D. Rodocker


[1870] PAGE 61.
D. RODOCKER was the oldest established photographer in Cowley County, Kansas, and his headquarters were at Winfield, where he was known as a good, honest, businessman and a loyal and enterprising citizen.
Mr. Rodocker was born in Ashland County, Ohio, in 1840. He remained on his father’s farm until he attained the age of seventeen years, but the three seasons following were spent in working about a sawmill near Fort Wayne, Indiana. In 1863, he went to San Francisco, California. In 1865 he returned to his native state and in August of that year went to Champaign, Illinois, where he began to learn photography. He continued there with good success until 1870, when he moved to Winfield, Kansas, and became one of the earliest settlers in Cowley County, Kansas. The country, being new and thinly settled, Mr. Rodocker did not pursue his regular vocation, but like many other professional men, he accepted what ever work presented itself.
During the winter of 1870-71 he was employed at Bartlow’s sawmill, and in the spring he took up a quarter section of land, which he was obliged to abandon at a later period.
In 1874 he resumed the photograph business, in which he continued to the present time [1901]. In 1887 he sold out his business in Winfield and entered the photographic department of the United States government for which he took pictures until 1894. He then returned to Winfield, where he opened a gallery at No. 814 Main Street. He also opened galleries at Dexter and Cedarvale, Kansas. Mr. Rodocker was a photographer of rare ability, having had the advantage of many years of valuable experience, besides being well adapted to his profession. He did nothing but first class work, and guaranteed satisfaction.
Winfield 1874: David Rodocker, 33; spouse, M. L., 24.
Kansas 1875 Census, Winfield Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth  Where from
D. Rodocker 34  m w Ohio   Illinois
M. L. Rodocker 25 f w New Jersey Illinois
1880 Winfield Directory.
Ostergren, G. A., artist, D. Rodocker, r. same.
RODOCKER, D., photographer, Main w. s. bet 6th and 7th avenues; r. same.
Cowley County Censor, October 21, 1871.
COWLEY COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Owing to the unfavor­able state of the weather during the late fair which prevented a proper exhibition of the articles entered for display, there will be an Exposition of all articles relating to the following classes: farm and domestic products, fruits, flowers, fine arts, textile fabrics, natural history, etc., on Saturday afternoon and evening, October 28th, 1871, in Rodocker’s Hall, Winfield.
Cowley County Censor, October 21, 1871.

Corner of Main Street and 7th Avenue.
Winfield Messenger, July 12, 1872.
The ladies of the Congregational church in Winfield will hold an Ice Cream Social at Rodocker’s Hall Tuesday evening, July 16th. A cordial invitation is extended to all.
MRS. JOHNSTON, President. MISS TUCKER, Secretary.
Winfield Messenger, July 26, 1872.
There will be preaching at Rodocker’s hall on the Lord’s day, the 28th inst., by Elder Womack of the Christian church.
Rodocker erecting a building near Maris & Co.’s store for his photograph gallery...
Winfield Messenger, August 30, 1872.
IMPROVEMENTS. Mr. Rodocker is erecting a building near Maris & Co.’s store, where he will remove his photograph gallery.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 11, 1873.
During the storm last Saturday morning the lightning dropped upon a house occupied by Mr. D. Rodocker, tearing things up pretty well, but fortunately not hurting anyone.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1874.
Rodocker has his new photograph gallery nearly finished and will soon commence business.
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1874.
D. Rodocker has opened up his new picture gallery and is now prepared to do first class work.
Winfield Courier, June 12, 1874.
The ladies of the Methodist church will give a sociable at the residence of Mr. D. Rodocker next Wednesday evening.
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.
Mrs. D. Rodocker left this city last Monday morning on a visit to her friends and relatives in the east.
D. H. Rodocker included in list of cemetery stockholders...
Winfield Courier, March 25, 1875.
Notice. There will be a meeting of the stockholders of the Winfield Cemetery Association on Wednesday, March 31, 1875, at W. H. H. Maris’ store. All persons owning a lot in the Winfield Cemetery are stockholders, and entitled to vote at the meeting. A full attendance is requested. The following is a list of the said stockholders.
