Capt. O. C. Smith
Note: Believe this was Capt. O. C. Smith...
Excerpt from letter...
Emporia News, April 22, 1870.
CRESWELL, April 9th, 1870.
EDITORS NEWS: We arrived home on the 2nd and found things as we wanted them. Messrs. Smith, Thompson, Cain, and Gibson came down with us. Mr. Smith drove his stake on the south side of the Arkansas, on a first class claim within two miles of town; the others preferred claims on this side, but not having corn enough for their team, they were compelled to return to Emporia without having time to look them up. They say they like the country and are coming back again. We hope they will. They are just the kind of men we want here.
If the above is correct, O. C. Smith settled on south side of Arkansas River in April 1870. MAW
Now we come to a big mystery...the following shows J. O. Smith delivering the Declaration of Independence and Capt. O. Smith in the category of Marshall of the day. Is this O. C. Smith or a different person or persons??? MAW
Walnut Valley Times, June 10, 1870.
1776. 1870.
Fourth of July Celebration.
A grand Fourth of July Celebration and picnic will be held at Creswell, Cowley County, Kansas. All are invited to attend. The exercises will take place at Max Fawcett’s well known beautiful and romantic grove, where nature unites all of her varied and enticing resources with the artistic skill of the owner in making it a most interesting and pleasurable locality for such an occasion.
Situated as it is on the bank of the Arkansas River, with innumerable shade trees, splendid springs of good cold water sparkling like diamonds in the sunlight as it issues from the picturesque rocks which border the grove on the east and north. We deem it but just to say, that no place in Cowley County affords better facilities for such an occasion. No pains will be spared by those having the matter in charge to make it agreeable and pleasant for all who may come.
1. Singing ... Glee Club.
2. Prayer ... Rev. B. C. Swarts.
3. Singing ... Glee Club.
4. Declaration of Independence ... J. O. Smith.
5. Music ... Creswell String Band.
6. Oration ... C. V. Eskridge.
7. Singing ... Glee Club.
8. Dinner.
9. Music.
10. Amusements of all kinds consisting of boat riding, swinging, ball playing, etc.
The procession will form on Summit street and march to the grove.
CAPT. O. SMITH, Marshall of the day.
We learn in a later article that “carpenter Smith” is also called “Capt. Smith.”
Emporia News, June 24, 1870.
ARKANSAS CITY, June 14th, 1870.
Our carpenters are all busy. Messrs. Channell, Smith, and Thomson, carpenters, have just finished a neat, roomy cabinet shop, and are running a lumber yard in connection with their other business. Channell starts for Emporia tomorrow for the purpose of bringing back his better half.
Now we come to the problem of “Capt. Smith.” Who was he? Did he attend the first fourth of July celebration? The El Dorado paper outlined July 4th program on June 10, 1870.
Emporia News, June 24, 1870.
Capt. Smith, of Gen. Custer’s staff, called on us on Wednesday last, being on his way to the Osage country to get scouts to use on the plains. He says the Indians are quite troublesome on the plains. Gen. Custer received a telegram from Kit Carson the morning Capt. Smith left Fort Hays, saying that about 20 Indians had just been captured who had made a raid on a Texan train, killing six or seven men.
Emporia News, June 24, 1870.
The excursion to Arkansas City (Creswell) will start on Wednesday morning, 29th, instead of Thursday, 30th. Those interested should make preparations accordingly. H. B. N.
Emporia News, July 8, 1870.
Need I premise by telling where and what Arkansas City is? I think not, though three months ago, Arkansas City had neither name nor existence, and none save the Osage Indians had traversed its site. Yet, on the Fourth, it had denizens enough to celebrate, and being patriotic, as all American citizens are, they did celebrate. They did it after this wise. At ten o’clock the citizens and residents of surrounding country were formed in procession in front of the Woolsey House by Capt. Smith, and proceeded to Max. Fawcett’s grove, on the banks of the Arkansas. This grove, beautiful by nature, has been rendered more so by Max’s artistic hand. Arriving there, strolls and chats were indulged in until the dinner hour, when the crowd crystallized around different points of gastronomic interest, and proceeded to discuss, with much interest and apparent satisfaction, the contents of diverse and sundry baskets, buckets, and boxes. To our certain knowledge the Arkansas City people have good things to eat. The city takes pattern of its Godmother, Emporia, and discourages the sale and consumption of intoxicating drinks; but the oldest soaker would have gotten his “red eye” in the presence of the bountiful supplies of pure cold water flowing from Max’s springs.
Dinner dismissed and the crowd settled, a selection of vocal music was finely rendered by a number of ladies and gentlemen. I may say of all the music, both vocal and instrumental, that it was creditable, not only to a town not yet six months old, and standing as an out-post on the borders of civilization, but would have been considered highly meritorious in any place. After prayer by Rev. Swarts, and another piece of music, Prof. Norton, the orator of the day, was introduced, and for about three quarters of an hour, addressed the people in a most interesting manner.
Dismissing the past and matters of more general importance with a few eloquent remarks, he directed attention to things of the present and future of great local importance. He appealed to the people to plant trees, and urged the necessity of it, because of the climatic influence they would exercise; because they would afford homes for birds, the sworn enemies of all noxious insects; in order to supply the demands of the future; and in order that town and country might be made attractive and pleasant. He directed attention to the importance of railroads to their country. Spoke of the wonderful agricultural resources that would be opened up thereby; and of the cheapening of all foreign imports by means of a railroad that must soon be built to tide water, down the Arkansas Valley. He urged upon all the vast importance of the Common School System as an element of permanent future prosperity, and expressed a hope that that place would never exist a starveling college, with its wise looking and pretentious professors, and its conceited students pouring over the foolish fables of a long since dead language, while the living, scientific truths of a living age should go unstudied, but that in the place thereof should be the well regulated public school, full of the life and spirit of the age.
An abstract cannot do justice to the professor’s speech; it was eloquent, applicable, and well received. After the speaking and singing the crowd dispersed, some to their homes, some to the river to sail and fish, and all ready to declare that the first Fourth of July celebration in Arkansas City was a success.
There were well attended celebrations at three points in this county, in which county, one year ago, there were not a half dozen white men’s homes. The change is marvelous, and what is better, the people are happy and contented, and sanguine of the future. Of course, not very much of a crop will be raised this year on the sod freshly turned over, but next year the lower Walnut and Arkansas valleys will laugh with such a harvest as will surprise even Kansas.
Note that Norton arrived on July 2nd. Have no idea who Slocum and Smith were?
Emporia News, July 15, 1870.
