James A. Simpson
Kansas 1875 Census, Winfield Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
Jas. Simpson 27 m w Ireland Missouri
James A. Simpson, 28; spouse, E. E., 24.
J. A. Simpson, 30; spouse, Esther E., 25.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 19, 1873.
In regard to the Courthouse award, it was ascertained that the county must pay its indebtedness in warrants, and that bids for cash could not be legally considered and the whole proceedings were set aside and an order made that sealed bids for erecting the Courthouse according to the plans and specification on file in the Clerk’s office would be received until 2 o’clock p.m., the 11th inst., and the County Attorney was directed to inform the former builders of the order made.
Adjourned until 11th inst.
11th inst. Board met as per adjournment.
All present: proceeded to open bids for Courthouse. Three bids were read, and the contract was awarded to Messrs. Stewart & Simpson, at $9,000 in scrip, their’s being the lowest bid to give bonds in double the amount of the bid, and the sureties to qualify in double the amount of the bond or for $36,000.
Messrs. Stewart & Simpson returned with their bond, and signed the contract. The sureties to the bond then qualified in the sum of $75,000. Bond approved.
Board adjourned until regular meeting of July 7th, 1873. FRANK COX, Chairman,
A. A. JACKSON, County Clerk, Per J. P. SHORT, Deputy Clerk.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 10, 1873.
We take pleasure in noting the completion of M. L. Read’s new bank building. The contractors, Messrs. Stewart & Simpson, deserve every credit as experienced mechanics, as this piece of their work will fully testify. The material used in the construction is an extra quality of limestone rock for the foundation, and also used in the walls of the basement. The main building is of brick structure, and exhibits as fine an appearance exteriorly, as any brick block in the eastern States. The front has iron columns to support it, and the window sills are of white limestone rock and are capped with the same. The folding doors at the entrance are magnificently constructed of fine material, and grained and finished in modern style; while the large windows on each side of the door will be one solid glass, French plate, 4½ feet in width and 9½ feet in height.
The appointments of the building consists of basement full size of building, which is now occupied by Messrs. Miller & Myers in the restaurant business. The second floor is exclusively occupied by the bank, and has attached every convenience desired in a banking house. The third floor is cut into rooms for office purposes, and is occupied by Messrs. Scull & Michener, attorneys; Messrs. Pryor & Kager, attorneys; J. F. Paul, Esq., County Recorder; John Curns, City Clerk; T. A. Wilkinson, County Superintendent; and E. B. Kager, Esq., County Treasurer. The building is completely occupied, and its interior, in point of finish and adaption to the business for which it is used, is not excelled by a like structure in any city.
The business energy and willing disposition so liberally manifested by Mr. Read to invest money in our town since he became a citizen, endows him with the respect and confidence of the whole public.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 16, 1873.
The following cases will stand for trial at the October term of the District Court of Cowley County and have been placed upon the trial docket in the following order.
State of Kansas Ex rel A. S. Williams, Att’y Gen’l vs. Board of Co. Com. of Cowley Co. and Stewart & Simpson.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 30, 1873.
Proceedings of the Cowley County District Court, to Oct. 29th, 1873, the Following Causes having Been Disposed of.
State of Kansas Ex rel A. S. Williams, Att’y Gen’l vs. Board of Co. Com. of Cowley Co. and Stewart & Simpson, dismissed.
Winfield Courier, December 4, 1873.
A vote of thanks was also tendered to the Winfield Silver Cornet Band [MISSING LINE]
services and also to Messrs. Stewart and Simpson, contractors, for the use of the courtroom.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1873.
The Courthouse is now completed, and the county officers assigned to their respective places. We think that a description of this beautiful structure will not be altogether uninteresting, at least, to the tax payers of the county; although we may say right here, that no pen picture can give more than a crude idea of this splendid building.
