James C. Roberts


Kansas 1875 Census, Winfield Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
Jas. C. Roberts 31  m w Indiana Iowa
Nancy J.? Roberts  28 f w Indiana Iowa
Jonathan Roberts 7  m w Indiana Iowa
James Roberts 5  m w Iowa Iowa
Eugene Roberts 3  m w Kansas
James C. Roberts, Maple Grove Grange...
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.
MAPLE GROVE GRANGE, June 16th, 1874.
WHEREAS, Believing it to be very detrimental to the peace, prosperity, and brotherly love of our order to participate in or in any way encourage anything that is calculated in its nature to cause discordance, disunion, and
WHEREAS, It has been nine years since the Rebellion ended, giving all true American citizens full time to bury deep in their breasts all animosities caused by the Rebellion, or any past political affiliation, and
WHEREAS, Believing that the so-called soldiers’ re-union was instigated and is kept up for party political purposes, and as our order is composed of both federal and confederate soldiers, and adherents of different political opinions, therefore
Resolved, That Maple Grove Grange, No. 714, of the order of P. of H., of Cowley County, Kansas, will not participate in or in any way encourage the so-called soldiers’ re-union, or anything of the nature on the coming 4th of July, or thereafter.
2nd. That all subordinate granges in Cowley County are requested to co-operate with us and be governed by this resolution.
3rd. That a copy of this resolution be furnished each of the county papers for publication.