Charles A. Roberts
Roberts, Chas. A., 27; spouse, Amanda, 27.
Roberts, Charles A., 28; spouse, Amanda, 28.
Kansas 1875 Census, Winfield Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
C. A. Roberts 29 m w Indiana Iowa
Amanda Roberts 29 f w Indiana Iowa
Luella Roberts 8 f w Iowa Iowa
Fred Roberts 4 m w Iowa Iowa
Roberts, C. A., 32; spouse, A. M., 32.
Roberts, C. A., 35; spouse, A. M., 35.
Roberts, C. A., 36; spouse, A. M., 36.
Chas. A. Roberts...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 23, 1873.
Chas. A. Roberts has just ten days in which to substantiate his charges against the Grand Mogul of the COURIER, or suffer the consequences.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 30, 1873.
Mr. Chas. A. Roberts came in yesterday, and made such explanations and apologies as to warrant Mr. Kelly in suspending hostilities as far as Mr. Roberts is concerned. But from what we could “nose” out of the affair, there is somebody else in the “fence;” we look for interesting developments soon, as our grand mogul though one of the kindest most reasonable men alive, when he does start, maketh it warm for somebody.
A Card.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, Oct. 27th, 1873.
MR. JAMES KELLY: Sir: On the evening of October 4th, 1873, Mr. W. H. H. Maris told me, in his store, that you would not only lie but steal, and had stolen from him. He did not state when nor how—but stated the amount was two dollars. And that he would be glad to see you kicked out of town. CHAS. A. ROBERTS.
ED. COURIER, Sir: In reply to a card from Chas. A. Roberts, published in this week’s issue of your paper, I would say that the statement made therein, is false, and that, according to the best of my recollections, I have never mentioned your name to him, at any time.
To one person, I did remark, that I would just as soon one would steal from me as to collect money from me and keep it, when it was not due him. I said further, that James Kelly had, in my absence, collected two dollars, from my clerk, on advertising my business, when I never had authorized anyone to advertise for me in that paper. I afterward learned that you intended to refund me the money collected.
Now for the benefit of Chas. A. Roberts, I would say, that, hereafter, he should be able to prove his assertions, or be willing to shoulder the responsibility of his own statements.
Winfield, Nov. 3rd, 1873.
I was clerking for W. H. H. Maris at the time Mr. Kelly presented his bill for advertising, and remarked to him that I knew nothing about it, but supposed it was all right. Mr. Kelly said if it was not, he would make it right. I paid him the bill. Mr. Maris told me that he had ordered his card out of the COURIER. The next time I saw Mr. Kelly, I told him what Mr. Maris had said. Mr. Kelly told me if that was the case, he could have his money back, and handed me a ten dollar bill. I could not make the change, and he said he would pay it some other time. P. M. SHOLL.
The above speaks for itself. With regard to the advertising, we will simply say that when we bought the COURIER, we found the card of Mr. Maris as well as other businessmen of Winfield, already in it, and that we collected pay for it, never dreaming but that it was all right until Mr. Sholl, Mr. Maris’ clerk, of whom we collected the $2.00, told us that Mr. Maris had told him that his card had been ordered out—a fact of which we were not aware—and immediately offered to refund the money and handed Mr. Sholl a ten dollar bill to take two out of, but he couldn’t make the change. We have simply neglected to pay the money to Mr. Maris, and this is all there is of the great, long abusive article in the Telegram, from Chas. A. Roberts.
Mrs. Amanda Roberts, Mr. C. A. Roberts, Maple Grove Grange...
Winfield Courier, November 19, 1874.
A Pleasant Time.
Upon the invitation of the Maple Grove Grange of this county, a party consisting of Prof. Wilkinson, Mrs. Wilkinson, E. S. Torrance, Esq., Miss Helen Parmelee, ourself, and Mrs. Kelly attended the open session of that grange last Monday evening. This grange is held at what is called Ferguson’s schoolhouse in district 45. The schoolhouse is, perhaps, one of the best in the county outside of Winfield and Arkansas City. It cost the district nearly $1,000 in bonds. On our arrival we found the house full to overflowing with big and little grangers, the sons and daughters of honest toil.
