H. P. Snow


Snow, H. P., 30. No spouse listed.
Snow, H. P., 33; spouse, Fannie, 27.
Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.
Below we give a list of township officers elected at the February election. In some of the townships the Justices hold over.
SHERIDAN: Trustee, B. J. Johnson; treasurer, H. P. Snow; clerk, G. B. McClelland.
Winfield Courier, November 10, 1881.
Mr. Snow received a visit from his father, who resides in Kentucky.
Winfield Courier, January 5, 1882.
Mr. H. P. Snow, of Sheridan Township, is another of Cowley’s farmers who has made farming and stock raising pay this year. He has turned off since last September over sixteen hundred dollars worth of hogs and has all his stockers left; has grain and other produce on hand that will net him as much more, and is in excellent condition to begin another year. The harvest for our people is at hand and before another Christmas we will “gather in the sheaves” in a way that will make our Indiana and Illinois relatives, who couldn’t stand “drouthy Kansas,” feel sick.
Winfield Courier, January 5, 1882.
Mr. H. P. Snow, of Sheridan, sold $1,697.65 worth of hogs the other day. He has sold over sixteen hundred dollars worth since last September.
Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.
H. P. Snow, of Sheridan, has purchased Mr. Wood’s interest in the firm of Jones & Wood, general merchandise, at Burden. H. P. is a first-class businessman.
H. Parks Snow, Burden...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 25, 1885.
An Enthusiastic Electing in the Interest of the Kansas City and Southwestern Railroad,
And Steps Taken For Securing It.
Mr. James Hill called a meeting of the citizens of Arkansas City at Highland Hall, Saturday last, to take steps toward securing this projected road for this part of the county. Mr. Hill called the meeting to order and stated the result of its meeting in Winfield several days before; which was, in effect, that the people of that city wanted the road very badly, and wanted equally as badly that Arkansas City should not have it. They wanted the Company to locate their machine shops there, run the road to Geuda Springs or near there, and bind themselves to leave Arkansas City severely alone. Such a proposition the company could not and would not accept.

After considerable discussion as to ways and means, a committee of seven was appointed to look over the ground relative to leaving Winfield out in the cold if she persisted in her insane efforts to boycott the Canal City, and make their report today. The action of Winfield in this matter was severely dwelt upon, and excited the just ridicule of the speakers.
They then adjourned to meet on call of the Chairman of said committee.
Monday afternoon another meeting of our citizens was called at the office of Judge Pyburn. The purpose of this meeting was to meet and confer with a delegation of Burden’s leading businessmen. The committee from Burden consisted of Messrs. Henthorn, Walton, Snow, Cunningham, Zimmerman, and one or two others, whose names we did not learn. The proposition these gentlemen came to make was in effect that as Winfield was attempting to take the bit in her teeth and walk off with the whole bakery, it was manifestly the duty of Arkansas City and Burden to combine their efforts and thus guide the unruly animal of the porcine species out of harm’s way. Their argument was to the effect that if Burden was given the go-by so would Arkansas City and vice versa. Arkansas City and Burden combined could compel Winfield to come down from her pedestal of egotism and self-glory; as she could have no hopes of carrying county bonds. This would also cut off the hope of her getting sufficient bonds from the townships. The way to the Territory line is just as near and over better country from Burden via Winfield to Arkansas City as by any other proposed route. In short, their proposal was to enter into such an agreement as would forbid the acceptance of any proposition not altogether favorable to both Burden and Arkansas City.
During this conversation a delegate from Winfield, who had become alarmed at the visiting of Burden’s diplomats, of which they were aware, called out a member of the meeting, and notified him that Winfield was ready to agree to any terms that might be offered by Arkansas City, and that it was altogether unnecessary to call in Burden to our assistance, as their intentions were fair and just toward us.
After this trivial interruption of child’s play, the discussion and consideration of the proposition was resumed. It was the opinion of the majority that this was the only way to obtain our just recognition, and it was accordingly adopted as the sense of the meeting.
