Shenneman Sheriff A T


The Winfield census of 1878 lists A. T. Shenneman, age 32 and unmarried.
The Winfield census of 1880 listed A. T. Shenneman, 34, and his wife Ella C., 27.  She is the daughter of J. C. Walters.
A. T. Shenneman was a native of Waynesburg, Ohio. While a small boy his parents moved with him to Illinois, where he was brought up and educated. At the age of 16, in 1861, he entered the Union Army, enlisting in the 68th Illinois volunteer infantry. He joined Dan Wilt’s Company “D,” 7th Illinois Cavalry, in which he served with distinction to the close of the war. It is a compliment of his young patriotism to state that when he entered the service, his stature was only five feet seven inches; and when he came out, he had elongated to the height of six feet one and one-half inches, and had grown immensely in the esteem of his comrades in arms.
A. T. Shenneman Was One of Cowley County’s Early Settlers.
Drawn by the opening of the West and the Osage Diminished reserve, he emigrated to Kansas, being one of the early settlers in Cowley County, where he made a very large number of friends. On Christmas eve of 1869, A. T. Shenneman was in the freighting busi-ness and spent the night at what is now known as “Island Park.” He worked at several jobs, including Stewart and Simpson’s Brickyard.
Shenneman Was an Early Marshal in Cowley County.
Winfield Courier, August 21, 1873. Marshal Shenneman is out of luck and business, he looks inconsolable and lazy, he hasn’t had a job in a long time. Won’t somebody raise a row, start a fight, do anything, only give that marshal something to do.
Constable and Policeman: A. T. Shenneman.
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1874. Winfield Township Officers.
The following are the officers elected in this township last Tuesday: Trustee, H. S. Silver; Clerk, E. S. Bedilion; Treasurer, O. F. Boyle; Justices of the Peace, N. H. Wood and W. M. Boyer; Constables, A. T. Shenneman and Burt Covert.
Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874. City Council Proceedings.
Bill of A. T. Shenneman, services as police, claimed $2.00, allowed $1.50
[Note: Shenneman learned much about the activities of law enforcement from an able teacher: Capt. R. L. (“Dick”) Walker, Sheriff of Cowley County, from November 4, 1873, election until his second term expired on January 10, 1878. Dick Walker and his brother, George, probably saved Bill Hackney’s life in 1870. See Volume One. MAW]
Walker Family.
The 1875 Kansas Census listed the Walker family: Rebecca, 57; R. L., 32; George, 27; and Edward, 24. It showed both Rebecca and R. L. were born in Pennsylvania. George and Edward were born in Ohio.
Capt. R. L. (“Dick”) Walker, Sheriff.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 2, 1873.

Capt. R. L. Walker was nominated for Sheriff after a sharp fight; it seemed that many applicants for that position were determined not to yield the point, but all acquiesced in the choice of the convention. Capt. Walker was one of the boys “in blue” during the rebellion, and no doubt did valuable service for the country then as he will now after his election to the office of sheriff of Cowley County.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1874.
Captain Dick Walker, the new sheriff, is one of the most popular men in the county.
Everybody that knows him bets on him. His personal appearance is strikingly favorable—except to criminals. In form, tall, straight, and well proportioned; in motion, lithe, graceful, and dignified, and to those graces are added an intelligent countenance whose flashing eyes and strong, well turned features at once attract the attention of the observer. In repose grand, in action awful—his is a happy combi­nation of the powers, arts, faculties, graces, and acquirements of the remaining members of the “ring.” With the length of a Johnson, the sinews of a Green, the muscle of a Torrance, the nerve of a Kelly, the bearing of a Fuller, the decision of a Millington, the address of an Irwin, the brains of a McDermott, the brilliancy of a Webb, and the intuition of a Manning, Dick is calculated to get away with the baggage of all the passengers he goes for. Girls, he is not married, but wants to—well, you can guess the remainder. His mustache is so ticklish!
Winfield Courier, January 30, 1874.
Prisoner Escaped! Rucker’s Lodgings Vacated! Worthlessness of the City Jail!!
Wednesday morning last, our city was thrown into a tumult of excitement by the announcement that Thos. Rucker, the Lazette murderer, who had been confined in the city jail at this place since the tragedy last Christmas, was missing. The inhabitants of the town immediately proceeded to the jail and soon found that it was no hoax, but a bona fide fact. Scouts were immediately dispatched in every direction, but failed to discover any trace of his whereabouts.
The means by which he escaped are very indefinite. It is generally supposed that some outside party opened the doors and gave him his liberty, although it is possible that he had the tools furnished, and did the work himself. At any rate, he has gone, and the next thing is to find him, although Sheriff Walker is confident that he will soon have his hands on him, as well as the one who gave him his freedom.
And while he is gone, it would be well if the city council would put the jail in a condition to hold him an hour or so if he should be brought back. A man who has a friend in the world and wishes to get out need not stay in his cell an hour. In the first place, there is nothing to prevent anybody giving a prisoner anything they wish, as the windows have nothing to protect them except some iron bars with space enough between to throw a sledge hammer.
Then again, the jail is at least twenty rods from the nearest human habitation, and the building could be bombarded with a ten pound cannon and the noise would be hardly heard by the citizens at home. The doors are also in such a shape that Rucker could easily have lifted them off the hinges with a crow bar. If some protection was put around the windows and the upper story occupied by a family, it would become more difficult for a prisoner to make his escape.
Winfield Courier, February 6, 1874.

Sheriff Dick Walker has a new and safe way of keeping his prisoners. Since the jail has been “broke” so much, he takes them to bed with him. We understand that Mr. Walker will not trust anymore of his prisoners in the jail while the city authorities carry the keys.
Winfield Courier, May 27, 1875. One day last week the boys at the Courthouse attempted to illustrate the cold water ritual of the Methodists by sprinkling each other. Judge Gans, an old hand at the business, “frowed de last water fust” on Dick Walker, and Dick, not being partial to water in any form, handed a pitcher full to Troup, which, owing to his carelessness, landed on top of his head. This set the ball to rolling. Troup returned the compliment by emptying his coal scuttle of dirty water in Walker’s left ear. Then Bedilion and Walton joined in only to get treated to more cold water than they had been used to lately, and they retired satisfied. Then Walker and Gans formed an alliance, which they were just sealing with a “shake,” when the irrepressible Troup put in his ladle and sent them off shaking themselves and swearing vengeance against him. They soon proved too much for Troup, for while he was guarding the pump and watching Dick, Gans stole upstairs, and emptied four gallons of muddy water down his shirt collar, and in attempting to retreat, he was overhauled by long Dick and treated to another bath, which closed the circus for that day. They are now suffering from bad colds, the penalty for using too much cold water when their constitutions were not used to it.
Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875. By way of retaliation the boys are circulating a good joke on Dick Walker this week. It is well known, far and wide, that he has an unusual sized under-standing (he wears boots numbered somewhere away up in the teens), and that he never fails to embellish a joke when it passes through his hands.
While at the picnic on the 3rd, at Arkansas City, he stood leaning against a tree, with his feet extended, listening to the sweet music of the Beethoven Society, perfectly unconscious of his surroundings. While standing there—unobserved by him—a young couple from Bolton Township came along, and, as they supposed, took a seat on a log under this same tree. The music stopped, and Dick, for the first time, noticed them. But as they were chatting merrily, he thought he wouldn’t disturb them, till the conversation took a turn where he thought, “Two is company, and three a crowd.” So he modestly suggested that he was “sorry, he didn’t like to disturb them, but the fact was Harter wanted to see him over there by the lemonade stand.”
The young man said nothing, but his sweetheart allowed “He (Dick) could go as nobody was holden him.” “Well,” said Dick, at the same time bowing gracefully with the upper part of himself, “I can’t, you see, as you are sitting on my left foot.” It is needless to say that they moved, and rather suddenly too; and as they passed round the speaker’s stand, the girl was heard to remark, “Well! That must be that sheriff Dick Walker, of Winfield, for nobody else has such feet outside of a museum.”
Winfield Courier, January 6, 1876.
Tuesday evening, January 4th, 1876, at the residence of the bride’s brother, L. J. Webb, by Rev. N. L. Rigby, Mr. R. L. Walker and Miss Sadie A. Webb.

Everybody in the county knows Dick Walker and no one has more friends than he. They all rejoice at his good sense and good fortune in selecting a companion for life. His new wife, though not one of the “old settlers,” has many friends in our midst and quietly captured the Captain that all the girls were going crazy after. “Still waters run deep.”
Walker Appointed Deputy U. S. Marshal for Kansas.
Winfield Courier, May 11, 1876. Chas. H. Miller, the new U. S. Marshal for Kansas, has appointed Sheriff Walker as his deputy for this part of the district. We congratulate Mr. Miller on his selection. He could not have made one more acceptable to the people on the “border tier” had he submitted it to their popular vote. Capt. Walker will make a deputy worthy of the chief, and that is saying a great deal.
Walker to the Rescue.
Winfield Courier, May 11, 1876. Monday morning the citizens of the west part of town were startled with the cry of “Help! Help! Murder!!” Three men were seen scuffling on the street near Kirk’s blacksmith shop. Sheriff Walker rushed to the scene, and found old man Hornemann in the hands of two men, who were trying to put him in a wagon. He was shouting vociferously and calling on the bystanders for help. Dick enquired of the parties by what authority they were acting, and they showed him a warrant for Hornemann properly signed by the authorities of Rice County. Having the proper credentials, they chucked the old man in the wagon, and hurried off towards Wichita. Dick hurried up to the office of Pryor, who made immediate application to, and obtained of Judge Gans, a writ of habeas corpus. Armed with this and other necessaries, Dick started out after the kidnappers. A novel race ensued. The old man was pinioned to the lower deck of the wagon box by a two hundred pound deputy sheriff sitting on his broad chest, while the other sat upon the seat and drove furiously. As Walker came in sight, they redoubled their speed, thinking to reach the county line before him. They didn’t know the man or the mettle of the little bay team that was slashing up behind them. He came up, halted them, and demanded the prisoner. They gave him up without any “back talk.” As Hornemann, almost breathless, climbed into the buggy with Dick, he shook his fist at the big Rice deputy man and said: “By shimminy, you don’t sit on mine pelly so much now as before Valker came you did, eh!” The cause alleged for the arrest was that Hornemann stole a horse up in Rice and brought it down here. The truth of the matter is this: Hornemann hired a horse of Mr. Fitzsimmons, of Red Bud, loaned it to Tom Deering, who drove it up to Rice County and sold it. Hornemann, having a chattel mortgage on the horse, went up and got it. Then he was followed and arrested for stealing the horse, as above stated. His trial will come off next Monday. The old man’s description of his ride, with the deputy sheriff sitting on him, was too funny for any use.
Walker at One Time Commissioner of Montgomery County.
Winfield Courier, July 13, 1876. In Wilson’s History of Montgomery, we learn our Sher­iff, R. L. Walker, was one of the first three commissioners of that county. He was appointed by the Governor on the 3rd day of June, 1868. H. C. Crawford and H. A. Bethuram were his associates.
  Arrest by Sheriff Walker: Notorious Charles Howertson.

Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876. Monday evening the crowd around Fuller’s bank and near the apple wagons on Main street had an opportunity to see the neatest magisterial job that has been performed in this county for some time. Information was given Sheriff Walker that one of the apple peddlers from Arkansas on our streets was the notorious Charles Howertson, of Knox County, Missouri, who, in July last shot and killed one Hiner, near Edina, in that county.
The informant, one of the best citizens of our county (we refrain from giving his name for prudential reasons), knew Howertson personally a few years ago, and recognized him in his new role of apple vender.
Walker prepared to arrest him and to make assurance doubly sure, called in A. H. Green, who performed the part of confidence man to perfection. When everything was in readiness, Green stepped up behind their man and spoke out quick and sharp, “How do you do, Howertson?” at the same time extending his hand for a “shake.” Howertson, taken by surprise, of course, turned round quickly when the name was spoken and advanced a step to meet the supposed acquaintance.
At this juncture Walker closed his vice-like grip on the Missourian’s arm and informed him that he was a prisoner. Howertson made an attempt to draw his revolver, which was in his right hand pocket, but of course failed. The boys were too much for him. They unarmed him and marched him off to the calaboose.
When informed of the charge against him, he admitted that he did shoot a man in Missouri last July, and added that if the Sheriff hadn’t got the drop on him, he would have shot him. He says the man Hiner that he shot is not dead yet, but the Hiner that his brother shot died. It seems that the two Howertsons got into a difficulty with the two Hiners, which terminated in the death of one of the latter and the wounding of the other.
The Howertsons fled to Arkansas, and have eluded the offi­cers up to the present time. Sheriff Walker telegraphed to the Sheriff of Knox County, notifying him of the arrest. The Howertsons are said to be desperate and lawless men. They were “rebel bushwhackers” during the late war and led a terrible life.
Horse Thief Caught by Sheriff Walker.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 21, 1877. Some thief stole a horse from Henry Coryell, while he was attending the religious meeting at Parker’s schoolhouse on Monday evening.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 28, 1877. Horse Thief Caught. A colored man, of short, thick stature, who has been stopping with Mr. Banks on the south side of the Arkansas, was arrested at the ferry last Wednesday by Sheriff Walker, on the charge of stealing a horse from Henry Coryell on Monday night. The horse was stolen while Mr. Coryell was attending church at Parker’s schoolhouse, and taken to Dexter and traded to a son of Uncle Billy Moore, of Crab Creek, for another horse. Moore’s horse was then sold to Jim Allen, the butcher in Winfield, for a watch and $20. The thief gives his name as Charley Williams; says he is from Elk County to this place, but was born and reared in Missouri, having lived awhile in St. Joseph. He has been bound over to appear at the next term of court, and will be confined in jail until that time.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 5, 1877. Williams, the negro who stole Coryell’s horse, has been arraigned, and plead guilty; has not been sentenced yet.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 12, 1877. The colored man who was arrested at this place a few weeks since for horse stealing was sentenced to one year’s imprisonment in the Kansas penitentiary at Leavenworth at hard labor. He seemed to care but little for the sentence and left the courtroom with a terrible grin all over his countenance.
Sheriff Walker served as Mayor of Winfield in 1877.

In 1878 (when his term as Sheriff expired) he served with Dr. Nathan Hughes as a Special Agent for the Secretary of the Interior on unoccupied Indian reserves and Government lands. It was their duty to protect property in the Territory. Later in 1878 he held the office of registrar of the Wichita Land District office for one full term; and was reappointed for a second term.
Walker served as a captain of Company A, Nineteenth Ohio, Infantry, and had a splendid record as a soldier. He also became United States Marshal for the District of Kansas.
Sheriff Walker and Constable Shenneman Catch Horse Thief.
Winfield Courier, May 22, 1874.
Al Headrick is in limbo again; this time it is for stealing a horse in Labette County. He had been working for a man named Humphries, living twelve miles southwest of Parsons, and being out of work and out of money and not being anxious to walk away, he “borrowed” a horse and rode away. He says he meant to turn the horse loose and start him back home after he got to Grouse creek, but his great aversion to treading on mother soil overcame his scruples in regard to keeping other people’s property and so he rode on. He stopped at a school house to attend church, a few miles north of town, on Timber creek, where he was arrested by Sheriff Walker and Constable Shenneman, and lodged in jail at this place.
Sheriff Walker started with him for Labette County, yesterday morning.
Bills Allowed by County Commissioners to Walker & Shenneman, Bailiff.
The May 22, 1874, issue of the Winfield Courier reported that among bills allowed by the board of County Commissioners at their May 18, 1874, meeting were the following:
R. L. Walker, sheriff:  $10.50, $11.00, $25.00. A. T. Shenneman, bailiff: $10.00.
A. T. Shenneman Goes to Texas and Returns in July 1874.
A. T. Shenneman went to Texas, returning in July 1874, and announced he wanted to buy County scrip. The July 10, 1874, Courier showed a real estate transfer by Shenneman to William Carter, southwest 1/4 section 33, township 32 south, range 3 east, price $1,100.
Shenneman’s Saddle is Stolen.
Winfield Courier, August 14, 1874. T. O. Hill had one of his horses taken out of the pasture last Saturday night by some person, who, after appropriating A. T. Shenneman’s saddle, lit out for parts unknown. Mr. Hill immediately advertised to pay fifty dollars reward for the recovery of horse and thief, and he has received word that the thief was arrested in Independence, on suspicion, while trying to dispose of the animal on the streets at a remark-ably low figure. Deputy Sheriff Geo. Walker will bring him back with him on his return from Independence whither he has gone in charge of a Montgomery County horse thief.
[Note: As mentioned in Volume Two—The Indians, History of Cowley County, Kansas, A. T. Shenneman was sworn in by Capt. J. B. Nipp and elected as 1st Lieutenant of Company “G” of the Cowley County Militia. In June 1875 he became Captain. MAW]
Shenneman Has an Unruly Mustang.
Winfield Courier, June 24, 1875. While Shenneman was trying the speed of his mustang in the Northeast part of town last Saturday, it became unruly and succeeded in running on a pile of stone containing about nineteen cords, and then capped the thing off by jumping sideways through a crack in Bedilion’s fence, without damaging anything—except the fence.
Capt. Shenneman: Cultivating a Mustache, Selling Ponies.
Winfield Courier, August 12, 1875. Capt. Shenneman is cultivating a mustache.
Winfield Courier, August 19, 1875. Mr. Shenneman is still selling ponies.
Shenneman Declines in Favor of Deming for Sheriff’s Office.

Winfield Courier, October 14, 1875. “The next heat was for Sheriff, for which there were five entries, to-wit: Hoffmaster, Deming, Lippman, Shenneman, and R. L. Walker. Walker’s name was withdrawn; Shenneman declined in favor of Deming. Hoffmaster won.”
The Roving Shenneman is Back.
Winfield Courier, January 27, 1876. Shenneman, the rover, is back. This time he came from Ft. Smith, Arkansas, where he has been attending U. S. court.
   Parties Think Shenneman Involved with Joseph Requa.
Winfield Courier, March 30, 1876.
Mr. Joseph Requa left here Saturday after dark for parts unknown. It is supposed A. T. Shenneman took him in a buggy towards the eastern part of the State or into the Territory. He had about $10,000 in money with him according to the estimates of posted ones. He is supposed to be flying from a divorce suit. The escapade caused quite a sensation in town.
Winfield Courier, May 20, 1876. Mr. Shenneman, who had been on an exploring trip toward the Indian Territory, has returned, but nobody can find out whether he struck a bonanza or not. Mr. Shenneman and Mr. Requa, another prominent citizen, left about the same time, but so far, although his friends have had great anxiety to hear from him, no tidings of Mr. Requa come to hand, but we are fortunate to save Mr. Shenneman anyway.
Shenneman Brings in Horses.
Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.
Shenneman has returned from Ft. Smith, Ark. He brings some good horses this time.
Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876. Shenneman has arrived with more horse flesh.
Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876. A. T. Shenneman has gone to Missouri to—“bring in another horse.”
Winfield Courier, July 20, 1876. SHENNEMAN has just returned from Missouri with some good horses, mules, and a new wagon for sale.
Requa’s Rest.
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1876. [St. Louis Globe-Democrat, Nov. 7th.]
Requa Drowns Himself in the Turbid Mississippi.
Coroner Dudley yesterday held a view of the body of an unknown white man, who was found in the river at the foot of Sidney street yesterday morning, between 8 and 9 o’clock, which was afterward removed to the morgue for identification.
The man was dressed in a new suit made of blue flannel, and had a pair of elastic gaiters on his feet. He wore a fancy calico shirt, with three gold studs, having white stone sets, a gold collar button, a small gold breastpin, with a diminutive white imitation stone setting, and a black necktie. On the little finger of his left hand was a small, plain gold ring. In his pockets were a pair of steel frame spectacles, a black handled knife with three blades, and three small iron trunk or drawer keys. No papers or other articles were found which would lead to the identification of the deceased. He was about fifty years of age, five feet nine or ten inches high, with dark brown hair interspersed with gray and reddish whiskers.
The body remained at the Morgue till after five o’clock, when it was identified by several officers connected with the Central (Four Courts) Police District, and also by special officer Tom Bardner, and Charles M. McDowell, of the firm of Bussey & Co., No. 16 South Commercial, who had known the deceased for twenty-five years.

