Ross Family
Thomas Benton Ross.
[Leader, Walnut Township, Winfield.]
Thomas Benton Ross was born October 2, 1794, in Georgia, 25 miles from Atlanta, Georgia, of Scotch-Irish extraction. His father, William Ross, and his uncle, John Ross, both fought in the Revolutionary war. He grew to manhood in Kentucky.
He enlisted in the war of 1812 with Col. Richard M. Johnson’s Kentucky riflemen—a force picked by Johnson of 100 crack riflemen. Johnson’s “Kentuckians” were half of the 7,000 man force that invaded Canada. The British were allied with Indian tribes led by the Shawnee Indian Chief Tecumseh. Tecumseh was the leader in trying to unite all Indian tribes to fight the Americans. The Americans attacked on horseback but because of the forest dismounted and fought on foot. Chief Tecumseh was killed at the battle of the Thames River in 1813.
In a related battle on Lake Erie Oliver Hazard Perry uttered the famous quotation, “Don’t Give up the Ship.”
After the close of the war of 1812, Thomas B. Ross received a warrant of land, which he took up in Cumberland County, Illinois.
It is claimed that Thomas Benton Ross was part of the Kentucky militia that was called for when British General Ross’s forces burnt Washington, D. C., in August 1814. The Kentuckian’s arrived in time to oppose General Ross when he tried to capture Baltimore and Fort McHenry. General Ross was killed in that Battle on September 12, 1814.
The bombardment of Fort McHenry by the British warships inspired Francis Scott Keyes to write the “Star Spangled Banner.”
Col. Johnson’s Kentucky forces were called for, again, to oppose the British in Louisiana. They arrived to join General Andrew “Stonewall” Jackson’s forces to defend New Orleans on January 4, 1815. They repulsed the British and killed General Packenham on January 8, 1815. Due to the slowness of communication, this battle took place two weeks after the war was over.
[Note: RKW received from the Illinois State Historical Society a xerox of the record of services by Illinois soldiers in the Black Hawk War of 1831-32.]
T. B. Ross, Major in Black Hawk War in 1832.
Capt. Thos. B. Ross’s company was a part of the first regiment of the second brigade of the Illinois Mounted Volunteers. Capt. Ross enrolled from Coles County, Illinois, June 18, 1832, and was mustered out August 15, 1832. The company enlisted for 90 days. It was originally Capt. James P. Jones’s company. Jones was elected a Major on June 19, 1832. On the same date First Sergeant Thomas B. Ross was elected Captain and took command of the company. [It was the practice in volunteer companies to elect the officers and non-commissioned officers.]
T. B. Ross and his family continued to live in Cumberland County, until 1848 or 1849, when the family removed to Knox County, Illinois. He took up 120 acres near the city of Peoria. The family resided in Peoria during the first three years, while Thomas B. Ross followed his trade as a carpenter.
T. B. Ross, Ordained Methodist Minister.
[RKW received a xerox of the “History of the Southern Illinois Conference of the Methodist Church.” T. B. Ross is mentioned in 1864. The Southern Conference was divided between the Loyalists and the Southern (Democratic) members.]
At some unknown date Thomas Benton Ross was ordained a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, south. He was a circuit rider preacher over several counties of Illinois. He is mentioned in Evers’s history of the Methodist Church as being active in 1864. His picture hangs on the wall of the State House at Springfield, Illinois.
T. B. Ross was among the group that split from the Methodist Church with the belief that politics should not be reflected from the “Pulpit.” In time the original conference acceded to the same view and the splinter group rejoined the main group.
The Family of Thomas Benton Ross.
While a young man Thomas Benton Ross married in Kentucky. The lady’s name is unknown; but she died in early life after bearing him six children. The only name known (of the six children he had with his first wife) is a daughter named America (born in 1827). America married Josiah Wallace and they are listed in the Pleasant Valley Census of 1882 with her age being 56 and his 55. Mrs. Clarence Roberts advises that one of the Ross children was the mother of Charles M. Wallace and the grandmother of Josh Wallace. A descendant, Mrs. Ona Bruner of Arkansas City, verified this statement. [The 1902 Biographical History also makes this statement.]
After the death of his first wife, Thomas B. Ross married Nancy Higgins Ross. She was born in 1814 in North Carolina and her ancestors came from Holland. They had six children.
Ross Family Reach Cowley County in 1869.
Ross and his family came to Cottonwood Falls, Chase County, in 1868. In November 1868 the men came south to Cowley County to look over the land. Being well pleased with it, they went back to Cottonwood Falls on New Years Day, 1869, and at once returned to Cowley County with all their possessions.
The Ross family arrived in Cowley County sometime in January of 1869. T. B. Ross was the first preacher of the Gospel to settle in the county. He settled three miles northwest of Winfield, on section 17, on the Walnut River. The Osage Indians drove out the settlers in the fall of 1869. When they told him to go, Ross refused unless they returned the team of horses they had stolen. They did not return the horses but allowed him to remain unscathed.
Children of Thomas Benton Ross and Nancy Higgins Ross.
1. F. H. B., who came to Kansas in 1870. He was a deputy sheriff in March of 1871. He moved to Caldwell later in 1871, where he died in 1885.
2. John (born in August of 1844), who never married, and took a claim in Cowley County near his father.
3. Mary M.; died in Illinois.
4. Frank A.; died in Illinois.
5. Mrs. Emma E. Bryant; died in Kansas.
6. Miss Mary. J. (born in 1851), who kept house for her brother, John.
The special census of Cowley County was held February 10, 1870, and only listed one Ross. That was P. _. Ross.
The following is from the E. C. Manning autobiography. “This was early in June of 1869 . . . at this time there were only six or eight ‘squatters’ located in the valley and only two of them had families, namely Thomas B. Ross and James Renfro. Ross and Renfro were about three miles above Winfield.”
Thomas Benton Ross was the first Probate Judge of Cowley County; in fact, the only judge on all laws in 1870. His name is on all deeds issued from the government to individuals on the original town site of Winfield.
He went to Augusta as an officer from Cowley County, and laid out the city of Winfield. The Winfield delegation wanted him to drive to Augusta, the nearest land office, on Sunday afternoon to be there early Monday morning. He refused, but told them to drive to his claim three miles northwest of Winfield at midnight, and one minute after twelve o'clock he would go. They arrived early Monday morning, ahead of the Arkansas City delegation, and had Winfield declared the temporary county site.
On December 31, 1879, Judge T. B. Ross died at home. The Winfield Courier reported the immediate cause of his death was a violent cold.
On February 21, 1904, Mrs. Nancy Higgins Ross died. They had three surviving children: John, Patti, and T. H. B.
From Newspapers:
Cowley County Censor, July 1, 1871.
Board of County Commissioners met in special session at the County Clerk’s office in Winfield, June 27th, 1871.
The following bills were allowed.
One in favor of T. H. B. Ross, services as Deputy Sheriff, $5.00.
Cowley County Censor, July 1, 1871.
Toast: “The Day We Celebrate.” Judge Ross.
Winfield Messenger, September 6, 1872.
Meeting organized by the selection of R. B. Saffold for chairman, and A. Walton as secretary. Mr. Saffold made an interesting speech in favor of the Cincinnati Platform and the nominees; Mr. Jackson made a motion that a committee of five be appointed on organization, seconded and carried; also moved that a committee of five be appointed on resolutions; carried.
Recommended by T. A. Blanchard, Chairman, that a Central Committee be elected, consisting of two members from each township, and that they be requested to meet at Winfield, Saturday, the 9th day of September, 1872, for the purpose of organization of said Committee and apportioning to each township its number of delegates for a County Convention Sept. 18, named as the day for a Greeley Mass meeting at Winfield.
A. A. Jackson, Secretary.
Nominations were then made for delegates to the two Conventions to be held in Topeka September 11th, 1872. A. A. Jackson and R. B. Saffold, with S. D. Oaks and T. B. Ross as alternates were nominated to one Convention, and A. Walton, T. McIntire with H. N. Deming and T. A. Blanchard, alternates to the other, for the purpose of nominating State officers, Electors, and Congressmen.
Winfield Messenger, September 20, 1872.
The following bills were acted upon:
T. B. Ross and others, for County road, allowed $8.00.
Winfield Messenger, October 4, 1872.
Class P—Horticulture, etc.
Premiums to T. B. Ross, J. Brown, Henry Marshal, D. W. Boutwell, Mrs. J. C. Blandin, Miss Mollie Bryant.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 10, 1873.
Judge T. B. Ross is quite sick.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 5, 1873.
We were shown a copy of the Coffeyville Courier, published by White & Chatham, Coffeyville, Montgomery Co., Kansas. The latter gentleman is a nephew of our esteemed fellow citizen, Judge T. B. Ross.
Winfield Courier, November 20, 1873.
A CORDIAL INVITATION To participate in the festivities of the day is hereby extended to all the soldiers residing in the county. The following PROGRAMME will be observed.
AT 3, P.M. THERE will be a meeting in the Courthouse, and addresses will be delivered by the following soldiers: Chaplain E. P. Hickok, Maj. J. B. Fairbank, Capt. James McDermott, A. D. Keith, S. M. Fall, Maj. T. B. Ross, Rev. N. L. Rigby, J. C. Bigger, Esq., and other soldiers present.
[Note: The following pertains to daughter of T. B. Ross: Emma Ross Bryant.]
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1874.
Marriage Licenses.
The following is a list of the marriage licenses issued by the Probate Judge for the month of March.
John S. Bryant to Emma Ross.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874.
The following is a list of bills allowed by the Board of County Commissioners at their last regular meeting, showing the amount to whom allowed, and for what purpose.
F. M. Ross, $2.00.
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1874.
The meeting was called to order by G. S. Manser, president of the day. The Declaration of Independence was read by L. T. Michener, Esq. Speeches were then made by Col. John M. Alexander and Judge Ross. The “Star Spangled Banner” was sung by Mrs. A. H. Green, assisted by J. T. Hall, and a full chorus of young ladies, when a short recess was had for
After dinner several toasts were proposed, and responded to, by Judge Ross, L. J. Webb, Col. Manning, Capt. S. C. Smith, and L. T. Michener.
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1874.
Gathered at P. O. headquarters No. 2, last Wednesday night, were as nice a knot of “reformers” as ever (dis)graced the State of Kansas. In the center, Nelson Abbott, whose record during and since the war brand him as no better than any other murderer and thief. Around him such shining lights as J. M. Alexander, R. B. Saffold, Will. M. Allison, H. B. Lacy, not to mention Judge Ross. We noticed a few vacant chairs, which to have made the circle complete, should have been filled by the fisherman of the P. O. “Charley,” Alexander’s former partner, and one or two others we could name. No doubt they had a good time “fighting their battles o’er again.” Certainly if each was not benefitted, neither could he be contaminated by contact with the others.
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1874.
Nelson Abbott Comes and Goes
How He Didn’t Do It.
Nelson Abbott came to Winfield the day that September left. Wednesday night the courtroom filled with voters to hear Nelson speak. Besides some things that Nelson isn’t, he is a candidate on the “reform” ticket for Secretary of State. Nelson is some things, but he isn’t a good many things. He is the publisher of a democratic paper in Atchison, he is an awkward public speaker, is doing the republican ticket much good, and is a fair specimen of the “reform” genius. He isn’t an honest man, he isn’t doing his cause any good, he isn’t paying off those lottery tickets, isn’t telling the truth one-third of the time when he talks, isn’t fooling anybody with his lies, isn’t going to be elected secretary of state.
He opened his remarks by saying that last fall the reform party had only county organizations throughout the state, and that said reformers were successful in electing their candidates in a majority of the counties. This being true the reformers had a majority in the Legislature. He then charged this same legislature with authorizing Barbour and Harper counties to issue large amounts of bonds, fraudulently. That was the work of the reform legislature, Nelson, and not chargeable to the republican party. He then charged the republican party with robbing the school fund of 500,000 acres of land and giving it to railroads, but forgot to tell us that Sam Crawford, who is now a noisy reformer, was governor at the time and signed the bill, and that F. W. Potter and dozens of other blatant reformers were then members of the legislature and voted for the bill and held the law to be constitutional.
