Rev. N. L. Rigby
[Rigby interested in Sheep for some time.]
Kansas 1875 Census, Winfield Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
N. L. Rigby 36 m w England Illinois
Jennie Rigby 33 f w Wisconsin Pennsylvania
N. L. Rigby, 35; spouse, Jennie S., 33.
N. L. Rigby, 39; spouse, J. S., 36.
N. L. Rigby, 41; spouse, Jennie S., 38.
Winfield Courier, November 20, 1873.
A CORDIAL INVITATION To participate in the festivities of the day is hereby extended to all the soldiers residing in the county. The following PROGRAMME will be observed.
AT 10, A.M. THE Reception Committee will commence to make up the Roster and distribute tickets for DINNER To all whose names are entered thereon.
AT 11, A.M. SOLDIERS will fall into line, in marching order, on Main Street, the right resting on Ninth Avenue, under the direction of the officer of the day, CAPT. McARTHUR, And march to the COURTHOUSE Where an address of welcome will be delivered by Captain S. C. Smith, The Mayor of Winfield, and the organization of the Soldiers’ Union completed.
AT 1, P.M. SOLDIERS will fall in for dinner.
AT 3, P.M. THERE will be a meeting in the Courthouse, and addresses will be delivered by the following soldiers: Chaplain E. P. Hickok, Maj. J. B. Fairbanks, Capt. James McDermott, A. D. Keith, S. M. Fall, Maj. T. B. Ross, Rev. N. L. Rigby, J. C. Bigger, Esq., and other soldiers present.
AT 7, P.M. THERE WILL BE A GRAND BALL! And dancing will be in order, to conclude the festivities of the day.
The proceedings of the day will be enlivened with appropriate music by the Winfield and Arkansas City Cornet Bands. A. A. JACKSON, Chairman Committee on Arrangements.
J. P. SHORT, Secretary.
Committee on Music. T. A. Wilkinson, Chairman, Mrs. W. D. Roberts, Miss Emma Leffingwell, L. J. Webb and John Kirby.
Winfield Courier, November 20, 1873.
Thanksgiving. There will be a Thanksgiving service at the Baptist Church Thursday (Thanksgiving) at 11 o’clock a.m. The following programme will be observed as near as possible.
PROGRAMME. PARTICIPANTS: Rev. Mr. Lowry, Rev. Mr. Platter, Rev. Mr. Parmelee, Rev. Mr. Rigby...choir.
Winfield Courier, Friday, December 19, 1873.
A CARD. Allow me to extend the cordial thanks of the Baptist church to all the friends who have so kindly assisted us in the representation, just given, of Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, hoping, at the same time, that each participant has been amply repaid by good derived from the exercises themselves. As Pastor of the church, I would assure them also that their earnest sympathy and co-operation will ever be remembered with grateful pleasure. N. L. RIGBY.
Winfield Courier, Friday, December 19, 1873.
The representation of the Pilgrim’s Progress was concluded last Tuesday evening and the size of the audience warrants the belief that the first night had been fully appreciated. We have neither time or space to notice each participant separately as we would much like to do. Mrs. Dr. Andrews, as Christiana, entered into the spirit of her part in a manner entirely creditable, and Mrs. James F. Paul, as a Pillar of Salt, was indeed beautiful and fully sustained her reputation of the evening before. The music, if possible, excelled that of the previous evening. Rev. N. L. Rigby, the projector, brains, and manager of the entertainment, assisted by Mrs. Jennie Tousey, worked with an energy truly refreshing. It is no small matter to manage one hundred and fifteen persons, big and little, and raw material at that. Mr. Rigby and Mrs. Tousey are certainly entitled to the thanks of every lover of the beautiful and good for giving them so excellent a representation of the production of John Bunyan’s fertile brain while in jail at Bedford. Everyone connected with it did nobly, and gave the good people of Winfield such an entertainment as they have never seen before. May we soon have another.
Winfield Courier, Friday, December 26, 1873.
DIED. Dec. 23, 1873, at the residence of Mr. H. B. Lacy, James Bishop, aged 15 years. Funeral services conducted by Rev. N. L. Rigby.
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1874.
Rev. Mr. Rigby baptized his first convert, a young Englishman named Jones, who has been staying with him for some time, in the Walnut River, Sunday before last.
Winfield Courier, March 13, 1874.
Last Monday evening, the most brilliant assemblage of “fair women and brave men” was gathered together at the residence of the Rev. J. B. Parmelee, that has ever assembled in the Walnut Valley. The occasion was the twentieth anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Parmelee, what the knowing ones call the “china wedding.” J. C. Blandin, with malice aforethought, enticed the unsuspecting couple to town and there kept them, not altogether unwilling, prisoners at his house. Taking advantage of the absence of the Rev. gentleman and his estimable lady, the “company” to the number of about one hundred and fifty persons gathered in with buckets, baskets, sacks, etc., each containing something calculated to gladden the inner man.
At the proper time Mr. and Mrs. Parmelee having arrived, were peremptorily ordered to prepare for the trying ordeal, which they calmly and resignedly proceeded to do. When all was ready the bride and groom were led into the parlor. Enoch Maris, D. A. Millington, Esq., and T. A. Wilkinson acted as Groomsmen, and Mrs. Enoch Maris, Mrs. ___ Johnson, and Mrs. T. A. Wilkinson as Bridesmaids. Rev. James E. Platter, of the Presbyterian Church, then proceeded to “lecture” the happy pair substantially as follows. . . .
Rev. N. L. Rigby then pronounced them “man and wife,” and offered up a short prayer. $103.00 in greenbacks was made up, enclosed in a soap dish, and presented to Mr. Parmelee by Maj. J. B. Fairbanks, on behalf of the company. . . .
A splendid supper was served and everybody felt that it was “good to be there.” The party broke up about 12 o’clock M., everyone boasting that it was the most enjoyable affair ever got up in the romantic Walnut Valley.
Messrs. E. C. Manning, S. H. Myton, J. B. Fairbanks, and A. T. Stewart, as far as we can learn, were the originators of the plot. We hope these liberal minded gentlemen will give another such at no distant day.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.
MARRIED. BALCOM - RANDALL. At the Lagonda house in this city, by Rev. N. L. Rigby, Mr. Charles Balcom to Miss Emma Randall, both of Arkansas City.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.
Rev. N. L. Rigby is making up a club for the Kansas Evangel, edited by Rev. I. S. Kalloch. The paper is devoted to the interest of the Baptist church as well as being a general newspaper. Two dollars a year or in clubs of twenty, one dollar a year.