The Grange was called to order by the Worthy Master, Mr. James H. Land, who briefly announced the object of the open session. An opening song being sung by the members, and prayer by the Chaplain, the grange was declared ready for business.
First a lecture was given by Mr. Frazier, in which he depicted the oppression and tyranny of today as equaled only by the oppression of the colonists in the days of King George the III. That it was the laboring men and farmers of that day who threw off the galling yoke just as the farmers and laborers of today would break the chains with which they are bound.
Next came a song by Mr. McCune. Then instrumental music by Professor Wilkinson and Mrs. Kelly. An essay was read by Mrs. Amanda Roberts on the old, old theme of “Woman’s Work.” This to our mind, was the best production of the evening. Her essay was well prepared, and aside from a pardonable embarrassment, well read. The whistling “Plow Boy,” was then sung, after which a speech by Mr. T. J. Johnson. Then a paper entitled “Boys on the Farm,” was read by Mr. C. A. Roberts, which was quite humorous.
Prof. Wilkinson made a short speech in which he advised the farmers to begin the work of reformation at home, and not mix the “tailings” with good wheat, nor sell half hatched, for fresh eggs. When the regular order had been gone through with E. S. Torrance, Esq., ourself and several others were called out but declined to make speeches. The thanks of the Grange was voted to the party from Winfield for the music furnished, when the meeting was closed in Grange order. The Winfield party are under obligations to Mr. David Ferguson for transportation to and from the meeting.
Chas. A. Roberts...
Winfield Courier, December 31, 1874.
Statement in an article by Chas. A. Roberts re “Herd Law.”
“The petition now in circulation asking our County Commissioners to repeal the herd law, which repeal is to take effect Nov. 1st, 1875, will inevitably ruin this county, if granted. There are many very important reasons why this law should not be repealed, and if it was left to the voice of the actual farmers, and the men who expect to live on their farms, it never will be repealed, and we claim that those who are not directly interested in farming nor do not own land in the county, should not have a voice in this matter. . . .”
Chas. A. Roberts, Mrs. Chas. A. Roberts, Maple Grove Grange...
Winfield Courier, December 31, 1874.
Public Installation.
There will be a Public Installation of the officers of Maple Grove Grange elected for the ensuing year, on the first Monday evening in January, 1874, at half past six p.m. sharp. The programme for the evening is as follows.
Essay on dishonesty and deceitfulness by Chas. A. Roberts.
Essay on “Our Teachers,” by Mrs. Chas. A. Roberts.
John C. Roberts, Chas. A. Roberts, Mrs. C. A. Roberts, Mrs. Jos. C. Roberts, Jos. C. Roberts...
Winfield Courier, January 14, 1875.
Maple Grove Grange No. 714, P. of H. at regular meeting on the first Monday evening in December, the following named members were elected to fill the several offices for the ensuing year.
Master, Wm. Orr; Overseer, T. J. Johnson; Lecturer, A. Frazer; Steward, A. Orr; asst. Steward, D. Ferguson; Chaplain, John C. Roberts; Treasurer, J. H. Land; Secretary, Chas. A. Roberts; gate keeper, G. W. Prater; Ceres, Mrs. C. A. Roberts; Flora, Mrs. A. Frazer; Pomona, Miss Maggie Bush; Lady Asst. Steward, Mrs. Jos. C. Roberts; Trustees: Rev. Sol Ferguson, G. W. Prater, and J. H. Curfman. JOS. C. ROBERTS, Sec’y.
Chas. A. Roberts, Maple Grove Grange...
Winfield Courier, February 18, 1875.
Maple Grove Grange Resolution.
ED. COURIER: At special meeting of Maple Grange, No. 714, P. of H., the county relief bond matter was the principle question for discussion and the following resolutions were adopted.
