J. T. Shields
Note: J. T. Shields, the partner of J. P. McMillen, in a dry goods store in Winfield, was not a resident of Winfield. He lived in Wooster, Ohio, and rarely visited Winfield.
The last entry relative to Shields indicates that he was an early resident in Winfield.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1873.
Mr. J. T. Shields of Wooster, Ohio, and of the firm of McMillen & Shields of this place, is here on a visit to his friends.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1875.
Mr. J. T. Shields, of the firm of McMillen & Shields, is with us again. He arrived last Friday, bringing with him D. Sleighbaugh, J. J. Plank, and John McMillen, all from Wooster, Ohio. They had visited various portions of Kansas before coming here, but like Cowley the best.
Winfield Courier, January 6, 1876.
McMILLEN & SHIELDS left Ohio in November, 1872, and after taking a general look through the entire western country, concluded that Cowley County and Winfield was good enough for them, so they drove their stakes accordingly. They are now taking the annual inventory of their dry goods, groceries, etc., to see how much they have lost; and still they are happy.
Winfield Courier, January 4, 1877.
Mr. Shields, of the firm of McMillen & Shields, is spending a few weeks in town.
Winfield Courier, November 20, 1884.
Mr. J. T. Shields, of Wooster, Ohio, was in the city this week visiting his sister, Miss Floretta Shields, and his mother. He was one of our early-day residents, being a partner some ten or twelve years ago of Mr. J. P. McMillen in general merchandise. His last visit to Winfield was made eight years ago and the changes wrought since then were astonishing to him.