But the wind was badly let out of Nelson when Mr. Kelly, the senior editor of this paper, who knew Abbott in Macomb, Illinois, took the floor and told the audience that Abbott published a scandalous, copperhead paper in Macomb during the war, and only saved his press by taking the oath of allegiance. He stated that Abbott’s paper counseled resistance to the draft, advised desertion, and so incensed and encouraged the copperheads at home as to cause the murder of W. H. Randolph, the deputy provost marshal. He also accused Abbott of selling lottery tickets to dispose of his own property in Macomb, and then sold the property at private sale and left the country with his ticket money in his pocket.
Abbott denied all these charges, but Mr. E. P. Kinne of Arkansas City, who also knew Abbott and his history, happened to be present and at once arose and verified Mr. Kelly’s statement.
Great applause followed Mr. Kelly’s exposure of Abbott. From this time on the meeting became boisterous but good natured. Judge Ross, the chairman, got “on his ear” and defended the old time democracy in eloquent terms, and urged the people to disregard party lines and unite on honest men for office. The Judge’s enthusiasm and rough hewn sentences, frequently brought down the house.
R. B. Saffold, democrat, and Allison’s candidate for the state senate, made a few remarks.
Capt. Jas. Christian, of Lawrence, happened to be present, and was called out. His speech was humorous and well put, its criticisms being divided not equally between the republican and reform parties. He was a democrat and took no stock in either. He admitted that Abbott might have been a bad man, but if he was trying to reform himself now and live an honest life hereafter, he should be allowed to do so.
The Winfield band discoursed sweet music for the occasion. Taken altogether the meeting was cold comfort to Abbott and his followers, and it were far better for Nelson and his cause if he had never seen Winfield.
Winfield Courier, October 22, 1874.
Col. E. C. Manning, Mrs. Manning, Judge Ross, John Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Murphy, and J. H. Finch started for a four week’s trip to Arkansas yesterday morning.
Winfield Courier, November 5, 1874.
From our Special Correspondent.
COFFEYVILLE, KANSAS, October 24th, 1874.
FRIEND COURIER: I write you from the office of the Coffeyville Courier. It is a smart paper, published by Chatham and Scurr. Chatham is a nephew of Judge Ross of your town. Coffeyville is twice as large as Winfield and contains three times as many business houses, and a greater variety of them. We meet Indians, Mexicans, Missourians, Arkansans, and white men upon the streets of this busy place. Drinking and gambling are pastimes that are indulged in by many apparently respectable men and businessmen at that. This is Saturday and there are not as many teams in town as is usual in Winfield, but for all that there seems to be a large business done here.
The civilized Indians from the Territory come here to trade. The town is an irregular shaped affair without beauty in architecture or symmetry in form. A very large schoolhouse, much after the plan of the one in Arkansas City, only twice as large, graces the highest part of the town plot.
There are larger business houses here than in Winfield, but no private residences to compare at all with Rev. Platter’s, Capt. Davis, or Capt. Lowrey’s.
The town is about two miles from the Indian Territory line and is surrounded by a sandstone country; consequently, the soil is sandy. The hills are covered with black jack oak and autumn’s tints upon the foliage make the landscape charming. The railroad (L. L. & G.) terminates here, though the track runs a mile below town to the stock yards. Many cattle are shipped here.
Nobody need want to leave Cowley County to come here to either live or buy winter provisions. The soil is not half as good as Cowley soil; the water is not as good; the streams are all dry. Cattle have to go long distances in some localities to get water. The crops are as poor here as with you there. Sweet potatoes sell for one dollar and they are the only eatable that we can find that is cheaper than there. Corn sells from 75 to 90 cents. Irish potatoes are shipped in from the north. As another indication that this is not a more favored land than yours, nearly everybody wants to sell out. We passed in the last twenty miles more than a hundred acres of castor beans, but the crop is about a failure. It is only about two feet high and far from ripe.
The road from Winfield to this place is a very rough one, hilly and stony. It is about one hundred miles in distance. Our route lay by Dexter, Cedarvale, Peru, St. Paul, and Canaville. At Cedarvale we left the limestone country and entered the sandstone region, which extends to this place and to the Boston mountains in Arkansas for ought I know. Cedarvale is a little larger than Tisdale and shows more thrift than any place between here and Winfield. Peru is about the size of Cedarvale but looks deserted, about one half the buildings being vacant. St. Paul consists of a very large white hotel, two deserted stores, a good well, a running race track one half mile long, and corn at a dollar and a quarter. It is on the east edge of Howard County and the ragged edge of despair. The heavy timber of Cana Valley are on one side and timber crowned hills on the other give a mellow tinge to the somber picture. Canaville two miles away and out of sight smiles upon the top of a little hill where the solitary loafer on the street corner points the traveler on the right road to Coffeyville. Canaville is twice as large as St. Paul and consequently happy. All the towns that we passed through from Winfield here have county seat aspirations that glow or slumber during the annual election canvass and legislative session according as they win or lose on their respective candidates. The distances as given us (and they always hold out) are Dexter 18 miles; Cedarvale, 15 miles; Peru, 15 miles; St. Paul, 12 miles; Canaville, 2 miles; Coffeyville, 22 miles.
Howard County will give Brown for congress 500 majority and St. Clair for the Senate a still larger majority. The division candidate for the House will probably be elected.
Winfield Plow and Anvil, November 19, 1874.
That old Jackson War Horse, Judge T. B. Ross, went down to Arkansas to see how it was himself. He thought may be “after seein” he might want to move “thar.” When he drove in sight of the Walnut on his return, he thought somehow he was being translated like Elijah of old, into Heaven. He never did in all of good old fashioned Methodist experience feel so good before and we felt nearly as happy to see him permanently back again.
Winfield Courier, December 3, 1874.
Judge T. B. Ross, a worthy citizen of Cowley County, has lately returned from an extended tour in the state of Arkansas. The distance traveled by him is nearly seven hundred miles, which was accomplished in a heavy two horse wagon. When the judge went down there he intended—had the country suited him—to locate and grow up with the country, as he is only 84 years old.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1875.
Witness Fees—T. B. Ross.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 6, 1876.
In August, 1868, N. J. Thompson, the first white settler, ventured within its limits. He built a house on the east bank of the Walnut River, about one mile below the line. The fame of its many beautiful streams, groves of heavy timber, rich valleys, and inviting prairies was attracting attention in the State. In the spring of 1869 several young men took claims along the Walnut River and built claim cabins. Judge T. B. Ross and James Renfro came into the county in January of 1869 and commenced work upon claim houses into which they moved with their families in the March following. They reside upon the same claims about two and a half miles above Winfield on the east bank of the Walnut. These with Wm. Quimby and family, and Mr. Sales and family, who settled on the Walnut just below Thompson’s place in December, 1868, were the first settlers with families of whom any evidence can be found. At this time there was no house on Grouse Creek, nor upon the Arkansas River below Wichita.
In the month of August the Indians ordered the settlers out of the valley and they all moved to the north line of the county, and camped or went into Butler County, except Judge T. B. Ross and family. He affirmed his determination to live and die right where he was. He still lives, though eighty-two years old. He walks as erect as an Indian, and declares that he is going to attend the Centennial this summer.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 6, 1876.
Cowley County was organized Feb. 28, 1870, by the order of Gov. Harvey on petition, and Winfield was designated as the temporary county seat. W. W. Andrews, of Winfield, G. H. Norton, of Creswell, S. F. Graham, of Dexter, were appointed County Commissioners, Feb. 28, 1870, and E. P. Hickok was appointed County Clerk at the same time by the same authority.
This Board of Commissioners ordered an election to be held May 2nd, 1870; at which time the permanent location of the county seat was voted upon, and a full set of county officers were also elected. At that election there were two places voted upon for county seat, to-wit: Winfield and Arkansas City. The former received 108 votes and the latter 55 votes, and the following officers were elected.
Commissioners: T. A. Blanchard, Winfield; Morgan Willett, Rock Creek; G. H. Norton, Creswell; H. C. Loomis, Winfield, County Clerk; John Devore, Creswell, Treasurer; E. P. Hickok, Winfield, District Clerk; T. B. Ross, Winfield, Probate Judge; W. E. Cook, Creswell, Recorder; W. G. Graham, Winfield, Coroner; F. A. Hunt, Rock Creek, Sheriff; F. S. Graham, Grouse Creek, Surveyor.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 6, 1876.
PROBATE JUDGE. T. B. ROSS, Elected Nov. 8, 1870; resigned Oct. 31, 1871.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 6, 1876.
Oct. 8th, a call for a “People’s Convention” was issued, signed by W. Q. Mansfield, T. H. Johnson, T. A. Blanchard, James Renfro, James Land, D. A. Millington, Wm. Craig, F. A. Hunt, A. Menor, J. Mentch, T. B. Ross, and H. Wolf.
The election of T. B. Ross as Probate Judge was contested before T. H. Johnson, County Attorney, presiding as judge, with J. C. Fuller and E. S. Torrance, the incoming County Attorney, then a resident of Arkansas City, as associate judges. The “Court” decided that Ross was entitled to the certificate.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 6, 1876.
Judge T. B. Ross preached the first sermon in Winfield.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 6, 1876.
Though this country was practically open for settlement on the passage of the act of Congress of July 15th, 1870, in relation thereto; yet no one knew where his claim lines would run, because there had been no government survey. This survey did not occur until January, 1871. Immediately after the survey D. A. Millington, who was the first engineer and surveyor, surveyed and laid out into town lots and blocks, all the west half of Fuller’s claim and east half of Manning’s claim (not already laid out), and platted the whole as the town site of Winfield. Settlers continued to locate in Winfield until on the 10th day of July, 1871, there were 72 lots improved with 80 buildings. On that day the town site was entered by the Probate Judge, T. B. Ross.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.
C. R. Mitchell, being absent, on motion of A. B. Lemmon, Mr. I. H. Bonsall of Arkansas City was elected Secretary in his place. On motion of Mr. Fleming, the Arkansas City Silver Cornet Band was requested to give the meeting some music while the committee was absent drafting resolutions. After listening to some very good music by the band, Judge Ross, of Rock Township, was called on for a speech, and responded with an effective and pointed speech in favor of railroads, and convinced the convention that he was, as he said in commencing his speech, covered all over with the railroad fever, and must have convinced the most skeptical of the need of a railroad outlet for our crops.
Rev. Mr. Platter read a letter from Peabody, asking for delegates to be appointed to attend a meeting there on the 23rd or 27th. A motion of Rev. Platter that the chair appoint delegates was carried, and Rev. J. E. Platter, of Winfield, C. M. Scott, Arkansas City, and Judge Ross, of Rock Township, were appointed delegates.
Winfield Courier, February 10, 1876.
Last Saturday a large concourse of representative men from all parts of Cowley County assembled in Winfield to give expression to their views upon the railroad situation. The meeting was held in the Courthouse. The room was packed full and many were left outside that could not gain admittance for the jam.
Mayor D. A. Millington was chosen Chairman, and I. H. Bonsall, of Arkansas City, selected as secretary.
A committee on resolutions consisting of A. B. Lemmon, S. M. Fall, of Lazette; R. P. Goodrich, of Maple City; W. R. Watkins, of Liberty; S. S. Moore, of Tisdale; J. B. Holmes, of Rock; H. L. Barker, of Richland; Enos Henthorn, of Omnia; Mr. Harbaugh, of Pleasant Valley; T. M. Morris, of Beaver; L. Bonnewell, of Vernon; Amos Walton, of Bolton; and S. B. Fleming, of Creswell Townships was appointed.
The committee retired to prepare the resolutions, and during their absence speeches were made by several persons, the most notable of which were those of Judge Ross and Judge Christian. The resolutions reported by the committee were adopted.