Our celebration on the Fourth was a success; weather cool, no mosquitos, large attendance, and much applauded; instructive and entertaining orations, delivered by Prof. Norton, of Arkansas City, and Mr. Cunningham, of Emporia. A number of Emporians were present. The programme was carried out to the letter, and all were “gay and happy.” In the evening a large number repaired to Col. Woolsey’s commodious hotel, where many feet kept time to enchanting music till late in the evening, when supper was announced by Col. Woolsey, and all sat down to one of the best suppers ever gotten up in Southern Kansas. The Colonel is one of our most enterprising and accommodating men.
Prof. Norton (who is the mainspring of Arkansas City’s prosperity) and lady arrived home on the 2nd.
Mrs. Slocum and daughter, Mrs. F. B. Smith, and a number of others came down with them. Mrs. Slocum has a claim near Arkansas City, and intends making it her future home, and judging from what she has already done, we believe that in a few years she will have one of the finest places in Kansas. She went to Emporia in 1858, and immediately commenced planting fruit and forest trees, small fruits, shrubs, and flowers. She now has one of the most beautiful places near Emporia. Very few men have done as much.
Emporia News, September 2, 1870.
Arkansas City, July 31, 1870.
Messrs. Channell and Thompson are still pushing the work they so nobly began, as architects and builders. To the three Thompson brothers, Channell, and Capt. Smith, belongs the credit and honor of building the first several buildings on the town site, and like the first volunteers who went into the army without bounty as an inducement, they should properly be regarded as the veterans of the cause.
Winfield Messenger, July 12, 1872.
Board of County Commissioners met in Co. Clerk’s office in Winfield July 1st, 1872. Present: Frank Cox, O. C. Smith, and J. D. Maurer.
The following bids were allowed. One in favor of A. A. Jackson for expressage on Co. books $25.75, and County Clerk $1.50, one for J. D. Maurer, Co. Commissioners, $17.30; one for O. C. Smith $16.50; one for Frank Cox, $16.70.
Winfield Messenger, Friday, July 19, 1872.
ALBERT YALE & CO., Publishers.
RECAP: Request to voters of Cowley County to vote for bonds for courthouse and jail. Request signed by County Commissioners:
After their statement, more editorials appear requesting votes for bonds for courthouse and jail.
This was followed by another item about “Land Office at Wichita.” Changes made in officers seemed to be welcomed by editor.
Winfield Messenger, July 26, 1872.
The undersigned, your board of County Commissioners, having called an election upon the proposition of voting bonds to be expended in constructing a Court House and Jail, feel constrained to state in this way the reasons for our action.
During the last twelve months, ending July 1st, the expense of caring for prisoners and providing suitable rooms for county offices in this county has created an indebtedness of about $1,000.
To this expense must be added the consideration that there is no security in the care of criminals nor safety to the county books and records. These books, records, plats, office furniture, etc., have cost the county over $4,000, and in case of loss by theft or fire, it would cost the citizens individually and taxpayers collectively many thousand dollars for new books and new records—many of which could never be replaced at any cost or trouble.
With $15,000 in the hands of this county, we will erect a three story stone building at least 45 feet square, the lower or basement story of which shall be used for a jail. The second story shall be partitioned into rooms for the county officers and shall be furnished with fire proof vaults for the safe keeping of the records. The third story shall be completed for a courtroom. This building will be located on a block of land isolated from other buildings and owned by the county, which land will be donated to the county.
The tax to be levied for interest on account of the issue of $15,000 in bonds amounts to but a trifle more for the first year than the extra expense of caring for prisoners and paying rent during the year past; and in the future the expense of caring for prisoners under the present system will be more expensive than in the past.
The taxable property of the county this year is about $1,250,000; and as Winfield Township will be said to be more directly interested in the construction of this building than other townships, we will say that the tax roll for 1872 shows that Winfield Township contains one fourth of the taxable property of the whole county while it contains only about one eighteenth of the territory in the county.
No tax will be collected to redeem a bond or pay interest upon the amount issued until January, 1874, at which time $2,500 will be due, when we may reasonably expect that the taxable property of this county will amount to $2,250,000 or double its present value; in which case the Courthouse and jail tax will be one tenth of one percent, or one dollar on every $1,000 worth of property in the county. Each year after 1874, the levy of tax for this purpose will be less than the previous year, and the amount of property will be greater; hence after the first year the tax will be less than one tenth of one percent.
FRANK COX, Richland Township.
O. C. SMITH, Bolton Township.
J. D. MAURER, Dexter Township.
Winfield Messenger, July 26, 1872. Editorial.
The better our acquaintance becomes with the people of Cowley County, the better satisfied are we that our lot is cast with them, and the prouder we are of their intelligence and morality. Our county is certainly people thus far by an unusually good class of citizens whose enterprise is of the right kind.
We are led to these observations by the very general expressions we have heard from nearly all parts of the county during this our court term, in reference to the election to vote for or against bonds for county buildings. These expressions in substance are reasonings like these.
This county is fast becoming a wealthy county.
We need good county buildings.
If in the present unsafe condition of our county records, they should get burnt up, it would cost the county a very large sum to get them replenished and restored, besides, we must individually pay an attorney $15, or $25 each, to get our land titles properly restored.
The county is now paying rent for every county office in the county.
The county is paying rent for a courtroom.
The county is paying the sheriff $3 per day for keeping prisoners, under a guard, when with a jail, the officer could claim but 60 cents per day. And to keep the prisoners safe, they have to be sent to Emporia, at a still greater expense.
We are satisfied from the official figures taken from the county records by the Commissioners, that we are now paying more than we would be, by building the county buildings and paying the bonds.
Some say build a jail now, and nothing more, we can afford that. But that still leaves the expense of rents to be paid besides the inconvenience to the county officers and the unsafe condition of the records.
And then what difference is it, as long as we will have to pay no more taxes by paying these bonds than we will have to pay without the buildings.
Would it be good sense, to go on year after year, paying out money and getting nothing back, when by paying the same, or a less amount, we can become the owners of a good safe building?
From such good sense talked up by people in different parts of the county, we are convinced that the bonds will be voted by a large majority.
Winfield Messenger, August 16, 1872.
We, the undersigned, believing W. W. Walton to be in every way well qualified to fill the Office of Clerk of the District Court, would present his name from the County at large, before the Republican County Convention to be held in Winfield on the 29th inst., subject to their decision.
