John C. Snyder
[Generally referred to as “J. C. Snyder.”]
School Teacher.
[Note: John C. Snyder was a brother of Rev. J. H. Snyder, who located in Winfield. He was also the brother of M. H. Snyder of Arkansas City. M. H. Snyder was a cattleman. The father of the Snyder brothers is mentioned in file on Rev. J. H. Snyder.]
Winfield Courier, December 25, 1884.
A cousin of J. C. Snyder, residing in the east, has expressed a desire to establish a lumber yard.
The folks of Victor school district prepared their “best bib and tucker” for the entertainment of Santa Claus at the Victor schoolhouse Christmas eve. The Snyders, Harbaughs, Browns, Teeters, Watts, Whitsons, Victors, etc., saw that Santa Claus was respectfully treated and kindly received at that point.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
J. C. Snyder improved the few mild days of last week in pruning hedge. There is no use trying to bull-doze our Kansas weather.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 7, 1885.
J. C. Snyder has one hundred pure bred Plymouth rock chicks.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 16, 1885.
Yesterday Mr. Samuel Watt met with an accident that nearly proved fatal. In lowering his threshing machine, the binder attachment, weighing over four hundred pounds, fell on his back, disabling him completely. The strength of two men was required to lift him in a wagon in which he was taken home from the field of his neighbor, J. C. Snyder. At present he is in a precarious condition and suffering agonizing pain.
While making a call one evening this week on our esteemed friend and neighbor, J. C. Snyder, your reporter enjoyed the pleasure of glancing through Mr. Snyder’s scrap-book of poems, and noticed some selections from his pen when editor of the Illinois Kuozoman. J. C. is a graduate of Abingdon (Illinois) college, class of 1876, and is a thinker and writer of no inferior ability. The following stanzas on the “Dish-rag and the new Machine” is good enough to be reproduced for the edification of THE COURIER readers.
Put away the dish-rag, Lizzie, you need not use it more,
I’ve a new invented washer, outside the kitchen door.
While you’ve been washing dishes for years the same old way,
Some smarter person’s studied up a new dish-washing tray.
Where’d I get it? That’s like you, Liz, you know they have a store.
In the village where we trade the most, from here a mile or more,
Where all the new improvements, that are made to help along
The men folks and the women folks, are sold—yes, for a song.
Yes, bought it for you to try, Lizzie, and see if it would do,
So get the dishes ready and we’ll pass the dishes through.
We’ll see how ’twill work for us, and if it does things well,
It’ll help along your work so much, and give you a resting spell.
Now pour the water in here, and put your dishes—so,
That’s it. Just see how splendidly the new machines does go.
Oh, Lizzie! Ain’t it glorious, just see what little slight
It takes to make the dishes come out so clean and white!
Why didn’t someone years ago get up these cogs and chains?
Or didn’t they have the energy—or did they lack the brains?
It’s simple how it does its work, and how nicely it is made.
It will pay for itself in a little while, I ain’t a bit afraid.
The world is growing wiser, Lizzie, while we grow old and gray;
And what we done by hand when young, machinery does today.
We’re getting weak, and now we’ll prize them in their teens,
For they’re the ones that’s doing good, by inventing “new machines.”
The way we used to do the work, made the years go slowly by;
But now we have machinery, which causes time to fly.
We’re nearing the Saturday night of life, and it somehow seems to me,
Those dishes on the table there, “ain’t” as white as our robes will be.
Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.
John C. Snyder of Hackney has made application for the winter term of school in district 4. He offers his service for fifty dollars a month.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 5, 1885.
District 10 is fortunate in securing J. C. Snyder to teach for them the ensuing school year. His services were in demand by other districts.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 19, 1885.
Mrs. Ribble, mother of Mrs. J. C. Snyder, is daily expected to arrive from Nebraska, whither she went last spring to visit a daughter.
Arkansas City Republican, October 24, 1885.
