Rev. Jacob H. Snyder


Pastor, The United Brethren in Christ Church.
  Winfield Circuit.
[Note: Rev. Jacob H. Snyder had two brothers who settled in Cowley County. They were J. C. Snyder, Hackney, who was a school teacher; and M. H. Snyder, a cattleman who moved from Winfield to Arkansas City. This is a most confusing family to figure out. Not until 1886 did the brothers of Rev. Snyder get explained. The father of Rev. J. H. Snyder bought some farms in Cowley County. Information about him is contained in the Rev. J. H. Snyder file. MAW]
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Rev. J. H. Snyder, from Illinois, delivered us a very excellent sermon Sabbath morning 7th, at Easterly’s appointment.
Rev. J. H. Snyder purchased the Clark farm on the Walnut Valley. We have now three ministers of the United Brethren Church from Illinois owning farms in Winfield circuit. Two are living on their places.
Winfield Courier, June 13, 1878.
Real Estate Transfers.
Wm. D. Clark and wife to Jacob H. Snyder, ne. 12-32-3; 160 acres, $3,000.
Winfield Courier, October 20, 1881.
Winfield Courier, November 17, 1881.
The United Brethren in Christ organized a church in the city last Sabbath. Rev. J. H. Snyder, the pastor, preaches at the Courthouse each Sabbath at 3 p.m. A most cordial invitation is extended to all interested in Christian services to attend.
Winfield Courier, November 17, 1881.
Rev. J. H. Snyder is in charge of the Winfield congregation of the United Brethren church instead of Rev. Lacey, as stated last week. Mr. Snyder is a very intelligent gentleman and we are glad to number him among the workers in the Cowley Vineyard. Services are held in the Courthouse the first and third Sundays in each month.
Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.
MARRIED. At the residence of Mr. D. Mater, in Winfield, Dec. 4, 1881, by Rev. J. H. Snyder, Mr. George B. Hixon and Mrs. Rose E. Cottrell.
  First Church of the United Brethren in Christ, of Kansas.
Cowley County Courant, March 2, 1882.
A charter has been filed with Secretary of State organizing the first church of the United Brethren in Christ, of Kansas, capital stock $10,000. Trustees: P. R. Lee, J. H. Snyder, Daniel Mater, Joseph Barrickson, and Samuel Garver.
Winfield Courier, January 5, 1882.

The first quarterly meeting of Winfield city charge, church of the United Brethren in Christ, will be held at the Victor schoolhouse January 14th and 15th, 1882. Rev. P. B. Lee, the presiding elder, will be present and conduct the services. A cordial invitation is extended to all. J. H. SNYDER, Pastor.
Rev. J. H. Snyder???
Lee Snyder, Vernon Township, and Elder Snyder...
Winfield Courier, January 5, 1882.
Valley View.
