C. S. Smith Family


   Roy N. Smith, Son of C. S. Smith.
RKW started this file years ago...
From Kansas 1875 Census, Vernon Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
C. S. Smith, age 37, male, white, Place of Birth Vermont, Where from: Iowa.
Elizabeth Smith, age 34, female, white, Place of Birth Vermont, Where from: Iowa.
Nettie Smith, age 12, female, white, Place of Birth Iowa, Where from: Iowa.
Charley Smith, age 10, male, white, Place of Birth Iowa, Where from: Iowa.
Dolly Smith, age 7, female, white, Place of Birth Iowa, Where from: Iowa.
Frank Smith, age 5, male, white, Place of Birth Kansas.
Roy Smith, age 2, male, white, Place of Birth Kansas.
Edward Smith, age 1, male, white, Place of Birth Kansas.

From Kansas History by Connelly in 1928. Vol. 4, page 1888.
Roy N. Smith was born on a farm in Vernon Township in Cowley County, February 23, 1873, son of Charles S. and Elizabeth (Howell) Smith.  His father, a native of Vermont, came to Kansas in 1869, and after one year at Humboldt in Allen County located in Cowley County and was one of the pioneer settlers of Vernon Township.  He developed a farm there, and lived in that community until his death. He was accidentally killed by a threshing machine in 1880. His wife was born in Illinois, and beside Roy there were four other sons and two daughters.
Roy N. Smith was reared on the family farm, attended district schools, and after ten years gave up farming for business. In December 1909 he started a modest plant as a dry cleaner at 115 West Tenth Street, in Winfield. In 1925 he completed a new plant, located in a large one-story brick building, fireproof, calling it “French Dry Cleaning and Hatter.” He also had a branch known as Smith’s pantatorium near Southwestern College and St. John’s College.
He married July 5, 1893, Miss Edith D. Hahn, daughter of George W. and Anna Hahn, who were pioneer settlers of Cowley County. Mrs. Smith was born in Indiana.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 12, 1873.
Wheat. W. W. Walton brought into the office on last Tuesday some of the finest wheat we have seen in the county. He plucked the heads from a forty acre field belonging to Mr. C. S. Smith, who lives seven miles west of town in the Arkansas River bottom. Mr. Smith has 22 acres of May wheat and 18 of Mediterranean, besides quite a large field of spring wheat. The winter wheat was sown on corn stubble and plowed in with a turning plow last September, and the yield from present indications will not be less than thirty bushels per acre.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 10, 1873.
A call was made by the following from Vernon Township for a committee meeting of Republicans: Wm. Bonnewell, C. S. Smith, Henry Pennington, T. B. Ware, J. Cromer, John McMahon, W. G. Pennington, W. L. Pennington, Wm. L. Cromer, E. L. Walker, J. S. Wooley, H. L. Benedict, D. L. Walker, and F. McMahon.

Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874.
The following is a list of bills allowed by the Board of County Commissioners at their last regular meeting, showing the amount to whom allowed, and for what purpose.
Witness: C. S. Smith, $2.30.
Winfield Courier, August 7, 1874.
Lager beer was free on the “Smith road,” last Friday. We draw this inference from the appearance of the Surveying party when they reached town. This road puts the brewery two and one-half miles nearer the city.
Winfield Courier, August 7, 1874.
The C. S. Smith Road.
One of the most important roads in the county, petitioned for by C. S. Smith, and two or three hundred others, was located last Friday by Messrs. Lucius Walton, E. G. Willett, and Jas. Vanorsdal as viewers, and W. W. Walton, as Surveyor, from the Arkansas River eight miles east via the brewery, and Lowrey’s ford, on the Walnut River, to the West end of Court House Street in Menor’s addition to Winfield.
This road has put the county to considerable expense, there having been two surveys during Mr. Hemenway’s term of office, the report of each irregular. Not being discouraged, however, the petitioners employed A. H. Green as counsel and commenced again, the result being the order for a new survey.
The citizens of Vernon and Beaver townships turned out en masse and showed the viewers by their presence how much in earnest they were in regard to the matter, as they have been compelled for three years to travel three or four miles in a roundabout way to get to their market town and county seat.
The viewers reported “the route practicable, of great public utility, and much needed by the traveling community,” and advised its immediate opening. On the one-thousand dollars damage claim of John Lowrey, Esq., (the road having cut off about three acres of his land) they awarded him $50, to which of course he excepts, and consequently the end is not yet. Mr. Green has had prepared by the Surveyor an elaborate plat, showing Winfield and the roads for miles around it, in order to better impress the commissioners of the importance of this one. We await the action of the County Commissioners for further information.
Winfield Courier, October 9, 1874.
Beat it who can: C. S. Smith has just finished sowing 50 acres of wheat, doing all the work “single handed and alone.” Who has done better this fall? Mr. Smith informs us that the wheat never looked better than it does now.
Winfield Courier, August 12, 1875.
Charlie Smith, of Vernon, hauled his wheat to Wichita last week and got $1.10 per bushel for it. He ain’t one of the common Smiths, but a live Yankee from “Vairmount,” always up, if not ahead of the times. He has one of the best improved farms in the Arkansas Valley.
Winfield Courier, January 11, 1877.

