Ivan Robinson


(He also resided for a time in Arkansas City where he had a Coal Yard.)
[Brother of Mart L., Will, and George Robinson.]
Winfield 1880: Ivan Robinson, 21.
Winfield Directory 1880.
HORNING, ROBINSON & CO., hardware, stoves and tinware,
Main e. s. bet 9th and 10th avenues.
Robinson, I. A. (Horning, Robinson & Co.), r. Menor, s. e. corner Blanden.
Winfield Courier, November 20, 1879.
Messrs. J. L. Horning and Ivan Robinson have purchased the hardware stock of H. Jochems and rented the building for a term of years. Mr. Horning is recognized as one of the live, energet­ic businessmen of our city, and his proprietorship will in no wise detract from the popularity which this store has enjoyed for the past five years. Ivan Robinson, the other member of the firm, has been engaged in the hardware business for several years, and is one of the most popular young men in the city. The fact of his being a brother of M.. L., Will, and George Robinson is a sufficient recommendation.
Winfield Courier, May 13, 1880.
Winfield Courier, May 27, 1880.
See 76 Horning 76 Robinson & Co.’s ad in this issue. Their specialty at present is a new pattern coal oil stove, the “Moni­tor.”
76 HORNING, 76 ROBINSON & CO., -WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN- SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE. We are Sole Agents for the cele­brated Monitor Coal Oil Stove. Only 5 cents per day required for cooking. It will more than pay for itself in one season in the saving of fuel; is worth the price of it for ironing alone, and your rooms are always cool, and you are never sweating and stewing over a wood or coal fire. Call and examine the wonderful little cook stove, so clean, compact, durable, convenient, and cheap.
76 Horning, 76 Robinson & Co.
Winfield Courier, February 3, 1881.
Comments about recent fire...
At about three o’clock Wednesday morning the night watchman discovered the building owned by G. A. Rhodes on Main street to be on fire. The alarm was quickly given, but owing to the cracking of the fire bell, it was of short duration, and but a comparatively small crowd was in attendance. The flames were first discovered in the rear of Graham’s meat market, and from that it communicated to Rhodes’ coal office and then to Daniel Sheel’s furniture store. The further progress of the flames, both north and south, was stopped by stone walls. The “engine” was not in working order, and did nothing. All the crowd could do was to save as much of the contents of the buildings as possible, and watch them burn. The losses and insurance is as follows:

George Rhodes, building, office furniture, and fixtures, $700. No insurance.
Mr. Graham, meat market, furniture, fixtures, and stock, $350. No insurance.
Daniel Sheel, building, value $500. Insurance $200 in the Lancashire, Pryor & Kinne, agents. Stock, an insurance of $1,000 in the Home, of New York, Gilbert, Jarvis & Co., agents. Total loss on stock unknown.
Bahntge building on the north, slight damage to wall and awning.
George Ellsberry’s building on the south, a damage of about $150 to wall and awning. Insured.
Mr. Bryant removed a portion of stock. Loss unknown.
The fire on Wednesday morning was a practical illustration of our helplessness in case of a conflagration. The business portion of the town was saved more as the result of favorable conditions than anything else. A strong wind was blowing from the north, and the heat on the stone wall on the south was great enough to crack the wall, and partially calcine the stone. The Turk will see the destruction of hundreds of buildings and ascribe it to “fate,” or as a punishment sent on them by Allah. We believe the Lord protects and helps those who help themselves. Let us not be like the Turk, but show ourselves the intelligent, practical businessmen we are, by guarding against a conflagration that may destroy the business portion of our beautiful city.
You cannot keep George Rhodes down. Though burned out Wednesday morning at three o’clock by fire, he has secured office room from Quincy A. Glass and was again filling orders for coal. It has only been about two months since he purchased the burned property from his former partner, A. Hughes.
Lou Zenor and Lawyer Knight were early on hand at the fire. Lou succeeded in saving a coon-skin and carrying it across the street, while Knight struggled with a baby’s rocking chair.
Ivan Robinson is just boss when it comes to working at a fire. He saw the danger to Glass’ awning and he grabbed a small club and went to work trying to beat it down. There were three fellows on top if it at the same time, and fortunately for their necks, Ivan failed in his desperate effort.
Scene of the fire Wednesday morning: Two emotional young ladies standing near the burning buildings as the Winfield fire department came clattering up with the chemical engine. “Oh!” says one, “they’ve saved the sausage stuffer!” “Why, no, my dear:” said the other, “that is Quincy Glass’ soda-water ma­chine.”
Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.
The hardware stock of D. S. Rose was sold to Horning, Robinson & Co. last week for $2,350.
Winfield Courier, April 7, 1881.
The Winfield Jewelry House has an ad in this paper. Mr. Geo. Schroeter, the manager, is one of the finest watchmakers in Kansas. He has fitted up his store in magnificent shape, and all would do well to call.

They have fitted up the rooms in Palatial Style and have the Largest Stock of Watches, Clocks & Jewelry, etc., etc., in City. Repairing & Engraving done promptly.
Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.
Below are statements of businessmen and leading citizens of this city and county.
Business larger than a year ago. It would doubtless be much larger had we full crops last year, but the prohibition law affects us favorably. Men who used to spend their money for liquor now buy a great many things in our line which they have heretofore done without. Our stock is much heavier than it was a year ago, and we expect a much larger trade than we have ever had before.
Winfield Courier, September 22, 1881.
The McDougall building presents an elegant appearance. The clock tower sets it off to good advantage. The magnificent galvanized iron cornice was put on by Messrs. Horning, Robinson & Co.
Winfield Courier, October 13, 1881.
Horning, Robinson & Co. have in their show cases the finest lot of guns and hunting paraphernalia we have yet seen.
Winfield Courier, October 27, 1881.
Wednesday at 12 o’clock, Mr. Fred C. Hunt and Miss Sarah Hodges were united in marriage at the residence of the bride’s father, in this city, Rev. Father Kelly officiating. The assem­blage was one of the largest ever gathered to witness a marriage ceremony in this city. The bridal party left on the afternoon train for a short trip in the east.
Among the presents presented:
Silver cake stand, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Robinson.
Silver butter dish with plates, W. C. and Ivan Robinson.
Silver and cut glass fruit dish, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Robinson.
Will Robinson couldn’t be present at the wedding, but sent his regrets; and hoped “if they must encounter troubles, they be little ones.”
Cowley County Courant, November 24, 1881.
Since moving into my new quarters, have increased my stock, etc.
Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.