JOHN B. FAIRBANK, Secretary.

John Lowry, C. A. Bliss, Mrs. Clara Flint, Robert Hudson, W. L. Fortner, W. H. Dunn, Mallard, Dr. D. N. Egbert, J. H. Land, W. M. Boyer, A. Menor, S. J. Swanson, Mrs. Eliza Davis, M. L. Read. S. C. Smith, Kenton, Marshall, Henry Martin,  W. H. H. Maris, Mrs. K. Maris, E. Maris, J. Newman, L. J. Webb, J. W. Smiley, George W. Brown, John Rhoads, H. B. Lacy, L. T. Mitchener, George Gray, N. W. Holmes, John Mentch, M. Steward, J. J. Barrett, J. W. Johnson, J. Evans, Cutting, W. G. Graham, S. W. Greer, Dr. W. Q. Mansfield, J. D. Cochran, C. C. Stephens, W. H. South, J. C. Weathers, Mrs. Joseph Foos, G. S. Manser, Mrs. Southworth, A. A. Jackson, J. F. Graham, Mrs. H. McMasters, S. H. Myton, S. H. Darrah, M. L. Robinson, D. H. Rodocker, R. H. Tucker, James Kelly, W. Dibble, D. F. Best, Z. T. Swigart, R. Rogers.
Rodocker’s gallery opposite “Valley House.” [Believes this refers to “Walnut Valley House.” The Walnut Valley House was erected on the northeast corner of Main Street and Ninth Avenue.]
Winfield Courier, June 24, 1875.
We call special attention to D. Rodocker’s card, in another column. All wishing photographs would do well to give him a call.
All work done in the latest and most artistic style. Satisfaction guaranteed. Gallery opposite Valley House, Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.
E. S. BEDILION, Clerk of District Court.
Pryor & Kager, Plaintiff’s Attorneys.
Winfield Courier, August 12, 1875.
D. Rodocker, our popular photographer, will take wheat, corn, flour, or wood, in exchange for work.
Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.
David Rodocker vs. Mary L. Rodocker.
David Rodocker vs. Thaddeus A. Rice.
Winfield Courier, October 14, 1875.
In the Rodocker vs. Rice case that excited so much interest at our recent term of court, the jury returned a verdict against the defendant of one thousand dollars damage and cost of the suit. Tuesday the court met and granted the defense till the next term of court to file affidavits for a new trial.
Winfield Courier, January 6, 1876.
Our “Courier” Patrons. In beginning the “Centennial year,” with an enterprise like the one we have engaged in this week, it is but right and proper that we make honorable mention of the men who, by giving us their patronage, have greatly helped us in the “financial” part there­of.
RODOCKER, D., photographer; the only one in the city. His work speaks for itself; praise not necessary.
Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.
The Rodocker vs. Rice law suit is settled.

Winfield Courier, December 14, 1876.
All work done in the latest and most artistic style. Satisfaction guaranteed. Gallery opposite Valley House, Winfield, Kansas.
Rodocker sells photograph gallery, starting for Black Hills...
Winfield Courier, January 25, 1877.
MR. RODOCKER has sold his photograph gallery, and intends starting to the Black Hills some time next week.
Lucian McMasters purchased Rodocker photograph gallery...
Winfield Courier, February 22, 1877.
Lucian McMasters has purchased and will run the Rodocker photograph gallery.
Winfield Courier, February 22, 1877.
Seth Blanchard has gone to the Black Hills again. Mr. D. Rodocker, of this place, accompanies him. The latter took his photograph apparatus with him. Dave is a tip-top artist and we wish him well.
Winfield Courier, September 13, 1877. O. F. Boyle has returned from the Black Hills. He met the road agents and was beaten severely and robbed. He reports T. A. Blanchard at Deadwood, but about to start for Colorado; Seth Blanchard also there with Rodocker taking views; John Swain about to come home.