C. R. Mitchell, Creswell Tp., John M. McLay, O. C. Smith, Alfred Pruden, Bolton Tp., B. H. Johnson, Beaver Tp., P. M. Wait, Wm. Bonnewell, Vernon Tp.; C. Dewith Spaulding, Moses Herod, Tisdale Tp.; Needham Rogers, Adam Walck, Rock Tp.; Manley Hemenway, Windsor Tp.; Robert Turney, Cedar Tp.; Geo. Melville, Pleasant Valley Tp.; B. Darnall, Silverdale Township. August 20th, 1872.
Winfield Messenger, August 16, 1872.
Commissioners Proceedings.
Winfield, Kansas, August 16th, 1872.
Board of County Commissioners met in County Clerk’s office, pursuant to adjournment. Present: Frank Cox, O. C. Smith, and J. D. Maurer. Petition of Charles Parker for County Road was presented and granted with the following viewers: Daniel Hunt, W. Thompson, and John Nichols. Time of survey August 26th, 1872. New viewers were appointed on the old petition of Topliff, consisting of John Linton, Isaac Shedder, and H. O. Ward; Time of survey August 27th, 1872, and also on the old petition of Tipton, of O. Howard, Frank Speer, and R. A. Thompson; time of survey Aug. 28th, 1872.
Petition of W. A. Wood for road was laid over for want of affidavit of publication.
New viewers were appointed on the old petition of A. S. Williams, consisting of G. W. Foughty, W. W. Limbocker, and Samuel Clingman; time of Survey Aug. 31st, 1872.
It was ordered by the Board that all petitions for section line roads be laid over for one meeting of the Board and that the representation be published in the proceedings of the Board and the Board further ordered that the uniform width of section line roads be made fifty feet.
Petitions of W. A. Freeman, J. D. Main, A. Sanford, W. A. Van Ormer, for section line roads were laid over for the action of the Board at their next meeting.
Petition of Hayworth for road was laid over for want of affidavit of publication.
Adjourned until 1 P.M.
Met as adjourned. Proceeded to take up the canvass of the votes on the Jail and Courthouse bonds and upon discussion the Board declared the vote not in accordance with the amendment law of 1872, and therefore decided not to canvass the vote.
Road petition of John Mentch was granted with the following viewers: A. S. Williams, W. W. Andrews, and T. B. Goss; survey Sept. 2, 1872.
Road petition of T. W. Aleny was laid over for want of affidavit of publication and want of form.
Report of viewers on the Road of S. C. Smith was accepted and adopted and road ordered opened as reports by a majority of the viewers.
John Harmon and C. R. Hyatt, for Ferry License, was granted to be free and the following rates of Ferryage fixed: 75 cents for four horse wagon, 50 cents 2 horse wagon, 25 cents 1 horse wagon, 15 cents for horsemen, 10 cents for footman, 10 cents each for loose stock.
Petition of J. V. Wagoner and others, for a new Township, was granted, with the following bounds, commencing at the N. E. corner of Tp. 34, Range 6 E., then west to the Range line between Range 5 and 6, then South to the State line, then E. to range line between Range 6 and 7, then N. to place of beginning. Name of Township, Spring Creek. Voting Precinct established at the house of Wm. Howes, on section 28 of said Township. Election ordered the 5th day of Nov. 1872, at the general Election.
Petition of W. B. Norman and others for new Township was granted. Township to include all of Township thirty, of Range three. Name of Township, “Maple.” Precinct established at the store of S. H. Rush. Election ordered Nov. 5th, 1872.
It was ordered by the Board that Sections 33-32-31-30-29 and 28 of Township 33 of Range 6 E. be detached from Tisdale Township and attached to Dexter Township.
The following bills were allowed.
One of S. C. Smith, J. P. cost.
One of James Parker, Sheriff, $96.00
One of James Parker, Sheriff, $465.15
One of James Parker, Sheriff, $4.00
One of James Parker, Sheriff, $20.00
One in favor of E. P. Hickok, District Clerk, $32.30
One in favor of Jackson and Myers for Co. Desk, $40.50
One in favor of Printing, $27.00
One in favor of J. H. Saunders, Coffin for Pauper, $20.00
One in favor of Byron, Co. Books, $30.00
One in favor of E. Parker, Guarding prisoners, $12.00
One in favor of E. P. Hickok, District Clerk, $4.85
One in favor of W. E. Tansy, as Deputy Sheriff, $23.00
One in favor of Fisher & Co. for Boarding jurors, $18.00
One in favor of S. M. Morgan, Boarding prisoners, $82.00
One in favor of C. M. Bradish, Boarding prisoners, $32.00
One in favor of Myers and Johnson, Co. Desk, $35.00
The following bills were allowed in State cases.
State vs. Forsyth, $50.25
State vs. Tolls, $4.40
State vs. McNett, $6.20
State vs. Nance, $9.75
State vs. Newcomb, $169.75
State vs. Brown, $42.90
State vs. Hernaman, $29.90
State vs. Doss, $5.90
State vs. Marion, $18.25
State vs. Doss, J. P. Court, W. M. Boyer, J. P., $8.35
State vs. McNett, J. P. Court, $7.95
State vs. McNett, J. P. Court, $22.20
The following bills were allowed for jurors.
One in favor of John Temple, $15.00
One in favor of C. M. Griswold, $7.20
One in favor of G. W. Robinson, $4.00
One in favor of J. D. Cochran, $4.00
T. W. Mills $8.00; Wm. Voris $7.00; G. C. Swasey $9.10, W. B. Moss, $8.00; Geo. Brown $6.80; David Freeman $6.40; Thomas Brookershen $7.80; L. B. Goodrich $4.60; John Darrah $5.60; John Irwin $2.00; G. Locker $5.80; A. J. Revis $5.20; C. W. James $4.00; N. P. Rider $6.40; S. Sayer $6.00; J. M. C. Wilson $17.40; J. Foster $7.40; W. R. Davis $2.00; H. N. Rodgers $4.00; R. Woolsey $2.00; Churchill $14.40; John Hammond $3.60; Samuel Jay $2.00; D. A. Caulfield $4.50; T. Sourbeer $5.00; W. Frier $5.00; H. P. Arks $2.00; C. M. Wood $4.00; A. B. Crouch $2.00; W. S. Gilman $2.00; W. K. Wadkins $17.80; E. L. Palmer $6.00; G. H. Sarver $11.30; Marion Fitzsimons $15.60; John Chitwood $5.60; F. D. Davis $7.40; D. C. Onstatt $4.00; W. Weeks $13.90; J. R. Richards $2.00; W. A. Alaway $4.00; J. H. Rudolph $12.00; J. S. Baker $10.00; J. S. Hubbard $4.00; L. D. Kearns $12.00; J. R. Peterson $4.00; Thomas Hanahan $9.00; J. M. Easterly $9.00; G. W. Webb $14.00; J. H. Land $2.30; J. B. Hutchinson $2.00; H. S. Gardner $8.80; W. W. Smith $9.00; E. P. Banner $2.00; R. Fayett $4.00; H. L. Barker $5.60; Sol. Barker $5.20; G. C. Compton $9.00; Salem Furgeson $3.00; J. H. Lamb $5.80; A. H. Berch $9.00; S. C. Cunningham $3.60; John Worthington $7.20; Sumner Butler $5.60. W. B. Norman $5.60; J. Perkins $2.00; M. A. Kinsley $5.25; N. Terry $4.00; W. A. Wood $4.00; Jacob Bogner $4.40; U. Lamb $3.60; Thomas Blanchard $3.00; J. T. Molder $5.20; D. A. Byers $14.40; R. Rutherford $2.00; T. J. Raglin $4.40; W. Rogers $4.00; J. T. Mefford $4.00; Robert Kenworthy $4.00; B. H. Bodwell $6.40; Charles A. Seward $2.00; V. M. Ratts $5.20; D. Winn $5.60; James Bethel $4.00; C. M. Whipple $7.60; S. C. Beyer $4.00.
