W. A. Smith


Manager, Lumberyard.
Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Directory 1880.
W. A. Smith, Manager, Lumber and Building Material.
This yard is one of the most complete in Cowley County, carrying a very extensive and well selected stock of lumber, laths, shingles, and all kinds of building material, sash, doors, and blinds. The yard was opened in April 1879 and since it was established has done a large and constantly increasing business.
W. T. Ekel, the head of this yard, is constantly looking after its outside business, and being thoroughly versed in all connected with it, is enabled to secure the very best lumber, etc., manufactured at the closes figures.
W. A. Smith, the manager, is a very popular gentleman, and through is close attention to business, experience, and energy has given an impetus to its trade.
The yards are located on 8th avenue between Main and Manning.
EKEL, W. T., AGENT, W. A. SMITH, MANAGER, Lumber and building material,
8th avenue s. s. between Main and Manning.
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1879.
Mr. Will Smith, recently of Wichita, has taken charge of the books at Ekel’s lumber yard. Will is a splendid fellow and will be quite an acquisition to Winfield society.
Winfield Courier, June 17, 1880.
A large number of the young Republicans of Winfield met in the COURIER office Monday, and completed the organization of a Young Men’s Republican club. Roland Conklin was elected presi­dent, D. L. Kretsinger and W. H. Wilson vice-presidents, W. A. Smith, secretary, and Taylor Fitzgerald, treasurer. Fred C. Hunt, Lovell H. Webb, and Ed. P. Greer were appointed as a committee to act with the officers of the club in the organization of township clubs. It is earnestly desired that the young Republicans throughout the county co-operate in the organization of these clubs, so that the county organization may be made perfect. The meeting adjourned until Thursday evening, when the committees on rules and resolutions will report.
Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.
A large party of young folks consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson, Misses May Roland, Nettie McCoy, Sarah Hodges, Kate Millington, and Miss Westgate, and Messrs. Will Robinson, Will Wilson, Roland Conklin, Fred Hunt, and W. A. Smith made Salt City lively by their presence the other day. Some of the party took dinner with Mrs. Holloway, and the rest repaired to the beautiful grove east of the town, and partook of a picnic dinner, thus spending a very pleasant day. Salt City is fast becoming a very popular resort; there were between twenty and twenty-five teams there Sunday, from Winfield, Wellington, and Oxford.
Winfield Courier, November 11, 1880.

The Young Men’s Social Club have elected D. L. Kretsinger president; Fred Hunt vice President; H. Bahntge secretary; W. A. Smith treasurer. Members elected by ballot and admitted on payment of $3, initiation fee. Monthly dues $1. First meeting this evening. Prof. Fero is engaged as instructor.
Mrs. O. F. Boyle is visiting in Parsons.
W. A. Smith left for Chicago on Monday last.
Winfield Courier, April 7, 1881.
On last Thursday evening was gathered in the magnificent salons of M. L. Robinson one of the largest parties which have assembled in Winfield this past season. The honors of the occasion were conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Spotswood in the most graceful and pleasing manner, making each of the guests feel delighted and happy. A new departure was made in the hour for reception which we cannot too highly commend, that of substituting 7 o’clock for the late hours which usually prevail, but the habits of some were so confirmed that they could not get around until nine o’clock. The banquet was excellent beyond our power of description. Nothing was wanting to render it perfect in all its appointments. At a reasonable hour the guests retired, expressing the warmest thanks to their kind hostesses and hosts for the pleasures of the evening. The following are the names of the guests as we now remember them.
Miss Nettie McCoy, Mrs. Huston, Mrs. S. H. Myton, Mrs. Mansfield, Mrs. Eastman, Mrs. Ticer, Mr. M. G. Hodges, Mr. C. A. Bliss, Mr. W. C. Robinson, Mr. W. A. Smith, Mr. W. J. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Loose, Mrs. Herrington, Mr. and Mrs. Van Doren, Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Linn, Mr. and Mrs. Wallis, Mr. and Mrs. Lemmon, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. Platter, Mr. and Mrs. J. Harden, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Hackney, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Pryor, Mr. and Mrs. Black, Mr. and Mrs. H. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Hodges, Mr. and Mrs. Hickok, Mr. and Mrs. Conklin, Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Bryan, Mr. and Mrs. Dever, Mr. and Mrs. Bedilion, Mr. and Mrs. Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. Barclay, Mrs. W. F. Baird, Mr. and Mrs. Mann, Mr. and Mrs. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Doane, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Millington, Mr. and Mrs. Horning, Mr. and Mrs. Troup, Mr. and Mrs. F. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Baird, Dr. and Mrs. Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. McDonald, and Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Read.
Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.
Will Smith, of Ekel’s lumber yard, left for the east last Wednesday. He will be absent several weeks.
Winfield Courier, July 7, 1881.
Mr. W. A. Smith was one of the witnesses at the Manny trial...
W. A. SMITH had been to Manny’s. Thinks it was near the Walnut. Had drank “ginger.” Was a kind of “maroon” color. Darker than beer. Did not know whether it was fermented or not. Had no effect on his system. As compared with water for quenching, its effect was about the same. May have stimulated to a slight extent. Had taken two or three glasses at once. There was quite a number there with him. Has never seen anyone in or about Manny’s brewery intoxicated since the 1st of May.
Winfield Courier, July 14, 1881.

Will Smith is happy in the possession of a mother, sister, and aunt, who have recently come to this city, we believe to stay.
Winfield Courier, July 28, 1881.
A merry party consisting of the gayest of her gay young people assembled at Miss Roland’s on last Saturday evening and proceeded to the residence of Mrs. A. T. Spotswood for the purpose of a complete surprise party to Miss Nettie McCoy, who leaves this week for a visit to her home in New Jersey. The following were present: Mr. and Mrs. Albro, Mr. and Mrs. Bahntge, Mr. and Mrs. George Robinson, Dr. and Mrs. Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. George Whitney, and Mr. and Mrs. Garvey; Misses Amelia and Clara Garvey of Topeka, Jennie Hane, May Roland, Allie Klingman, Sarah Hodges, Louise Crapster, Ida McDonald, Amanda Scothorn, Margie Wallis, and Jessie Millington; and Messrs. Davis, Dever, Hunt, Baldridge, Harris, W. A. Smith, W. C. Robin­son, Dr. Gunn, and Bahntge.
Winfield Courier, October 27, 1881.
Wednesday at 12 o’clock, Mr. Fred C. Hunt and Miss Sarah Hodges were united in marriage at the residence of the bride’s father, in this city, Rev. Father Kelly officiating. The assem­blage was one of the largest ever gathered to witness a marriage ceremony in this city. The bridal party left on the afternoon train for a short trip in the east. The following is a list of presents from their friends.
Silver napkin rings, W. J. Wilson and W. A. Smith.
Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.
A number of young ladies gathered at the M. E. Church Monday evening and organized themselves into a society. They propose to call themselves the M. B. Society. The following officers were elected: Miss Jessie Millington, President; Miss Allie Klingman, Vice President; Miss Jennie Haine, Secretary; Miss Ida McDonald, Treasurer.
The society will give a New England supper Friday evening, November 25, at the M. E. Church. The M. B. ladies will be dressed in New England costume of the time of Washington.
The following committees were appointed.
Mrs. Austin, Mrs. Rinker, and Mrs. Copeland: to solicit and arrange for supper.
Mrs. McDonald, Mrs. Dever, Mrs. Bedilion: to secure and prepare dishes.
Will Robinson, Will A. Smith, Miss May Roland, Miss Jennie Hane: to handle reception.
Mr. Crippen: to handle music.
Misses Allie Klingman, Jessie Millington, L. Graham, Annie Weaver, Emma Gridley, Amy Southern, M. Melville, Ida McDonald, Ida Trezise, Ella Bosley, M. Hamill, Emma Crippen, Miss Stebbins, and Miss Bard: to handle tables.
Those wishing a good supper in the good old New England style can be satisfied on Friday evening.
Cowley County Courant, February 9, 1882.

Our young friend, Smith, agent of the Chicago Lumber Company in this city, comes forward in the last issue of the Courier and has several good words for his company and the hardships it has undergone for poor suffering Winfield, which little city, according to friend Smith’s theory, does not justify his company to keep their yard here, but then we are inclined to think that Mr. Smith has made an error of some kind in footing up his balance sheet, because the yard is doing a splendid business, and we know they are too well schooled in the arts of business to sell lumber at a loss. The point we wished to make in a previ­ous item was that lumber could be sold cheaper here by a company organized for the purpose of furnishing cheap lumber to those wishing to build than it is being furnished by the yards here, who are selling lumber as a matter of business. We did not intend any fight upon those companies, because they are running their own affair, and we have no ground to question their right to do as they like. We claim they charge more for lumber than it can be sold for by a town company, and are able to prove it. For instance, a gentleman at the Winfield Bank is supplying those who want lumber in carload lots, from Chicago. He sent for a carload a few days ago for a gentleman who wished to build here, and we are creditably informed that he saved his customer $150 on the carload as compared with Winfield prices. Whether these large companies can afford to sell cheaper or not, we do not know; but it is a fact that were the people enabled to buy cheaper lumber, there would be much more improving made in the city and county.