The main building is 40 x 50 ft. The foundation is of stone, rubbleworked, cut-stone water-table, door, and window sills. The walls are 16 in. thick, and are of the best quality of brick. The first story is 11 ft. high, and the second 15 ft. The roof is what is commonly denominated double gable truss and heavily iron strapped, and bolted, with a tower 22 ft. high, the foundation posts of which are 12 x 12 inch oak timbers extending clear across the entire width of the building, the whole surmounted by a beautiful weather-vane, constructed by Mr. C. R. Sipes of Arkansas City, and we believe, a present to the county. A hall 8 ft. wide runs through the building, from South to North, with heavy double panel doors at each end. The offices are arranged on each side of the hall, six in number, and are 13 x 15 ft. sq. with two large 10 light windows in each room. The Courtroom proper is on the second floor, and is 37 x 38 ft. in the clear. On the north end, and on either side of the stair landing, are two jury rooms each 12 ft. square, which open into the courtroom by folding doors. The inside is painted both inside, and out, with three coats, and has three coats of plaster, the last a plaster paris finish; and is, on the whole, one of the best, prettiest, and most substantial buildings, of the kind—and certainly the best for the money—in the state. Of the contractors,
we need say but little: their work speaks for them. The brick bank building of M. L. Read, and now the courthouse, will stand as monuments of the skill, honesty, and integrity of Messrs. Stewart & Simpson, long after they will have passed away. The sub-contractors, Messrs. Rice & Ray, carpenters, also deserve special mention. But our space will not permit us to say further than that they have shown themselves to be master workmen, and have done the county a good, honest job.
We cannot close this imperfect sketch without saying a word for our county Board, Frank Cox, O. C. Smith, and John D. Maurer. They early saw that the building of good substantial buildings would be a saving to the county every year. The history of our neighboring county, Howard, is just now a case in point. Election after election has been held, the county seat moved, to use a homely phrase, “from pillar to post.” Thousands of dollars annually squandered in vain attempts to settle it. They, in common, with all right thinking men, saw that in a short time the history of Cowley would furnish but a parallel to the history of Howard, and that so long as the county had no buildings of her own, the county seat was simply a bone of contention, to be pulled hither and thither at the whim or caprice of any who might take it into their heads to move it.
The Board of County Commissioners of Cowley County have built a better courthouse, for less money, than can be found in any other county in the state. No stealing, no jobbing, no trickery, of any kind whatever, but honesty, faithfulness, a desire to do the very best for the public have marked the history of the enterprise in an uncommon degree. The Board of County Commissioners deserve the thanks of every taxpayer in Cowley County.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1873.
The Co. Commissioners at their last meeting accepted the Courthouse. And the contractors, Messrs. Stewart & Simpson, take this method to return thanks to their bondsmen, S. C. Smith, Charley Black, R. B. Saffold, Hiram Silver, S. H. Myton, Rice & Ray, J. J. Ellis, J. D. Cochran, M. L. Read, J. C. Blandin, John Lowry, and C. A. Bliss, for the confidence reposed in them when they were entire strangers, and to say that they are honorably discharged from any further obligation on account of the Courthouse.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1873.
The following is the list of the committees appointed for the occasion.
SOLICITING COMMITTEE. A. T. Stewart, S. H. Myton, I. Bing, A. T. Shenneman, J. A. Simpson, J. Swain, T. A. Blanchard, R. B. Saffold, John Rhodes; Mrs. Flint, Mrs. McMasters, Mrs. A. H. Green, Mrs. Brotherton, Mrs. Tousey, Mrs. Limbocker; Miss Jennie Stewart, Miss Lowry, W. W. Limbocker.
TABLE COMMITTEE. A. T. Stewart, J. F. Paul, T. A. Rice, W. M. Boyer, J. E. Saint, J. D. Cochran, J. C. Fuller, John Swain, J. A. Simpson, A. T. Shenneman, A. S. Williams, J. P. Short, Mrs. J. P. Short, Miss Read, Miss Mary Stewart, Mrs. Geo. Oakes, Mrs. J. F. Paul, Mrs. E. Maris, Mrs. J. C. Fuller, Mrs. W. M. Boyer, Mrs. L. R. Paul, Mrs. L. J. Webb, Mrs. J. C. Weathers, Mrs. Newman, Mrs. Howland, Mrs. Hickok, Mrs. W. G. Graham, Mrs. J. D. Cochran, Mrs. C. A. Bliss, Miss Parmelee, Miss Lizzie Graham, Miss Yount.
Instrumental Music for the Day: J. W. Johnston, J. A. Simpson, J. E. Saint.
Winfield Courier, Friday, December 19, 1873.
Stewart & Simpson, last payment on Courthouse: $4,390.00
Stewart & Simpson, extra work: $131.00
Winfield Courier, January 9, 1874.
That weathervane again. And now comes Stewart & Simpson and the Board of County Commissioners, who say that T. A. Rice did not give, donate, or make the county a present of that vane, but that the county paid for it as a part of the contract. Give us a rest.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1874.