Last Thursday evening, in company with County Attorney Jennings, we attended an entertainment given by the Sabbath school at Valley View Schoolhouse in Vernon Township. Mr. Jennings was invited to deliver an address, and we went along as a kind of an “amanuensis” to do the editing. The drive out through the bright moonlight with the crisp, cool air blowing in our faces was delightful. Arriving at the schoolhouse, we found it crowded with the best and happiest lot of people it has ever been our good fortune to meet. We have often heard of the generous hospitality of the folks up there, but are now ready to affirm that the half of it has never been told. Everybody seemed to have brought enough for themselves and five others, and as Jennings and I were the only ones who had not brought anything, the prospects for a bountiful feast were most flattering. There was pound cake and ten-pound cake embellished with frosting and confectionery, chickens and turkeys, fried and roasted, in about the ratio of one chicken and half a turkey for every person present, and pies and other edibles enough to have fed St. John’s battery. The exercises were opened with an organ solo, “St. Paul’s March,” by Miss E. Martin, followed by a song, “Young Pilgrims, by the school. Master Robert Craig declaimed “Our Country’s Flag,” and rendered it nicely for such a little boy. Master Lee Snyder recited “Mother Eve,” a beautiful selection, in a very creditable manner. Pearl Martin told about “Dropping Corn,” and drew from it many moral and social precepts that we would all be better by following. Next came a song, “Holy Trinity,” by the school, and then Miss Emma Martin read “A Noble Revenge,” and sang a beautiful and touching piece, “Home is Sad Without a Mother,” in a way that brought tears to the eyes of many. The sentiment contained in this song is very fine and was admirably brought out by Miss Martin. After the song T. A. Blanchard, master of ceremonies, introduced Mr. Jennings, who delivered a ten minute address. Just when we were beginning to console ourself with the idea that Jennings was about through and we would soon be able to assist in the destruction of the fowl and cake so temptingly displayed, he made the startling announcement that he did not intend to make a speech, but that “his friend, Mr. Greer, was fully prepared and he felt sure would do justice to the occasion.” In about a minute we discovered that we were being “led like a lamb to the slaughter,” and when Tom Blanchard got up with a smile all over his face and announced that “they would now listen to an address by the Hon., etc.” we felt that Mother Shipton’s prophecy couldn’t be fulfilled any too soon. We spoke—and we’ll give $2.50 for a comprehensive report of the speech. The tempting visions of fried chicken and frosted cake vanished away into thin air and our oratorical powers went with them. The audience discovered this at the same time we did, and we sat down amid impressive silence. We have charged Tom Blanchard and Frank Jennings with this conspiracy and some day we’ll get a chance to get even. Elder Snyder then delivered a short address, congratulating the Sunday school on its success and cheering them up to renewed work and greater exertion. Mr. Snyder is putting his whole soul into the work and is meeting with abundant success. Messrs. Geo. Conner, C. F. Martin, and W. Millspaugh sang a laughable piece entitled “All the World’s a Barber Shop,” the last verse of which told about lawyers shaving their clients and giving them “the meanest shave of all.” It was our laugh then.

The feature of the evening, of course, was the supper and the kind ladies who served the plates filled them up till each one looked like the apex of Pikes Peak. It was an absolute shame the way Jennings ate, and were it not that his voracity on that occasion is likely to reflect upon the fair name and fame of our city, we would let it go unnoticed. The fact is he thought he was expected to eat all that was set before him, but if anybody should tell us that “the wish was father to the thought,” we wouldn’t try to refute it. After supper an hour was spent in greeting friends and just as we were about to depart, the house was called to order and the chairman, in behalf of the Sunday school, presented Mr. Jennings and the writer with two beautiful cakes. To say we were surprised would not express it. In behalf of Mr. Jennings and on our own account, we wish to extend to the school our hearty thanks for this kind token of their esteem. The generous, home-like hospitality of the people; the kindnesses showered upon us from every side; the many new acquaintances formed and old ones renewed; all tend toward making this one of the pleasantest evenings we have ever spent.
Master H. Lee Snyder...
Winfield Courier, February 9, 1882.
The session of Sabbath school on January 29th was an occasion long to be remembered by those present. After the usual time spent in studying the lesson, this being the anniversary day, the secretary, Miss E. Martin, and the treasurer, Mr. F. W. Schwantes, made complete reports and showed a prosperous condition of the school. The interest appears to have steadily increased from the organization to the present time. The finances, which annoy so many schools, have from the liberality of our people, given us no trouble at any time. Besides paying the current expenses for books, papers, etc., the treasurer has now on hand fifty-two dollars. An organ has been ordered for  the school and will be on hand in a few weeks. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year.
Superintendent, J. F. Martin; Asst. Superintendent, Mrs. M. Smith; Secretary, Miss Lizzie Thompson; Assistant Secretary, Mr. Geo. Cormer; Treasurer, F. W. Schwantes; Librarian, Miss Katie Schwantes; Assistant Librarian, Miss Pearl Martin.