Winfield Courier, January 26, 1882.
Mr. Ed Roland afforded a pleasant evening to the young people by inviting them to a phantom party at the residence of Mrs. Millington, on last Monday night. A gay and happy company responded to the invitation, and made most excellent ghosts, although hardly as silent as a specter is supposed to be. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. George Rembaugh, Mrs. Boyer; Misses Hane, Scothorn, Klingman, Beeny, Margie and Lizzie Wallis, Jackson and Carruthers; Messrs. W. H. and W. A. Smith, Roland, Harris, Fuller, Webb, Robinson, Connell, Crowell, Bahntge.
Winfield Courier, February 23, 1882.

The Catholic Fair. “A little fun now and then is relished by the best of men.” The Catholic Fair, which closed Friday evening, Feb. 10, was the source of much amusement to the people of Winfield. Everything in the way of pleasure was there, and the citizens did not fail to patronize the good work. The businessmen when called upon for contributions responded liberally, as did the ladies, in donating the various articles for a supper and refreshment tables. The fancy articles which were donated were duly appreciated, and served to decorate the booths nicely. We do not pretend to name the several articles; however, we will give a few. The china set of one hundred and fifty seven pieces, which was won by Mr. J. B. Lynn, who afterwards presented it to Father Kelly, occupied a prominent position on one of the tables. A handsome family Bible, a fine gold necklace and bracelets, donated by Mr. P. Laverty; a wax cross, a silver castor, donated by Mr. Schroeter; a silver butter dish and knife, the gift of Hudson Bros.; an artificial flower pot, given by F. Manny; a large wax doll, a silver pickle castor, and two silver goblets, donated by Mr. and Mrs. C. Buckley; a Kalomeda set, given by Johnston & Hill; a pair of vases, by Harter Bros.; lace curtains, by Mr. Hahn; a box of fancy note-paper, by Mr. P. Buckley; a handsome album, by Mrs. Charlie Allen, of Wichita; a pair of vases, by H. Goldsmith; a pair of gentleman’s slippers, by Smith Bros.; pin cushions, tidies, toilet sets, mats, pillow shams and numerous other articles, which decorated the fancy tables over which Mrs. J. C. Fuller and Mrs. Pierce presided. The refreshment stand was taken charge of by the Misses Healey, McGonigle, and Kelly. The supper table was superintended by Mrs. Dockery and Mrs. Lanbener. Miss Kate Healey was postmaster and distributed many letters and valentines to the young folks. Mrs. Charlie Allen, from Wichita, took care of the oyster table. Our friend, Capt. H. H. Siverd, was the winner of the hanging lamp and pickle castor; he deserved them for his energy in trying to make the fair a success. Dr. C. C. Green won the horse. The ball, though last, was not least. It was conducted with so much propriety that many church members were tempted to “tip the light fantastic toe.” Capt. C. Steuven was floor manager. There were many visitors here during the fair. Mrs. E. Woolheater, Mr. Buck, from Newton, Miss D. McDoigle, from Leavenworth, and Mrs. Charlie Allen, from Wichita, being noticed. Nearly all the young folks of Winfield were out. The young men were very gallant and generous in taking chances on all articles to be disposed of in that way. Capt. W. Whiting, Dave Harter, Ad Powers, Willie Smith, C. Hodges, J. Hyden, Fred Whiting, Ed and H. Cole, C. C. Harris, J. O’Hare, H. Seward, and A. D. Speed were among the many who assisted in making the fair a success, both socially and financially, and we feel sure the Catholics will feel grateful for the kindness of all those who contributed toward the good work.
Cowley County Courant, March 30, 1882.
There may new lumber yards spring up, but none can compete with the Chicago Lumber company. Do not buy a bill of lumber without first seeing Will Smith.
Cowley County Courant, April 6, 1882. 