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1874.
RIGBY - TOUSEY. In this city March 31st, by Rev. A. M. Averill, of Emporia, Rev. N. L. Rigby, pastor of the Baptist church in this city, to Mrs. Jennie S. Tousey.
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1874.
The following is a list of the marriage licenses issued by the Probate Judge for the month of March.
N. L. Rigby to Jennie S. Tousey.
Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.
Church Services.
There will be preaching in the Baptist church next Sabbath morning and evening. All are invited. N. L. RIGBY.
Winfield Courier, May 22, 1874.
There will be services at the Baptist church morning and evening next Sunday by the Rev. N. L. Rigby.
Winfield Courier, May 22, 1874.
Mayor Smith, Miss Hatch, and Rev. N. L. Rigby and lady, are on a visit to the Kaw Indians. We don’t hardly know what to think about it when two unmarried persons go off on a long visit with a minister and his wife, but the report is circulating that Mr. Smith is prejudiced against single blessedness. Some ill-favored individuals also report that the trip to the Territory was to save paying license. We don’t believe it however and shall take every opportunity to contradict such report.
Winfield Courier, May 29, 1874.
Mayor Smith, Miss Hatch, Rev. N. L. Rigby and wife, returned all safe from their visit to the Kaw Agency.
Winfield Courier, June 5, 1874.
Rev. James Cairns, of Polo, Illinois, is now here visiting his friend and co-worker, Rev. N. L. Rigby, and viewing the country generally. He will preach in the Baptist church next Sabbath morning and evening.
Winfield Courier, June 26, 1874.
The year for which the Rev. N. L. Rigby was engaged as pastor of the Baptist church in this city expired, we believe, last Sunday. In that time Mr. Rigby has done a great deal to build up the church, raising it from a membership of 16 up to 34; more than double. We hope the arrangements to secure his services for another year may be consummated. Mr. Rigby has in the twelve months spent with us, endeared himself to our people, by his Christian walk and conversation, besides being a clever social gentleman. We sincerely hope that he may be retained in Winfield not for a year, but many years to come.
[RKW made the following comment: Apparently upon the death of Rev. Tousey, Rev. Rigby was selected to fill the Baptist pulpit.]
Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.
In the Courts.
Last Monday night Mrs. W. D. Roberts was brought into her own house—having previously been arrested by officer Bliss of the police force, upon the charge of disturbing the peace. Upon being brought before his honor, Judge Hickok, Hon. S. D. Pryor arose and gave the Court to “understand and be informed, that Mrs. W. D. Roberts, at the county of Cowley, and on the 10th day of May, 1873, and on every Sunday save one, since said 10th day of May, 1873, at the Baptist church in Winfield, she, the said Mrs. W. D. Roberts, in a bold fearless manner, wilfully and knowingly disturbed the peace and quiet of many citizens of Winfield by using her tongue wilfully and fearlessly, in a loud voice, singing songs of praise to God, against the peace and quiet of many saloon-keepers, and contrary to the laws of king alcohol.”
The prisoner was ably defended by Rev. N. L. Rigby. Before the counsel for the defense had concluded, however, the prisoner was discharged.
To show that they didn’t believe her guilty of any crime and as a slight token of their esteem, Mr. Rigby, on behalf of the company, presented her with a beautiful silver cake basket, which was indeed a surprise to Mrs. Roberts, but nevertheless appreciated by her. After the presentation the guests were right royally regaled with Ice Cream and cake. All went home glad that they had been there, and glad that so much affection exists in the human family, and hoping that many such occasions may be experienced “ere the roses droop and die.”
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1874.
JOHNSON - WARD. At the Baptist church in Winfield on the 4th inst., by the Rev. N. L. Rigby, Mr. Edmund T. Johnson to Miss Eugenie Ward.
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1874.
Rev. N. L. Rigby will preach next Sunday (27th) morning and evening at the Baptist Church.
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1874.
Proceedings of the Meeting of the Winfield Literary and Scientific Association.
A meeting of the citizens of Winfield was held at the Courthouse September 22, 1874, for the purpose of organizing a Literary Society.
W. Q. Mansfield, M. L. Robinson, J. C. Fuller, Rev. Mr. Platter, Rev. Mr. Rigby, W. W. Walton, and E. B. Kager were appointed a committee to prepare a plan of organization to present at a future meeting to be called by a committee.
We hope all the citizens will take an interest in this society for such an institution, well sustained, can be made a source of much pleasure during the winter, of great and lasting profit.
Winfield Courier, November 5, 1874.
Rev. N. L. Rigby will hold service in the Baptist church, next Sabbath, morning and evening.
Winfield Plow and Anvil, November 19, 1874.
Church Directory.
BAPTIST CHURCH. Rev. N. L. Rigby, Pastor. Services at 11 A.M. and 7 P.M. on the second and fourth Sabbath’s of the month until Dec. 1st, 1874. Weekly prayer meeting on Thursday evening at 7 o’clock. Covenant meeting at 3 P.M. on Saturday before the 4th Sabbath in November, 1874.
Winfield Courier, December 3, 1874.
[Cowley County Acts to Aid Sufferers Injured by Grasshoppers.]
The Relief Committee of this county has organized by electing Rev. John McQuiston as Secretary, and Rev. N. L. Rigby for Treasurer. Rev. James E. Platter was elected President by the meeting. All persons in the county who are destitute should apply at once to the president or secretary of the Cowley County Relief Committee at Winfield.
The Ladies Organize.
Winfield Courier, December 3, 1874.
A large meeting of ladies was held at the residence of Mr. C. A. Bliss today to organize a society for the relief of the poor. Mrs. Huston presided and Mrs. Rigby acted as secretary. The society was permanently organized with Mrs. C. A. Bliss as President and Mrs. N. L. Rigby, Secretary. They called it the “Winfield Ladies Aid Society.”
The city was divided into four wards, thus, all the territory lying east of Main street and south of 9th Avenue, to constitute the 1st ward; East of Main street and north of 9th Avenue, the 2nd; west of Main street and north of 9th Avenue, the 3rd; and the remainder, the 4th ward. Committees to solicit aid, and hunt up the needy, were appointed as follows: for the first ward, Mrs. Dever, Mrs. Ferguson, Mrs. Platter, and Mrs. Robinson. For the second: Mrs. McClelland, Mrs. McMasters, and Mrs. McRaw. For the third, Mrs. Mansfield, Mrs. Kelly, and Mrs. Mullen. For the fourth, Mrs. Dr. Black, Mrs. Williams, and Mrs. Flint. The Society meets every Friday afternoon, at the house of Mr. Bliss.
