H. T. Roberts


Arkansas City.
Mrs. H. T. Roberts [daughter of Capt. and Mrs. T. Bird] returns to Iowa...
Arkansas City Traveler, September 22, 1880.
Mrs. H. T. Roberts, who has been visiting her parents, Capt. and Mrs. T. C. Bird, for several months past, returned to her home at Waterloo, Iowa, last Thursday.
H. T. Roberts, Waterloo, Iowa, son-in-law of Capt. T. C. Bird...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 4, 1882.
We had the pleasure of a call from Mr. H. T. Roberts of Waterloo, Iowa, who is a son-in-law of Capt. T. C. Bird, with whom he is visiting, and at the same time is looking around with a view to locate if he should strike anything that would warrant his moving his present business (a sash and flouring mills). Mr. Roberts is an intelligent businessman, and would be an acquisi­tion to any community.
H. T. Roberts of Iowa visiting Capt. and Mrs. T. C. Bird...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1884.
Mr. H. T. Roberts, of Waterloo, Iowa, is visiting his relatives, Capt. and Mrs. T. C. Bird.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1884.
We were in error last week, in stating that Mr. H. T. Roberts of Waterloo, Iowa, was visiting Capt. and Mrs. T. C. Bird. It should have read Dr. Tidrick.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.
New Sash and Blind Factory.
H. T. Roberts is progressing with his planing mill on the canal, but will be delayed in getting to work until the head gates are put in and the water is turned on, which will not be until the end of the present month. He proposes to manufacture everything used in fitting up stores and dwellings—such as sash, doors, blinds, counters, shelving, balusters, refrigerators, and any other article called for. He is setting up a fine equipment of machinery for all such uses; and having had extensive experience in the management of planing mills, we look to see his enterprise take permanent root and became an important factor in our home industries. This is development in the right direction.
Improvement in real estate values is a healthy and encouraging sign, marking the greater importance of this city as a train center and putting increased means into the pockets of all real estate owners. The multiplication of our business houses is also a good indication, showing as it does, an increased volume of business and attracting buyers from a greater distance to our city. But with this growth and development, we also need a diversified manufacturing industry to furnish employment to hundreds of operatives and retain money in our midst, instead of sending it away in the purchase of goods manufactured elsewhere.
Mr. Roberts comes here from Waterloo, Iowa, attracted by the opportunities afforded him for the exercise of his energies. He is making provision for an extensive business, and we hope to see his highest expectations fulfilled.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 7, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.

H. T. Roberts and family, of Iowa, have recently located in our city. Mr. Roberts intends starting a sash and door factory in this city and yesterday morning commenced work on his building, down on the canal. This enterprise is much needed in Arkansas City and the REPUBLICAN bids Mr. Roberts and his enterprise welcome to the best city in the Arkansas Valley.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 21, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
H. T. Roberts, the gentleman who is establishing a planing mill on the canal, inserts his card in this issue of the REPUBLICAN. Mr. Roberts informs us that he will have his establishment ready for business as soon as the water is ready to be turned on in the canal. He has quite an institution, something that promises big returns in the future. He has erected a one-story building, 40 x 40 feet, and already has a large portion of his machinery in. Success to the Canal Planing Mills.
Arkansas City Republican, September 11, 1886.
Sash and Door Factory.
Will open up for business in about 30 days.
H. T. ROBERTS, Proprietor.
Save your orders for him.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 25, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Mr. H. T. Roberts and lady, P. Pearson, and Mr. Hardway and lady were among the many excursionists who took advantage of the cheap rate to St. Louis exposition via Frisco this morning.
Arkansas City Republican, October 9, 1886.
THE CANAL PLANING MILLS, Sash and Door Factory. Will open up for business in about 30 days. H. T. ROBERTS, Proprietor. Save your orders for him.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 27, 1886.
The work on the canal extension is sufficiently advanced to admit of the water being turned in, and the millers who have had so tedious a trial of it, watching and waiting, are now busy turning out flour. They have been assiduous during their resting spell in laying up wheat, and now they are prepared for a good long run. H. T. Roberts, with his new planing mill, has also been waiting for the tide to start his machinery, and we may now look for him to give a good account of himself.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 29, 1887. From Saturday’s Daily.
H. T. Roberts has one of the best door and window sash manufactories in Kansas. Since the canal has gotten in operation, Mr. Roberts has begun running his factory and planing mills.