Stewart & Simpson, grading: $4.75.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.
STEWART & SIMPSON are gong to burn 200,000 brick this Spring. Those who contemplate building will do well to send in their orders early.
Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.
Rev. James E. Platter has let the contract for building his new residence to Messrs. Stewart & Simpson for the sum of $3,700. Had Mr. Platter searched the country over he could not have found more able, honest, and energetic men to build his house than the firm of Stewart & Simpson. Life-long contractors and builders, they are just the men to build quickly, cheaply, and well.
Winfield Courier, June 12, 1874.
Proceedings of the Meeting held Monday, June 8th, to
Provide for the Celebration of the 4th of July.
Public meeting of the citizens of Winfield, was held last Monday evening at the office of Curns & Manser for the purpose of preparing for a celebration of the 4th of July at Winfield.
On motion G. S. Manser was chosen chairman and L. J. Webb, Esq., Secretary.
C. M. Wood offered the following, which was adopted.
Resolved, By the citizens of Winfield and vicinity that we celebrate the 4th of July at this place, and that we extend a cordial invitation to the citizens of the county to participate with us in the celebration.
N. H. Wood, James Simpson, and J. T. Hall were appointed a committee to confer with the Soldier’s Association and invite them to take part in the celebration.
On motion it was resolved that the celebration be a basket picnic.
T. K. Johnston, Enoch Maris, and C. M. Wood were appointed a finance committee.
M. L. Robinson, James Kelly, and J. T. Hall were appointed a committee to procure speakers.
A. T. Stewart, Max Shoeb, and H. B. Lacy were appointed a committee on grounds.
J. T. Hall, T. A. Wilkinson, Mr. and Mrs. John Swain, Miss Mary Stewart, and Miss Baldwin were appointed a committee on music.
H. B. Lacy, C. M. Wood, and J. P. McMillen were appointed a committee on ice water.
J. P. McMillen, Wirt Walton, and L. J. Webb were appointed a committee on fantastics and amusements.
L. J. Webb and James Kelly were appointed a committee on artillery.
Captain R. L. Walker was appointed Marshal of the day.
James Kelly offered the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted.
Resolved, That we extend a cordial invitation to the several Granges of the county to attend and participate in the celebration.
The meeting then adjourned to meet Monday evening June 15th at 8 o’clock P.M.
G. S. MANSER, Chairman.
L. J. WEBB, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1874.
Stewart and Simpson have now 100,000 good brick for sale at $8.00 per thousand, and will have another lot of 100,000 ready inside of two weeks.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.
Commissioners’ Proceedings.
Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present: R. F. Burden and M. S. Roseberry.
The following bills were presented and acted on as follows.
Stewart & Simpson, courthouse repairs: $26.00.
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1874.
Stewart & Simpson have commenced laying the brick on Sam Myton’s new building.
Winfield Plow and Anvil, November 19, 1874.
The contractors, Stewart & Simpson, have completed the brick work on Myton’s new building. The building is two stories in height—the first story 15 feet, the second 13 feet—and 25 x 60 feet in size. The walls were carried up to the top 18 inches in thickness to stand fire, and the front has cut block stone corners, and iron columns. It is a credit to the owner, the builders, and the town.
Winfield Courier, December 17, 1874.
NOTICE is hereby given that the co-partnership heretofore existing between James A. Simpson and John T. Stewart under the firm name of Stewart & Simpson, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. Simpson having purchased the interest of Mr. Stewart, will conduct the business as heretofore. JOHN T. STEWART, JAS. A. SIMPSON.
“Archie” Stewart, younger brother of John T. Stewart, remained in Winfield and later became a partner with James A. Simpson.
Winfield, Kansas, Dec. 16th, 1874.
Winfield Courier, December 17, 1874.
Mr. John T. Stewart has gone east for an extended visit.
Winfield Courier, April 8, 1875.
Some score or so of the young folks of the city, in full mask, gathered at the residence of Captain John Lowery last Thursday night to have a good time. We are not sufficiently versed in this business to know who or what the masqueraders intended to represent. So perhaps the less said in that direction the better. However, there were noticeably three young ladies observed that we cannot pass without special mention. Their plump, well rounded figures and elegant bearing were the envy alike of the other ladies and the admiration of the men. So much so that a collision seemed imminent at any time between the young men as to which would secure their company for the evening. One, the tallest of the lovely trio, was dressed—well—with a dress, and so were the others. These three perambulated up and down the Captain’s elegant parlors, very queens of grace until the time to unmask. Off came the head gear, when, lo and behold, there stood O. F. Boyle, Frank Gallotti, and Jimmy Simpson, and the three graces had fled forever, to the infinite disgust of the admiring young men.