The bill of all the judges and clerks of the Election held on the 10th of this month was allowed. It was ordered by the Board that they will receive at their next meeting several proposals for the boarding of prisoners for the county.
Bills were allowed in favor of O. C. Smith as County Commissioner $6.00, J. D. Maurer $6.40, and Frank Cox $6.00.
Board adjourned until September 2nd, 1872. FRANK COX, Chairman.
Attest, A. A. JACKSON, Clerk.
Winfield Courier, Saturday, January 18, 1873.
Board of County Commissioners: Frank Cox, Chairman; O. C. Smith, J. D. Maurer.
MARCH 9TH, 1873.
Board met in county clerk’s office. Present: Frank Cox, O. C. Smith, and J. D. Maurer.
Board proceeded to canvass the vote on the bond election held March 1st, which resulted in the defeat of the Railroad proposition by 157 votes, and the County Building proposition by 531 votes. Poll books of Pattens, Omnia, and Spring Creek precincts were thrown out on account of informality.
On account of error in the assessment rolls, the tax of D. Smith of Cedar Township was remitted. C. Mayse made affidavit that he was not a resident of the State on March 1st, 1872, and on the same his tax was remitted. On affidavit of C. G. Handy, trustee, Sam’l Williston was allowed his constable exemption of $2.00. Petition of J. H. Finch and 50 others, asking for a new township to be taken off from Tisdale and Omnia Townships, described as follows: Commencing at the N. E. corner of Sec 1, town 31, R 63; thence W on town line to N W corner of Sec 6, town 31, R 63; thence south on town line to 8S W corner of Sec 31, town 31, R 63; thence E on township line to S E corner of Sec 36, town 31, R 63; thence N to place of beginning. Petition granted and township set off, to be known as Silver Creek Township. Voting precinct established at Stephen Drapers’ house on Silver Creek, and election for township officers to be held at the general election on April 1st, 1873.
On petition Sec’s 6 and 7, town 31, R 7 E, were ordered off from Omnia and attached to Windsor Township.
Petition of T. Angell and others for a new township was rejected.
Reports of viewers on the following county roads were received and adopted and ordered to be opened: S. M. Fall, county road 50 ft. wide. B. H. Clover, county road 50 ft. wide. Geo. Keffer, county road 50 ft. wide. J. A. Himelspaugh, county road 50 ft. wide.
The following section line roads were ordered opened as per former petitions: One of T. H. Hart 50 ft. wide. J. C. Topliff, 50 ft. wide.
Petition of E. S. Field for county road granted, with W. Titsworth, Jas. Lee and John Dudley as viewers, to meet for survey March 22nd, 1873.
Petition of J. D. Holmes granted, with W. H. Grow, Isaac Tousley, and Jacob Allen as viewers, to meet for survey March 25th, 1873.
Petition of J. G. Titus granted, with Joen Flarity, Hamilton Herbert, and John Tipton as viewers, to meet for survey March 28, 1873.
Petition of Frank Gallotti granted, with B. A. Thompson, J. C. Topliff, and O. C. Smith as viewers, to meet for survey March 31st, 1873.
Viewers on the Andrew Dawson county road, were ordered to meet and locate the same on March 24th. County road of J. V. Wagner was laid over for want of publication and bond. The following described section line roads were laid over under the rule until next meeting.
Section line road of E. P. Kinne, commencing at the N W corner of Sec. 6, town 35 R 3 E; thence E to N E corner of the N E quar. of Sec 2, town 35, R 3 E, to be 60 ft. wide. Sec line road of S. B. Hunt, commencing at N E corner of Sec 1, town 31, R 5 E; thence S to S E corner Sec 24, town 31, R 5 E, to intersect road running from Winfield to Lazette, to be 50 ft wide. Sec line road of A. J. Walk, commencing at S W corner of Sec 18; thence E on Sec line to S E corner of 18, all in town 30, R 3 E, to be 50 ft wide. Sec line road of D. M. Hopkins, commencing at the W line of Cowley County at the S W corner of Sec 6, town 32, R 3 E; thence E on Sec line to Blanchard’s crossing on the Walnut River; thence E to the State road running from Winfield to Augusta.
Petition of citizens of Nenescah, that all Sec lines in the township be declared open as roads. Petition laid over, the Board requiring proof that said lines were not enclosed.
Petition signed by 200 voters asking that the Herd Law be repealed, and also one signed by 998 voters asking that it be kept in force. The opinion of the Board with the advice of the county attorney is, “That as a board we have no authority to revoke the present herd law, without additional legislation,” and so order.
The following orders were also made.
That the Probate Judge and the County Recorder have their desks repaired. That T. A. Wilkinson procure a county map for his office. That the license money in the county treasury for Winfield Township be paid to the township treasurer. That hereafter no more than $10.00 will be allowed for a pauper’s coffin. That the county recorder be assigned to an office in the building with the treasurer, and that the clerk of the district court remove his office to the courtroom. The Arkansas City Traveler will publish the delinquent tax list, and the county treasurer is instructed to cancel $1,000 in county warrants, as per his request.
Action on bills against the county as follows:
Bill of R. S. Waddell & Co., for county printing.
Claimed: Amount not given.
Allowed: $63.65
Bill of Allison & Hane for county printing.
Claimed: $36.40
Allowed: $30.60
Bill of C. M. Scott for county printing.
