Max Shoeb


Winfield, Cowley County, and Oxford, Sumner County.
The Kansas State census of 1875 states that Max Shoeb was 39, born in Germany and came to Kansas from Missouri.  His wife, Christine, was 25, born in Denmark, and came to Kansas from Missouri. They had two children: Albert, age 4, and Annie, age 1.
Max Shoeb was a blacksmith by trade and held the distinction of being the first blacksmith for 50 miles around in those days. He would shoe horses and mules and even put hinged shoes on oxen and repair stage coaches. He could even make a finger ring.
Mr. and Mrs. Shoeb came from Topeka and got to Winfield in September 1869. On April 8, 1870, their son, Albert Winfield Shoeb, was born and was claimed by some to be the first white boy born in Winfield. (Note: Col. E.C. Manning claimed his son, Edward F., born on March 18, 1871, was the first white child born in Winfield. Others made the same claim.)  O. W. Hanson, of Geuda Springs, came to Winfield in a covered wagon. His sister had married Max Shoeb and they also came in a covered spring wagon.
Cowley County Censor, March 18, 1871.
The walls of Max Shoeb’s fine stone blacksmith shop are getting too high for the workmen to reach from the ground.
Cowley County Censor, March 18, 1871.
BLACKSMITHING. MAX SHOEB. Prepared to do all kinds of work in his line and will warrant the same. Horse-shoeing made a specialty.
Shop: West side Broadway, Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 13, 1873.
Max Shoeb is building an ornamental fence around his home place.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 4, 1873.
The directors of the Agricultural Society will meet at the Fair Grounds, Saturday, Sept. 6th, 1873, at 2 o’clock P. M. They earnestly desire that the Superintendents of all the departments meet with them to acquaint themselves with their duties. The following are the names of the various Superintendents.
Capt. E. Davis; A. Walton; J. H. Churchill; J. P. Short; John R. Smith; E. B. Johnson; W. K. Davis; A. S. Williams; Will S. Voris; S. H. Myton; Samuel Darrah; James Stewart; Jas. H. Land; T. B. Myers; Geo. W. Martin; W. M. Boyer; Max Shoeb; John Swain; S. C. Smith, Mrs. L. H. Howard; Mrs. J. D. Cochran; Mrs. E. Davis; Mrs. J. C. Fuller; Mrs. C. A. Bliss; Mrs. Fitch; Max Fawcett; J. O. Matthewson; H. B. Norton; D. A. Millington; E. B. Kager, C. M. Wood; T. A. Wilkinson.
The Superintendents are desired to study carefully the rules and regulations of the society so they may be able to render assistance to exhibitors.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 2, 1873.
We, the undersigned, late Soldiers of the Union Army, take this method of calling a meeting of the Soldiers of Cowley and adjoining counties to meet at Winfield, October 18th, 1873, for the purpose of getting acquainted and having a good social time.
One of the old soldiers: Max Shoeb, Co. D, 24 In. Vol. Infantry.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 23, 1873.
Meeting of the Veterans. At half past 2 o’clock the soldiers, to the number of about 150, fell into line at the tap of the drum, and preceded by the Winfield Martial band, marched to the Methodist Church, which had been kindly tendered for their use. The meeting was called to order by T. A. Blanchard. L. J. Webb was chosen Chairman, and James Kelly, Secretary. The chairman stated the object of the meeting to be to organize a permanent Soldiers’ Union. On motion a committee consisting of A. A. Jackson, A. D. Keith, Capt. Wm. H. H. McArthur, Capt. Henry Barker, and Col. E. C. Manning were appointed on permanent organization. During the absence of the committee, D. C. Scull entertained the meeting with a few appropriate remarks. The committee on permanent organization reported as follows.
Mr. Chairman: Your committee on permanent organization, recommend the following as a permanent organization for Cowley County, of the Union Soldiers of the late war.
1st. The association of all soldiers into an organization to be known as the Cowley County Soldiers’ Association.
2nd. That said association elect a president, 3 vice presidents, secretary, and assistant secretary, and treasurer, and adopt a constitution.
3rd. That said association request its members to subscribe the constitution as an evidence of membership, giving the re­quired company or battalion to which each belonged, and to attend the meetings of the association.
4th. That said association meet semi-annually for celebra­tions, and as much oftener as business requires. A. A. JACKSON, Chairman.
The above was unanimously adopted. The roll being called; the following “Boys in Blue,” answered to their names.
ILLINOIS. Max Shoeb, Co. D, 24 Illinois Volunteer Infantry.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.