Winfield Courier, December 3, 1874.
The citizens of Winfield and vicinity assembled at the Courthouse on Monday evening, Nov. 30th, 1874, for the purpose of organizing a central relief committee for Cowley County.
On motion A. S. Williams was chosen chairman, and J. W. Curns, secretary, of the meeting.
On motion the following persons were appointed as a central relief committee for Cowley County, to act in conjunction with the state central relief committee: Rev. S. E. Platter, Chairman; Rev. N. L. Rigby; Rev. J. McQuiston; Hon. T. R. Bryan; Hon. H. S. Silver.
On motion the Cowley County Central Relief Committee was instructed to immediately issue an address requesting that local relief committees be organized in each township in the county, and that such committees report their organizations to the Cowley County Central Committee, and the amount of destitution which exists in their several townships, as soon as possible.
Motion carried that a copy of the proceedings of this meeting be forwarded to the state central committee at Topeka.
Moved and carried that the publishers of the various newspapers of this county be requested to publish the proceedings of this meeting.
On motion adjourned. A. S. WILLIAMS, Chairman.
J. W. CURNS, Sec.
Winfield Courier, December 17, 1874.
The Winfield Institute.
The members of the Winfield Institute met at the courthouse last Monday evening and elected a board of directors, consisting of W. Q. Mansfield, T. E. Johnston, D. A. Millington, Rev. J. E. Platter, J. C. Fuller, Rev. N. L. Rigby, J. B. Fairbanks, Chas. C. Black, and E. B. Kager. According to arrangement they met last evening and elected from the number a president, secretary, and treasurer, to-wit: D. A. Millington, president; W. Q. Mansfield, secretary, and T. K. Johnston, treasurer.
Among the objects sought to be accomplished by this movement is the establishment of a public library and reading room, and it is the intention of the directors to make all necessary effort to insure success. To this end, therefore, donations of books are solicited from all who are friendly to the enterprise, and of those desirous of becoming members of the Institute. Books will be taken in payment of dues, if desired. Standard works in good condition, on history, theology, science, travel, fiction, and miscellaneous literature will constitute the library; and it is intended to furnish the reading room with a selection of the leading publications, periodicals, and magazines of the day.
Winfield Courier, January 7, 1875.
MARRIED. At the Baptist church in this city, by the Rev. N. L. Rigby, Mr. Samuel D. Pryor to Miss Llewellyn Waite, all of this city. No cards.
Winfield Courier, January 28, 1875.
The following is the total amount of goods received for distribution by the Cowley Co. Relief Committee up to January 27th, 1875: 2,925 pounds of meal, 2,900 pounds of flour, 9 boxes of clothing, 4 kegs of molasses, 1 barrel of hominy, 3 sacks of beans.
N. L. RIGBY, Treas.
Winfield Courier, February 4, 1875.
Four persons were immersed by Rev. N. L. Rigby last Sunday. A hole was cut in the ice on the river, for the purpose.
Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.
If the city of Winfield deserves credit for one thing more than another, it is for the magnificence of her China Weddings. Our people admire the heroic courage, which must be possessed in a very high degree by a couple which after twenty years of married life are still willing to resume the yoke matrimonial.
Such may have been the feeling of the merry, laughing set, the most brilliant assemblage of the season, which met at the residence of Mr. C. A. Bliss last Monday evening to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the marriage of the host and hostess.
The ceremony was conducted by the Reverends Rigby, Platter, and McQuiston, at the conclusion of which Mr. M. N. Chafey in an eloquent and happy speech presented the “happy couple” with an elegant china tea set. A supper was then spread which would have done honor to any wedding party, our reporter in common with the rest, throwing himself outside of grub enough to last him a week, forgetting for the nonce that grasshoppers, or anything else, had ever devastated the country. The relief committee was there, and viewed the seeming waste of so much that was good to eat; their palms, no doubt, itching for a chance to distribute it to the poor. Altogether it was one of the largest and happiest gatherings ever witnessed in Winfield, and it will long be remembered by those who participated as one of the green fields in the dreary desert of life.
Winfield Courier, February 18, 1875.
Will the Timber Creek, Silver Creek, Beaver Creek, Pleasant Vale, Maple Grove, and Maple City Baptist Churches appoint a committee of two each, and report to me at once the needs of such members as are actually destitute. I have received means from the Baptist Home Mission Society for distribution, with the promise of more.
Winfield Courier, April 1, 1875.
MARRIED. In another column will be found the marriage notice of Will. M. Allison to Miss Annie Braidwood. Did we have the time we might write ecstatically on the subject; but as we have not, the “happy pair” must be content with our best wishes for their future happiness and prosperity.
ALLISON - BRAIDWOOD. At the residence of Charles Black, Esq., Winfield, March 31st, 1875, by Rev. N. L. Rigby, Mr. W. M. Allison and Miss Annie Braidwood.
Winfield Courier, April 8, 1875.
RANDALL - WARD. At the residence of the bride’s father, near Winfield, on Sunday, April 4, 1875, by Rev. N. L. Rigby, Mr. Irvin W. Randall and Miss Virulia E. Ward.
Winfield Courier, December 2, 1875.
After quite a lengthy visit among friends in Chicago, Mrs. N. L. Rigby has returned home. Her nephew, Mr. C. C. Haskins and wife, came down with her.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1875.
Rev. Rigby has returned to Winfield improved in health, much to the gratification of his many friends.
Winfield Courier, December 30, 1875.
ALLEN - HAMMOND. At the residence of Mr. Thomas McMillan, of Winfield, December 28th, 1875, by Rev. N. L. Rigby, Mr. Marshall Allen and Miss Mary Hammond, both of Winfield.
Winfield Courier, January 6, 1876.
WALKER - WEBB. Tuesday evening, January 4th, 1876, at the residence of the bride’s brother, L. J. Webb, by Rev. N. L. Rigby, Mr. R. L. Walker and Miss Sadie A. Webb.
Everybody in the county knows Dick Walker and no one has more friends than he. They all rejoice at his good sense and good fortune in selecting a companion for life. His new wife, though not one of the “old settlers,” has many friends in our midst and quietly captured the Captain that all the girls were going crazy after. “Still waters run deep.”
Winfield Courier, January 27, 1876.