Claimed: $127.66
Allowed: $ 59.68
L. M. McLaughlin, for coffin furnished pauper in Pleasant Valley Township: Claimed: $12.00. Allowed: $10.00
John Pruitt, board and care of pauper in P. V. Twp: $20.00
A. A. Jackson, service as Co. Clk.: $141.50
J. P. Short, wood fur. pauper W Tp.: $3.00
J. P. Short, supplies: $43.00
A. D. Keith, med. license Cres. tp.: $4.25
Lyon Co. for Cowley Co. pris.: $262.00
Crane & Byron, stationery for Co.: $58.80
T. A. Wilkinson, for Co. map. Claimed: $12.00. Allowed: $10.00
W. E. Dowd, deputy sheriff fees.
Claimed: $25.00. Allowed: $19.00
Claimed: $3.60. Allowed: $ 2.00
T. A. Wilkinson, stat. & let. heads: $8.00
S. Klingman, saw. Co. wood: $19.87
Jas. Parker, sheriff, fees: $21.20
J. B. Nipp and others, road view: $18.50
D. A. Boyers and others, road view: $18.50
J. H. Smith and others, road view: $16.50
E. M. Freeman and others, road view: $16.50
J. P. Short, rent Co. Att’y & Sur offi.: $25.00
Joe Foos, ser. as wit., grand jury: $2.30
J. W. Johnston, repair co. off. desk: $14.40
O. C. Smith, Frank Cox, J. D. Maurer, for ser. as com. & mileage: $30.50
All of the bills of the Judges and Clerks at the last election were allowed and orders drawn.
Bills laid over and rejected as follows:
Bill of John Pruitt, laid over, not itemized.
Bill of Newman, H & Sherburne, not itemized.
Lyon County, laid over, not sworn to.
M. L. Wells, judge elec., not itemized.
J. R. Harmse, elec., Co. not liable. FRANK COX, Chairman.
Attest. A. A. JACKSON, Clerk.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 5, 1873.
The County Commissioners met in the County Clerks’ Office. Present: Frank Cox, O. C. Smith, and J. D. Maurer.
Proceeded to select a location for the Courthouse. After due consideration of the different propositions submitted, it was decided to locate the building on South one-half of Section 169, the Winfield Town Association deeding the same to the County.
Proceeded to open the bids for building the Courthouse. Nine separate bids were received, ranging from $6,550 to $8,000. The Contract was awarded to the lowest bidders, Messrs. Bailey & Sloan, of Rock Township, and they were given till Tuesday to produce their bondsmen to qualify in double the amount of the bid.
Ordered that the Treasurer cancel $2,000 in Co. Warrants.
Ordered that the money in the Co. Treasury belonging to Windsor Township on account of license be drawn on order.
A. H. Green appeared and asked to be released from W. M. Boyers’ official bond as the Justice of the Peace granted. . . .
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 17, 1873.
Board met in Co. Clerk’s office July 7th, 1873.
Present: Frank Cox, J. D. Maurer, and O. C. Smith.
Dr. Headrick appeared to have his assessment taken off the rolls, as his land was not properly entered until after the first of March 1872. Upon his statement the board refused to act.
Changes were made to property of Phoeby Smith of Omnia Township.
J. M. Alexander appeared and protested against receiving the assessment rolls of Winfield Township from T. B. Myers as he had not returned his rolls as required by law, and also that he was a non-resident. In the above matter the Board received the assessment rolls of T. B. Myers and await for the Attorney General’s opinion touching said case. . . .
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 9, 1873.
Board of County Commissioners met at the County Clerk’s office Oct. 6th, 1873. Present: Frank Cox, J. D. Maurer, and O. C. Smith.
E. B. Kager appeared and asked that he be allowed a statement that he had settled with the County Board for the year 1873, and on motion of O. C. Smith it was ordered that E. B. Kager be furnished with a statement that he had settled.
Petition of Menor for County Road was granted, with J. H. Land, A. J. Thompson, and W. D. Roberts as viewers. Survey ordered on the 16th of Oct., 1873, to meet at the county Clerk’s office.
Petition of W. Street for county road was laid over for want of affidavit of publication and posting notices according to law.
Petition of Thos. Randall for state line road was laid over under the rule, commencing at the S. W. corner of sec 30 tp. 32 r 3 and N W cor of sec 31 tp. 32 r 4 east.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 13, 1873.
County Commissioners’ Proceedings.
The Board of County Commissioners of Cowley County met in the County Clerk’s office November 7th, 1873. Present: Frank Cox and O. C. Smith.
Proceeded to canvass the votes of the election held Nov. 4th, 1873, which resulted in the election of the following officers who were declared duly elected.
For representative of 75th district: William Martin.
For County Clerk: M. G. Troup.
For County Treasurer: E. B. Kager.
For Register of Deeds: N. C. McCulloch.
For Sheriff: R. L. Walker.
For Coroner: Sam Moore.
For County Surveyor: W. W. Walton.
For Commissioner, first district, John Manly.
For Commissioner, second district. M. S. Roseberry.
For Commissioner, third district, R. F. Burden.
Petition of A. A. Mills for county road was granted with E. H. Boyer, James Utt, and G. W. Gordenhein appointed as viewers. Survey ordered Dec. 1st, 1873.
Time was extended on William Steel’s road to Nov. 26th, 1873.
Ordered that the contract with L. J. Webb for County printing, be declared void.
Ordered that the County printing be awarded to C. M. Scott, of the Arkansas City Traveler, and James Kelly of the Winfield COURIER as per agreement on file in the County Clerk’s office.
Bill of E. P. Hickok, rejected.
Bill of A. A. Jackson, County Clerk’s fee, allowed $218.20.
Bill of J. P. Short et al, road viewers, allowed $14.50.
Bill of A. H. Green, office rent, allowed $40.
Bill of W. W. Walton, surveyor, $4.00.
Bill of Judges and Clerks of election Nov. 4th, 1873, allowed $286.80.
Bill of Frank Cox County Commissioner allowed $12.40.
Bill of O. C. Smith County Commissioner allowed $8.00.
Board adjourned. FRANK COX, Chairman.
A. A. Jackson, Clerk.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 20, 1873.
“Another Swindle.”
The circumstances are just these: A short time ago, our readers will remember the Telegram was made by Mr. L. J. Webb the County printer, the official County Paper. Not liking the Telegram they laid their heads together to concoct some plan whereby they could vent their spite against the Telegram, and thereby deprive it of the County Printing. They agreed to annul the contract with Mr. Webb, but then came a little hitch between Cox and Smith. Cox wanted to award the printing to the “COURIER” and Smith wanted his pet, the “Traveler,” to get the benefit of the change.
