J. A. Snow Family


Kansas 1875 Census, Winfield Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
J. A. Snow 56  m w Vermont Iowa
Charles Snow 25  m w Michigan Iowa
Mortimer Snow 18  m w Michigan Iowa
Laura Snow 15 f w Michigan Iowa
Snow, J. A., 34 [54]. No spouse listed.
Snow, Ehas. [?], 25. No spouse listed.
Snow, J. A., 55. No spouse listed.
Snow, E. M., 26; spouse, Julia, 23.
Snow, M. D., 21. No spouse listed.
Snow, J. A., 62. Spouse not listed.
Charles Snow...
Winfield Courier, March 18, 1875.
District Court Docket.
The following is a list of cases that will stand for trial at the March term, A. D., 1875, of the District Court of Cowley County, to be holden on and from the 22nd day, and have been placed on the Trial Docket in the following order.
State of Kansas versus Charles Snow.
Winfield Courier, March 25, 1875.
Disposition of cases in the District Court up to Wednesday night.
  State of Kansas Versus Charles Snow, dismissed.
Mortimer Snow...
Winfield Courier, October 28, 1875.
The following teachers were in attendance at the examination last Friday and Saturday.
   Mortimer Snow, Winfield.
E. M. Snow...
Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.
Minutes of the Cowley County Teachers’ Institute.
Agreeable to the call of the County Superintendent of Public Instruction, the teachers of Cowley County met in annual insti­tute on Monday, Sept. 11th, at 9 o’clock a.m. On account of sickness in his family, Mr. Wilkinson was unable to attend, and the duty of conducting the Institute devolved on Prof. A. B. Lemmon.

The Institute organized by electing the following officers: President, Mr. D. [E.] M. Snow; Vice President, Mr. H. M. Bacon; Secretary, Miss M. A. Bryant. Messrs. Robinson, Bacon, and Millard, and Misses Cowles and Roberts were chosen a committee on query box.
The summary of the work done by the Institute during the four days session is as follows: Prof. Lemmon delivered a series of lectures on school management, taking up and developing plans for the organization and government of schools. In connection with these lectures, the teachers were led to take a part in the discussion of the theories and plans advocated by the lecturer. This exercise was heartily appreciated by all, and it is hoped it will lead our teachers to a more careful and thorough study of their work.
E. M. Snow, M. D. Snow. [Also, Byron A. Snow.]...
Arkansas City Traveler, September 27, 1876.
The following teachers were in attendance at the examination held at Winfield, Friday and Saturday, September 15 and 16, 1876.
WINFIELD. Louis P. King, Lusetta Pyburn, Mr. J. Huff, M. E. Lynn, Mary E. Bryant, E. M. Snow, Sallie E. Rea, C. A. Winslow, Amy Robertson, Mall Roberts, Mrs. Bell Seibert, H. W. Holloway, Mollie A. Davis, O. S. Record, Rachel E. Newman, Ioa Roberts, F. T. Ross, Geo. W. Robinson, J. K. Beckner, Emma Saint, Sarah E. Davis, Maggie Stansbury, M. D. Snow, Byron A. Snow, Helen Wright, Mina O. Johnson, Kate Gilliland.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 4, 1876.
List of those receiving certificates at the examination held at Winfield, September 15 and 16, 1876.
“A” Grades: Xina Cowles, Ella Wickersham, Mary A. Bryant, Geo. W. Robinson.
“1st” Grades: H. M. Bacon, H. W. Holloway, Miss Mall. Roberts.
“2nd” Grades: Emery I. Johnson, J. H. Edwards, Wm. E. Ketchum, J. C. Armstrong, Oscar J. Holroyd, C. I. Record, T. B. Kidney, Porter Wilson, R. B. Carson, M. L. Smith, J. T. Tarbet, Charles H. Eagin, E. W. [M.] Snow, M. D. Snow, Byron A. Snow, C. W. Dover, George Lee, J. K. Beckner, Frank A. Chapin, J. M. Haw­thorne, T. P. Stevenson, Mrs. Bell Seibert, Mrs. A. R. Hauser, Fannie Skinner, Sarah Hollingsworth, Sarah E. Davis, Stella Burnett, Laura Turner, Anna O. Wright, Veva Walton, Georgia Christian, Gertrude Davis, Adelia DeMott, Lizzie Conklin, Sallie Rea, Miss M. J. Huff, Miss M. E. Lynn, Miss C. A. Winslow, Lusetta Pyburn, Helen Wright, Anna Buck, Mary E. Buck, Ludy Pedell, Kate L. Ward, Emma Saint, Mina C. Johnson, Maggie Stansbury, Kate Gilliland, Rachel E. Nawman, Kate Fitzgerald, Mary I. Byard, W. E. Merydith, Ioa Roberts, Lizzie Landis, Amy Robertson, Kate T. Hawkins, Anna Mark.
“A” grades are valid two years, “1st” grades one year, and “2nd” grades six months. There were four “A” grades, three “1st” grades, and fifty-seven “2nd” grades.
Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.
The following is a list of the teachers attending the Normal Institute, who secured certificates at the examination: Second grade certificates being valid six months, first grade one year, “A” grade two years.