NOTICE TO GRANGERS. Arrangements have been made with the following retail dealers of Winfield for supplying members of the order with merchandise at special rates. With Ellis & Black for dry goods and groceries; S. H. Myton for hardware, implements, etc.; Max Shoeb for blacksmithing. Sub-granges can procure all needed blanks at the lowest rates at the COURIER office in Winfield. Members will be furnished with tickets upon application, and for protection against fraud, members are requested to take bills for all goods purchased, or work performed, and file the same as often as convenient with the agent. Sub-granges are requested to send me their orders accompanied with $3.50, for sub-grange seals, that I may bulk the order. T. A. BLANCHARD, Agent.
Winfield Courier, June 12, 1874.
Public meeting of the citizens of Winfield was held last Monday evening at the office of Curns & Manser for the purpose of preparing for a celebration of the 4th of July at Winfield.
A. T. Stewart, Max Shoeb, and H. B. Lacy were appointed a committee on grounds.
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.
This dry weather is profitable for the blacksmiths, who are kept busy night and day keeping the tires on the wagons. Max Shoeb states that he set 99 tires in one week.
Winfield Courier, December 17, 1874.

Max Shoeb is making arrangements to erect an addition to his blacksmith shop to be used for a wagon and carriage shop.
Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.
Mr. Samuel Klingman and Max Shoeb are manufacturing an excellent feed cutter that is being very generally purchased by stock owners. It does its work as well as the imported arti­cles, and what is better, the material and labor is all home production except a piece of steel ten inches long, for the blade. They sell readily at six dollars each, and will soon pay for them­selves in a saving of fodder.
Winfield Courier, April 8, 1875.
Max Shoeb has cut another door in his stone shop, and now he can come out on the street when the gentle zephyr blows from the south, without having to go round the hog pen.
Winfield Courier, September 9, 1875.
Max Shoeb is putting a marble finish on the front of his wagon shop.
Winfield Courier, September 9, 1875.
Max Shoeb wears a white plug hat and the National debt still standing at two and a quarters billion dollars. How extravagant!
Winfield. In June 1870 Max Shoeb appeared and erected an open log structure where Read’s bank now stands, and plied his hammer and anvil therein.
July 4th, 1870, was a great day for Winfield. The first celebration in the county of our national birth day was held under a large bower in the rear of the Old Log Store, and Prof. E. P. Hickok was the orator of the occasion. Soon after this G. W. Green built and moved his family into a little house near where Mr. Gordon now lives, and Max Shoeb moved his family into the nucleus of the house he now lives in. Max Shoeb was the first blacksmith.
I. O. O. F. Winfield Lodge, No. 101, was organized by P. S. M., W. A. Shannon, of Augusta, Kansas, Feb. 18th, 1873. The charter members were J. J. Williams, S. A. Weir, C. W. Richmond, C. C. Stephens, and A. S. Williams. Upon the evening of the organization, John Swain, Max Shoeb, and J. W. Curns were initiated upon petition. The lodge has steadily increased in numbers until it now contains thirty members.
Winfield Courier, January 6, 1876.
A NEW STOCK of wagon material, direct from Indiana, at prices to suit the times, at George Brown’s wagon shop, next door to Shoeb’s blacksmith shop.
SHOEB, MAX, the first “pioneer” blacksmith in the county; built first stone building in county (his present shop), when the wolves howled their requiems to the tune of his busy hammer. (Patent applied for.)
Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.
Geo. Brown turned out, last week, the finest two-horse wagon ever built in the Walnut valley. Shoeb did the iron work, Jones the painting.
Winfield Courier, April 20, 1876.
COUNCILMAN MYERS has moved a workshop for his own use upon the lot between the Winfield bank and Shoeb’s shop.
Winfield Courier, May 4, 1876.
Ford has purchased the Kenworthy property next to Shoeb’s residence.
Winfield Courier, May 11, 1876.

The COURIER office shipped to A. T. Stewart, at Kansas City, this week, a box containing specimens of growing wheat and rye enveloped in fruit and forest leaves, and a splendid collection of garden flowers. The latter were clipped from the beautiful front yard of Max Shoeb, and the wheat and rye from the field of Col. Manning. The wheat measured fifty-four and the rye sixty inches in length. The specimens will be exhibited at the Board of Trade rooms in Kansas City and then forwarded to Philadelphia.
Winfield Courier, June 29, 1876.
Andy Gordon is in with Max Shoeb now. He never looks up nor “talks back” when you mention Black Hills to him.
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.
MAX SHOEB is the most enterprising blacksmith in southwest­ern Kansas, if appearance indicates anything. His immense black­smith and wagon shop has received an exterior finish at the hands of Mr. T. Robinson that makes it look like a brown stone front on Wabash Avenue, Chicago.
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.
For some time past the friends of Andy Gordon, of the firm of Shoeb & Gordon, blacksmiths, and the friends of McDonald, the horse shoer of the Southwestern Stage Company, have been discuss­ing the merits of Andy and Mc., as to which was the fastest workman. The question was settled last Friday by a contest between the two, lasting one hour. Andy came off victorious, heeling and toeing seventeen shoes while Mc. quit at fifteen. For the information of the uninitiated we will say that ten shoes an hour is “boss-work.”
Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.
DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between Max Shoeb and Andrew Gordon is hereby mutually dissolved. All accounts due the late firm must be settled within thirty days from date, with Max Shoeb, who has charge of said accounts. Shoeb will continue the business at the old stand. MAX SHOEB, ANDREW GORDON.
Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.
Settle Up. Persons knowing themselves indebted to the undersigned will please call at the Pioneer blacksmith shop immediately and pay said accounts, or give short time notes with approved security. It takes money to buy coal and iron. Respectfully, MAX SHOEB.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1876.
J. C. ROBERTS has moved to town and has become a “permanent institution.” He and Capt. Hunt are prepared to take care of the travel-stained freighter and his team at their barn, opposite Shoeb’s blacksmith shop, and shelter them from the “cold, stormy weather.” Farmers, don’t let your teams stand on the streets in the cold when you come to town.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1876.
MAX SHOEB has made some improvements to his shop. The latest we notice is a pigeon-hole desk in which is kept for convenience screws, bolts, nails, and other parapherna­lia neces­sary to the running of a first-class blacksmith shop.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1876.
A neat engine house has been built near Shoeb’s Shop for the accommodation of the “Little Giant.”

Winfield Courier, February 22, 1877. Editorial Page.
The taxpayers and farmers of Winfield Township are grievously disappointed at the action of Saturday’s meeting. They are no more so than the same class of men all over the county. It is a common cause. That our readers may see that our conclusions are justified, we give the names of the following heaviest taxpayers in town, who were in favor of a change of the law, and who have so expressed themselves: C. A. Bliss, C. C. Black, Dr. W. R. Davis, Col. J. M. Alexander, J. C. Fuller, J. B. Lynn, Dr. W. Q. Mansfield, B. F. Baldwin, D. A. Millington, Rev. J. E. Platter, J. P. Short, S. H. Myton, E. C. Manning, R. Hudson, W. L. Mullen, Wm. Rodgers, Max Shoeb, Ira Moore, J. P. McMillen, J. M. Bair, J. S. Hunt.
Besides these gentlemen there is a large class of smaller taxpayers in town of the same mind. Outside of the city limits four-fifths of the farmers are in favor of a change in the law.
The meeting referred to concerned changing the bond law in order to aid railroads. The following articles cover this meeting...
Winfield Courier, February 22, 1877. Editorial Page.
The object of the meeting of Winfield Township taxpayers, which assembled last Saturday at the Courthouse, was thwarted by the opponents of a railroad. A large number of men were present and voted to defeat the object of the meeting who were not taxpayers; a large number of men who did not belong in the township were present and did the same thing; the meeting was not allowed to vote upon the resolution offered; false statements were made to mislead men who wanted to adopt the resolution asking the legislature to change the law. Since the action of the meeting held two weeks ago last Tuesday and prior to last Saturday’s meeting, at least one hundred taxpayers of Winfield Township had told us that they wanted the law changed and desired an opportunity to so express themselves. In response to this desire the railroad committee issued the call for a meeting. About two hundred people assem­bled to that call. As soon as the call was issued, certain individuals, referred to elsewhere in these columns, set them­selves very busily to work to prevent the passage of the resolu­tion to be offered. They could not do it by fair means, and so unfair ones were adopted. In the first place, under the call, no one had any business there except taxpayers who were residents of Winfield Township. In the second place, no other question was in order except that of voting for or against the resolution for which the meeting was called to act upon. On the contrary, however, men voted who were not taxpayers and who were non-residents of the township. And to prevent action on the resolution, the following substitute was offered and bulldozed through the meeting. [NOTE. We have not been able to obtain the resolution, but it practically nullified the other.]
We were not present at the meeting, but previous to its assembling, the sentiments of three out of every four persons who intended to be present was that the resolution should be adopted. But parliamentary tactics and misrepresentations thwarted their wishes. The result of this meeting is to be regretted. The legisla­ture will not adjourn until about ten days after the holding of that meeting. If the taxpayers of this township had expressed themselves decidedly in favor of that change, and then a delega­tion of three or four active citizens had presented that expres­sion to the legislature, there is no doubt but the present two thirds restriction would have been removed, and thereby we would have been able to secure a railroad.

Winfield Courier, February 22, 1877. Editorial Page.