The status of the affairs now is, Arkansas City and Burden hold the key to the situation. Winfield alone cannot carry county bonds nor secure sufficient township aid. When she learns this, and learns it well, she will doubtless listen to reason. If not, then there is still one way and we believe it can be made successful. Arkansas City and Burden, we believe, can secure sufficient township aid. Burden stands ready to vote $35,000, Creswell is enthusiastic on the subject. Sheridan is all right, Liberty’s heart beats accord, Silverdale is wise enough to grasp the opportunity, Bolton wants a switch. Omnia, we presume, can be carried. It is a desperate game; but when it is necessary, the Canal City will be found with flying colors on the top wave. Remember 1882.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 17, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
H. Parks Snow, Burden’s big merchant, came over yesterday on one of his frequent business trips. He has just been offered $17,000 for a section of land in Sheridan and Liberty Townships—results of the D. M. & A. Winfield Visitor.
Guess again, Mr. Visitor, you are wrong; it was not the result of the D. M. & A.; but the K. C. & P. H. Burden Enterprise.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 30, 1885.

The elongated quill man of THE DAILY COURIER shook the dust of Winfield from his brogans last evening for an eastern tour—to Burden. The attraction was the ball and banquet by the Odd Fellows of that city, in celebration of the sixty-sixth anniversary of the founding of their order in America. Burden never makes a failure in anything, and this occasion was one of their pleasantest successes. The ball was well attended—as refined, intelligent, and good looking assembly as many a city twice the size can turn out.. The music, led by Mr. Fred Collins, one of the best musicians in the State, and a resident of Burden, was excellent and enjoyment supreme. The banquet was grand; in the homely words of some ancient philosopher, “the table fairly groaned under its weight of tempting viands.” After the large crowd had feasted to their heart’s content, at least ten baskets of fragments remained: a very good evidence of our sister city’s prosperity. The Odd Fellows of Burden have a very healthy lodge, fifty-nine of the prominent men of that place and vicinity; in fact, the whole city exhibits health and luxuriance in harmony with the enterprise, intelligence, and push of its citizens. With such men at the helm as E. A. Henthorn, H. P. Snow, P. T. Walton, S. J. Day. J. W. Henthorn, Nathan Brooks, S. H. Tolles, John Ledlie, Sim Moore, Robert Phelps, Harvey Smith, E. W. Woolsey, and a number of others, no town could stand still—it is bound to march forward in everything that makes a desirable city. They have converted the raw prairie into an influential, substantial, and beautiful city of over a thousand inhabitants in four years and will continue to make its prosperity marked. Nothing of benefit to the town will slip by them, if in the power to obtain it—elements that insure success in any place. Burden has a number of handsome and substantial business blocks and more are going up, noticeable among which are the public hall and reading room of the Burden Lyceum Association and the splendid store room of Jones & Snow. We are glad to note this prosperity on the part of our neighbor. THE COURIER rejoices in the prosperity of every town and section of our banner county. What builds up one helps every other. We want to grow corpulent and frisky. Cowley wants seventy-five thousand inhabitants, and she will have them in so short a time as to cause her rivals to totter and fall from their pivots—at least the pivots they now try to maintain. Cowley County first and our city or locality next, should be the motto of every citizen. With this motto successfully to the front, individual prosperity is as sure to come as that Old Sol will continue his monotonous round on his mission of light and heat.
The D. M. & A. Election Called for June 10th. Other “Biz.”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 7, 1885.

