J. W. Searle
Cedar Township.
Cedar Township 1873: J. W. Searle, 24; spouse, Adelaide, 21.
Kansas 1875 Census Cedar Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
J. W. Searle 26 m w Ohio Ohio
A. O. Searle 22 f w Ohio Ohio
A. H. Searle 2 m w Kansas
Cedar Township 1877: J. W. Searle, 27; spouse, Ada, 24.
Cedar Township 1878: J. W. Searle, 29; spouse, Adelaide, 25.
Cedar Township 1879: J. W. Searle, 29; spouse, A. O., 26.
Cedar Township 1882: J. W. Searle, 32; spouse, Adelaide, 29.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874.
Winfield Courier, January 28, 1875.
At a meeting of the citizens at Cedar Township held at the residence of Sanford Day, Esq., on the evening of January 19th, 1875, the following preamble and resolution was read and adopted.
WHEREAS, Cedar Township of Cowley County, Kansas, having no township trustee, and
WHEREAS, there are numbers of people who are suffering for provisions and clothing, therefore be it
Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed to canvass this township, and make out a report of the destitution that exists, and report the same to the chairman of the central relief committee of this county. And be it further
Resolved, That a copy of the proceedings of this meeting be furnished the Winfield COURIER, with the request that the same be published.
On motion, Mr. Searle, Mr. John Frazee, Mr. Wm. Morgan, and D. W. Willey were appointed said committee.
Meeting adjourned. MARK PHILLIPS, Chairman.
J. W. SEARLE, Sec.
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1877.
Election Fee: J. W. Searle, $2.00.
Winfield Courier, November 15, 1877.
TOWNSHIP OFFICERS ELECTED. Cedar—J. W. Searle, Trustee; D. M. Patten, Treasurer; John Belles, Clerk; No Justice; E. Osborn, W. Morgan, Constables.
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1877.
Among other proceedings had, the Board allowed the following claims for election services. Election Fee: J. W. Searle.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 19, 1877.
S. G. OVERMAN is Trustee of Cedar Township instead of J. W. Searle, as published a few weeks ago.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.
J. W. Searle is putting up a stone fence.
Searle is feeding about sixty head of cows. He intends to have them ready for the June market. He has rented his farm on Beaver creek to a Mr. Moore and moved on the state line where he could have more range.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.
CEDAR TOWNSHIP, Jan. 15, 1878.
A sociable was held last week at the residence of Mr. Hiram Blenden’s, in Spring Creek township. There were present Mr. Libby and lady, Mr. Austin Blenden and lady, Mr. J. W. Searle and lady, Mr. J. Bobbitt and lady, your correspondent and lady, and the following young folks: Mr. Sam McKelvey and Miss May Montgomery, Mr. Wes Martin, and Miss Jane Montgomery, Mr. Eli Blenden and Miss Sadie Rider, Mr. Wm. Key and Miss Cally Bell, Mr. Jas. Phipps and Miss Bell, Mr. Ike Blenden and Miss Pruitt, Mr. Newton Tolls and Miss Annie Pruitt, Mr. Ike Bell and Miss Addie Marston, Mr. John Montgomery and Miss Jane Tolls. First violin, Prof. H. Wells; second violin, John Bobbitt; piccolo, Jas. Key. The music was good, the supper splendid, and the dancers enthusiastic. Everybody went home happy as happy goes. W. A. M.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.
CEDAR TOWNSHIP, March 9, 1878.
The Beaver Creek schoolhouse in District 85 was burned on Saturday, the 23rd of February. The Followers of Christ held services there that evening, and I hold that a candle that was stuck on the desk was left burning; but some folks, who do not “cast the beam from their own eye,” are ready to howl “incendiary,” while it is a natural consequence following so great an act of carelessness. I am not alone in this opinion. Mr. F. Smith, Mr. Searle, Mr. McCarney, and others are of the same opinion.
Winfield Courier, May 30, 1878.
ED. COURIER: Mr. J. W. Searle started for Kansas City this morning with a car load of fat cattle.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
A. A. Willey and J. W. Searle are gone to Kansas City with five carloads of cattle. We will have a railroad from Cowley sometime. June 23, 1878. I GUESS.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
The Greenback Executive Committee. Committee met August 17, J. B. Callison presiding, W. M. Allison, secretary. The committee chose N. C. Coldwell, J. B. Callison, F. W. Schwantes, and D. Elliott as delegates to the Congressional Convention at Florence August 20. The chairman and secretary were instructed to call a county convention to put a full county ticket in the field when they think best.
The following were appointed a committee to see after unorganized territory: F. W. Schwantes, T. A. Blanchard, D. Elliott, J. B. Callison, J. W. Searle, A. S. Williams, B. H. Clover, N. C. Coldwell, Wm. Morrow, S. B. Hunt, C. C. Krow, O. C. Brubaker, and W. M. Allison.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
DIED. On Friday evening at 5 o’clock, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Searle’s little Charlie died, aged 1½ months; was buried in the grounds of the Beaver Creek Cemetery Association.
Winfield Courier, September 5, 1878.
J. W. Searle will buy 2,500 bushels of corn this fall. He expects to pay about 12 to 15 cents per bushel. It is worth more than that for fuel.
Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.
The following is the list of Jurors drawn to serve at the next term of court which convenes in Winfield, December 1st, 1879.
J. W. Searle, Cedar township, was included in list of Jurors.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1884.
The L. M. Brown and J. W. Searle county roads were ordered opened.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.
Road petition of W. H. H. Rathbun granted, and Lewis Funk, A. A. Mills, and J. W. Searle appointed viewers.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.
W. H. H. Rathbun road, Cedar township; commencing sw corner of nw ¼ of sec 8, township 34, r 8 e, and running thence west 1 mile; thence about 200 yards; thence nw to a point about 200 yards w of ne cor of lot 14; thence w 2¼ miles to w line of sec 12, township 34, r 7 e. The viewers, Lewis Funk, A. A. Mills, and J. W. Searle, with county surveyor, will survey said road and give all a hearing on March 13, 1885, commencing at 10 a.m.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds yesterday.
C W Wishard to J W Searle, e hf ne qr and w hf nw qr 15-35-7e, 160 acres: $1,200.