Winfield Courier, July 1, 1875.
The following is a list of the names registered at the Lagonda House, Saturday the 26th inst.
Jas. A. Simpson, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, August 12, 1875.
Jimmie Simpson came very near being drowned while attempting to cross the Walnut River six miles above here last Thursday.
Winfield Courier, August 12, 1875.
To Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Klingman and their fair and accomplished daughter, Miss Allie, for their kind and generous treatment and well appreciated hospitality to their visitors of last Tuesday evening: Will S. Paul, Miss Kate Millington, A. B. Lemmon, Clara L. Flint, Jno. D. Pryor, Jennie Greenlee, O. F. Boyle, Annie Melville, Will C. Robinson, Ella Silvers, J. E. Saint, May Deming, D. Frank Baldwin, Ada Millington, James Simpson, W. W. Walton, and Miss Dollie Morris. They desire to express their sincere thanks. May they live long, enjoy life, and always be as happy as were their visitors of last Tuesday evening, is the wish of their friends enumerated above.
Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.
Jimmie Simpson is up at Douglass at work.
Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.
This is to certify that we, whose names are hereto subscribed, do most heartily recommend for our next County Treasurer, FRANK GALLOTTI, who has for the last year and a half faithfully and satisfactorily performed the duties of said office while acting in the capacity of Deputy; and we do hereby further certify that his character during that time has been such as to fully entitle him to the recommendation. The records of said office kept by him, bears ample testimony of his capability and efficiency. We consider him well qualified to fulfill the duties of said office, and therefore cheerfully recommend him to the voters of Cowley County as well worth of their cordial support, and who, if elected, will most faithfully and systematically perform the duties of said office.
James A. Simpson.
Winfield Courier, September 23, 1875.
S. H. Myton this week forwarded to Stewart, of the late firm of Stewart & Simpson, a photograph of his beautiful new brick store building, which they erected here. The picture goes to Champlain, Clinton County, New York.
Winfield Courier, December 30, 1875.
The following are the recently elected officers of the Winfield Chapter of R. A. M.’s.
M. L. Read, H. P.; J. D. Pryor, K.; B. F. Baldwin, S.; W. C. Robinson, Capt. H.; A. Howland, P. S.; W. G. Graham, R. A. Capt.; J. W. Johnston, G. M. 3 y.; P. Hill, G. M. 2 y.; S. H. Myton, G. M. 1 y.; J. A. Simpson, Sec.; F. Gallotti, Treas.; N. C. McCulloch, M. Cro.
This is one of the thirty Royal Arch Chapters of Masons in this State, and as a citizen of Winfield we are proud that she, only a five year old, supports it.
Winfield Courier, January 6, 1876.
At their regular meeting last Friday night, No. 282 of the A. G. J. S. Bazique, elected the following officers for the ensuing year: J. D. Pryor, King; James Simpson, Grand Khedive; F. Gallotti, Sir Scribe; J. Ex Saint, G. Master C.; W. W. Walton, G. Commander; B. F. Baldwin, G. Generalissimo. After which work was done in the Marquis degree and brother W. C. Robinson made Knight of the Red Hand. Refreshments were taken at the St. Nicholas.
Winfield Courier, February 10, 1876.
James Simpson has contracted for the mason work of the Presbyterian church.
Winfield Courier, February 17, 1876.
Although not able to be present, on account of other engagements, at Dr. and Mrs. Mansfield’s party, which took place at their spacious residence last Monday evening, we learn that it was a very fine affair and one of the most agreeable gatherings that has ever assembled in Winfield. The day was the eighteenth anniversary of their wedding, and was a formal opening of their finely furnished home to their friends.
We had the pleasure of looking through the house a day or two since and were much gratified with the taste and judgment displayed in its arrangement and finish. The plastering and moulding was done by Messrs. Simpson and Stewart, the painting and paper hanging by Capt. J. C. Monforte. The work is the finest we have seen in our town. Everywhere in the selection, arrangement, and mounting of pictures, works of art, embellishments, and decorations of the rooms, could be seen the cultivated taste of Mrs. Mansfield. The furniture is new and of the most modern style, and we believe the finest in Winfield.