SECOND GRADE: Emery J. Johnson, J. H. Edwards, Wm. E. Ketcham, J. C. Armstrong, Oscar J. Holroyd, O. J. Record, T. B. Kidney, Porter Wilson, R. R. Corson, M. L. Smith, J. T. Tarbet, Charles H. Eagin, E. W. [M.] Snow, M. D. Snow, Byron A. Snow, C. W. Dover, George Lee, J. K. Beckner, Frank A. Chapin, J. M. Hawthorn, T. P. Stevenson, W. E. Meredith, Mrs. Belle Seibert, Mrs. A. R. Hauser, Miss Fannie Skinner, Miss Sarah E. Davis, Miss Stella Burnett, Miss Laura Turner, Miss Anna O. Wright, Mis Veva Walton, Miss Georgia Christian, Miss Gertrude Davis, Miss Adelia DeMott, Miss Lizzie Conklin, Miss Sallie Rea, Miss M. J. Huff, Miss M. E. Lynn, Miss C. A. Winslow, Miss Lusetta Pyburn, Miss Helen Wright, Miss Anna Buck, Miss Mary E. Buck, Miss Kate L. Ward, Miss Emma Saint, Miss Mina C. Johnson, Miss Maggie Stansberry, Miss Kate Gilleland, Miss Rachel E. Nauman, Miss Kate Fitzgerald, Miss Mary I. Byard, Miss Jos. Roberts, Miss Lizzie Landis, Miss Amy Robertson, Miss Kate T. Hawkins, Miss Anna Mark, Miss Lucy Pedell, Miss Sarah Hollingsworth.
E. M. Snow...
Arkansas City Traveler, September 12, 1877.
The following persons were qualified to teach in Cowley County at the last examination.
GRADE “A”: Misses Mina Johnson, Alice Aldrich, Emma Saint, Sarah Hodges.
GRADE I: Ella Freeland, Ella Scott, Allie Klingman, Sarah E. Davis, Jennie Hane, Mr. O. S. Record.
GRADE II: Misses Maggie Stansbury, Ann Robertson, R. E. Newman, Fannie Pontious, Mary Pontious, Lissie Summers, Mattie Minnihan, Effie Randall, Alice Pyburn, Loretta Pyburn, Mrs. B. Seibert, Mr. J. D. Hunt, John Poor, A. B. Taylor, B. F. Starwalt, E. M. Snow, J. A. Rupp, M. H. Markcum.
Snow brothers, Miss Laura Snow...
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1876.
A team belonging to one of the Snow brothers ran away last Tuesday, starting from Moore’s Mill, south of town, and closing their mad career by running over a sulky plow, upsetting the wagon and running against the fence of Maris’ lumber yard. The romance of the event was represented by Miss Laura Snow, a young lady of sixteen years, who was in the wagon holding to the lines and guiding the team, not being able to stop them. Forty men tried to stop the team as it rushed through Main Street, but their efforts resulted in more harm than good for it prevented the brave young lady from keeping the centre of the road and resulted in an upset. The scene closed with some bruises, but nothing serious.
Mortimer D. Snow, Laura L. Snow...
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
Real Estate Transfers.
Mortimer D. Snow to Laura L. Snow, part of se 9, 38, 4; 40 acres; $500.
Laura Snow marries Theodore Wright, of Pleasant Valley Township...
Winfield Courier, May 27, 1880.
We learn in a round-about way of the marriage of our friend, Mr. Theodore Wright, of Pleasant Valley township, to Miss Laura Snow.
E. M. Snow...
Winfield Courier, September 13, 1877.
The Normal Institute.
The following is a list of teachers who received certificates at the examination.
Winfield. Grade 2. Misses Maggie Stansbury, Amy Robertson, R. E. Nawman, Fannie Pontious, Mary Pontious, Lissie Summers, Mattie Minnihan, Effie Randall, Alice Pyburn, Lusetta Pyburn, Mattie Walters, Mrs. B. Seibert, Messrs. J. D. Hunt, John Bower, A. B. Taylor, B. F. Starwalt, E. M. Snow, M. H. Markcum.

E. M. Snow...
Winfield Courier, December 13, 1877.
E. M. Snow, Dist. No. 9, Winfield.
E. M. Snow...
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
  Teacher District No. 9. Winfield. E. M. Snow.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
Mr. A. M. [E. M.] Snow is teaching his second term in Excelsior.
E. M. Snow...
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
The temperance movement was organized at Excelsior schoolhouse on last Friday evening. Mr. Joel Mason, of Pleasant Valley Township, presided. The meeting was addressed by Messrs. Snow, Andrews, Greer, and others. Thirty-eight signed the pledge.
M. D. Snow...
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
The Normal Institute.
The Normal Institute opened with the following teachers in attendance.
From Winfield: Margie K. Wallis, Lewis Brown, Pella Bradish, Nannie McGee, Mattie E. Walters, Ella Hunt, Henrietta King, Alice Pyburn, Lusetta Pyburn, Any Robertson, C. C. Critz, Maggie Stansbury, T. J. Floyd, Sarah E. Davis, Sarah E. Aldrich, Ray Nawman, Mary A. Bryant, Ioa Roberts, Mattie E. Minnihan, John Bower, R. A. O’Neill, Lizzie T. Wallis, Sarah Hodges, Alice Bullock, Ella Freeland, Mina C. Johnson, W. Trevett, J. D. Hunt, G. B. Richmond, Nellie M. Aldrich, Hattie F. Finch, Celina Bliss, Samuel Davis, Ida Carey, Ella Stewart, Allie Klingman, Fannie Pontious, A. B. Taylor, M. D. Snow.