The Pleasant Valley Temperance Society was organized two weeks ago and now hold bi-monthly meetings at Irwin chapel. Officers: R. W. Anderson, president; J. C. Snyder, secretary; Mrs. Simeon Beach, treasurer. Programme for next Sunday evening: Addresses by Prof. J. C. Snyder and Dr. G. W. Holland; essays by Mrs. Frank Brown and Miss Nettie Anderson; select reading by Miss Mollie Constant and Mrs. Ella Beach. The exercises will be interspersed with appropriate vocal and instrumental music.
Arkansas City Republican, January 2, 1886.
Prof. J. C. Snyder is the happy recipient of a most precious New Year’s gift. Dr. H. W. Marsh assisted in the presentation; will report gender and avoirdupois in next “Harpings.”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 7, 1886.
Prof. John C. Snyder was presented with a unique but valuable New Year’s gift—a son of regulation weight and more than ordinary smartness. It is quite obvious why Cal. undertook the cultivation of those sideburns—to add more dignity to his additional responsibilities as “pap.” Dr. Marsh officiated. Mother and boy progressing finely.
Many bright New Year’s and a sunny track,
Curtis, along an upward way,
And joyful hymns of praise on looking back,
When your fair locks have ripened gray.
A record pure and honest too;
This is my New Year’s wish for you!
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
THE COURIER would express its thanks to the following named reliable and honored citizens of grand old Cowley for recent favors: T. R. Carson, Wilmot; Jno. A. Smith, Silverdale; A. W. Beswick, Kellogg; W. B. Norman, Udall; D. S. Sherrard, Pleasant Valley; G. A. Lindsey, Winfield; P. Belveal, Walnut; W. J. Orr, Fairview; J. W. Evans, Dexter; Henry Ireton, Seeley; John H. Tharp, Kellogg; George Erickson, Cedarvale; H. Falkingham, Milton Drew, Pleasant Valley; Z. Oldham, Vernon; N. B. Robinson, Walnut; J. P. Henderson, Walnut; J. B. Daniels, Dexter; J. M. Barrick, Akron; N. B. Hammond, Tannehill; J. O. Barricklow, Winfield; Gibson & Co., Winfield; Zeb Foster, Udall; D. M. Adams, Winfield; H. C. Castor, Liberty; J. A. Simpson, Winfield; Joseph Anglemyer, Winfield; Sampson Johnson, Pleasant Valley; R. B. Waite, Winfield; S. W. Pennington, Vernon; Sid Cure, Walnut; J. M. Harcourt, Rock; W. H. Waite, Udall; W. H. White, Ninnescah; Charles A. Peabody, Dexter; R. B. Hanna, Burden; N. T. Snyder, Arkansas City; W. H. Moore, Winfield; W. R. Lorton, Wilmot; R. S. White, Winfield; G. C. Cleveland, Cedarvale; Nelson Utley, Winfield; J. O. Barricklow, Winfield; S. C. Smith, Winfield; W. H. Dawson, Winfield; T. W. Maddux, Winfield; J. R. Taylor, Winfield; J. L. Huey, Arkansas City; L. D. York, Maple City; Greer Fleming, Winfield; Jas. Hollister, Seeley; T. M. Graham, Winfield; Thos. Larimer, Winfield; W. M. Stout, Udall; William Carter, Kellogg; H. D. Syron, Winfield; J. H. Hall, Tisdale; W. H. Fry, Dexter; V. F. Ogburn, Glen Grouse; M. A. Holler, Rock; W. H. Grow, Rock; J. M. Mark, Liberty; E. W. Woolsey, Burden; E. H. Gilbert, Winfield; W. H. Bolton, Dexter; J. F. Stodder, Burden; Geo. W. Moore, Udall; W. B. Lewis, Dexter; J. C. Snyder, Constant; Geo. R. Stevens, Wilmore; Mrs. B. McKee, Dexter; S. S. Condit, Winfield; R. W. Flener, Silverdale; Philo Winter, Tisdale; Dennis Shaw, Arkansas City; W. H. Campbell, Grand Summit; John Shoup, Udall; J. S. Herron, Tannehill; J. W. Stansbury, Arkansas City; Jas. Greenshields, Tisdale.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
At its last meeting the Centennial literary elected the following officers for the ensuing term: President, M. H. Markum; Vice President, J. C. Snyder; Secretary, Loyd Guyer; Treasurer, Miss Lula Teeter; Sergeant at Arms, John Vandever; Editor, Messrs. Ed. Byers and Ed. Garrett. The society is booming in the superlative degree.