The name of the dead man was Joseph Requa, who, just two weeks ago, was robbed of something over $11,000 in notes, bonds, and money, by a colored prostitute named Maggie Moore, in a basement on Spruce street, between Sixth and Seventh streets, a full account of which was published in the Globe-Democrat at the time. All of the stolen property, excepting one United States bond of $1,000, one of $100, and $35 in money, was recovered at the time the Moore girl was arrested, and Requa, who had attempt­ed to drown himself after discovering his loss (his design being frustrated by a police officer), was greatly delighted at the recovery of so much of his money. He reported at the Four Courts every day thereafter until and including Friday, October 27th, during which time he appeared in excellent spirits, laugh­ing and joking considerably. Since then he has not been seen, as far as known, by anyone, and considerable alarm was felt concern­ing him, Mr. McDowell even going so far as to telegraph to George Cooper, a brother-in-law of Requa, at Mount Pleasant, Iowa, who came to St. Louis and subsequently went to Kansas in search of the missing man.
From Mr. McDowell, who has known Requa for the past twenty-five years, the following facts were ascertained.
Joseph Requa was about fifty years of age at the time of his death; he had lived in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, for a long time, where he has a wife and grown up son and daughter. Some estrangement occurred between Requa and his wife, resulting in a separation; he removed to Kansas, where he was engaged in farming for the past two years. In the meantime, his wife instituted proceedings to obtain a divorce from him, a decree to that effect having been granted her a short time ago. Requa left his Kansas farm and came to St. Louis about two months ago and knocked around town from that time until the last time he was seen, October 27th. During his absence from Kansas, his friends used great efforts to discover his whereabouts, but without success.
 While here he boarded and roomed at No. 1002 Market street; but when the landlady of the house was sent for, last evening, to identify the body, it was found that she had removed to some other locality, which was unknown. It is probable, however, that she will be found today and taken to the Morgue to identify the body.
Mr. McDowell feels satisfied that Requa, who was more than ordinarily intelligent, was suffering from aberration of mind, and while in that condition drowned himself, in the river. There were no marks of violence upon the body.
When Requa was last seen, he had a valuable gold watch, attached to a black silk ribbon, but this was missing when the body was found, and Mr. McDowell believes that he must have pawned it, as he had no money except that which was stolen from him. The bonds and notes recovered still remain in the hands of the police authorities, to be used as evidence against the Moore girl. . . .
The Courier commented: “Geo. Cooper, brother-in-law of Requa, arrived today, and had only been at the Central Hotel a few moments when he learned the above sad news.”
   A. T. Shenneman Assists in Getting Iron Bridge.
Winfield Courier, July 12, 1877. Editorial Page.
The Bridge Question.
We, the undersigned, agree to pay the amounts set opposite our names for the purpose of completing an iron bridge across the Walnut, Cowley County, Kansas, and votes aid therefor in the sum of three thousand dollars ($3,000) at an election to be held July 17th, 1877. Said sums of money to be due and payable in consideration of the erection of said bridge, to the order of the party to whom the officers of the said township let the contract for the erection of the said bridge. WINFIELD, KAN., June 25th, 1877.

John Himelspaugh, $60.00; E. S. Sheridan, $50.00; John R. Davis and Son, $50.00; M. B. Rupp, $50.00; C. S. Smith, $50.00; L. D. Randall, $25.00; Thos. Randall, $35.00; C. P. Ward, $40.00; Wm. Carter, $25.00; A. T. Shenneman, $50.00; A. B. Graham, $25.00; J. R. Taylor, $25.00; J. F. Brooks, $20.00; Jesse Chatfield, $20.00; P. M. Wait, $100.00; M. L. Read’s Bank, $200.00; Calvin Kimble, $10.00; C. W. Donkin, $10.00; B. Alexander, $10.00; C. G. Bradbury, $10.00; J. C. Poor, $5.00; Wesley Bowers, $20.00; J. W. Randall, $20.00; O. F. Boyle, $50.00; Joseph Likowski, $20.00; R. Ehret, $10.00; Winfield Tunnel Mills, $50.00; George Easterly, $10.00; Philip Stump, $10.00.
Candidate for Sheriff: A. T. Shenneman.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 22, 1877. A. T. Shenneman made us a call yesterday and left his an­nouncement as a candidate for sheriff with us. Among the many candidates for the office, a good sheriff should be chosen. If Mr. Shenneman is the choice of the Nominating Convention, we shall take great pleasure in doing our best for him, as we know him to be a worthy man and believe he would be a true and faith­ful officer.
Shenneman Withdraws; Lippmann Nominated.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 26, 1877. On last Saturday the delegates of the several townships, chosen to nominate officers for the Republican ticket, gathered together at Winfield. As considerable interest and strife was manifested among several of the candi-dates, the members of the convention met early to organize. After considerable dispute, the temporary organization was completed and Mr. Callison, of Spring Creek township, chosen Chairman, Chas. Eagin, Secretary, with R. A. Houghton and L. J. Webb, tellers.
Nominations being in order, Geo. Walker, Leon Lippmann, A. T. Shenneman, and S. W.Chase were nominated for the office of Sheriff, and an informal ballot taken resulting in 21 for Lippmann, 16 for Shenneman, 15 for Walker, and 4 for Chase.
Fifty-two ballots were then taken in succession, with nearly the same result and without any delay further than remarks now and then by the friends of the several candidates and one hour for supper, lasting from one o’clock p.m. until eleven o’clock at night. By this time everyone was tired, weary, and disgusted, and expressed themselves bitterly against the men who seemed to endeavor to prevent a nomination by shunning a compromise, or listening to the advice of friends. Finally, one of the leaders of Mr. Walker’s party was overheard to say he was going to throw his votes for Lippmann. Mr. Shenneman was made aware of the fact and ran in ahead and withdrew his name from the convention in favor of Mr. Lippmann, who was unanimously declared the nominee.
E. P. Kinne Elected as Registrar of Deeds.
Following this Dr. Graham was elected Coroner, E. P. Kinne, Registrar of Deeds; Thomas Bryan, County Treasurer; Capt. Hunt, County Clerk; N. A. Haight, Surveyor; Geo. L. Gale, County Commissioner of the first district of Rock, Maple, Vernon, Beaver, and Winfield townships; Major Wm. Sleeth, Commissioner of the second district, comprised of Creswell, Bolton, Pleasant Valley, Silverdale, Liberty, Spring Creek, Cedar, and Otter townships; R. F. Burden, Commissioner of the third district of Tisdale, Windsor, Dexter, Silver Creek, and Sheridan townships.
Livery Stable Opened by Shenneman & Millspaugh.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878. A. T. Shenneman has returned from Missouri bringing several fine teams and buggies, and will open a livery stable here.
 “Shenneman & Millspaugh” opened a new livery stable just west of Manning’s block in Winfield soon after the April announcement.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878. Shenneman & Millspaugh run a number one hack between Wichita and Winfield. They will carry you to Wichita or elsewhere in their new passenger hack, and make the trip a pleasant ride.

The January 2, 1879, issue of the Winfield Courier listed its advertisers.
“Shenneman & Millspaugh are very enterprising and popular gentlemen in the livery business. They keep the best of teams and are always ready to accommodate.”
[Note: At this time there were four livery, feed, and sale stables (B. M. Terrill, Harter & Speed, C. W. Garoutte, Shenneman & Millspaugh) in Winfield. RKW]
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879. “Shenneman & Millspaugh have been fixing up their livery stable recently.”
Another item appeared in this issue. “We hear a report that some ‘doctor’ (name not given) on Grouse Creek on last Monday shot seven times at a single man without a hit. This shooting business is horrible and must be stopped in some way. We can scarcely believe we are in a civi­lized country.”
Wilson Purchases Millspaugh’s Interest in Shenneman & Millspaugh Livery.
Winfield Courier, May 1, 1879. We are informed that Mr. Frank Millspaugh has sold out his interest in the livery business of Shenneman & Millspaugh to Mr. A. G. Wilson.
Winfield Courier, May 8, 1879.
Mr. A. G. Wilson has again launched in the livery business in Winfield, having pur-chased the interest of Mr. Millspaugh, in the firm of Shenneman and Millspaugh.
Mr. Wilson is one of the oldest and most popular liverymen in Winfield, and in days gone by it was a “snide” rig that didn’t come from Wilson’s livery stable. We wish the new firm success.
Shenneman Withdraws from Livery Business to Farm.
On May 15, 1879, the Courier heard from “Screech Owl,” its correspondent at Vernon. He reported, “Mr. Shenneman has a small house built on his farm.”
Winfield Courier, May 29, 1879. M. M. Thompson has purchased A. T. Shenneman’s interest in the livery business on Ninth Avenue. Mr. Shenneman will now devote his time to harvesting his 150 acres of wheat in Vernon township, and improving his fine farm.
Voters of Richland Township Want Shenneman as Sheriff.
The “South Richland” correspondent in the June 15, 1879, issue of Courier reported:
“Politics are looming up. Mr. A. T. Shenneman is the choice of the Republican voters of Richland township. . . . We want no old broken down horse, but a man who has been tried in the capture of horse and other thieves to the satisfaction and interest of the citizens of Cowley County, and A. T. Shenneman is that man.”
Shenneman Purchases Lot for Livery, Gets Involved in Politics.
Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.
A. T. Shenneman has purchased the Bradish lot, on the corner of Manning street and 10th avenue, for $475. He will probably erect a livery barn sometime during the summer.
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.
The announcement of A. T. Shenneman for the office of Sheriff will be found in this paper. Mr. Shenneman is an old time Republican, and an earnest disciple of truth and justice. His record is without a stain and his efficiency to fill the office is undoubted. If nominated, he will carry the entire strength of the party and the success of the ticket will be assured.

Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879. Dexter Township, July 14. Political matters are being stirred up considerable just now. Jim Harden is leading off for the office of Treasurer, Shenneman for Sheriff, and Capt. Hunt for Clerk. Several other men are spoken of for other offices, not necessary to mention in this article.
A. T. Shenneman Marries Miss Walters.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 23, 1879.
Married. At the residence of the bride’s parents, in Winfield, Sunday, July 20th, 1879, by the Rev. J. E. Platter, Albert T. Shenneman and Miss Ella C. Walters, both of Winfield.
Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.
Married on Sunday evening, July 20th, 1879, at the residence of the bride’s father, Rev. J. E. Platter officiating, Mr. A. T. Shenneman and Miss Nellie Walters.
Still another, the boast and pride of Winfield’s batchelordom, has surrendered to the charms of one of our fairest ladies. First Quincy Glass, next Warren Gillelen, then Will Root, and now A. T., the last of this noble band of seeming­ly confirmed “old batches” surrenders uncondi-tionally and without a murmur to the fascination of rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes. From the excellence and quantity of the cigars, cake, ice cream, etc., furnished, we should judge they were supremely happy and wanted everyone else to be.
[Note: Miss Walters was the daughter of J. C. Walters. The Winfield census of 1880 listed A. T. Shenneman, 34, and his wife, Ella C., 27. RKW]
Walnut Township Wants Shenneman for Sheriff.
The August 14, 1879, edition of the Winfield Courier, printed a letter from John C. Roberts, stating that the people of Walnut Township were for Shenneman.

Mr. A. T. Shenneman at the age of sixteen entered the war of 1861, served till its close, and was honorably discharged from the service. Thus early in life he was inured in the trials and hardships of the fiercest war that has raged in modern times, and which have so effectually marked his career from that time to the present. Besides he has had the requisite experience in the line of duty pertaining to the office of Sheriff. We can say of a truth, as can a great many more, that he has performed duties without any compensation whatever and that too, when the proper officials refused to act at the time called upon do do so.
For instance, when A. B. Graham’s horse was stolen, not one of the proper officials could be prevailed upon to perform their duty. Not so with Shenneman. He was willing to go and did go, although he was not the officer elected to perform that duty, neither was he the deputy. Had he been Sheriff at the time the Arkansas City bank was robbed, instead of lounging around town, he would have pursued those desperadoes in person, and the probabilities are that he would have succeeded in securing them.
With A. T. as sheriff, cattle thieves, horse thieves, and desperadoes of all kinds will give Cowley County a wide berth, as they well know that they will have more than a mere pigmy to contend with.
Shenneman Delegation Elected in Winfield Primary.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 20, 1879. At the primary election in Winfield the following gentlemen were elected delegates. First ward, W. O. Johnson, C. Coldwell, J. E. Saint, David Long; second ward, H. Brotherton, C. Trump, D. L. Kretsinger, Archie Stewart; delegate at large, David C. Beach. This is understood to be a Shenneman delegation.
Nomination of Shenneman for Sheriff Unanimous.
Winfield Courier, September 11, 1879.
A vote was taken for sheriff, resulting as follows. A. T. Shenneman, 72 votes; P. M. Waite, 15. On motion the nomination of A. T. Shenneman was made unanimous.

Republican Ticket.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 17, 1879. Sheriff: A. T. Shenneman, Winfield; Treasurer, James Harden, Dexter; County Clerk, James S. Hunt, Winfield; Register of Deeds, Jacob Nixon, Vernon; Surveyor, N. A. Haight, Bolton; Coroner, Dr. Graham, Winfield; Commissioner, 2nd District, Henry Harbaugh, Pleasant Valley.
Fight by Harter Forces Against Shenneman for Sheriff.
Readers of the Winfield Courier issue of October 23, 1879, were informed by a lengthy heading and article of a scheme against Shenneman.
Subsequent issues followed the story of truths and untruths about Shenneman in attempts to attack and defend him in his attempt to become the next Sheriff of Cowley County.
A Grand Scheme To Elect Harter Sheriff by Foul Means
Embracing Several Hundred Fraudulent Votes.
200 to be Fraudulently Registered in Winfield, Balance to be Voted in the Townships.
Lies to be Made and Circulated Against Shenneman.
Votes to be Bought for Whiskey and Money.
Stapleton, Benedict, and Story to be Sold Out for Harter.
A Deputy U. S. Marshal, a City Clerk, and City Marshal Among the Schemers.
To Share the Spoils of the Forced Election of the Most Inefficient,
Timid, and Avaricious Sheriff Cowley County Ever Had.
We are reliably informed that one of the boldest and most vicious schemes is organized for the purpose of electing C. L. Harter to the office of sheriff by fraud, bribery, slander, and rascality.The scheme embraces the buying up by whiskey and even money the hundreds of transients now in the county at work on the railroad or looking at the country, and voting them for Harter.
It is thought that most of them have democratic proclivi­ties, and would readily vote for a democrat, if well supplied with whiskey, even to swearing in their votes, if need be, and thus some three hundred illegal votes are expected in the town­ships, while in this city we are told that near two hundred persons have regis­tered illegally with a registering officer who is a member of this Harter ring. We are told that a City Marshal and a U. S. Deputy Marshal are members of this ring; that a pretended repub­lican, who never voted a republican ticket, named Ebert, a saloonist, brags that he has taken up and registered sixty-four of these frauds.
The next thing in their program is to fabricate and circu­late a large batch of lies against Shenneman. This was shadowed forth a week ago in the Telegram, which asked a dozen questions, like “Did not Shenneman steal a sheep?” etc. Each question containing a mean insinuation against Shenneman. Now we have to answer each and every question in that list with a distinct and emphatic “No,” and we boldly assert that there is not a fact in existence which is the slightest reason why Shenneman should not be elected sheriff. But the plan of the ring is to make lies and tell them, and they will be told.
We are informed that business has been so good the past year that Harter has a “bar!” and is to use it in buying up votes and setting up the whiskey.
The program includes every kind of a trade which will make a vote for Harter. His colleagues on the ticket are to be sold out. Stapleton, Benedict, and Story are to be slaughtered to get votes for Harter. No stone is to be left unturned, no means however foul are to be neglected, all to make votes against a man eminently qualified and for a man totally unfitted for it in every particular.

We have liked Harter and neglected to speak the truths which ought to be spoken of him when he is a candidate for the office of sheriff, but since we know, by his own statement, that he made a bargain and sale with Allison, two years ago, we doubt not that such a bargain exists now, and such an attack on Shenneman would not have been made without Harter’s approval. Neither can we think he is not in a ring which aims at illegal means to secure his election.
So it becomes our duty to tell the following truths, which everyone who has noticed and examined the matter, knows to be true: that Harter is grossly inefficient as a sheriff, the most so of any we ever had, that he is deficient in moral and physical courage, and is by many called a coward, that he has never attacked and overcome resistance, but has backed down when resistance was threatened, that he has never run into danger, that he has been avaricious and made more money out of the office than any other sheriff ever made in the same time, that he has constantly charged and collected constructive mile­age, that he charges full mileage from Winfield to the home of the taxpayer on each tax-warrant put into his hands, on one warrant for fourteen cents collecting six dollars, and sending down to Arkansas City, to another officer, a large batch of warrants, ordering that $2.80 be collected on each for his mileage though he did not travel a mile, and that a hundred other incidents illustrate the same fact. He is believed by the people here to be grossly immoral, among the other things that unfit him for the office of sheriff.
Now these things are not yarns got up for the occasion, but are susceptible of proof. Weappend a few affidavits, all we have room for, bearing on some of these statements, and there are plenty more to be had, even from the personal friends of Mr. Harter.
We appeal to the honest voters of this county to vote for Shenneman, a capable and honest man, instead of one whose unfit­ness requires the aid of fraud to give him any chance. We appeal to them that they see that all attempts at fraud in the coming election be detected and punished.
Robert Hudson, after being first duly sworn, upon his oath, says that he is a citizen of Winfield, in said county and state, and has been for several years last past.
That his occupation is that of house mover, that during the year 1878 James Kelly, then postmaster of this city, employed affiant to move the old post office building from Dr. Mendenhall’s premises. Dr. Mendenhall commenced an action in attachment against James Kelly, and the order of attachment was placed in the hands of Charles L. Harter, Sheriff of said county, to execute, and instructed him to levy upon said building. He came down to levy upon the building, affiant at the time being at work getting it ready to move away. James Kelly was present. Harter stated his business to him and said he was going to levy upon the building and for me to stop work, and for Kelly to get out. Kelly ordered him to leave and told him he would put a head on him if he did not go and Harter taking him at his word left. Kelly told affiant to go ahead with the moving. Affiant did so and moved the building away and Harter never did get possession of the same, and further the affiant says not.

Seth W. Chase, after being duly sworn, upon his oath doth say, that he is a resident of Tisdale township in said county of Cowley, and has been for more than six years last past.
Affiant further saith, that in the month of July, 1878, Zeke White, William Baker, and Mrs. Wood committed the crime of theft in said Cowley County and a warrant upon the complaint of affiant was issued by George H. Buckman, Justice of the Peace of Winfield township in said Cowley County, and the same was placed in the hands of Charles L. Harter, as sheriff of said Cowley County, to arrest them. That affiant accompanied the said sheriff and showed him the said thieves. That said Harter called to them to come out to where we were. Affiant was unarmed, but the said Harter was armed. Bill Baker and White came up to where we were, and Baker told Harter he would not be taken. White made no resistance. And thereupon the said sheriff, after parleying with said Baker for some time, in a tone of voice not heard by me, turned to affiant and said,” let’s go,” and we left. Baker and White went back to where they came from. White was unarmed. I said to Harter on our way back, “What are you going to do?” He replied, “What can I do?” I then said, “Go get Titus and I will get Chaffee and his shot-gun, and we will go back and get them (the said Baker and White).” He said, “No; I will get the drop on them tomorrow.” I replied, “They will be gone tomorrow;” and he replied, “That will be better than to arrest them.” I then said, “Give me the warrant and deputize me and I will bring them in tonight.” He looked at me and said, “No, damn you; you would kill them.” We then separated. I went home and he came on to town. All the thieves made their escape that night, except White, and he came in and gave himself up, and the other parties have never been arrested, and no attempt ever made to arrest them; and further deponent saith not.
Daniel Gramm, after first being duly sworn, upon his oath deposes and says, that he is a resident of Pleasant Valley township in said county and state and has been since about April 15th, 1879. That some time in the early part of July last he lost a span of mules, the same having been stolen, and since then has never heard of them. That as soon as affiant heard of the theft aforesaid he offered a reward of fifty dollars for said mules and applied to Charles L. Harter, the sheriff of said Cowley County, to look after the matter and wanted him to make a search. He did not seem to take any interest in the matter and affiant could get neither counsel nor assistance out of him, and the only aid he vouchsafed to affiant was “That he would look around town.” Afterwards I went to him with a letter from one of the men who I think stole my mules. That the supposed thief stated that he was at Raymond in Rice County, Kansas, and for them to write him there. I begged him to go and arrest the thief, but he would do nothing, and the thief finally came down and gave himself up and was sent to the penitentiary. Whether his disgust at Harter for not doing his duty had any thing to do with his voluntary surrender, affiant can’t say. Affiant applied to Harter’s deputy, “Jim Finch,” with same result; and further affiant says not.
J. C. Roberts, after first being duly sworn, upon his oath, doth say that he is a resident of Walnut township, formerly Winfield, in said county and state, and has been for more than eight years last past.
That in the month of November, 1878, my son-in-law had a horse stolen in said county, and my son-in-law, A. B. Graham, and myself went to the city of Winfield and endeavored to get Charles L. Harter, the Sheriff of said county to go with us after the thieves. Harter not being at home I went to Finch, the Deputy Sheriff, and asked him to go with us. This he refused to do then and wanted us to wait until the next day as he had ridden all the way from Wichita that day and was too tired.

We then went to look for A. T. Shenneman to get him to go with us. He was absent with passengers brought from Wichita and taking them to east part of this county. Learning that he would be back that night, we waited until 12 o’clock, at which time Shenneman came home. We told him what we wanted, and notwithstanding he had the day before driven from Winfield to Wichita and that day from Wichita to Winfield and thence some 12 miles and back that night, he immediately got his shot-gun and borrowed a revolver from J. H. Finch, Harter’s deputy, and we went at once after the thieves, traveling all that night and all the next day and the day follow­ing and got home at 12 o’clock that night, and while we were unsuc­cessful in our search for the thieves, the facts show what the Republican candidate for Sheriff will do when he is elected, and what the conduct of our present officials has been and will continue to be if Mr. Harter is elected.
Winfield Courier, October 23, 1879.
The Telegram, of yesterday morning, finally came out with its batch of full-blown lies, such as it had intimated by its insinuations being manufactured against Shenneman. After stating the lies without the least evidence in proof, the Telegram has the cheek to say: “If they are not true, let Shenneman and his friends go to Troup, Walker, Webb, or Hackney, and get their affidavits to the contrary.” That is their game. If they charge that Shenneman sometime stole a sheep or robbed a hen-roost, they expect it to be believed unless he comes forward and performs an impossibility for any man by proving he never did such a thing. Never mind. You will see affidavits enough, and your timid, namby-pamby, money-getting candidate will be somewhat shown up too, because of going  into this contemptible mode of electioneering.
A correspondent for the Courier from Arkansas City, calling himself “Cresswell,” reported to D. A. Millington, October 17, 1879, appeared in the October 23, 1879, issue.
“By a late Telegram I see that Allison is paying his respects to Shenneman. Bill is at his old game, trying to make Democratic capital at the expense of the Republican nominees. Well, here is a conundrum for him and all other Democrats to wrestle with. When the Arkansas City bank was robbed, a general rush was made by all who could go to capture the robbers. ‘Where was Charles L. Harter, Sheriff of Cowley County, at that time?’ Did he spend a nickle, or move a hoof to aid in the pursuit of these bandits? Not that anybody ever heard of.
“One great, leading duty belongs to the office of Sheriff, to keep the peace, and to arrest violators of law, horse thieves, and robbers. Has Sheriff Harter a record in this respect that any law abiding citizen can take pleasure in? Not that anybody knows of.”
The Courier editorial commented on the bank robbery at Arkansas City.
A good joke is told on Charley Harter about the Arkansas City bank robbery. After the news had arrived, Charley met Burt Covert on the crossing of Main Street and Ninth Avenue, his face pale and hair disheveled, and grabbing him by the arm, said: “B , B , Burt, Read’s Bank has been robbed; five hun , hundred dollars reward, get Dick Walker and go after them quick.” Burt and Dick went after them while Charley, after his “excitement” had subsided, learned that it was Arkansas City instead of Winfield that had been raided, and immediately took steps to capture them if they came within two blocks of Main street.
Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879. [Editorial.]That Sheriff Business.
Harter has made an amount of money from the sheriff’s office far in excess of that of any other incumbent in the same time, and below we give one of the ways in which he did it.
He re­ceived a very large number of personal tax-warrants, and collect­ed them, charging full mileage on each from Winfield to the residence of the tax-payer and return, notwithstanding consider­able numbers of the tax-payers lived in one immediate neighbor­hood. For instance, he sent some forty of them to Arkansas City, to be collected for him, and though the actual mileage on each would not have averaged twenty cents, he collect­ed $2.80 on each.