Winfield Courier, October 25, 1877.
Seth Blanchard and D. Rodocker have left the Black Hills and gone East.
Winfield Courier, November 29, 1877.
D. RODOCKER returned last week from his trip to the Black Hills. He brings with him many beautiful stereoscopic views of the mountains, peaks, hills, gulches, claims, camps, and towns in the gold region. He says he will return to the Hills about next Centennial.
Winfield Courier, November 29, 1877.
D. Rodocker would respectfully announce to the citizens of Winfield and vicinity that he has visited all the first-class photograph galleries in the city of Chicago and is now on his way home to resume his business as soon as he arrives in Winfield.
TRENTON, MO., Nov. 12, 1877.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
Real Estate Transfers.
D. Rodocker to John Serviss, lots 2 and 3, block 107, Winfield.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
D. Rodocker has returned from the East with an entire new outfit, and is now prepared to do all kinds of photographing in the latest approved style. Mr. Rodocker never fails to give satisfaction, and you should call and see samples of his work before going elsewhere.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1879.
Solomon Rodocker, father of D. Rodocker, our photograph man, arrived in this city last Saturday on a visit to his son.
Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.

As a photographic artist D. Rodocker can’t be beat in this country. He has some cabinet size pictures now on exhibition that equal, in style of work and finish, anything we have ever seen.
Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.
Rodocker, the “boss” photographer, returned from the Black Hills Tuesday night.
Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.
Fred Hunt presented us with a photograph of the Abstract of Assessment rolls of Cowley County. The original was written in Fred’s faultless style, and then photographed by Rodocker. We have it framed and hung up in our office, and it proves to be as useful as it is ornamental.
From 1880 Directory, photograph gallery was located on Main Street, west side, between 6th and 7th Avenues...
Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.
D. Rodocker has leased his photograph gallery to Mr. I. N. Hobbs. Mr. Hobbs is a skillful artist and his work is excellent. He will, in a few days, have a young lady assistant.
Rodocker marries Mattie Walters...
Winfield Courier, October 27, 1881.
D. Rodocker, ex-photographer, and Miss Mattie Walters were married last Sunday morning.
Cowley County Courant, June 1, 1882.
Mr. Rodocker has filled up his show cases with a splendid lot of new photographs.
Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.
Mr. Rodocker picked up a Santa Fe baggage check on Main Street Monday. If anyone has lost a check, they can get it by calling at this office and paying for this notice.
Winfield Courier, September 28, 1882.
“CLASS L”—FINE ARTS. This department was not extensive, but the display was excellent. D. Rodocker’s display of photography was very fine and carried off all the honors.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
BIRTH. D. Rodocker, our photographer, is a happy dad. The little girl was born Saturday.
Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.
Mrs. West and Miss Garret have opened dressmaking parlors in the rooms back of Rodocker’s photograph gallery, where they will be pleased to meet Winfield ladies who desire neat and stylish dressmaking.
Winfield Courier, May 17, 1883.
Where the Money Came From. The following are the cash contributions to the general editorial entertainment fund. More was raised than was used and those who subscribed first took more than their share, so that others had to be somewhat limited in their contributions to give others a chance.
D. Rodocker gave $2.00.
Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.

Case Brothers, of this city, have just completed a 24 x 28 two story frame house for Thos. Cliff in Beaver Township. They also built a house in the same neighborhood for Mrs. Rodocker, mother of our photographer. Our farmers are greatly improving their premises this year.
Winfield Courier, September 27, 1883.
The first place visited as nearest the entrance, was the general exhibition hall.
Next to this is the Fine Art department, conducted by Miss Kate Millington, the most prominent among which are specimens of photography from the galleries of Winfield’s artists, Messrs. Rodocker, McIntire, and Beck Bros., and a finer display we challenge the state to produce.
Best collection of oil paintings, Mrs. G. W. Miller, city, 1st premium; Mrs. Garlick, city, 2nd.
Best collection of photographs, D. Rodocker, city, 1st premium.