It is very probable that the growing wheat is injured to a considerable extent by the severe freezing, notwithstanding the large amount of snow that has fallen. The injury occurred before enough snow fell to protect the wheat. It will be noticed as soon as the thaw begins, that a large per cent of the wheat will present a sickly and lifeless appearance.
The trial of Ed Byers for the violation of the society’s by-laws created considerable amusement for a crowded house at the Centennial literary last week. Geo. Teeter presided as Judge and Loyd Guyer, clerk. Messrs. Mose Teeter and M. H. Markum were the prosecuting attorneys, and J. C. Snyder and W. B. Holland counsels for the defense. The fact that three of the “jurymen” were ladies might account for the acquittal of the defendant. Women, perhaps, ought to be allowed to vote, but they are too sympathetic and tender-hearted to fill the role of jurors—especially when the defendant is of the masculine gender and prepossessing in appearance.
Arkansas City Republican, February 20, 1886.
J. C. Snyder’s winter term of school at Dist. 10 will terminate next Wednesday. After a few weeks vacation, the Professor will teach a spring term of school at the same place. He seems to have given quite general satisfaction as pedagogue.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 25, 1886.
Our poultry fancier, J. C. Snyder, received a fine Plymouth Rock Cockrell last week. J. C. is making a specialty of this breed of fowls.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 6, 1886.
J. C. Snyder, of this place, had the pleasure of a visit from his uncle and aunt from Ohio this week. They are on a prospecting tour of Southwestern Kansas and will locate where they are most favorably impressed. They expressed themselves delighted with our country.
Arkansas City Republican, March 13, 1886.
The Centennial literary elected new officers last Tuesday as follows:
President, Lewis P. King.
Vice President, J. C. Snyder.
Secretary, Ed. Byers.
Treasurer, Miss Belle McCulloch.
Sergeant at Arms, Ves Byers.
Editors, Miss Maggie Teeter and W. B. Holland.
The question “Resolved, That the world is growing worse, morally,” was debated in the affirmative by Messrs. J. C. Snyder, W. B. Holland, and M. H. Markum; negative, Lewis P. King, Ed. Byers, and Lloyd Guper. Decided in favor of the affirmative. GRAPHITE.
[Wonder about Guper...could this be Luper?]
Arkansas City Republican, April 10, 1886.
John C. Snyder and family visited at Arkansas City last Saturday and Sunday.
Arkansas City Republican, May 15, 1886.
Our friend, Jno. C. Snyder, is achieving quite a reputation as a poultry fancier and breeder. Orders for Plymouth Rock eggs are coming in faster than he can fill them. He is now adding geese and turkeys, of the fancy varieties, to his chicken business.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 17, 1886.
Messrs. Ed. Ewing, W. B. Holland, E. M. Anderson, F. A. Chapin, Mrs. J. C. Snyder, and Miss Edith Holland represented this community at the teachers examination at the close of Normal.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 21, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
The Tannehill school will be under the supervision of John C. Snyder of Hackney, during the winter term. This gentleman is a classical scholar as well as a practical teacher and comes highly recommended.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 27, 1885.
Cowley’s first extensive examination under the new law formulating the questions in the State Board of Education, shows 105 certificates out of 155 applicants—5 in the first grade, 41 in the second grade, and 50 in the third grade, as follows.