The undersigned, residents of Cowley County, cordially unite in inviting the citizens of said county to meet in mass meeting at Winfield, on Saturday at 2 P. M.,
to take such action as shall seem advisable upon consultation to secure the construction of a railroad into Cowley County. We desire each paper in said county to publish this call, and we hope that every township will be fully represented at said meeting.
Dated January 25, 1876.
WINFIELD: M. L. Read, S. D. Pryor, N. M. Powers, N. W. Holmes, N. L. Rigby, Thomas McMillen, L. J. Webb, Charles C. Black, J. S. Hunt, W. M. Boyer, John W. Curns, G. S. Manser, B. F. Baldwin, J. H. Land, A. H. Green, W. Q. Mansfield, E. C. Manning, S. H. Myton, J. C. Fuller, A. B. Lemmon, James Kelly, W. H. H. Maris, T. H. Henderson, A. N. Deming, H. S. Silver, J. M. Alexander, Amos Walton, D. A. Millington, J. E. Platter, W. M. Allison, And one hundred others.
Winfield Courier, February 3, 1876.
MARRIED. THOMAS - HERROD. Near Tisdale, January 30th, 1876, by Rev. N. L. Rigby, Mr. Harvey G. Thomas and Miss Livena D. Herrod. Both of Cowley County.
Winfield Courier, April 6, 1876.
GEORGE - MOSES. April 2nd, 1876, by Rev. N. L. Rigby, Mr. M. V. B. George, of Winfield, and Miss Augusta A. Moses, of Tisdale, Cowley County.
Cowley County Democrat, April 6, 1876.
On April 2d, 1876, by Rev. N. L. Rigby, Mr. M. V. B. George, of Winfield, and Miss Augusta A. Moses, of Tisdale, Cowley County.
Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.
Last Saturday, pursuant to call, the citizens of Winfield met at the Courthouse and organized a meeting by calling D. A. Millington to the chair and electing C. M. McIntire secretary.
After deliberation as to what steps should be taken to appropriately celebrate the 4th of July of the Centennial year, the following committee was appointed to draft a plan of procedure and report to a meeting of citizens last night: James Kelly, J. P. Short, C. M. McIntire, W. B. Gibbs, and W. C. Robinson.
Committee on Decoration: Frank Gallotti, John Swain, I. Randall, Mary Stewart, Jennie Greenlee, Ada Millington, Mrs. Rigby, Mrs. Mansfield.
Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876.
MARRIED. COCHRAN - STARK. On Sunday evening, at the Baptist parsonage, by Rev. N. L. Rigby, Mr. Jasper Cochran to Miss Isabelle Stark.
It is with pleasure we give place to the above. We were afraid that the extreme modesty of our friend Jap. would keep him on the bachelor list till the years of “the sear and yellow leaf.” But now the crisis is past, the summer is ended, and another one of the boys is saved. The COURIER rejoices with the friends of the happy pair and wishes them a life of unalloyed pleasure.
Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.
LORE - DAVIS. At the resident of Mr. Best, July 19th, by Rev. N. L. Rigby, Mr. James Lore and Miss Samantha Davis.
Winfield Courier, September 7, 1876.
W. G. McCULLOUGH, a resident of Australia, called upon us last week, in company with Rev. Rigby. He is a man of culture and capital, and is viewing this locality with the intention of locating an extensive stock ranche.
Winfield Courier, October 12, 1876.
The Southwestern Kansas Baptist Association.
The sixth anniversary of the Association was held with the Silver Creek Church on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, October 6th, 7th, and 8th, 1876, and was remarked by all attending to have been the most profitable and entertaining session of the Association.
The names and P. O. addresses of ministers belonging to the Association are: John Brown, Augusta; W. R. Burroughs, Douglass; William Carter, Belle Plain; A. H. Dunlap, Modena; H. G. Estell, Modena; L. D. Grow, Augusta; W. G. Hobbs, Wichita; E. P. Hickok, Winfield; James Hopkins, Salt City; J. M. Haycraft, Baltimore; Robert Kerr, Winfield; W. W. Learning, C. G. Manley, Eldorado; A. C. Miner, Douglass; N. L. Rigby, Winfield; Jesse Stone, Augusta; J. L. Saxby, Eldorado; Henry Small, Eldorado; David Thomas, Winfield; R. S. Williams, Augusta; E. S. Noble, South Haven; W. E. File, Wichita; S. H. Roads, South Haven.
Winfield Courier, January 4, 1877.
Rev. Rigby is with us again looking fat and happy.
Coal Oil Lamp Invented by Rev. Rigby.
Winfield Courier, January 18, 1877.
Rev. Rigby has invented and constructed a coal oil lamp that will make him a fortune. The patent is about to be issued. A lamp of his manufacture can be seen at Bliss & Earnest’s store that is an imperfect model of the one to be patented. But to a novice that one seems perfect.
Winfield Courier, February 8, 1877.
JOHN D. PRYOR is interested with Rev. Rigby in his new patent lamp. We predict success.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 28, 1877.
We notice by the Telegram of last week that John D. Pryor and Miss Jennie Greenlee were married by Revs. Platter and Rigby, on Wednesday, the 21st past. Mr. Pryor is a young man of considerable distinction, and has secured one of the most estimable ladies of Winfield’s society.
Winfield Courier, July 26, 1877.
The M. E. church has ordered the chandelier made of the new Rigby lamp, a Winfield man’s invention.
Winfield Courier, October 18, 1877.
Rev. N. L. Rigby is in the city again visiting his better half. He says his lamp manufacturing business is going on well.
Mrs. Rigby...
Winfield Courier, October 25, 1877.
E. Spencer Bliss, and his brother, Albert Bliss, have bought out the interests of Mrs. Rigby and Mr. Earnest in the general store of Bliss, Earnest & Co., and the new firm will be all Bliss, under the firm name of Bliss & Co.
Rigby patent exhibited...
Winfield Courier, October 25, 1877.
Rev. N. L. Rigby exhibited to us his patent for his invention in lamps, issued to him by the government of Great Britain. To those who have never seen such a document, it is worth a visit to Mr. Rigby to see it. The document itself would do for a table-cloth, and is neater, whiter, and more substantial than most table-spreads. The seal weighs about four pounds, and the whole is enclosed in and fills up a neat case about twelve by sixteen inches, five inches deep.
Winfield Courier, December 13, 1877.