Here are some of this batch, all in the same immediate neighborhood.
Taxpayers. Taxes. Sheriff’s Fees. Amount Collected.
J. J. Brown $  .85 $  3.55   $  4.40
N. Edwards .56 3.55 4.10
W. M. Simpson .44 3.55 4.00
Wm. Hathaway .30 3.55 3.85
J. T. Grimes .37 3.55 3.92
Wm. Atkinson .49 3.55   4.31
Totals for Six: $3.01 $21.30   $24.31
Other neighborhoods present similar illustrations. Austin Fickle’s tax was fourteen cents. He paid Harter, tax and fees, $6.00. But the list would be too lengthy for this article. This is constructive mileage in its purest sense and of course illegal.
What shall we call such extortion? Had Shenneman been guilty of this, he would be  charged with robbery and stealing.
Tuesday morning’s Telegram, to bolster up Harter’s fortune, takes over a column to try to make it appear that Harter once had the courage to take a man by the “nape of his neck and seat of his breeches,” and that Shenneman is stingy. Now if Harter ever did such a thing, we wager it was to a weak and decrepit or one-legged man. Such men as he are always tyrants over the weak and weak before the strong.
Again, we will wager that the records of churches, schools, and objects of benevolence in this city will show ten dollars given by Shenneman to one given by Harter.
The Telegram shows that Judge McDonald is opposed to the election of C. L. Harter for sheriff. Everybody who knows J. Wade McDonald knows that his opposition to Harter or any other man on a democratic ticket cannot be from personal motives. He always supports heartily every democratic nominee except in case of one who is totally unfit for the office, and he has had as good opportunities to judge of Harter’s fitness as any man.
The Winfield Democrats are straining every effort to save one man on their ticket at the expense of the balance.
Had they selected Story or Stapleton or Benedict as that man, there would be more sense in it, but they have selected Harter, the very worst man on their ticket, merely because he is a Winfield man and has made money out of the office.
The following affidavits completely refute the charge in the Telegram in relation to Shenneman and confirm our former state­ments as to Harter.
A. T. Shenneman, after being first duly sworn, on oath says that he has read the affidavit of Amos Biddle, published in this morning’s Daily Telegram, and the facts in this matter are as follows.
Mr. Biddle came to me and wanted to rent my farm and buy a mule team I had in July, 1877. He proposed to pay a share of the crop as rent and buy my mules on one year’s time. I told him I would like to rent him the farm, but did not want to sell the team without the money as I needed it in my business. He then said if I would let him have the team, he would give me a mort­gage on the team and crop to secure me, and would pay the same interest that I would have to pay to get the money.

With this understanding I came to Winfield and made arrange­ments to get what money I wanted for twenty percent of Mr. E. C. Seward. I told Biddle of my arrangement with Seward, and he said he would take the team and allow me that rate of interest. The papers were drawn up. I sold him mules, wagon, and harness, cover and bows, for $450.00, he giving me a note for $540.00, due in one year, and I borrowed money of Seward from time to time as I needed it, to supply the place of this money that I should have had when I sold my team.
When this note came due, Biddle had not threshed his wheat and wanted me to wait and said he would pay the interest. I, at that time, was paying J. C. McMullen 18 percent for money I had borrowed of him. I extended the time. Two or three months after the note came due, Biddle threshed his wheat, took his time to haul it to Wichita, paid me $110.00, and I gave him a receipt. About two months after this, he again threshed and again took his time to get the wheat to market, and when through paid me $150.00, and I gave him a receipt therefore. Some six weeks after this he threshed the balance and hauled it away as before, but failed to pay me any money. One of his neighbors, knowing I had a mortgage on everything, informed me that he thought Biddle was using the money instead of paying me. I saw Biddle; he said he had other debts to pay and had used the money, and wanted me to take the mules back, stating the time he would come in and we would fix the matter up. This I did not want to do, telling him that I had trusted him to haul the wheat away and pay me the money; that he knew I needed it, and he ought to pay it; that it was in the dead of winter, and no sale for the mules; that I could not realize on them, and must have money with which to meet debts contracted by me in anticipation of the payment of his note.
Finding that he could not pay me and that there was no chance to get the money from him, at his earnest solicitation I consented to take the mules and harness at his own figure: $280. He wanted to keep the wagon, it being worth $65 to $75. He brought the team in, his brother-in-law, Robert Kerr, accompany­ing him. I threw off a part of the interest, which left, as we settled, a balance due of $322 or thereabouts, I think.
I took the mules and harness at $280, and he agreed to pay me $25 thereafter; and I threw off the balance and the matter was satisfactory to him, and his said brother-in-law afterwards told me that Biddle said it was. The matter closed, and I gave him a receipt for $280. He took the wagon home, and five days after, paid me $25; and I gave him his note. I gave Biddle a receipt for every cent he ever paid me except that $25 paid when I gave him the note and he can produce them if he chooses. I kept the mules until the following April, and in my settlement with Millspaugh of our partnership, I allowed $20 for feeding them. I paid Benj. Cox, of Winfield, $2 to take them to Wichita. He placed them in the hands of J. F. Reese to be sold. He sold them for $270, kept $10 for his trouble and expense, and gave me a check on the Wichita Savings Bank for $260, and if anyone will take the trouble this can be shown by Reese’s check book. I sold the harness for $10, thus realizing but $248 on the mules and har­ness, for which I allowed him $280 in our settlement, to say nothing of the interest I paid for money during the time I had to hold the mules.
The note, when due, called for just $540. I got my money in installments, as above stated; and realized, all told, but $533, to say nothing of interest paid by me for money during all these months that I was accommodating this man, and which amount­ed to certainly not less than $50.
Hearing that it was reported that I had wronged Biddle, I took Moses Teter and went to him and stated the facts in the case so far as our dealings were concerned; and he admitted to Moses Teter, in my presence, that they were true, and as I have here stated them, and that he had no cause of complaint against me except that I knew he was on the road and had procured another man to haul a load of coal from Wichita to Winfield, whereas I ought to have given it to him.
This is a full, accurate, and complete statement of all facts and circumstances connected with, or in any wise appertain­ing to each and every circumstance growing out of my trusting and befriending this man, Biddle.

Moses S. Teter after being first duly sworn on his oath doth say that he knows A. T.Shenneman and Amos Biddle, and was present in Winfield some weeks ago when Shenneman and Biddle talked over the matter connected with the mules referred to in the affidavit of A. T. Shenneman hereto attached, and which affidavit I have heard read. That in the conversation Amos Biddle admitted that the facts as stated by Shenneman in his affidavit were true, and I at that time asked Biddle if he had asked Shenneman for more time when the mules were given back to Shenneman, and he said he did not ask him for any more time. Biddle said the only cause of complaint he had was that Shenneman had hired another man to bring a load of coal from Wichita, which he might have let him haul if he had so wished. I asked Biddle whether Shenneman had done as he agreed to and he said “No.” I then asked him in what way he had failed. He said he had let another man haul a load of coal down from Wichita when he (Biddle) was going up, and that he might have let him haul it. Biddle stated in the conversation above referred to, that when Shenneman took the mules back that he did it at his (Biddle’s) request, and further affiant saith not.
J. P. Mayfield, after being duly sworn upon his oath doth say, that I was one of the hands, and helped Robert Hudson move the old post-office building from Dr. Mendenhall’s premises. I went there with the tools and went to work, the first man on the building. Hudson and Jim Kelly were present. Charles L. Harter came there and Kelly and he had some words. Kelly ordered us to hurry up and pay no attention to anyone but him. We did so, and we never stopped the building until we got it into the street. Harter left and never got possession, or levied upon the building at all that day, and the moving of the building went right along until we got it into the street, where we had to stop, waiting for the cattle to pull it away, and as soon as the cattle came we went ahead, and if Mr. Harter ever levied upon the building his levy did not interfere with our business, and none of us ever knew of it. It is certain he never took possession or attempted to do so.
The Winfield Courier on October 30, 1879, also printed a letter written October 28, 1879, from their Vernon Township correspondent, known as “Boothe.”
“Since the combined energies of the Democratic party have been concentrated to beat Mr. Shenneman, I have several reasons why I think Mr. Shenneman should be elected.
In the first place, the office belongs to the Republican party, and in justice to itself it can’t afford to let the patronage of the office go to the help of the Democratic party in the future as it has for the past two years.
Secondly, Mr. Shenneman was almost the unanimous choice of the Republican convention, a fact in connection with his peculiar fitness for the office, his experi­ence in duties that espe-cially belong to the office and his record in the discharge of those duties, should bring to him the hearty support of every Republi­can in Cowley County, assured as they must be that they vote for one who will be thorough and faithful in his duties, true to his own party, and gentlemanly to the people of the whole county.
Thirdly, his election will be a fitting rebuke to the lying spirit manifested in this county:  a spirit that has sunk in shameful defeat some of the best men of the county, and show Allison & Co., that the reward for lying is in a warmer country than Cowley County.
Fourthly, it will put the patronage of the office in the hands of one who will disburse to the strengthening of sound patriotic principles and not to the help of discord, disunion, and diabolism. . . .

Allison would as soon publish a lie as the truth if it would answer his selfish purposes as well. I wonder that gentlemen, in the face of these facts, sustain in any way, Allison’s slander-mill, the Telegram. I have but little patience with such a man as Allison in such a course, and hope ‘ere long to say “thank God, the dog is (politically) dead.”
I have no word to say against Mr. Harter nor any other gentle­man on the democratic ticket because I know nothing against them. If others do, it may be their duty to say so. I shall vote the straight Republican ticket for mainly these two reasons, viz: First, I am a Republi­can. Second, The Republican ticket loses nothing in comparison with the democratic ticket either as a whole or individually to say the least. I know that Shenneman is a terror to other criminals beside Allison. The records show the many arrested and brought to justice by him, some of whom are today safe in the penitentiary. Perhaps Mr. Harter has done as well, or better. I don’t know. One thing I do know, the Repub­li­can party has been good to Charlie at the expense of its own children. Republicans of Cowley County: is it not time to stop this? We can stop it today; we may not be able to stop it two years hence. Victory now gives strength and prestige then. Think of these things, Republicans of Cowley, and you will have no regrets for your action next Tuesday, as many now regret their action in the past.
Qualified Voters in Cowley County.
County Attorney Torrance communicated with the Winfield Courier, regarding qualified  voters in the county. They printed his response in the October 30, 1879, issue.
ED. COURIER: In response to your request for my opinion in regard to the qualifications of persons working on the railroads now being constructed in this county, to vote at the coming election for county officers, I have to say:
That no person should be allowed to vote who has not resided in the State for six months preceding the election, and in the township or ward where he offers to vote for thirty days preced­ing the election.
The term residence means more than the presence of a party in the state, township, or ward for the period specified in the statute. He should be a permanent resident of the state, and an actual resident of the township or ward, having come there for the purpose of making it his home and not for some temporary purpose. A person coming into the state, or a township, or a ward, on business or for the purpose of doing a job of work, with the intention of going elsewhere when such business or work is completed, is not a qualified elector. The fact of a man having his family with him is not sufficient to entitle him to vote, unless he has acquired a bona fide residence as above indicated.
The question is not whether the person offering his vote will lose the privilege of voting anywhere if his vote should be rejected, but the real point to be decided by the election board is whether such person has the legal right to vote in the town­ship or ward where he offers to vote, under the laws of the state.
The judges of election have the right to reject a vote, although the person offering it takes the statutory oath to the effect that he is a legal voter, if in fact such person is not a legal voter. Hoping the officers upon whom the law imposes the duty of receiving the votes to be cast at the approaching elec­tion will have the official stamina to reject every illegal vote, if any should be offered, I remain, Very truly yours, E. S. TORRANCE, County Attorney.
Attacks against Democrats Continued by Courier Editors.
The Winfield Courier was relentless in its attacks: they were desirous of a Republican sweep and were combating Democratic and other opposition newspapers.
Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.

“One look at Harter’s face will convince the most casual observer that he has given up all hope of another $5.80 grab at a fourteen-cent tax-warrant. Deputy Finch is terribly exercised over the knowledge that he is soon to lose his bread-and-butter position over the jail. No help for it, Mr. Finch, you’ll have to step down and out after January 1st.”
“‘Tis sad to see the forlorn, sorrowful look with which Charley Harter greets the little band of followers who still affect to believe that he will be elected. Charley knows their mistake well enough, and it is only too comical to see him nodding assent to their loud boasts of democratic majorities, while his face is as long as a broom-stick.”
“While John Allen, that stalwart exponent of democratic principles was on the road to Rock Monday evening, he met with an accident that came near depriving the citizens of that place of the most brilliant speech of the campaign. While crossing Dutch creek the buggy tipped over, turning him out into two feet of mud and water. On coming to the surface, John scrambled out, and after having duly sworn, made affidavit that this was a fiendish Radical trick to prevent him filling his appointment, and thereby electing Shenneman; and swore, ‘by gravy,’ that it should not be: if he had to wade in mud up to his neck from there to Rock. It is needless to say that he got there, but not until he had returned and changed his mud-begrimed garments for cleaner and dryer ones.”
“One of the most prominent of the ‘bread and butter brigade,’ who are making such agonizing efforts to elect Harter, is Jim Finch. This is the valiant gentleman who holds the position of Deputy United States Marshal and Deputy Sheriff of Cowley County, and who, by virtue of that position, started to Topeka last summer with a crooked whiskey man. He got along very well till they reached Newton, where he left his man on the platform of the depot while he crossed over to a saloon to get a drink, and on returning, found the prisoner had ‘sloped,’ leaving his broken hand-cuffs as a keepsake for the brave officer. He returned to Winfield alone and you may be sure said nothing about the matter until it happened to leak out. This is the kind of a man we are to have for Deputy Sheriff if Harter is elected. A man who can neglect his duty, and ‘cat crow’ with such evident relish, can never receive anything from the hands of the people of Cowley County.”
Harbaugh and Shenneman Among Political Winners.
Winfield Courier, November 6, 1879. It appears that Harbaugh is elected Commissioner in the second district by a very flattering majority, a result that was not expected.
Shenneman for Sheriff, has a majority of about 300, notwith­standing that the most unscrupulous fight was made on him. The balance of the Republican ticket is elected by about 600 majority, notwithstanding the fact that a Democratic Mayor and the executive force of the city, backed by six whiskey saloons and two breweries, worked hard at the polls all day. They carried the city for Harter by only 16 majority.
Glorious Dexter has proved herself “truly loyal.”
Cresswell township has wheeled into the line of stalwart Republicanism. It was claimed that this township would go Democratic this year or at least a part of the ticket.
The Democrats made a great many votes for Harter and against Shenneman by their system of trading off their other candidates, their whiskey work, their railroad votes, and other corruptions; but we do not think they made anything by their personal attack on Shenneman. That was a boomerang which returned and scooped Harter.

The election on Tuesday was “red-hot.” In the city the omnibuses were out all day bringing in votes, and large crowds were around the polls urging the claims of favorite candidates and tickets, but there was no disorder or bad blood exhibited. In fact, it is remarkable that in the heat of such a contest everything was peaceful. It seems that 125 of the voters regis­tered in the city failed to get their votes in. There were many citizens who came to the polls to vote, having been voters here heretofore, but were not allowed to vote because they had not registered. Quite a considerable number of the electors of this city failed to register, and though there were many registered who had not the right to vote, we doubt not that there were 650 voters in the city had they all registered.
Among the many who have contributed to the glorious vote in this county, our young friend, Henry E. Asp, W. P. Hackney, and J. B. Evans are worthy of special mention. They have been at work early and late and their telling eloquence has been heard over the county. Judge Coldwell, Frank Jennings, A. P. Johnson, and others have put in many stalwart blows. Jarvis, Green, Chairman Johnson, Torrance, and many others did efficient work; and though we may fail to mention others equally praiseworthy in this hurried notice, we will not neglect to state that our contemporary, the Semi-Weekly, has put a stalwart shoulder to the wheel.
One of the meanest frauds practiced by Democrats at the late election was to print a lot of Republican tickets straight with the exception of C. L. Harter for Sheriff, and then procuring pretended Republicans to peddle them among Republicans, assuring them that this fraud was the straight Republican ticket. Harter probably obtained many votes in this fraudulent way. The man that is mean enough to peddle such a fraud does not belong to the Republican party. We have been told that John Hoenscheidt was one of them.
Shenneman Brings in Frank Shock Before He Takes Office as Sheriff.
Winfield Courier, November 20, 1879. Last Sunday evening Mr. A. T. Shenneman brought in Frank Shock, who did the carving at Frank Davis’ recently, and he is now safely lodged in the county jail. Mr. Foster offered a reward of $50 for his capture, and as none of the officers seemed to take any interest in the matter, Mr. Shenneman offered to bring him in, and Sunday evening returned with his man. He captured him in Chautauqua County while making tracks for the Territory. Mr. Shenneman learned before starting that he had gone toward the east, and also that he had friends in Chautauqua County, and immediately started for that locality. Arriving there he played the land-agent dodge and learned in a roundabout way that Shock had been there and had left for the Territory a short time before. He started in pursuit and overtook his man before he got out of the State. Mr. Shenneman would receive nothing for his time while after the criminal, and only asked enough to cover his expenses, which was cheerfully given.
Frank Shock.
“Reflex,” a correspondent at Red Bud, Maple Township, Courier December 6, 1879: “The action of our newly elected Sheriff Shenneman, in arresting Shock, is highly commended by his friends, as showing conclusively that we have the right man in the right place, and that evil doers in the future may expect to be brought to justice.”
Winfield Courier, December 25, 1879. Frank Shock, the young man who carved Foster at Frank Davis’ recently, was admitted to bail last Monday, and is now at liberty.
Shenneman Sells Bradish Lot.
Winfield Courier, December 25, 1879. A. T. Shenneman has sold the Bradish lot to John Witherspoon for $500. Mr. Witherspoon purchased the lot as a site for a livery stable.

Sheriff-elect Shenneman Arrests Rhonimus and His Hired Man.
Winfield Courier, January 1, 1880. Mr. Rhonimus, proprietor of the “North end meat market,” and a hired man, Henry, were arrested last week for stealing cattle. It seems that these gentlemen, in order to make the meat business as profitable as possible, have for some time been systematically stealing the beeves that supplied their market. It has been known among the stock men of this and Elk counties for some time that thieves were operating among their herds, and the matter was placed in the hands of Sheriff-elect Shenneman, who shadowed the above-named gentlemen, and at last caught them killing one of the missing beeves near the fair ground and promptly arrested them. Mr. Jones, of Windsor, has lost 14 head of cattle by these depredations, and parties on the line of Elk County have missed as many more. It seems that the gentlemen were not partial as to the kind of meat taken, and sometimes stepped aside from their regular line of business to gobble a hog or two, and sometimes three, from the large herds of W. J. Hodges, at the stock yards, near the depot.
A preliminary trial was held before Justice Buckman, last Friday, but the case was continued till this week, and the prisoners remanded to jail in default of bail.
[Note: The arrest of Rhonimus and subsequent events had far-reaching consequences. His sister, Mrs. McNeil, sued Payson, a local attorney, and reclaimed a horse from Sheriff Shenneman. The “Payson Trial” instigated a suit by Judge W. P. Campbell (running for re-election against Torrance) involving two of the Winfield newspapers. Ed. P. Greer, who had just begun his duties as Local Editor for the Courier, was one of those sued. MAW]
   Sheriff Shenneman Keeping Busy.
   Winfield Courier, January 15, 1880. Last Saturday Sheriff Shenneman returned from Missouri, bringing with him a horse and a mule stolen from Mr. Robinson, of Floral, recently. He received news of the theft while traveling in the east part of the county, and immediately started in pursuit. When A. T. goes for stolen property, it generally comes.
Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.
The Shock case proved to be a long-winded affair. Over forty witnesses were examined, and the attorneys upon both sides have sifted the case thoroughly.
Last Monday night Sheriff Shenneman arrested one Marion Roe for the seduction under promise of marriage, of Ella Onstott. He was brought before Justice Buckman, and his bail fixed at $1,000. “Coming events cast their shadow before.”
LATER: Roe was released from custody Tuesday; and accompa­nied by the friends of the lady, repaired to the office of Judge Gans, secured a marriage license, and when last seen the party were in quest of a preacher.
Shenneman Appoints Frank Finch as Deputy Sheriff.
Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.
Mr. Frank Finch has been appointed to a deputyship under Sheriff Shenneman.
Sheriff Shenneman Applauded.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1880.