Anderson, E. M.; Arnett, M. R.; Baker, Thornton J.; Baker, Annie; Bertram, Belle; Brown, Hattie; Bryan, Harry; Bush, Belle; Coonrod, Mollie; Coombs, Villa; Cronk, M. R.; Craddock, W. F.; Darnell, Hattie; Earhart, Henry; Ewing, E. W.; Garrett, E. M.; Garrett, W. H.; Gillett, S. E.; Hite, Lucy; Holland, W. B.; Hosmer, George E.; Howard, Lida; Jacobus, W. P.; Johnston, Ella B.; Kerr, Joseph P.; Kinney, Maggie; Krow, V.; Littell, W. B.; Manser, Mary; Mark, Anna; Merydith, Mettie; Miller, Mary E.; McKee, Emma L.; Miller, Alice B.; Nelson, Stirling; O’Neil, Lizzie; Perkins, Cyrus F.; Powell, C. W.; Preston, E. B.; Powell, H. F.; Plunket, Carrie; Page, Belle; Ramage, D. W.; Randall, Mary; Robertson, Anna; Rowell, Cora; Smith, J. R.; Snyder, John C.; Stevenson, Etta; Sumpter, Flora; Taplin, Linnie; Taplin, Hattie; Taylor, Lida; Walton, Lillie; Taylor, M. A.; Warren, J. W.; Wilkins, Alonzo; Wing, A. W.; Wilkins, Lottie.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 3, 1885.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Snyder and their son, Gary, spent last Saturday and Sunday visiting J. C.’s brother at Arkansas City.
An old friend of J. C. Snyder from Abington, Illinois, is looking up a location in this section and will probably establish a lumber yard at our station.
Mr. J. C. Snyder has contracted to teach in District 10 for seven months. There was quite a demand for J. C.’s services as a pedagogue—no less than three school boards were after him. Merit and proficiency never goes begging.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 17, 1885.
Prof. Ingalls, state Sunday school evangelist of the Christian denomination, who held a series of meetings last week at the Tannehill schoolhouse on analysis of the Bible, spent last Friday visiting J. C. Snyder and family. J. C. and wife were once honored students of the Professor when he was a member of the faculty of Abingdon, Illinois, college.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1885.
Mr. J. C. Snyder’s aunt and sister, of Ohio, were visiting him some three days of last week.
Schools are now in session in districts 4, 10, and 115, with a good daily attendance. The pedagogues are Messrs. Ed Garrett, J. C. Snyder, and E. H. Ewing.
The temperance association of this community organized two weeks ago, held its second meeting last Sunday evening at the chapel. The officers are: W. R. Anderson, president; J. C. Snyder, secretary; Mrs. Ella Beach, treasurer. The writer was unfortunately unable to be present at this meeting. However, Madame Rumor says that Rev. P. B. Lee, D. D., of Vernon, and pastor of the chapel, Prof. B. T. Davis, and Dr. Elder, of Winfield, delivered very interesting addresses on appropriate subjects, interspersed with music, and an essay by Mrs. Amy Chapin and select reading by Miss Edith Holland. The following is the program for the evening of Oct. 25th: Addresses by Mr. J. C. Snyder and Dr. A. W. Holland, essays by Mrs. Frank Brown and Miss Nettie Anderson, select reading by Miss Mollie Constant and Mrs. Ella Beach with the usual supply of music.
A Complete List of the Teachers of Cowley County.
Their Districts and P. O. Addresses.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 17, 1885.
10 Jno C Snyder, Hackney.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1886.
Cowley County Teachers’ Association.
Third monthly session will be held at Burden, December 4th, 1886.
1. First Two Years’ Work in Language.
2. The Application of Analysis to Fractions.
Paper: J. H. CAMPBELL.
Discussion: H. G. NORTON.
3. How to Cultivate in Children a Taste for Poetry.
Discussion: IDA BYERS; J. C. PAGE.
4. The French in American History.
Paper: J. C. SNYDER.
Discussion: L. WILLIAMS.
5. A Review of Education in Ancient Times.
Paper: J. C. WEIR.
Discussion: E. B. WAGGONER.
6. Interest Manifested in Schools by Parents.
Reports from Teachers’ Session opens 9:30 a.m. Teachers will choose each of the topics as they are more interested in and discuss them.