We noticed some very mysterious actions about noon time on the part of C. C. Harris, who acted as though he had been morally corrupted by the allurements of a hen roost. The first time we noticed him he emerged from a back alley accompanied by a basket, which seemed to cause him an unnatural amount of anxiety. We thought at first that C. C., being a single man, was a little nervous about being seen with a basket. Will Smith, of the lumber yard, with his usual keen eyesight, looked at things in a different light, however, and proposed a personal examination of the basket and contents, and thereupon made an excursion after Harris, who sought refuge in his den. Our feelings at this time were numerous, and we immediately found business which called us into the Harris neighborhood. C. C.’s explanation was eminently satisfactory to Mr. Smith and ourselves. He murmured something about the exportation of some kind of screws as we quietly left the room and drew our coat sleeve defensively across our mus­tache.
Cowley County Courant, April 13, 1882.
Speed, Seward, and Smith went out fishing the other after­noon with unusual good success. Speed caught a terrible cold, Seward caught a glimpse of his best girl as he passed her home, and Smith caught the toe of Frank Manny’s number eleven boot, for fooling around his premises. They returned home just after sundown with a long string of excuses, telling how busy they had been, and that they could not get time to go fishing on such a fine afternoon.
Next item refers to W. A. Smith, of Wichita...
Cowley County Courant, May 25, 1882.

The social party at the residence of Dr. and Mrs. Emerson Thursday evening was one of the most enjoyable affairs within the history of Winfield. The Dr. and his estimable wife seem to thoroughly understand the art of entertaining their guests, and on this particular occasion, they were at their best, as it were.
The guests present were Miss L. Curry, Miss Andrews, Miss I. Bard, Miss I. McDonald, the Misses Wallis, Miss F. Beeny, Miss Jennie Hane, Miss A. Scothorn, Miss I. Meech, Miss Sadie French, Miss Julia Smith, Mrs. M. L. Robinson, Will Robinson, Ivan Robinson, Harry Bahntge, Eugene Wallis, W. H. Smith, W. A. Smith of Wichita, E. C. Seward, O. M. Seward, C. Campbell, C. H. Connell, Sam Davis, Capt. Whiting, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Baird, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bedilion, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bahntge, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harter, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Harter, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Speed, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barclay, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hunt, W. A. Walton, and Henry Goldsmith.
Winfield Courier, April 20, 1882.
On last Friday evening the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller was the scene of one of the merriest as well as the “toniest” parties ever given in Winfield. Mrs. Fuller has entertained her friends several times this winter without any of the young folks being present, but this time she honored them by giving this party, which was duly appreciated. Everyone invited, with but two exceptions, was present and never were guests more hospitably entertained. The evening was spent in dancing and other amusements, while an elegant collation consisting of cakes and ice cream was served at eleven o’clock. At a late hour the guests dispersed, all thanking their kind host and hostess for the pleasant evening so happily spent. The costumes of the guests were elegant and worthy of mention.
The following gentlemen were in attendance. Their “costumes” were remarkable for subdued elegance and the absence of aesthetic adornment.
Messrs. Steinberger; J. N. Harter; G. A. Rhodes; E. E. Thorpe; George, Will, and Ivan Robinson; Fred and Will Whiting; Mr. Colgate; F. C. Hunt; C. E. Fuller; C. C. Harris; W. H. Smith; Will Smith; W. J. Wilson; Jos. O’Hare; Jas. Lorton; Frank and E. P. Greer; Eugene Wallis; Saml. E. Davis; L. H. Webb; Harry and Chas. F. Bahntge; Chas. Campbell; Ezra Nixon; L. D. Zenor; E. G. Cole; C. H. Connell; Mr. Ed. M. Clark of McPherson; and W. C. Garvey of Topeka.
Note: The following item reveals that Smith’s former boss, W. T. Ekel, died...
Winfield Courier, April 20, 1882.
DIED. A dispatch signed by J. C. Cline, and dated Portland, Oregon, April 16th, says that W. T. Ekel, formerly of this city, dropped dead in the streets there, Sunday morning. Mr. Ekel was a prominent mason, and well known in Topeka. Topeka Commonwealth.
Mr. Ekel is well known in this city as a former lumber dealer and was highly respected. His many friends will regret to learn of his death.
Winfield Courier, May 4, 1882.
