W. E. Seaman


Maple Township and Udall.
[1871] PAGE 157.
W. E. SEAMAN, a prominent businessman, of Udall, Kansas, conducted a successful hardware and implement enterprise, in which he embarked in 1888, and was regarded as a shrewd, wide away businessman. When he located in Cowley County, he first engaged in farming, and owned considerable farming land, which he later rented.
He was born in Albany, New York, March 16, 1834, and was a son of Charles and Elizabeth (Smith) Seaman, who were born in England.
His father, Charles Seaman, was a teacher and artist, who went to New York City, in 1830, and subsequently moved thence to Albany. His next move was to Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, and in 1846, he located in Maysville, Kentucky. There he lived until his death in 1864. His widow died there in 1868. They were parents of the following children: Martha, who was the wife of S. J. Straley, of Youngstown, Ohio; Jane, who was the widow of William Morris (a butcher by trade), and lived at Maysville, Kentucky; W. E., whose name appears at the beginning of these lines; and Alonzo, who was in the bakery business, at Guthrie, Oklahoma. Alonzo Seaman belonged to a Kentucky regiment in the Union army.
W. E. Seaman obtained but a limited schooling, and when twenty years old went to Rock Island County, Illinois, where he carried on farming until August, 1862. He then enlisted in Company F, 89th Reg., Ill. Vol. If., under Capt. Williams, who later became Lieutenant Colonel Williams. His regiment was with the Army of the Cumberland; besides participating in 20 important battles, he was engaged in many skirmishes. He had many narrow escapes, but never sustained any serious injuries. He was honorably discharged in June 1865.
At the home of his parents, in Maysville, Kentucky, he was married in 1866, and with his bride went to Missouri, taking up a farm near Salem, where he remained until he settled in Cowley County, Kansas, five years later. He first took up 160 acres in Maple Township, comprising the northwest quarter of section 20, township 30, range 3 east, onto which he moved the first year. He built a 10 by 12 foot cabin, of sycamore lumber, with walnut slab doors, and broke 40 acres, which he planted in corn. He set out hedges and made other improvements, and was compelled to undergo many hardships on account of the lack of farming facilities.
In the spring of 1873, he experienced a terrible blizzard and had a very hard task to get along. Money then commanded 36 percent interest, but in spite of the many trying circumstances he made numerous improvements upon his farm. In 1872 he built a house 14 by 24 feet in dimensions, and a story and a half. At first he raised wheat, but later shifted to the raising of cattle and hogs.
In 1886 Mr. Seaman bought out the hardware and implement firm of Worden & Jewett, in Udall, and in 1888 traded it to D. D. Kellogg for his present stand. He did a fine business, and his large patronage is due to his honest and straightforward business methods. He also carried stocks of harness and coal. For the past 15 years he rented his farm.

He has bought additional lands, 80 acres in section 18, Maple Township, known as the Scott place, and 80 acres in section 32, Maple Township, known as the Huff place. In the city he owned his store property, his home, and seven lots.
Mr. Seaman was married at Maysville, Kentucky, to Sarah Wormald, a daughter of George and Margaret Wormald. Her father was a contractor. This union resulted in the following children.
1. George L., a farmer of Maple Township, who married Ada Shull, and had three children: Sadie, George, and Willie.
2. Wallace M., graduated from the Kansas State Normal School. He was serving his third term as superintendent of the public schools of Kinsley, Kansas, in 1901. He married Lulu Nelson, by whom he had two children, Albert and Catherine.
3. Clarence W., a merchant at Oxford, Kansas.
4. Oscar Guy, a farmer of Maple Township, who married Isa Shull, by whom had had one child, Delna M.
5. Arthur E., married Alma Anders, and conducted a store at Udall.
In politics W. E. Seaman was a Republican. He belonged to Siverd Post, No. 85, G. A. R., of Winfield. He was a member of the United Brethren Church.
Kansas 1875 Census Maple Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color   Place/birth Where from
W. E. Seaman 41  m w New York Missouri
Sarah E. Seaman 29  f w Kentucky Missouri
G. L. Seaman 7  m w Missouri Missouri
W. M. Seaman 5  m w Missouri Missouri
C. W. Seaman 3  m w Missouri Missouri
O. G. Seaman 3m  m w Kansas
Maple Township 1875: W. E. Seaman, 41; spouse, Sarah E., 29.
Maple Township 1880: W. E. Seaman, 46; spouse, Sarah E., 34.
Winfield Courier, January 20, 1876.
GRAND PRAIRIE Grange, Maple Township, has installed the following officers for the year 1876: Joseph Boden, Master; W. P. Heath, Overseer; D. S. Haynes, Secretary; A. M. Whipple, Treasurer; W. B. Newman, Lecturer; J. Beaver, Stewart; H. Shubert, Assistant Stewart; Jennie Turner, Lady Assistant Stewart; W. E. Seaman, Chaplain; J. L. Johnston, G. K.; Mrs. H. Daniels, C.; Mrs. W. P. Heath, P.; Mrs. A. M. Whipple, F.
Winfield Courier, January 4, 1877.
Communication from “Rusticus”—Maple.
GREETINGS. A merry Christmas and happy New Year from the people of Red Bud, and a real old-fashioned Christmas, too.

