Smith Bros.


Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Directory 1880.
SMITH, A. W. (Smith Bros.), dentist, 9th avenue, n. s. back of Post Office; r. J. T. Dempsey.
SMITH BROS., dentists, 9th avenue, rear of Post Office, over Flag Drug Store.
DENTISTS: SMITH BROS., Rear of Post Office, over Flag Drug Store.
Winfield Courier, June 12, 1879.
In another column will be found the card of Messrs. Smith Bros., dentists. These gentlemen came here from Carthage, Missouri, have bought property, and intend to stay.
AD: SMITH BROTHERS, DENTISTS. Have purchased property and permanently located in Winfield, Kansas. Office at present with Dr. Graham.
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.
Mr. A. W. Smith has purchased Geo. Crippen’s house in the east part of town, and has located permanently with us. Mr. Smith is a first-class dentist and comes highly recommended. His office is with Dr. Graham.
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.
G. H. Crippen & wife to S. E. & A. W. Smith, lots 2 and 3, blk 230. $525.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1879.
Dr. A. W. Smith has received a handsome present from a friend in the east. It is an appliance for drilling out cavities in teeth.
Confusing! Dr. Van Doren, dentist, takes over rooms vacated by Dr. Smith two doors west of post office...
Winfield Courier, June 3, 1880.
Dr. Van Doren has removed his dental office to rooms vacated by Dr. Smith, two doors west of the post office.
[Dr. Smith must have left in a hurry! Nothing further was ever said about him.]