On motion three delegates to the Peabody convention, on the 27th inst., were appointed, to-wit: Rev. J. E. Platter, Judge T. B. Ross, and C. M. Scott.
Winfield Courier, April 20, 1876.
At the railroad meeting last Saturday, Judge Ross presided and C. M. Scott of the Traveler occupied the Secretary’s desk. Eloquent speeches were made in favor of the railroad by the Judge, Amos Walton, and others.
Winfield Courier, April 27, 1876.
Registered Warrants.
Notice is hereby given that the Cowley Warrants here described will be paid on presentation at the Treasurer’s office, and that the interest will cease on each of them after
T. B. Ross: $5.10
Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876.
“Our Early Settlers,” by Judge T. B. Ross, was a review of the pioneers of Cowley, of which he stands, figuratively, the oldest tree in the forest. His speech was long and vociferously applauded.
Winfield Courier, July 13, 1876.
THROUGH the solicitation of friends we publish on our first page this week our Centennial History of the county. For the facts concerning Cowley’s early history, we are indebted to the “old settlers,” among whom we might mention Col. Manning, C. M. Wood, Jas. Renfro, Judge Ross, Dr. Graham, and others, of this neighborhood; Judge McIntire, H. C. Endicott, and T. A. Wilkinson, of Arkansas City; Capt. Jas. McDermott, of Dexter; S. S. Moore, of Tisdale; and J. W. Tull, through R. C. Story, Esq., of Lazette. For the courtesy of county, township, and city officers in placing at our disposal, books, records, etc., we are particularly grateful.
Cowley County Democrat, Winfield, Kansas, Thursday, July 13, 1876.
This county was born in the usual way, of “poor but honest parents,” viz: the Kansas Senate and House of Representatives in old Constitution Hall at Topeka, on the 3rd day of March, 1867. Governor J. S. Crawford stood sponsor and named it Cowley, in honor of Lieut. Mathew Cowley, a soldier of the 9th Kansas Regiment.
A party of persons, consisting of James Renfro and sons, Judge T. B. Ross and sons, Shep Sayers, and Frank Hunt, crossing the sombre, stony hills of old Butler, followed down the Walnut River on the 1st day of January, 1869, and “took claims” in the bottom just above the mouth of Timber Creek.
Judge T. B. Ross was the only pioneer that did not obey the orders of Mr. “Lo.” They couldn’t scare him. He came to stay and he has stayed.
Cowley County Democrat, Winfield, Kansas, Thursday, July 13, 1876.
On the 10th day of July, 1871, Judge T. B. Ross entered the town site of Winfield at the Augusta land office, under the town site laws. At that time there were eighty buildings in town.
Unknown: Relationship of F. T. Ross to Ross family.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 27, 1876.
The following teachers were in attendance at the examination held at Winfield, Friday and Saturday, September 15 and 16, 1876.
WINFIELD. Louis P. King, Lusetta Pyburn, Mr. J. Huff, M. E. Lynn, Mary E. Bryant, E. M. Snow, Sallie E. Rea, C. A. Winslow, Amy Robertson, Mall Roberts, Mrs. Bell Siebert, H. W. Holloway, Mollie A. Davis, O. S. Record, Rachel E. Newman, Ioa Roberts, F. T. Ross, Geo. W. Robinson, J. K. Beckner, Emma Saint, Sarah E. Davis, Maggie Stansbury, M. D. Snow, Byron A. Snow, Helen Wright, Mina O. Johnson, Kate Gilliland.
The following refers to 1870 election in Cowley County...
Arkansas City Traveler, September 27, 1876.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, Sept. 9, 1876.
C. M. Scott, Esq.: DEAR SIR: In reply to your question as to Manning bolting the Republican ticket in 1870, I have this to say. The party was organized by the appointment of a Republican Central Convention of one from each voting precinct in the County. This was done in Convention at Dexter. At the same time a delegate was elected to represent this County in the State Convention and he was admitted. Col. Manning, although there and claiming to represent the county, was rejected. That Central Committee called a Republican County Convention to be held at Winfield, I don’t remember the date. At the appointed time the Convention met in the building, then unfinished, in which Green’s Drug Store is situated, and organized by the election of John Irwin as Chairman and myself as Secretary.
All the precincts were represented but Winfield, and we nominated a straight Republican ticket. Afterwards a People’s Convention was called at Winfield and E. C. Manning nominated for Representative; Judge T. B. Ross, of Winfield, for Probate Judge; A. A. Jackson, of Winfield, for County Clerk; John M. Pattison, of Rock, for Sheriff; William Cook, of Winfield, for Register of Deeds. The other members on the ticket escape my memory. My recollection is the ticket was composed of three Republicans and three Democrats. This ticket was the only ticket nominated that fall against the Republicans.
Manning was defeated at the polls, but the easy conscience of the County Board resulted in the throwing out of the votes returned from six precincts, resulting in Mr. Manning being declared elected.
I commenced a contest against him, and the notice was served on T. H. Johnson at Manning’s residence, he (Manning) having absented himself to avoid such service.
When the Legislature met, the contestor, H. B. Norton (who was the choice of a majority of the voters of the county as aforesaid at that election), was very sick, and confined to his bed until towards the close of the session: hence the contest was abandoned. Respectfully,
Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876. Editorial Page.
The committee on credentials reported the following as delegates.
Winfield: J. W. McDonald, J. B. Lynn, J. D. Cochran, J. W. Curns, N. W. Holmes, C. C. Black, A. J. Thompson, Wm. Dunn, T. B. Ross, G. W. Yount.
[Note: Miss Mary J. Ross was a daughter of T. B. Ross.]
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1876.
BETHEL grange elected its officers Dec. 16, for the coming year: N. E. Newell, Master; R. J. Barker, Overseer; Joe Stansberry, Lecturer; B. E. Murphy, Steward; Mrs. C. E. Barker, chaplain; G. W. Yount, Treasurer; Jno. Mentch, Secretary; W. R. Wilson, Gate keeper; Mrs. M. Murphy, Ceres; Miss M. J. Ross, Pomona; Mrs. Mary Newell, Flora; and Miss Kate Yount, Lady Assistant Steward.
Unknown whether Ellen Ross Gallotti was related to T. B. Ross...
Winfield Courier, March 1, 1877.
GALLOTTI - ROSS. Married at the residence of Mr. M. L. Robinson, on Thursday evening, February 22nd, 1877, by Rev. J. E. Platter, Mr. Frank Gallotti and Miss Ella Ross.
After the ceremonies a very pleasant party was given the number of friends who were invited and in attendance. The happy pair repaired to a neat little residence, which has recently been built and very finely furnished, and was in readiness for the new and happy occupants. The wish of the COURIER force is that their journey through life may be as pleasant as their honeymoon.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 7, 1877.
MARRIED. MR. FRANK GALLOTTI and MISS ELLEN ROSS, both of Winfield, were married by Rev. Platter, on the evening of February 22nd. The many friends of Mr. Gallotti rejoice in his good fortune.
Unknown whether Lizzie Ross was related to T. B. Ross..
Note that Traveler has “John M. Reid” and “John M. Reed.”
Arkansas City Traveler, April 25, 1877.
MARRIED. On Thursday, April 19th, by Rev. Platter, John M. Reid and Miss Lizzie Ross, both of Winfield.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 16, 1877.
MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following are the marriage licenses issued by the Probate Judge during the months of April and May.
John M. Reed and Elizabeth Ross.
Not sure what relationship F. M. Ross had to T. B. Ross. [Kay had F. H. B. Ross in his records.]
Winfield Courier, November 15, 1877.
Otter—A. B. Shaver, Trustee; C. R. Myles, Treasurer; E. J. Edwards, Clerk; J. J. Smith, J. McDonough, Justices; F. M. Ross, T. Thompson, Constables.
Do not know what relationship the following Ross was to T. B. Ross, if any.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
Red Bud Items.
BIRTH. Born to Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Ross, on Wednesday, December 5th, a son.
M. J. Ross: daughter of T. B. Ross...
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
Minutes of meeting held at Bethel schoolhouse, district 37th, Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas.
On motion M. J. Ross was appointed treasurer.
Resolved, That this society be called the Murphy Temperance Society.
Resolved, That the meetings of this society be held on Tuesday evenings of each week.
Resolved, That we appoint a committee of five on program.
Committee on program: Henry Weekly, Quin Paugh, M. J. Ross, Julia Anderson, and Frank Weekly.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
One of the smart alecs of our neighbor township, Pleasant Valley, in close proximity to this vicinity, assassinated a disorderly Indian a few days ago. The weapons used were a knife in the hands of the Indian and an ax in the hands of the assassin.
The partaking of the Lords Supper at the Centennial last Sunday was a solemn and interesting affair. Elder Down and Rev. Judge Ross dispensed the bread and wine.
Do not know relationship, if any, of O. G. Ross to T. B. Ross family.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
Our Sunday school was organized last Sabbath at the Grand Prairie schoolhouse. Officers were chosen as follows: Superintendent, Mr. Hodson; assistant superintendent, Mrs. Daniels; secretary, Mr. John Hale; assistant secretary, Mr. C. M. Kreps; treasurer, Mr. O. G. Ross. We had a nice time, and we expect to have a better one in the future.
Unknown who Andrew Ross might be. No apparent connection to T. B. Ross.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
District Court Proceedings.
Venire for additional jurors ordered yesterday returned served on D. A. Byers, H. C. Catlin, H. C. McDorman, Simeon Martin, W. W. Thomas, J. W. Miller, L. B. Stone, A. C. Davis, and W. S. Gilman; John Young, A. C. Winton, and Andrew Ross not found.
John Ross was a son of T. B. Ross...
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
EDITOR COURIER: John Bryant and John Ross spent the Fourth at Arkansas City. Frank Furthy celebrated at El Dorado. Some of our citizens went to Queen Village and some to Wellington.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
Democratic Convention.
The delegates to the Democratic County Convention met according to call at the courthouse in Winfield on Saturday, August 24th, at 2 o’clock p.m., and the meeting was called to order by Hon. A. J. Pyburn.
The veteran, Judge T. B. Ross, was chosen permanent chairman, and J. S. Allen secretary. There were twenty-five delegates present and, on motion, the call of the delegates was dispensed with and the meeting resolved itself into a mass convention.
The following named gentlemen were chosen delegates and alternates to the state convention, which meets at Leavenworth on Wednesday, September 4th, 1878, viz:
Delegates: A. J. Pyburn, J. B. Lynn, T. B. Ross, A. Walton, W. D. Lester, J. B. Adams.
Alternates: C. C. Black, R. B. Pratt, J. F. Miller, Ed. Green, J. Christian, T. McIntire.
It was voted that the delegates chosen have power to fill vacancies.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
Judge T. B. Ross.
The Democrats, in convention at Leavenworth, had the good sense to give to Judge Ross, of this county, the place of honor on the platform. The Judge is one of the old war horses of the party, and is now 85 years old, hale and hearty, with evidently many years of service in him yet. He was called on for a speech, and entertained the unterrified with one of his characteristic orations, which “brought down the house.” The party which honors such men as Judge Ross cannot be altogether bad.
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.
Last Friday was undoubtedly the biggest day Winfield ever had. Considerable preparation had been made by our citizens; but as so many celebrations were to be held in the county, no one expected such a crowd as gathered at the metropolis to observe “the day we celebrate.” Over 8,000 people were present.
The streets and avenues were lined with wagons, crowding the streets and lining the roads for miles.
About half past ten a.m., Gen. Green, with a corps of assistants, began the work of organizing the procession and getting the different township delegations together. The procession was delayed somewhat by the Vernon delegation, which came in about eleven o’clock headed by the Winfield Cornet Band, and took their places at the head of the column. When all was ready, the band struck up “Hail Columbia” and the procession, reaching from the courthouse to Millington street, south on Millington street to 13th avenue, thence west to Main street, and north to the grounds, over two miles, started. It was supposed that over half of the teams had not formed in the procession, and the number of wagons was estimated at five hundred.