(At this point Mrs. M. Smith read a history of the school for the past two years, which is too extended for publication here. It was nicely written, and we regret that its length precludes publication. ED.)
At the conclusion Master H. Lee Snyder advanced and addressed the superintendent as follows.
“I am called upon today to perform a very pleasant duty. As this is the anniversary of the organization of the Sabbath school at this place, it was thought by many that we ought to memorialize the day. When the school was organized you were chosen, Mr. Martin, as its superintendent, and the two years of the school’s existence, have proved the wisdom of the choice. You have been continued as its superintendent. No one has labored more faithfully for its growth and success, and no one has been more regular in his place. Your work has been appreciated, and the school has prospered and proved a blessing in the community. We trust the future may be as bright and prosperous as the past. And now as a further expression of our esteem in which you and your labor is held, it becomes my pleasant duty, in behalf of the Valley View Sunday School, to present you with this watch, and when at last its bright face is changed by time, and our work is done and we pass away, may we all meet on the evergreen shore where eternity’s dial marks high noon, world without end.”

At the conclusion of the presentation the superintendent was quite overcome with emotion.
Mr. T. A. Blanchard had prepared an excellent article, but owing to its length, only a synopsis can be given for your columns.
“The officers and members of our S. S. To J. F. Martin, their respected superintendent.
“In behalf of our school there has been performed a duty, the remembrance of which, both by you and them, will ever be a source of pleasure and delight. After two years of service, and on this anniversary, it was fitting that we give a token of our appreciation of your services. In retrospecting the progress of the school, we find that the work performed and results attained, far surpass our most sanguine hopes. From a rough, profane, and Sabbath-breaking community has been erected one noted for morals and true piety. And oh! How gratifying the thought that the principles inculcated are more enduring than life, that even when we are inhabitants of the silent city, posterity will point with pride to the noble and glorious achievements which have been accomplished mainly through your untiring energy. In receiving this beautiful time piece from the school, we are sure you will not receive it for its intrinsic value alone, but as a visible expression of our love and esteem. Therefore, we earnestly hope that you may long be spared to guide and instruct in the ways of truth and virtue, and that our children’s children may rise up and call you blessed is the sincere desire and prayer of your school.”
After the above addresses Mr. Martin made a few appropriate remarks, thanking the school as well as his feelings would permit, for such expressions of respect for him and sympathy for this glorious Sabbath school work. C.
Excerpt: Rev. Snyder...
Winfield Courier, February 9, 1882.
Just here I wish to tell the grand success the different religious societies in Ninnescah have had since I last wrote. There were 37 conversions at old Ninnescah and differences existing between neighbors were bridged with christian love. Your correspondent has attended the protracted meeting at Seeley several nights. There was quite a number of conversions there and much good was done in the community. The meeting was ably conducted by Rev. Snyder.
Winfield Courier, February 23, 1882.
MARRIED. Mr. David Lamb and Miss Angeline Richardson, of Pleasant Valley Township, were married last Thursday, the 16th. Rev. Snyder performed the ceremony. Miss Richardson and the writer attended school together at Excelsior years ago, and he can congratulate Mr. Lamb on gathering into the fold one of the most sensible girls in the township. They have the COURIER’s best wishes.
Winfield Courier, March 2, 1882.
The U. B. Class at this place is in a prosperous condition. Their pastor, Rev. Snyder, is one of the best of men as well as of ministers.
Winfield Courier, March 2, 1882.

Among the charters of corporations filed with the Secretary of State last week was that of the first church of the United Brethren in Christ, of Winfield, Kansas, capital stock $10,000. Trustees, P. B. Lee, J. H. Snyder, Daniel Mater, Joseph Barrickson, and Samuel Garver.
Winfield Courier, March 9, 1882.
Rev. Mr. Snyder has been holding a protracted meeting and has organized a church of some 40 or 50 members. Mr. Snyder is a very able minister, and has done a great deal of good here with his meetings.