James A. Simpson marries Hester Fowler...
Winfield Courier, April 6, 1876.
SIMPSON - FOWLER. At the Presbyterian church, by Rev. J. E. Platter, on Saturday evening, the 2nd inst., Mr. James A. Simpson to Miss Hester Fowler.
The interesting ceremony of making two hearts to beat as one was listened to by a large audience. As the gallant groom walked out with his fair young bride, the wish that their lives might ever be as happy as then, was on the lips of their many friends. Here’s luck to ye, Jamie!
Cowley County Democrat, April 6, 1876.
On Sabbath evening April 2nd at the Presbyterian church, by Rev. J. E. Platter, Mr. James A. Simpson, to Miss Hester E. Fowler, all of Cowley County.
Winfield Courier, April 13, 1876.
City Council Proceedings.
WINFIELD, KAN., April 5, 1876.
City Council met in adjourned session, March 21st, A. D. 1876.
Present: D. A. Millington, Mayor; N. M. Powers, C. C. Black, and M. G. Troup, Councilmen; B. F. Baldwin, City Clerk.
The following bills were presented, read, and allowed, and on motion of M. G. Troup, the Clerk was ordered to draw a warrant on the Treasurer for the same.
J. M. Reed, clerk of city election, on April 3rd, A. D. 1876, $2.00; J. F. Miller, Judge of city election, $2.00; C. C. Black, Judge of city election, $2.00; M. Miller, padlock and nails for city, 85 cents; Simpson & Stewart, repairs on jail, $3.00.
On motion of N. M. Powers, the City Clerk was instructed to make out and present to the County Commissioners a bill of $8.00, amount paid to Simpson & Stewart for repairs on the jail.
Winfield Courier, May 4, 1876.
Our enterprising plasterer, J. Simpson, has purchased the Palmer property and settled down for life.
Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876.
JIMMIE SIMPSON and ARCHIE STEWART were “called up” this week. They occupy prominent positions on the COURIER brick building. Their hourly cry has been “more hard brick!”
Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.
Jimmie Simpson drives a buggy that is dazzling in its splendor. Who painted it?
Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.
Johnny Reed is the champion buggy painter of the county. See J. Simpson’s just turned out.
Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.
The Winfield Bazique club is scarcely able to raise a quorum. Simpson, Boyle, and Holloway, “the three graces,” left us, and now we have to chronicle the departure of another important officer, whose name entitled him to all the privileges of a Saint.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1876.
ADELPHI Lodge, No. 110, of A. F. and A. M.’s of this city, elected the following officers for the ensuing year: Dr. Graham, W. M.; Ex Saint, S. W.; M. G. Troup, J. W.; Frank Baldwin, Treas.; and James Kelly, Secretary. The following appointments were then made: C. C. Black, S. D.; J. C. Roberts, J. D.; Jas. Simpson, S. S.; N. C. McCulloch, J. S.; Wirt W. Walton, Tyler.
James A. Simpson and Archie Stewart, partners...
Winfield Courier, January 11, 1877.
Simpson and Stewart are standing round with a brick and trowel of mortar in each hand and whenever the weather moderates for a few minutes a few inches is added to the walls of the Presbyterian church.
Winfield Courier, January 18, 1877.
STEWART & SIMPSON laid one course of brick that warm morning, Monday.
Winfield Courier, January 25, 1877.
The following were the officers of Winfield Chapter, No. 31, Royal Arch Masons, installed by P. H. P. Bennett, of Emporia, assisted by P. H. Hargis, of Wichita.
John D. Pryor, High Priest; M. L. Read, King; James A. Simpson, Scribe; W. C. Robinson, Captain of the Hosts; A. Howland, Principle Sojourner; W. G. Graham, Royal Arch Captain; J. W. Johnston, Commander of the 3rd Vail; Perry Hill, Commander of the 2nd Vail; S. H. Myton, Commander of the 1st Vail; Frank Gallotti, Treasurer; N. C. McCulloch, Sentinel.
After the installation P. H. P. Read was presented with a fine lambskin apron and collar and a jewel of office, after which the members, with their wives and ladies, repaired to the Central Hotel, and partook of supper and refreshments prepared especially for the occasion. The supper was gotten up in that good and tasteful style as only the cooks of a first-class house can get up. It was undoubtedly the grandest supper ever given in Winfield. The cakes were trimmed and mementoes with the different designs and emblems of the Masonic order. Quite a number of members of the order from Wichita, Arkansas City, and Lazette were present.