The speech of the occasion, which was delivered by Judge McDonald, was pronounced by all to be one of his most brilliant efforts, and was as creditable to himself as it was pleasing to the audience.
Everybody seemed to be a committee of one to provide dinner for a score of persons, and we wished a dozen times that we had the capacity for victuals of the “two-headed giant” of picture book fame.
After dinner, the presentation of the flag to the largest delegation, was awarded to Vernon township. Prof. R. C. Story presented the flag in one of the neatest speeches it has ever been our fortune to hear. Judge Ross, Squire Barrack of Rock, and Rev. Joel Mason of Pleasant Valley made some happy and appropriate remarks.
Winfield Courier, January 1, 1880.
Just as we go to press we learn with pain of the death of Judge T. B. Ross, of Walnut township, in this county. Judge Ross was, we believe, the first settler in Cowley County, and the only man who dared to remain when the Indians drove out the few settlers in the fall of 1869. He has been a prominent and highly respected citizen of this county ever since, and had arrived at the ripe age of eighty-four, preserving his faculties in an eminent degree to the last. The immediate cause of his death was a violent cold.
Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.
Elder Downs, of Methodist Church South, will on next Sunday, February 8th, at Bethel school house, preach the funeral sermon of Hon. T. B. Ross.
Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.
At the Republican convention held in Dexter on last Saturday to nominate a candidate for the office of Representative of the Eighty-ninth district, there were present many Republicans from all parts of the county, with a full attendance of delegates from that district. The meeting was a large and enthusiastic one.
Hon. W. P. Hackney, being present, was called on to make a speech, and responded with a ringing speech in behalf of the principles of the Republican party, claiming that its organization was inspired by the great truths of the declaration of Independence, and that it was the first and only party that ever dared accept those truths as a party platform. That the Democratic party was the champion of slavery before the war and its apologist since; that the Republican party was the champion of free speech and an untrammeled press, the defender of the liberties of the people and the purity of the ballot box; that the Democracy was cemented together by the coalition of the Northern and Southern wings of that party, the former willing to submit to the dictation of the latter for the sake of the spoils, while the latter, actuated by the sole desire of regaining in peace what they lost in war, permitted their mouths to be hermetically sealed during the last session of Congress for fear some of their hopes and aspirations would be unwittingly promulgated and the Northern mind startled.
He referred to the fact that the Democratic party was the same today that it always had been, the foe of the black man; the apologist of oppression, and unrelenting opponent to all election laws to protect our ballot boxes.
He referred to the fact that he has always been a Republican, and that he helped organize the Republican party in Cowley County, was secretary of the first Republican convention ever held in Cowley County, which met in Dexter in August 1870; that he was secretary of the Republican convention that nominated a Republican ticket in September of that year; that the opposition nominated a ticket with E. C. Manning, Judge Ross, A. A. Jackson, and John Devore, all Democrats except the former; that his ticket was elected, but the returns were thrown out and Manning declared elected, although defeated.
Here someone called out: “Where were you four years ago?” Hackney retorted: “Fighting for the Republican county ticket, except as to the man he fought ten years ago;” and that he four years ago bolted the nomination of that man, Col. Manning, and that by that act (although he had spent his time and traveled over the county every fall since making speeches for the Republican ticket) he had placed a club in the hands of enemies that they had freely used ever since, and referred in bitter tones to the fact that the beneficiaries of that act had omitted no opportunity to assault him at every turn made by him since in favor of the straight ticket.
He warned the Republicans, that while the Democratic party will fawn upon them now, if they will help them, yet the first time that they are pleased with the ticket and want it elected, and attempt to secure that object, they will be set upon by the jackals and scorpions that infest that party, and nothing will be too low and mean for them to do or say.
And when he closed he was greeted with thunders of applause. It was a timely speech, and well received by all, and everybody went home happy and pledging themselves anew to the election of our gallant candidate for the State Senate.
Unknown: relationship of A. G. Ross to T. B. Ross, if any.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1880.
List of jurors drawn to serve for the December term of the district court of Cowley county.
A. G. Ross, Maple.
T. H. B. Ross was a son of T. B. Ross, who moved to Caldwell.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1880.
T. H. B. Ross has the merest luck and the worstest of it of any man on the hill. A couple of weeks ago with a few friends he went down into the Territory to have a little hunt and look around a bit—all of which he did, and had arrived at the Cimarron on his return, when he fell in with a party of soldiers, and accepted a very pressing invitation from them to go back to Fort Reno. It was just as well that he did, for he found comfortable quarters until the storm was over, when the line of march north was taken and the party arrived here last Monday. Ross is mad, though, because he didn’t corral more soldiers. He only brought up five, but they seemed to take it good naturedly, and Ross let them go as soon as they got to the State line. Caldwell Commercial.
John Ross was a son of T. B. Ross.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 20, 1881.
To the Union Soldiers of the late War:
We, the undersigned, your comrades and survivors of the late rebellion, believe that a reunion of the old soldiers now residents of Cowley and surrounding counties, would meet your approval and serve to renew and strengthen a patriotic and brotherly feeling in the hearts of all old soldiers and lovers of the Union, we would, therefore call a reunion at Island Park, Winfield, Kansas, for the 7th and 8th of October, 1881.
For a more complete organization and the successful carrying out of this plan, we would ask all old soldiers residing in the limits above named, to meet at Manning Opera House, on Saturday, July 23rd, at 2 o’clock p.m., at which time to effect a permanent organization, and the appointment of such general and local committees as the meeting may deem proper, essential for the ultimate success of this—an old soldiers’ reunion—at the time and place above mentioned. The county papers are requested to publish this call.
[John Ross was one of the old soldiers who signed call for reunion.]
The following item relates to visit by widow of T. B. Ross to her daughter.
Winfield Courier, November 10, 1881.
Mrs. Ross, from north of Winfield, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Wallace.
Cowley County Courant, November 17, 1881.
Mr. T. H. B. Ross took in Winfield last Friday in the interest of our school district. He says there has been many changes there, but few of the old “boys” are left, and Winfield does not appear now as it did in 1870-74. Caldwell Commercial.
Believe “Paddie” Ross is related to Ross family.
Cowley County Courant, June 8, 1882.
Miss Paddie Ross is visiting friends in Pleasant Valley township.
Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, September 7, 1882.
Collections a Specialty.
Farms and Town Lots for Sale.
I represent some of the best Insurance Companies in the United States.
Office one door south of Moreland’s restaurant, Main Street,
Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, September 21, 1882.
Notice to Bidders.
Sealed proposals will be received by the school board of school district No. 20, city of Caldwell, until twelve o’clock a.m., October 1, 1882, to furnish coal for the coming year for the brick school building.
Bidders will state price per ton, to be delivered in five ton lots, paid for in “district orders.” All bids must be addressed to T. H. B. Ross, district clerk, and marked “bids for coal.”
The board prefers Cannon City coal. The board also reserves the right to reject any and all bids offered.
By order of the board. T. H. B. ROSS, District Clerk.
Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, January 11, 1883.
An Oklahoma Meeting.
Pursuant to notice previously given by bills scattered over the town, about sixty persons, men and boys, assembled in the Christian Church building on Tuesday night, with the expec-tation of hearing something from Capt. D. L. Payne, the Oklahoma boomer. The Captain failed to put in an appearance, and the assembled multitude seemed to be at a loss how to proceed.
Finally, old man Haley took the chair and called the meeting to order, and requested that, as the room was used for worship by the Christian Church, no one present spit upon the floor or use profane language. Just then, some boomer ejaculated what sounded very much like “d n it!” And a coterie of other boomers threw out about a quart of tobacco juice upon the floor, while the not overly fragrant aroma from “stinkers” and pipes floated lazily toward the ceiling.
After this came a long, serious pause, during which the entire audience wore a look of indefinite curiosity as to what would happen next. This unpleasant state was relieved by someone moving that T. H. B. Ross act as secretary of the meeting, which motion prevailed. Mr. Ross, in assuming the duties of the position, stated that the object of the meeting was to organize a colony to join Capt. Payne’s Oklahoma colony. He said it was expected that Payne would be there to address the meeting, but from some cause he had not arrived. The speaker went on to say that several parties had been organized to accompany Payne, that they would go from Wichita, Kansas City, Independence, Rich Hill, Missouri, and other points, to the number of 1,000 men, all of whom would assemble at Arkansas City on or about the 1st of February, and gaily slip into Oklahoma like a sore foot into an old slipper. Mr. Ross also stated that the colony had the newspaper material, and the men to run it, at Wichita, and a saw mill, all of which would move with the colony.
[This is some kind of taffy Payne has been giving the public for the last three years. ED.]
The speaker stated that Payne said he would start his colony from Caldwell, if it were not that the newspapers here were against him.
[If we remember rightly, Payne used to give as a reason for not concentrating his vast forces here that the people of Caldwell were opposed to him and his scheme. ED.]
At the close of Mr. Ross’ remarks an opportunity was given those present to sign the roll, and after a long wait, two, more bold than the rest, walked up and signed the paper entitling them to the privilege of being taken in on the Oklahoma lands by U. S. Troops. Emboldened by the example of the two braves, about twenty-five others put down their names. Notice was then given that a meeting would be held on Wednesday night, when only those who had signed the roll would be admitted. The meeting was undoubtedly held, but as the COMMERCIAL reporter was not entitled to be present, we are unable to even give a hint of its deliberations.
Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, February 15, 1883.
The Boomers.
T. H. B. Ross received a letter on Tuesday from J. H. Miller, dated the 8th inst., in which it was stated that a squad of troops under Lieut. Stevens, had arrested Payne and a few others, but that the main force of the boomers had refused to pay any attention to the troops. The letter is dated February 6th, and was sent by a courier to Arkansas City. Since its receipt, we learn that troops from Sill and Reno had been sent out and the entire party of boomers captured. One thing is certain, that the entire outfit will be taken in and removed from the Territory, and the poor dupes who have spent their time and money in following D. L. Payne, will find themselves out to that extent, even if they are not punished otherwise.
Hard to tell which Ross the next item pertains to.
Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.
Otter Scriblings.
Mr. Graves is overhauling and repairing his house on the Ross place, and is also building an addition.
Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 29, 1883.
Another Tragedy.
An unfortunate and tragical affair occurred in this city last Thursday afternoon, in the shooting of Charles Everhart by Dr. W. A. Noble.
An examination of Dr. Noble before Justice of the Peace T. H. B. Ross, was called on Friday, but the case was continued, and the defendant held in $10,000 for his appearance on Wednesday, March 28, at 1 p.m. Bail was promptly furnished.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 4, 1883.
The Six-Shooter Again.
This time that unnecessary, infernal machine, the six-shooter, was in the hands of one of the most prominent physicians and citizens of the county; the result is a blasted name, a heart-broken family, and the life of a young man of fine education and fair habits hanging upon a thread, while the friends of the assaulting party are bowed with grief and shame at the possible ending of this sad affair.
On last Thursday, at about 3:30 p.m., Dr. W. A. Noble, while under the influence of liquor, shot, with a six-calibre six-shot revolver, C. C. Everhart, in the Roberts saloon. Three shots were fired almost instantly, and when the smoke cleared away Everhart was found to have been hit twice. One ball entered the left breast just below the collar bone, and, ranging downward, passed through the upper part of the left lung and came out at the back. The other ball entered on the right of the spinal column, and came out through the fleshy part of the shoulder. Being but a flesh wound, it is not dangerous. The other wound may prove fatal, although Everhart may live three or four months, or may die in a week. Dr. Noble was arrested immediately after the shooting, and was brought before Justice Ross Saturday morning, and was admitted to bail in the sum of $100,000 for his appearance before the same officer yesterday morning. The bail bond was signed by ten of our citizens. This case is likely to come up before a jury of citizens of this county, and we refrain from making further comments upon the subject. Caldwell Post.
Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 5, 1883.
The City Election.