A. T. Shenneman, Sheriff elect of Cowley County, as an officer is giving universal satisfaction, and as a citizen his character stands irreproachable. While in every community there is to be found a certain class of individual ever ready to criticize the acts of our best citizens and officials, it is a satisfaction to know that criticism from such a source only adds to the popularity of the party in question. We predict for Mr. Shenneman a bright and useful career as an official of this county, and for evil doers and law breakers a hard road to travel.
Rhonimus, McMahon, and Another Prisoner Escape from County Jail.
Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.
Last Wednesday, Dick Rhonimus, young McMahon, and another prisoner effected their escape from the county jail in a very mysterious manner. The next morning two horses were missing from Rev. Henderson’s stable.
Monday afternoon McMahon, one of the escaped prisoners, was brought in, together with one of the stolen horses, by P. F. Haynes and J. B. Splawn, of Silverdale township.
Thursday morning a man stopped at the house of Smith Winchel, in that township, and asked for his breakfast, stating that he was hunting a man with a horse on which he had a chattel mortgage. Mr. Winchel gave him something to eat, and went with him when he started to get his horse. He noticed that the horse had neither saddle nor bridle and was being ridden with a rope over his nose, which aroused his suspicions, and he called in several of the neighbors and stated the circumstances, when it was decided to go after the stranger and make him give an account of himself.
They came within sight of their man near the state line, and had their suspicions confirmed by his putting whip to his horse and making for Salt Fork. After following the thief for about a day, two of the party turned back, leaving Splawn and Haynes to continue the pursuit. They followed the trail until dark and on the following morning were again on the track, determined to take him in if it took all summer. They followed the trail all day Friday and Friday night and Saturday discovered the horse, which the thief had abandoned while trying to get back into the state. They kept the trail by learning from time to time where the thief had tried to get something to eat. Sunday morning they rode into South Haven and found their man in a livery stable. A warrant was procured and they started for home with the prisoner.
On the way up they came through Arkansas City, where McMahon’s mother resides, and the prisoner was allowed an inter­view with her. Mrs. McMahon is a respectable, hard-working woman, and her grief at seeing her boy under such circumstances was heartrending. She sold a cow, the only one she possessed, and purchased him a suit of clothes, the ones he had on being in tatters.
On the way home McMahon conversed freely with his captors, confessing the whole affair and stating that someone opened the jail door and let them out, but refused to tell who the party was. Monday afternoon the prisoner was turned over to Sheriff Shenneman by the captors, who received the $50 reward offered for his return.
The smile that illuminated our Sheriff’s counte­nance, when told that one of his birds had come home to roost, was a sight to behold. The most remarkable fact about the matter is that McMahon’s time was almost out, and on the very day when he was returned to the jail as a horse thief, his time would have expired.
Rhonimus Escapes from Sheriff Shenneman.

Winfield Courier, February 19, 1880. Last week Sheriff Shenneman got on the track of Rhonimus, the escaped cattle thief. Rhonimus had relatives in Elk City and dropped in to see them; but the constable had been notified of his escape, and was on the lookout for him. As soon as the constable learned of Rhonimus’ presence in the vicinity, he laid his plans to capture him. Rhonimus, hearing that he was in a bad fix, made a break for his horse, but was compelled to leave it and take to the timber on foot. The constable telegraphed to Sheriff Shenneman, who started at 1 o’clock Friday night and by Saturday was on the thief’s trail. After following for some time, all trace of the thief was lost, and Mr. Shenneman returned home Sunday. The horse, belonging to Mr. Henderson, was recovered; but was too lame to bring along and was left at Elk City.
Changes Made to Jail and Courthouse in Winfield.
Winfield Courier, February 19, 1880. The Commissioners met last week and made arrange­ments to build an addition to the jail to be used by the sheriff as an office, and rented the upper part of the jail from the city for $10 per month. It will be occupied as heretofore by the jailer. An order was made to have four more binding rods put in the courthouse.
Sheriff Shenneman’s Activities.
Winfield Courier, March 4, 1880.
Sheriff Shenneman started to Leavenworth with Reynolds, who was convicted of grand larceny at the last term of court and sentenced to one year in the penitentiary.
Sheriff Shenneman has notified all persons against whom he holds tax warrants that the same were in his hands for collec­tion. Many have come in and settled, thereby saving mileage. He now notifies those against whom he holds warrants that on and after the 9th inst., 10 cents per mile will be added.
Winfield Courier, March 11, 1880. Last Friday evening one Ollie Martin was arrested by Sheriff Shenneman and turned over to Constable Wilson of Cedarvale. Martin is charged with attempting to rape Mrs. Garrigas of that place, the Tuesday preceding his arrest.
“He will probably learn a trade at Leavenworth, which is a smaller punishment than such villains deserve.”
Work on Courthouse is Progressing.
Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.
The work of “bracing up” the courthouse is progressing finely. Mr. Tamsey, who has the job in hand, is making a clean breast of it, and will leave it in first class condition. Four iron rods have been put in beneath the floor of the second story, and four more will be put in just below the upper ceiling. Six pillars, 8 x 8, have been put beneath the girders of the roof on the partition walls of the first story, which are built up solid to the second story. This allows the roof to rest upon the central partitions of the building and relieves the pressure from the walls. It is to be replastered and painted, and will be ready for the next term of court. The commissioners are to be commended for taking action in the matter before it was too late.
Second Escaped Prisoner Captured.
Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880. Sheriff Shenneman, after a most diligent pursuit, captured Moore, the second of the escaped prisoners, in Kansas City last Friday. Moore had just got into a fight and been arrested by the police.
Siverd Fixing Up Jail, Sheriff’s Office. Shenneman’s Wife Assists Him.
Winfield Courier, April 1, 1880. Cap. Siverd is cleaning up the Courthouse square and jail yard. The new office is about ready for Sheriff Shenneman’s occupancy. Sheriff Shenneman is building a new barn on the Courthouse square.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 21, 1880. Sheriff Shenneman has an efficient Deputy in the person of his pleasant little wife, who assists him in the collection of delinquent taxes, giving receipts, etc.

Rhonimus’ Sister Reclaims Horse from Sheriff Shenneman.
Winfield Courier, May 27, 1880. Last week Mrs. McNeil replevined a gray pony from Sheriff Shenneman, claiming that it was one which belonged to her boy. Mr. Shenneman purchased the pony of a stranger some time ago, and was one which the stranger had before sold to Dick Rhonimus on time, and had to take it back because Rhonimus could not pay for it. Mrs. McNeil claims that while Rhonimus owned the pony, he traded it to her son, and that the person who sold it to Shenneman had no right to make such sale.
Winfield Courier, June 3, 1880. A large brown horse, 16 hands high and about 10 years old, with left hip knocked down, was sold at auction in Winfield last Monday. The seller was a young man about 19 years old. Sheriff Shenneman asked him to stay with him until the question of the title was settled, but he skipped out, leaving the horse and the purchase money. Anyone who has lost such a horse will please address A. T. SHENNEMAN, Win-field, Kansas. Exchanges please notice.
[Civil Case, McNeil vs. Shenneman, was dismissed in District Court May 5, 1881. RKW]
Sheriff Shenneman Posting Notices.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 23, 1880. Our efficient sheriff, A. T. Shenneman, called on us last Sunday morning. He tried to brace up, but looked awfully sleepy; and well he might, after having ridden all the previous night distributing printed descriptions of the Augusta murderer and posting men along the border. We don’t want to be sheriff in “times like dot.”
A murder was committed at or near Augusta, in Butler County, last Friday, wherein one Paulson was the victim. From what we can gather, it would seem that a party of five, consisting of three Pearson brothers, Andrew Paulson, and Harry Clark, had gone to Augusta from Eldorado, and probably fearing that the constitu­tional amendment would pass at the coming election and thus deprive them of their God-given right to get drunk, they took advantage of the opportunities afforded by a free country and “filled high the bowl with Samian wine”—or some of Butler County’s rot-gut whiskey. On going home they got warmed up, and grew belligerent. In the row that ensued Mr. Paulson was killed, it is supposed by Jack Pearson, who immediately skipped out with Clark. One of the remaining Pearson boys was arrested, but it is claimed the other one was not in the fight.
Sheriff A. T. Shenneman received the following telegram from the sheriff of Butler County on Saturday afternoon, and immediately had the same printed and circulated throughout the county. “AUGUSTA, June 19, 1880. Sheriff of Cowley County: Jack Pearson wanted on charge of murder; is tall, spare, light complexion, sandy moustache and goatee; crooked finger on right hand; was going south with another man, riding black and white ponies. Two hundred dollars reward; hold till I come; put out patrol. W. H. DOUGLASS, Sheriff.”
Captain Siverd Attacked at Jail.
Winfield Courier, July 8, 1880. Early Saturday morning Capt. Siverd, the jailer, had a severe tussle with one of the prisoners, who was attempting to escape.

He went into the jail to carry the prisoners their breakfast, and while stooping over, was struck from behind by Frank Wilson, one of the Hoenscheidt horse stealers, with a stove leg. The blow staggered the Captain, but he atttempted to grapple with the prisoner, and received several more blows before so doing. Hearing the scuffle, Mrs. Siverd came to the rescue; but being unable to separate them, she called for help, and several men nearby took a hand in the affray and soon succeeded in landing Wilson in his cell, where he was decorated with a pair of cast-iron bracelets, and anklets with a ball and chain at­tached. Mr. Siverd is able to be about, but his head resembles a sore thumb all tied up. Had the prisoner been a little more accurate with his first blow, Sheriff Shenneman would now be receiving applications for the position of jailer. The Captain will hereafter keep his left eye open for these “quiet, unoffen­sive fellows.”  Had he hesitated in the least about grappling Wilson, he would undoubtedly have been killed.
Sheriff Shenneman Fights for Possession with Roland and Boyer.
Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880. Last week Sheriff Shenneman took possession of the Roland stock of hardware and carried the key in his pocket. Last Monday Mr. Roland forced the lock, took possession, and put on a new lock. The Sheriff again took forcible possession and ejected Mr. Roland. Mr. Boyer than got in and the Sheriff ejected him; and in the tussle, tore his coat off. Boyer is too much like Hancock to enter into a rough and tumble. Mr. Boyer was in the hardware store as the attorney of Mr. Pugsley, the mortgagee, when he had the collision with the Sheriff.
Sheriff Shenneman Keeping Busy.
Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880. “NOTICE. If the people of the different neighbor-hoods throughout the county will organize Stock Protection Associations and forward the Captain’s Post Office address, I will take pleasure in forwarding descriptions of criminals or stock wanted here or elsewhere, and do all I can to aid them. A. T. SHENNEMAN.”
Winfield Courier, September 2, 1880. Sheriff Shenneman started last Monday with his prisoners, Wilson, Gray, Waterman, Davis, and Edwards for the Leavenworth penitentiary.
Winfield Courier, October 21, 1880. Sheriff Shenneman has brought back Theodore Miller, the man who stole a buggy and harness, and put him in the cooler. He overtook his man at Toledo, Ohio.
Winfield Courier, December 16, 1880. The Sheriff of Greenwood County called on our Sheriff Shenneman for Stoneman, whom Shenneman caught for stealing horses in Greenwood. Sheriff Verner paid the $50 reward and left with his prize.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880. Sheriff Shenneman started for Leavenworth, Monday, with Lewis, Grimes, and King, candidates for the penitentiary. Frank Finch went with him to see the sights and help guard the prisoners.
Winfield Courier, December 30, 1880. [From Monitor’s Locals.]
Sheriff Shenneman and Deputy Frank Finch returned from Leavenworth Wednesday morning last, having safely delivered to the warden of the penitentiary Tom King, Kenton Grimes, and Earnest Lewis, who were sentenced at the late term of court. Cowley County now has eighteen representatives in that institu­tion.
Winfield Courier, January 20, 1881. J. M. Jarvis, of Beaver township, lost four horses Sunday evening. He thinks they strayed in a northeast direction. Two of them are blazed faced sorrel mares, one a bay mare, and one a yearling colt. Sheriff Shenneman will com-municate any informa­tion given him on the subject.
Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881. Sheriff Shenneman sold two notes taken under execution for $1 each, last Monday. The face value of the notes was $200.
Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.

Major F. Moss, the Greenwood County patent right man who sold a mortgaged team to Dr. Wilson and then “skipped” to Missou­ri, was brought back upon requisition of the governor. Major Moss was brought in by Sheriff Shenneman Monday evening on a charge of obtaining money under false pretenses. This is the same gentleman that was tried by the Burden boys and found guilty of “chewing tobacco.” He will catch it in earnest this time.
Forger [Lennix] Escapes from Shenneman by Jumping Off Train.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 30, 1881.
Many of our citizens will remember the four commercial men who spent several days in our city last spring, hunting, fishing, drinking, and have a general good time.
The transactions of one of these gentlemen, however, was not so generally known. This person, going by the name of George Haywood, succeeded in obtain­ing quite a sum of money on a forged check at the Cowley County Bank, and made good his escape before his crime was exposed. Efforts were made to find him, but all to no avail. Early last week, however, the above bank received a telegram from the Chicago chief of police stating that one H. R. LeClair had been arrested on the charge of forgery, and wanting to know whether the gentleman’s presence was desired in this city. Telegraphic correspondence proved that H. R. LeClair was none other than George Haywood, he having been pointed out by and arrested at the instigation of Mr. George Sun, one of the jolly four above referred to, who had seen Haywood walking the streets of Chicago.
Sheriff Shenneman started for Chicago last Wednesday after­noon, but at this writing nothing has been heard from him. In justice to Haywood’s companions of last spring, we will state that they knew nothing of his character, and were in no manner connected with his transactions. He also managed to victimize one or two Wichita banks, and at the time of his arrest in Chicago had quite a large amount of money on his person.
LATER. Sheriff Shenneman returned from Chicago yesterday afternoon without his man. Mr. Shenneman reports that Haywood jumped off the train about seventy-five miles from Kansas City early Sunday morning, and as yet nothing has been heard of him.
Winfield Courier, March 31, 1881. Sheriff Shenneman returned from an ineffectual effort to bring back a man who forged a draft for five hundred dollars and sold it to the Arkansas City bank. The police in Chicago cap­tured the man and sent for Sheriff Shenneman. On the way back, when the train was pulling out from a station early in the morning, the prisoner jumped off. The train was immediately stopped and the sheriff got off and spent several days and nights trying to recover his man, but was compelled to return home Monday evening without him. The Sheriff purchased shackles for the prisoner in Chicago, but after reaching the train found that the locks were defective. He then resolved to stay awake and guard his prisoner. He had been up two nights, had traveled over a thousand miles, and was worn out; and as the night advanced, began to get drowsy. The prisoner took this opportunity and jumped off as the train started from a station. The sheriff has offered $100 reward for his capture, and as he escaped with hand-cuffs on, he will certainly be re-captured.
Deputy Sheriff McIntire & Constable Breene Present at Arrest of Fogg.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 13, 1881. We are under obligations to G. M. McIntire for the following item.
Willie Fogg, a juvenile horse thief, aged 15, who has served one term of imprisonment, undertook to try his hand a second time, so stole a horse from Winfield. Sheriff Shenneman got on his track and arrested him at the Willows, Indian Territory, on Saturday last. Deputy Sheriff McIntire and constable Breene arrived while the arrest was being made.
Walters Takes Charge of Commissary Department at Jail.

Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881. Mr. J. C. Walters has returned and taken charge of the commissary department of the jail. Mr. Walters is Mr. Shenneman’s father-in-law. He has been living in Wellington for the past year.
Shenneman Delivers More Convicts to State Penitentiary.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 18, 1881. Sheriff Shenneman left, on Monday last, with May and Toops, for the penitentiary.
This makes 15 convicts sent to the penitentiary during Shenneman’s term of office, not to mention Fogg, who, on account of his youth, was sentenced to county jail for horse-stealing, and Miller, who was granted a change of venue to Montgomery County. This shows 17 criminals brought to justice in less than two years, against 11 in the six years previous to Mr. Shenneman’s election. This of itself is a guarantee that we have the right man in the right place, so far as our present sheriff is concerned.
Rev. Kelly Defends Sheriff Shenneman.
Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881. “Editors Courier. Please allow me through your paper to correct a little false report in regard to Sheriff Shenneman. It was circulated through town some two or three weeks ago that he had acted ungentlemanly in regard to allowing me to visit the prison­ers at the jail. On the contrary, he has always acted a perfect gentleman with me, and I must say I think it would be a little difficult to find one who would act his part as well as he does. Rev. G. M. Kelly.”
Sheriff Shenneman Saves Horse Thieves from Vigilantes.
Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881. Sheriff Shenneman captured two horse thieves last week. They had stolen horses from Labette County, and Friday he took them to Chetopa.
After turning his prisoners over to proper authori­ties, he learned that the “Vigilantes” were gathering, and intended to hang the prisoners that night. He imparted this knowledge to the constable; but that officer, not seeming to heed the warning, prompted Sheriff Shenneman to take the prisoners around a back alley, get them into a hack, and he drove them to Oswego without being interrupted. He afterwards learned that about twelve o’clock that night, a large party of men surrounded the jail, and their cuss words were long and loud when they found that their prey had flown.
Jail Almost Full. Richard Lennix Among Boarders.
Winfield Courier, June 30, 1881.
The jail is about full of boarders since Sheriff Shenneman brought in his forger. There are now six of the boys in limbo with four months until court. Willie Fogg is in for horse stealing; Theodore Miller for larceny; James Jackson for horse stealing; Jefferson McDade for stealing money; Richard Oldham for threatening to assault and shoot one Fullerlove, at Arkansas City; and Richard Lennix, alias Haywood and alias St. Clair for forgery. The last is perhaps the most noted criminal ever brought in to the state, having served several terms in the Illinois penitentiary, and has operated all over the U. S. and Canada.
  Richard Lennix.

Our readers will remember that several weeks ago, Geo. Haywood, whose real name is Richard Lennix, was arrested in Chicago, on the strength of a photograph sent there by Sheriff Shenneman, who wanted him for passing forged paper on the Cowley County Bank, that Shenneman went to Chicago, and through many difficulties, got his prisoner, and started home with him; and that on the way, the prisoner jumped from the train in full headway and escaped. Shenneman had taken from his pockets a letter written in a female hand from Canton, Illinois, and signed “S.” By means of this letter, he found who “S” was and concluded that sooner or later Lennix would visit this “S,” who was his sister. So he employed the postmaster at Canton, the marshal of Canton, and the sheriff of that county to watch for him.
Last week he got a telegram from the sheriff informing him that the prisoner was caught. Shenneman answered at once to hold on to him until he got there, and started for that place. Habeas Corpus proceedings were instituted for procuring the prisoner’s discharge, and when Shenneman arrived, the Habeas Corpus was being heard before the County judge, who soon discharged the prisoner.
Shenneman grabbed him at once and there was a row, the judge leading the mob and threatening due vengeance on Shenneman. By rapid motions and strategic generalship, Shenne-man got his prisoner slipped into a wagon behind the fastest team that could be procured, and putting the horses to their best speed, rushed through opposing crowds and escaped, followed by many pursuers. He beat them all in the race and got his prisoner to a station twenty miles distant, put him on board, and sped back to Winfield, where he has his bird safe within the walls of the Cowley County jail.
Mr. Shenneman is enthusiastic in his praises of Sheriff D. J. Waggoner and other officers of Fulton County, Illinois: Thos. Burleigh, City Marshal, and John Sutton, night watchman of Canton, Illinois. They assisted in securing the prisoner and helping Shenneman to get him away. He noted their unbending integrity, for he knows positively that they were offered five hundred dollars to allow Lennix to escape.
This Lennix proves to be one of the most wily and successful counterfeiters in America. He has victimized large numbers of businessmen in various parts of the United States and Canada, has many smart accomplices who have aided him to escape many times, and who still work to get him out of limbo. He has finally got a sheriff after him who never gives up and will keep his eye on him to prevent him from escaping again. The prisoner has plenty of money and his accomplices have plenty more, so that everything will yet be done that can be done to get him out.
Sheriff A. T. Shenneman Praised for Capture of Lennix.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 13, 1881. [From Elk Falls Signal.]
Cowley County boasts of one of the shrewdest and most cunning sheriffs in the State, in the person of A. T. Shenneman.
On Wednesday of last week he went west, on the K. C., L. & S. K. passenger train, having in charge the man, who about thirteen months ago, forged a draft for five hundred dollars, and disposed of it at the Cowley County Bank, Arkansas City.
Four months ago this forger was captured at Chicago by a policeman, and Mr. Shenneman, upon being notified of his arrest, went after him. While returning home the prisoner jumped off the train and succeeded in making good his escape. He was handcuffed at the time, but being an expert, he was not long in freeing himself.
During the past four months the prisoner had traveled all over Canada and a large portion of the United States, with a number of detectives and the Cowley County sheriff after him.
Mr. Shenneman was determined to have his man, and the week before last succeeded in recapturing him in Illinois. When Shenneman gets it into his head to capture a man, the said man might just as well sit down and take it easy—the more he stirs around the sooner he will be “taken in.”
Geo. Haley, Friend and Partner of Forger Lennix, Caught by Shenneman.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 20, 1881. As it will be seen elsewhere, our sheriff has caught Lennix’s partner in Iowa. It requires shrewd work to bag such game as these “ole coons.” Mr. Shenneman may well lay claim to being a first-class detective, as well as an honest and efficient sheriff.
On Wednesday evening, Mr. Shenneman returned from a trip to Fondulac, Wisconsin, bringing with him one Geo. Haley, alias Pahner, alias Jacob Gross, the friend and partner of Lennix, alias Haywood, who escaped from the custody of the sheriff not long ago, and was subsequently recaptured. The man, Haley, is supposed to have done the fine work in drawing the drafts, and alternated with Haywood in presenting them at the bank counter. It was he who drew the $500 from one of the Wichita banks. The operations of the pair have extended through a considerable term of years, and over a large space of territory, as the numerous requests to Sheriff Shenneman from different sections to give up the prisoner testify. We congratulate Mr. Shenneman on his success. Telegram.
Funny Incident in Jail Involving Lennix.
Winfield Courier, July 28, 1881. A very funny incident happened at the jail Tuesday. Sheriff Shenneman wanted Lennix, the forger, to allow his picture to be taken. This Lennix refused to do, so the sheriff went for a blacksmith to have his irons taken off, intending to take him to the gallery and have the photo taken anyway. When the blacksmith arrived, he and the sheriff entered the cell, when lo, and behold, they found Lennix minus his flowing burnsides and clean shaven. Upon investigation it was found that he had broken the lamp chimney and had shaved himself with the pieces of glass. Shenneman took his picture anyway and got a fair likeness. The boys in the jail say that it made him grunt when grinding off his whiskers with the lamp chimney.
Shenneman Arrests Wife Beater.
Winfield Courier, July 28, 1881. A young man created a matinee in the south part of town Sunday afternoon. He got hold of a quart of whiskey and  proceeded to fill his hide full.
The whiskey seemed to be of a quality known as “fightin’ liquor,” and no one else being present took it upon himself to lick his wife. In order to escape she fled to a neighbor and the festive citizen followed. She beat him in the race, and the neighbor objecting to any further proceedings on his part, he returned to the house and began carrying out the funiture and jugging off the children. Another neighbor came to the rescue, took the children away and knocked him down three or four times. He then came off uptown where Sheriff Shenneman arrested him and lodged him in the jail. Monday morning he was brought before justice Tansey and fined $25. This is one of the most brutal and contemptible affairs we have yet been called upon to chronicle. A week or more ago about the same kind of a melee was engaged in, and as this is the second offense, we think it about time, in the interest of the defenseless woman whom he abuses, that this should be stopped.
Newspapers Confused by Shenneman Arrests.
Winfield Courier, July 28, 1881. [Wichita Beacon.] “Sheriff Shenneman, of Cowley County, arrived in this city on Thursday last from Watertown, Wisconsin, having in charge Jacob Gross, who with Lennix was successful a year ago last April in forging drafts, and getting them cashed, each for $500, at the Winfield Bank, the Kohn Bros.’ Bank, Wood-man’s Bank.”

