Men Who Handled Sheep in
Cowley County


Thomas Moore.

Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.

PUBLIC SALE. The undersigned will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, at my residence, nine miles south of Beaumont and near the head of Grouse Creek, on Thursday, October 2nd, 1884, commencing at 10 o’clock a.m., the following described property: 1,300 head of high grade Merino sheep, 12 head of pedigreed rams, 30 head of high grade rams. They are all free of scab, and in good healthy condition. The original stock came from Michigan, and sheared 8 lbs. on an average the present year. Will also sell a sheep corral, one span of work horses, one Indian pony, one lumber wagon, one set of work harness, two saddles, several hundred feet of pine lumber, a pump, and other articles too numerous to mention. Terns: All sums under $10 cash in hand; $10 and over, 12 months time will be given purchaser with bankable note at 10 percent interest. Five percent off for cash.

THOMAS MOORE, Walter Denning, Auctioneer.