The COMMERCIAL’s lariat roped in the old city government, with the addition of O. Beeson as one of the council. It couldn’t pull Judge Kelly through, for Ross got there by a plurality vote.
The new government will stand as follows: A. M. Colson, Mayor; J. W. Dobson, M. H. Bennett, A. McLain, William Corzine, O. Beeson, councilmen; T. H. B. Ross, police judge.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 11, 1883.
The following officers were elected at the Caldwell city election last week: A. M. Colson, mayor; T. H. B. Ross, police judge; A. McLain, Wm. M. Corzine, J. W. Dobson, M. H. Bennett, and O. Beeson, councilmen.
The following could be a reference to the late T. B. Ross...
Winfield Courier, May 3, 1883.
Akron Items.
Constable Lacy is the boss corn dropper.
Rev. Ross’s vacancy is filled by a prayer and class meeting.
Caldwell Journal, May 17, 1883.
The examination of Dr. Noble was concluded last Saturday, and he was held in $2,000 bonds for his appearance at the next term of the District Court. The defense was ably managed by W. A. McDonald, Wellington, and, previous to the decision of Justice Ross, the general impression was that the defendant would be discharged. In view of the fact that Everhart skipped out on the night of the first day’s examination, and has not been heard of since, it is our opinion, and the opinion of many who cannot be accused of being biased toward the Doctor, that he should have been discharged. We understand that an attachment has been issued for Everhart, but that’s all the good it will do, and the county will only be put to an extra expense for no corresponding benefit.
Caldwell Journal, May 31, 1883.
On Tuesday morning Constable McCulloch might have been seen wending his way to the office of Squire Ross. Preceding him was a lively young man of apparently twenty-five summers, or some’ers about, who bore upon his broad and stooping shoulders a heavy saddle, such as the festive cowboy is wont to sit upon while chasing the flying bovine, a saddle blanket and other paraphernalia necessary to clothe a range horse. As the two took their solemn and stately walk up to the stairs ending at the justice’s office, with the bearer of burthens in the lead, our curiosity became excited, and, following the cavalcade into the sacred precincts of justice, we ascertained that the bearer of the saddle was one who gave his name as John Caypless; that, in company with two others, he had been loafing around the outskirts of the town for three or four days; that the attention of Brown, Hollister, and Ben Wheeler had been called to the fact; that on Friday night Moores & Weller lost a saddle, which fact they reported to the police. On Monday night they ran across Mr. Caypless and interviewed him so successfully that he finally consented to show where his wicked partners —who had vamoosed the ranch—had hid the saddle. They accompanied him to the spot, which proved to be the ravine near I. N. Cooper’s place, on Fall Creek, where, hidden in a clump of bushes, the saddle was found. Mr. Caypless’ attendants, taking into consideration the fact that he had packed the saddle to its hiding place, concluded that he could carry it back to town, which he did. Caypless, on examination, was bound over, and, as the poor fellow had missed his breakfast, Mac took him to get a square meal, after which the train took him to Wellington, where he is now receiving the hospitalities of the hotel de Thralls. Had Caypless and his friends succeeded in their schemes, there is no doubt that other saddles would have been missing, likewise three good horses.
Caldwell Journal, August 2, 1883.
The communication of “Widows Child” published in the JOURNAL of last week had the effect of stirring up our own citizens and also other parties interested in a projected line seeking connection with this portion of the state. On Tuesday, Mr. James Hill, of Arkansas City, and a representative of the Missouri, Winfield & Southwestern Railroad, came to Caldwell for the purpose of enlisting our people in aid of the enterprise, and after consultation with some of our most prominent businessmen, a meeting was held at the opera house yesterday morning.
I. N. Cooper was called to the chair and W. B. Hutchison appointed secretary. Mr. Hill was then introduced and stated the object of his visit and the intentions of the company he represented. He said that the company was independent of either the Gould or the Santa Fe combinations, and that while it expected aid from the localities through which the line would run, at the same time it was not backed by Mr. Gould or any other railroad magnate. The aid asked would only be $2,500 per mile, and it was the intention of the company to build to Caldwell within the next year.
After the close of Mr. Hills’ talk, it was resolved that Caldwell needed another railroad, and that the city would extend any suitable aid for a competing line.
On motion I. N. Cooper, I. B. Gilmore, John W. Nyce, A. M. Colson, S. P. G. Lewis, and T. H. B. Ross were appointed a railroad committee with power to take all needful action in case everything was satisfactory.
The chairman notified the committee to meet at the Stock Exchange Bank next Saturday afternoon at 3 o’clock, after which the meeting adjourned.
The committee is composed of some of our most energetic citizens, and we are confident that it will do its work faithfully, carefully guarding the rights of Caldwell Township in case of any agreement with the M. W. & S. W. Company.
Caldwell Journal, November 22, 1883.
Killed Because He Would Not Surrender.
On Wednesday, about supper time, C. M. Hollister and Ben. Wheeler drove up to the Leland Hotel in a spring wagon and lifting out the body of a man, deposited it on one of the tables in the front basement of that house. When the body was laid out, we found it to be that of a young man apparently about 23 or 24 years of age, about five feet seven inches in height; dark complexion, smooth face, except a brown mustache, black hair, high forehead, narrow between the temples, a long straight nose, something after the Grecian style, with large nostrils; mouth fair size, with thin compressed lips. It was the body of Chet. Van Meter, son of S. H. Van Meter, living near Fall Creek, in this township, about seven miles northwest of this city.
T. H. B. Ross, Justice of the Peace, immediately telegraphed for Coroner Stevenson and County Attorney Herrick. The former was out of town, but the latter came down on the night train, and this morning a coroner’s jury was summoned, consisting of D. Leahy, Wm. Morris, S. Sawyer, Wm. Corzine, John Phillips, E. H. Beals, and an inquest was held before Squire Ross.
We cannot give the testimony in detail, but the substance of it was to the effect that Chet. Van Meter had married the daughter of Gerard Banks, a widower living on a farm in Chikaskia Township, about nine miles from town; that he was living with his father-in-law, and that on the night of the 20th he beat his wife. That he also, on that same night, fired at J. W. Loverton and Miss Doty, threatening to kill them, and on the following morning had beaten his brother-in-law, Albert Banks, a boy about fifteen or sixteen years of age, and made threats that he would kill half a dozen of them in that neighborhood before he got through. Young Banks and Loverton came in on Wednesday and swore out a warrant for the arrest of Van Meter, before Squire Ross, stating the above facts, and the Justice deputized C. M. Hollister to serve it, at the same time telling him to get someone to go with him, and to go well armed, as, from the statement of the complainants, Van Meter was a dangerous man, and would likely resist a peaceable arrest.
With this understanding, Mr. Hollister requested Ben Wheeler to accompany him, and about four o’clock in the afternoon the party started for the home of Mr. Banks. Arriving there, it was ascertained that Chet had gone to his father’s, about five miles south. Driving over to Van Meter’s, they found Chet standing near the southeast corner of the house, with a Winchester in his hands. Wheeler and Hollister jumped out of the wagon, and the former ordered Chet to throw up his hands, and he did so, but he brought up his gun at the same time, and fired, apparently at Hollister, as near as the evidence went to show. Wheeler and Hollister fired almost simultaneously, but as Chet did not fall, and attempted to fire again, they both shot the second time, and he fell, dead. They then, with the assistance of Loverton and young Banks, loaded the body into the wagon, and brought it to town.
An examination of the body this morning by Dr. Noble disclosed the fact that it had seven bullet holes in it, one evidently made by a large ball, entering the right side between the second and third ribs, passing through the lungs and liver and coming out between the ninth and tenth ribs. The other shots entered the chest, and one penetrated the abdomen just above the navel. There were also two gunshot wounds on each hand. The Winchester he held also showed marks where the buckshot from Hollister’s gun had struck it.
The examination of witnesses closed at 3 o’clock, when the jury retired, and after a short absence returned a verdict to the effect that the deceased came to his death from gunshot wounds at the hands of C. M. Hollister and Ben. Wheeler, while in the discharge of their duties as officers of the law, and that the killing was not felonious.
After the verdict was rendered, the body was turned over to S. M. Van Meter, father of the deceased, who had it encased in a coffin and took it home for burial.
And thus the latest, and we trust the last, sensational incident to border life in Southern Kansas has ended.
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.
We publish below the roll of old soldiers in this county drawing pensions from the government for injuries sustained on account of service, with monthly rate of allowance. It shows that there are one hundred and forty-six soldiers in the county drawing pensions, and that the government pays to them monthly the aggregate sum of $1,509.66-3/4. This is a record that no county but ours can show. It is certainly one that “Cares for him who has born the brunt of battle and for his widows and orphans.”
LISTING “Number of Certificate.” MAW]
Ross, Nancy, Winfield, mother 1812, $8.00, July 1879.
Certificate No. 20,753: Nancy Ross, widow 1812, $6.00, July 1879.
Caldwell Journal, December 20, 1883.
Newt Boyce Killed.
Newt Boyce, a gambler, was shot last Saturday night by City Marshal Henry Brown, and died about three o’clock the next morning. The coroner was telegraphed for, but word was sent back that he was out of town. Squire Ross, therefore, had a coroner’s jury impaneled, and proceeded to hold an inquest.
The testimony went to show that on Friday night Boyce had some trouble in a saloon a few doors north of the post office, and had cut a soldier, and one of the proprietors of the saloon, with a knife. Ben Wheeler, assistant city marshal, afterward took the knife away from Boyce and made him go home. Subsequently, while Brown & Wheeler were in the Southwestern Hotel, someone informed them that Boyce was out again and liable to do some harm. The officers started out to hunt him up, and while passing Hulbert’s store, saw Boyce in there. Brown stepped in, and seeing a knife and revolver lying on the counter, which Boyce was paying for, pushed the implements to one side, arrested Boyce, and put him in the cooler, where he stayed all night.
The next day Boyce was brought before the police judge and fined, but at the time did not appear to be angry at the officers for what they had done. During the day, however, he got to drinking, and made threats against both Wheeler and Brown.
About an hour before he was killed, Wheeler saw Boyce in the saloon north of the post office, dealing monte. Boyce asked him where Brown was, at the same time applying epithets regarding Brown. Wheeler afterward met Brown and told him to look out, that Boyce was a dangerous man, and was liable to do him some harm. Brown then went to the saloon, and some words passed between the two men, Boyce remarking that as soon as he was through with that game, he would settle with Brown.
Shortly after, Wheeler met Boyce in front of Moore’s saloon, and Boyce asked him where Brown was, that he wanted to see that fighting S. B., etc. Wheeler told him that Brown was in the saloon, but advised Boyce to go home and behave himself. While they were talking, they heard footsteps, as if someone approaching the door from the inside. Boyce immediately stepped to the alley way between the saloon and Moore’s, and, as he did so, Wheeler noticed that he had his right hand under his coat, on the left side. T. L. Crist came to the door, and Wheeler, seeing who it was, turned to go north. Boyce immediately jumped out of the alley way, pulled his pistol, cocked and pointed it directly at Wheeler’s back, but seeing Crist at the same time, he put back the weapon and started down the alley.
Crist called to Wheeler and informed him regarding Boyce’s actions, and while they were talking, Brown came out of the saloon. Wheeler informed him what had occurred, and cautioned him to look out, that he believed Newt Boyce intended to do him some harm. Brown said if that was the case, he would go and get his Winchester because he didn’t want to be murdered by anyone.
After Brown got his gun, he and Wheeler walked north on the west side of Main street, and when opposite Unsell’s store, they saw Boyce standing on the sidewalk in front of Phillips’ saloon. Brown immediately started across the street, and when within about thirty feet of Boyce, called out to him to hold up. Boyce ran his right hand into his breast, as if feeling for a weapon, and stepped around so as to put one of the awning posts between himself and Brown. The latter fired two shots from his Winchester, and Boyce started toward the door of the saloon, at the same time telling Brown not to kill him. Brown followed him into the saloon, and shortly after entering it, Boyce fell. Dr. Noble was called in, and an examination showed that the ball had struck Boyce in the right arm, close to the shoulder, broken the bone, and penetrated the right side. Every effort was made to save his life, but he expired the next morning from the loss of blood.