Both were successful in getting away and since that time Mr. Shenneman has been working the case up, and some time last spring succeeded in arresting Lennix in Illinois: Chicago, we believe, but on his way back, Lennix gave him the slip on the cars. A second time he was more successful, and for some weeks, Lennix has been enjoying the hospitality of Cowley County, and Gross has gone to keep him company.
The successful arrests have given Mr. Shenneman a wide reputation as an efficient officer and a shrewd detective. Each forgery constitutes a separate offense and a conviction on all would put these “chevaliers d’on” out of the way for some years.
The Beacon is mistaken about the forgers getting a $500 forged draft cashed at the Winfield Bank. Both of our Banks here had tempting baits offered them, but they are a suspicious set and would not bite.
Trumped Up Charge Against James Riely, Druggist, Dismissed.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 13, 1881. James Riely, a druggist of Arkansas City, was brought before United States Commissioner Lovell Webb, charged with retailing liquor without Government license. Case was set for hearing on Wednesday, July 13th. Telegram.
We think there is some spite work in the above, and, from what we can learn, have serious doubts as to whether the case can be made to stick against Mr. Riely.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 20, 1881. Mr. James Riely, of the City Drug Store, comes to the front with an “ad” this week. Mr. Riely is the proprietor of one of the best drug houses in the city, and all needing anything in this line, we recommend to give him a call. Don’t forget the place, City Drug Store, on West Summit St., just south of the bakery.
AD: City Drug Store. Pure Drugs and Medicines, Paints, Oils, and Varnishes, Stationery, Lamps, etc. James Riely, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 27, 1881. The trumped up charge of unlawfully selling whiskey, pre­ferred against Mr. J. Riely, a druggist of this city, by Deputy U. S. Marshall Hess, was dismissed last week, there not being a particle of evidence produced that in the slightest manner criminated Mr. Riely. The whole transaction bore the evidence of its malicious origin upon its face, and we congratulate Mr. Riely upon the result.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 3, 1881. Mr. James Riely has taken out a druggists’ license, and will now dispense wines, liquors, etc., when prescribed by a qualified M. D.
Involvement of Shenneman in Murder of James Riely by Thomas J. Armstrong.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 19, 1881. On last Monday evening about half past 8 o’clock our city was the scene of one of the most outrageous and cold blooded murders ever perpetrated, a deed of blood of the most damnable stripe, and costing the life of James Riely, one of our mer­chants, at the hands of Thomas J. Armstrong, a well, but not favorably known, loafer in these parts for the past ten years.
As near as can be ascertained, circumstances leading to this tragedy, are as follows.

James Riely was the owner of a race horse, and the stakes had been put up for a race to take place, somewhere south of this city, on Monday last, which came off and resulted in Riely’s horse losing the race. Considerable excitement prevailed among the parties attending, and was in no wise abated by the liberal supplies of whiskey which was evidently at the command of the crowd. A dispute occurred between Armstrong and Riely during the day, and it is reported that the murderer threatened to shoot his victim before sunset. However that may be, no serious distur­bance occurred, and a number of persons, more or less under the influence of liquor, were gathered in the deceased’s drug store during the evening, discussing the events of the day. Words ran high but no violence resulted until James Riely announced his desire to close the store, to which some of those present, it appears, objected and Riely pushed one or two from the store on the sidewalk, then a sort of a free scuffle took place, in which Armstrong figured prominently, and in the melee drew his six shooter and fired at Riely, who with the ejaculation, “Boys, he has killed me,” sank to the ground and almost instantly expired. The body was carried by several of the witnesses of the tragedy into the store, where an inquest was held and a verdict of murder against Armstrong rendered.
Immediately after firing the fatal shot, Armstrong darted into the darkness, and although large numbers of our citizens turned out in search of him, he has succeeded, at this writing, in eluding his pursuers. We understand that Mr. Riely is a married man, but has been living apart from his wife for several years. The murderer, Armstrong, has lived in this vicinity for years and is known as a quarrelsome fellow, especially when under the influence of liquor, but no one gave him credit for being the ruffian he has shown himself.
A. T. Shenneman came down from Winfield yesterday morning and issued the following notice which has been widely distribut­ed.
will be paid for the arrest of Thomas J. Armstrong, who killed James Riely, at Arkansas City, Kansas, on October 17th, 1881. Armstrong’s age is 30 to 35; height 5 feet 10 or 11 inches; weight 170 pounds; light or florid complected; bald on top of head; first finger of right hand off at first joint and finger curled under; prominent upper teeth; has a snaggle tooth mouth; slight scar on right cheek. Had on, when he left, a heavy blue overcoat, broad rim white hat with black band, light pants, and a dark under coat.
“I will guarantee one hundred dollars and endeavor to get the Governor to offer a State reward of $500. A. T. Shenneman, Sheriff, Cowley County, Kansas.”
LATEST. A telegram from Hugh Riely, of Brimfield, Illinois, desires that the body be held till he arrives, which cannot be until Thursday next upon which day the funeral will probably be held.
Just before going to press, A. T. Shenneman and posse arrived in town, bringing with them Armstrong, whom they captured on Grouse, on the place of T. Robinson. When he saw himself surrounded, the murderer gave himself up to the officers, who at once brought him to the city where, after having taken a look at the victim, he was placed in a buggy and by this time we presume is safe in the Winfield jail.
The Courier article on October 20, 1881, attempted to cover the murder, but misspelled his name and distorted facts. The following statements are part of their lengthy article.
“The cause of the trouble, which hurried one man into eterni­ty without a moment’s warning, and makes another an outcast with the blood of his fellow-creature on his hands, is traceable to the same old demon that has filled graves and made murderers for centuries: liquor.”
“This case offers many points that it would be worthwhile to carefully consider and might perhaps help some erring brother to steer clear of the shoals on which so many lives have been lost and hopes blasted. Had James Riely shown at all times a just regard for the laws of our State regarding the sale of intoxicat­ing liquor, he might not now be filling the early grave. The liquor that was unlawfully dealt out over his counter was the same liquor that made a devil of Armstrong and prompted him to do the deed that puts him in a felon’s cell. It was the same liquor that incites the father to butcher his offspring, and the child to murder his parents.”
“There is a law on our statute books against carrying concealed weapons. The only trouble is that the penalty is not strong enough. It should be made a penitentiary offense. Men who can-not control their appetites should at least be compelled to observe the safety of their fellowman and not go about ‘thrice doubly armed’ for his destruction.”

“Armstrong was found in a thicket. He surrendered without resistance, giving up the little pistol with which the killing was done. It is a small No. 8. I X six barreled revolver, carrying a 32 cartridge. He requested especially not to be taken to Arkansas City, but Sheriff Shenneman thought best to come through there in order to change teams. “
Funeral of James Riely.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 26, 1881. The obsequies of the late James Riely were held in the M. E. church, of this city, on last Thursday, October 20th, 1881, and were attended by a brother and niece of the deceased, from Brimfield, Illinois, and a very large number of our citizens, who thus showed their respect for and regret at the sad fate which had overtaken their young fellow citizen in the hey-day of life. The sermon was preached by the Rev. Laverty and was very impres­sively delivered. The interment was held in accordance with the ritual of the Odd Fellows, of which society the deceased was a member, and the cavalcade which followed the remains to their last resting place was undoubtedly the largest that ever wended its mournful way toward the cemetery from our city.
  Deputy George McIntire with Shenneman Posse.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 26, 1881. [From Winfield Courier.] The posse that captured Armstrong was composed of Sheriff Shenneman, Deputy Geo. McIntire, Ed. Horn, Lew Sinnott, Capt. Rarrick, Lew Stanton, and Chas. Hawkins, of Silverdale township. The boys say that when Hawkins first saw Armstrong he yelled like an Apache Indian. Ed. Horn was the first to get his six-shooter on him and make him throw up his hands.
Property of A. H. Green Attached by Sheriff Shenneman.
Winfield Courier, October 27, 1881. Sheriff Shenneman attached all of A. H. Green’s property Monday evening in a damage suit brought by Rev. A. H. Tucker. The General is in a fair way for finding out how much it is worth to skin the nose of a minister.
Riely Drug Store Sold; Armstrong Murder Case.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 9, 1881. Mr. C. H. Holloway has opened up the drug store owned by the late James Riely, and will conduct the same in the future.
Salary: Cowley County Officers.
In answer to a query, the Courier published Nov. 10, 1881, the salary of county officers.
The salary of the county treasurer of Cowley County during the present term, which terminates in October, 1882, is $4,000 a year, out of which the treasurer pays $900 for clerk hire. This is based on the population of 1880, the last numeration before the commencement of the term, which was in October 1880. The salary of the treasurer just elected will depend upon the enumer­ation next spring, if it shows 20,000 inhabitants the salary, including clerk hire, will be $4,000 a year for the two years commencing October 1882, but if less than 20,000 inhabitants, the salary will be $3,000 per annum. It is probable, however, that a change will be made in the law next winter.
The county clerk this year gets a salary of only $2,000, including clerk hire. Should the enumeration exceed 20,000 next spring, he will be entitled to $2,500 next year.
The county attorney now gets $1,200 a year under an enumera­tion of over 18,000 and under 25,000. He also gets fees which are taxed as costs in certain cases.
The school superintendent gets a salary of $1,000, based upon a population of over 4,000 children of school age outside of Winfield, which is the highest grade of salary.

The sheriff gets no salary, but only fees at rates estab­lished by law. The income from such sources may reach $4,000 or over; but he has to pay several deputies and pay other heavy expenses, so that his net income is doubtless much smaller than is generally supposed.
The Register of Deeds receives only fees established by law. Years when there is a large amount of conveyancing done, it is probably as good an office for pay as there is in the county.
The Probate Judge gets only fees; and therefore his pay depends upon the amount of his business. At present we suppose he gets over $12,000. The commissioners may allow him a salary in addition to his fees, but have not done so.
The Clerk of the District Court gets only fees, which probably amount to over $1,000.
The County Commissioners get $3.00 per day for their work, provided they shall not receive more than $100 each year.
The Coroner gets $3.00 a day and mileage.
Armstrong Murder Trial.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 16, 1881.
The Armstrong trial trails its slow length along. The Jury was sworn on last Thursday, and one witness examined. The witnesses for the most part have been placed under a rule to hold no intercourse together during progress of the trial, and are excluded from the court-room excepting when called. This case will probably occupy this entire week.
Winfield Courier, November 17, 1881. The jury in the Armstrong murder case is one of the best ever empaneled in this county. If law and justice are not safe in the hands of twelve such men as Seth Chase, Sam Watt, J. H. Land, W. O. Welfeldt, G. W. Sanderson, A. McNeil, T. L. Thompson, John Radcliff, L. K. Bonnewell,  J. H. Lovey, J. S. Grimes, and E. F. Widner, we don’t know where you can find safety.
Attorney Jennings and Mr. Asp on the one side and Mr. Hackney and Joe Houston on the other are fighting the Armstrong case step by step.
The Sheriff should in some way fix a criminal so that the audience in the court can place him. It is almost impossible to distinguish between the prisoner and the attorneys.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 23, 1881.
The Armstrong murder case was terminated by a verdict of “murder in the second degree,” and Judge Torrance sentenced the prisoner to fifteen years in the penitentiary.
Interested Spectator at Richard Lennix Trial.
Cowley County Courant, November 24, 1881. A smooth faced gentleman whom no one knew, and who seemed to know no one, was in the city most of last week. He stopped at the Brettun, and took particular pains to linger about the courtroom when court was in session. He left immediately after Richard Lennix was convict­ed of forgery, and it is thought by nearly everyone who noticed the gentleman that he was a detective, perhaps from New York, where Lennix was wanted to answer to a number of other charges of like charac­ter of that for which he was convicted here. These detectives are shrewd chaps, but they don’t often get their work in on the Cowley County officials.
Motions for New Trial, Armstrong and Lennix, Overruled.
Cowley County Courant and Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.
The motion for a new trial in both the Armstrong and Lennix cases, which were argued Monday, were overruled, and sentence was pronounced, and was that Thomas Armstrong be kept at hard labor in the penitentiary for fifteen years and to pay the cost of prosecution; Richard Lennix, convicted for forgery, ditto, seven years.

Other cases were decided at the same time. J. McDade, grand larceny, stealing $20 from Al Horn, one year. Jas. Jackson, horse stealing, five years. Emil Harmon, stealing hogs from Larson’s estate, four years. Joseph Rest, horse stealing, will have an opportunity to “rest” in the same place for eighteen months. Shenneman started Tuesday with the six criminals for Leavenworth.
Sheriff A. T. Shenneman Easily Wins Second Term by a Majority of 950.
The Courier, November 27, 1881, reported that Shenneman had won his second term.
Sale of Armstrong Farm.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 21, 1881.
Notice. “FARM FOR SALE. The Thomas J. Armstrong farm, in Bolton township, will be sold low if application is made at once to A. H. Green, Winfield, Kansas.”
  Geo. Haley, Partner of Forger Lennix, Sentenced.
Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.
Haley, the forger whom Shenneman captured last summer, and the authorities failed to convict, was sentenced to the peniten­tiary in Pennsylvania for nine years. It will be remembered that Shenneman rearrested Haley after his discharge and took him back.
Sheriff Shenneman Keeping Active.
Cowley County Courant, January 5, 1882. Chas. W. Long, a farm laborer 19 years old, residing four miles north of the city, was brought into town today by Sheriff Shenneman and adjudged insane before a probate court jury. His sister and two brothers accompanied him and testified at the trial.
He was first affected the 24th of December by a pain in his head and went violently insane the evening of that day and has had no rational moment since. He is very vicious, tearing his clothes off when his hands are free, and curses, spits, and endeavors to strike those who are near him. His sister testified that he talked a good deal of religion before he was attacked. He has no father; his mother is supported by his brother. The family is in poor circumstances, and unable to care for him. Dr. Emerson has been attending him and pronounces it a very severe case.
The Winfield Courier, January 19, 1882.
Sheriff Shenneman has gone to Topeka with a lunatic.
The Cowley County Courant and Winfield Courier of February 9, 1882, stated that Sheriff A. T. Shenneman had returned from an extended trip to Bourbon County, Kentucky, bringing back with him a carload of thoroughbred stock, consisting of twelve pedigreed short horn bulls, one fine jack (the largest ever brought into the county), and a fine thoroughbred stallion. “He will sell the bulls to our stock raisers. They are being kept at the feed stable on Ninth Avenue and attract much attention.”
Winfield Courier, March 2, 1882.
Sheriff Shenneman has purchased three acres of ground just above Bliss & Wood’s mill on this side of the Walnut River. He will build a barn and feed his cattle and fine stock there.
Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882. Mr. Shedden, judged to be insane, was taken by Sheriff Shenneman to the asylum at Osawatomie last week.
Walters Arranging to Lease Central Avenue House, Arkansas City.
Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882. Mr. Walters, of Winfield, father-in-law to Sheriff Shenneman, was down to the terminus last week trying to make arrangements to lease the Central Avenue House. He has not as yet made the thing solid, but we understand he has the refusal of the house and will clinch the bargain next week. Ark. City Democrat.

Case Against Shenneman Settled for Plaintiffs. Their attorneys: Pryor & Kinne.
Cowley County Courant, April 6, 1882.
In Justice Buckman’s court the cases of John H. Lindly vs. A. T. Shenneman and James Lindly vs. same, action in replevin, judgment for plaintiff. Pryor & Kinne for plaintiffs, and Capt. J. M. White, of Howard, for defendant.
   Dean Purchases Shenneman Bull.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 19, 1882. Mr. A. Dean returned to the city on Monday last from a trip to Butler and Sedgwick counties in search of fine stock. He reports stock in bad shape, and came back to Cowley, where he succeeded in purchasing several fine animals; one a yearling bull, purchased of A. T. Shenneman and raised by McClintock, of Paris, Kentucky, is a perfect picture of a thoroughbred short-horn, and will weigh, at the present time, over 1,100 pounds.
Costs for Sheddan: Jurors, Doctors, McIntire, Shenneman, Jailor, Others.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1882. It cost Cowley County $35.00 to get Mr. Thomas J. Sheddan ready for the Insane Asylum. $6 for six jurors, $2.90 each to Dr. Alexander, A. C. Gould, T. F. Huffman, and James Hill. $13.60 to Geo. McIntire for catching him, $3.25 to Sheriff Shenneman for keeping him, and $1.45 to the jailor.
Shenneman in Howard for Several Days.
Cowley County Courant, April 27, 1882. [From Howard Courant.]
A. T. Shenneman, Sheriff of Cowley County, was in Howard several days this week, and was registered at the Welborn House.
McIntire Assisting Shenneman in Courtroom.
Winfield Courier, April 27, 1882. Deputy Sheriff McIntire came up Monday and is assisting Sheriff Shenneman in the courtroom.
A. T. Shenneman and E. P. Greer Among Winfield Alternate Delegates.
Winfield Courier, May 18, 1882. Republican Convention.
Solons Meet in Conclave and Elect Delegates to the District and State Conventions.
“The committee on credentials (G. H. Buckman, P. M. Waite, Harvey Smith, John Wallace, and Frank Akers) reported delegates and alternates from the various townships as entitled to seats in convention.”
Winfield City, 1st Ward, Delegates: J. E. Conklin, G. H. Buckman, D. A. Millington, Geo. F. Corwin, H. D. Gans. Alternates: A. H. Johnson, A. T. Shenneman, E. P. Greer, Henry Paris, James Kelly.
Winfield City, 2nd Ward, Delegates: A. B. Whiting, L. H. Webb, J. H. Finch, T. H. Soward, John Swain, W. E. Tansey. Alternates: A. H. Green, M. L. Robinson, Jas. H. Bullen, O. H. Herrington, J. L. Horning, M. B. Shields.
Shenneman Advertises Thoroughbred Bull for Sale.
Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.
A fine thoroughbred bull for sale cheap. Inquire of A. T. SHENNEMAN.
A. B. Taylor Appointed Deputy Sheriff by Shenneman.
Cowley County Courant, June 8, 1882. A. B. Taylor has been appointed Deputy Sheriff by Mr. Shenneman, and entered upon the duties this morning. He will make a good one.
Ed Weitzel & Sheriff Shenneman Catch Horse Thief; Another Got Away.