We noticed two or three drays unloading barbed wire in front of Horning, Robinson & Co.’s hardware store Tuesday. They had just received a carload of wire alone. By the way, this exten­sive establishment is this fall laying in a stock of hardware and cutlery that is simply immense and is far ahead of anything we have seen in the state. They have jugs full of pocket knives and as much as twelve bushels of table knives, forks, butcher knives, and spoons of the most approved pattern. While investigating the knife business, we sat down to rest and happened to light on the edge of one of the “Old ‘76" axes; and if our endorsement will add any to their fame, we can safely say they are the keenest cutters we have ever come in contact with. We are glad to say that Messrs. Horning, Robinson & Co. are realizing their fondest expectations regarding brisk trade. If it keeps up much longer, we are afraid the boys will never live to enjoy the fruits of their labors. Men who work eighteen hours a day always die early. However, it is a pleasure to deal with them for a custom­er always receives prompt and courteous attention and the fairest treatment.
Cowley County Courant, April 13, 1882.
The contracts for the erection of the Conklin building were all let yesterday except the carpenter work and excavation. J. W. Connor does the masonry, J. W. Crane the plastering, J. M. Reid, the painting, and Horning Robinson & Co., the roofing, and J. B. Magill, the Iron work.
Cowley County Courant, April 13, 1882.
A claim of M. L. Read for $478.81 has been allowed by Judge Gans, against the estate of S. L. Brettun, deceased. Also, one of Horning, Robinson & Co., for $25 has been allowed. Also, one of J. W. Conner for $215.00, and one of J. M. Alexander for $180, and one of A. G. Wilson for $135.42.
Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.
76 Horning Robinson & Co., have a carload and a half of barbed wire in stock and are selling immense quantities of it daily. If you intend building wire fence, do not fail to call on them.
Excerpts from a lengthy ad...
Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.
Recognizing the conservative habit of very many Cowley County farmers who prefer to take their produce where they can purchase all their supplies, we have hit upon a plan by which we can pay the purchaser the very HIGHEST TRADE PRICE FOR PRODUCE, And serve our patrons from the largest and best Selected stocks in DRY GOODS, MILLINERY, BOOTS AND SHOES, CLOTHING, HARDWARE, BLACKSMITHING, Or any other branch of Merchandise or Labor the Farmers may desire.
And if you do not wish for groceries at cash prices, we will give you orders upon the best and most responsible houses in the town, which will be received as cash in payment for goods. Our arrangement includes the exclusive dry goods houses of A. E. Baird, J. B. Lynn, and the Bee Hive Store, Messrs. Smith Brothers and W. C. Root & Co., the only exclusive boot and shoe houses in the county. In the hardware, Horning, Robinson & Co., Hendricks & Wilson, and S. H. Myton, and in other branches of trade or labor, the very best of their class.
WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION and believe that a single trial under this plan will prove to you that it WORKS LIKE A CHARM!
Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.
The contract for the roofing of the Conklin building was awarded to Horning, Robinson & Co. This is going to be one of the best stores in the city, and will be occupied by Messrs. Hendricks & Wilson as a retail hardware store.

Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.
The contracts for the Conklin building were let Thursday evening. Horning, Robinson & Co., were awarded the contract for roofing, Mr. Conner the stone work, and John Crane the plastering and front.
Winfield Courier, April 20, 1882.
On last Friday evening the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller was the scene of one of the merriest as well as the “toniest” parties ever given in Winfield. Mrs. Fuller has entertained her friends several times this winter without any of the young folks being present, but this time she honored them by giving this party, which was duly appreciated. Everyone invited, with but two exceptions, was present and never were guests more hospitably entertained. The evening was spent in dancing and other amusements, while an elegant collation consisting of cakes and ice cream was served at eleven o’clock. At a late hour the guests dispersed, all thanking their kind host and hostess for the pleasant evening so happily spent. The costumes of the guests were elegant and worthy of mention. We give below a list which we hope will be satisfactory to the ladies mentioned.
Mrs. Fred C. Hunt wore a pale steel blue silk and brocaded satin dress with fine Spanish lace trimmings, white flowers.
Mrs. Colgate, white nuns veiling en train, white satin trimmings.
Mrs. George Robinson, pink brocade satin, underskirt of black silk velvet, point lace.
Mrs. Joe Harter, black silk velvet skirt, pink bunting over dress.
Mrs. W. C. Garvey, of Topeka, white Swiss muslin, red sash and natural flowers.
Mrs. Rhodes, silver gray silk, pink ribbons.
Mrs. Thorpe, very handsome costume of heliotrope silk and silk tissue.
Mrs. Steinberger, black brocade and gros grain silk, red flowers.
Mrs. Dr. Emerson, black satin dress, cashmere bead passementerie, diamond jewelry.
Miss Jennie Hane, fine white polka dot mull trimmed in Spanish lace, pink flowers.
Miss Clara Andrews, pink bunting polonaise, black skirt.
Miss Kelly, handsome black silk.
Miss McCoy, blue silk velvet skirt and blue and old gold brocaded polonaise, Honiton lace and flowers.
Miss Jackson, navy blue silk dress, lace sleeves and fichu.
The Misses Wallis were prettily attired in cream colored mull, Miss Lizzie with pale blue sash and Miss Margie in lavender.
Miss Amy Scothorn, cream colored cheese cloth, Spanish lace trimming.
Miss Alice Dunham, dainty dress of cream bunting.
Miss Julia Smith, beautifully flowered white silk polonaise, black silk velvet skirt, diamond jewelry.
Miss Ellis, elegant gray silk.
Miss Klingman, fine white Swiss, and wine colored silk.
Miss Bryant, brown silk dress, pink ribbons.
Miss Beeney, blue and gold changeable silk fine thread lace fichu, natural flowers.
Miss Cora Berkey, black silk skirt, pink satin pointed bodice.
Miss French, black gros grain silk, very elegant.

Miss Josie Mansfield, black silk and velvet, Spanish lace.
Mrs. Bullock, black silk trimmed in Spanish lace.
Miss Belle Roberts, light silk, with red flowers.
Miss Curry, striped silk, beautifully trimmed.
Miss Bee Carruthers, cream nuns veiling, aesthetic style.
Miss Kate Millington, peacock blue silk, Spanish lace sleeves and fichu.
Miss Jessie Millington, black silk velvet and gros grain.
The following gentlemen were in attendance. Their “costumes” were remarkable for subdued elegance and the absence of aesthetic adornment.
Messrs. Steinberger; J. N. Harter; G. A. Rhodes; E. E. Thorpe; George, Will, and Ivan Robinson; Fred and Will Whiting; Mr. Colgate; F. C. Hunt; C. E. Fuller; C. C. Harris; W. H. Smith; Will Smith; W. J. Wilson; Jos. O’Hare; Jas. Lorton; Frank and E. P. Greer; Eugene Wallis; Saml. E. Davis; L. H. Webb; Harry and Chas. F. Bahntge; Chas. Campbell; Ezra Nixon; L. D. Zenor; E. G. Cole; C. H. Connell; Mr. Ed. M. Clark of McPherson; and W. C. Garvey of Topeka.
Winfield Courier, May 18, 1882.
On last Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Robinson entertained a large company of their young friends at their elegant residence, which they have been fitting up with new paper of a very beautiful and expensive pattern. Having the carpets up in the parlors, it was considered a good time to give a party and take the opportunity to indulge in a dance. The evening was just the one for a dancing party, for although “May was advancing,” it was very cool and pleasant, and several hours were spent in that exercise, after which an excellent repast consisting of ice cream, strawberries, and cakes was served, and although quite late the dancing continued some hours, and two o’clock had struck ere the last guest had lingeringly departed. No entertainments are more enjoyed by our young folks than those given by Mr. Robinson and his estimable wife. We append a list of those persons on this occasion: Misses Jackson, Roberts, Josie Bard, Jessie Meech, Florence Beeny, Jennie Hane, Kate Millington, Jessie Millington, Scothorn, Margie Wallis, Lizzie Wallis, Curry, Klingman, McCoy, Berkey; Mr. and Mrs. George Rhodes, Mr. and Mrs. Jo Harter, Mrs. and Dr. Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bahntge, Mr. and Mrs. George Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hunt; Messrs. W. A. Smith, C. C. Harris, Charles Fuller, Lou Zenor, James Lorton, Lovell Webb, Sam E. Davis, Eugene Wallis, C. H. Connell, Dr. Jones, Campbell, Ivan Robinson, W. C. Robinson.
Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.
The party given on last Thursday evening by Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Bahntge was one of the most enjoyable ever given here, and was looked forward to with pleasant anticipation for some time previous, for it is a well known society fact that Mrs. Bahntge’s charming little house with its merry occupants insure a lively time to their fortunate guests, and last Thursday evening was no exception to the rule. The evening was spent in dancing and other amusements, while a refreshing repast was served at a seasonable hour which was fully appreciated, and at a late hour the company dispersed, with hearty thanks to their kind host and hostess for the very pleasant evening spent. We append a list of those present.
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Robinson.

Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Read.
Mr. and Mrs. Spotswood.
Mr. and Mrs. Buckman.
Judge and Mrs. Soward.
Dr. and Mrs. Emerson.
Mr. and Mrs. Thorpe.
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hunt.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. M. Whitney, of Wichita.
Mrs. Carson, of Cherryvale.
Mrs. Hackney.
Misses Nettie McCoy, Jennie Hane, Ama Scothorn, Kate and Jessie Millington, Margie and Lizzie Wallis, Belle Roberts, Florence Beeny, Josie Bard, Sadie French, Hila Smith.
Messrs. W. C. and Ivan Robinson, L. D. Zenor, L. H. Webb, Henry Goldsmith, C. C. Harris, W. H. Smith, C. E. Fuller, Jas. Lorton, C. Campbell, C. H. Connell, S. E. Davis, R. M. Bowles, Eugene Wallis, and O. M. Seward.
Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.
A Trip to Oxford. Morris Bros., formerly of Winfield, have a well-stocked tin and hardware store. The boys are both tinners by trade; Mack, the youngest, having served his apprenticeship at H. Jochems in this city before Mr. Jochems sold to Horning, Robinson & Co. They seem to be enjoying a well merited prosperity.
Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.
Ivan Robinson and Lou Zenor started last Friday on a week’s pilgrimage for health in the Territory. They went fully equipped with the necessary utensils for preparing the festive bean and that “world-renowned health-restorer, bacon, for the palate of the weary traveler.
Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.
Wool twine, wool sacks, and sheep shears at Horning, Robinson & Co.
The celebrated Brussels carpet sweeper at Horning, Robinson & Co.’s.
The season for baths is now at hand; the tubs can be found at Horning, Robinson & Co.
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1882.
Buy your wife a Jewell Gasoline stove of Horning, Robinson & Co., before they are all gone.
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1882.
The hunting season has arrived and sportsmen who wish to replenish their paraphernalia should call on Horning, Robinson & Co., and look over their splendid stock of guns and ammunition. They have the finest and most complete stock in this line ever opened in Winfield. Ammunition at bottom figures.
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1882.
Creamery.  Last Saturday the final subscription to the Creamery stock was made and the enterprise became an assured fact. We fully believe that it will prove one of the best investments made in the county and furnish a valuable market for the dairy products of Cowley.

Mr. M. W. Babb, the originator of the enterprise, came here about a year ago and, after visiting various creameries throughout Iowa, Illinois, and Missouri, came home with the necessary papers and information and went to work, aided by a few of our public-spirited citizens; among whom Mr. J. P. Baden was first and foremost, with the success before mentioned. The following is a list of the stockholders.
Horning, Robinson & Co., 5 shares, $250.
Winfield Courier, October 5, 1882.
Horning, Robinson & Co., have the largest and best selection of hard and soft coal burners in Southern Kansas.
Winfield Courier, October 5, 1882.
The Floral Franklin parlor stove at Horning, Robinson & Co.’s is a neat open front and something entirely new.
Winfield Courier, October 5, 1882.
Those new Hecia hard coal burners for 1882 at Horning, Robinson & Co.’s are beauties. Don’t fail to call and see them before buying your parlor stove.
Winfield Courier, October 12, 1882.
Messrs. Horning, Robinson & Co., have on exhibition a grand display of stoves of all kinds. They take special pride in the New Hecia for 1882 and the Franklin. The New Hecia is a base burner heater and is one of the most beautiful parlor stoves we have seen. The Franklin is a coal heater of a very different pattern, but very fine. They have also the Denmark, a retort burner of soft coal, got up in the Queen Anne style. Those preparing to supply themselves with heaters this fall will do well to call and see them.
Winfield Courier, October 26, 1882.
The firm of Horning, Robinson & Co., has been dissolved, Mr. Ivan Robinson retiring. The firm will hereafter be Horning & Whitney.
Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.
Ivan A Robinson (Commercial Tourist) spent Sunday in the city with his mother and family.
Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.
From the following items found in the Wellington Democrat, it seems that a good many of Winfield’s citizens were in some way attracted to that burg last week.
“Ivan Robinson, of Winfield was in the city this week. Henry E. Asp and wife, of Winfield, were in the city on Wednesday last. Dr. Cole, Miss Nellie Cole, and Dr. Emerson and wife, of Winfield, were in the city on Tuesday last. S. G. Gary, J. Wade McDonald, and F. K. Raymond, all of Winfield were in the city this week attending court. Senator W. P. Hackney of Winfield, was a pleasant caller on Tuesday last. Although opposed to Mr. Hackney, politically, we cannot help admiring the man. Tony Sykes, the foreman of the Winfield Courier for ten years, was in the city Tuesday, and we had the pleasure of a hand shake with him. Sykes is one of the best job and general printers in the State.”
Winfield Courier, December 6, 1883.
Sol Burkhalter and Ivan Robinson started overland for Missouri Wednesday. They are going to investigate the mule market.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1884.

DIED. Died on Tuesday evening, January 15th, Mrs. Robinson, mother of M. L., W. C., Geo. W., and Ivan Robinson.
Mrs. Robinson was past sixty-five years of age, and the mother of nine children, seven boys and two girls. Her health has been failing for the past year, but her death was hastened by an attack of pneumonia.
The funeral services will be held from the M. E. Church this (Thursday) afternoon at 2 o’clock.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1884.
DIED. Mrs. Sarah A. Robinson was born in Xenia, Ohio, in 1819; where she resided until 1855, when she removed with her family to Pickway, Illinois, and in the year 1876 from thence she removed to Winfield, Kansas. She was the mother of nine children, seven of whom survive her and deeply mourn her decease. She was a good neighbor, a kind and indulgent mother, and faithful in the discharge of all life’s duties. In very early life she was converted and joined the M. E. Church, in which fellowship she lived until death, always adorning her profession with an upright walk and godly conversation. She was for many months a great sufferer, but in all most patient and hopeful, and when near the hour of midnight on the 16th, death came to release her from suffering, she seemed already in sight of Heaven, and, without a fear or doubt, she took leave of earthly friends to join the companionship of the skies. Her funeral was on last Thursday from the M. E. Church, the services being conducted by the pastor, Rev. Jones, assisted by Rev. Kirkwood, of the Presbyterian Church. Her remains were followed to the grave by a large concourse of friends, who deeply deplore her loss.
Arkansas City Republican, November 22, 1884.
Ivan Robinson, of Winfield, was down Thursday. He is a friend of Joe Finkleburg.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 26, 1884.
Ivan Robinson and Mr. Holmes, of Winfield, were in our city last week looking for a location for a coal yard. After looking the field over, they left Snyder & Hutchison to secure a suitable location. These gentlemen then bought out Pitts Ellis’ scales and office with fixtures and bins and leased of Newman & McLaughlin two lots on Central Avenue, opposite Fairclo Bro.’s livery stable. Messrs. Robinson & Holmes will immediately commence the erection of sheds, and will have seven cars of coal, hard and soft, in our city this week. These gentlemen are men who will always have coal of all kinds in hand, and we need have no more fear of a coal famine as we have been having. They will keep not less than ten car loads on hand at all times. Their office will be on the corner of Summit Street and Central Avenue.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 3, 1884.
Ivan Robinson and Chas. Holmes are the partners in the Arkansas City Coal Co., our E. C., the Republican, to the contrary, notwithstanding.
Winfield Courier, December 4, 1884.
Ivan Robinson and Charley Holmes, of this City, have opened a coal yard at Arkansas City, with Ivan in charge.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 10, 1884.