The other Commissioner being absent, neither could carry his point without the assistance of the other, and consequently after a considerable amount of snapping and snarling over the bone, they agreed that both should have his way. As the sequel to this, an agreement was entered into with Kelly whereby he is to receive ALL THE COUNTY PRINTING for which he is to receive the fees allowed by law, and in addition to this five cents per line for all Commissioners’ Proceedings. Another contract with Scott of the “Traveler,” was also entered into whereby he is to be furnished ALL THE COUNTY PRINTING for which he is to receive the same fees allowed Kelly for the same services. This makes each the “official paper,” when the law provides for but one—and by this they pay two dollars where the law allows but one.
Now the contract between the county and Mr. Webb, was that ALL such work should be done FREE OF CHARGE. So you see by this contract being annulled and the Commissioners satisfying their feelings of spite, the county now pays two dollars for the same work which they were formerly having done free of charge.
Thus the people of the county are put to over $1,500.00 extra expense per year just because Manning and the Commissioners do not like the Telegram. This is economy with a vengeance. Out upon such economy and the men who so defraud the people. The jail is too good a place for such men—and indeed we think that hanging is nearly too good.
It makes not a cent’s difference to us. We were receiving no money for the services we were rendering the County, and consequently can lose no more in the change than any other taxpayer in the county, but we do despise to see any set of men so devilish mean as to gratify their hates at the expense of the people. As the editor of a peoples’ paper, we feel that it is our duty to show up all such frauds, and to not be “mealy mouthed” in our criticisms of such officials.
These same officials we had occasion to show up several times last winter, and since they have been pretty careful not to dive too deep into the trickery. But now that the election is over and their term of office has nearly run out, they make one grand grab so as to gain all for themselves and friends that it is possible to wrench from the people.
And then to enter into these contracts while already under one with Mr. Webb, whereby he can make them pay to him all moneys likely to come to him under such contract. This shows business tact, does it not? It certainly takes two to make a contract and just as certainly one party cannot of his own free will annul such contract—and so long as Mr. Webb holds himself in readiness to fulfill his part, just so long can he hold the county for the fees justly due him. If he had broken his contract, they had his bondsmen to go back on. But did they do this? Not much! His bondsmen were Kelly, Manning, and Johnson, and if they sued on the contract, these worthies would stand the loss. By their own action they clearly recognized the fact that Mr. Webb had in every way come up to his contract. Yet they make a show of annulling it, as if he had no right in the matter at all. This arbitrary way of doing things might have been appropriate for the dark ages, but is not to be borne by the people of this age, and these men should be made to pay the amount of extra expense, to which they have put the County. Telegram.
The foregoing tirade from the little boy is piteous. If the Telegram did not lie, it would be out of original matter for its readers. The first lie [We think it best to call things by their right names.] in the above, is the statement that the Commissioners have by their action squandered $1,500.00 of the county money. The contract for publishing the proceedings of the board of Commissioners in both papers at five cents per line amounts to only regular rates for such advertisements in one paper, to-wit: Ten cents per line. The COURIER and the Traveler reach about every intelligent family in the county, and the County Board is desirous that the largest circulation shall be given to its proceedings, and did wisely by directing that the proceedings be published in both papers. And the publication of said proceedings will not amount to one fifth the amount stated by the Telegram. Just so many and no more blanks will be printed and used, and it will make no difference, so far as expense is concerned, whether the Traveler or COURIER does the work. This work will cost the same it always has, so that there is no additional expense here. The balance of the county printing does not amount to enough to speak of.
The second lie in the above article is the statement that Mr. Webb had made the Telegram the official paper of the county. Mr. Webb never had the authority to do this, and if he attempted to, he failed. If the county printing had been given to all three of the papers so as to include the Telegram, there would have been no howl.
Another lie is that “all the county printing is awarded to the Traveler and COURIER.” For the most expensive and extensive of the county printing is the blank work, and of course only so many blanks will be printed in any event no matter where done.
Another lie is the statement that this action of the Board causes “the county to pay two dollars where the law only allows one.” There are no legal rates for Commissioners’ proceedings, and the two papers charge just half regular rates and thereby put the reports of county business into twice as many readers’ hands as they would be if published in only one of them, and into four times as many hands as they would be if published in the Telegram. In fact, the Commissioners consider it a more acceptable policy to the people to pay regular rates for publishing the county business in papers having a large circulation and some character than it would be to have it published free in a paper without either circulation or character.
Mr. Webb did violate his agreement with the Board of County Commissioners. The assertion that the violation of the contract by Webb made his bondsmen responsible is rather hard on Webb, who is thereby admitted to be irresponsible individually. The Telegram had rendered the county no service, and of course was “receiving no money” for the said service.
The Commissioners have done in this matter what they considered for the best interest of the whole county. The falsehoods and howls of the Telegram have not deterred them in the past from exercising their own judgment in such matters.
The Telegram would have the people believe that the County Board were bad men, but as one single evidence of their integrity and official ability, we call attention to the beautiful Courthouse erected by them at less expense than any similar building in the state.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 20, 1873.
County Printing.
At the last meeting of the Commissioners, the award for the county printing was again let. For sometime past the county has had no official paper, and the proceedings of the Board, which the law requires to be published, was left undone. Knowing this to be the fact, we repaired to Winfield and put in the claims of the Traveler for the printing, as it has double the circulation of either of the other two, and is largely taken in parts of the county where the others are not.
Mr. Kelly then made his claims that the printing should be done at the county seat, and that the COURIER had a circulation where the Traveler had not, and in order to benefit the greater number of people, it was decided to award it to both, and divide the job work. This, we believe, will give greater satisfaction to all than any previous award, except to the Telegram, who will, more than likely, howl as usual, because he was not there to see that his claims were made known, and again the Traveler is the official paper of Cowley County. Traveler.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1873.
We cannot close this imperfect sketch without saying a word for our county Board, Frank Cox, O. C. Smith, and John D. Maurer. They early saw that the building of good substantial buildings would be a saving to the county every year. The history of our neighboring county, Howard, is just now a case in point. Election after election has been held, the county seat moved, to use a homely phrase, “from pillar to post.” Thousands of dollars annually squandered in vain attempts to settle it. They, in common, with all right thinking men, saw that in a short time the history of Cowley would furnish but a parallel to the history of Howard, and that so long as the county had no buildings of her own, the county seat was simply a bone of contention, to be pulled hither and thither at the whim or caprice of any who might take it into their heads to move it.
The Board of County Commissioners of Cowley County have built a better courthouse, for less money, than can be found in any other county in the state. No stealing, no jobbing, no trickery, of any kind whatever, but honesty, faithfulness, a desire to do the very best for the public have marked the history of the enterprise in an uncommon degree. The Board of County Commissioners deserve the thanks of every taxpayer in Cowley County.