Cowley County Courant, June 8, 1882.
A man went into Ed. Weitzel’s billiard hall sometime Wednes­day, and to avoid the “concealed weapon” ordinance, gave Ed a revolver to keep for him, and went out.
Soon he returned and asked Mr. Weitzel if he didn’t want to buy a pair of horses. To the credit of Ed’s shrewdness, be it said he took in the situa­tion, and to better accomplish what passed in his mind told the man that he didn’t want two little spotted horses, but would be pleased to purchase horses that would suit. The fellow hastened to assure him that these were not small spotted ponies but a pair of large bay mares. Ed then told him that he could do nothing until morning as his money was all in the bank. Thus he found time to apprise the Sheriff of his suspicion. The finding of a dead body with a terrible suspicion of foul play, or a big scandal in the background, is to the average reporter no more savory morsel than the smell of a horse thief is to Shenneman. Of course, he acted, and at once. The horses were found a short distance from town, on the grass, and the young man who was in town was promptly arrested. It also turns out that there was a pair of them and the other young man took a saddle and left for Hunnewell last night. He will probably be taken in too in a short time. The horses were stolen somewhere in Nebraska, and show hard usage. Ed Weitzel and Sheriff Shenneman deserve credit for the shrewd manner in which the thing was accomplished.
Shenneman, Col. & J. C. McMullen on Committees.
Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.
On Tuesday evening the citizens met at the Opera House to hear the report of the executive committee on 4th of July celebration. The committee reported as follows.
On Finance: M. L. Robinson, J. B. Lynn, J. P. Baden, S. H. Myton, J. C. McMullen.
On Speakers and Invitation: J. C. Fuller, D. A. Millington, A. B. Steinberger, M. G. Troup, and J. Wade McDonald.
On Grounds and seats: A. T. Spotswood, Jas. H. Bullen, A. Wilson, S. C. Smith, W. O. Johnson, and H. Brotherton.
On Police Regulations and personal comfort: D. L. Kretsinger, R. E. Wallis, H. S. Silver, J. H. Kinney, and A. T. Shenneman.
On Music: J. P. Short, E. H. Blair, G. H. Buckman, H. E. Silliman, and R. C. Bowles.
On Old Soldiers: Col. McMullen, Adjt. Wells, Judge Bard, Capt. Steuven, and Capt. Haight.
On Representation of 13 Original States: Mrs. H. P. Mansfield, Mrs. Caton, Mrs. Carruthers.
On Floral Decoration: Mrs. Kretsinger, Misses Jessie Millington, Amy Scothorn, Jennie Hane, Mrs. J. L. Horning, and Mrs. G. S. Manser.

   Mrs. Shenneman Takes Part in Musical Entertainment.
Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.
The musical entertainment and social given by the members of Grace Church at the Opera House last Thursday evening was a decided success and was very largely attended.
The concert, beginning at 8 o’clock and continuing one hour, was indeed very entertaining and elicited much favorable comment from those present. It was a self-evident fact that the singing would be most excellent, for the members of the choir have a reputation for musical ability seldom equalled. Mrs. Shenneman has a lovely soprano voice, while Mrs. Albro’s alto is superb, and with Mr. Blair’s fine tenor and the strong bass voice of Mr. Snow combined to make a first-class quartette. Mrs. Frank Woodruff performed the instrumental part of the program, assisted, at the last, by Misses Bard and McCoy.

After the concert, refreshments consisting of ice cream, cake, and numerous varieties of fruit, were served by the ladies of the church. After refreshments the floor was cleared, and those who wished were given an opportunity to “trip the light fantastic,” to piano and cornet music furnished by Messrs. Ed. Farringer and Abe Steinberger.
Those in attendance seemed highly pleased with the entertainment, and the ladies of the church did everything possible to make the affair a success. The stage was very neatly arranged, the tables presented a tasty appearance, and the floral display was beautiful.
Socials, literary entertainments, etc., have been very numerous this season, but each one has been well attended and the ladies getting them up have been handsomely rewarded for their trouble, as were those of Grace Church, the receipts being about one hundred and fifty dollars.
Mrs. A. T. Shenneman Visiting Her Parents in Wichita.
Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882. Mrs. A. T. Shenneman is spending this week in Wichita with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Walters.
Shenneman Resigns from Winfield Company of Old Soldiers.
Cowley County Courant, July 4, 1882. Pursuant to the call issued, members of the Winfield company of old soldiers met at the Courthouse last evening, to fill vacancies.
On motion, Jacob Nixon was elected chairman and James Kelly secretary. John A. McGuire was elected Captain, vice Bard, transferred. Jacob Nixon was elected 1st Lieuten-ant, vice James Kelly, promoted. Henry L. Barker was elected 2nd Lieutenant, vice A. T. Shenneman, resigned.
A. T. Shenneman: Lightning-Proof.
Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882. During the storm Monday afternoon the residence of A. T. Shenneman was struck by lightning and the north end considerably shattered. Mr. Shenneman was in the room at the time, but was only stunned a little. His wife was in another room and did not feel the shock. The room was filled with dust and smoke. It is consoling to feel that one is lightning proof in these times of thunder and lightning.
Shenneman’s Jack Died.
Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882. Shenneman’s fine jack died Monday. This was one of the finest animals in the country.
Team Thought to be Stolen at Shenneman’s Residence.
Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882. Mr. and Mrs. Albro had quite a scare Saturday evening, over the loss of their team and buggy. They had driven to Mr. Shenneman’s and left the team standing near the rack. When they came out it was gone, and their first thought was that it had been stolen. Several persons started out and after a time the team was found at the barn, with the dog in the buggy and everything all right. They had merely got loose and walked home. The team is one of the nicest in the city and would be a sad loss to the owners.
Shennemen Arrests, Then Releases Indians from Sac & Fox Agency.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 16, 1882. Sheriff Shenneman arrested two Indians from Sac & Fox Agency. They were suspected of being implicated in the stealing of a herd of ponies in the Territory and selling them here about one year ago. It however transpired that the suspicions were untrue, and they were probably discharged.
Shenneman Nabs Pickpockets, Thieves, and Horse Thieves.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 16, 1882. [From Courier Clips.]

Sheriff Shenneman succeeded in corralling eight of the pickpockets and thieves following Sells Circus. They were a hard lot and had raided every town they came to without fear of the officers until they got here.
Sheriff Shenneman captured two negro horse thieves Monday. They had stolen horses from the Territory and sold them to Patterson, of Arkansas City. As soon as Shenneman got his eyes on them, he knew they were horse thieves, and took them in. He raked in another man Tuesday. It was the one who stole Mr. Raymond’s ponies and Mr. Hurd’s buggy some weeks ago. Some think it is Tom Quarles, who will be remembered by early settlers as a pretty bad case. He was living with a woman at Independence and had in his possession Hurd’s buggy and harness, one of Raymond’s horses, and a horse that was stolen from L. C. Norton at Arkansas City. Shenneman is a terror to horse thieves.
Shenneman Contemplates Putting Cows to Work for Creamery.
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1882.
A. T. Shenneman is talking seriously of putting a hundred cows on a place near here for the purpose of furnishing cream to the Creamery, and raising calves. A good cow will produce three to four dollars worth of cream per month, and the farmer has the use of all his  skimmed milk, and raises a good calf in the bargain. Keeping cows for the creamery will be a lucrative and prominent industry before long.
Shenneman Quickly Gathers Special Police at First Alarm of Fire.
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1882.
One of the Leading Industries of Our Town and County Destroyed by Fire.
The Winfield City Mills a Mass of Ruins.
Last Sunday morning about three o’clock, our citizens were startled by the clanging of the fire bell—that harbinger of woe which brings a chill to the hearts of all who hear it. Soon hundreds of feet were hurrying toward the bright red glare in the west part of the city, where the Winfield City Mills, one of the largest and best equipped institutions of the kind in the state, was being rapidly devoured by the angry elements.
It was a grand sight—the old mill enveloped in flame, which made things as bright as day for a distance of three blocks, and lit up the faces of the four or five hundred by-standers. The first question asked by everyone was, “How did it catch?” Various rumors were floating around. One was that the safe had been broken open and robbed, and the robbers set the property on fire. This proves to be a mistake and the question is still an open one. The mill had been shut down for two or three days while some machinery was being connected, and no one was in the building that night. The idea of spontaneous combustion seems to be most generally entertained. The miller was just getting ready to start the engine, as the water was getting low. It had not been run for a year and he was having it taken apart and oiled. A car of coal was shoveled up in one corner of the engine room, and from this probably the fire originated, just as that of the State Normal building at Emporia. The fire evidently originated either in the boiler room or office, as one of the first on the ground says the flames were just breaking into the mill, while the small building was enveloped in fire.

The mill was a magnificent piece of property and was grinding at the rate of seven hundred bushels of grain per day, and of the very finest quality known to the trade. They found a ready market for all they could do. The mill itself is a complete loss. Part of the walls are still standing, but are cracked and ruined by the heat and will have to come down. The boilers are safe and it is thought that the engine is not seriously disabled. The dam is not damaged. The elevator is safe and the franchise as good as ever. The mill was insured for $10,000, the damages are fully thirty thousand dollars.
The loss is great, not only for Messrs. Bliss & Wood but for the community at large. The demand for wheat by Bliss & Wood has tended to keep the price at its best.
It is the opinion of those who have most critically examined the matter and are best quali-fied to judge of the case that the Winfield Mills were fired by burglars. Two suspicious looking strangers were seen in town during the evening before, dressed in a way which might be called a cross between the cowboy and the citizen; one rather tall and the other thick set. They were seen in the weeds back of a dwelling in the west part of town during the evening, and again on the outskirts of the crowd near the mill while burning, when some ladies heard one of them say to the other, “Let us go nearer,” and was answered, “No, they will see my face.” The theory of spontaneous combustion of the coal heap is pronounced untenable, for the coal is not burned yet but remains intact where it was left in the northeast corner of the wing. The shavings about the bench in the east part of the wing near the coal had not taken fire when the first of the crowd arrived at the premises after the alarm was given. The office was in the south side of the middle of the wing in which were the safe and desks. Those who first arrived at the fire saw into the office through the windows and there saw the safe door open and the books and papers from the safe scattered across the floor. They also saw the desk. Two of its drawers were on the floor and another was on the top of the desk. It happened that only about $25.00, and that in silver, was in the safe and a few dollars for ready change was locked in a drawer of the desk. No silver could be found in the ashes after the fire, but two nickels were found not at all melted. In short, there was so little combustible material about the wing that the fire could not be hot enough to melt silver. A check book which belonged in the mill was found in the street twenty rods away, and some weigh checks belonging to the mill were found almost up to Main street. The fire evidently originated in the wing and spread rapidly into the main building, so that it is evident the fire was not caused by spontaneous combustion of dust in the mill like the Minnesota disaster. The theory is that these two strangers broke into the wing through a window, that the safe was only locked on the first turn, and that by trial of turning slowly, the burglar caught the first combination and opened the safe; that the desk lock was picked and the burglars, not satisfied with their little booty, concluded to make a bonfire and draw the people of Winfield away from their homes to give an opportunity to go through some residences. But if this was their game, it was nipped by Shenneman, who, on the first alarm of fire, organized a force of thirty special police to patrol the city.
Sheriff’s Sale.
Listed below: Notice of Sheriff’s Sale, in August 17, 1882, issue of the Winfield Courier.
M. L. Read, plaintiff, vs. John Hoenscheidt and Rose Hoenscheidt, defendants. A. T. Shenneman, Sheriff Cowley County, Kansas, by virtue of an execution issued out of the 2nd Judicial District of the State of Kansas, sitting in and for Atchison County, is selling at the south door of the Courthouse September 18, 1882, the following property.
Lot 13, Block 135, Winfield, appraised at $25.
Lot 14, Block 135, Winfield, appraised at $20.
Lot 15, Block 135, Winfield, appraised at $20. (Menor’s Addition.)
Lot 16, Block 135, Winfield, appraised at $20.
Lot 17, Block 135, Winfield, appraised at $20.

Lot 18, Block 135, Winfield, appraised at $25.
Each tract sold separately at not less than two-thirds the appraised value thereof.
Tom Quarles and Others in Cowley Jail.
Winfield Courier, August 24, 1882. Our jail at present contains four as hard characters as ever decorated its grates. Tom Quarles, the unknown gentleman who tried to make a target of Shenneman’s ear, and the two Territory negroes, one of whom is wanted for killing a United States Marshal over a year ago.
Shenneman Recognizes Suspicious Characters.
Winfield Courier, August 24, 1882. Sol Burkhalter the other day saw a couple of suspicious looking individuals in town and concluded they were horse thieves, because, as he said, “Their countenances gave them away.” Sol hunted up Sheriff Shenneman and led him to the place where the hard looking customers were sitting when Shenneman recognized them as a prominent Presbyterian clergyman of Wichita and a prominent bank cashier of the same town. They were not arrested.
A Close Call for Sheriff Shenneman.
Winfield Courier, August 24, 1882.
Sheriff Shenneman came within a foot of being murdered Friday evening while arresting a horse thief at Tom Wright’s livery stable.
While strolling around in the evening, Shenneman got his eyes on a fellow whom he at once divined to be a horse thief. He followed him to the barn and found three horses which had been left there. Shenneman sat down to entertain the thief until the arrival of Marshal Herrod, who had been sent for to arrest him for carrying concealed weapons, as the sheriff had no time to get out a warrant. While they were talking the man seemed suspicious, and Shenneman noticed him with his hand on his revolver under his coat. When the marshal came up, a gentleman sitting near and not knowing the circumstances, jokingly said, “Hello, Marshal! Who are you going to arrest now?” At this the fellow started up and Shenneman saw the jig was up and sprang toward him, drawing his revolver as he went. The revolver caught on his coat, and seeing the thief about to shoot, Shenneman sprang on him. Just as he got hold of him, the pistol exploded and the ball went crashing past his left ear through the side of the barn. Shenneman downed his man before he could draw a big knife, for which he was reaching. The fellow was a perfect walking armory and a hard case. If Shenneman had been a little slow, he would have caught the bullet.
A Notorious Character: Glass.
Winfield Courier, September 7, 1882. Confined within the Cowley County jail at present is a negro whose career is as deeply stained with crime as human hands are often found to be, and whose deeds of murder and lawlessness compare favorably with those of the notorious Jesse James.

From Deputy U. S. Marshal Addison Beck we received a partial account of his doings that were enough to make the blood run cold. He has for the past five or six years made the Indian Territory his home and was married into the Creek tribe of Indians, and is named Glass. His hands have been reddened with the blood of perhaps a dozen men, killed on different horse-stealing excursions, and one crime even more horrible than this, is laid to his hands. Sometime last fall a lone woman and little child applied at a house in the Territory for something to eat. She said her husband had left her and she was trying to make her way back to Missouri with her child. She was given something to eat, and started on over the prairie afoot. Some time after, the negro was seen riding up the gulch in the direction the woman had taken, and a few days afterward the bodies of the woman and child were found with their throats cut from ear to ear. This was but one of the many terrible crimes laid at his door.
Once he and two others stole a herd of twenty-nine ponies. They were followed by fourteen well armed men, who overtook them in the night. They found the horses grazing on the prairie, and after driving them to a safe place, returned and surrounded the place where the three thieves were sleeping. In the morning they rose up out of the grass and began firing, and after an hour’s battle two of the thieves, Shenneman’s ward and another, escaped, leaving their companion and four of the pursuers dead on the ground.
In his own country Glass is a terror, but no open enemy is tolerated. His enemies died, one way and another, and all died early. He is as quick as lightning with a six-shooter, and handles two of them with as much ease as a lady would handle a knife and fork. Those who know him best in the Territory never provoke his wrath, as the crack of his pistol meant death, quick and certain.
In personal appearance Glass is tall, slim, and not overly dark, with a large scar on his face, and is covered all over with pistol wounds.
When Shenneman captured him, he was in a barber’s chair and had his revolvers wrapped in a paper and laid on a table. Before he knew what was up, our Sheriff had him under the muzzle of his big revolver.
Chief Bushyhead, of the Cherokee Nation, offers a reward of $500 for the delivery of Glass at Vinita, and, as soon as the necessary arrangements are made, he will be taken there. At present, he is strongly shackled and the jail is guarded.
Shenneman Arrests Colgate for Arson.
Winfield Courier, September 14, 1882.
W. H. Colgate Arrested and Confesses to Burning Bliss & Wood’s Mill.
He Does it for “Spite” and to Cover up Peculations.
Our city was thrown into a fever of excitement Friday by the report that W. H. Colgate had made a confession of burning Bliss & Wood’s Mill. The report proved to be true, and Colgate is now in jail in default of $5,000 bail. The arrest was made Saturday morning by Sheriff Shenneman on a warrant sworn out by J. J. Merrick.
W. H. Colgate is a young man, about thirty-two years of age, and the only son of J. B. Colgate, an eminent banker and capitalist of New York, whose wealth is placed at seven millions of dollars. Young Colgate was sent away from home to school at the age of ten and has never returned. He was furnished all the money he wanted, and naturally acquired fast habits and fast companions, and attracted the moths and butterflies of society which so readily flock to the glitter of gold, regardless of surrounding circumstances, and only eager to see who can first get their wings singed. These were ever with him and around him, applauding his follies and flattering his vanity until he became a ruined man, with ideas of life distorted and mind and body rendered totally unfit for a battle with the realities of every day existence.
Then came a rupture with the father, whose stern New England character could neither palliate nor defend the excess of his boy, and he was cast off to return no more to the parental roof, and placed on an allowance that while to many would have been princely to him was barely enough to keep the wolf from the door.

Then he drifted to Winfield and kind friends here who thought that, if given a chance, he might yet prove himself a man, secured him a position as bookkeeper in Bliss & Wood’s mill. All went along smoothly, he seemed to take hold with a will, and his employers placed one trust after another in his hands until he had the complete handling of all the funds of the mill. There the trouble appears to have commenced. He began to let his books fall behind, and when the firm demanded a statement of the business and an invoice of stock, he delayed it from time to time, offering as an excuse that he had more than he could do and was unable to catch up. Still the firm had no suspicions of any crookedness.
On Friday before the mill was burned, they put Mr. J. C. Curry in the office to assist Colgate with the books. This seemed to frustrate him somewhat, but things went along pleasantly until Saturday, when a check was found which did not correspond with the stub by $15. The explana-tion of this was not satisfactory and the firm began to suspect that everything was not right and resolved to investigate the books thoroughly.
Colgate seemed to be aware of this and it worried him. After supper Saturday evening, he went back to the mill alone and worked at the books until eleven o’clock, trying to fix them up in some shape. This he found he could not do, and, putting the books in the safe, he locked it, went out and locked the door and went home—but not to sleep.
The matter weighed on his mind, and as he thought of it from every standpoint and the fear of discovery preyed upon him, a sudden idea seized him and he said to himself, “I’ll burn the thing, and hide all traces of it.” He got up, went to the mill, unlocked the safe, took out the tell-tale books, tore them apart, piled them on the floor, went to the oil tank in the engine room, drew a lot of the oil, and returning with it, poured it over the books on the floor, lit a match, touched it to the pile, went out, locked the door and ran up the hill, the red glare of the burning books in the office lighting his way. Going up the hill, in his hurry and fright, he dropped a package of his own private papers that he had taken from the safe. A gold pen and large inkstand he carried on home with him. Soon the cry of “Fire!” was sounded and he ran down to the mill in his shirt sleeves, and for three long hours watched the demon that he had unchained lick up the property of his employers and benefactors, and the institution that afforded him the first day’s wages he had ever earned, go up in smoke, fired by his own hand.
What his thoughts must have been while he stood there and watched the flames as they crackled and hissed and in demoniac fury seemed to be reaching out toward him as if to point him out to the multitude, is more than we can imagine. The sight was appalling to the stoutest heart, and how much more terrible must it have been to him who had, by betraying a trust, swept away the results of years of toil and care to his employers, brought disgrace upon his family and friends, and dire calamity upon himself.
It is difficult, and indeed impossible, to assign a sensible reason for Colgate destroying the property. He says himself that he had overdrawn perhaps seventy-five dollars. Mr. Wood says this shortage could not have been more than $150. He received from the east $75 per month and earned a salary of $50. While here he did not drink or gamble, and lived within his income. What time he did not spend at the mill was spent at home with his family. The only logical conclusion is that he committed the deed in a fit of frenzy at the possibility of being discharged, and while smarting under an imaginary wrong. Again it is possible that he tried to fix up the small amount which he says he had taken from the firm’s money, and got the books in such bad shape that he had to destroy them to prevent the knowledge that they had been tampered with.

Sunday morning our reporter visited Mr. Colgate in his cell at the jail, and had a long talk with him about the matter. He admitted to the reporter the fact of having been the cause of the fire, but asserted that he had no intention of destroying the mill. He said he felt that Webber, the head miller, and Curry were his bitter enemies, and were doing everything they could to get him discharged; that as soon as the other man was put in with him, he felt that he would be discharged, and in a fit of rage and frenzy made up his mind that no other persons should ever handle those books, went to the mill, took them out, dragged in a large piece of sheet iron, piled them up on it, set fire to the pile, and went home.
Colgate Married to J. F. McMullen’s Daughter.
During the recital of his story, Colgate seemed much affected, and asked several times what was the least and the greatest penalty that could be inflicted upon him. He said he did not care so much for himself, but it would be a terrible blow to his wife and family. His wife is a daughter of J. F. McMullen and a niece of Col. J. C. McMullen, and he has one child. Col. McMullen was doing all he could for him, and was the means of securing him the position with Messrs. Bliss & Wood. The Colonel’s faith in humanity is sorely shaken by this occurrence.
If J. B. Colgate is the benevolent gentleman he has credit for being, he will refund to Messrs. Bliss & Wood the money they have lost through his son’s depravity. He can do so without feeling it, and he spends more in benevolent and charitable enterprises every year than it would take to make Bliss & Wood whole.
Shenneman Taking Glass to Cherokee Authorities.
Winfield Courier, September 14, 1882.
Sheriff Shenneman left for the Cherokee Nation, Monday, with Dick Glass, the noted negro murderer and criminal. Governor St. John issued a requisition for his delivery to the Cherokee authorities. Sheriff Shenneman will secure the reward of six hundred dollars.
   Two Accounts. Desperado, Dick Glass, Escapes from Shenneman & Thralls.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 20, 1882. The notorious desperado, Glass, escaped from Sheriff Shenne­man last week while he was taking him to the Territory. He was hand-cuffed and hobbled, but succeeded in breaking a link in his hobble chain, and when the buggy stopped to camp at night, he jumped and ran, making good his escape almost before the officers knew it. He is regarded as one of the most desperate characters in the Territory, and a reward of $500 is offered for him by the chief of the Cherokee nation.
Winfield Courier, September 21, 1882. Last week as Sheriff Shenneman and Joe Thralls, Sheriff of Sumner County, were taking Dick Glass through the Territory, overland to the Cherokee Nation, he jumped from the wagon and escaped.
It was their third night out, and just as they drove up to a ranch to put up, Glass sprang from the wagon and rushed for a thick patch of underbrush near the road. It was about nine o’clock and very dark. The prisoner was shackled hand and foot and, as the sheriffs thought, perfectly secure. He was sitting between them, and his actions were so quick that he was two rods away before they got their revolvers on him. They fired twice each, but failed to bring him down; and nothing more was heard of him. He left a part of the shackles in the wagon and an examination showed that he had filed them nearly in two between the jams before leaving the jail, and had, by rubbing his feet together, broken them apart. It was also found upon examination that Quarles and Vanmeter, the two in jail here now, also had their shackles filed and the three were to have made a grand rush for liberty on the self-same night that Glass was taken away. Glass has accomplished a feat that few men would care to attempt. The chances were desperate, but the man was equal to the attempt, and escaped from two of the shrewdest and bravest officers in this or any other state.
 Sheriff Shenneman feels badly over losing the prisoner and the six hundred dollar reward which he was to get.