The Arkansas City Coal Company, with offices on Summit Street, just north of the Benedict corner, announce themselves this week as ready to supply the public with Osage, Pittsburgh, and Diamond block coal as well as wood for fuel purposes. The manager, Mr. Robinson, solicits a share of our people’s patronage and we are assured he will receive it.
Arkansas City Republican, December 13, 1884.
Ivan Robinson is putting in a telephone. You can get coal by the “Hello” in a day or so.
Arkansas City Republican, December 13, 1884.
The Auction Social. Last Tuesday evening, at the residence of J. L. Huey, the social event of the season occurred. The Presbyterian ladies are renowned for their successful entertainments, but this, the auction social, excelled all others. The weather was somewhat inclement, but nevertheless the large residence was filled to its utmost capacity with guests to partake of Mr. and Mrs. Huey’s hospitality. The entertainment of the vast assemblage was begun by a panoramic view of a dream by Frank Hess. Mr. Hess indulged his appetite to too great an extent in mince pies, which caused him to pass into dreamland. As he lay in the arms of Morpheus, several unique, as well as very laughable, scenes were presented to the audience as Mr. Hess performed the role of a gentle deceiver. One scene was where Frank’s thoughts reverted to the laughing darkey who made the pie; finally Mr. Hess was awakened from dreamland, and the guests were then entertained by music and singing. The Chinese song, rendered by Messrs. Hutchison and Grosscup, was justly applauded. Their shadow picture imitations of Chinamen eating rats, resembled the real performance so perfectly that some of the guests’ appetites were stayed before supper was announced. The selling of the ladies now occurred. Rev. J. O. Campbell performed in the role of the auctioneer. To say that he was a success hardly expresses it. It sounded somewhat natural to hear his well trained voice crying: “I am offered 95, who will make it $1?” The auctioneering of the ladies was highly rousing, and the bidding lively. The good natured contest for the lady on sale, made the entertainment more enlivening. The ladies were all masked. The prices ranged from 75 cents up to $7.00, Miss Ida Lowe being the fortunate lady who brought that price. It will be seen by a glance at the list that Geo. W. Cunningham was almost equal to Brigham Young. We always knew George was a great admirer of the ladies, but never thought he had turned Mormon. Appended is the list of the “sold” ladies and their purchasers, as near as we could obtain them.
Miss Ella Love to E. D. Eddy.
Miss Maggie Sample to G. W. Cunningham.
Miss Ida Lowe to J. L. H. Huey.
Miss Ora Farrar to F. K. Grosscup.
Miss Viola Bishop to F. B. Hutchison.
Miss Mary Love to Dr. S. B. Parsons.
Miss Albertine Maxwell to A. A. Newman.
Miss Alto Maxwell to J. M. Steel.
Miss Hattie Corey to Fred Farrar.
Miss Nellie Nash to Dr. J. A. Mitchell.
Miss Eva Collins to E. L. Kingsbury.
Miss Myrtle Jones to G. W. Cunningham.
Miss Jennie Peterson to Dr. Love.
Miss Lizzie Gatwood to H. Wyckoff.

Miss Liiase [?] Guthrie to Dr. G. H. J. Hart.
Miss Alice Pyburn to R. U. Hess.
Miss Rose Morse to G. W. Cunningham.
Miss Annie Bowen to J. R. L. Adams.
Mrs. Henderson to G. W. Cunningham.
Mrs. Nicholson to J. M. Steele.
Mrs. Geo. Cunningham to Rev. W. H. H. Harris.
Mrs. E. D. Eddy to Ivan Robinson.
Mrs. E. L. Kingsbury to Phil. A. Snyder.
The purchase of a lady entitled the buyer to his supper. The handsome sum of $43.75 was realized in this manner. Mr. Cunningham’s disposal of one of his ladies to her husband for $1—25 cents commission. Songs were rendered by Mrs. Frank Beall, Rev. Harris’ two little boys, and others. Good instrumental music was interspersed in the programme. All in all, it was the event of the season.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 17, 1884.
Mr. Craig, of Lewiston, Illinois, was in our city this week visiting with his friend, Ivan Robinson.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 17, 1884.
The Arkansas City Coal Company called us up the other day by telephone. You may count on Ivan Robinson being up with the times for the accommodation of his customers.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 17, 1884.
The coal trade is lively at present. Ivan Robinson thought he could run his business alone this winter, but this cold snap compelled him to hire an assistant. Mr. J. S. Wynant is at present helping him out.
Arkansas City Republican, December 20, 1884.
H. G. Chipchase put in four new telephones. At the residence of H. P. Farrar and Dr. H. D. Kellogg. One at Ed. Grady’s lumber yard, and the other at Ivan Robinson’s coal office.
Arkansas City Republican, December 20, 1884.
OUR ANNUAL REVIEW OF THE CITY AND BUSINESS FIRMS. Soon we witness the demise of the fruitful year of 1884. By her death 1885 will be born. Already the holiday season, the happiest time on earth—is upon us. When this festive season comes, little hearts as well as big ones, are filled with joy by presents from Santa Claus. To the people of the world who contemplate having a visit from that ever welcome individual and more especially to Santa Claus himself do we desire to present the claims of Arkansas City and her live businessmen on his holiday patronage. That our kind-hearted Kris Kringle may know where, what, and when to buy the magnificent gifts which annually laden his sleigh, we indite him a letter, presenting a brief history of Arkansas City, her businessmen, and their establishments, as seen by a REPUBLICAN representative in his rounds just before the holiday trade opens.