Photographic scenery, H. Beck, city, 1st premium.
Collection of crayon drawings, D. Rodocker, city, 1st premium.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1884.
The Masquerade.
The members of the Pleasant Hour Club have made the winter thus far very pleasant in a social way. Their hops have been well attended, and the utmost good feeling and harmony has prevailed. Their masquerade ball last Thursday evening was the happiest hit of the season. The floor was crowded with maskers and the raised platforms filled with spectators. At nine o’clock the “grand march” was called, and the mixture of grotesque, historical, mythological, and fairy figures was most attractive and amusing. Then, when the quadrilles were called, the effect of the clown dancing with a grave and sedate nun, and Romeo swinging a pop-corn girl, was, as one of the ladies expressed it, “just too cute.”
The following is the list of names of those in masque, together with a brief description of costume or character represented.
Mrs. D. Rodocker, Jockey.
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.
D. Rodocker has been spreading himself lately. He now occupies with his photograph gallery his entire building and has arranged it very tastefully.
Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.

A Complete Art Gallery. Amongst all the great and beneficent improvements in Winfield, our completed system of water works, gas works, our prospective street railway, and first-class buildings going up to accommodate our continually increasing business, none of these improvements reflect greater credit than the re-fitted and greatly enlarged Art Gallery of D. Rodocker. His parlors are all that taste and refinement could desire, and his increased facilities for business gives him great advantage over his former gallery. Mr. Rodocker recently went to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to attend the Photographers Association of America, of which Association his certificates shows him to be an honorable member. There he acquainted himself with all the recent improvements of the Art, and he is now in possession of all the facilities to insure work equal to the best done in the State. He has recently secured one of the best workmen in the west in the person of George Dresser, who, for four years, ran a first-class gallery in Independence, Kansas. Copying, enlarging, and painting, with all that pertains to the business are promptly attended to. We would call special attention to the enlarged crayon portraits of the late Rev. J. E. Platter and the Hon. Senator Hackney, now in the gallery for a few weeks. Our citizens will do well to investigate his work in all its departments before they go further and fare worse. It is a matter that interests parents and children, that they have each others’ likeness so true to nature to look upon when the spirit has gone to the God who gave it. O, how much comfort there is in a complete family group; we may secure it today, but tomorrow it is broken forever.
Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.
D. Rodocker brought us, Saturday, a sample seedling peach of his own raising which was equal in size, flavor, and quality to the best budded fruit.
Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.
Talisman: D. Rodocker.
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.
The White Bronze Statue, which was on exhibition at the Fair Ground last week, is now on exhibition on the lot adjoining D. Rodocker’s Photograph Gallery. Mr. R. U. Hess is the agent.
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.
Collection photographs done by exhibitor, D. Rodocker, 1st.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.
The annual masquerade party of the Winfield Social Club has been the crowning social event of every winter for years past, and the one at the Opera House last Thursday evening was all that past successors could have spoken for it—in fact, many pronounce it superior to preceding ones in selectness and refinement of conduct. It was free from the promiscuous crowd and jam that usually characterize such gatherings, there being just maskers enough to fill the floor nicely and make dancing most enjoyable. The characters represented were varied and unique, elicited much admiration from the large number of spectators, and we regret our lack of space to mention each in detail. Following are the names of the maskers and the characters represented.
Mrs. D. Rodocker, Daily News.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 18, 1885.

Owing to lack of care in taking, it was found that the photograph of Mrs. Julia Ann White’s eye before burial was imperfect and incapable of proper development. Our officials were determined, if possible, to get a clue to the murderer, and yesterday afternoon, Sheriff McIntire, Dr. S. R. Marsh, and Photographer Rodocker went out to the graveyard, exhumed the body, took it from the coffin, stood it up against a board, reflected light on the eye, and with an extension lens got a perfect photograph. It is several inches in diameter, and is developing splendidly. Indications are strong that when fully developed it will reveal the perpetrator of the awful deed. It took some grit to go through this process of obtaining it, but our officials are abashed at nothing that seems in the line of duty. The body gave sickening evidence of decomposition. The photograph is taken on the established theory that the last person appearing before the vision in consciousness remains a perfect picture on the eye, and when the eye is photographed can be drawn out, as plainly as life, by the ophthalmoscope. The photograph will be sent east for enlargement and proper scientific treatment.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 2, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds yesterday.