Shenneman Spots Horse Thief.
Winfield Courier, September 21, 1882. Sheriff Shenneman captured another horse thief Monday. He was an old, inoffensive looking fellow, but Shenneman soon made up his mind that he had stolen the horse he was riding and arrested him on suspicion. Tuesday evening the sheriff of Labette County appeared on the scene and took him back. He had stolen the horse from that county.
Sheriff Shenneman Visiting with His Brother, Charlie.
Winfield Courier, October 5, 1882.
Sheriff Shenneman is enjoying a visit from his brother, Charlie Shenneman, who is at present an employee of the State at the penitentiary. Charlie’s visit convinces us that if one member of a family is homely, it does not necessarily follow that all are. He is one of the finest looking young men we have ever seen, and his mental proportions are not inferior to his physical. We hope to have Charlie with us often.
Prisoners Busy Trying to Saw Off Irons in Jail.
Winfield Courier, October 12, 1882. Sheriff Shenneman has discovered another saw in the jail, used by prisoners in sawing off irons. It was made of the tongue to a jews harp.
Sheriffs Thralls and Shenneman Search for Gang in Territory.
Winfield Courier, October 12, 1882. Some two weeks ago Sheriff Thralls of Wellington got information that eight of the murderers and cutthroats which raided Caldwell and killed Maher, were in a camp in the Territory near the Pan Handle. He got Sheriff Shenneman and some others and went out there, hunted up the camp, and surrounded it. They found none of the gang, but became convinced that one of them had been there.
   Quarles and Van Meter Cutting Shackles Again in Jail.
Winfield Courier, October 12, 1882. Tom Quarles and Van Meter cut their shackles again last Friday. They were cut between the jaws, just as Dick Glass had cut his. While making his usual morning examination of the jail and prisoners, Sheriff Shenneman detected the cut in the shackles, which was neatly filled with soap and blackened with charcoal. Quarles is one of the worst prisoners ever confined in our jail, and it takes watching to hold him.
Councilmen McMullen, Gary, and Wilson Review Shenneman’s Bill.
Winfield Courier, October 26, 1882. Council Proceedings.
Council met in regular session, Mayor Troup in chair. Roll called. Present: Councilmen McMullen, Gary, and Wilson, City Attorney and Clerk.
Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
Petition of G. B. Stiles for authority to number the buildings in the city was read and referred to the Committee on streets and alleys.
Petition of H. D. Gans and 11 others for sidewalk on the east side of Block 145 was read and on motion of Mr. Gary, the prayer of the petition was granted and the Attorney was instructed to prepare an ordinance in accordance therewith.
Petition of C. N. Harter and 13 others for sidewalk on north side of Blocks 87 and 107 was read and on motion of Mr. McMullen, the prayer of the petition was granted and the Attorney was instructed to prepare an ordinance accordingly.

Petition of W. C. Robinson, J. W. Curns, and 125 others asking an appropriation for City Library was again presented. On motion of Mr. McMullen, action on same was postponed until next regular meeting.
Report of Finance Committee on Police Judge’s report for August, that they found the same correct, was adopted. The Committee were given further time in all other matters in their hands.
Bill of C. H. Wooden, removing nuisances, $3.75, and of Wm. Warren, street crossings, etc., $28.50, were allowed and ordered paid.
Bill of A. T. Shenneman for board of city prisoners from January 1st to Sept. 16, $42.25, and bill of Winfield COURIER, printing and job work, $51.00, were referred to the Finance Committee.
It was moved that the time allowed under the deed from the city to the County Com-missioners for constructing a fence around the Courthouse grounds be extended to the 1st day of January 1883. Carried.
On motion Council adjourned. M. G. TROUP, Mayor.
Attest: DAVID C. BEACH, City Clerk.
Herriott, Member of Quarles’ Gang of Horse Thieves, Brought In.
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1882. Sheriff Shenneman brought in another horse thief last week—one Bob Herriott, who was a member of Tom Quarles’ gang of horse thieves and stole L. C. Norton’s horse at Arkansas City.
Councilmen Read, McMullen, Gary, and Wilson Present.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882. Council Proceedings.
Council met in regular session, Mayor M. G. Troup in chair. Roll called. Present, Councilmen Read, McMullen, Gary, and Wilson; City Attorney and Clerk.
Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
Petition of A. B. Graham and 10 others for sidewalk on west side of block 187 and on south side of block 186, was read. On motion of Mr. Gary, that part of the petition relating to sidewalk on west side of block 187 was granted and the Attorney was instructed to prepare an Ordinance in accordance therewith.
Ordinance No. 165 providing for the construction of sidewalks on the west side of block 187; on the north side of blocks 87 and 107; and on the east side of block No. 145, was read and on motion of Mr. Read was taken up for consideration by sections. Sections 1, 2, 3, and 4 were adopted. On motion to adopt as a whole on its final passage, the vote stood as follows: Those voting aye, were Councilmen Read, McMullen, Gary, and Wilson; nays none, and the Ordinance was declared adopted.
Communication from S. L. Gilbert declining to remain on the bond of T. H. Soward as Police Judge, and asking to be released therefrom, was read. On motion of Mr. Gary, the communication was placed on file and the clerk was instructed to notify the Police Judge that he must file a new bond by the next meeting of the Council.
David C. Beach again tendered his resignation as City Clerk, which was accepted. The Mayor appointed Lovell H. Webb to the position of City Clerk for the remainder of the term, he to file his bond for approval at the next regular meeting. On motion, the appointment of the Mayor was confirmed by the council.
The Finance Committee reported favorably on bills:
Winfield COURIER, Printing, etc.: $57.00.
A. T. Shenneman, Board Prisoners: $42.00
Reports adopted and warrants ordered for the amounts of same.

The Finance Committee reported on Clerk’s quarterly statement for Sept. 15th that they had examined the same and found it correct. Reports adopted. On Police Judges report for June the Committee reported that they found it correct. Report adopted.
The following bills were presented, allowed, and ordered paid.
H. L. Thomas, street crossings and culverts: $44.24.
City officers salaries, Oct.: $67.90.
Dr. Geo. Emerson, medical attendance: $5.00.
Bill of A. B. Arment for coffin for City poor, $7.50, was approved and recommended to the County Commissioners for payment.
E. H. Lintrell and W. B. McConnels made a statement concerning the fines assessed against them in Police Court for violation of the Ordinance relating to licenses. The Mayor for the reason that the violations were technical and unintentional, remitted their fines. The action of the Mayor was on motion approved by the Council, and the City Clerk was instructed to inform the Police Judge of the same.
On motion the City Clerk was instructed to notify the Police Judge to make his reports for months of Sept. and Oct.
Council then adjourned. M. G. TROUP, Mayor.
DAVID C. BEACH, City Clerk.
Sheriff Shenneman Completes Land Sales.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
Sheriff Shenneman completed the sale of twenty-two pieces of land last Monday.
F. H. Greer, Secretary, Reports on Meeting with Mrs. Shenneman, Others.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1882.
Musical Union.
About fifty members were present at the regular weekly meeting of the Union last week, and a very enjoyable evening was spent. Mesdames Buckman, Shenneman, and Albro, and Misses McCoy, Beeny, Bard, Hane, Fahey, and Wallis will furnish the concert program this (Thursday) evening. The Union meets at 7:30 o’clock in the basement of the Presbyterian Church. F. H. GREER, Secretary.
Dick Glass Heard From.
Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883. Dick Glass, the negro who was captured and escaped from Sheriff Shenneman, has been heard from. We clip the following dispatch in relation to the matter from the Kansas City Journal.
A dispatch from Muskogee, Indian Territory, says that forty of Spiechie’s men, who were previously reported as having crossed the Arkansas River, passed through town yesterday in full war paint under command of the notorious Dick Glass. They went west in pursuit of the band of Checote’s men, who killed one of their party day before yesterday, but returned in the evening, not having been able to find them. United States Agent Tufts has notified them that he will disarm both parties on the committal of any open act of war. A company of United States troops arrived at Muskogee last evening from Fort Gibson, under command of Lieutenant Irons, to protect the lives and property of United States citizens. Another squad will go to Muskogee today. The Checote party are said to have seized and are guarding all ferries on the Arkansas River to prevent reinforcements from the northern part of the Nation joining Spiechie. Dispatches from the Territory give no explanation as to why these Indians are roaming about in armed bands, nor is anything regarding the matter known here.
Constable Killed in Jefferson County, Kansas. Chas. Cobb Wanted.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 18, 1883. A constable in Jefferson County was shot and almost instantly killed last week while attempting to arrest a young man by the name of Chas. Cobb, who was wanted for promiscuously brandishing knife and revolver at a country dance.
Instead of surrendering, Cobb whipped out one of those deathly companions and used it with the above result. After the shooting Cobb mounted a horse and rode off in a southwesterly direction. It was supposed that he was making for Hunnewell, there to take the cattle trail for Texas. Sheriff Shenneman received a telegram from the authorities, who were in pursuit, that he would probably pass through or near Winfield, and to intercept him if possible. Shenneman circulated cards giving the desperado’s description and offering the usual reward for his capture, but Cobb carried a Winchester rifle and numerous other weapons, and if anyone did see him, they deferred the invitation to tackle a perambulating arsenal. A few cases like this would be apt to lessen the candidates for a constableship.
Death of Sheriff A. T. Shenneman Related in Area Newspapers.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 24, 1883. MURDER.
Sheriff Shenneman Killed, While Discharging the Duties of his Office.
“Upon Tuesday of last week occurred the terrible tragedy which has resulted in the death of one of the best officers and truest citizens that Cowley County has ever had. The chain of circumstances leading to the commission of the terrible crime will be found in the following lines. . . .”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 25, 1883.
At two o’clock Tuesday the news was flashed across the wire that Sheriff Shenneman had been fatally shot by a murderer whom he was attempting to arrest, in Maple Township.
As soon as the news was received, a COURIER reporter was dispatched to the scene of the tragedy with all possible haste to gather complete and accurate information. At the depot a crowd of excited men were gathered, some seeking news, others bound to go up and see and hear for themselves. Soon the train bore them on to Seeley, where the first reliable informant was found in the person of the son of the man at whose house the shooting occurred, and who had brought the dispatches to the office. Even his account was vague and uncertain but was eagerly devoured by the crowd of anxious listeners on the train. At Udall a lot of farmers’ wagons were pressed into service and the physicians, the scribe, and others took their way across the prairies six miles into Maple Township to the residence of W. Jacobus, which was the scene of the terrible deed.
Arriving there we found the whole neighborhood gathered, most of them guarding the prisoner, who was securely bound. In a room just adjoining lay our Sheriff, with two bullets in his body, both close together in the lower right hand side of his stomach. Drs. Emerson and Green were bending over him, examining his wounds, while his heroic little wife, calm and collected in the midst of her terrible affliction, tried to cheer him up as much as possible.
Mrs. Ruth Jacobus gives the following account.

The prisoner came to our house on Monday evening one week ago, and said he was hunting work, that he came up from Texas with a herd of cattle to Dodge City, rode over here, and wanted work till spring, when he would go home to Pennsylvania. He gave his name as Smith. We told him we did not want help then, when he asked if he could stay a week until he could look around, and would pay his board. We finally took him on these terms, and he paid a week’s board. He brought with him a shot gun and we noticed he always had a revolver and slept with it under his pillow. We thought this simply his cowboy ways and let it pass.
All went well until today. This morning his week’s board was out and we hired him to work. As we were all sitting at dinner, someone drove up and called my husband out. He soon came back and said that Dr. Jones, of Udall, was out there and would stop for dinner. He then went out and soon returned with a man whom he introduced to me as Dr. Jones, the prisoner all this time sitting at the table. My husband and the man introduced as Dr. Jones passed through the kitchen and I noticed the doctor look very sharply at the prisoner. They went into the room and the stranger pulled off his overcoat and threw it on a chair. About this time the prisoner got up from the table, took his hat and gloves, and started toward the door. Mr. Shenneman then sprang upon him from behind, when a scuffle ensued during which two shots were fired. My husband then ran in and took the pistol away from the prisoner and told him to give up or he’d kill him. The prisoner then cried out that he would give up, not to kill him. Mr. Shenneman then said, “Hold him, he has killed me,” and went in and laid down on the bed. My husband and the school teacher then tied the prisoner.
Sheriff Shenneman, although suffering terrible pain, was able to talk. He said to the reporter, “Do you think I’ll pull through?” And then said that he looked at him and thought that he wouldn’t pull a revolver on such a mere boy, but would catch him and hold him while the other fellow disarmed him, but that he found after he got hold of him that he was a regular Hercules in strength and he couldn’t handle him.
The prisoner is a boy about nineteen years of age, low, heavy-set with light hair and smooth face and is not a bad appearing lad. It is believed that he is the man who about three weeks ago killed a constable in Jefferson County, who went to arrest him for participating in a shooting scrape, and it is for this that Sheriff Shenneman wanted him. On the night of the eleventh, he stopped overnight near El Dorado and our Sheriff was notified that he was moving this way, so he got out posters and put everyone on their guard.
Monday evening he [Sheriff Shenneman] informed the writer that he had located his man and in less than twenty-four hours would have him in hand. We then cautioned him to be careful as the boy was evidently a desperate character and would shoot to kill. He said he would go prepared and could shoot as quick as anyone. Tuesday morning about nine o’clock he put his Winchester in his buggy, strapped on his revolvers, and started out alone, went straight to the house of W. Jacobus and made what is in all probability his last arrest.
Mr. Jacobus said: “When Shenneman jumped on him, I followed up close and as soon as I could, I got hold of his revolver and held it on him until he said he would give up. I then called the teacher from the schoolhouse and we tied him. . . .”
The doctors, after carefully examining the wounds, decided that Sheriff Shenneman could not be moved that evening. After the examination the doctors gave the reporter as their opinion that his recovery was hardly probable and that he had less than one chance in ten. Messrs. Asp and Jennings left there at ten o’clock Tuesday evening at which time Mr. Shenneman was resting easy and sent word to the boys that he would be all right in thirty days. He was under the influence of opiates.
Deputies Taylor and McIntire Brought Cobb to Winfield.
The prisoner was brought to Winfield overland by Deputies Taylor and McIntire in the Sheriff’s buggy and under his orders. The reporter and other Winfield folks returned by way of Udall, where the train was held for them.

As the train pulled into the depot, an immense crowd which had gathered there expecting the prisoner to be brought in that way, made a rush for the coach and were with difficulty persuaded that the man was not there. It was not a crowd of howling rabble but an organized body of determined men who seemed bound to avenge the death of the brave officer to the last drop of blood. They then marched up the Main streets of the city and scattered guards out on the roads upon which they expected the prisoner to be brought in. Others shaded the jail while hundreds congregated on the streets in little knots and discussed plans for capturing the prisoner from the officers. One more venturesome than the rest went about with a large rope on his arm and blood in his eye. Thus the crowd surged too and fro until long after midnight when they began to thin out and under the influence of more sober-minded citizens give up their ideas of mob violence. About this time Deputies McIntire and Taylor appeared on the street and the few remaining citizens seemed eager to learn the whereabouts of the prisoner. But little was learned until morning and even then his whereabouts were known to but a few.
Wednesday forenoon our reporter was informed of the prisoner’s whereabouts and had an interview with him. Before the reporter went in, he copied the following description of the Jefferson County murderer, which was telegraphed to the Sheriff about a week ago.
“Charles Cobb, about nineteen or twenty years old; light complexion; no whiskers or mustache; blue eyes; a scar over eye or cheek, don’t know which; height five to five feet three inches; weight 125 to 130 pounds; had black slouch hat, dark brown clothes, and wore large comforter; may have large white hat; was riding a black mare pony with roach mane, and carried a Winchester rifle and two revolvers; had downcast look.”
The prisoner was found crouched in a corner of a small room. After introducing himself, the reporter asked the prisoner for his story of the trouble.
He said: “My name is George Smith, and I am about eighteen years old. I came up to Dodge City from Texas with a herd of cattle, in the employ of W. Wilson. Have been on the trail about a year. My parents reside in Pennsylvania. I was paid sixty dollars when the cattle were shipped. I then rode east, intending to work my way back, and on a week from last Monday, it being too cold to ride, I stopped at Jacobus’ and tried to get work or to board until I could look around. On Tuesday as I was eating dinner, a man came in who was introduced as Dr. Jones. As I got up to go out, the Doctor jumped on me without saying a word. My first impression was that it was a conspiracy to rob me, and I wrestled to defend myself. I had a revolver on my person because I was among strangers, had some money, and was used to keeping it about me. If he had only told me he was an officer, and had put his gun on me as he ought to have done if he believed I was the desperate character I am credited with being, this business would never have happened. I am no criminal, and I am not afraid if the law is allowed to take its course. If a mob attacks me, all I ask is that the officers will do me the justice to allow me to defend myself. If they will take off these irons and put a six-shooter in my hand, I will take my chance against the kind of men who will come here to mob me. I am guilty only of defending myself, and I ask the law either to defend me or accord me the privilege of defending myself.”
In personal appearance the prisoner looks to be a bright, healthy, smooth-faced boy, and has but few of the characteristics of a desperado. He is a perfect picture of robust health, muscular and compact as an athlete. His description tallies almost exactly with that of the Jefferson County murderer given above—having a small scar above his lip on the right corner, and above his eye. In talking he uses excellent language, speaks grammatically, and shows evidence of good breeding.

LATER: The prisoner was taken to Wichita this (Wednesday) afternoon by Deputy Finch that he might be out of the way of violence in case of Sheriff Shenneman’s death.
As he was being brought in Tuesday evening, a lot of men in a wagon met them out about a mile from town, but the buggy in which he was being taken was lighter and the team faster, and the officers ran away from the pursuers. They came into town in a roundabout way and unloaded the prisoner just back of D. A. Millington’s residence, ran him through the back yard into Rev. Platter’s wood shed, where he was held by Deputy McIntire while the others scouted around. At the time he was put in the wood shed, the jail was surrounded by citizens, while others were patroling the alleys in the vicinity. Deputy McIntire says that during the time he held the prisoner in the wood shed footsteps could be heard prowling around, and that the prisoner wanted to be shackled to him, given a pistol, and he would go into the jail. When he found George wouldn’t accede to that request, he hunted around and got a smooth stick of stove-wood. As soon as the crowd around the jail could be attracted to another part of town, the officers carried the prisoner over and put him in jail, where he was kept very quietly until taken away on the train Wednesday.
At ten o’clock today (Wednesday) Sheriff Shenneman was resting easy, and friends were more hopeful than before. The doctors, however, fail to give much encouragement.
If the shots prove fatal, Cowley County will lose one of the bravest officers and truest men that has ever resided within her borders. In the line of duty A. T. Shenneman never allowed his courage to falter, or his zeal to abate. In protecting the life and property of our citizens, and enforcing the laws of the state, he would go any length never considering the question of personal danger. He was brave to a fault. The evidence of true grit was his hanging on to his man until he was secured after being shot.
Charlie Shenneman was called from his post as guard at the penitentiary and arrived at his brother’s side a few hours before he died. A brother from Michigan was also present.
  Report Received at Caldwell that Shenneman Was Dead.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, January 25, 1883. The route agent on the regular passenger yesterday, brought the report that Sheriff Shenneman, of Cowley County, had been fatally shot on Tuesday afternoon. . . .
“Sheriff Shenneman was one of the most efficient officers in the west, and with our Sheriff Thralls, made a team terrible to all classes of evil doers and outlaws. We trust the report regarding his dangerous condition is exaggerated, and that he may live to do more efficient work in holding in check the lawless element.”
Special Trains Run for Friends to Attend Shenneman Funeral.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 31, 1883. Special trains from Newton, Wichita, Wellington, Arkansas City, and intervening points were run on Sunday last to Winfield to enable friends of the late A. T. Shenneman to be present at the funeral ceremonies. The train from this point alone carried one hundred and twenty-five passengers.
The Caldwell Commercial, February 1, 1883. Last week we stated briefly that Sheriff Shenneman of Cowley County had been fatally shot while attempting to arrest Charles Cobb, charged with killing a constable at Valley Falls on the 6th of last month. . . .
Mr. Ben S. Miller, who went up to Wichita last Wednesday, states that the officers having Cobb in charge got on the passenger train near Mulvane that afternoon, and that he had a good look at the fellow. Mr. Miller says he don’t look as if he knew enough to handle a pistol, that in fact he is the most stupid looking young man he has seen in a long time. He is strong and well built physically, but he seems devoid of ordinary male intelligence.