An interesting debate upon the “Resolved, that a constitu­tional monarchy is preferable to a republican form of government for the people of the United States,” transpired at Aurora schoolhouse, in Vernon Township under the auspices of the Aurora Library Society, last Friday night. Rev. Wm. Martin for the affirmative and J. B. Evans, Esq.., for the negative were the leading debaters. Of course, the negative won. Elder Hopkins, P. M. Wait, and C. S. Smith, judges.
Winfield Courier, June 14, 1877.
To the voters of the municipal township of Winfield, in the county of Cowley, State of Kansas.
WHEREAS, on the eleventh day of June, A. D. 1877, a petition signed by more than two fifths of the qualified electors of said township, was presented to the Trustee, Clerk, and Treasurer thereof, praying that an election be called in said township for the purpose of submitting the following question, to-wit: Shall the municipal township of Winfield, in the county of Cowley, State of Kansas, issue its bonds to the amount of three thousand dollars, for the purpose of building a bridge across the Walnut river in said township, on the C. S. Smith county road, at the most practicable point within the distance of one hundred yards of where the north line of the south half of the southwest quarter of section twenty-nine, in township thirty-two, south, of range four east, crosses said river.
And “Shall the municipal township of Winfield, in the county of Cowley, State of Kansas, issue its bonds to the amount of two thousand five hundred dollars, for the purpose of building a bridge across the Walnut river in said township at the site of the W. S. Voris county road.”
Said bonds to be issued in denominations of five hundred dollars each, payable within ten years of the date thereof and bearing interest at the rate of ten percent per annum, payable semi-annually.
Therefore be it known: That on Tuesday, the 17th day of July, A. D. 1877, an election will be held at the usual place of voting in said township, between the hour of eight o’clock a.m., and six o’clock p.m.; for the purpose of determining whether the bonds said township shall be issued for the purpose aforesaid; and at said election all those voting in favor of the proposed bridges and bonds, shall have written or printed on their ballots the words: “For the Bridges and Bonds;” and all those voting against the proposed bridges and bonds, shall have written or printed on their ballots the words: “Against the Bridges and Bonds.”
In witness whereof we have hereto set our hands this 12th day of June, A. D. 1877.
  JAMES S. HUNT, Township Trustee.
E. S. BEDILION, Township Clerk.
Winfield Courier, June 28, 1877.
Our resolute friend, C. S. Smith, of Vernon, having lost sixty acres of wheat by the flood, and intent upon making something from the soil, is putting flax in where the wheat went out.
Winfield Courier, July 12, 1877. Editorial Page.
The Bridge Question.

We, the undersigned, agree to pay the amounts set opposite our names for the purpose of completing an iron bridge across the Walnut, Cowley County, Kansas, and votes aid therefor in the sum of three thousand dollars ($3,000) at an election to be held July 17th, 1877. Said sums of money to be due and payable in consideration of the erection of said bridge, to the order of the party to whom the officers of the said township let the contract for the erection of the said bridge.
  WINFIELD, KAN., June 25th, 1877.
One of the contributors: C. S. Smith, $50.00.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 18, 1877.
B. F. Saunders, just returned from the Territory, found crops through Sedgwick and Sumner counties looking splendid, especially corn and oats of which there will be a larger crop than ever before. He found farmers very busy harvesting—wheat will be all harvested this week.
He went to see herds of Hood & Hughes, who are holding their cattle on Pond Creek. Since the 15th of February, Mr. Saunders has purchased and shipped the following lots of corn fed cattle.
Chas. Tabin, 108 head, at 3¾ cents.
Archibald Elhs, 141 head; extra beeves at 4½ cents.
Mr. Wilday, 60 head, at $56 per head.
Mr. Fowler, 33 head at $58 per head.
A. B. Woodruff, 21 head, at 4 cents.
Mr. Myton, 27 head, at 3¾ cents.
The above gentlemen are residents of Butler County.
R. F. Burden, 42 head, 4 cents.
Mr. Wiley, 60 head, at 4¼ cents.
E. & B. Shiver, 134 head, at 3¾ cents.
C. S. Smith, 104 head, at 4 cents.
All of the above gentlemen are residents of Cowley County. Beacon.
Winfield Courier, August 9, 1877.
Township Board’s Notice for Proposals for Bridge Building.
To all whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received by the Township Board of the township of Winfield, in the county of Cowley, State of Kansas, until the hour of 10 o’clock a.m., on Friday, the 17th day of August, A. D. 1877, for the construction of two bridges across the Walnut River, in said township at the following points, to-wit: One on the C. S. Smith county road, and one at the site of the old bridge on the W. S. Voris county road. Proposals for the building of such bridges must be accompanied with complete plans and specifications of the same (including the kind and quality of materials to be used in the construction of each material part thereof) and must state the price to be charged therefore in the bonds of said township at par value, and the difference, if any, between this and the price which would be charged therefor in cash.
Each and all of such proposals must be filed in the office of the clerk of said township in the city of Winfield, and be accompanied by a bond in an amount equal to double the proposed cost of such bridge with sureties to the approval of said board, conditioned for the faithful execution of the proposed work and the carrying into effect by the bidder, of any and all contracts entered into by him with said township, in reference to the building of such bridge or bridges.