Winfield Courier, February 15, 1877.
Mr. Manning’s brick business house is now completed and occupied. It cost five thousand dollars and is the largest, most costly, and best finished business house in Winfield. The roof is of tin with standing seam, and is the only tin roof in town that does not leak. Mr. J. F. Hyskell, of this place, put it on. The carpenter work was principally done by John Swain and is a creditable job. The plastering upstairs was done by Phenix & Dewey, the lower story by Simpson & Stewart. Both parties did excellent work. John Reed did the painting. A dozen different brick layers laid the brick. Fred Kropp built the cellar. The building is a credit to the place. We hope to see more and better ones built the coming season.
Winfield Courier, March 15, 1877.
James Simpson is raising his dwelling house and making commendable improvements thereabouts.
Winfield Courier, August 23, 1877.
Messrs. Simpson and Stewart have the contract to build the piers and abutments of the new iron bridges.
Winfield Courier, November 1, 1877.
SIMPSON & STEWART have finished the abutments of the south bridge and have moved their derrick to the west bridge.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
Stewart & Simpson have the contract for putting up the machine shop for Clarke & Dysert.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
James Simpson, Esq., brought into the COURIER office on Saturday, April 6th, a bundle of red clover measuring 16 inches high. This is a luxuriant growth for any country at this time of the year.
Winfield Courier, May 30, 1878.
E. C. Manning brought us on Monday a stalk of corn grown this year in James Simpson’s garden, measuring five feet seven inches in length. He also brought a single cluster of 21 Early Richmond cherries.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
Brick layers and masons are wanted immediately. Inquire of STEWART & SIMPSON.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 2, 1879.
The following is a list of new buildings erected in the city of Winfield since January 1, 1878, with the name of owner and cost of building.
J. Simpson, residence, brick: $900.00.
J. Simpson, residence, frame: $500.00.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1879.
Messrs. Simpson & Stewart, the “pioneer” bricklayers of Cowley County, are pushing the Fahey building forward rapidly. Their cries of “mort” and “more hard brick” are familiar sounds to the older residents of Winfield, as they have had a hand in “raising” most of the beautiful and substantial buildings of which we are so proud.
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.
Messrs. Stewart & Simpson have the contract for the erection of the Popp building, the Jochems building, and the Bahntge building; and are ready for any others that may come along.
Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.
James Simpson and G. A. Fowler are building an elevator just north of the Santa Fe depot in this city. The lumber is mostly on the ground and the large scales for weighing are on hand. The work will be rushed through and completed in a short time.
Winfield Courier, November 13, 1879.
The new elevator of Messrs. Simpson & Stewart, near the depot, is enclosed and roofed and will be ready for business in about two weeks. The elevator will have a capacity of 600 bushels per hour, and storage room for 15,000 bushels. The machinery will be heavy and put in with a view of building an addition as soon as possible.
The grading for the side track to the elevator is also about finished. The “dump,” for unloading the wheat, is made of the heaviest timbers, and the building is substantially built
throughout. In connection with the elevator is an immense pair of Fairbanks scales, which weigh horses, load, and all at once. The building is being pushed forward as rapidly as possible, and the proprietors expect to be able to handle most of the wheat on the market, in about fifteen days.
Winfield Courier, December 4, 1879.
Agent Garvey and his assistants are overrun with business.
Over fifteen cars of freight were received at Winfield station, Saturday. This makes things very lively for the freight men.
The company have just finished a new tool-house, near the depot. A paying investment, considering the number of unprotected tools in and around that place.
The water tank is at last finished, and is a magnificent one; the water being forced from the river, a distance of over 200 yards, into the tank.
The increased business of the road necessitates the putting down of more side-track, and a force are now employed on that work.
The ticket office has just been furnished with a handsome coupon ticket case, and travelers can now purchase through tickets to any part of the U. S., at the Winfield station.
As a proof of the immense business being done by the A., T. & S. F. Co. at this place, 45 car-loads of freight were sent out last Saturday. Twenty of the cars were loaded with wheat, and twenty-five with hogs. This isn’t such a bad business for a whistling station.
Business in and around the depot Monday was exceedingly lively. Over 100 cars were standing on side-tracks, most of them receiving or discharging freight, while the cries and bustle of the freight men, draymen, and roustabouts helped to make the scene one of general activity.