Rev. J. L. Rushbridge. The gentleman named made a grave mistake last Satur­day. He is not a taxpayer. He attended a taxpayer meeting which was called for the purpose of voting for or against a resolution asking the legislature to change the bond law. He did all that he could to prevent the resolution from coming before the meet­ing. He made a speech calculated to alarm people against voting bonds to aid railroads. He said the adoption of the resolution asking for a change of the law would do no good for the Legisla­ture would adjourn before the proceedings of the meeting could get to Topeka. This statement was a point-blank falsehood. And this statement coming from such a source, had much to do with the defeat of the object of the meeting. By his unwarrantable course in this matter, he has destroyed his influence for good in this community. We regret this on his account, and because there is ample field for doing good. Everybody understands that this action of his was dictated by the ring which is opposed to railroads. We are aware that he is under special obligations to them for his bread and butter, but the measure of his usefulness is sadly circumscribed by obeying their behests in a matter outside his calling and duty. We hope the action of the conceit­ed reverend will be looked upon charitably and that due allowanc­es will be made for his dependent circumstances.
Winfield Courier, March 1, 1877.
In Your Headlong Career!
For Wagon wood-work,
For Harrows and the like,
For Wagon iron-work,
Go to the Double Stone BLACKSMITH & WAGON SHOPS OF
The Little Log Blacksmith Shop has stood on the corner, the first one built in the county, has grown to be the biggest institution of the kind in the Walnut Valley.
Winfield Courier, March 1, 1877.
The finest two-horse road wagon we have seen stands in front of Max Shoeb’s shop. The wood work was made by Max’s wagon-workman, late of California, the iron work he did himself, and the painting was done by Messrs. Reed and Monforte. The wagon is finely finished and has a new patent brake. Max says he can put up as good wagons as anybody.
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1877.
Max Shoeb has just finished a fine two-horse spring-wagon which is put up and finished in better style than any we have seen lately. Mr. W. H. Hudson did the woodwork, and also the painting, which is done in the best and neatest style.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.  

Installation I. O. O. F. On last Saturday evening, the 5th inst., the installation of officers of the Winfield Lodge No. 101, I. O. O. F. for the year 1878 took place at the Presbyterian church. A considerable delegation of members of the order from Wichita and other places were present, including W. E. Ritchie, grand master; ___ Russell, grand treasurer; and W. P. Campbell, grand marshal. The ceremonies were conducted in a pleasing and impressive manner. The officers installed were: R. Birnbaum, N. G.; M. G. Troup, V. G.; J. W. Curns, R. W.; E. S. Bedilion, P. S.; Max Shoeb, T. But the performance of the evening was the oration delivered by His Honor Judge W. P. Campbell, grand marshal, who gave the most complete exposition of the history, aims, and operations of the order we ever heard or saw within the limits of an evening’s lecture. It was a gem of rhetoric, combining finished oratory with terseness and vigor, alike creditable to the head and heart of the speaker. After the ceremonies were over, a supper was served at the Williams House. Though we did ample justice to that supper at the time, our pencil is incapable of doing so now. It must suffice to say that it was got up in Frank Williams’ best style, and this is the highest praise we know how to bestow on any supper.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
The Wichita Eagle says: “Cowley County started a long ways ahead of Sedgwick, which was a howling wilderness when Cowley was boasting of an advanced civilization.” We recollect that in 1876 we first visited Sedgwick and Cowley. We found Wichita a city of 75 houses and the country about dotted with claim houses. Such was the “howling wilderness.” From there we went to Cowley. Saw only five claim houses in the latter county until we got to Winfield, which city consisted of Col. Manning’s old log store and claim house, Max Shoeb’s log blacksmith shop, and Dr. Mansfield’s slab drug store. Such was the “boasted civilization.” Neighbor M. M. M, we fear you depend too much on Canon Farrar and Henry Ward B.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
Max Shoeb, Winfield’s first blacksmith, the other day from new wagon-tire iron, cut, bent, welded, and set twenty wagon tires on twenty wagon wheels in a thorough and workmanlike manner in eleven hours, and he was not much tired himself when the work was done. Where is the man who can beat that?
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
Max Shoeb has the premium sidewalk in front of his residence.
Winfield Courier, June 13, 1878.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, June 3rd, 1878.
Council met in council chamber. J. B. Lynn, mayor, and G. W. Gully, E. C. Manning, and C. M. Wood, councilmen, present.
Action was taken on bills. Max Shoeb, repairing hook & ladder truck: $18.50.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
I. O. O. F. The following is a list of the officers of Winfield Lodge, No. 101, I. O. O. F., for the term commencing July, 1878: M. G. Troup, N. G.; M. Shields, V. G.; David C. Beach, Rec. Sec.; E. S. Bedilion, P. Sec.; Max Shoeb, Treas.; John E. Allen, Rep. to G. L.; C. C. Stevens, W.; W. D. Southard, C.; John M. Read, O. G.; Chas. McIntire, R. S. to N. G.; E. A. Clisbee, L. B. to N. G.; John Hoenscheidt, R. S. S.; B. M. Terrill, T. S. S.; W. M. Parker, R. S. to V. G.; Herman Schmode, L. S. to V. G.; John W. Curns, Chaplain, John Smiley, Host.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.