Henry Snyder (?) Could this be H. Lee Snyder? A son of Rev. Snyder?
Not sure where Rain Bow School was located.
Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.
Report of Rain Bow Bend School, District 61, for the term ending March 17th, 1882.
Enrollment 41, average attendance 71.
Name and standing of pupils who made a general average in attendance, deportment, and scholarship of 85 or above.
Rachel Fawcett 97, Willie Riggs 97, John Coller 95, Maud Westman 93, Flemma Crabtree 92, Laura Wertman 92, Charley Brian 87, Eddie Riggs 90, Bertie Coller 90, Nettie Nelson 86, Arthur Riggs 94, Carrie Brian 90, Anna Riggs 87, Tommy Fawcett 87, Luella Spence 86, Williard Brian 95, Nettie Corbin 91, May Spence 86, Everett Crabtree 90, Henry Snyder 81, Otis Coller 90, Sadie Glasgow 92. Flemma Crabtree and Everett Crabtree were present all of the term without being tardy. ANNA D. MARTIN, Teacher.
Winfield Courier, April 27, 1882.
Rev. Mr. Snyder preaches for us every other Sabbath evening. The house is generally filled and everyone seems to appreciate his discourses.
Sabbath school at 2 o’clock every Sabbath afternoon at Valley View schoolhouse. The school continues the year around with a full and regular attendance. We welcome anybody and everybody, as it is union and not denominational, at least it is understood so.
Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.
Mrs. McLean from Michigan is visiting Revs. Snyder and Lee in Vernon Township.
Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.
In last week’s COURIER in mentioning the churches of Winfield, we omitted the church of “The United Brethren in Christ,” of which Rev. J. H. Snyder is the pastor. They hold services every Sabbath afternoon at 4 o’clock, in the Courthouse. They have a membership of 35. The property originally accepted by the Baptist Church and then returned, has been purchased by them as a building site for a church, and measures are now being taken for the erection, as soon as possible, of a building for worship.
Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.
Mrs. McLean, of Michigan, who has been visiting the families of Rev. P. B. Lee, Rev. Snyder, and Prof. Marsh has gone to Oregon to complete her visiting trip.

Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.
A library for the Sabbath School and district is now being talked up.
Rev. Mr. Snyder has been absent for several weeks, but is expected home soon.
Winfield Courier, September 7, 1882.
Mr. Charlie Short and Mr. John Perin, of Cincinnati, relatives of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Martin, made a flying trip to Kansas, and being delighted with our rolling prairie country, decided to make it their future home, and have purchased the 320 acre farm formerly owned by Rev. Mr. Snyder, and are expecting to take possession in perhaps a month. They will bring their families with them. We hope they will be a great acquisition to our society, and we understand they are enterprising and energetic young men and have considerable capital. The former is quite a Sabbath school worker. We do hope that Elder Snyder will not leave us, for he is a good minister, well read, and an able thinker. He and his family are good neighbors and just the people we would like to keep among us.
Thinking the matter over, I find we have some men of talent in our district. Mr. T. A. Blanchard is the secretary of the County Agricultural Society, Mr. J. W. Millspaugh the treasurer, Mr. J. F. Martin president of Horticultural Society, and Mr. P. B. Lee is presiding elder in United Brethren church.
Quite a number from here attended the S. S. Picnic over on Dutch Creek. The day was sultry and dusty, but we heard they had a pleasant time.
Fifty-one at S. S. last Sabbath. BOBOLINK.
Winfield Courier, September 21, 1882.
MARRIED. Married, at the residence of Mr. George Stewart in Vernon Township, September 16, 1882, by Rev. J. H. Snyder, Henry O. Woolley and Miss Sarah B. Stewart. We thought Oscar seemed wonderfully elated, and this announcement explains it all. The COURIER wishes the young couple a happy, prosperous life.
J. W. Snyder of Peoria County, Illinois, father of Rev. J. H. Snyder...
Winfield Courier, September 28, 1882.