We understand that Will Smith will, in a short time, be promoted to the management of the Chicago Lumber Co.’s yards at Wichita. This is one of the most responsible positions in the company in this part of the state, and while we regret to lose Will, we are heartily glad of his good fortune.
Winfield Courier, May 18, 1882.

A Pleasant Party. On last Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Robinson entertained a large company of their young friends at their elegant residence, which they have been fitting up with new paper of a very beautiful and expensive pattern. Having the carpets up in the parlors, it was considered a good time to give a party and take the opportunity to indulge in a dance. The evening was just the one for a dancing party, for although “May was advancing,” it was very cool and pleasant, and several hours were spent in that exercise, after which an excellent repast consisting of ice cream, strawberries, and cakes was served, and although quite late the dancing continued some hours, and two o’clock had struck ere the last guest had lingeringly departed. No entertainments are more enjoyed by our young folks than those given by Mr. Robinson and his estimable wife. We append a list of those persons on this occasion: Misses Jackson, Roberts, Josie Bard, Jessie Meech, Florence Beeny, Jennie Hane, Kate Millington, Jessie Millington, Scothorn, Margie Wallis, Lizzie Wallis, Curry, Klingman, McCoy, Berkey; Mr. and Mrs. George Rhodes, Mr. and Mrs. Jo Harter, Mrs. and Dr. Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bahntge, Mr. and Mrs. George Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hunt; Messrs. W. A. Smith, C. C. Harris, Charles Fuller, Lou Zenor, James Lorton, Lovell Webb, Sam E. Davis, Eugene Wallis, C. H. Connell, Dr. Jones, Campbell, Ivan Robinson, W. C. Robinson.
Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.
Will Smith, who has been for the past three years, bookkeeper and part of the time manager of the Chicago Company’s lumber yards in Winfield, has returned to Wichita and is now with the Chicago Company in this city in the same line of trade. His return will be gladly welcomed. Will has a high order of talent, he can run a hotel or a lumber yard with equal skill. Wichita Beacon.
Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.
W. A. Smith came down Monday from Wichita and returned Tuesday. He was accompanied by Miss Agnes Lynch, one of Wichita’s most accomplished young ladies. They took in Geuda Springs in company with Miss Smith and Will Wilson.
Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.
W. A. Smith, formerly with the Chicago Lumber Co., at this place, came down from Wichita Saturday and stayed over Sunday.
Winfield Courier, May 17, 1883.
W. A. Smith, of Chicago Lumber fame, came down from Wichita to attend the editorial ball.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
W. A. Smith came down from Wichita to attend the surprise party at Dr. Emerson’s.
W. A. Smith, W. H. Smith and sister, Julia Smith, all attended...
Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.
The most delightful entertainment of the season was given by Dr. & Mrs. Geo. Emerson on Tuesday evening of this week. The guests present were: Mr. & Mrs. Geo. Ordway, Mr. & Mrs. J. Wade McDonald, Mr. & Mrs. E. A. Baird, Mr. & Mrs. J. C. Fuller, Mr. & Mrs.

M. L. Robinson, Mr. & Mrs. A. T. Spotswood, Mr. & Mrs. G. H. Allen, Mr. & Mrs. A. H. Doane, Mr. & Mrs. C. F. Bahntge, Mr. & Mrs. W. J. Wilson, Mr. & Mrs. D. A. Millington; Mrs. F. Mendell of Texas, Mrs. H. P. Mansfield of Burden, Mrs. Perkins, late of Australia, Mrs. Frank Barclay, Mrs. C. L. Harter; Misses Lizzie Wallis, Margie Wallis, Jennie Hane, Florence Beeny, Nettie R. McCoy, Huldah Goldsmith, Clara Brass, Sadie French, Julia Smith, Jessie Meech, Caro Meech, Jesse Millington; Messrs. M. J. O’Meara, D. L. Kretsinger, W. H. Smith, W. A. Smith of Wichita, E. H. Nixon, L. D. Zenor, W. C. Robinson, Geo. W. Robinson, E. Wallis, G. Headrick, F. F. Leland, H. Bahntge, E. Meech, Jr. It was an exceedingly lively party and the host and hostess had omitted nothing which could add to the general enjoyment. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson stand at the head of the list of those in Winfield who know how to entertain their friends.
Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.
Will Smith, of lumber notoriety, was down from Wichita Tuesday.
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.
Will Smith, of lumber notoriety, came down from Wichita Saturday, returning Monday.