WHEREAS, Believing that the act passed by the legislature granting the counties of the state the right to vote county relief bonds is calculated to open up a way for intrigue and rascality, is impolitic, and is calculated to make our deplorable condition worse than it now is, therefore
Resolved, That we the members of Maple Grove Grange, will oppose and use all honorable means to defeat a call for an election, and if an election be called, will oppose and use all honorable means to defeat said measure.
Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be furnished each of the county papers, with request for publication. CHAS. A. ROBERTS, Sec.
Charley Roberts...
Winfield Courier, October 25, 1877.
Charley Roberts, one of our most prosperous farmers, has gone with his family to Iowa to visit old friends. They will return about the time the “boys get the corn gathered.”
C. A. Roberts...
Arkansas City Traveler, April 9, 1879
List of jurors drawn to serve at the May term of the District court, in and for Cowley County, Kansas.
C. A. Roberts, Winfield.
Charley Roberts...
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1879.
Henry Bowman has traded his team of horses to Charley Roberts for a span of mules. It was as good as a circus to see and hear them “dickering.”
C. A. Roberts...
Winfield Courier, May 15, 1879.
Upon Saturday last the trial of Francis Small for the murder of Jacob Starbuck began. At 1 o’clock the court convened at Manning’s Opera House and after examining over sixty the following named gentlemen were chosen to try the case: Jared Fisher, C. A. Roberts, F. M. Vaughn, N. J. Funk, A. J. McCollim, E. Rogers, G. N. Fowler, J. M. Longshore, Harry Bryan, Henry H. Buss, D. N. Wycoff, and John P. Denton.
Winfield Courier, November 13, 1879.
Monday word was brought to Clerk Roberts, of Walnut township, that a strange man was lying sick on Black Crook, without money or friends, and that the township would have to take him in charge. Mr. Roberts visited the place and found the man in a tent, and almost dead from cold and starvation. He was brought to town, given food, and placed under medical treatment and at last accounts was doing well.
J. C. Roberts, trustee, and C. A. Roberts, clerk...
Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.
The fight in this township was very lively, over 170 votes being polled. Both the Republicans and Democrats had tickets in the field. The following was the vote.
For Trustee, J. C. Roberts, 113; D. W. Ferguson, 63.
For Clerk, T. A. Blanchard, 116; C. A. Roberts, 62.
For Treasurer, Joel Mack, 158; A. J. Thompson, 62.
For Justice of the Peace, John Hoenscheidt, 158; S. E. Burger, 112; G. W. Prater, 65.
For Constable, Frank Weakley and H. L. Thomas were elected.
Winfield Courier, May 20, 1880.
The pony which Chas. Roberts lost last Sunday had been recovered. It was found near Maple City.
Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.
Walnut township has been convulsed by a law suit between Tom Johnson and Charley Roberts, in which Charley sued Tom for $34.20. The jury gave him a verdict for 25 cents and the festive Charles is disconsolate. The suit will be before Justice King.
J. C. Roberts, C. A. Roberts, Joseph Roberts...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 27, 1881 - Front Page.
C. A. Roberts...
Cowley County Courant, December 22, 1881.
C. A. Roberts has just received a carload of lumber for his new barn, direct from Chicago.
Cowley County Courant, January 19, 1882.
TO THE VOTERS OF WALNUT TOWNSHIP. There will be a people’s convention held Saturday evening, January 21st, 1882, at Olive schoolhouse, three-fourths of a mile north of John Mentch’s, for the purpose of putting in nomination township officers, and selecting a people’s ticket, independent of party politics. C. A. ROBERTS.
[As usual, I am confused! Next item mentions that Charley Roberts sold his farm to David Tomlinson. This is followed by items that “Joe Roberts” sold his farm in Walnut Township to David Tomlinson. I have put these two items in “Joseph C. Roberts” file. MAW]
Winfield Courier, February 2, 1882.
