A. M. Shurtz


West Bolton Township, Arkansas City.
NOTE: Isaac (“Ike”) Shurtz, believed to be a brother of A. M. Shurtz, handled cattle and horses in Indian Territory, with a partner, Mr. Henry H. Foster, who later committed suicide.
Kansas 1875 Census Bolton Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color   Place/birth Where from
A. M. Shurtz 39  m w New Jersey Ohio
Catharine Shurtz 37 f w Ohio Ohio
J. M. Shurtz 17  m w Ohio Ohio
J. V. Shurtz 16  m w Ohio Ohio
H. F. Shurtz 16  m w Ohio Ohio
M. E. Shurtz 8  f w Ohio Ohio
S. W. Shurtz 6  m w Ohio Ohio
O. P. Shurtz 1  f w Ohio Ohio
Bolton Township 1876: A. M. Shurtz, 40; spouse, Catherine, 38.
Bolton Township 1878: A. M. Shurtz, 42; spouse, Catherine, 40.
Bolton Township 1878: Isaac Shurtz, 40; spouse, Mrs. Shurtz, 31.
Bolton Township 1880: A. M. Shurtz, 44; spouse, C., 42.
Bolton Township 1880: Isaac Shurtz, 35; spouse, Eliza, 39.
Bolton Township 1880: Jacob M. Shurtz, 22; spouse, Louise, 24.
Bolton Township 1882: Abram, 46; spouse, Catherine, 44.
Bolton Township 1882: H. F. Shurtz, 21. No spouse listed.
Bolton Township 1882: Isaac Shurtz, 37; spouse, Eliza A., 41.
Bolton Township 1882: Jacob M. Shurtz, 24; spouse, Louisa, 26.
Bolton Township 1882: John Shurtz, 24; spouse, Alvina, 22.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 19, 1876. Front Page.
Petition of Thomas Baird and others, of Bolton Township, asking for a view and survey of a County road, presented, and granted, and Abram Shurtz, Henry Pruden, and William Turner appointed viewers; and the County Clerk is hereby ordered to give the necessary legal notice.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 8, 1877.
Sealed proposals will be received at Salt City, Sumner County, Kansas, until August 15th, 1877, for the erection of a stone schoolhouse in School District No. 79, Bolton Township, Cowley County, KAS. Plan and specification can be seen at the TRAVELER office in Arkansas City, and at the residence of W. E. Chenoweth, in the above named District. The board reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Bidders are requested to be present at the opening of the bids at 2 o’clock p.m. of August 15, 1877. Job to be paid for in cash when completed according to specifications.
A. M. SHURTZ, Director; W. E. CHENOWETH, Clerk; O. J. PALMER, Treasurer.

School District No. 79, Cowley Co., Kan.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1878.
The articles taken from Schiffbauer’s store on Monday night were six silver plated knives, some finished Elgin staffs, some roller jewels, and eighteen watches, in all valued at $482. The watches belonged to the following named persons, with the values set opposite their names.
J. M. Shurtz, silver, $10.00.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.
The District Fair.
Mr. Shurtz, of Bolton Township, took first premium on his cattle.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.
Mr. Shurtz sold his premium calf to Mr. N. S. Cozard, of Alton, Sumner County, for $50. It was eight months old and weighed 600 pounds. The same man bought the eight month heifer for $40, and now has some of the finest stock to be found in the Southwest.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 3, 1882.
We learn that Mr. Daniel Hunt has contracted with masons to build him a nice, good stone house this summer.
Preaching at this place next Sunday at 11 a.m., by Rev. McCamy, and a general turnout of the people is desired.
We hear some complaining of their chickens dying with the cholera.
Mr. J. A. Scott’s new house is nearing completion under the workmanship of John Shurtz. Mr. Scott says it will be completed in 20 or 30 days.
Mr. H. R. Johnston took a trip over into Sumner County last week with Rev. McCamy, where the latter will conduct a series of meetings.
Mr. Ike Shurtz, we learn has bought 180 head of 2 and 3 year old cattle, which he contemplates herding in the Territory south of this. He paid $14 a head all round for them.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1882.
We call attention to the notice of yearlings for sale by Messrs. Foster & Shurtz, which appears in this issue. Anyone needing young stock will find this a good chance to buy.
FOR SALE. 200 head of yearlings, also have about fifty head of one, two and three year-old heifers which we will sell reasonable, or will exchange for same age steers, as we desire to handle older cattle. Ranche on Chilocco, six miles south of Arkansas City. Foster & Shurtz. June 3rd, 1882.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1882. Editorial by H. P. Standley.
GEUDA’S BOOM. The Coming Health Resort of the South West, Its Business and General Prospects.
On Wednesday of last week, in company with J. W. Scott, of Cadiz, Ohio, and his son, C. M. Scott, we made a flying visit to this new and prosperous burg, which is fast becoming one of the most popular health resorts of the West.

