to swapping farms. Mr. Croco is a gentleman of much energy and enterprise. He is at present fitting up the once Sampson Johnson farm for a place of residence.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1884.
On the evening of the 25th, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wright celebrated their crystal wedding. A pleasant time was enjoyed. The following is a list of some of the presents received.
Mr. and Mrs. Richardson, fruit dish.
Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.

Mr. W. H. Richardson, of Pleasant Valley, lost a good barn, several hundred bushels of grain, some hay, a valuable mule, and most of his farming implements, by fire, Wednesday of last week. The family were all out in the field when the fire was first noticed and how it started is a mystery. The barn was insured for three hundred dollars, which will partially atone for the loss. Mr. Richardson is one of Cowley’s earliest settlers and most worthy pioneers, and we regret to see any misfortune overtake him. Coming here, with nothing, he has battled sternly with all the hardships which have beset the early settlers and come off the winner, but has not yet reached the point where such a disaster will be lightly felt.
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.
Jack any age or breed; W. H. Richardson, 1st; James Stewart, 2nd.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.
Rumor says John Hughes and Earnest Richardson are prospecting in Butler County, in view of matrimony.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.
Earnest Richardson and John Hughes have returned from their prospecting tour in Butler County, the latter bringing with him a picture of his attraction. This is John’s second visit to Butler County this winter, and when you hear of him going again, boys, load up your muskets and have your bells ready.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.
Last Wednesday evening, the 18th inst., the people of this community were highly entertained by a literary exhibition at the Victor schoolhouse, in district 115. The exercises were the consummation of Mrs. Delia R. Snyder’s efforts as school ma’am in the district for a term of five months. The patrons of the school speak in commendable terms of her efficiency as a teacher, and seemed well pleased with the result of her labors. The following interesting program was presented.
Song by the school, organ accompaniment.
Recitation, “My old hat,” Charlie Albert.
Recitation, “The baby,” Charlie Harbaugh.
Recitation, “Bobby Shafts,” Mary Ging.
Song, “Are all your matches sold yet.”
Recitation, “My kitty,” Robbie Richardson.
Recitation, “His proposition,” Charlie Watt.
Recitation, “Little Sillie,” Sillie Victor.
Recitation, My little dog,” Geo. Richardson.
Recitation, “Found,” Vic. Victor.
“Grandmother’s last balance,” Carolina Richardson and Allie Albert.
Dialogue, “Little wise heads,” Allie Albert, Carrie Teeter, and Vic. Victor.

Charade, “Manage,” three scenes: Allie Harbaugh, Lois Victor, Stella Harbaugh, Ed. Garrett, and Henry Garrett.
Song by quartette.
Dialogue, “Double cure,” Jennie Watt, Allie Harbaugh, Lois Victor, Carolina Richardson, Ed. Garrett, and Henry Garrett.
Dialogue, “Widow Bedotte,” Henry Garrett, Stella Harbaugh, and Lois Victor.
Charade, “Madcap,” three scenes: Lottie Albert, Lois Victor, Carolina Richardson, Jennie Watt, Ed. Garrett, Henry Garrett, and Ed. Watt.
The exercises closed with instrumental music by the organ with violin accompaniment. The young folks acquitted themselves on the stage as well as could have been expected of amateurs—having rehearsed but twice. If “Mark” was to make a criticism (which of course he won’t), it would be of the nature that sentimentalism was made too prominent a feature in the selection of charades and dialogues.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.
Mr. Wm. H. Richardson, of Pleasant Valley, enjoyed a visit recently from his brother, Mr. H. T. Richardson, of Macoupin County, Illinois, who was greatly enchanted by the beauty and possibilities of Cowley.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 19, 1887. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Mose Teter was in the city today. He informs us  two of his neighbors, Sampson Johnson and Earnest Richardson, were injured by a fractious bull Sunday. As they were taking the animal to water, he dashed at Johnson, and catching him in the abdomen with his horns, tossed him over his back. Johnson fell on his hands and feet and his wrists were badly sprained. The bull was captured again, but had scarcely been caught when he made a break at Richardson. The bull tossed him up in the air three or four times before he could be rescued. Richardson’s injuries are quite severe. He is badly bruised, his head cut, and his side slightly gored. The bull’s horns had been sawed off sometime before, and it was owing to this fact that both men escaped with their lives.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 19, 1887. From Thursday’s Daily.
Sampson Johnson and Earnest Richardson had a serious round with a bull last Sunday. Mr. Johnson was badly shaken up and Richardson is seriously hurt.