Mr. David Tomlinson of Springfield, Ohio, called on us last Saturday. He is a brother-in-law of the Zimmermans’, John Beard, and A. A. Becker of this county, and has bought the Charley Roberts farm northeast of town, where he will settle with his family in about a month. He says on coming into Kansas he found the country better and better until he reached Cowley, where he was so delighted, that he concluded to anchor here. He is an intelligent and wide awake farmer, such as we like to have locate among us.
Charles A. Roberts...
Winfield Courier, September 7, 1882.
C. A. Roberts, Co. C, 40 Ind. Vol. Infantry.
Article mentions W. D. Roberts, J. C. Roberts, and C. A. Roberts...
Winfield Courier, September 21, 1882.
GENTLEMEN: In making my report to this society I would be glad to give in detail somewhat of a description of the condition of the orchards I visited; but this report should not be of sufficient extent to embrace so much. I will say, however, that the orchard of W. D. Roberts was literally loaded with the finest fruit. I obtained very fine specimens of Hubbardson’s Nonsuch, Maiden’s Blush, Pennsylvania Red Streak, Limber Twig, and Willow Twig apples. He had many other varieties in full bearing; but not desiring to get all the varieties from one orchard, I then visited Mr. L. E. Gilleland, two miles northwest of Winfield, where I found the finest apples I ever saw; and I do not say this to depreciate in any sense the productions of other orchards. Mr. Gilleland has earned the success he has attained, and well deserves it. One variety of apples (Gloria Mundi) produced single specimens that weighed one and one-fourth pounds, and measured sixteen inches around. I also got fine samples of Ben Davis, Wagner, Grindstone, Kansas Keeper, McAfee’s Nonsuch, and Willow Twig.
From J. C. Roberts: Northern Spy, Rambo, Janet, Yellow Bellflower, Little Romanite, and Maiden’s Blush apples and very fine Bartlett pears.
From C. A. Roberts: Hay’s Winter Wine, Willow Twig, and Wine Sap apples.
Charles Roberts...
Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.
On last Monday evening a most remarkable surprise was precipitated upon Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Sumpter, of Walnut Township. Mr. Sumpter was just returning from the field when he noticed a long line of wagons coming along the road, and his first impression was that it was a funeral procession; but imagine his surprise when the train drove right into his yard, proceeded to “hitch up,” and about forty-five neighbors and friends walked in and took possession of his home. Mr. and Mrs. Sumpter were soon surrounded by the happy crowd, receiving their hearty congratulations on the fact of that being their fifteenth wedding anniversary. Everyone brought baskets filled with all sorts of culinary delicacies and substantial tokens of esteem to crystallize the pleasant event in the minds of the “bride and groom.” The “raid” was gotten up by that jolly couple, Mr. and Mrs. Winters, and it will long be remembered by those present as one of the most successful celebrations of a crystal wedding. Mr. Pomeroy, F. M. Friend’s organ agent, was present and favored the company with fine music. The following are a few of the presents and the donors’ names.
Mr. and Mrs. Winters, cake stand.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roberts, egg dish.
Mr. and Mrs. Storey, honey-dish.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray, glass castor and salt-dishes.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schmidt, fruit-dish.
Mr. and Mrs. Role Bush, eggshell jelly dish.
Grandma Davenport, salt-dish.
C. A. Roberts...
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.
Talesmen. [Most paid $2.00 or $4.00...Not listing amounts.]
One of the Talesmen listed: C. A. Roberts.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1884.
Citizens of Walnut Township met January 24, 1884, and nominated the following citizen ticket: For Trustee, J. P. Short, for treasurer, G. W. Yount; for clerk, D. W. Ferguson; for J. P., John Ross; for constables, John Anderson and Jos. C. Monforte; executive committee, T. A. Blanchard, O. P. Fuller, Senior, and C. A. Roberts.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1884.
Probate Court.