THE ARKANSAS CITY COAL COMPANY with Ivan Robinson as proprietor. For a long time our town has felt the want of a coal yard. Mr. Robinson, on his own responsibility, came down from Winfield a few weeks ago and opened up a first-class yard. He has risked his capital in the investment and we are glad to see that our citizens are not backward in showing their appreciation of Mr. Robinson’s enterprise. They welcome him so warmly that already his business has reached such proportions as to require an assistant. You can get all kinds of coal of Mr. Robinson at any time. He keeps some ten carloads in stock.
Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.
The Arkansas City Coal Company will have plenty of Canon City coal next week. Mr. Robinson was disappointed by not receiving his order immediately, also, as was a number of his customers.
Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.
Neff & Henderson, the rustling stock buyers, have built an addition to the Arkansas City Coal Co.’s office on Benedict’s corner. They are putting on metropolitan style. Go and see them in their new quarters.
Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.
Ivan Robinson is now handling the McAllister Indian Territory coal, Weir City coal, Canon City cola, and other “brands.” Telephone if you are too tired to walk.
Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.
There will be a Ball Masque at Winfield next Thursday evening. Ivan Robinson and several others will attend from here.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
Ivan Robinson granted permission to retain his office on Central Avenue.
Arkansas City Republican, February 7, 1885.
Ivan Robinson, Frank Grosscup, J. L. Howard, Misses Annie Meigs, and Florence Grosscup and Mrs. Lizzie Benedict attended the masquerade at Winfield Thursday evening.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.
M. L. Robinson was down from the hub Thursday to make a short visit with Ivan.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.
Ivan Robinson, Miss Florence Grosscup, Frank Grosscup, Miss Anna Meigs, J. L. Howard, and Mrs. Lizzie Benedict attended the bal masque at Winfield, Thursday night.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.
Misses Anna Meigs and Florence Grosscup and Mrs. Lizzie Benedict, and Messrs. Ivan Robinson, L. Howard, and Frank Grosscup were among the Arkansas City folks who attended the masquerade.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.
MAMMA HUBBARD. The most successful of the season’s social events occurred last night at Highland Hall under the auspices of the Favorite Social Club. A large and select party of maskers were they, who glided about the hall in the many intricacies of the dance. A feast for the eyes was the many colors as they glided in and out in serpentine movements or moved along stately in massed colors. The beautiful costumes of the ladies, the grotesque and glaring ones of the gentlemen, called up scenes of oriental splendor and was soothing and calming while yet exciting to the lookers on. The names of those who were invited to the Ma Hubbard, were, so near as we could learn as follows.
Ivan Robinson was one of those at the dance.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.
The men of this community are taking steps to form an organization, looking not to the perpetuity of their elegant shapes so much as to having a good time. We opine that this club will produce and enjoy more fun and laughter at their meetings than would be possible for any other band. It seems to be a fact that “laugh and grow fat” has been the motto of their lives; the latter we have ocular proof of, and of the former auricular (copy wrighted). A more jolly fun loving and laughter enjoying crowd could not be scared up in any community. The following persons are eligible to membership, each being over 200 pounds in weight.
C. Atwood; J. L. Howard; Mr. Richardson; H. H. Perry; A. A. Davis; A. W. Patterson; R. Hubbard; A. J. Pyburn; E. B. Multer; D. P. Marshal; T. V. McConn, J. W. Hutchison; L. E. Woodin; Chas. Bryant; Mr. Robinson; M. S. Hasie; S. B. Fleming; T. L. Mantor; H. B. Calef.
Arkansas City Republican, April 11, 1885.
The Episcopal Fair. Wednesday evening, at Highland Opera House, the ladies of the Episcopal society gave their fair. To say it was a grand success but faintly expresses it. “It was the grandest aggregation of wonders ever displayed under one dome.” By permission a REPUBLICAN representative draws a pencil picture as near life-like as he possibly can.
Just as you enter our beautiful opera hall, you were greeted at the door by E. L. Kingsbury, who scientifically and expeditiously relieved you of ten cents as an admission fee. After this momentary performance, you stand and look, struck with awe at the beautiful things taken in by your vision. The brilliant light given off by the numerous gas jets makes the scene all the more dazzling. The three magnificent booths, clothed in the beautiful white, red, blue, and pink drapery, enchanted one. The beautiful arrangement of the room presented there will long be stored away in the mind’s eye of the writer. Vividly impressed upon our mind, we can never forget it. You long for a further investigation, and a few steps carry you to the candy booth. Here your “sweet tooth” was replenished by Mrs. R. E. Grubbs and Miss Amy Landes. The booth was neatly arranged, and the many customers were well pleased with the bits of sweetness handed out to them. Turning to the right from the candy booth, you encounter the Gipsy’s tent. Here Miss Florence Grosscup, the Gipsy Queen, unveiled the black art. The past, the present, and the future was here given you for ten cents; also a true likeness of your future wife for another ten cents. Miss Grosscup is well adapted to the art of necromancy. She foretold wonders, and many a lad’s heart was made light by the Gipsy queen’s prophecies.
From mirth to real, you pass again and behold the fancy booth. Mrs. F. J. Hess and Miss Ora Farrar preside over the beautiful collection of fancy work. The articles for sale ranged at various figures, and if your pocket-book was not “busted” and your arm loaded ere you turned to take a chance on the Owl clock, it was not the fault of the presiding ladies. Near by this booth was a stand where for ten cents you were allowed to guess the number of beans in a jar. Miss Anna Meigs took your name, guess, and money, and the large number of guesses she recorded, 70 in number, testified to her willingness to accommodate you. Charles Chapel was the best guesser. There were 1,403 beans in the jar and Charlie guessed 1,500.

From the guessing stand your steps are directed to the elegant hand-painted satin bedspread and shams. Over 150 chances were taken on these. Will McConn was the winner. They were the most beautiful articles on exhibition. Since the drawing our heart has been sad on account of our ill-luck, but we have consoled ourselves with the thought, “tis better to be born good looking than lucky.”
Dr. Parsons received the fine cake as his guess was the nearest to the weight, and W. E. Gooch was voted the handsome dressing-gown, as he was decided to be the most popular gentleman. At the art booth Mrs. H. P. Farrar and Mrs. W. E. Gooch presided. This booth had many designs of art. The most notable were those painted by Mrs. Frank Beall, Mrs. W. E. Gooch, and Miss Nellie Hasie. Under Cleveland’s reign, Miss Mamie Steinman had been appointed postmistress, and she reigned supreme in P. O. in the corner. Stamps were high: 10 cents for one letter, but there were quite a number who invested.
By this time you became thirsty, and turning to depart, you meet Rebecca at the Well, who insisted that you should take lemonade. Miss Linda Christian was Rebecca; consequently, a large number of the lads were thirsty quite frequently. With this walk among such a large aggregation of wonders, one was apt to get hungry. The ladies were not unmindful of the wants of the inner man. For upon the stage they had furnished refreshments.
Before leaving the hall to finish up the evening’s entertainment (and your pocket-book), you must try your luck at fishing. Ivan Robinson can tell you more about the fish caught than anybody else. He invested, and now he has certain wearing apparel he does not need yet awhile. Misses Nellie Nash and Etta Barnett were the mermaids of the pond.
This is the entertainment as we saw it. It was a grand success. The proceeds amount to over $300, and undoubtedly was the largest amount of money ever realized from a church fair. The ladies were over six weeks making preparations and the REPUBLICAN is glad to say their efforts were crowned with success.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 22, 1885.
Attention is called to the new “ad.” of the Arkansas City Coal Co., which appears in this week’s issue. Ivan A Robinson is manager, than whom a more courteous or thorough businessman cannot be found in the city.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, April 22, 1885.
AD. ARKANSAS CITY COAL CO., DEALERS IN COAL AND WOOD, HIDES AND GRAIN, IVAN A. ROBINSON, MANAGER. Canon City, Anthracite, Pittsburg, Trinidad, and Osage Coal. Highest cash price paid for hides. Corn always on hand in large or small lots. Office, Corner Summit St. and Central Avenue.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 22, 1885.
Charles Bahntge, of Winfield, spent his Sunday in town, visiting with Ivan Robinson.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 30, 1885.