Track-laying on the extension to Arkansas City has commenced, and Monday afternoon the locomotive crossed the new bridge. The company have a very large force of men at work, and it is their intention to push the road right through to the city. At the present writing the track is laid a mile and a half beyond the bridge, with force enough to lay a mile per day.
The elevator of Messrs. Simpson & Fowler, near the depot, is almost completed. The hopper scales, with a capacity of 400 bushels, and a large patent dustless separator and grader, with a capacity of 600 bushels per hour, are being put in place. The side track has been put in by the railroad company, and everything is ready for operation as soon as the machinery can be placed in position.
Winfield Courier, December 18, 1879.
The officers of Adelphi Lodge, No. 110, A. F. & A. M., for 1880, are
W. M.: James McDermott; S. W.: M. G. Troup; J. W.: E. P. Kinne; Treas.: C. C. Black; Sec.: W. W. Perkins; S. D.: R. C. Story; J. D.: James Simpson; S. S.: S. H. Myton; J. S.: J. C. Roberts; C.: E. T. Trimble; T.: S. E. Berger.
Winfield Courier, January 15, 1880.
Simpson & Fowler have about completed their elevator, and will be running at the rate of a car-load an hour in a short time.
Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.
Tuesday morning Simpson & Fowler started up their elevator, and ran through two car-loads of wheat. They are now ready to handle all the wheat that is brought to them.
Winfield Courier, February 19, 1880.
The following is a list of cases that will stand for trial at the adjourned December, A. D. 1879, term of the district court of Cowley county, beginning on the 4th Monday, February 23, 1880, and have been placed on the trial docket in the following order.
Simpson & Stewart vs. M. E. Church.
Note: There was a big gap in coverage relative to Simpson & Stewart suit against M. E. Church. It makes one wonder if James A. Simpson and Archie Stewart were on the “outs” with the Winfield Courier. Could not find outcome of suit!
Winfield Courier, October 6, 1881.
Simpson, Fowler & Co., proprietors of the elevator, have been doing a big business in wheat the past few weeks. On Saturday the elevator was crowded with teams and wheat men.
Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.
J. L. Horning has purchased the Simpson & Fowler elevator and will go into the wheat market soon. J. L. will make things boom in the grain business.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 30, 1882.
Mr. J. Simpson and family, of Winfield, will shortly make their home in Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 13, 1882.
Messrs. Stewart & Simpson are kept busy all the time building and plastering the new edifices that are looming up all over town.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
Mrs. James Simpson, now of Arkansas City, was visiting friends in this city last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 30, 1883.
Courier Clips.
Mrs. James Simpson, now of Arkansas City, was visiting friends in this city last week.
Mr. Archie Stewart was up from Arkansas City last Thursday. He is running the Stewart Hotel in that city and keeps the “boss hotel.” Besides he is contractor for a large number of buildings all over the county.
Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.
Mr. James Simpson has returned to Winfield and is now occupying his home on Tenth Avenue.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1884.
A Novel Entertainment.
The gentlemen of the Presbyterian congregation will give a “Leap-year Basket social” in lecture room of the church, on Friday evening, April 25th. A good time is anticipated, and all are invited. The following named gentlemen will compose the various committees.
Chief Cook: H. T. Silver.
2nd Cook: G. S. Manser.
Dish-washers: Messrs. S. S. Linn, A. T. Spotswood, and T. J. Harris.
Baskets: Messrs. S. A. Cook and H. Beck.
Door: John Curns.
Checks: Hop Shivers.
Sundries: Dr. Kirkwood and J. Croco.
Waiters: Messrs. George Buckman, J. H. Bullen, and M. G. Troup.
Reception and General oversight: Messrs. A. E. Baird, Jas. Simpson, and T. B. Myers.
Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.
Mr. James Simpson has put a large new house on his quarter block on corner of Menor Street and Tenth Avenue. These grounds, with their beautiful trees, shrubs, and grasses, are among the most attractive in the city.
Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.
Mrs. James Simpson left last week for a lengthy visit with a sister in Harper County, leaving Jimmy to revel in the entertaining pastime of “batching it.”
Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.
James A. Simpson threw in some valuable assistance during Monday’s rally with some fine music on the fife. Nothing so enthuses the Old Soldier Republican as the music of the fife and drum.
Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.
Lost. On Saturday last, a leather watch guard with gold buckle and a key-stone, or masonic symbol, charm. Finder will please return to James Simpson or leave at this office.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 4, 1885.