Wishing to see as much country as possible, determined our part to drive home through Bolton Township instead of returning by the ferry, and the panorama of agricultural beauty that greeted our eyes on every side must be seen to be appreciated. Wheat in large fields, of golden promise, were to be seen on all sides, together with oats and corn growing splendidly. In some cases, especially on the farms of Messrs. Shurtz and Stiner, the wheat looked, and indeed was, ready for the knife of the reaper, the whirring of whose machinery could occasionally be heard as it swept through the more ripe pieces of grain. The farmers of Bolton Township have, indeed, much to be grateful for, as their lot is evidently cast in one of the best countries out of doors.
As we drove back into Arkansas City, we could truthfully say that the drive had been one beautiful picture, without a single blemish to mar its brightness.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1882.
Suicided. Last Friday morning the body of Henry H. Foster, a cattleman, was brought to the city from the Territory where he had committed suicide, by shooting, the day previous.
The deceased has been engaged for the past year, in the cattle business with Mr. Shurtz, of Bolton township, and the terrible deed was committed at their ranch, in the Territory, about thirty-five miles south of this place. The particulars of the sad affair, as related by the man who brought the body to town, are about as follows.
For several days the unfortunate man had appeared downcast and troubled in mind, yet conveyed no idea of having so dread a purpose in view as the taking of his own life; in fact, his troubles were for the most part imaginary, as the firm owned nearly seven hundred herd of good cattle. There were two tents in the camp, in one of which, at the time of the shooting, was a herder, while Foster was in the other. The tents were close together, and just before the shot came, Foster was heard to exclaim: “Lord have mercy on my soul.” This was immediately followed by the report of a pistol, and upon rushing to the tent the deceased was found dead with a bullet wound in his head. The body was immediately brought to town, where the evidence at the inquest and a letter written by the deceased fully proved it a case of self-murder.
The remains were taken care of, and were taken to Coshocton, Ohio, on the Friday 3 o’clock train, where we understand the wife and family of the deceased reside. Foster was well known in our city, and respected both as a businessman and as a citizen.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1882.
Mr. I. E. Shurtz will administer the estate of Foster & Shurtz, late of the Territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 13, 1883.
Old Soldiers of Bolton. The following list of our soldiers of Bolton Township were furnished us for publication by Gus Lorry, trustee of that township.
A. M. Shurtz, private, Co. A, 194th Ohio Infantry.
J. M. Shurtz, private, Co. I, 24th Ohio Infantry.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 6, 1884.
Isaac Shurtz brought a sixteen-foot stalk of corn into town yesterday, and it wasn’t a very good day for corn either.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 8, 1884.

Ike Shurtz, who owns a fine Normandy stallion, has a standing premium of $10 for the finest colt sired by the animal. Last Saturday a colt show was had in this city, there being six contestants, all sired by Mr. Schurtz’ stallion, which resulted in Howard Trimble, of Bolton, being awarded the first prize for his five-months-old colt. Second premium was awarded to the colt owned by a Mr. Connelly.
Arkansas City Republican, October 25, 1884.
Mr. Isaac Shurtz is a grandpap, made so last week. Ira says the boy is fine stock.
Mr. S. D. Collinson has just completed his barn by having John Shurtz put a fine cupola on it.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 29, 1884.
See notice to hunters in another column.
We, the undersigned, hereby give notice that we will prosecute to the full extent of the law all persons who may be found hunting upon our premises.
Arkansas City Republican, November 22, 1884.
A. M. Shurtz is building a cottage in the east part of town.
[Note: The above item was the last one found on A. M. and Isaac Shurtz. MAW]