The County Fathers met in adjourned session yesterday afternoon and today. H. P. Snow was appointed Trustee of Silver creek township to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of J. Chandler. Road petition of M. L. Wilson was granted and G. W. Gardenhire, M. K. Hull and S. Morris appointed viewers. W. L. Pridgeon, a whiskey victim, and Wm. Schafstall, in for assault, were released from the bastille. Pridgeon was required to give good and sufficient bond for payment of half the cost of his conviction, which he did, and now enjoys sweet liberty. Petitions containing over forty-two hundred names were presented asking for the submitting of a proposition to the people of Cowley to vote stock in the Denver, Memphis & Atlantic Railroad, and the election was called for June 10th, the company guaranteeing the cost of election providing the road is not built as specified. Petition of the K. C. & S. R. R. company asking that the Commissioners begin on June 8th the condemnation of the right of way for said road, if the bonds carry, was guaranteed. A Petition containing 154 names asking for the calling of an election to vote $10,000 in Dexter township was acted upon, calling the election for June 10th, and the Eye was designated to publish the proclamation. Elections, in pursuance of petitions, were also called for the same date in Ninnescah township, $10,000, the Sentinel to publish proclamation, and in Fairview for same date and amount, THE COURIER to publish proclamation. The Board meets on June 1st, as a Board of Equalization. If any one has any tax grievances to adjust, then is the time to appear and have it looked into. The assessors returns for 1885 will then be equalized.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 6, 1885.
H. P. Snow and T. J. Rude were down from Burden Monday.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 20, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
New Salem Town Co to H P Snow et al, lots 3 and 4, blk 8, N S: $60.00.
Eli Reed et ux to H P Snow et al, se qr 31-31-5e and w hf sw qr sec 3 and e hf se qr, 4-34-5e: $7,400.
Eli Reed et ux to H P Snow et al, lot 12 blk 4 and lots 2 and 3 blk 7, New Salem: $2,000.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 3, 1885.
H. P. Snow was over from Burden Monday and reports everything lovely.
H. P. Snow...
Everything Harmonious, With No Opposition to Speak of. A Ticket Unexcelled.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
The convention met at the Opera House in Winfield at 10 o’clock a.m. today according to the call, and was called to order by W. J. Wilson, chairman of the county committee. E. A. Henthorn, Secretary of the committee, read the call. On motion of G. H. Buckman, Hon. T. A. Blanchard was elected chairman pro tem and took the chair. On motion of Geo. T. Walton, E. A. Henthorn was elected secretary pro tem and took his seat. On motion of S. P. Strong, voted that the chair appoint a committee of five on credentials. The chair appointed S. P. Strong, Ed Pentecost, G. P. Haycraft, Ed Nicholson, and W. B. Weimer. On motion of Geo. T. Walton, voted that the chair appoint a committee of five on permanent organization. The chair appointed Sid Cure, A. H. Jennings, J. S. Rash, John Bartgis, and S. C. Pattison. On motion of P. A. Lorry, voted that the chair appoint a committee of five on order of business. The chair appointed P. A. Lorry, Sampson Johnson, W. E. Tansey, J. R. Sumpter, and Capt. Stuber. On motion of J. C. Long, the chair was instructed to appoint a committee of five on resolutions. The chair appointed John C. Long, E. A. Henthorn, Dr. H. F. Hornady, L. E. Wooden, and J. D. Maurer. On motion, the convention adjourned to 2 o’clock p.m., sharp. Just previous to adjournment the chairman announced that all the delegates would be provided with dinner tickets by calling at the secretary’s desk.

Delegates: S. H. Toles, W. C. May, E. A. Henthorn, G. Walker, G. T. Walton, J. P. Zimmerman, Jo S. Leedy, H. P. Snow.
Alternates: None.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 15, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
H P Snow et ux to J P Zimmerman, lots 11 and 12, blk 21, Burden: $2,000
Amanda S Abell to H P Snow, lots 11 and 12, blk 21, Burden: $2,000
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 19, 1885.
H. P. Snow, prominent among Burden’s citizens, was in the metropolis Tuesday.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.
H. P. Snow and R. D. Fluke, of Burden, spent Sunday in the hub.
Note: I believe that the firm of Jones & Snow had H. P. Snow as one of the partners. Thus far, I cannot find information to confirm this. MAW
Jones and Snow of Burden...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 18, 1885.
