J. L. Smith
Feed Stable. Auctioneer.
Winfield, Kansas.
[NOTE: I was not able to determine if there ever was a “J. O. Smith,” as shown in the 1880 Winfield Directory. I found “J. L. Smith, feed stable, in the 1885 Directory.]
Winfield Directory 1880.
Smith, J. O., Feed Stable, 8th avenue, n. s. between Main and Millington;
r. Manning, e. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
SMITH, J. O., 8th avenue, n. s. between Main and Millington.
Winfield Directory 1885.
Smith J L, feed stable, res 703 e 9th.
Note: Last entry shows that Frazee Brothers bought the Smith Building on 9th Avenue. This leads me to wonder if the 1880 Winfield Directory was incorrect inasmuch as it showed 8th Avenue???...
Cowley County Courant, November 17, 1881.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
CATTLE SALE. We will sell at public auction at Smith’s Sale Stable on Ninth Avenue, Winfield, on Saturday, November 25th, 1882, commencing at 10 o’clock a.m., the following described property: 33 head of cattle, 24 head two-year-old steers. 12 milk cows. 4 heifers and 1 Durham bull. Terms cash. WILSON & HUFF.
Note: It appears that the Frazee Brothers opened up their harness shop in the J. L. Smith Building on East 9th Avenue...
Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.
Frazee Bros., have opened up a new harness shop in the Smith building on East Ninth Avenue.
[Address for Frazee Bros. after February 1883: 120 East 9th Avenue.]
Now matters become confusing! Was Smith still at 120 East 9th Avenue when sale took place as noted in next item???...
Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.
A thoroughbred short-horn for sale at Smith’s feed stable.
More confusion relative to address of Smith’s feed stable inasmuch as another Smith (Sol. Smith) also had a stable??? See March 20, 1884, item...
Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.
Lost. On the fair ground a little, black, two year old, gelding pony. He must have broken a rope with which he was tied and strayed from the grounds. Whoever will give information of where he may be found or return him to Smith’s stable on 9th Avenue, Winfield, will be suitably rewarded. Address Barney Shriver, Burden.
Sol. Smith...
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1884.
THOROUGHBRED HORSES. The trotting stallion “TITAN,” the full-blood imported Norman stallion, “CARLO,” the three-quarter Norman and Morgan stallion, “NAPOLEON,” and the Mammoth and Black Hawk Jack will stand for the season of 1884 at Sol. Smith’s stable in Winfield. Full pedigrees furnished on application. S. ALLISON.