Max Shoeb, the pioneer blacksmith of Cowley County, has been turning out some first-class wagons this summer, from his blacksmith and wagon shops, on Ninth Avenue. Max is a good workman, and deserves the reputation he has won.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
Notice. All persons indebted to me will please call and settle within thirty days from this date. MAX SHOEB. Winfield, Dec. 9, 1878.
Winfield Courier, December 19, 1878.
Lang & Lape have opened a new meat market on the south side of Ninth avenue, next door west of Max Shoeb’s blacksmith shop.
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
The members of Winfield Lodge, No. 110, I. O. O. F., have chosen the following named brethren as officers of this lodge for the term commencing January 1, 1879.
M. B. Shields, N. G.; David C. Beach, V. G.; John Hoenscheidt, R. S.; E. S. Bedilion, P. S.; Max Shoeb, Treasurer; John E. Allen, W.; D. W. Southard, C.; J. G. Kraft, R. S. to N. G.; R. L. Walker, L. S. to N. G.; B. M. Terrill, R. S. S.; Wm. Hudson, L. S. S.; J. W. Smiley, I. G.; C. C. Stevens, O. G.; A. W. Davis, R. S. to V. C.; T. C. Robinson, L. S. to V. G.; J. W. Curns, Chaplain; J. S. Blue, Host.
A cordial invitation is extended to all members of the order in good standing to be present at the installation ceremonies on the first Thursday night in January. The lodge is in a prosperous condition, and is increasing its membership from among our best citizens very rapidly.
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
Council met in council chamber. Present: J. R. Lynn, mayor; and Councilmen Gully, Manning and Wood;  Absent, T. C. Robinson.
Max Shoeb, repairs on engines, etc., $16.40, referred to finance committee.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1879.
The following officers of the Winfield Lodge, No. 101, I. O. O. F., were installed last Thursday evening. M. B. Shields, N. G.; D. C. Beach, V. G.; John Hoenscheidt, R. S.; E. S. Bedilion, P. S.; Max Shoeb, Treas.; J. G. Kraft, R. S. to N. G.; J. H. Vance, L. S. to N. G.; J. E. Allen, W.; D. W. Southard, C.; J. W. Curns, Chaplain; B. M. Terrill, R. S. S.; Will Hudson, L. S. S.; John Smiley, I. G.; C. C. Stevens, O. G.; A. W. Davis, R. S. to V. G.; T. C. Robinson, L. S. to V. G.; J. S. Blue, Host. Total number of members 52.
Winfield Courier, February 6, 1879.
Max Shoeb is putting up a carriage for his own use, that would do credit to any manufactory in the country. Max is the “pioneer” blacksmith of Winfield, and as a workman, is not surpassed in the southwest.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1879.
The following is a list of the principal business firms of Winfield. (Six blacksmiths)
Blacksmiths. Max Shoeb; Dan. Miller; Mater & Son; Mr. Stout; R. H. Tucker; Mr. Legg.
Winfield Courier, April 17, 1879.
Have we a shooting gallery in town? Is John E. Allen the “boss shootist?” Did he shoot Max Shoeb in the heel? These are matters which the public ought to know all about.
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.

Max Shoeb came very near losing his ponies in Dutch creek on the Fourth. He attempted to cross the ford at the fair ground, which had become miry from the large number of teams crossing and the rising water, and driving in without knowing the danger, his team mired down. By considerable exertion and cutting his harness up badly, he succeeded in saving the team.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1879.
Max Shoeb has got a new piano. Eight years ago, when Max occupied the little log blacksmith shop on the spot where Read’s bank now stands and when the coyotes howled their requiems to the echo of his anvil, and the Kansas zephyrs fanned his cheeks through the chinks in the cabin wall, little did we dream of the prosperity that was to attend our “pioneer blacksmith,” or that in the short space of eight years the infant town, then newly born, would grow to a strong and vigorous manhood. Max has been with us in our adversity and prospered with us in our prosperity, and now as our city is assuming metropolitan airs, he feels in duty bound to do likewise.
Winfield Courier, October 9, 1879.
Mr. Stiles, the gentlemanly agent of the Adams express company, has a local advertise­ment in this paper. He promises express at more reasonable rates than we have been getting heretofore. Their office is in the building next to Shoeb’s blacksmith shop.
THE ADAMS EXPRESS CO., having opened for business in Winfield, are now prepared to do Express business with greater dispatch, and at lower rates than was ever known in Winfield. All matter entrusted to the Company’s care will receive prompt attention. Goods delivered anywhere in the City limits.
Office on Ninth Avenue, 4 doors west of Winfield Bank. C. F. STILES.
Winfield Courier, October 16, 1879.
Max Shoeb is suffering from a severe attack of rheumatism.
Winfield Courier, November 6, 1879.
Max Shoeb has about recovered from a severe attack of the rheumatism.
Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.
The following is a list of the elective and appointed officers of Winfield lodge No. 101, I. O. O. F., to serve for the ensuing year. N. G.: A. W. Davis; V. G.: James H. Vance; Rec. Sec.: David C. Beach; Treas.: Max Shoeb; W.: John W. Smiley; C.: D. W. Southard; I. G.: M. B. Shields; O. G.: F. Ebenback; R. S. to N. G.: Jacob Lipps; L. S. to N. G.: Charles Youngheim; R. S. to V. G.: John Fleming; L. S. to V. G.: Daniel Steel; R. S. S.: B. M. Terrill; L. S. S.: Jno. Hoenscheidt; Chaplain: W. H. H. Maris; D. D. G. M.: M. G. Troup.
Winfield Courier, June 10, 1880.
In his letter in his own defense in the Commonwealth, W. P. Campbell makes a point that Millington testified that he believed when he wrote the article complained of that Payson was guilty as charged and had had a fair trial.

The prisoner was on trial on the charge of having procured the execution of a deed of valuable real estate from Lena McNeil unto himself, by false representations that the conveyance was to Mrs. McNeil, mother of the grantor. In the trial Mrs. McNeil, the prosecuting witness, was on the witness stand several hours and testified to all the circumstances necessary to prove this charge, and also testified that Payson, as her attorney, had procured her signature to a bill of sale of a delivery wagon under the false representation that it was a delivery bond, and had procured her signature to execute a bill of sale of a meat market building and fixtures under the false representation that it was a delivery bond to secure the return of the attached property. She testified to all the circumstances of these two crimes, parallel to that charged in the complaint, in such a manner as would have fully established Payson’s guilt, unless this testimony should be rebutted. Lena McNeil and other witnesses corroborated the testimony of Mrs. McNeil in many respects, and the case as against Payson was completely made out.
To rebut this evidence the defense placed on the stand the witness, Goodrich, who testified that he took supper with Payson at the house kept by Mrs. McNeil, being the property Lena had deeded to Payson as charged in the information, after that deed was made; that after supper Mrs. McNeil sat with him on the porch in conversation, during which witness said to Mrs. McNeil that “the porch and view were very fine,” to which Mrs. McNeil an­swered that “it would be a very pleasant place for Payson and his lady to sit and enjoy the sea breezes,” and other words tending to indicate that she had voluntarily had the property conveyed to Payson. County Attorney Torrance subjected the witness to a rigid cross-examination in the attempt to break the force of his testimony. Judge Campbell then took the witness, with language, air, and manner that said in effect: “This witness has lied. Torrance don’t know enough to make witness entangle himself and prove that he has lied. I will show these people how to do it.” With a wink at the prosecuting witness, Campbell commenced to question the witness, Goodrich, about his whole history and matters and things occurring before and after the time of the conversation he had described, making every effort to lead him to cross himself, for about an hour, asking many questions which were characterized by our informants as outrageous.

In relation to the two parallel crimes committed by Payson, as established by the evidence already in, the defense brought forward Max Shoeb and two other witnesses, who were ready to swear that “they, being about to purchase the delivery wagon and the meat market house and fixtures, had taken the two bills of sale to Mrs. McNeil, explained them to her, and asked her if she had sold the property and had executed the two bills of sale; that she answered that she had sold the property and that the two bills of sale were all right.” Judge Campbell ruled that these witnesses should not testify on this matter, and Shoeb with the two other witnesses were dismissed without giving their evidence. Campbell gave as his reason that the evidence was not relevant to the charge on which Payson was being tried, and in answer to the plea that the defense ought to be allowed to rebut the testimony already admitted against Payson, answered that he would rule that out. But it was in convincing them that Payson had been in the habit of committing such crimes as the one charged (a charge that could not but have its effect on the minds of the jury) that the strong rulings of the Judge against Payson in other respects and in his charge to the jury, brought about the verdict of guilty. On the motion for a new trial, Judge Coldwell presented this state of facts to the judge in a forcible though courteous manner, as reason why a new trial should be granted, stating he hoped that Judge Campbell would not, by refusing this motion, put himself on record as asserting the right of a court to take the place of a prosecutor, and cross-examine a witness in that way, hitherto unheard of in the jurisprudence of this county. Campbell answered that it had been practiced by the English judges, to which Judge Coldwell replied, “Not for the last 196 years.” This in open court was “thrust into Campbell’s face” in a more incisive manner than any newspaper could have done it, yet Judge Coldwell was not fined for contempt, and why? Because he was not opposing the re-election of Campbell.
Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.
Master Albert Shoeb last Thursday entertained a host of his young friends.
Winfield Courier, November 25, 1880.
Max Shoeb has taken a partner, Mr. Brown, in the blacksmithing and wagon making business.
Winfield Courier, April 21, 1881.