The Burden Enterprise says that Jones & Snow drilled a well in their cellar to drain it. It says at a depth of thirty-six feet the drill struck a large vein of water, which rose several feet in the well, and which could not be lowered by any effort of the workmen. The water from the cellar was then turned into the well, which carried it off so rapidly that in twenty hours the thirteen hundred barrels, which was estimated the amount that the cellar contained, had disappeared Chinaward. Jones & Snow have the best drained cellar in town. Others are talking of draining their cellars by the same method. This system of drainage has not been patented yet.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 9, 1885.

The reporter boarded the early freight Wednesday morning, and went through to Burden C. O. D. Arriving, it began to rain, as it does every time he goes up there, but having on a very thin coat and a pair of leaky shoes run down at the heel, he felt no uneasiness whatever. Burden is growing right along. Jones & Snow are putting up an elegant store building on Main street, 35 x 146. The Burden Librarian Lyceum building, built by the town, is a neat and tasty building, 43 x 63. It will be one story and will contain an elegant library. The seating capacity of this building will be arranged opera fashion. This enterprise shows the refinement and intelligence of the people of Burden. The ladies of the M. E. church have made a beautiful silk quilt which they are raffling off to raise funds to finish the parsonage. The names of these ladies are too many to name, thirty-two in all. THE DAILY invested in this raffle and will pray from time to time that it may be the lucky one. We stopped with mine host, J. S. Leedy, of the Commercial. We will recommend this hotel to the traveling public as the place to get a good meal. After dinner we got a team of H. W. Young, which was one of the best we ever held the string behind, and started for Cambridge. We were surprised to see the corn looking so well along the trip. We saw no signs of worms. The crop looks fine. Arriving in Cambridge we found everything O. K. Returning to Burden we waited patiently for the freight. The grade at Burden is excellent, far surpassing Winfield. It is a gentle slope from the head of Main street. The water runs off like unto a shed. While looking at the gutters carrying off this flood, we noticed cork after cork floating by; there must have been 10,000. Our curiosity was aroused and we inquired what it meant. All seemed to think they floated from the back yard of Bro. Henthorn of the Eagle. We examined these corks and found them to be genuine. The grade of this town is a dad give away. The people of Burden say that the acreage of corks is on the increase. We think Burden a very pleasant place and her people very agreeable.
Jones and Snow Hall...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 12, 1885.
The G. A. R. Post of Burden has prepared for a ball at that place on Friday evening. The arrangements are very extensive. It will be held in the new Jones & Snow hall. A number from here have received invitations and will attend.
Jones and Snow...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 19, 1885.
Our scribe took an eastern tour Friday night, to Burden—on business. It was the occasion of a ball by the G. A. R. Post of that flourishing little city. To say the event was a big success is putting it very mildly. It was about the biggest gathering of the kind Burden has ever had. It was a “house warmer,” dedicating the fine stone block of Jones & Snow [next two or three words illegible], one of the finest buildings in this section, one that would do credit to a much larger place than Burden. It is a hundred and twenty feet deep, a ten foot basement, magnificent store room, and an airy, roomy hall above. It represents a large sum and shows the great confidence of these gentlemen in the future of Burden. But to the ball. Burden and the surrounding country were fully represented, a large, refined, and attractive gathering of the best people. The Roberts orchestra, five pieces, furnished the music. It was charming. The crowd was one of the liveliest. With the corpulent and genial John Ledlie, commander of the Post, as master of ceremonies, everything went off as smoothly as clock work. The supper—we won’t attempt to do it justice. In the words of the ancient but appreciative philosopher, “the tables fairly groaned under their weight of tempting viands,” everything gentle women could array. The hospitality of the people of Burden is most whole-souled: a counterpart to the enterprise and flourish of the town. The Burden Lyceum building, a splendid stone structure built for public purposes by a stock company, will be finished in a few weeks, when another “house warming” will occur.
It appears that the following item refers to Mr. J. P. Snow...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 25, 1886.
Mr. Douglass Fluke, of Burden, is now a Salemite, as Mr. Snow has put in a stock of goods and Mr. Fluke is salesman. They expect to keep a variety of goods and groceries and also expect their share of patronage.