William Robinson
George Morris sells his interest to William Robinson...
Winfield Courier, September 30, 1875.
George Morris has sold his interest in the Stone Livery barn to William Robinson, of this city, and has gone up to Tecumseh, the home of his father, to spend the winter.
Winfield Courier, January 6, 1876.
Our “Courier” Patrons.
MORRIS & ROBINSON, liverymen. O. N. Morris came from Grantville, Kansas, two years ago, entered the above mentioned business immediately, and has continued in it ever since. He is prosperous—consequently happy. Will Robinson, his partner, came here in an early day; his marriage notice will be seen in another column.
Winfield Courier, May 11, 1876.
The livery firm of Morris & Robinson has dissolved partnership, Mr. Robinson retiring. Mr. Morris has already purchased new teams and buggies preparatory to “going it alone.”
Winfield Courier, June 8, 1876.
Robinson had a buggy ruined by a run-away this week.
Winfield Courier, June 29, 1876.
For Sale. A good team of horses, harness, and wagon. Inquire at Robinson’s Livery Stable, or of C. A. Roscoe, in Winfield.
Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.
BIRTH. “Bring in another horse,” for sure, this time. Will Robinson, another one of Winfield’s liverymen, numbers his family by counting “one, two, three.” It’s a boy or a girl, we don’t know which.
Have no idea which Robinson the next item refers to...
Winfield Courier, January 25, 1877.
WILL ROBINSON has commenced the manufacture of soap.
Winfield Courier, April 26, 1877.
Drowned. A Sad Affair. On Saturday last, about 9 a.m., the town was startled with the report that a woman had just drowned at the lower ford on the Walnut, about one mile from the city. At once a large number of citizens hurried to the ford and the day, until 5 p.m., was spent in searching for the body of Mary Elizabeth Wren, better known as Belle Estes. The circumstances of the calamity are as follows.
Miss Wren resided temporarily with Mr. Furman’s family, one and a half miles east of Winfield. On Saturday morning she engaged a team (the little roans), and buggy from Will Robinson, and secured the services of John Boylan, a young man living at Furman’s, to take her to the vicinity of Arkansas City in search of employment as schoolteacher. The Walnut had raised within the previous twenty-four hours past fording. As the team entered the stream, the current being swift, it was soon swept downward. The young man jumped out, seized the team by the bits, and tried to pull them to shore. In this effort the horses got him under water, but seizing a bush, he saved himself. The next sight he had of the team and lady they were all far below him in the stream, the buggy and one horse under water, and the lady was sitting upon the other horse calling for help. The horse she rode was still connected with its mate and the vehicle and before anyone could get to her, all went down to death. About 5 p.m., the body, team, and buggy were all found together about one hundred yards above the Tunnel Mills. The sudden and tragical taking away of Miss Wren has cast a shade of sorrow on the hearts of many friends. She had been teaching school in the country and attending school here in town alternately for two years past.
[Note: The above was about the last reference to “Will or William Robinson” running a livery business. Paper quite often referred to the Robinson who was related to M. L. Robinson and other brothers.]