The Arkansas City Democrat, issued Friday, launched the following items too tempting to resist THE COURIER scissors: “That prince of good fellows, Capt. M. N. Sinnott, spent Sunday in this, his favorite city.—Charlie Bahntge, the genial and efficient teller of the First National Bank of Winfield, spent last Sunday in our city as the guest of his old friend, Ivan Robinson.—R. E. Wallis, the enterprising businessman of Winfield, with his wife and five handsome children, spent last Sunday in the largest city in the county, which is Arkansas City.—Last week a portion of the dam on the Arkansas which had stood the pressure of ice and was thought impregnable gave way. There is a well grounded suspicion that the break was due to other than natural causes.—The Winfield COURIER in a recent issue pays high and deserving tribute to our young friend, Dr. F. A. Howland, who for some time was in the employ of Fitch & Barron in this city. Dr. Howland has just completed his medical course and has begun practice at Cambridge. Frank is an able and enterprising young man and we wish him success in his profession.”
Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.
In our report of the allowances of the city council last week, we made Ivan Robinson’s coal bill read $600. It should have been only $6.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 23, 1885.
Arkansas City had a big blaze Monday—a wicked blaze that put her water works to shame. It broke out about eleven o’clock. Through Dick Howard, of the Republican, and our courteous telephone manager, Mrs. Bishop, we “caught on” to the particulars. The rear of the St. Louis restaurant was the starting point, caught through some irregularity in the kitchen. This is in the first business block on the right going into Arkansas City from the north. Ten frame buildings joined it, on either side, and they burned like tinder. The whole ten were consumed in a remarkably short space of time. Arkansas City’s petty fire department was used for all it was worth, but it only urged the fire on. Some proposed to run a car up for our fire companies, but the fire had too much headway for this. Scarcely any contents were saved. The buildings were all small, there being but two two-story ones, and had an aggregate of $6,500 insurance. The stocks were nearly all insured. The total loss, over insurance, will reach $20,000. The heaviest losers were Chas. Burnett, St. Louis restaurant, $2,700, with $1,500 insurance; Lang, N. Y. restaurant, $2,000, insurance $500; Kroenert & Austin, groceries, $2,000, insurance $1,000, A. G. Heitkam clothing, $1,600, half insured.
The buildings were owned by James and William Benedict, Kroenert & Austin, Dr. Shepard, and one or two others. Besides those named, there were burned: D. L. Means’ implement house, loss $3,000; Grimes & Son, drug store, loss about $1,000; Bundrem’s meat shop; Gibson and Perryman, barbers; and coal office of Ivan Robinson. If a breeze had been going, it is thought the fire would have doubled in disaster. While a loss to the occupants, there is no doubt that the burning of these old rookeries will be a blessing to the Terminus. Good brick or stone buildings will now go up, an honor to the town.
Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.
Last Monday night between 11 and 12 o’clock the cry of “fire” rang out upon the still night, and the gentle Kansas zephyrs wafted the sound to the ponderous ears of the REPUBLICAN reporter. Springing from our bed, of down—on the floor—we hastily donned the first article we placed our hands on and started on a dead run for the scene of the conflagration. We were among the first to arrive and we found the St. Louis Restaurant and Grimes & Son’s Drug Store almost enveloped in flames. The fire had gained so much headway that it was impossible to put it out.

The predominating idea was to save Mowry & Sollitt’s brick drug store, and leave the old frame buildings go. In accordance with the view, the hose was turned on the Pickle building while the excited populace attempted to tear down the building occupied by A. G. Heitkam with his tailoring establishment, but the heat from the burning buildings was so excessive that the crowd turned its efforts to tearing out the Diamond Front building.
The fire spread in both directions and in 20 minutes after the origin of the fire, the St. Louis Restaurant, Grimes & Son’s Drug Store, Chas. Bundrem’s Meat Shop, D. L. Means’ Implement House, and O. F. Lang’s Restaurant were in ashes.
By the time the fire had got a good hold on Heitkam’s Tailor Shop, the Diamond Front building had been torn out and the brick drug store was saved.
The nine buildings were burned in about one hour and a quarter. After once getting a start, they went as if they had been saturated with coal oil. They were so dry and old that it is a wonder that the fire was not conveyed across the street by the great heat. The wind hardly stirred and by persistent efforts of everyone, the fire did not get into the brick buildings.
The fire originated in the rear of the St. Louis Restaurant. T. S. Moorhead, who rooms over C. R. Sipes’ Hardware Store across the street, was sitting in the window of his room and saw the flames burst forth from that establishment. Some say the fire originated in the New York Restaurant, but it is a mistake, for when the REPUBLICAN representative arrived on the scene, this building had not caught fire. No one knows positively how the fire started, but the most probable theory advanced is that a tallow candle had been left burning in the St. Louis Restaurant, sitting on a board; and that the candle burned down to the board, setting it on fire. The flames were spread by the melted tallow on the board until they got a good start, and by the time it was discovered, they were past subjection. C. A. Burnett, the proprietor of the restaurant, had gone home, but we are informed that one of the employees was sitting in the business room asleep in a chair.
D. L. Means occupied the corner room with an implement stock. He carried a $3,000 stock and had only $1,000 of insurance. James Benedict owned the building and was carrying $500 insurance. His loss is probably in the neighborhood of $500.
The two next buildings were owned by Dr. J. T. Shepard and were occupied by Chas. Bundrem with his meat market and Grimes & Son with their drug stock. The doctor had $800 insurance on his buildings. Chas. Bundrem had $600 on his shop fixtures and Grimes & Son $1,500 on their drug stock. Dr. Shepard’s loss above insurance was about $600, Mr. Bundrem about $300, and Grimes & Son about $1,300.
The building owned by Mrs. Wm. Benedict was insured for $300. Her loss was about $500 above insurance. C. A. Burnett occupied the building with his restaurant stock valued by him at $2,500. His insurance was $1,500.
John Gibson occupied the next room with his barber shop; he was insured for $350. He saved about half of his fixtures.
The next building was owned by S. B. Pickle and was not insured. O. P. Lang occupied it with his New York Restaurant stock. Mr. Lang carried $500 insurance and his loss was $500 above that amount.
The next was the barber shop of Frank Perryman. He saved all of his goods.
The building occupied by A. G. Heitkam was owned by J. H. Sherburne and was not insured. Mr. Heitkam carried $800 insurance on his own stock. His loss was about $400.