Winfield Courier, Friday, December 19, 1873.
Board of County Commissioners met in Clerk’s office, December 9, 1873. All present. After a thorough inspection of the work, the Courthouse was accepted from the contractors, and the bondsmen discharged.
The following bills were audited and allowed.
O. C. Smith, gopher scalps: $2.40
O. C. Smith, Commissioner: $12.00
J. D. Maurer, Commissioner: $12.40
Frank Cox, Com. and Supt. Courthouse: $49.40 A. A. JACKSON, Clerk.
Per J. P. SHORT, Deputy.
Winfield Courier, January 9, 1874.
The Board of County Commissioners of Cowley County, Frank Cox, John D. Maurer, and O. C. Smith, completed their labor, as a Board, last Monday. We have not the time or space to review their actions for the last two years, except to say that, although we have differed with them on some things, yet on the whole we believe that their every action will bear the closest scrutiny of the veriest fault finder. No one will doubt their honesty except he who never drew an honest breath or had an honest emotion. Their ability will compare favorably with the average, and we doubt if other men could have been selected in the county who would or could have done better.
The completion of the Courthouse, securing a splendid jail to the county without the expenditure of one dollar, the successful defense of two vexatious lawsuits, at but little cost to the county, all attest the honesty and faithfulness of the late Board of County Commissioners of this county, and just so sure as time rolls the time will come when the people of this county will be free to acknowledge that the old Board has been foully and maliciously misrepresented.
The new Board enter upon their duties next Monday, under the most favorable auspices. Everything in working order. The affairs of the county shipshape and little to do but hold her “so steadily” for the next two years. We shall deal fairly by them as we have with their predecessors, and we hope that the new Board may prove themselves as able, honest, and efficient as the old.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1874.
The Board of County commissioners met in Clerk’s office. All present.
O. C. Smith, gopher scalps; Co. Commissioner: $16.20
T. A. Cowles, gopher scalps: $.80
Jas. Parker, Sheriff: $10.60
J. D. Maurer, Co. Commissioner: $12.40
Frank Cox, Co. Commissioner: $18.40
Winfield Courier, June 12, 1874.
O. C. Smith, late county commissioner of Cowley County, is now a boat captain on Lake Erie.
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1874. [Editorial by James Kelly.]
Nor can one word of reproach be truthfully said against any of the county officers elected by the Republican party two years ago, save it be some acts of the county board.
Now we declare that neither the Republican party nor any of its active members were responsible for the actions of the board which were subject to criticism. The county board was composed of two men, Messrs. Cox and Maurer, who were elected by the Republican party, and Mr. Smith, the other, was elected on the liberal ticket. There are but one or two acts of that board that can by any stretch of the imagination be subjected to justifiable censure. One is the erection of the courthouse, without authority from the people, another was extravagance in purchasing books and blanks for the county officers.
For the first act, Col. J. M. Alexander and the P. O. ring are responsible. They are the parties who more than anyone persuaded Mr. Cox to make the contract with the city of Winfield to build a courthouse and jail.
Mr. Maurer, one of the Republican commissioners of the county, never consented to the movement. This action of the board was taken, too, in the face of a protest against it, signed by several prominent Republicans of Cowley County, E. C. Manning among the number.
The Telegram at the time endorsed the action of the board, and ridiculed the protest. This action of the P. O. ring cost the county $12,500.
T. A. BLANCHARD Nov. 8, 1870. Jan. 8, 1872.
G. H. NORTON Nov. 8, 1870. Jan. 8, 1872.
E. SIMPSON Nov. 8, 1870. Jan. 8, 1872.
FRANK COX Nov. 7, 1871. Jan. 11, 1874.
O. C. SMITH Nov. 7, 1871. Jan. 11, 1874.
J. D. MAURER Nov. 7, 1871. Jan. 11, 1874.
R. F. BURDEN Nov. 4, 1873. Jan. 10, 1876.
M. S. ROSEBERRY Nov. 4, 1873. Jan. 10, 1876.
JOHN MANLEY Nov. 4, 1873. Jan. 10, 1876.
R. F. BURDEN Nov. 2, 1875.
WM. WHITE Nov. 2, 1875.
W. M. SLEETH Nov. 2, 1875.
About one year after the organization of Adelphi, a dispensation was granted to the craft at Arkansas City, and in due time they received a charter under the name of Crescent Lodge, No. 133, with O. C. Smith, W. M.; E. B. Kager, S. W. Dexter Lodge is spoken of elsewhere.
Cowley County Democrat, Winfield, Kansas, Thursday, July 13, 1876.
County commissioners have been T. A. Blanchard, G. H. Norton, and E. Simpson, Frank Cox, O. C. Smith, and J. D. Maurer; R. F. Burden, M. S. Roseberry, and John Manly, and the present incumbents, R. F. Burden, Wm. White, and W. M. Sleeth.
Cowley County Democrat, Winfield, Kansas, Thursday, July 13, 1876.
Some time during the fall of 1871, a dispensation was granted the Masons at Arkansas City and a lodge organized. In due time they received a charter under the name of Crescent Lodge, No. 133, with O. C. Smith as W. M.; and E. B. Kager, S. W. The Crescent now has over thirty members, and is prospering.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 25, 1877.
CAPT. O. C. SMITH, who left this place about three years ago to accept a position on a Lake Erie boat, returned last week. The Captain is an old-time resident of Cowley County.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 20, 1877.
A Basket Picnic will be held in Captain Smith’s Grove, west of the Arkansas, on the Fourth of July. A cordial invitation is extended to all. The following committees have been appointed.
COMMITTEE ON VOCAL MUSIC: Estella Burnett, A. Lorry.
BAND: L. Herrick.
GROUNDS: C. J. Beck, S. Pepper, W. Linton, O. C. Smith, J. D. Guthrie, H. J. Donnelly.
AMUSEMENTS: Lyman Herrick, Henry Endicott Jr.
MARSHALS: J. K. Stevens, John Lewis.
Calithumpians will appear just before dinner, etc.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 20, 1877.
On the fourth of July the citizens of Bolton will have a celebration at Captain Smith’s grove and spring about a mile south of the bridge. Judge Christian is to deliver the oration. Amos Walton and other speakers are invited to address the crowd. A good time generally is expected. All are cordially invited to attend, and join in the festivities. Come one, come all, bring your baskets and have a jolly time.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 27, 1877.
We learn the wife of Capt. Smith is lying ill from a stroke of paralysis.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 27, 1877.