Max Shoeb has traded his residence property on Ninth avenue to Ansel Gridley for his Oxford residence property.
Winfield Courier, April 28, 1881.
The council has awarded the contract for the erection of the fire bell tower to I. W. Randall. It will be thirty feet high, and will be put up in the rear of Max Shoeb’s blacksmith
Winfield Courier, June 16, 1881.
A considerable number of the citizens of Winfield met on Monday evening on the steps of the Winfield Bank to provide for raising funds for the immediate relief of the sufferers caused by the cyclone Sunday evening. Mr. Crippen called the people together by music from the band. Max Shoeb donated $1.00 to assist the sufferers.
Winfield Courier, August 11, 1881.
Dan Miller has leased Max Shoeb’s blacksmith shop. Dan’s laugh and the cries of the victims of the forceps will keep that part of Ninth avenue lively.
Winfield Courier, August 18, 1881.
Max Shoeb has removed his blacksmithing material and house­hold effects to Oxford. We regret to see him leave.
Winfield Courier, October 27, 1881.
Max Shoeb spent a few days of last week in the city. Max will wander back once in awhile, although he seems well satisfied with Oxford.
Cowley County Courant, November 17, 1881.
Mr. T. H. B. Ross took in Winfield last Friday in the interest of our school district. He says there has been many changes there, but few of the old “boys” are left, and Winfield does not appear now as it did in 1870-74. Caldwell Commercial.

Well, that’s a fact; there have been a good many changes in and around Winfield since those days. The old log store has been reduced to ashes, and some of the boys who used to gather there evenings to play “California Jack” and speculate on the future price of corner lots in Winfield, now take their wives and children to the theater in the fine Opera House that has arisen on the site of the old store. Max Shoeb’s blacksmith shop has given place to Read’s bank; the Walnut Valley House, as a hotel, has passed away. Likewise, the firms of Manning & Baker, U. B. Warren & Co., Alexander & Saffold, Bliss & Middaugh, Hitchcock & Boyle, Maris & Hunt, Myton & Brotherton, and Pickering & Benning. S. H. Myton is about the only one that is left. Tisdale’s hack, which came in whenever the river would permit, has given way to our two railroads; Tom Wright’s ferry, south of town, has been replaced by a handsome iron bridge, and Bartlow’s mill and its crew have disappeared.
Every new building erected on Main street now is not, as then, dedicated with a dance, nor do married women attend them with children in arms, nor do they deposit their kids in the laps of blushing bachelors and join in all hands around. Our Justices of the Peace, when about to unite a loving couple, don’t tell them to “stan” up thar an’ I’ll fix you.” Our butchers, now, don’t go down behind Capt. Lowery’s house, shoot a Texas steer, cut him up with an axe and sell out the chunks before they are done quiver­ing. The writer does not, on nights like Thursday last, rise up from his bed of prairie hay and water, in a little wall tent, and light out for the log store to get out of the wet. All of that kind of fun has passed away and we have had a new deal all around. Some of the men that in those days were frying bacon and washing socks in their bachelor shanties, are now bankers, postmasters, district judges, and palatial hotel keep­ers. The vigilantes are not now riding over the country every night making preparations to go to Douglass and hang its princi­pal citizens. The bad blood stirred up by the memorable Manning-Norton contest for the Legislature has long since been settled. Winfield and Arkansas City have buried the hatchet; Tisdale, ditto. Our merchants don’t sell Missouri flour for $6 per sack, corn for $1.50 per bushel, and bacon for 33½ cents per pound. Bill Hackney (now the Hon. W. P.) does not come up every week to defend Cobb for selling whiskey in Arkansas City without a license. Patrick, the editor of the Censor, (our first newspaper) and Walt Smith, the proprietor of the “Big Horn ranch” on Posey Creek, have both gone west to grow up with the country. Fairbank’s dug-out has been in ruins for years. Dick Walker is still running conventions, but not here. A. T. Stewart is no longer one of the boys. Speed, with his calico pony and big spurs, is seen no more on the Baxter Springs trail. Jackson has laid down the saw and plane and joined the ranks of the railroad monopolists. Colonel Loomis has shed his soldier overcoat. Zimri Stubbs has climbed the golden stair, Nichols is married, Oak’s cat is dead: in fact, Bent, there is nothing anymore like it used to was in Winfield.
Winfield Courier, May 4, 1882.
Councilmen met in regular sessions, Mayor M. G. Troup presiding. Present, Councilmen Read, Gary, McMullen, and Wilson, City Attorney, and Clerk. The following claims were allowed and ordered paid: Max Shoeb, rent engine house grounds: $8.00.
Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.
Max Shoeb came over from Oxford Monday and spent the day around his old haunts. Max is doing a very fine business at Oxford.
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1882.