The new M. E. church is lighted by the latest style Rigby & Pryor lamps. A brass pipe, about an inch and a half in diameter, suspended from the ceiling by four rods, passes through the center of the building, upon which, about four feet apart, are a number of lamps, which illuminate the building as well as gas.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
MARRIED. FRANKLIN - SCOTT. At the residence of Mr. Rex, Winfield, January 1st, 1878, by Rev. N. L. Rigby, Mr. Jesse C. Franklin and Miss Ella E. Scott. Both of Winfield.
This is “turning over a new leaf” to begin the year in the right way. We wish the happy couple many happy “New Years.”
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.
The neck-tie festival at Summit, New Year’s eve, realized $13.50, which goes to pay for a fine Rigby lamp for the schoolhouse. The young folks had a good time. L.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
Rev. N. L. Rigby preached at the Baptist Church last Sunday evening, the first time for over two years. Though evidently feeble in health, he exhibited much of his former enthusiasm, fire, and rhetoric. We hope that he may recover his health completely and resume his true place at the desk. He will preach again next Sunday evening.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
MARRIED. Married on Wednesday, March 6, at the residence of Mr. White, in Winfield, by the Rev. N. L. Rigby, Mr. John W. Jordan to Miss Harriet G. Robb.
This wedding was to have taken place the day before but the bride’s father held her captive, and would not allow the groom to approach. A writ of habeas corpus was procured, by virtue of which the bride was taken and the marriage consummated.
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878.
MARRIED. At Winfield, March 19, 1878, by Rev. N. L. Rigby, Rev. David Thomas to Mrs. Julia G. Goodrich, all of Cowley County.
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878.
The Baptist people, headed by Rev. Rigby, have been at work beautifying their church grounds. They have put out over 200 trees, with rose bushes, vines, etc.
The Daily Winfield Courier, Saturday Morning, May 11, 1878.
[From the Oxford Independent.]
Elder Rigby, of the Baptist Church, of Winfield, preached to the people of this place last Saturday evening; also Sunday morning and evening. And on Sunday at 2 o’clock, in the Arkansas River adjoining town, the ordinance of baptism was administered to those who desired to obey the Lord in that ordinance in a mode, the sufficiency of which is conceded by all religious denominations. Elder Rigby, though in poor health, is a zealous worker and a sound and logical reasoner.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
MARRIED. Married at the residence of the bride’s mother, near Winfield, June 13, 1878, by Rev. N. L. Rigby, Mr. Irving Bell, of Wellington, Sumner County, and Miss M. E. Dunham, of Winfield.
MARRIED. Married at the residence of M. Cotrell, near Winfield, June 15, 1878, by the same, Mr. John Cotrell and Miss Rosa Mater, of Winfield.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
Mr. and Mrs. Durley, of Augusta, are in the city visiting Mr. and Mrs. Rigby.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
Rev. Mr. Cairns has accepted the call of the Baptist Church in this city and will commence his pastorate about October 1. Rev. N. L. Rigby will occupy the desk until that time.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
Mrs. Rigby is visiting friends in the East.
Rev. Rigby, who has been attending the Lawrence and Topeka fairs, returned last Friday.
Winfield Courier, October 31, 1878.
MARRIED. Married, October 24th, 1878, by Rev. N. L. Rigby, Mr. John W. Smith and Mary C. Hashley; of Douglas, Butler County, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, October 31, 1878.
MARRIED. GREER-KINNE. On Wednesday morning, October 30th, at the residence of E. P. Kinne, the bride’s father, in Winfield, by Rev. N. L. Rigby, Mr. Ed. P. Greer and Miss Lizzie Kinne.
Ed. is one of our boys; intelligent, honest, industrious, and of unexceptionable habits. He is one of the most reliable young men you will meet, and has a future of promise before him. The bride is one of the most accomplished and beautiful of the Winfield ladies and would be a prize to any young man who should have the fortune to win her.
Winfield Courier, January 23, 1879.
The Baptist Church elected the following officers for the year 1879.
James McDermott, treasurer.
Rev. Mr. Rigby, clerk.
C. A. Bliss, Lewis Stevens, James McDermott, R. C. Story, and E. S. Bliss, trustees.
Col. J. C. McMullen and John D. Pryor have been added to the board of trustees as a building committee. Plans and specifications for a new building will be submitted soon.
Winfield Courier, April 3, 1879.
The election last Tuesday was very warm and excited, but everything went off pleasantly. The result was:
1st w. 2nd w.
Long Term, M. G. Troup ... 146 ...
Long Term, B. F. Baldwin . 102 ...
Short Term, N. L. Rigby ... 240 ...
Long Term, F. S. Jennings ... 336
Short Term, H. Brotherton ... 107
Short Term, I. W. Randall ... 122
The majorities stand as follows: Rigby, 240.
Winfield Courier, May 8, 1879.
The Board of Education, elect, met Monday evening in pursuance of the provisions of the law for the purpose of effecting an organization.
The meeting was called to order by Mr. M. G. Troup, after which officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows.
President: F. S. Jennings.
Vice President: N. L. Rigby.
Clerk: Fred C. Hunt.
The clerk’s salary was fixed at $50.00 per annum.
The Treasurer’s bond was fixed at $10,000.
Resolution passed that no application for position as teacher be considered until after the middle of June, and that in the meantime all applications be filed with the Clerk of the Board.
Board adjourned to meet again at the office of Jennings & Buckman, when the report of the retiring Board will be received. A full attendance of the retiring Board at that time is requested.
Reference made to Rigby having a store???...
Winfield Courier, May 29, 1879.
N. L. Rigby has a patent bedstand on exhibition at his store, which is quite a curiosity. When closed it represents a bureau and can be used as a writing desk or stand, and by simply pulling out the front part it adjusts itself to a perfect bed: bed-clothes, spring, mattress, and all made up ready for use.
Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.
At a meeting of the School Directors on Monday, June 16th, F. S. Jennings in the chair, the following appointments were made for the coming year: Principal, Prof. E. T. Trimble, of Illinois, who takes the place of Mr. G. W. Robinson, resigned; Helen E. Meach, of Chicago, who takes the place of Miss Aldrich in the grammar department; Miss Sarah Hodges, who takes the place of Mrs. Moffit, resigned—second intermediate; Miss Minnie Johnson, a new appointment, 1st intermediate; Miss Allie Klingman, returned, 2nd primary; Miss Mollie Bryant, 1st primary. The Chair appointed the committees for the ensuing year, to-wit: M. G. Troup, Finance; N. L. Rigby, Ways and Means; I. W. Randall, Care of School property. The first Monday in July was set for the next meeting of the Directors. The fall term of school opens September 1st.