Boyce had a wife here, who had the remains encased and started with them, Tuesday, for Austin, Texas, where Boyce’s father lives.
The verdict of the jury was that the deceased came to his death at the hands of an officer while in the discharge of his duties.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1884.
Citizens of Walnut Township met January 24, 1884, and nominated the following citizen ticket: For Trustee, J. P. Short, for treasurer, G. W. Yount; for clerk, D. W. Ferguson; for J. P., John Ross; for constables, John Anderson and Jos. C. Monforte; executive committee, T. A. Blanchard, O. P. Fuller, Senior, and C. A. Roberts.
Do not know if David Ross was related to T. B. Ross family.
Arkansas City Republican, May 17, 1884.
On Thursday David Ross was fined $2 and costs for suffering his team to run loose and damage property in the city.
RKW notes indicate John Ross, son of T. B. Ross, never married. He was born August 1844. Therefore, we do not know who the parents were of John P. Ross.
Winfield Courier, April 17, 1884.
RECAP: District Court, John P. Ross, Plaintiff, vs. Sarah J. Ross, a non-resident of the state of Kansas..March 18, 1884, be answered by May 5, 1884, or else judgement that the marriage relation existing between the plaintiff and defendant be set aside and held for naught, and forever divorcing said plaintiff from defendant...and defendant to pay the costs of said action. Henry E. Asp, Attorney for Plaintiff.
Unknown whether or not Phillip Ross is a descendant of T. B. Ross.
Winfield Courier, April 17, 1884.
On Isaac Winters’ road in Windsor Township, R. O. Hamill, Phillip Ross, and Yates Smith appointed viewers.
Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.
John P. Ross vs. Sarah J. Ross. Divorce decreed plaintiff on ground of abandonment.
Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.
Talesman: John Ross.
Have no knowledge who Charlie Ross is related to...
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.
No. 4, running, half mile, 2 in 3, purse $100: Rex Stratton, 1st; Charlie Ross, 2nd.
Death of T. H. B. Ross, Son of T. B. Ross.
Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.
Frank Wallace went to Caldwell Wednesday to attend the funeral of his uncle, T. H. B. Ross.
The early newspapers keep driving me crazy! At first they refer to Mr. Ross, then they indicate his name is E. C. Ross, and then I came across articles written by T. D. Ross. IT APPEARS THAT HIS NAME IS REALLY T. D. ROSS AND THAT HE WAS THE FATHER OF L. M. ROSS AND EARL C. ROSS. UNKNOWN! RELATION TO THE FAMILY OF JUDGE THOMAS BENTON ROSS, IF ANY. MAW
Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.
Mr. Ross, of Vinita, has leased the Ohio Livery Stable and will endeavor to run a first-class stable for the accommodation of the traveling public.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
Our Roll of Honor.
[Payments of $1.50, $.50, and $.75 not listed.]
Subscribers to newspaper: E. C. Ross [T. B. Ross] and L. M. Ross & Bro., City.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
E. C. Ross [T. B. Ross], and sons, of Vinita, came up from the Territory last Saturday. Mr. Ross has leased the Ohio Livery Stables from J. P. Musselman for one year. Mr. Ross is a gentleman of considerable means. He has established his sons in the livery business here. The firm name will be L. M. Ross & Bro. They are putting in new stock, new teams, and everything necessary to conduct a first-class livery stable. They mean business and don’t you forget it.
Another mention of John Ross...
Arkansas City Republican, April 4, 1885.
Under the new law the next term of the district court in this county opens the first Saturday in April. The following persons have drawn as petit jurors.
Among the list of petit jurors: John Ross, Walnut Township.
Now we go back to T. D. Ross...
Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.
The People vs. City Government.
The dissatisfaction concerning our city government is not the result of unfair criticisms of prejudiced newspapers, nor is the dissatisfaction confined to a few “hot-heads”; but the dissatisfaction is wide-spread and results from the moral weakness of the city government itself—not for the want of confidence in the city government but for the lack of ability in the city government to inspire confidence.
It is openly confessed the city attorney is incompetent; that the police judge is incompetent; that the street commissioner and others are incompetent. And, as a result, it follows that the council who appointed the city attorney are incompetent as a body. The appointment of one incompetent man is a pardonable mistake; but the appointment of the entire complement of incompetent officials is as unpardonable as it is intolerable.
The incumbent of the police judgeship is a good man, but a poor judge. Gen. Grant was a competent military leader, but a lamentable failure as a financier. Charley as a man and citizen is acceptable, but as a judge is a failure.
The street commissioner may be a gentleman, but what man with eyes does not know that in some wards the streets are not worked at all and in others where the streets are worked, the work is poorly done.
Besides all his favors in the way of hiring help are bestowed upon a few—”myself and wife and my son John and his wife.” Now the city pays enough to have our work well done. The street commissioner for the month of June last, notwithstanding it was a wet month and had the usual complements of Sabbaths, reported twenty-nine days work done and received pay for same. The city council seems disposed to allow any bill so as it comes from the right direction.
The city was taxed for police service outside of the corporate limits of the city on the Fourth of July. Not only this pittance is lost, but just the amount of money which slid out on that desecrated national Sabbath, witness saith not. Now, in addition to the above, how much is the city liable for by way of unsuccessful litigation. What are our prospects for reformation. True, Mr. Stafford has been sacrificed—a jewel removed; but the ring remains. Every official with whom the people are dissatisfied stick where they were stuck, and give no promise of better things. We care not whether our city dads are old or young, handsome or homely, rich or poor, so they own real estate if no more than one poor fifteen dollar lot; so they give us a good impartial government. I would suggest, however, the best way to get rid of the rats is to burn the old barn and build a new one—on a site of lawful eligibility. T. D. ROSS.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 25, 1885.
Answer to T. D. Ross.
ED. REPUBLICAN: In an article written by T. D. Ross, I will say he proves himself to be a terrible ignoramus or doesn’t try to inform himself when he says our city dads allowed 29 days work in June when the bid says May, and June also. When he says I hire help on the street, if he has any common sense, he knows that I have not hired a day’s work done this spring. Now, Mr. Ross, you are mad because the street commissioner would not let you put your rotten manure in that fill at west canal bridge to pay your occupation tax and beat the city. Oh, you are a nice man to holler reform. When the street commissioner came in your ward, you and yours were the last men to come out and work or pay, which you have not done yet. You may be an honest man, but things don’t look that way to a man up a tree.
J. M. MOORE, Street Commissioner.
Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.
Good News from a Far Country.
As the ever welcome leaves of the Arkansas City press floated down upon the morning breeze, they radiated the glad tidings of the whereabouts of our looked for and long sought Street Commissioner. All hail! Let the 4th ward rejoice! He is safe—safe “up a tree.”
Instead of looking for him in small augur holes, why did I not think of “Up a tree?” I’m more than an ignoramus. I’m an idiot. Now, Mr. Street Commissioner, do come down from the tree, before our honorable city council gets to throwing stones, like the man in the spelling-book. Were you up a tree all of these twenty-nine days of June last? The council have been throwing grass up that way. Say, are there anymore up there, or were they throwing it all at you?
You say you have been in the 4th ward. Impossible, Mr. Street Commissioner. When and where were you here? Who saw you here? Had we only known you were here, we would have turned out en masse and helped you repair our long neglected streets.
When you make your next visit to our disconsolate ward, please notify us as the law directs and we assure you we will be on hand even though the council has rejected our “rotten manure.”
Now, Mr. Street Commissioner, I everlastingly thank you for your kind communication through the REPUBLICAN, informing us as to your whereabouts and that you actually did, sometime in the past, “drap” down, in the 4th ward. I am sorry that I cried “reform,” and now while tears as big as cabbage heads roll down from both my eyes, I promise that while you remain up a tree, I will cry reform no more. T. D. ROSS.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 15, 1885.
M. Sawyer, the laundryman, is in deep tribulation. Last week he was arrested for violating the ordinance prohibiting the erection of frame buildings within the fire limits and fined $50 and costs. He took an appeal. We are told that one of our city officers went to Judge Bryant and requested him to mark Sawyer’s fine paid, but Bryant refused. We asked Mr. Bryant for the name of the man who would be guilty of asking him to commit such a criminal error, but he refused to enlighten us.
The truth of the matter is we have an ordinance prohibiting the erection of frame buildings in the fire limits. Mr. Sawyer violated it, but unknowingly, he says; consequently, he was fined. Ignorance does not shield a violator of a law. If we have any valid ordinances, let us enforce them, if it has to be done by calling on the militia. Mr. Sawyer has erected an addition to his building within the fire limits. If he is permitted to do so, so should T. D. Ross be allowed to enter with his livery barn. Let us have equity done to one and all. The city officers allowed Mr. Sawyer to go right along with his building until almost completed before he was arrested. He should have been stopped at the beginning. As it is now, the city officers will have to either tear the building down or change the fire limits to suit Sawyer. If Sawyer comes out ahead in this instance, other individuals will attempt the same game.
We have the ordinance, and there is no doubt but that it is a valid one, so let it be enforced. Ordinances should not be changed upon the asking of anyone, unless it be damaging to the city at large.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 19, 1885.
Violating a City Ordinance.
The Republican tells of W. H. Sawyer’s case (the laundryman), but hardly does him justice. His violation of the city ordinance, in regard to frame buildings within the city limits, came up in the council chamber on the 3rd inst. He had been arrested for putting up a considerable addition to a frame building on Central Avenue (just east of the alley), and he presented himself before the council to plead his case. He had bought the old frame store which stood where Herman Godehard is erecting his new and handsome store, and removed it to its present location in ignorance (as he claimed) of the ordinance. His present quarters being too restricted for his extensive business and the accommodation of his family, Mr. Sawyer thought to provide room enough for all purposes. He had cut his lumber, part of it was in place, and if he was not allowed to go on and finish his building, he would be put to serious loss. The question was asked him if any of the neighbors objected to his work; he replied that no complaint had reached his ears. Councilman Hill said he did not like to make the enforcement of any ordinance oppressive. If the neighbors did not object, the council might shut its eyes to the offense. His advice to the applicant was to pay his fine to the police judge (he having been arrested), and trust to being let alone in the future. To the surprise of all present, not a city father raised his voice to show the folly of such cecutiency.
The next day Mr. T. D. Ross ordered a bill of lumber of G. B. Shaw & Co., with intent to erect a frame livery stable on the same avenue near the Arkansas City Co.’s coal yard. He had previously asked leave of the council to build a stable and been refused; but he now declared that if one was allowed to disregard an ordinance, the same indulgence was due to another; and he proposed to place his stable where he wanted it.
It may be said in defense of Mr. Hill that he has been away from the city for some time, and was not familiar with the situation here. At least half a score applications have been made to the council by persons desiring to put up frame buildings, to make additions to their stores or dwellings, or violate the ordinance in some way. They have been refused on the ground that if dispensation is granted to one man, it must be extended to others; and there is no use passing a law if it is not enforced.
With this promise of immunity, Mr. Sawyer set his carpenter to work again; and the city marshal again pulled him. The promise made him by Mr. Hill that the council would shut its eyes to his offense had no force in law because one ordinance can only be revoked by the passage of another. Mr. Sawyer unwisely persists in going on with his work, and fines in the police court to the amount of $125 have been piled up against him. He has appealed his case to the district court, and a serious bid [? bit ?] of expense will be the result of the false sympathy extended to him.
Arkansas City Republican, August 29, 1885.
T. D. Ross compliments the typo boys on the REPUBLICAN with a box of cigars for favors extended. They are of the “Treasure” brand, and were purchased at Deming & Son’s store. They are choice cigars.
Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.