Jimmie Simpson left us a twig of Amsden June peaches Thursday morning. It was twelve inches long and bore twenty peaches. This will eclipse all other years in fruit production.
[Note: RKW typed up the following notes years ago...MAW 3/5/2001.]
[From Winfield Courier, Friday, December 11, 1906.]
James A. Simpson was one of Winfield’s pioneer contractor-builders, coming here in 1872 and spending the rest of his days in this community. In the nearly three years of struggle and effort at settlement that preceded his coming, the saw and ax had played the principal part in the building of the town. When an enterprising and resolute firm (Read’s Bank) just founding here a banking institution intended to be permanent, prepared to build a structure of brick and stone to house their growing business, it found no competent mechanics of the trowel and hammer class here to do the work.
Thus it was that Mr. Simpson and his partner, “Archie” Stewart, were induced to come here to put up the first building of masonry construction ever erected in Cowley County.
In June of 1873, Stewart and Simpson were awarded the contract and built the first county courthouse.
The July 10, 1874, Winfield Courier, had the small news article, “Stewart and Simpson have now 100,000 good brick for sale at $8.00 per thousand, and will have another lot of 100,000 ready inside of two weeks.”
The subject of this sketch was born in Fermanaugh County, Ireland, in the year 1846. At the age of twenty-one, he came to this county going from New York to Rutland, Vermont. Three years later he came to Carthage, Missouri, where he remained, until he came here. In 1876 he married Miss Esther Fowler of this city, a loving and faithful wife, who survives him.
He was brought up in the Episcopal church, but when he came here there were none of that denomination in Winfield. Accordingly he joined the Presbyterian church, being one of the charter members of the society at this place. His whole life was consistently Christian, his conduct based on the Golden Rule. He was kind and loving in his home, and honest and upright in all his dealings.
The death occurred the night of Monday, November 12, 1906, from stomach and bowel trouble. Everything that kind friends and loving hands could do was done to alleviate his sufferings. The physicians thought an operation might save him and he was taken to St. Mary’s Hospital. But it was too late, the disease had ravaged too far, and gangrene had already set in.
When told that there was no longer any hope and hat he had but a short time to live, he received the tidings with calmness and composure. He was conscious to the last, and said many comforting things to his loved ones, before the end came.
The funeral occurred at ten o’clock the forenoon of Thursday, November 15. His pastor, Rev. S. W. Stophlet, preached a very interesting and consoling sermon from Matt. 11.26; “Even so, Father for so it seemed good in Thy sight.” Several of his favorite hymns were sung: “When My Life Work is Ended,” “How Firm a Foundation,” and the like. After the services at the church, the Masons took charge and he was laid to rest in Union cemetery. The floral offerings were especially fine.
The out of town kinfolk who attended the funeral, were his sister, Mrs. Catherine Robinson, from Iowa; and her daughter, Miss Etta Robinson; and George Fowler, a nephew, from Meade County, Kansas. There are besides his wife and these named, another sister in Iowa, and two brothers and a sister in Ireland, and a niece in Winfield.
Winfield Courier, November 17, 1906.
“Jimmy” Simpson Dead.
James A. Simpson, known to all his friends as “Jimmy,” died Monday night, November 12, at St. Mary’s hospital in the fifty-sixth year of his age. He was sick but a few days, being taken suddenly ill Saturday. Monday his physicians, one of whom had been summoned from Wichita, decided that it was a case of but a few hours till his death, and that an operation might save him. The examination disclosed that he had gangrene of the bowels and all hope was given up.
Mr. Simpson was the pioneer brick mason and building contractor of Winfield coming in 1872 with Archie [John T.] Stewart to build Read’s bank, the first brick building in Cowley County. It is now occupied by N. R. Frantz, and the telephone company. The next year Stewart and Simpson built the courthouse. Jimmy’s last notable effort in Winfield was the laying of the last course on the smoke stack at the light plant.
The Winfield Courier supplemental edition of March 14, 1901, states:
“About (1872) Winfield was in her prime. Messrs. Read and Robinson were arranging for their new bank on Main street, being unable to find brick masons to do their work, they sent a covered wagon overland to Carthage, for Mr. Simpson and his partner, Mr. John T. Stewart. They came, built the bank, and have remained here ever since. Mr. Simpson, being a thorough businessman, has accumulated quite a competency and is considered one of the well to do and honorable men of the city.