Next and last was the Diamond Front, owned by Kroenert & Austin. They carried insurance to the sum of $1,000 on the building and grocery stock. Their loss above insurance was $2,000.
Ivan Robinson’s coal scales burned. Loss $200; no insurance.
D. L. Means has resumed business. He is now located in the first building west of his former Shabby Front. See his ad upon the inside of the REPUBLICAN.
Arkansas City Coal Company have commenced business again. Its office is one block west, where it was located before the fire.
Chas. Bundrem will open his meat market as soon as he can obtain a room.
C. A. Burnett will not open his restaurant again for awhile.
John Gibson will commence barbering as soon as he can get a room.
A. G. Heitkam will be on deck in a few days. He is busy hunting for a room.
Kroenert & Austin removed the stock saved from the burned Diamond Front to the skating rink room. This firm is fortunate in having two stores in operation. They can go right on and supply their trade without any hesitancy.
Some of the lot owners of the burnt district talk of re-building.
The crowd was bubbling over from excitement. Several parties fastened ropes to the Stedman Building and were pulling it to pieces, but were stopped by some clearheaded individual.
Ery Miller and C. Mead did good work with the hose in staying the flames.
Grimes & Son’s statements were destroyed. We feel sorry for Judge Gans’ pocket book this month.
Dave Beatty rushed into his meat shop, rolled out the meat blocks, pitched the scales out in the street, carried his ice from the refrigerator into the street, removed his stock of meat to across the canal, and then carried them all back the next morning. Probably Dave was the most excited man in town unless it was H. P. Farrar, who attached a rope to a maple tree and was trying to pull it out by the roots. He did not succeed.
Charley Hilliard saved an armful of broken ball bats.
Frank Hess had about $6,000 worth of insurance in the “burnt district.” Snyder & Hutchison about $2,000; Meigs & Nelson, $850; Collins & Perry, $1,000; and J. L. Howard, $400.
We frequently hear those non-excitable people telling just how they could have put out the fire, but they took good care to stand off at a safe distance while the fire was raging. It was the excitable people who did the effective work.
Now is a good time to talk a system of water works. If we must have fires, we must have something to fight them with.
Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.
Ivan Robinson is no longer the proprietor of the Arkansas City Coal Company’s yard. Frick Bros., have purchased Mr. Robinson’s business. The office is now located at the yards one block west of Summit Street on Central Avenue. Messrs. Frick Bros., are thorough businessmen and gentlemen. They request a share of the patronage in their line of business. They will keep in stock all the time plenty of coal and wood. They also buy grain.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 29, 1885.
The following bill was acted on: Ivan Robinson, coal, $12.50, allowed.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 1, 1885.
Bill of Ivan Robinson of $12.50 for coal, allowed.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 5, 1885.
The Winfield Telegram mentions Ivan Robinson’s sale of his coal business to the Frick Bros., and suggests that Ivan return, like the prodigal in scripture, and resume his journey along the road to wealth at that point. No doubt the fatted calf will be killed when the hopeful youth presents himself.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 20, 1885.
ANOTHER WINFIELD TOWN. There has been another enterprise organized here during the week. It is for the purpose of laying out a town in old Stanton County, and is called the Veteran Town Company. The members are: J. A. Cooper, J. B. Nipp, M. L. Robinson, Geo. W. Robinson, Ivan Robinson, J. L. M. Hill, J. R. Taylor, S. H. Rodgers, Jas. H. Bullene, W. R. McDonald, T. H. Byers, F. L. Branniger, F. S. Jennings, E. P. Greer, John Arrowsmith, A. R. Nipp, J. C. Long, J. C. Vorheis, Wm. Camery, and T. H. Soward. The offices are: J. A. Cooper, president; J. B. Nipp, vice-president; W. R. McDonald, secretary and general agent; Geo. W. Robinson, treasurer. The company owns eleven hundred acres of land in Stanton County, one section of which is now being laid off as the town of “Veteran.” It is located in the beautiful Bear creek valley, and will be the county seat of that new county when organized. The company is a strong one and will proceed at once to build a city without further ado. A large number of lots have been already contracted for and buildings will go up on them at once. A newspaper is now on the way and the VETERAN COURIER will soon unfold its banner to the breeze. W. R. McDonald is the authoritative business head of the company and will remain on the ground.
Central Hotel at Winfield: first Robinson joins Sid Majors at hotel. Then they are replaced by J. A. McKibben, of Arkansas City, who takes over Central Hotel...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 3, 1885.
The Central Hotel changed hands yesterday, Sid Majors and Ivan Robinson having bought out Frank L. Crampton. Sid can’t keep out of the hotel business in Winfield. Frank Crampton will go west to grow up with the country. He has run the Central with satisfaction to all and we hope profit to himself. He is a young man of superior business qualifications and will succeed anywhere.
Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.
Ivan Robinson is now mine host of the Central Hotel at Winfield.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 23, 1885.
Ivan Robinson is running the Central hotel, and shows himself the right man in the right place. All the arrangements of the house move like clock work; and he is liberally patronized. He had a hearty welcome for every guest from Arkansas City.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 1, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.

Sid S Majors and Ivan A Robinson to Elizabeth Majors, lots 11, 12, 13, and 14, blk 49, A C: $800.
Arkansas City Republican, October 3, 1885.
The Winfield Central Hotel has again changed hands. J. A. McKibben, of this place, has bought out Majors & Robinson and has taken possession. We are sorry to see Sid Majors and Ivan Robinson retire. Their short hostship has changed things variously in the Central, giving it a bigger run in the last month than it has ever had before. Sid and family will remain in Winfield. He goes to spend a few weeks looking after his Arkansas City farm. Courier.
The REPUBLICAN adds that the county seat has gained a good citizen in Mr. McKibben. Howard & Collins were the sale agents.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 15, 1885.
I wish to say to all my friends and people generally that I have accepted a position as salesman in Prather’s shoe store, where I will be pleased to have you call and see me. Very Respectfully, Ivan Robinson.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 21, 1885.
Ivan Robinson is now salesman in Prather’s shoe store, Winfield.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 14, 1886.
A. H. Doane has sold his coal business to Ivan Robinson. Mr. Robinson is well known here and will carry on the business satisfactory to all. A. H. will be a man of leisure for a few days. It will seem very queer to think of A. H. out of the coal business. For five years he has been one of our prominent fuel dispensers.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.
TO THE TRADE. Having bought the Coal and Wood Yard of A. H. Doane, I would respectfully ask the many and old time patrons of Mr. Doane to continue their trade at the old stand, assuring all that the same liberal methods of dealing will be continued in the future as in the past, with full stock, low prices, and prompt delivery of orders, I am, Respectfully,
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.
TO THE PUBLIC. Having sold my interest in the Coal and Wood business to Ivan A. Robinson, I take this method of thanking my friends and patrons for their liberal patronage in the past five years, and would respectfully ask a continuance to my successor, Mr. Robinson, Respectfully, A. H. DOANE.
Robinson farm??? Have no idea what the next item refers to...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1886.
Hop Shivvers has bought twenty-five acres of the Robinson farm, just across the west bridge, and will plat it for sale. It will be divided into four blocks and will make very fine suburban residence sites. It lies to the left of the road leading west and turning south. It will be christened “Riverside Place.” H. T. Shivvers is the agent.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1886.

