Art Smith
Arkansas City.
RKW obtained the following information from Mr. Smith many years ago...
I was born March 23, 1887, in the 100 block on South Third Street. I started schooling in the old Third Ward school building in the first grade under Miss Emily Hyatt. I quit school in the tenth grade after my father died.
I worked for C. C. Scott in the old CCC Drug Store on the corner of the 300 block on south Summit Street now occupied by the Dye Drug Co. I then worked for Ben Curtis in the Curtis Fruit and News Stand, located in the 100 block on south Summit; then for F. O. Thomas Drug Co. in the same block.
I then started to work as file clerk in the office of the Superintendent of the AT&SF railroad, which was located at that time upstairs over the Home National Bank. I then worked as Roadmaster’s clerk for William Eglington.
I resigned to go to College or school at Southwestern College in Winfield, where I studied shorthand and typing during the winter of 1906-07. During the time I went to College in Winfield, I played the piano in Jim McClain’s skating rink on East 9th street to defray expenses. I played afternoon and night and went to college in the morning.
I got my first job with the Frisco Railroad at Enid about May 1907 under Supt. A. J. Sams, and then went to Amarillo, Texas, for a short time as Trainmaster’s clerk for the Santa Fe and returned to Arkansas City in August 1907 on account of the illness of my mother. I took a job here during the same month as Steno in the Superintendent’s office. I handled various jobs since that time such as Claim Clerk, Chief Clerk to the Asst. Supt., George H. Saunders, and assistant Chief Clerk to the Superintendent of the AT&SF, which job I still hold.
I play the piano by ear, and my first job as a pianist was for Mrs. Carl Mac at her Dancing School in the old Fifth Avenue Hotel about 1905. I stopped playing for dances when I married Cecil Hendryx in November 1911, but had to start at it again when our first baby came in December 1915. I played the Orchestrarian in the old Strand Theater operated by Ben Conrad in the 100 block of South Summit Street. After that I had a dance orchestra for about 14 years when I stopped playing for dances. I thought I belonged at home with my family.
In September 1924, after living at 627 North C for twenty years, I traded my residence to Jim Bradley for the east half of lot 5, Eastview Addition, which is about 3 miles south of town. I later bought the other half from William M Gullet.
I have three children: Mrs. J. W. Oliphant; my son, Billy Joe, and daughter, Bonnie Jean.
Above written January 11, 1945, by Art Smith.
Arthur Lee Smith was born March 23, 1887, and died Feb. 16, 1961. He is buried in 8-31-K at Riverview cemetery. Erdman was in charge. His parents were Joseph G. Smith and Ida C. Woods.