The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. J. S. HUNT, Trustee.
E. S. BEDILION, Township Clerk.
Winfield Courier, September 20, 1877.
The following persons are elected delegates to the Republican convention at the Courthouse next Saturday.
Vernon. F. W. Schwantes, P. M. Waite, C. S. Smith.
Winfield Courier, September 27, 1877.
On motion the following committees were appointed by the chairman: Committee on permanent organization, C. A. Metcalf, A. A. Wiley, Robt. Strother, C. S. Smith, and H. L. Barker.
The committee on credentials submitted the following report. Mr. Chairman: Your committee on credentials beg leave to request that the following townships and delegates therefrom are entitled to representation and seats in this convention.
Vernon: W. F. Schwantes, P. M. Waite, Chas. S. Smith.
The committee on permanent organization submitted the following report.
Mr. Chairman: Your committee on permanent organization and order of business beg leave to submit the following report. For permanent chairman, J. B. Callison; for permanent secretary, Chas. H. Eagin; assistant secretary, R. A. Houghton. That the order of business be as follows. 1st. Selection of County Central Committee. 2nd. Nominations in the following order: Sheriff, Coroner, County Clerk, County Treasurer, Register of Deeds, County Surveyor, and County Commissioners. 3rd.  That in balloting for each candidate the secretary shall call the roll and each delegate as his name is called will answer with the name of the person he desires to vote for. W. H. Metcalf, A. A. Wiley, C. S. Smith, R. S. Strother, H. L. Barker.
Winfield Courier, December 27, 1877.
Notice is hereby given that the board of Winfield Township, in the county of Cowley, state of Kansas, will, on the 21st day of January, 1878, at the office of the township clerk, in the city of Winfield, issue the bonds of said township to the amount of five thousand five hundred ($5,500.00) dollars, in payment for the construction of two bridges across the Walnut River in said township, the one at a point on the W. S. Voris county road, the other at a point on the C. S. Smith county road. C. C. Pierce, Trustee.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Mr. C. S. Smith brought us several heads of wheat from his field last Saturday. It is well headed and looks as though it would be ready for harvest in May.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
C. S. Smith says the flood on high land washed a large hole out of his wheat crop, but he is not going to get blue over his losses.
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
List of Jurors drawn Nov. 4, 1878, to serve at the December term of court, 1878, in the District Court of Cowley County. C. S. Smith, Vernon, was on the list.
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1879.

Last Thursday afternoon, between four and five o’clock, news was brought to town that Mr. Chas. Smith, one of the most promi­nent citizens of Vernon township, had been caught by the tumbling-rod of a threshing machine, and was lying at the point of death. Dr. Emerson was called, and did all in his power to relieve the sufferer, but to no effect, and he lingered on until Saturday evening, when he breathed his last. The circumstances of the accident, as near as we can learn, were as follows.
Mr. Smith had been feeding the machine, but wishing to “oil up,” had called someone to take his place, while he got down under the machine, near where the tumbling-rod joins the cylin­der, to oil the bearings. It seems he had finished oiling, and was about to raise up, when a pin in one of the knuckles of the rod caught in a short blouse he was wearing; and in an instant, he was wound around the rod, his head striking the machine and a wagon as he was wound up. No one seemed to see him when he was caught, and it was sometime before the machine could be stopped. When taken out, his clothes were nearly all torn off, one arm and leg frightfully mangled, and his head bruised and cut. A man was immediately dispatched to town for the doctor; the distance—over six miles—being accomplished in less than twenty-five minutes. When the doctor arrived, some hopes were entertained of his recovery, but Friday evening he commenced gradually sinking, and on Saturday evening his spirit took its flight to that bourne from whence no traveler returns.
The funeral, Sunday, was largely attended by parties from Winfield and surrounding country. Mr. Smith was one of our oldest and most respected citizens, and although having met with severe reverses, had, by his energy and industry, accumulated considerable property.
[Note: I quit checking newspapers starting with 1880. MAW]