A J Thompson et ux to Mattie E Rodocker, lots 1, 2 and 3, blk 286, Thompson’s 3d ad to Winfield: $150.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 9, 1885.
Clark County comes in for criminal notoriety with a vim. It has recently had two despicable and revolting murders. Like every new county, it has its “bad men,” though Ashland is a remarkably temperate, civil place for a border town. Last week Julius Muret was shot through the heart. He went with his wife and child from Pleasant Valley, this county, and took a claim near Ashland. Afterward Mrs. Lindley, mother of Mrs. Muret, and two sons came to Clark County. She took a claim near Muret that had not been occupied by the young man Clouch, who had taken it for three months. Old man Clouch had said his son was holding the claim till his daughter would be of age to take it. Muret and the Lindley boys were going out to dig a foundation for a shanty for their mother. Muret got there first and was spading, when old man Clouch and a young Kentuckian, Bill Churchill, came up. Muret had never seen either of them before. Without a word Churchill shot Muret through the heart. One of the Lindley’s arrived just in time to catch Muret as he fell, when Churchill fired another shot. It went through Muret’s shoulder and into Lindley’s arm. The murderer was arrested and placed in the bastille at Dodge City. Muret’s body was brought to this county for interment. Mr. D. Rodocker shows us a letter from Miss Rose Frederick, well known here, chronicling another terrible murder. Dr. Lafield, Ashland’s dentist, received $800 from the east a few days ago. That night, with it on his person, he was shot dead, and the money taken. The murder was for no other cause than robbery. Tobe Taylor, a drunken cowboy, was arrested for the crime, though there is no positive evidence against him. The same letter tells of a terrible storm that swept over that section the other day. Two storms met, one from the northwest and one from the northeast. Everything in their track was inundated and much property swept away. Dugouts by the dozen were filled with water and caved in, leaving the occupants homeless. And most of the wells, not yet being walled, caved in. It was very destructive and a hard blow on those trying to establish homes in the “wild west.”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 9, 1885.
Mr. W. J. Hodges came up from Ponca Tuesday, accompanied by seven Tonkawa Indians, who took back loads for him. The chief, Sam Houston, was along. They were intelligent, more than average in looks, and patterned rudely after the American style of dress. They are a band of two hundred who were removed, a few weeks ago, from Ft. Griffin, Texas, to the Ponca reservation, where Mr. Hodges is trader. Photographer Rodocker got their “phizzes,” after much importuning. They were afraid the camera would kick.

E. C. Seward and D. Rodocker: talk about putting up two blocks on the corner of 7th Avenue and Main Street...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 13, 1885.
E. C. Seward and D. Rodocker talk of putting up two blocks on the corner of 7th Avenue and Main Street. Rodocker will erect a fine art gallery, eighty feet long, with all accessories for photography.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 3, 1885.
George Dresser, our photographer, leaves us today to take temporary charge of the Stevens gallery at Arkansas City. Mr. Dresser is an artist of eleven years experience and stands high in the profession. He is associated here with D. Rodocker. Good work is his motto. Arkansas City can rest assured of obtaining a first-class artist in Mr. Dresser.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 1, 1885.
RODOCKER’S ART GALLERY IN THE LEAD. Rodocker had a very fine display at the Fair, the pictures of some of our young ladies. The work was admired by all. Strangers stopped and gazed in admiration at those beautiful portraits and exclaimed, what fine work! I hardly thought Kansas could produce such fine work or such handsome young ladies. Call at Rodocker’s north Main, and examine this work. We challenge the state to produce such a fine collection of art.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1885.