Snow six inches deep and the thermometer away down below zero. O, how we wish for the sleighs, bells, robes, and articles left in the north, in old Lang Syne, when we gathered up our household goods and gods and left for the genial clime and Italian skies of the sweet sunny South. But ‘tis ever thus, etc. As we hadn’t either, Wm. E. Seaman resolved to make the most of his opportunities and seized upon an old log lizard, and a dry goods box, nailed one upon the other, hitched Moll and Fox to one end, stowed his fun-loving wife and self in the other, and started on a calling tour through the settlement to the tintinnabulation of an old nail in a tin cup.
This stirred up the Arctic blood of S. F. Gould, and deter­mining not to be outdone, he cut his hayrack in two, and throwing some hay and quilts on it, piled on wife and babies, about a dozen, and started in wake of his predecessor to the tune of their own happy voices, calling at the house of your correspon­dent, who with his “vrow” joined the merry group, and after various incidents and hair breadth escapes, brought up at the house of that happily mated, newly wedded couple of young old folks, A. M. Fitzsimmons and lady (formerly Mrs. Mary Olmstead). Here we found a genial company of young and old gathered to welcome our friend Fitz. back to his old home and to have a good time generally, in which we were eminently successful.
After partaking of the hospitality of our host and hostess, we took our way to our homes over the crisp snow while the heavens, oversprinkled with a crystalline delight. made us think of old times and places where such scenes and pleasures were the rule. May such times recur and be enjoyed by every reader of the COURIER for a hundred years to come, and may you and I, Mr. Editor, be there to help them enjoy the fun.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Claims allowed Jan. 10.
Witness. W. E. Seaman: $13.60.
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1879.
Mr. W. E. Seaman, of Red Bud, called on us Monday. He was on his way to southwestern Missouri, where he will buy a large lot of yearlings, and bring them through to Cowley to winter. This is no small undertaking as the distance is some 150 miles and the cattle will have to be fed most of the way back.
Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.
A large number of sheep are being wintered in this neighbor­hood. The owners are paying from ten to fifteen cents per acre for salk pasturage.
Mr. Seaman is going to try the mutton business, having just purchased a nice flock of graded sheep.
Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.
Maple Tp., Jan. 23, 1880.
Mr. Seaman is erecting a nice, large barn on his model farm.
Winfield Courier, August 4, 1881.
Mr. W. E. Seaman and lady, of Maple township, made us a pleasant call Friday. Mr. Seaman left with us a sample of German millet which had attained a wonderful growth. The heads were from four to six inches in length and the growth of the stock was at least five feet.
Winfield Courier, September 28, 1882.
There were sixteen entries and the grades were excellent. J. A. Hood, of Seeley, took 1st on best three ewes, 1st on best fine sheep with sire, and 2nd on best three ewe lambs.

W. E. Seaman, of Red Bud, took three first premiums for best ram one year and over, best three ewe lambs, and best ram under one year.
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1883.
The books of the old fair association have been balanced up, and several premiums heretofore in dispute fixed up and orders drawn for their payment. The following persons are entitled to the amounts set opposite their names, and can get their money by calling upon the secretary, Ed. P. Greer.
W. E. Seaman was entitled to $10.00.
Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.
Last week, Friday, W. E. Seaman was exhibiting on the streets a bunch of blue grass taken from his farm, some of which measured four feet two inches in length. Most of it was three feet long.
Winfield Courier, November 20, 1884.
The following officers were installed in the G. A. R. at this place on the evening of the 14th by Levi Stump, P. C. H. H. Martin, Com.; A. W. Carr, Sr., V. Com.; D. E. Gran, Jr. V. Com.; Jerry Evans, Officer of the Day; Wm. Seaman, Chaplain; Jeff Hammon, Q. M.; W. W. Smith, A. A. G.; P. McQuade, Qr. M. Sargt.; D. Ackerman, Sargt. Major; F. Hammond, Officer of Guard. The post Commander of Mulvane Post, with the officers of same, were here with their band to assist in the ceremonies. At 12 m. supper was given at the City Hotel, where a huge time was had with toasts and speeches.