The committee appointed to arrange for some kind of an entertainment on the Fourth, after consulting with the friends of the different schools, have decided to join with the good people of Bolton in a general celebration. The place of meeting, in Capt. Smith’s grove, just west of the Arkansas. The facilities for crossing the river afforded by the new ferry, just west of the city, have removed all objections to going to the west side, and for this reason the committee unanimously recommend that we avail ourselves of this opportunity of meeting our friends in Bolton. By order of committee.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 4, 1877.
DIED. On Wednesday, June 27th, of paralysis, Mrs. Smith, wife of Capt. O. C. Smith, of Bolton Township. The afflicted brother has our heartfelt sympathies.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 11, 1877.
BOLTON TOWNSHIP, July 5th, 1877.
Today finds us in Bolton again, enjoying the luxuries of which all practical grangers have a bountiful supply about harvest time. Harvesting has been going on at a rapid rate during the past two weeks. Many farmers are done cutting wheat, and some have already commenced stacking. Mr. Parmer has cut 200 acres of wheat with one Marsh harvester and has a greater portion of it stacked. Mr. Dave Maricle is nearly done heading his 400 acres. Polk Stevens has been running his harvester day and night during the past week. He says he will get away with 275 acres with one machine.
The wheat crop is light this year, caused by the recent heavy rains. Corn and oats promise a good yield.
We had the pleasure of attending a picnic in Capt. O. C. Smith’s grove, on Spring Creek, yesterday, the 4th. Owing to the committee being busily engaged, the grove was not very well prepared. Notwithstanding the limited preparations made and the heat in the grove, the participators in the picnic seemed to enjoy themselves finely. The programme for the day was somewhat varied on account of the band boys being unable to get over until noon. The exercises of the day commenced with prayer by Rev. McClanahan. Then came Lieut. Thos. S. Parvin, who read the Declaration of Independence, which was listened to with extraordinary patience, as Mr. Parvin is an elegant reader. Next in order was dinner, which consisted of every variety of goodies, which are too numerous to mention. After dinner we listened to a very interesting, eloquent, and patriotic discourse, delivered by Judge Christian, of Arkansas City. Then came the band boys with a recital of “The Red, White, and Blue,” which seemed to cheer all present, even the “old folks.” Next in order was a speech from Mr. Amos Walton, who spread the eagle in the most elegant manner, after which lemonade, ice cream, music by the band, etc., until evening, when everybody went home with a gladsome heart.
The citizens of Bolton tender their many thanks to the gentlemen, speakers, and the band for their favors. More anon. C. C. H.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 1, 1877.
A basket picnic will be held in Capt. Smith’s grove today.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 19, 1877.
The following persons were elected officers for the ensuing year, of Crescent Lodge No. 133, A. F. and A. M., at their hall in Newman’s block, on Saturday evening, Dec. 15.
Worshipful Master: Clinton Robert Mitchell.
Senior Warden: Orin C. Smith.
Junior Warden: Sewell Peasley Channell.
Treasurer: Charles R. Sipes.
Secretary: Isaac H. Bonsall.
Tyler: Steven C. Wintin.
The following officers were appointed by the Worshipful Master, on Tuesday evening following.
Senior Deacon: James Benedict.
Junior Deacon: Harry Pearce Farrar.
Senior Stewart: Henry Bear Pruden.
Junior Stewart: William J. Stewart.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.
ARISTUS BERKEY, of the Citizen’s Bank of Winfield, and wife were down to attend the burial of Capt. Smith last Sunday.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.
DIED. On Saturday morning of last week, the sad intelligence was received of the death of Capt. O. C. Smith, a resident of Bolton township, this county, for many years past, and a citizen much respected and honored for the noble principles of manhood he bore. Capt. Smith came to this place in the summer of 1869, from Ohio, where he had been engaged in ship carpentering. He was generally a hardy man enjoying good health. A few days before his death he became over-heated while sowing oats, and to cool off divested himself of his clothing; and as a result, took a cold from which he never recovered. Every effort was made to save him, but his disease had reached a point beyond the skill of man, and all were of no avail.
As a man and a Mason, Capt. O. C. Smith occupied a high position. He was the first Master of the lodge at this place, and at the time of his death was Senior Warden of the Order. The Masons took charge of the body, and interred it under their usual custom in the cemetery adjoining the town. He was 46 years of age.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.
The funeral procession of Capt. Smith was one of the largest we have seen at this place. It was formed of Masons on foot preceding the remains, followed by vehicles and horsemen. Mr. S. P. Channell was master of ceremonies, with Mr. John T. Grimes as marshal. The procession and funeral ceremonies were very imposing.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 27, 1878.
R. A. THOMPSON has been appointed administrator of the estate of Capt. O. C. Smith, deceased.
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
Our old county commissioner, Capt. O. C. Smith, has been very low for several days with pneumonia. RUDY.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 17, 1878.
R. A. THOMPSON has resigned the appointment of administrator of the estate of O. C. Smith. Clara Smith, of Garrettsville, Ohio, a young lady eighteen years of age, and daughter of O. C. Smith, is here to look after the estate, accompanied by Mr. Gage, a cousin.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
Probate Court.
Estate of O. C. Smith. Thompson, administrator, resigned, and Strong Pepper appointed.
WINFIELD, October 18, 1878.
Winfield Courier, October 31, 1878.
Having been informed that Will M. Allison has been making charges against E. S. Torrance, the Republican candidate for county attorney of Cowley County, in reference to his connection while formerly county attorney of Cowley County with the allowance of a salary of $500 to T. H. Johnson, then probate judge of said county, and the allowance of damages to said Johnson on account of the laying out of a road on his premises, I desire to make the following statement.
At the time the salary and damages were allowed to Mr. Johnson, O. C. Smith, Frank Cox, and myself constituted the Board of County Commissioners of said county. Mr. Smith has since died and Mr. Cox has removed from this state. I was present at the sessions of the county board at which the salary and damages aforesaid were allowed. In relation to the salary, Mr. Torrance advised the board that, under the law, it was in their discretion whether they should allow a salary to Mr. Johnson for his services as probate judge, and that if they saw fit to allow such salary, it could in no event exceed $500. Mr. Torrance had nothing to do with the allowance of his salary, and if any blame is to be attached to anyone on account of the allowance of the salary, it should fall on the board and not on Mr. Torrance.
In relation to the road damages, the board allowed Mr. Johnson what they thought was right, and Mr. Torrance had nothing to do with the matter whatever, except to advise the board that, under the law, they should allow such damages as in their judgment they thought just and reasonable. J. D. MAURER.