Mr. J. W. Snyder of Peoria County, Illinois, father of Rev. J. H. Snyder, came in Saturday evening and will visit among friends here for several weeks. Mr. Snyder is as hale and hearty as his son, and enjoys our Kansas breezes immensely.
Brother visits from Illinois...
Winfield Courier, October 5, 1882.
Mr. Snyder, a brother of our Rev. J. H. Snyder, came in from Illinois Monday and will spend a week visiting here. We hope some day to number him among our citizens. He has been for years one of the supervisors of Peoria County and is just such a citizen as we like to see settle here.
Winfield Courier, October 12, 1882.
Today the United Brethren minister, Rev. J. H. Snyder, preached his farewell sermon to his class at Victor schoolhouse. Mr. Snyder is a cultured gentleman, possessing rare social qualities and fine abilities. His many friends will regret his transfer to other fields of labor.

Winfield Courier, October 19, 1882.
The following are the appointments of Winfield district made last week at the session of the Arkansas Valley Conference over which Bishop E. B. Kephart, D. D., presided.
WINFIELD DISTRICT: P. B. Lee, Presiding Elder.
Winfield Station: W. M. Friedley.
Winfield Circuit: D. S. Henninger.
Sheridan: T. W. Williams.
Douglass: J. A. Rupp.
El Dorado: J. Guyer.
Butler: G. W. B. Lacy.
Mulvane: F. P. Smith.
Cambridge: J. B. Hunter.
Salt City: A. Yeake.
Wellington: J. W. Fisher.
Harper: E. Ozbun.
Kingman: G. H. Smith.
Sego: A. E. Helm.
J. H. Snyder, who was in charge of the work in this city the past year, is Presiding Elder of the Sedgwick District.
Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.
The Jim Hostetter farm has again changed hands. Rev. Snyder’s father is the purchaser. Consideration, $2,500.
Winfield Courier, March 22, 1883.
The 2nd Quarterly Meeting, United Brethren, will be held in their church in Winfield, commencing on the 30th of March, at 2 p.m. Rev. J. H. Snyder will preside.
 W. M. FRIEDLEY, Pastor.
Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.
United Brethren Appointments.
The following are the appointments for the Winfield district, as made by the session of the Arkansas Valley Conference of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ, held in the city of McPherson, October 25th to 29th.
Winfield District: R. W. Parks, Presiding Elder.
Winfield: J. H. Snyder.
Mount Zion: P. B. Lee.
Sheridan: J. L. Miller.
Salt City: A. Yeakle.
Wellington: J. B. Lowry.
Barbour: W. M. Friedley.
Haysville: O. W. Jones.
Mulvane: D. S. Henninger.

Sedgwick: F. P. Smith.
Peabody: T. C. Hahn.
Cottonwood: J. Z. Mann.
Rosalia: E. Hill.
El Dorado: T. W. Williams.
Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.
An entertainment will be given at the Opera House on Tuesday, the 20th, in honor of the men who fought our battles and gained the most glorious victory the world has ever known. It will be given under the auspices of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union of Winfield, and the proceeds will be used for the benefit of Cowley County and its seat of government, in establishing a reading room and other enterprises for the good of the people. We desire to make this a grand entertainment, and feel sure that all who wish to do honor to the old soldiers, and assist us in establishing a reading room, will be present. To all soldiers, their mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters, we extend a cordial invitation. Dinner will be served from 12 to 3 p.m., price 25 cents. The evening entertainment will open at 8 o’clock with a home scene, and song by the choir, followed with a prayer by Rev. J. H. Snyder; address of welcome by Mrs. Emma Smith; response by Hon. T. H. Soward; song, “Star Spangled Banner;” a scene on battle field and dialogue by five soldiers; a night scene; music by choir; tableau, triumph of Peace over War; centennial song by children; closing tableau, Goddess of Liberty. Admission to evening entertainment 25 cents; reserved seats, 35 cents.