In an interview the reporter of the Wichita Times had with the young murderer, Cobb stated that he was seventeen years old, was born in Pennsylvania, left there about a year ago for Texas, and had been a cowboy ever since; that he had a father, mother, one sister, and two brothers. He would not tell the town he came from, because he didn’t want his people to know his fate, and would not be photographed for the same reason, and more such stuff, probably all cooked up for the occasion out of some dime novel.
Cobb was finally taken to El Dorado, to prevent a mob of Cowley County people from hanging him. If he is so fortunate as to obtain a new trial, some jack-leg lawyer will do his best to clear him, solely for the purpose of obtaining a reputation as a great criminal lawyer.
[Note: Caldwell Commercial report that Cobb was taken to El Dorado was incorrect.]
   Cobb Hanged!
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 1, 1883.
The Sequel to the Tragedy is Sudden and Awful Death!
The sad sequel to the awful tragedy of last week is enacted, and as we write young Cobb hangs stark and stiff from the K. C., L. & S. railroad bridge. He was brought in from Wichita Wednesday evening by Deputy Taylor and put in jail.
[Note: A subsequent report showed he was brought from Wichita Saturday morning.]
Soon after Mrs. Shenneman went in and talked to him for a few moments. As she looked into his eyes with her face bathed in tears, the prisoner broke down completely and wept like a child. Soon after the people began to gather and many citizens were allowed to see him. About eleven o’clock he asked to see Mrs. Shenneman again, and when she went in, confessed to her that he was Chas. Cobb and asked her to write to the wife of the constable whom he had killed in Jefferson County and tell her he was sorry he had killed him. He asked her to keep his revolver. Afterwards, to Sheriff McIntire, he said he had been led off by reading the exploits of Jesse James and other desperadoes.
About two o’clock in the morning everything was quiet about the jail and on the streets. Soon some few late pedestrians were startled by seeing a company of men, their faces covered with black masks and thoroughly organized, marching down Ninth Avenue toward the jail. They went on to Fuller Street, where the leader flashed a dark lantern. Then they turned back, filed into the courthouse yard, then into the sheriff’s office in front of the jail. Here a short scuffle ensued and soon four of the black maskers came out with the prisoner between them. The company then filed out, surrounded the prisoner, and marched down Ninth Avenue to Main, thence north to 8th, then out west to the railroad bridge. By this time quite a crowd had gathered and were following. Two of the squad were detailed and sent back and with drawn revolvers ordered the crowd to “keep their distance.”
When they got to the railroad bridge a rope, which had evidently been prepared beforehand, was placed about his [Cobb’s]  neck and tied to the bridge beam. The moon was just up and several boys who had followed along crept up in the brush on the river bank and saw the whole proceedings. When the rope was tied, he [Cobb] was asked by the leader in a gruff voice to say what he had to say quick. The boys in the brush heard him say, “Oh, don’t boys!” and “Father have mercy on me!” Two of the maskers then took him up and dropped him through between the bridge railings. He fell about ten feet and rebounded half the distance. The black maskers then filed on across the bridge, leaving two of their number to guard. These stood until the others had gone on across, when they too retreated, and the crowd came up and looked at the victim. As we write, he is still hanging to the bridge and the scene is being visited by hundreds.

The Coroner is empanneling a jury, after which the body will be taken down.
Thus ends the life of a more than ordinarily bright, healthy, robust boy—one who might have done himself and his country honor. Instead, he dies like a dog, without friend or sympathizer to give him decent burial—his mind poisoned and his soul damned by the infernal thing known as “fiction.” Let it be a lesson to all boys whose heroes live only between the leaves of a yellow-covered novel.
More Information Concerning Movements of Cobb Before Hanging.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 1, 1883.
The night of the shooting young Cobb was kept in jail here. The next afternoon he was taken to Sedgwick County and confined in the Wichita jail.
Thursday morning the Sheriff of Jefferson County, accompanied by a farmer who lived near Cobb and knew him well, arrived and identified the prisoner. Cobb feigned not to know his old neighbor, and still stuck to his cowboy story.
The people of Wichita were greatly excited, and said that he should never go in any other direction than to Cowley County.
Saturday morning he was placed in a carriage and, in charge of Sheriffs Thralls and Watt and Deputy Taylor, was brought to Winfield overland.
Cobb Returned to Winfield Saturday Morning, January 27, 1883.
News was received here that he had left Wichita in a carriage and parties on the train going north passed them between Mulvane and Udall. This news greatly excited the people. In the evening about two hundred determined men gathered at the crossing and boarded the incoming train, thinking that perhaps he might have been put aboard at some way station, but he was not found. They then repaired to the city and placed squads at each bridge and on streets surround-ing the jail.
The carriage with the prisoner arrived at about eleven o’clock, but came by the ford and escaped the pickets. They drove to the crossing of Fuller Street and Eleventh Avenue and Taylor was sent over to the jail to see how the land lay. He arrived just after a squad had been searching the jail in quest of the prisoner, and returned with the news that it was certain death to put him there. Sheriff Thralls and Watt then took the prisoner out of the carriage and started south on foot with him, while Taylor was left to take the team out into the country. In going out of town he ran across a squad of vigilanters who brought him into town. Then occurred a scene that beggars description. From all parts of town men came running, wild with excitement. They formed in a dense mass around the Deputy, clamoring to know what had been done with the prisoner. As the crowd surged to and fro, it seemed as if the very air was ladened with cries of vengeance. Soon someone cried, “the Brettun,” and to a man the crowd started in a run for the hotel. Here they found the door barred, but one of their number went inside and looked in Sheriff Douglass’ room, and found nothing. The crowd then returned to Taylor and demanded vociferously that he tell where the murderer was.
Soon a crowd went again to the jail and searched it from top to bottom, then the Courthouse and outbuildings. The search being fruitless, they returned exasperated, and for a few moments it looked as if Taylor would be roughly used. He was finally compelled to tell where he had left the Sheriffs with the prisoner, and a rush was made for that part of town—Taylor being carried along to show the exact spot. Soon a vigorous search of barns and outbuildings in the vicinity was made, which was kept up the balance of the night.
[Note: The next part of Courier report does not make sense. Perhaps it was written before Cobb was hung in an attempt to persuade citizens he was not in Winfield. MAW]

During this time Sheriffs Thralls and Watt, with the prisoner, had traveled out the Badger Creek road to William Dunn’s, where they brought up at two o’clock. Here they tried to get a conveyance to go to Douglass, but could not. They then went on and soon found a team, in which Sheriff Watt took the prisoner again to Wichita by way of Douglass, where he now is, and will probably remain for some time. Sheriff Thralls returned to town and remained to the funeral.
Cobb’s Father Requests Proper Burial for His Son.
Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883. A gentleman received a letter from Cobb’s father last week in which he said he heard the boy was hung, and seemed satisfied with the rumor, only wanting his body to be interred decently. His family is highly connected, and it has been rumored that he is a nephew of ex-Congressman Cobb.
The Dead at Rest!
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 1, 1883.
Sheriff Shenneman Buried Sunday Afternoon, January 28, 1883.
Thousands Assisted in the Ceremonies.
Three Special Trains from Other Towns.
The burial services and interment of Sheriff Shenneman, last Sunday, were the most impressive and imposing ever yet held within the borders of our county. The arrangements were in the hands of the Masonic fraternity, and the services were held at the Baptist Church at 1:30 p.m.
Early in the morning the farmers from the surrounding country began pouring in; and at eleven o’clock a special train from Arkansas City, bearing the Masonic fraternity of that place and a large number of citizens, arrived. This was followed by another special from Newton and Wichita, and soon another from Wellington. By twelve o’clock the streets and hotels were thronged with people; many gathered here and there in little knots, talking over the terrible occurrences of the past week. Most noticeable among these groups were the Sheriffs who had come in from other counties to pay a last tribute to their brave comrade who had fallen in the line of duty. There was Sheriff Thralls, of Sumner, with whom Sheriff Shenneman had traveled thousands of miles, and through many dangerous ways in pursuit of criminals, and between whom there existed a personal friendship as strong as brotherhood. Also Sheriff Shadley, of Montgomery, who has the reputation of having handled more desperate criminals than any other officer in the State, and who captured Tom Quarles. Sheriff Watts, of Sedgwick, was precluded from being present by having the prisoner in charge. Sheriff Douglass, of Butler, was present; also Sheriff Thompson, of Elk, Sheriff Boyd, of Chautauqua, and Sheriff of .
At half-past twelve the church began filling, and before one o’clock every seat, except those reserved for the Fraternity, was filled, and the corridors, vestibules, and aisles were crowded. At half-past one the coffin was carried up the aisle to the foot of the pulpit by six sheriffs, who acted as pall-bearers, and escorted by the Masonic Fraternities of Arkansas City, Welling-ton, Mulvane, Dexter, and Winfield, and the Select Knights of United Workmen.

The services were opened by a grand anthem from the choir, followed by Scriptural reading by Rev. Jones, and prayer by Rev. Friedley. Rev. Platter then delivered the funeral address. His manner was intensely earnest, and the immense audience seemed waiting to catch every word as it fell from his lips. He referred to the universal desire for vengeance on the murderer, and likened it to a higher law, which demanded that each should suffer for his own sins. He then referred to the kind and generous spirit of the dead Sheriff; how he would go almost any length, and imperil his own life, to save even the most hardened criminal from harm, and himself from shedding human blood; and how almost his last request was to protect his murderer from violence. The minister then put the question squarely to the people: Should they emulate the spirit and desire of their dead friend, or allow the spirit of vengeance to overcome them and resort to violence toward his murderer? The effect of the discourse was powerful; and strong men, who had gone there determined that, as soon as their honored friend was laid beneath the sod, his murderer should expiate the crime with his life, went away feeling that it was better to let the law takes its course.
At the conclusion of Rev. Platter’s discourse, Rev. Canfield made a few remarks, and was followed by a prayer from Rev. Bicknell, Editor of the Chicago Advocate. Rev. Cairns made the closing prayer, after which the choir rendered that beautiful song, “In the Sweet Bye and Bye.” People then filed past the coffin and took a last look at the familiar features of the dead officer.
The procession was then formed, with the Masonic order leading. It was over a mile in length. At the grave the beautiful Masonic burial ceremonies were observed, and the mortal remains of Sheriff Shenneman were consigned to their final resting place amid the silent grief of a multitude of friends and kindred.
   Personal Tribute by Writer to A. T. Shenneman.
Before closing, the writer desires to add his personal tribute to the memory of a friend. Way back, in 1873, a mere stripling of a boy, we were working in a brick-yard near Winfield, when we first met A. T. Shenneman. The work then allotted to us was arduous, and more than we were physically able to perform. He noticed this one day, and, with that feeling for the welfare of others that always characterized him, induced the foreman to relieve us with an easier position. From that time on there grew up between us a bond of friendship which ended only with his death. Beneath that rough exterior was a heart as tender as a woman’s, which went out in sympathy to the oppressed everywhere. Well might it be said of him: “Were everyone to whom he did some loving service to bring a blossom to his grave, he would sleep tonight beneath a wilderness of sweet flowers.”
MORE FACTS. Since the excitement incident to the tragedy has worn away, new facts regarding it come to light. It is now learned that young Cobb was in Winfield during the forenoon of the Monday on which he went to Jacobus’ house. He traveled up toward Udall, and was seen by a farmer to stop near the corner of Mr. Worden’s farm in Vernon Township, and read the posters and description of himself which Sheriff Shenneman had circulated, one of which was posted there. He was afterwards met farther on, and it was observed that he carried a gun enclosed in a case under his coat. In the evening he turned up at Jacobus’ house. On the Sunday before the shooting he was showing some boys his skill as a marksman, and would break bottles thrown into the air with a ball from his revolver.

During the week the schoolmaster, who boarded there, got one of the descriptions, and on Monday evening came down and informed Mr. Shenneman of his suspicions. He was instructed to go back, observe closely the marks on his face, and return by midnight, when the Sheriff proposed to get a posse and go up and surround the house before daylight. The schoolmaster did not return during the night, and Mr. Shenneman began to doubt his being the man he wanted, so he concluded to go alone and reconnoitre. As soon as he saw him sitting at the table, he knew he was right, and also saw something in his eye that said he would shoot; so, a favorable oppor-tunity affording itself, he thought to catch and hold him until disarmed. In this he mistook the strength of the boy, who proved to be a young tiger. The circumstances seem to indicate that Cobb had hold of his pistol when he turned to go out. It also seems that he fired the shots after both had fallen in the scuffle. Shenneman held Cobb several minutes after he was shot. A rope was then put about Cobb’s neck and he was choked down, but he continued to kick and fight until worn out.
Mr. Shenneman died at 9:45 on Thursday evening, two days and a half after he received the shots. His wife, brothers, and other friends were present, together with Sheriff Thralls, of Sumner; Watt, of Sedgwick; and Brown, of Jefferson Counties. The body was brought down Friday morning, and was met at the depot by Masonic brothers who conveyed it to his residence, where it lay in state until Sunday afternoon.
  Cobb: Coroner’s Inquest. Gary Appointed Sheriff.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 7, 1883. We have been unable to learn the result of the Coroner’s Inquest on the body of Cobb, but presume it was “Found Hanged.” The remains have been forwarded to his parents in Jefferson County.
Capt. G. S. Gary has been appointed by the Governor Sheriff of Cowley County, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Mr. Shenneman. Mr. Gary has held the office of Councilman in our sister city, and is spoken well of in that capacity.
Many People at Funeral of Sheriff A. T. Shenneman.
Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883. Sheriff A. T. Shenneman, of Cowley County, died at the residence of Walter Jacobus, where he was shot, last Thursday evening. He was buried in Winfield on Sunday with Masonic honors.
His funeral brought together the largest congregation of people ever seen on a like occasion in Southern Kansas. Trains were run to Winfield from all neighboring counties and his home people turned out en masse.
His funeral sermon was preached by Rev. J. E. Platter in the Baptist Church, which did not hold more than a moiety of the people present. The funeral procession required more than an hour to pass a given point and a large part of it did not reach the cemetery until after the services there were over.
These facts demonstrate the estimate placed upon Mr. Shenneman by those who knew him best. In his private and social life, he was a true and trustworthy friend, happy in his home, a man without personal enemies and always ready to help those about him.
As an officer he was without a superior. He was shrewd, always on the alert, and, in short, a natural detective. He was the most noted horse-thief catcher in Kansas. He knew all about a horse and never failed to identify a stolen animal months after he had read the description of it. If he had a fault, it was that of absolute lack of fear and a dread of killing. He had been constable, city marshal, and sheriff for years and always did the bulk of the dangerous official work. He was much respected by his fellow officers in surrounding counties for his ready and unselfish cooperation at all times. In his untimely death Cowley County loses a most valuable officer and the state one of its very best citizens. Wellington Press.
Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883. The funeral of Sheriff Shenneman was the largest in the history of the state. Six sheriffs constituted the pall-bearers. An extra train left here Sunday morning and returned in the evening. Wichita Beacon.
Caldwell Editor Critical of Winfield.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, February 8, 1883.

Winfield is a temperance town, a moral town, a religious town. Its church members, its bankers, its lawyers, its merchants, its workingmen, its laborers, and even its editors, all pride themselves upon the freedom of the place from the degrading influences of the whiskey seller, and the gambler, and even thank St. John and Providence that the wiles of the scarlet woman entices not the male portion of the population to violations of the seventh commandment.
Yet some of these angels, whom infinite mercy permits to dwell in the state as a little leaven, after hanging Cobb last Wednesday [Saturday] night, spit in the face of the corpse as it was ostentatiously displayed to the public gaze. If the dead sheriff, for killing whom the boy was strangled by a Winfield mob, could have been a spectator of this expectorating scene, and had the voice, he would have cried out, “For shame!” With his last breath he begged for a recognition of the majesty of the law, the law for which these same spitters seem to have such a high regard, and would have declared the greatest insult they could have given to his memory was the abuse of the inanimate form of one whom they had killed out of mere revenge. The next thing in order is one of these high toned, moral, and religious lectures from the saintly editor of the Courier.
Post Office Petition: Shenneman.
Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.
Sheridan Township is petitioning for a new post office, to be called “Shenneman.”
Candidate for Office of Sheriff of Cowley County: Geo. H. McIntire.
Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883. The announcement of Geo. H. McIntire as a candidate for the office of Sheriff of this county came in last week too late for special notice, but we want to say that George is one of the best officers this county ever had; that he is efficient, energetic, courageous, and courteous, and knows all about the business. He quietly goes about his work without any bluster but does it all the same. He has been in such work in this county for 12 years; was deputy under Dick Walker 4 years, under Shenneman 3 years, and has been U. S. Deputy Marshal 2 years. He has 16 criminals now for trial in the U. S. Court at Wichita. Of the 32 criminals taken to the pen by Shenneman, Geo. secured unaided 13. If he gets the nomination, none but criminals will regret it.
Mrs. Legg Takes Tour of State Prison with Chas. Shenneman.
Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883. A Visit to our State Prison.
On boarding a conveyance in the city of Leavenworth, we wound our way toward the Kansas penitentiary, located five miles south of the city. After a drive of three miles over a beautiful scope of country, we saw looming in the distance a grand and massive structure, surrounded by one common wall. The number of smoke-stacks that rose up from numerous places in the enclosure manifested the vast amount of business going on within. On driving up to the large gate in front, we were met by the guard and cordially invited to enter the beautiful yard, with its closely mown blue-grass and nicely arranged flower-beds, filled with all varieties of blooming flowers seeming to nod their heads in welcome to the stranger. Passing on up the walk to the front door, we were met by another guard and conducted through a long hall into the reception room.
Inquiring for Mr. Chas. Shenneman, a brother of our deceased sheriff, we were told to make ourselves comfortable until he could be summoned.

It was near noon, and we had an opportunity of seeing dinner prepared for the prisoners, in a long room with a table-seating capacity of about one thousand. Soon the first bell rang, the prisoners all quit work, were filed into the wash room, where they prepared for dinner. At the second ringing of the bell the six or seven hundred convicts were marshaled into the dining hall in companies of from ten to fifty, in close order. Each company is under a guard with a large cane in his hand and a belt of revolvers around his body. They all remain with arms folded until the meal is served.
We were taken into the officers’ dining room and given a splendid dinner, served in all respects as stylishly and neatly as at any hotel.
After dinner the prisoners were guarded to their cells, where they remained until one o’clock. At the third ringing of the bell, they are taken to the several work-shops for the afternoon’s work.
Accompanied by the pleasant and obliging Mr. Shenneman, we went through all the different departments. One huge engine propels the entire machinery for the work shops. Each room has a guard, and the prisoners are not allowed to speak—their work is guided by signs. The labor is as precise as clock-work. Most of the prisoners look very sad and down-cast, and on asking Mr. Shenneman if they seemed content with their lot, he said they were generally so, though during the two years he has been there, sixteen have gone crazy.
Everything around in the prison is scrupulously neat and clean. The officers, past and present, deserve much credit for the systematic manner in which our penitentiary is conducted. But the number of prisoners confined there is certainly a disgrace to our young and prosperous State. There are sixteen women prisoners, and this proves conclusively that women are more law-abiding than men. We think if every person in the State would visit our penitentiary and see the many bright, handsome men whose whole lives have been wrecked on the terrible boulder of lawlessness, in twenty years from now there would not be half so many wearing the guilty and disgraceful stripes which cover the inmates of the “pen.” May God save our young, enterprising, grand, and beautiful State of Kansas. MRS. B. M. LEGG.
Mrs. A. T. Shenneman Will Erect Building on Ninth Avenue.
Winfield Courier, August 30, 1883. Mrs. A. T. Shenneman will soon begin the erection of a two story brick building on Ninth Avenue. The second-hand store will be removed to the Taggart building until the completion of the new brick.
Chester Vanmeter Killed Near Caldwell.
Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883. Died. Chester Vanmeter, the young fellow who shot at Sheriff Shenneman here once, was killed near Caldwell last week. He had got into an altercation with his wife, beating her, and when her father interposed, turned on him. The officers of Caldwell went out to arrest him. He resisted and was killed. He was one of the “blood-and-thunder” kind of young men, and while in jail here entertained the prisoners with the plaintive melody of “The Outlaw’s Bride.” and kindred compositions. All such men end the same way—beat their wives and die with their boots on.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1884. MARRIED. Mr. E. F. Blair and Mrs. Ella G. Shenneman, of this city, were married Sunday, by Rev. William Brittain, Rector of Grace Church. Both the bride and groom are old residents of Winfield and their excellent qualities are too well known to need any comment from us. Mr. and Mrs. Blair went to housekeeping immediately, with the congratulations of many friends. E. F. was at one time a newspaper man himself and knows what they like. He has our thanks for fine cigars, and our best wishes for the future happiness of himself and bride.
Armstrong Pardoned.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 9, 1885. Pardoned. Tom Armstrong, who figured as principal in the shooting scrape whereby James Riely met his death in this city four years ago, and who was sentenced to fifteen years in the state penitentiary for the offense, has secured a pardon for good behavior and now appears on our streets again. His conduct in prison is said to have been exemplary, and he so won the confidence of the warden that that officer would entrust his prisoner with the execution of outside business and allow him to visit Leavenworth in citizen’s attire. This good behavior was ascribed to his credit, and a numerously signed petition to the board asking his release, was favorably considered, and Tom Armstrong is a free man again. It is to be hoped that this painful experience will keep him from evil companions and bad habits the remainder of his life.