The return of the Oklahoma boom is here. Hundreds have crossed the river, Treaty, into the promised land while hundreds more are on the way. Are these men crazy? Can sober men expect to obtain homes in disregard of solemn treaties and in defiance of law and the authority of both the United States and Indian governments? I am persuaded that the people are ignorant of the legal difficulties to the settlement of Oklahoma.
When the Indian owned all the land west of the Missouri River to the Pacific coast, the U. S. Government entered into treaty relations with them and it was provided in that treaty that a white man should not be permitted to invade the Indian country for the purpose of commerce or settlement, without the consent of the Indians, and, if any person did so invade this country, he should be summarily ejected. The Indian Territory is all that is now left them of this vast domain and this permit law, of course, remains in full force within its limits.
It is time that the Seminoles and Creeks ceded Oklahoma back to the general government, but the permit law was not repealed and it is plainly stipulated that those tribes retain full control and possession of said land till the wild Indians and freedmen thereon are settled.
It is by the operation of this law that the boomers have been so often ejected from Oklahoma—not from Oklahoma only, but the law is enforced in every nation in the territory.
For so entering Indian lands, if a man commits no act of depredation, he is not a trespasser, but is no more than an intruder, and this is not a crime for indictment. Hence the boomers and the many who are ejected from the jurisdiction of every tribal domain of the territory are not punished. I am no friend to the Redman or to that policy of the government that encourages them to indolence, but it is the law and it must be respected. But the cattlemen—why is it that they can remain and graze their herds and the poor boomer must come out? Why? It is plain enough. The cattlemen have obtained the consent of the Indians to remain and the boomers have not. Nor are we not friendly to cattle syndicates and denounce their assumption of preeminence to the soil to the prejudice of agriculture, but law is on their side. They have the Indians’ consent to remain and some of them have paid dear for it, too. T. D. ROSS.
Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.
The article on Oklahoma in last week’s Republican provoked some unfriendly criticism to the writer’s loyalty to the boomer cause. I say in self-defense that all my interests are identified with the labor class, and it would be best to lay a foundation for settlement in Oklahoma. But I am far from going into spasms about it. I have no faith in fits as a preliminary to the opening of the Territory for settlement.
Before Oklahoma can be settled, congress must first act—repeal the permit law or procure the Indians’ consent to settlement. Stockmen have procured it. Their leases are evidences of it, but the Indians can revoke those leases at will and the lessees must move off as seen in the recent order moving stockmen from the Cheyenne country.
Whether any of these leases are legal or not depends upon what congress will do. If congress legalizes them, they are legal; if not, they are not; for the law reads, “No lease shall be made with the Indians without the consent of congress.” There has been no congressional action on any of these leases. Prudence and caution will be necessary when congress does act; for, ratify the cattle leases and it will necessitate the legalizing of land leases for agricultural purposes, also. This would never do.
What delays congressional action on those leases no man knows better than Hon. Ryan, of Kansas, or the Standard Oil Company of Pennsylvania, or Hon. Phillips, Cherokee counsel at Washington. Perhaps Secretary Teller knows something about it. One thing to my mind is clear, that there never would have been the money invested on those ranches that has been if there had not been some assurance that congress would delay action.
The interests of the country require that the cattle remain where they are. Millions of beef, which the world needs, are annually burned in the grass and forever lost. Also the world needs the billions of bread which lie undeveloped in the rich soil of Oklahoma. The Indians will not develop it; why not, then, give it to men that will? By doing so a few cattlemen might suffer pecuniary loss, but the country at large would not, for as much beef, if not more, would be produced by the many farmers as is produced now by the few cattle barons, and in addition to this billions of bread and fuel.
Besides all this, how many homeless families now almost perishing for food and destitute of clothing, at the door of pitiless winter, dependent for shelter upon the crafty landlord, would find homes of comfort and plenty if this goodly land was accessible?
The opening to settlement of the Black Hills country was a great relief to the nation from her financial troubles and it gave the party in power an additional lease of ten years. Greater results for good will inevitably follow the opening of Oklahoma. I am no Democrat, but would rejoice with that party in any good thing it may do.
As for the “poor Lo,” he must stand aside. If he persists in idleness and living off of the industry of the paleface and continues to block the wheels of commercial progress, American enterprise will plow him under or crush him beneath the iron horse. One more turn of the iron wheel and the Redman is out of the home-seekers’ way. T. D. ROSS.
The following pieces of an article pertains to L. M. Ross & Bro. (Earl C. Ross). There were some follow-up articles also. MAW
Arkansas City Traveler, December 9, 1885.
Beat His Board.
Some few days ago, L. M. Ross & Bro., and Fred Bower, by their attorney, C. T. Atkinson, commenced suit against Brewer & Stannard, proprietors of the Ottawa nursery, in Judge Kreamer’s court, for the recovery of money for board and livery furnished by said plaintiffs to Brewer & Stannard’s agents.
It is alleged that fruit-tree agents of this firm have been dead-beating our citizens for some time, always avowing [MISSING LINES.]
Many of our citizens [MISSING WORDS] the loss in silence, but Ross Bros., and Fred Bower have called a halt. The question whether unscrupulous scoundrels can defraud honest men will be definitely settled, as both parties seem determined to carry the case to the highest courts. Public opinion is strongly in favor of the plaintiffs and talk of a [MORE MISSING LINES] the course of the law will be awaited.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 16, 1885.
A Suit for Debt. The Merits of the Case Discussed.
ED. TRAVELER: I notice an article in your issue of the 9th inst., headed “Beat his Board,” which contains some very unjust and erroneous statements. It is true that Fred Bower and the Ross Bros., have begun suit against Brewer & Stannard for board and livery bills, made by two men in the employ of that firm, which case will be tried next month. Neither Mr. Bower nor the Ross Bros. ever ascertained whether the firm named would be responsible for the bills, but credited the men expecting them to pay. Now the men are gone, they try to make the indebtedness off the company.
These men are hired to sell nursery stock on certain conditions stated in their contract with the firm, and the latter pays all bills in accordance with this agreement. Brewer & Stannard’s agents have sold stock in Arkansas City for some years, and have given satisfaction to all their customers. There have been no bills left unpaid until these two men became delinquent. The company repudiates no bills which it agrees to pay either to patrons or agents. All agreements made by agents to patrons are fulfilled so long as they are consistent, in regard to sales of stock, and in accordance with the contract made to the firm. For any liabilities outside of this, the company will not be responsible.
Does the public believe that employers should be responsible for the personal bills of their agents?
I do not know who wrote the article, “Beat his Board,” but, he must be the only person who thought of “tar and feathers,” and I am sure his screed was written out of jealousy and with malicious intent. Most probably he is himself engaged in the nursery business. Toward the close of his letter, he says, “One of them is in our midst.” Yes, sir, I am here, and intend to stay here and sell to the people. Our stock is of the best, and charges reasonable. I have been in the agency business over three years, and defy you to find a single person who will say (and prove his assertion) that I have ever dealt otherwise than honestly by him. Our stock stands on its own merits, and we sell on the reputation of our stock.
I hope the writer of “Beat his Board” will be fair and sign his name to his next effusion.
GEO. E. COONROD, Agent for Ottawa Star Nurseries.
BREWER & STANNARD, Proprietors.
Arkansas City, Dec. 10th.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 16, 1885.
Suit against Brewer & Stannard by L. M. Ross & Bro.
L. M. Ross mentioned as W. F. of Knights of Labor organization...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 2, 1886.
Last Tuesday evening the Knights of Labor organization of Arkansas City elected the following officers: F. M. Peak, M. W.; L. M. Ross, W. F.; W. D. Kreamer, R. S.; Pete Yount, F. S.; Gardner Mott, T.; T. Braggins, W. K.; Geo. Piles, W. I.; I. N. Dodd, I. E.; and Ed. Ferguson, O. E. Trustees: D. Baxter, V. J. Conway, and Gardner Mott. Judge of Court, Jacob Crites; Judge advocate, C. M. Johnson, Clerk of court, M. Reno.
The following might be considered as a notice relative to “Mr. Ross.” Have no idea which Ross this might be. MAW
Arkansas City Republican, March 13, 1886.
Having purchased Mr. Ross’ stone quarry on the state line south of town, and let the same to Messrs. Hughes & Haven. They will be ready the coming week to furnish all kinds of flagging and dimension stone on short notice. Orders may be sent to the quarry or given to me, and they will be promptly attended to and at as reasonable rates as stone can be furnished. Z. CARLISLE.
T. D. Ross (still do not know if related to T. B. Ross family) departs for Greely...
Arkansas City Republican, March 27, 1886.
T. D. Ross, the former proprietor of the Ohio Livery Stable on 7th Avenue, whose departure for the new town, Greeley Center, we chronicled two weeks ago, seems to have struck a veritable bonanza in his Greeley County Stage Line. Word was received yesterday that he reached Syracuse, the initial point of his line, on the 23rd instant, and made his first trip to Greeley Center the next day, with two four-horse stages loaded down with passengers. His line is a daily one, and “to a man up a tree,” it looks as though he had a good thing in his contract. The rush into Greeley Center is said to be greater than into any other of the western counties in the state.
Arkansas City Republican, April 17, 1886.
T. D. Ross and family left for Greeley Center Wednesday. He took with him from this vicinity Rev. Scovey and family and several others.
The next item I find very puzzling! Have no idea what they are referring to when they mention “Charley Ross” sensation...MAW
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 26, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Emporia is about to have a Charley Ross sensation. The son of Mr. J. Miller of that place mysteriously disappeared some days ago, and no trace of him has yet been found.
Arkansas City Republican, August 14, 1886.
Howard Ross, a broker of New York, was in the city this morning. He made a purchase of a corner lot on Fifth Avenue of Albert Worthley, in the block where the Johnson Loan & Trust Company are building. The consideration was $3,500. Mr. Ross is greatly pleased with Arkansas City and its future prospects. He was in the city only a few hours until he began investing in real estate. He will build a three-story business block, occupying the first floor with a bank, which he will establish.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 21, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Albert Worthley is compelled to move his residence from its present site on Fifth Avenue on account of the business blocks going up on the lots which he sold. He has purchased lots in the second ward and has commenced the foundation. As soon as he gets his residence off, Mr. Ross, the gentleman who purchased the corner lot, will commence the erection of his bank building.
The following has new information about T. D. Ross...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 12, 1887. From Thursday’s Daily.
A REPUBLICAN representative, who has just returned from Coolidge, Hamilton County, says: “Coolidge has some splendid natural advantages and its prospects for the future are good. The town is beautifully situated on the north side of the Arkansas river, about two and a half miles from the Colorado line. It contains nearly a thousand inhabitants. A $20,000 stone hotel, a $5,000 business house, and several residences are building and will soon be completed. A $15,000 city building, a $12,000 schoolhouse, and over a dozen residences are under contract. Beautiful building stone is obtained at the quarry nearby, owned by S. T. Covey, formerly of Arkansas City. Water can be gotten at the depth of twenty feet. The Santa Fe shops, containing twenty-four stalls, are located there. In short, Coolidge will make rapid progress during the coming summer, and will probably have what Kansas town so prize—a boom. We had a pleasant time while we were there. We were happy to meet some old acquaintances from Arkansas City, among whom were T. D. Ross, G. H. Potter, Mr. McDonald, and Mr. Covey.
No clue as to what Ross family Laura C. Ross came from...
Daily Calamity Howler, Saturday, October 17, 1891.
Marriage Licenses.
John M. Phillips and Laura C. Ross, both of Arkansas City.
No clue as to what Ross family the following applies to...
Daily Calamity Howler, Wednesday, October 28, 1891.
The case of the state against Ross for the robbery of J. D. Bright was tried today. The jury brought in a verdict of guilty after remaining out only a few minutes.
Skipping down to the 1920s and the few papers checked of Arkansas City Traveler, we find the following member of the Ross family. Lord knows by this time there is no way to check from which Ross family she came from...MAW
Arkansas City Daily Traveler, Tuesday, August 16, 1921.