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.
MARRIED: At the residence of Mr. Davis, Winfield, July 3rd, 1879, by Rev. N. L. Rigby, Mr. John L. Bare and Miss Hattie F. Finch, both of Winfield.
Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.
A rare treat and something that you must not miss: and that is Rev. N. L. Rigby’s lecture on Robert Burns next Monday evening, November 3, at Manning’s Hall. Mr. Rigby has delivered this lecture in many of the leading cities of the east, and it is spoken very highly of by all who have heard it. This will be the second lecture in the Baptist lecture course for the benefit of the new Baptist church. Miss De Grasse will sing an opening and closing piece in the Scottish dialect.
Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.
Last Monday Rev. N. L. Rigby sold his residence property, on 11th avenue and Church street, to Mr. T. S. Ticer for $1,300.
Winfield Courier, March 11, 1880.
Rev. N. L. Rigby has commenced excavating for his new residence on 10th avenue in Fuller block. He intends putting up a handsome building.
Rigby quarry???...
Winfield Courier, March 11, 1880.
Our stone quarries are becoming justly famous, not only throughout the State, but in the nation. The completion of two railroads to this place makes it possible to transport this rock to distant cities where it is wanted, and already the A., T. & S. F. is carrying it to supply many of the towns all along its line. Recently, in opening the bids for the contract to construct the government building at Topeka, the lowest bid was that of Mr. Smith, the purchaser of the Rigby quarry near this city, and the bid was for Winfield stones. Before awarding the contract the government sent its supervising architect, Mr. J. G. Haskell, to Winfield, to examine the quarries. He was here last Friday and Saturday, and we confidently hope that his report will be such that Mr. Smith will get the contract on his bid on Winfield stone.
Be this as it may, the quarrying industry at this place will soon assume magnificent proportions. Blocks of the best building stone can be had of any thickness desired, and can be quarried in any length and breadth wanted.
The charm of the whole matter is that the rock is free from seams of flint, works easily with the saw, hammer, or chisel, and hardens by exposure to the atmosphere. Besides, we have the finest flagging stone in the State, as our miles on miles of stone sidewalks in Winfield attest, and this is beginning to be shipped in large quantities to other towns in the state.
Benjamin J. Bartlett, Iowa, architect for Rigby’s new dwelling...
Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.
The School Board adopted the plans of Benjamin J. Bartlett, of Des Moines, Iowa, for the new schoolhouses to be erected in this city. The new building in the second ward will be two stories high with four rooms. An addition to the old building in the first ward, of two stories, with four rooms, halls, and anterooms, will be built. The architect guarantees the buildings to cost less than $10,000, with the heating and ventilating apparatus all complete. Mr. Bartlett is an architect of acknowledged ability and has furnished the plans for some of our best buildings. He is the architect for Mr. Rigby’s new dwelling.
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.
Married at the residence of the bride’s father, in Winfield, April 25, 1880, by Rev. N. L. Rigby, Mr. Wm. O. Graham, of Harper County, and Miss Carrie Morris, of Winfield.
Winfield Courier, June 10, 1880.
The building boom in and about Winfield continues. On Main street about a dozen good business houses are in process of erection or under contract to be built soon. Quite a number of our citizens are building neat and substantial residences. In addition to those heretofore mentioned by us, we note S. M. Jarvis and John Moffit in the east part of the city, John W. Curns in the west, and Mr. Gibson in the south. Mr. Rigby’s new house progresses rapidly, and Mr. Lemmon is having the material delivered for his house east of the city in Walnut township. Almost every day a new foundation for a house is laid in or about the city. In our opinion, more money will be put into new buildings in Winfield this than any previous year.
Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.
Mr. Wm. Ausbrook and Miss Ollie Wilson were married by Rev. N. L. Rigby, on the 12th.
Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.
The foreman in the building of Mr. Rigby’s house suffered a sun stroke last Saturday.
Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.
The place of N. L. Rigby begins to look proudly down upon us. It is the most unique structure in the city and would attract attention in any city.
Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.
Rev. N. L. Rigby filled Rev. Cairns pulpit last Sunday.
Mrs. N. L. Rigby...
Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.
Winfield is partly depopulated by the great exodus to the Knight Templars triennial reunion in Chicago. Last Saturday and Sunday the trains were loaded with excursionists, many of whom were taking this opportunity to visit friends in the east with the excursion rates for fares. A great many went from here whose names have not been given us, but the following are some that we know of: Dr. W. G. Graham and wife, Capt. S. C. Smith, E. P. Kinne, J. E. Conklin, Capt. James McDermott, Rev. J. Cairns and wife, Rev. J. A. Hyden and wife, J. D. Pryor, R. D. Jillson and daughter, Mrs. D. A. and Miss Jessie Millington. C. C. Black and wife, J. W. Johnson and daughter, J. P. M. Butler and wife, Miss Jennie Melville, G. H. Buckman, J. C. and Miss Ioa Roberts, Will Baird and wife, Mrs. N. L. Rigby, Jacob Nixon and wife, J. S. Hunt, and T. R. Bryan.
Winfield Courier, September 9, 1880.
Mr. Rigby has his bell in place on the tower of his new rock palace.
Winfield Courier, October 7, 1880.
The COURIER boys were treated yesterday morning to samples of cake of the choicest varieties, accompanied by a card bearing the following legend: “Compliments of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Lowry. THOMAS S. LOWRY. CORA L. BRADISH.”
We congratulate the happy couple, and wish them all the joys which their young hearts now so fondly anticipate. Rev. N. L. Rigby performed the ceremony.
Mrs. Rigby...
Winfield Courier, October 28, 1880.
Mrs. N. L. Rigby has returned from her summer vacation.
Mrs. Tousey Rigby: interest in Bliss & Co. flour mill...
Winfield Courier, November 4, 1880.
The firm of Bliss & Co. has sold out. The members of this firm retire from the business with the respect and kindest wishes of their wide circle of friends. C. A. Bliss came to Winfield in 1870 and became one of the few settlers at that time. In company with his brother-in-law, Mr. Tousey, he purchased of E. C. Manning the only stock of general merchandise in the city, and has ever since been one of the leading business men in the place. Mrs. Tousey, now Mrs. Rigby, continued her means in the business for some time, and they have built the best flouring mill in the county and several valuable buildings, adding materially to the grandeur of our young city. E. S. Bliss and E. H. Bliss are straight, energetic business young men without a bad habit and enjoying the respect of all, such men as these cannot sit idly down to enjoy the fruit of their successes but will undoubtedly soon again be found in active business.
