Dr. J. W. Snyder
Lazette, Windsor Township.
Note: Dr. J. W. Snyder was a member of the Church of Christ.
Others members of this church: Wm. Martin, J. J. Goodwill, J. H. Irvin, H. D. Gans, Wm. Marcus, John Blevins, and Joshua Jones.
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.
Dr. J. W. SNYDER, late of Elk City, Montgomery County, Kansas, called upon us last Saturday. He is a resident of Lazette, in this county, where he is practicing his profession. We cordially welcome the Doctor to full fellowship into the ranks of good fellowship in Cowley, and hope his new field will be useful and profitable. We have never met the Doctor before, but will take the responsibility of guaranteeing him as a first-class citizen.
Winfield Courier, October 12, 1876.
Health is very good in this part of the valley, except Mrs. J. P. Craft. She was very severely attacked with congestion of the heart last night, but is better today. Drs. Snyder and Rude were called in.
Winfield Courier, March 1, 1877.
EDITOR COURIER: I have noticed in your paper for a long time what purposed to be the statistics of Cowley County, professedly for information of strangers desiring a location. Among other matters you profess to give the religious organizations of the county, naming Presbyterian, Congregational, Baptist, Methodist, and Catholic, while you have not ever alluded to one of the largest bodies in the county. I refer to the Church of Christ. Supposing someone better qualified would inform you upon this subject, I have waited until now, and have concluded to give you the best information I can obtain. There are ten organizations in the county, located and named as follows: Winfield, Floral, Rose Valley, Cooper, Vernon, Antioch, Baltimore, Lazette, Dexter, and Spring Hill, numbering in the aggregate 500, while there is also a large membership not as yet organized, amounting to some 300, in all to 800. We have at present but 8 resident preachers: Wm. Martin, J. J. Goodwill, J. H. Irvin, H. D. Gans, Wm. Marcus, Dr. John Snyder, John Blevins, and Joshua Jones.
Yours Respectfully, JOSHUA JONES.
February 27, 1877.
Winfield Courier, April 19, 1877.
J. W. Snyder, pauper bill: [$6.00 claimed: laid over.]
Winfield Courier, June 21, 1877.
4th of July Celebration.
LAZETTE, KAN., June 18, 1877.
EDITOR COURIER: Dear Sir: Through your paper we wish to announce to the public a grand Sunday school picnic and 4th of July celebration, in Mr. G. W. Gardenhire’s grove, 1½ miles south of Lazette, on the 4th day of July, 1877. All Sunday schools are invited. All are invited to come with their baskets well filled with grub. An oration will be delivered by one of Winfield’s celebrated 4th of July speakers, followed by Dr. Snyder and others. S. M. Fall, Marshal of the day and reader of the declaration of Independence. Dr. Lear, with the Lazette singing school, will furnish vocal and instrumental music. Come, everybody, and come early, by order of committee. Yours, etc. C. H. JONES.
Winfield Courier, September 27, 1877.
Correspondence From Lazette.
On Saturday, the 15th inst., in a shady grove in the Grouse Creek valley, about four miles above Lazette, the Armstrong Union Sunday School with other neighboring schools had a grand time. Mr. Story, County Superintendent, delivered a masterly address expatiating on the great necessity of keeping the Sabbath day by various sublime illustrations, man’s dependence for physical, mental, and moral culture, exhorted all to keep the laws of nature (which were the laws of God) inviolate, observe strict obedience and unswerving loyalty to the laws of our being—of God and our country.
Elder Thomas, a Baptist minister, made a good speech; said many good things. His late bereavement of the companion of his bosom caused many a heart to vibrate in sympathy. Dr. Snyder, a Christian minister, was then called for by order of the programme. He made a lucid discourse upon the bible, its divisions, and how to study it.
Interspersing all these exercises we had fine music, Miss Rosa Herr at the organ and a selection of the best musical talent of the country. Mr. Hall, marshal of the day, acquitted himself nobly. Messrs. Peebler and Smith, superintendents, gave all a fine reception. After all was over at the grounds we saw a couple joined in matrimony by Dr. Snyder on the banks of the Grouse. [Name of couple not given.] NEW COMER.
Winfield Courier, October 4, 1877.
Grouse Valley Notes.
A picnic was given by the Union Sunday school of Harvey Township on the 15th. Music and a long table of good things, in addition to the speeches of R. C. Story, Rev. Mr. Thomas, Doctor Snyder and Lear made the day and the occasion pleasant.
Dr. Snyder and Joe Snyder...
Winfield Courier, December 20, 1877.
Items from the Lazette Bugle.
Dr. Snyder has just completed a nice residence of imposing size.
Joe Snyder has purchased the H. A. Jackson farm of 160 acres.
Winfield Courier, December 27, 1877. Front Page.
GRAND PRAIRIE, School Dist. No. 95,
Cowley Co., Kan., Dec. 13, 1877.
MR. EDITOR: As you seem so anxious to get all the news in the county, I am going to tell you a few things from this part of the vineyard. First, we have just completed our schoolhouse. It is 20 x 26 feet, well built and furnished throughout. It was built by T. A. Wilkinson and cost the District $500 in bonds, payable in one, two, three, four, and five years, with interest.
At a meeting of the citizens of the district for the purpose of accepting the house, it was decided to call it Grand Prairie schoolhouse, and to dedicate it with a grand supper, which was done last Friday evening, the 30th ult. Oh, ye gods! what a supper there was. “Big turkey, little turkey, and all, and the charge on that table beat Russians, Bashi Bazouks, or anybody else. I shall not attempt to describe it. It was a wild scene.” Everybody was there. The ridge was out in force and the wharf rats from the little washouts on Timber and Grouse Creeks seemed ready to fulfill the scriptural quotation of “behold and wonder and perish,” but they didn’t do it. They are used to eating when they can get it.
The district was well represented by Messrs. Burden, Barr, Hollowell, Savage, and others. Among those from abroad were Dr. Snyder, of Lazette, who made some very appropriate remarks. Add Smith tried to fatten his family but failed. The most prominent feature was Foster Tucker with the hock joint of a turkey standing up from his coat pocket.
Yours, BUCK I.