Certainly there could be no happier occasion than that at the elegant and spacious home of C. F. Bahntge, Thursday. It was the bi-weekly party of the G. O. club. The popularity of Misses Bert Morford and Nona Calhoun and Messrs. Chas. F. and Harry Bahntge as entertainers was fully sustained—warm-hearted, graceful, lively and free, a manner that completely banished all restraint and made supreme gaiety unalloyed.
The guests were: Dr. and Mrs. Geo. Emerson, Mrs. A. T. Spotswood, and Mrs. B. H. Riddell; Misses Ida Ritchie, Mattie Harrison, Sallie Bass, Jennie Hane, Anna Hunt, Mary Randall, Mary Berkey, Emma Strong, Leota Gary, Nettie and Anna McCoy, Ida Johnston, Nell and Kate Rodgers, Nellie Cole, Hattie Stolp, Eva Dodds, and Lizzie and Margie Wallis; Messrs. J. L. M. Hill, P. H. Albright, G. E. Lindsley, Will E. Hodges, Byron Rudolf, Everett T. and George H. Schuler, Ed. J. McMullen, Lacey T. Tomlin, Tom J. Eaton, Willis A. Ritchie, Harry Sickafoose, Wm. D. Carey, Frank N. Strong, Frank F. Leland, Ivan A. Robinson, Addison Brown, and Frank H. Greer.
The appointments of this richly furnished and very agreeable home are splendidly adapted to a gathering of this kind. The Roberts Orchestra was present with its charming music and the joyous guests indulged in the “mazy” to their heart’s content, mingling cards and tete-a-tete. The collation was especially excellent and bounteous. Nothing but the ancient “wee sma” hours abridged the gaiety, when all departed with warmest appreciation of their delightful entertainers.
And right here we can’t quell the remark that the young ladies have made a brilliant success of the G. O. Club. It is one of the most pleasurable sources of amusement yet inaugurated in the city—one giving the young ladies ample scope to exhibit their superior qualities in the entertainment line. It is a very pleasant and successful alternate to the Pleasant Hour Club. Of course the P. H. has long since delivered the prize to the G. O.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1886.
McCoy and Pettit are putting up a carpenter shop just west of Robinson’s coal yard.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1886.
W. L. Mullen bought lots 17 and 18 just west of Robinson’s coal office, Thursday, of C. C. Black for $3,000.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.
Ivan Robinson showed his smiling countenance in the TRAVELER sanctum yesterday.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 25, 1886.
Ivan Robinson returned from Wellington Friday.
Arkansas City Republican, March 27, 1886.
Ivan Robinson was down from Winfield the first of the week making arrangements for the shipping of sand to him from here.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.

Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Doane opened their agreeable home Thursday to one of the gayest gatherings of young folks. Receptions by this popular and very social couple are always marked by the freest and most acceptable enjoyment. Their graceful entertainment admits no restraint—all go in for a genuine good time, and they always have it. Those experiencing the free-hearted hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Doane on this occasion were Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Horning, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Kretsinger, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Oliver, Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Doane; Mrs. E. H. Nixon, Mrs. B. H. Riddell; Misses Nettie and Anna McCoy, Margie Wallis, Nellie McMullen, Ida Ritchie, Leota Gary, Jennie Hane, Sadie French, Anna Hunt, Jennie Bangs, Ida Johnston, Hattie Stolp, Eva Dodds, Lena Oliver, Nellie and Kate Rodgers, Nellie Cole; Messrs. W. C. Robinson, Chas. F. and Harry Bahntge, Lacey Tomlin, James Lorton, W. A. and Walter Ritchie, Tom J. Eaton, Ed J. McMullen, Byron R. Rudolph, C. E. Vosbourgh, Addison Brown, Harry Sickafoose, Frank F. Leland, Wm. D. Carey, Ivan A. Robinson, Will E. Hodges, and Frank H. Greer. Indulging in the ever popular whist and other amusements, with the jolliest social converse, until after the serving of the choice luncheon, the music began and the Terpsichorean toe turned itself loose. The evening throughout was one of much delight, and all bid adieu fully realizing that Mr. and Mrs. Doane are foremost among the most admirable entertainers of social Winfield.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 15, 1886.
THE G. O. CLUB. The elegant and spacious new home of Senator and Mrs. W. P. Hackney was a most pleasurable scene last night. It was a reception in honor of the G. O. Club. The unavoidable absence of the Senator in Topeka was the only regret. It was one of the happiest meetings in the history of the club. Mrs. Hackney was very gracefully assisted in entertaining by Miss Eva Dodds. This was the first opening of this beautiful home and the guests found delight in wandering through the richly furnished and capacious apartments. Everything exhibits cultured taste and modern fashion. The entire remodeling of the interior and exterior, with its bright new furnishings, has made one of the most elaborate homes in the Queen City, if not in the whole state—elaborate in all that pertains to elegance and comfort. There is no gaudy display. All is in perfect taste from the first floor to the third. At eleven o’clock the west parlors were cleared, miniature tables spread, and the gay party sat down to a luncheon exceptionally fine, many choice delicacies with a sprinkling of the substantial. The rain storm brought out the hacks for the home-taking, and all departed with the highest praises of this grand home and the delightful entertainment afforded on this occasion. The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Brown, Mrs. D. L. Kretsinger, Mrs. B. H. Riddell, Mrs. B. W. Matlack, Mrs. Spence Miner, and Mrs. Alice Bishop; Misses Nettie and Annie McCoy, Nellie and Kate Rodgers, Leota Gary, Nona Calhoun, Bert Morford, Hattie Stolp, Ida Johnston, Jennie Hane, Ida Ritchie, Mary Berkey, and Nellie McMullen; Messrs. Wm. D. Carey, Tom P. Richardson, A. F. Hopkins, Willis A. Ritchie, Lacey Tomlin, Will E. Hodges, Chas. F. and Harry Bahntge, Ed J McMullen, Tom J. Eaton, J. L. M. Hill, Harry Sickafoose, Frank N. Strong, G. E. Lindsley, Ivan A. Robinson, Geo. H. Schuler, Addison Brown, and Frank H. Greer.
Arkansas City Republican, May 8, 1886.
Ivan Robinson, of the county seat, says the citizens of Spring Creek and Cedar Townships will believe an Arkansas City man’s word before they will a Winfield man’s oath.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 19, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Ivan Robinson came down from Winfield Sunday to visit his best girl. He hired Hilliard & Keeler’s black “charger,” Selim, and their best phaeton. Ivan got along all right until he started for home. As he drove out of the yard gate a chunk of “miasma,” from the canal of course, flew up and struck the phaeton, upsetting it, and casting the manly form of Ivan out upon the cold hard ground. Old Selim did not know what to make of such strange proceedings, but he was able to take care of himself and the debris of the buggy, leaving his beloved master, Ivan, to rustle for himself. In setting the phaeton right side up, old Selim, who is as gentle as Mary’s little lamb, broke the spokes out of the wheels and smashed in the top. Sad, sad is the life of the Winfield man who upsets his buggy upon level ground.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 21, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Mart and Ivan Robinson and J. L. M. Hill, were in the city last evening from Winfield. As a REPUBLICAN representative passed them, his ear caught the remark, “best town in the state outside of Wichita.” Of course, Jim was speaking of Arkansas City. The party were awe-struck with the grandeur of Summit street, and the many new business blocks in course of construction.
Winfield Monthly Herald, June, 1891.
A Word about our Advertisers.
We have selected good, reliable business firms, and endeav­ored to get only one of a kind.
IVAN A. ROBINSON has been selling you coal and wood (of which he has a bountiful supply) during the cold weather to keep you warm, and now if you will leave your order, he will sell you ice to keep you cool.
Winfield Monthly Herald, July, 1891.
Ivan A. Robinson, Winfield Transfer & Coal Co., W. 9th Avenue.
Winfield Monthly Herald, April, 1892.
The warm weather has come and Ivan A. Robinson has started his ice wagon, April 15th. Give him your order.