Mrs. Rigby...
Winfield Courier, December 16, 1880.
A meeting was held in the council rooms last Thursday evening to consider means for temporary assistance to those in want in our city.
John B. Lynn was made chairman, and James Kelly, secretary.
By a vote of the meeting the city was divided into four wards by Main street and Ninth avenue, and committees were constituted as follows.
Committees to solicit contributions were appointed as follows.
Southeast: Mrs. Rigby, Miss L. Graham, and Mr. W. A. Freeman.
Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Rigby...
Winfield Courier, December 30, 1880.
With the earliest settlers of Winfield, came Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Millington, since which time their hospitable home has been a favorite with our society people.
At their reception last evening an unusually happy and enjoyable time was had. Mr. and Mrs. Millington, assisted by their daughters, Misses Kate and Jessie, were truly at home in the manner and method of receiving their friends, with a smile and a pleasant word for all. No wonder the hours passed so quickly by. All restraint and formality was laid aside for an evening of genuine good feeling and pleasure.
Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Rigby, Mr. and Mrs. McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Hackney, Mr. and Mrs. Spotswood, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Baird, Mr. and Mrs. Bedilion, Mr. and Mrs. Moffitt, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. McMullen, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. H. Brown, Dr. and Mrs. Black, Mr. and Mrs. Hickok, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pryor, Mr. and Mrs. Troup, Mr. and Mrs. Scovill, Mr. and Mrs. Lundy, Mr. and Mrs. Lemmon, Dr. and Mrs. Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Short, Mr. and Mrs. Kretsinger, Mr. and Mrs. Shrieves, Mr. and Mrs. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Millington, Mrs. Huston, Miss McCommon, Wirt W. Walton, and J. R. Conklin.
Rev. and Mrs. N. L. Rigby...
Winfield Courier, January 6, 1881.
Col. McMullen and lady entertained a number of friends at their home last week. The elegant parlors were comfortably filled, and we, at least, passed a pleasant evening. Those present were: Mayor and Mrs. Lynn, Rev. and Mrs. N. L. Rigby, Prof. and Mrs. Hickok, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. Loose, Mr. and Mrs. John Pryor, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Carruthers, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Scovill, Mr. and Mrs. H. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Kretsinger, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. Wallis, Mr. and Mrs. Mann, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Green, Mr. and Mrs. Black, Mr. and Mrs. Kinne, Mrs. Buck and son, of Emporia, and Mr. Harris, of Bushnell, Illinois.
N. L. Rigby, President...
Winfield Courier, January 13, 1881.
At an adjourned meeting of the Cowley Co. Wool Growers’ Association, held at Winfield January 8th, 1881, the following business was transacted.
Mr. Service being temporary chairman, secretary’s report of last meeting was read and adopted.
Names of members read and fourteen others added.
The following officers were elected by ballot for the ensuing year.
President: N. L. Rigby.
First Vice President: S. P. Strong.
Second Vice President: John Stalter.
Recording Secretary: A. D. Crowell.
Corresponding Secretary: S. C. Smith.
Treasurer: A. H. Doane.
Messrs. Smith, Silliman, and Chafey were appointed by the chair to act as a committee to select one from each township in the county to act as an executive committee.
Messrs. Stalter and Eastman were appointed by the chair to act as a committee to select and assign subjects to be discussed at the next regular meeting.
Motion was made and carried that Mr. Ezra Meech be appointed as a delegate to the State Wool Growers’ Association that is to be held at Topeka on the 18th inst., and Mr. Rigby as alternate.
Motion was made and carried that three and not more than five be appointed by the chair as a committee to visit the various flocks of sheep throughout the county and report regarding their condition, management, etc.
Messrs. Chafey, Meech, Smith, Eastman, and Crowell were so appointed.
After remarks by Mr. Linn regarding the Eaton Tariff Bill now before Congress, a motion was made and carried that the corresponding secretary be instructed to request our representatives to Congress to favor said bill.
Motion was made and carried that the first clause of the constitution be so amended as to read, “Cowley County Wool Growers and Sheep Breeders’ Association.”
Motion was made and carried that the corresponding secretary be instructed to collect the petitions already distributed and present them through our Senator to the State Legislature.
Adjourned to meet at 10 o’clock, m., March 5th, 1881. A. D. CROWELL, Sec’y.
Mrs. N. L. Rigby...
Winfield Courier, January 27, 1881.
The Ladies’ Library Association met at the library rooms on Tuesday, January 25th, and elected the following members as directors. Mesdames D. A. Millington, T. R. Bryan, T. G. Ticer, W. R. Davis, W. O. Scovill, J. C. Fuller, J. Swain, Eastman, J. P. Butler, Raymond, W. P. Hackney, Wallis, A. E. Baird, M. L. Read, E. S. Bedilion, A. H. Doane, G. Emerson, J. A. Hyden, A. T. Spotswood, C. S. Van Doren, J. W. McDonald, J. S. Mann, J. S. Loose, J. A. Earnest. The six last hold over under the constitution. The three first are re-elected.
The following officers were re-elected: Mrs. W. L. Mullen, president; Mrs. N. L. Rigby, vice president; Mrs. E. T. Trimble, secretary; Mrs. M. L. Robinson, treasurer.
The officers and directors voted upon themselves a tax of three dollars each to raise funds for the purchase of books and other expenditures of the association.
The editor congratulates the people of Winfield on the presence as citizens of such an array of self-sacrificing, intelligent, and enterprising fair ladies, and hope the city council will make a liberal appropriation and men having money will assist them in their noble work.
Winfield Courier, January 19, 1882.
Mrs. Rigby goes to Topeka Saturday to meet her husband. They will be located there this year and Mr. Rigby will preach to the people along the line of railroad this side.
Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.
Abe Steinberger has rented the elegant residence of Rev. Rigby, near J. C. Fuller’s. He moved in Tuesday. The senior editor of this paper, who lives across the way, wants to buy a large dog.
Mrs. Rigby looks after Mrs. Bliss...
Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.
Mrs. Bliss is gradually sinking. She is constantly attended by Mrs. Rigby.
Rev. Rigby at Topeka Baptist Church...
Winfield Courier, May 4, 1882.