Although the fact isn’t generally known, Winfield has one of the finest blacksmiths in the state in the person of Mr. Weaver, who occupies Max Shoeb’s old shop, west of the COURIER office on Ninth Avenue. During the past week he has done some of the nicest jobs in the way of machine repairing that we have ever seen attempted. Plows that other blacksmiths have ruined, he finds no difficulty in making as good as new, and with all classes of blacksmith work he shows himself possessed of a high grade of mechanical skill.
Winfield Courier, October 12, 1882.

Max Shoeb has traded his stone blacksmith shop in this city for the Collin’s House in Oxford. Max now owns no property in Cowley, but has transferred all his possessions to Sumner. He is making arrangements for a few months visit in the “old country.”
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
It is rumored that Messrs. Hands & Collins will build a new livery stable on Ninth Avenue next to the old Shoeb blacksmith shop.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
W. A. Lee has purchased the lots and buildings on Ninth Avenue formerly owned by Max Shoeb, and will extend the buildings back and make them two stories high. He intends to have room enough hereafter to accommodate his rapidly increasing business.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
W. A. Lee has bought the Max Shoeb property, known as the Max Shoeb blacksmith shop, and hopes to be able in another year to build an Implement House. He starts this morning to lay in a large stock of implements. He takes pride in getting the best, and seeing his goods give satisfaction.
Winfield Courier, April 3, 1884.
Max Shoeb was over from Oxford Monday. He says it does him good to visit the metropolis of the Southwest occasionally and view the scenes of his pioneer days.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.
We have known Winfield ever since it was a prairie of tall grass, a lob cabin store, Max Shoeb’s cabin blacksmith shop, and a few cottonwood shanties that kept the coyote out till the owner could go out and show some new men a very fine claim. But the town company were “one man” when Winfield’s interests were at stake, whether you struck Millington, Fuller, Alexander, Mansfield, or Jackson. Winfield was the exact center of the Union in general and South Kansas in particular.

It became necessary to have a paper so their stories would not conflict, so the COURIER was started and Jim Kelly put in charge; one of the jolliest, social editors in the state. The power behind the throne was Millington, to write heavy editorials for the eastern people to read, Mansfield to write articles comparing favorably the climate and health of Winfield to the Italian skies, the robust health of the English and Scotch, proving the almost impossibility of a foreign consumptive to die here; Manning and Alexander to write up the loyalty and far-abiding qualities to the people, with Wirt Walton to write up the immense area of arable lands going to waste in the flint hills, Dick Walker to do the same for the Arkansas Valley. And they had a score or more to work up the special good qualities of the city, of the county, or of the Walnut, Arkansas and Grouse valleys. In short, every man in the town was a committee of about ten to prove Winfield the great future and Max Shoeb was there to translate it into Dutch if necessary. If a storm came, and the Walnut ran four feet deep across the townsite, it was found upon the next issue of the COURIER, that a reliable Indian chief said the like had not happened once before in a century or more. If a drought as in 1874 came, Arkansas City and Winfield could forthwith have an Indian scare and have the young men ordered out at good wages and rations for themselves and horses, till the next corn crop was safe. Winfield and Arkansas City today are monuments not only to the pluck, energy, and faith of their friends but to that unity of action and the sacrifices of that little narrow selfishness so common in little towns. We have much of the same spirit in Burden, and it will be our endeavor to encourage this unity that should exist. Burden Exchange.
I don’t believe the editor of the Burden Exchange in 1885 was familiar with the Osage Indians becoming incensed over events further west of Cowley County and threatening to go on the warpath.
On August 31, 1874, “Magnet,” a correspondent from Winfield, Kansas, wrote a letter to the Commonwealth newspaper at Topeka. “The companies of Kansas state militia have been organized in this and Sumner County, and now await the order of the Governor to protect their own border from invasion by these “government pets.” E. B. Kager is captain of the company from here, and G. H. Norton of the one at Arkansas City. The latter expect marching orders at any moment, as the Little Osages are making things lively along the line every day.”
In early September 1874 Lt. Col. Norton reported a slight brush with the Osages by some of the scouts sent out by him. “Sergeant Berkey and Privates Patterson and Hoyt left the picket line, and had gone as far as Deer creek, five miles from the state line, and finding no signs of Indians, concluded to return. They had gone but a short distance, when they were fired upon by a party of Indians, who immediately charged upon them with demoniac yells. They seemed to have been concealed in a ravine, and were not seen until they opened fire. The scouts spurred their horses into a run, and the Indians followed to within a mile and a half of the state line. Thirty six shots were fired on the run by the scouts, but owing to the approaching darkness and the speed at which they were going, none of them probably too effect. The next day Norton, with some eighteen men, proceeded to the vicinity of the encounter and found the Indian Trail. They followed it to within three or four miles of the Big Hill Osage ford on the Arkansas. It pointed southeast towards the Osage reserve.”