By order of Committee.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 21, 1883.
Constant Clips.
Rev. Snyder preached a very interesting sermon at district No. 10 last Sunday night.
Work will be commenced on the new church in a few days.
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.
Thanksgiving Services.
The annual union thanksgiving service will be held at the Methodist church commencing at eleven o’clock. The following program will be observed.
Scripture lesson: Rev. Jones.
Prayer: Rev. Kirkwood.
Scripture lesson: Rev. Cairns.
Thanksgiving sermon: Rev. Snyder.
Prayer: Rev. Gans.
Benediction: Rev. Brittain.
Winfield Courier, December 13, 1883.
United Brethren Church.

The Church of the United Brethren in Christ have an organization in this city of nearly fifty members, and are having at this time the pastoral labors of Rev. J. H. Snyder, who organized the society nearly two years ago. This organization held its services for a time in the Courthouse; afterwards it purchased the ground on Millington street originally possessed by the Baptist society. The building owned by the Christian society was purchased and located on the lots, and fitted up for temporary use. Services are held every Sabbath morning. The Sabbath school meets at 9½ a.m. The society is prospering, and extends a cordial invitation to our citizens to attend its services.
Winfield Courier, December 20, 1883.
[SKIPPED A LONG ITEM ON FRONT PAGE: THANKSGIVING SERMON Delivered by Rev. J. H. Snyder, at the Union Services Held in the M. E. Church at Winfield, Kansas, on November 29, 1883.]
Winfield Courier, December 27, 1883.
Two enthusiastic revivals are progress in this vicinity. Rev. Brown is steering the gospel ship at Victor Schoolhouse and Rev. Snyder is directing the battery on Satan’s stronghold at Holland Schoolhouse. Both are successful.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1884.
At the present, a series of meetings is in progress in the church of the United Brethren in Christ, in this city. The house is crowded with attentive people, and much good is being accomplished. Rev. J. H. Snyder, assisted by Rev. S. Garrigus, is conducting the meetings.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1884.
   Quarterly Meeting.
The last Quarterly Meeting of the United Brethren Church for this charge, will be held in this city next Saturday and Sabbath, the 1st and 2nd of March. Rev. P. B. Lee will conduct the services. A cordial invitation is extended to all who can, to be with us on the occasion.
J. H. SNYDER, Pastor.
Arkansas City Republican, March 1, 1884.
MARRIED. At the residence of Mr. A. A. Wiley, last Tuesday, Mr. William T. Wallace and Miss Callie Gilliland were united in marriage by Rev. Snyder of Winfield. The best wishes of their many friends attend them.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1884.
The Arkansas Valley Conference, of the United Brethren Church, held its fourth regular session last week, convening in the city of El Dorado. The following are the appointments for this district, which we give for the benefit of many of our readers.
Winfield District: P. B. Lee, Presiding Elder.
Winfield: J. H. Snyder.
Sheridan: I. Rollins.
Mount Zion: S. Garrigus.
Salt City: J. B. Lowry.
Wellington: R. W. Parks.
Haysville: O. W. Jones.
Mulvane: D. S. Henninger.
Sedgwick: F. P. Smith.
Wichita: To be supplied.

Peabody: T. C. Hahn.
Cottonwood: P. Milligan.
El Dorado: T. H. Watt.
Rosalia: E. Hill.
Little River: C. H. Smith.
Winfield Courier, April 3, 1884.
   The County Temperance Convention.
A Mass Temperance Convention, according to previous announcement, for the organization of the county for Temperance work, convened in the Baptist Church on last Friday at 11 o’clock, with a good representation from the different townships of the county. A temporary organization was effected with Rev. J. Cairns as chairman and Frank H. Greer secretary, and the following committees were appointed.
The second day’s session began at 9 o’clock Saturday morning, when assigned topics were taken up. The first subject, “The duty of the Christian in relation to Temperance Work,” was introduced by Rev. J. H. Snyder, followed by remarks from M. V. B. Bennett.