Eighty-two Teachers Hired Here this Year.
Sept. 5 Will See Two Thousand Four Hundred Students Entering For Winter Grind.
Junior high school—E. A. Funk, principal; Olive Ramage, English and history; Pearl Lock, English; Mary Hume, English; Natila Darby, English; Lurine Skidmore, English; Esthelle Ireton, Eula Surber, Gladys Ross, Elma Stewart, Elizabeth Sanders, Helen Sothern, Lora Ward, mathematics; Eva Maloy, history; William Allman, general science; L. A. Chaplin, manual training; H. G. Leet, mechanical drawing; Charles S. Huey, manual training; Florence Harrison, cooking; Mary J. Skidmore, Latin; Gladys Cusac, secretary.
RKW spent a lot of time checking on the Ross and another family that was related to Judge T. B. Ross through marriage: the Wallace Family.
From the Cowley County Biographical Record of 1901 comes the following information on the Ross Family via John Ross, his son.
JOHN ROSS is a highly respected citizen and pioneer settler of Cowley County, Kansas, who came to this county with his father in 1869. He resides upon the first claim taken in Walnut township, comprising the southwest quarter of section 17, township 32, range 4, east. He was born in August, 1844, in Cumberland County, Illinois, and is a son of Judge T. B. and Nancy (Higgins) Ross.
Judge T. B. Ross was born in Georgia, in 1794, and was of Scotch-Irish extraction. When a young man he was married, in Kentucky. His wife died in early life, after bearing her husband six children,—one of whom was the mother of C. M. Wallace, who is connected with the milling company of Winfield. Judge Ross was a soldier in the War of 1812, and after its close received a warrant of land, which he took up in Cumberland County, Illinois. He lived there until 1848 or 1849, when he removed to Knox County, Illinois, where he took up 120 acres near the city of Peoria.
John Ross has a clear recollection of the family going into that city, when no railroads entered it. The family resided in the city during the first three years, during which time Judge Ross followed his trade as a carpenter, but they lived in the county until 1868. In that year they drove through from Illinois to Kansas, and first stopped at Cottonwood Falls, Chase County, but in November they looked over the land in the vicinity of the present city of Winfield. Being well pleased with it, they went back to Cottonwood Falls on New Year’s day of 1869, and at once returned to Cowley County with all their possessions. At that date there were no settlers between here and Texas, on account of troublesome Indians, but nevertheless the Judge preempted the southwest quarter of section 17, township 32, range 4 east, and John Ross took up a claim nearer what is now the city.
In the spring of 1869, C. M. Wood established a trading post near the present site of the J. P. Baden Roller Mills, in Winfield, but was driven away by Indians. The first house erected by John Ross and his father was covered with clapboards and poles, as there was no sawed lumber in the county at that date; but a few years later, when lumber could be obtained, the house was raised, and finished with sawed lumber. The present homestead, which borders on the river, contains a large amount of natural timber, and consists of very fertile land. Of the original preemption, John Ross owns 130 acres, and the land taken up by him was sold in October 1870. He has a two-acre orchard and the buildings on the place are all first-class, and general farming, with some stock raising, has been his chief pursuit for many years.
Judge Ross was a man of much influence in this community, and his death in December 1879 was deeply deplored by his family and many friends, who knew him to have lived an honorable and upright life. He was buried January 1, 1880.
Judge Ross was a strong Democrat, in politics, and his fellow citizens manifested their confidence in him by electing him to various offices. He served as probate judge of Cowley County, but was compelled to resign on account of poor health. While a resident of Illinois he occupied the pulpits of various Methodist churches.
The mother of John Ross was a native of North Carolina, and her ancestors came from Holland. Her parents moved to Tennessee, where she was reared, and later went to Illinois, where she was married to Judge Ross. She was the mother of the following six children:
F. H. B., who came to Kansas in 1870, and moved to Caldwell, Kansas, in the following year, where he died in 1885.
John, who was never married.
Mary M. and Frank A., both of whom died in Illinois, after they had attained their majority.
Mrs. Emma E. Bryant, who died in Kansas.
Miss M. J., who keeps house for her brother, John.
Like his father, Mr. Ross strongly advocates the principles of the Democratic party, although he has never aspired to office. When the Civil War broke out, he enlisted as a substitute, and served nine months in Company D, 12th Reg., Ill. Vol. Inf., which formed a part of the 15th Army Corps, under General Sherman. John Ross is recognized as a good neighbor and loyal citizen, and enjoys a wide acquaintance throughout the vicinity of his home.
RKW also corresponded with Mr. Darrell E. Lakin, 402 Dorchester Pl., Apt. B-34, Sun City Ctr., Fl 33573, in 1996 before he became too busy with Volume I to continue his research work, etc., and of course never got back to it due to work involved with book and the early signs of the cancer that killed him. He received a letter from Mr. Lakin, written May 4, 1996. MAW
Dear Kay,
I was most pleased with the packet of information you sent on the Wallace family. It will be most helpful in my writing of things that my grandchildren should know.
In answer to some of your questions—How did I determine that Charles Wallace died in 1908? I have enclosed some information of Cemetery records, etc. (Page labeled #1) that shows a Charles Wallace, who died 2-23-1908. I have no idea who he was or of his parentage.
I am enclosing some cemetery records of Bunyans in the Winfield cemeteries as well as some sheets of mine pertaining to Essie Bunyan’s father and her husband, Loren Kizer, and their children.
I have recently been supplied some information from a granddaughter of John Bunyan that clears up the parentage of his second wife, which I thought was a sister of his first wife. His second wife was not a Wallace. Charles M. Wallace’s second wife and John Bunyan’s second wife were both called Jenny—Charles’s being Aunt Jenny and John’s being Aunt Jennie.
I received a note from Nancy Tredway of Winfield. She said she purchased the Wallace house from her Aunt Emma in 1968. Aunt Emma was Josh’s wife and she is related to her and not the Wallace family. I have several pictures of the house which I think would make an interesting story with two Wallace Mayors living there in the early 1900s. Nadine Wallace (for whom my wife was named) grew up in that house.
The information you sent on Judge Ross was most interesting. Legend has been that the family was related to Betsy Ross (which of course was not true). I recently spent some time reading of the life of John Ross, the Cherokee Indian Chief, after finding out that the Judge was born in the same area about the same time. I have been in this area of northern Georgia many times in my life. Judge Ross was my wife’s 2nd great grandfather. (From Ross to Wallace to Bunyan to Kizer.)
Your upcoming book interests me—I would like to read it when it is finished. Please keep me informed.
Very truly yours, (Signed) Darrell E. Lakin
[Note: Mr. Lakin enclosed with his letter Family Sheets for the different families involved with Thomas Benton Ross’ family. MAW]
I believe that it was Mr. Lakin who also sent the following recap on Thomas B. Ross to RKW.
Born October 2, 1794, in Georgia. Died December 31, 1879, at Winfield, Kansas, aged 86 years, 2 months and 29 days.
Raised to manhood in Kentucky. A soldier of the war of 1812; was with Johnson’s Kentucky Riflemen when they killed old Tecumseh on the Thaymes River in Canada. He was ordained a minister of the M. E. Church, South. Was a Circuit Rider Preacher over several counties of Illinois. His picture hangs on the wall of the State House at Springfield, Illinois. Pioneer preacher alongside Peter Cartwright.
[Note: Letter shows Thaymes River. RKW showed Thames River. I do not know which is correct. MAW]
He came to Cowley County in January 1869, the first preacher of the Gospel to settle in the county. He settled three miles northwest of Winfield on the Walnut River. He was the first Probate Judge of Cowley County; in fact, the only judge on all laws in 1870. His name is on all deeds to lots issued from the government to individuals on the original townsite of Winfield. He went to Augusta as officer from Cowley County, and laid out the city of Winfield and Arkansas City. The Winfield delegation wanted him to drive to Augusta to the land office on Sunday afternoon to be there early Monday morning. He refused, but told them to drive to his claim three miles northwest of Winfield at midnight, and one minute after twelve o’clock he would go, and they arrived early Monday morning, ahead of the Arkansas City delegation.
Judge Ross was 18 to 20 years old in the Second War with Great Britain. He was one of Johnson’s picked 100 crack riflemen. They are the ones that killed Tecumseh in Canada in 1813; they also killed two British Generals, General Ross in 1814 at Baltimore and General Packenham on January 8, 1815. The Battle of New Orleans was two weeks after the Treaty of Ghent was signed ending the war. The Kentucky Riflemen and Tennessee Riflemen ended the lives of two Generals and one Indian Chief; three lives ended; the war was ended with Great Britain. Judge Ross was a major in the Black Hawk war.
Judge Ross was grandfather of Charles M. Wallace and Joshua N. Wallace, two ex-mayors of Winfield, Kansas.
The Winfield newspaper, Cowley County Courant, November 17, 1881, had the following item from the Caldwell Commercial. “Mr. T. H. B. Ross took in Winfield last Friday in the interest of the school district. He says there has been many changes there, but few of the old ‘boys’ are left, and Winfield does not appearn now as it did in 1870-74.”
A. B. Steinberger, publisher of the Courant, responded.
“Well, that’s a fact; there have been a good many changes in and around Winfield since those days. The old log store has been reduced to ashes, and some of the boys who used to gather there evenings to play ‘California Jack’ and speculate on the future price of corner lots in Winfield, now take their wives and children to the theater in the fine Opera house that has arisen on the site of the old store. Max Shoeb’s blacksmith shop has given place to Read’s bank; the Walnut Valley House, as a hotel, has passed away as well as the following firms: Manning & Baker, U. B. Warren & Co., Alexander & Saffold, Bliss & Middaugh, Hitch-cock & Boyle, Maris & Hunt, Myton & Brotherton, Pickering & Benning. About the only one that is left is S. H. Myton. Tisdale’s hack, which came in whenever the river would permit, has given way to our two railroads; Tom Wright’s ferry, south of town, has been replaced by a handsome iron bridge, and Bartlow’s mill and its crew have disappeared.
“Every new building erected on Main Street now is not, as then, dedicated with a dance, nor do married women attend them with children in arms, nor do they deposit their kids in the laps of blushing bachelors and join in all hands around. Our Justices of the Peace, when about to unite a loving couple, don’t tell them to ‘stan’ up thar an’ I’ll fix you.’ Our butchers, now, don’t go down behind Capt. Lowery’s house, shoot a Texas steer, cut him up with an axe, and sell out the chunks before they are done quivering. The writer does not, on nights like Thursday last, rise up from his bed of prairie hay and water, in a little wall tent, and light out for the log store to get out of the wet. All of that kind of fun has passed away and we have had a new deal all around. Some of the men that in those days were frying bacon and washing socks in their bachelor shanties, are now bankers, postmasters, district judges, and palatial hotel keepers. The Vigilantes are not now riding over the country every night making preparations to go to Douglass and hang its principal citizens. The bad blood stirred up by the memorable Manning-Norton contest for the Legislature has long since been settled. Winfield and Arkansas City have buried the hatchet; Tisdale, ditto. Our merchants don’t sell Missouri flour for $6 per sack, corn for $1.50 per bushel, and bacon for 33-1/2 cents per pound. Bill Hackney (now the Hon. W. P.) does not come up every week to defend Cobb for selling whiskey in Arkansas City without a license. Patrick, the editor of the Censor (our first newspaper), and Walt Smith, the proprietor of the ‘Big Horn ranch’ on Posey Creek, have both gone west to grow up with the country. Fairbanks’ dug-out has been in ruins for years. Dick Walker is still running conventions, but not here. A. T. Stewart is no longer one of the boys. Speed, with his calico pony and big spurs, is seen no more on the Baxter Springs trail. Jackson has laid down the saw and plane and joined the ranks of the railroad monopolits. Colonel Loomis has shed his soldier overcoat. Zimrie Stubbs has climbed the golden stair, Nichols is married, Oak’s cat is dead: in fact, Bent, there is nothing anymore like it used to was in Winfield.”