K. C. & S. W. DAMAGES. The board of County Commissioners has filed its report of damages allowed on the K. C. & S. W. right of way from Winfield to the south line of Pleasant Valley township. M. E. Rodocker, $574.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1885.
Mr. Levi Rodocker, a brother of D. Rodocker, and family arrived Saturday from Twin Grove, Wisconsin. He will make this his home. Mr. Rodocker is a contractor and speculator.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 24, 1885.
ARKANSAS CITY REPUBLICAN. Geo. Dresser, the photographer, returns to Winfield after December 28, 1885. He goes there to take charge of D. Rodocker’s gallery.
Geo. Dresser takes over Rodocker gallery...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 7, 1886.
According to previous contract Geo. H. Dresser, the photographer, took possession of the Rodocker gallery January 1st. Mr. Dresser is no stranger in Winfield, having been associated with Mr. Rodocker for the past year and a half, all but the last few months, making a temporary stay at Arkansas City. The result of his labors while there can be seen at the gallery, in the shape of a fine exterior display of photos of some of Arkansas City’s prettiest faces, and at the same time give you an opportunity of judging the merits of his work. Mr. Dresser has had the advantage of all modern improvements, and an experience of over eleven years; also is a member of the Photographic Association of America, and is considered by the fraternity an artist of true merit. Mr. Dresser is making arrangements to make pictures of any size and style known to the art science of photography. You are cordially invited to call in and see his work and its merits, and a share of your patronage is respectfully solicited. Mr. Dresser expects to sustain the well known reputation of this gallery, and he is cheerfully recommended by Mr. Rodocker as very amply qualified.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 7, 1886.

George Dresser and family have moved up from Arkansas City. He will take possession of Rodocker’s gallery in a few days.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 7, 1886.
Geo. H. Dresser, photographic artist, removed his studio to Winfield today. He has established his reputation in this city as a first-class workman, and many of his patrons regret his removal. Mr. Dresser has done a good business during his stay here, but being under contract to take Rodocker’s gallery in Winfield, his change of base is a sort of legal necessity. Dresser is a useful citizen. A. C. Republican.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.
Never did Winfield have a more successful and thoroughly pleasurable social event than last Thursday night at the Opera House, the fifth annual Bal Masque of the Pleasant Hour Club.
Mrs. D. Rodocker was a “fly brush,” with a rustle of paper strips of numerous colors.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.
Inasmuch as there are a number of citizens in Walnut township, Cowley County, Kansas, living on land which has never been platted adjacent to the city of Winfield in said county, and said citizens have not petitioned to become citizens of said city of Winfield, and inasmuch as land not platted cannot be arbitrarily taken into the city limits, therefore be it resolved, that it is the place of the mayor and council of the city of Winfield that under the law only those citizens of Walnut township who are living on said lands who petitioned to become citizens of said city, whose names are as follows: A. J. Thompson, T. H. Soward, S. L. Gilbert, H. G. Fuller, D. Rodocker, and others, are citizens of the said city and those who did not petition the said city to become citizens thereof living on the said land are still as heretofore, residents of Walnut township.
State of Kansas, Cowley County, ss.
I hereby certify that at a meeting of the city council of the city of Winfield, Kansas, held January 25, 1886, the above resolution was passed by unanimous vote of the councilmen present.
Dated this 25th day of January, 1886. G. H. BUCKMAN, City Clerk.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Messrs. Gregg & Rice, the new firm of fruit men who have located in our city, have closed a contract with D. Rodocker, whereby they agree to plant 120 acres of Mr. Rodocker’s farm in Pleasant Valley township, in fruit trees, and to have it stocked in the course of three years. Gregg & Rice are to bear all the expenses, Mr. Rodocker to furnish the land, and as soon as the trees begin to bear, Gregg & Rice will start a canning establishment. They will also make a specialty of fruit for the market, and in connection will run a nursery. The profits are to be divided equally between the first and second parties. The land is a valuable place for this business, laying on the Frisco, and is well adapted for such purposes. It looks like a good thing for all parties interested.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 18, 1886.
D. Rodocker is out after several days indisposition.