First annual settlement of the estate of Daniel Weaverling, deceased, was made this week. Administrator to pay all debts which have been allowed. N. C. Thompson was allowed his demand of fifty dollars against the estate. Report of sale of real estate of John B. Daniels, deceased, approved and deed altered. David C. Beach was appointed administrator of the estate of Wm. B. Carr; C. A. Roberts, administrator of the estate of Mary Davenport; and Edna [?] U, Smyth, administratrix of the estate of Wm. H. Smyth.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.
PUBLIC SALE. I will sell at Public Auction at my residence 2 miles east and 2 miles north of Winfield, at ten o’clock a.m., on Thursday, March 19th, 1885, the following property, to-wit: 54 head of yearling steers and heifers, three first-class milch cows, all giving milch, 2 of them fresh; 2 calves, 1 thoroughbred Short-Horn Durham bull; 80 head of stock hogs, including 10 young brood sows; 1 sewing machine; 1 kitchen Range; household and kitchen furniture, 1 set double harness, 1 combined reaper and mower, 1 sulky hay rake, 1 spring-tooth harrow, 1 stirring plow, 1 Climax corn planter; 1 Courtland spring wagon, 8 dozen hens, and various other articles too numerous to mention. I also have 3 good work horses that I will sell for cash or trade 2 of them for a team of mules suitable for the road. I also have several hundred bushels of corn and a lot of hay that I will sell for cash. I also offer the farm, which is one of the best in the county, for sale on reasonable terms, with payments, or will rent it for cash to the right person, if not sold soon. Terms of sale: A credit of nine months, without interest, will be given on all sums over $10, exclusive of horses, hay, and corn, by purchaser giving good bankable notes. C. A. ROBERTS.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 30, 1885.
Mr. C. A. Roberts started for the wilds of New Mexico on Tuesday.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 12, 1885.
FOR SALE. A No. 1 160 acre farm 3½ miles northeast of Winfield. Well improved, good house, barn, and orchard, and one half of crop goes with farm. Price $8,500, ½ by Jan. 1st, 1886, balance in one year. See O. P. Fuller adjoining premises on east, or address C. A. Roberts, Santa Rosa, California.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 10, 1885.
For Sale. A No. 1 160 acre farm 3½ miles northeast of Winfield. Well improved, good house, barn, and orchard and one half of crop goes with farm. Price $8,500, ½ by Jan. 1st, 1886, balance in one year. See H. P. Fuller adjoining premises on east, or address C. A. Roberts, Santa Rosa, California.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 9, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
The great unwashed democracy held their county convention Tuesday at Winfield. Amos Walton was nominated for probate judge; C. A. Roberts, of Walnut, for district clerk; C. I. Forsyth, of Winfield, county attorney. No one in the party was deemed capable of filling the office of county superintendent; therefore, no one was nominated.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 6, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
The Election.
Yesterday in Arkansas City was an unusually quiet one for election day. Drunks were few and far between, although representatives of the rival candidates were out in full force. The vote in the city was hardly a half of a full vote. Scratching was the principal feature of the voting. Cal. Swarts received the largest number of votes in the city, and will likely do the same in the county. The principal fight was on representative, and Mr. Schiffbauer, the Democratic nominee, who usually has a walk-away in the city, had his majority cut down to 66 votes. This was due largely to the laboring men of the city voting against him. They worked faithfully for his defeat, and assisted very materially in accomplishing it in the district. The following is the vote in the city.
Clerk District Court: Ed Pate, 81; Roberts, 69.
Clerk: Pate, 91; Roberts, 82.
Clerk: Pate, 50; Roberts, 64.
Clerk: Pate, 126; Roberts, 72.
The prohibition vote was small. In the city entire it amounted to between 30 and 40 votes.
Clerk: Pate, 82; Roberts, 67.
Clerk: Pate, 154; Roberts, 80.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 13, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
The Official Footings.
The official canvass made by the county canvassing board shows the following footings or total vote received by the various candidates at the late election in Cowley County.
Ed Pate, 3,375; C. A. Roberts, 2,107; L. C. Brown, 112.
Pate’s plurality, 1,268; majority over all, 1,156.