Rev. N. L. Rigby came down from Topeka Friday and filled the pulpit in the new Baptist Church Sunday. He is delighted with the new church and says it is the most perfect church building he had ever seen.
Mrs. C. A. Bliss was a sister-in-law of Mrs. N. L. Rigby according to next account...
Cowley County Courant, June 29, 1882.
In another column will be found the announcement, with appropriate remarks by her pastor, of the death of Mrs. C. A. Bliss. And while, ordinarily, such notice would be sufficient, yet we cannot let the matter pass without contributing our tribute of respect, however slight it may be. We have been, as the world goes, intimately acquainted with Mrs. Bliss since the year 1870. She was one of the few that are altogether too rare, a woman that everyone loved. Kind, affectionate, and always considerate of others, she speedily found her way into the heart and affections of all who were in any manner worthy of such excellence. The history of Winfield or Cowley County could not be written without her name, and indeed that of her sorrowing sister, Mrs. Rigby. And it is only to be regretted that someone entirely capable of so doing, cannot be found to do justice to so noble a pair of pioneers. We are fast passing away. And those of us who erstwhile were young and bid fair for a long life are graying for the tomb. Mrs. C. A. Bliss will live in the memory of many of us when indeed she has been forgotten by those who knew her not. This writer is doubly tied to her dear memory. Always the same, always herself, always the true loving Christian, whether neighbor or friend. Some day we will meet the dear departed in heaven.
Mrs. N. L. Rigby was a sister of C. A. Bliss according to next account...
Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.
DIED. In Winfield, Kansas, Monday, June 26, 1882, after two years and a half of severe, but patient suffering, Julia M., wife of Mr. C. A. Bliss.
Mrs. Bliss was born June 3, 1887, in northern Illinois, near Beloit, Wisconsin, where her parents removed while she was but a child. She remained in Beloit until after her marriage with Mr. Bliss, Feb. 7, 1855. In the spring of the following year, 1856, Mr. and Mrs. Bliss were both converted and baptized into the fellowship of the Beloit Baptist Church. The following August they moved to Topeka, Kansas, where they remained for ten years, when they moved to Columbus and remained two years. In 1870 they came to Winfield. They have been very closely identified with the early history of Kansas, and earnest advocates of all its moral and material progress. In Topeka, Columbus, and Winfield, they were constituent members of the Baptist Churches formed in these cities.
It may be well said of Mrs. Bliss that “she did what she could” in the home circle, in the church, and in the community. Her deep devotion and piety made her heed the Savior’s injunction to remember the poor, the needy, and the afflicted. How often while she was able was she seen with a loving heart and full hand ministering to their wants.
The whole community sympathize with the bereaved husband, daughter, and his sister, Mrs. Rigby, who has been so closely identified with her so many years. Another sister and two brothers are also left to mourn her loss. . . . J. C.
Rev. Rigby staying in Topeka...
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1882.
Revs. Rigby and Gregory spent most of this week visiting friends here. Rev. Rigby has been called to and accepted the charge of the Madison Street, Topeka, Baptist Church, and will go there September 1st. Rev. Gregory is very well pleased with his location in North Topeka.
Mrs. Rigby visited in Topeka by niece of C. A. Bliss...
Winfield Courier, April 19, 1883.
Miss Della Tuttle, a niece of C. A. Bliss, is in Topeka visiting with Mrs. Rigby.
Rigby house...
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1883.
Emporia News: “. . . We had visited this city some twelve years ago when there were only a few houses, and the principal store was in a log building. . . . The residences of Read, McMullen, Robinson, Platter, Fuller, Rigby, and others would be a credit to a town fifty years old. . . .
Rev. N. L. Rigby marries C. A. Bliss to Mrs. M. L. Jewell...
Winfield Courier, September 27, 1883.
MARRIED. A Jewell has gone to Bliss. It occurred at Topeka on last Thursday, and the transformation was caused by the joining together of Mr. C. A. Bliss and Mrs. M. L. Jewell, in the matrimonial bond, by Rev. N. L. Rigby. This was a little surprising to the many friends of the bride and groom, but the surprise was not sufficient to interfere with congratulations. The groom is one of our early residents and most prominent businessmen, while the bride has resided in our city for the last four years, and has taken an active part in the musical and social circles; therefore, they start on their new voyage with the well wishes of a large number of friends. The groom has certainly secured a rare Jewell, and there is no doubt that the bride has chosen the royal road to Bliss. Our wish is that the Jewell may prove a blessing, the possession of which will bring much happiness, and that the Bliss of the new domestic firm may ever be unalloyed. Mr. and Mrs. Bliss will go to housekeeping in a few days.
Next item indicates that Rev. Rigby did handle sheep...
Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.
380 head of sheep for sale or rent by N. L. Rigby within the next 2 weeks.
Rev. and Mrs. Rigby moving from Topeka to Los Angeles, California...
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.
Rev. and Mrs. N. L. Rigby came down from Topeka last week and have been spending several days previous to a removal to Los Angeles, California, where they will reside hereafter. Mr. Rigby filled our Baptist pulpit Sunday evening. He has resigned his Topeka charge and will seek renewed health in other vocations on the Pacific slope.
Schuler, President of Winfield Bank, permanently settles in Rigby house...
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.
The family of Mr. H. B. Schuler, President of the Winfield Bank, arrived last week from St. Louis, and are permanently settled in the commodious Rigby residence.
Senator Hackney purchases Rigby residence...remodeling it!
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 7, 1885.
Senator W. P. Hackney purchased the Rigby residence next door to J. C. Fuller’s yesterday for five thousand dollars. He will remodel the house so it will look less like a castle and more like a home, fix up the grounds, and make it his permanent abode. It is one of the most desirable places in the city.
Rev. Rigby living on a ranch near Los Angeles, California...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 14, 1885.
Rev. N. L. Rigby, formerly of Winfield, and builder of the stone “chateau,” which Bill Hackney captured the other day, is located on a ranch six miles from Los Angeles, California.
Hackney transforms Rigby residence in Winfield...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 11, 1886.
Senator Hackney, since purchasing the Rigby residence, has transformed it wonderfully, and a force of workmen are yet improving it. From a very homely, though large and imposing edifice, he has made one of the handsomest and most attractive homes in the city. Dormer windows, modern roof adornment, artistic porches, etc., have completely changed the premises. The interior has also been remodeled and now the Senator has a capacious home whose beauty and appointments are unexcelled in this city of elegant homes. Those offsets willed with appropriate statuary will complete the exterior effect.