Mrs. J. C. Snyder. Appears to be connected to Rev. J. H. Snyder...
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1884.
To mention the organization of a Sunday school at Victor, with Samuel Watt as Superintendent, Henry Harbaugh secretary, and Mrs. J. C. Snyder chorister.
Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.
Rev. J. H. Snyder has removed to his suburban home on the west bank of the Walnut River overlooking the city. It is a delightful location and will make a most pleasant home.
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.
Rev. J. H. Snyder has begun in the United Brethren Church in this city a course of Sabbath evening Half Lectures. Last Sabbath evening he gave Lecture 1, on The Lost Tribes. He will begin in a few evenings a course dedicated to the young men. A cordial invitation is extended to the youth to attend these addresses.
Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.
MARRIED. Married at the residence of the bride’s parents in Vernon Township, June 18, 1884, by Rev. J. H. Snyder, Mr. Marion A. Clark and Miss Anna E. Stone.
Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.
UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH. Services every Sabbath at 11 a.m., and 8 p.m. Sabbath School at 9 a.m.; Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening. J. H. SNYDER, Pastor.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 27, 1884.
The United Brethren have built a new church four miles south of Oxford, which will be dedicated Sunday, Aug. 31, Rev. J. H. Snyder officiating, assisted by Prof. P. B. Lee.
Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.

Mr. John W. Snyder, father of Rev. J. H. Snyder, who has been visiting here during the past month, left Tuesday evening for his home in Illinois. This is his third trip to Cowley County and the fact of his having invested in two of our fertile farms would indicate that he is favorably impressed with the garden spot of the Great Southwest.
J. W. Snyder, near Constant...
Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.
Jas. Cowser and son, of Elmwood, Illinois, are building a house on the farm of J. W. Snyder, one mile west of Constant.
Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.
DIED. Mrs. Clark, wife of Nelson Clark, died Sunday and was buried from the Mt. Zion Church in Vernon, Monday afternoon. Rev. J. H. Snyder preached the funeral discourse. An immense concourse of neighbors and friends were present.
Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.
The Second Quarterly meeting for the United Brethren Church in this city, will be held the coming Saturday and Sabbath. The Presiding Elder, Rev. P. B. Lee, will conduct the services. A cordial invitation is extended to all friends to be with us. J. H. Snyder, Pastor.
Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.
Ministerial Association and Church Dedication.
We have just published a program of the Ministerial Association of the Winfield District of the U. B. Church, which will be held five miles south of Oxford, Sumner County, commencing the evening of August 28th and embracing the Sabbath following. On Sabbath the new church, in which the Association meets, will be dedicated, Rev. J. H. Snyder, of our city, officiating. A good time is anticipated.
Mrs. J. C. Snyder? Connected somehow with Rev. J. H. Snyder...
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.
Where the Teachers of Cowley Teach this Winter.
Their Names and the Salaries They Get.
Victor, Pleasant Valley Township, Mrs. Snyder, $45.
Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.
The United Brethren Church at Constant will be dedicated Sabbath, Oct. 12th. Rev. Irwin, president of Lane University, will officiate. Preaching Saturday evening by Rev. J. H. Snyder.
Mrs. J. C. Snyder and Mr. Snyder...
Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

Last Sabbath the newly erected United Brethren Church at Constant was dedicated to the Lord for holy worship. It is a neat, commodious, and substantial building, having a seating capacity of about three hundred and fifty. It is indeed a creditable monument to the commendable zeal, energy, and enterprise of the Brethren in that community. A packed and crowded audience assembled at the morning service and were amply repaid for their presence by an exceedingly interesting sermon preached by Rev. Irwin, president of Lane University. The gentleman is a pleasing, forcible, and graceful speaker: his logic and rhetoric faultless. At the conclusion of the discourse, the congregation were informed that the cost of their beautiful temple of worship amounted to eighteen hundred dollars, and that a little balance of nine hundred dollars must necessarily be provided for in order to alleviate as much as possible all compunctions of conscience of those who disliked to worship at a shrine on which his Satanic Majesty held a mortgage. With that earnestness and liberality characteristic of the majority of the citizens of this vicinity, and through the charitable spirit manifested by esteemed visiting Brethren, the deficit was quickly secured with a surplus of $40. Elder P. B. Lee then presented the key of the church to the president of the board of trustees with the caution that the doors should be locked against all evil and disturbing influences, but opened wide to denominations preaching the gospel in its purity and holiness, when not in use by the Brethren. Rev. Cassell, the new pastor placed in charge, was next introduced to the congregation. The choir, consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Beach, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Chaplin, Mrs. J. C. Snyder, and Mr. Snyder and Mr. Sherman Albert, with Miss Celina Bliss at the organ, furnished excellent music. The community, with the exception of a few who have fallen from grace, are proud of their pleasant and comfortable facilities for worshiping their Divine Master.
Much credit is due Rev. J. H. Snyder for his indomitable energy in working up this enterprise and laboring with our good people until their efforts have been crowned with glorious success. MARK.
Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.
MARRIED. Mr. William T. McClung and Miss Jennie Overly were married on the 16th inst., by Rev. J. H. Snyder, at the home of the bride’s mother in Vernon Township.
Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.
Rev. J. H. Snyder spent Saturday and Sunday in attendance upon the Osage Conference of the United Brethren Church at Independence, preaching Sunday morning in the M. E. Church of that place.
Winfield Courier, November 13, 1884.
Rev. J. H. Snyder is putting the finishing touches on his fine new residence just across the west bridge. The architecture is very neat and the location beautiful. Should the projected bridge across the river at the end of Ninth Avenue be built, the splendid table land just over the Walnut will soon contain many handsome suburban residences.
Winfield Courier, November 20, 1884.
   Quarterly Meeting.
The 3rd Quarterly Meeting for the United Brethren Church, in the city of Winfield, will be held the coming Saturday and Sabbath. The Presiding Elder, Rev. P. B. Lee, will conduct the services. A cordial invitation is extended to all to be with us. J. H. Snyder, Pastor.
Winfield Courier, December 11, 1884.
Rev. J. H. Snyder will be the speaker at the Union Temperance meeting, to be held at the Presbyterian Church next Sabbath evening.
Winfield Courier, December 18, 1884.
Profitable Temperance Meeting.

The Union Temperance meeting under management of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, at the Presbyterian Church last Sunday evening, was addressed by Rev. J. H. Snyder. His address was one of the soundest and most practical. His arraignment of the traffic introduced new and forcible ideas, rather than trite and uninteresting statistics. The onward march of prohibition and the surety of its National triumph, in time; the duty of every loyal, right-minded man in putting his shoulder to the wheel in assisting to plant the sentiment in the mind and heart of every American citizen; the necessity of calm judgment instead of weak prejudice; were all treated in a way that elicited appreciable comment from the large audience. These monthly meetings are a power in stimulating action on this great question.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.
In regard to church privileges, Cowley County and the city of Winfield are well represented in nearly all denominations. Beautiful church edifices point their spires heavenward in nearly all directions. Winfield, with its magnificent church structures, will surprise the newcomers. The pastors are—
Baptist—Rev. J. H. Rider.
Catholic—Rev. Father John F. Kelly.
Christian—Rev. J. S. Myers.
Episcopal—Rev. W. M. Brittain.
Methodist—Rev. B. Kelley.
Presbyterian—Rev. Dr. Kirkwood.
United Brethren—Rev. J. H. Snyder.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.
Rev. J. H. Snyder, Pastor of the United Brethren church in this city, is called away to dedicate a new church at Rosalia, in Butler County, the coming Sabbath. In his absence, his pulpit will be occupied morning and evening by Rev. O. W. Jones, of Mulvane.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.
Married. At the residence of Samuel Waugh in Winfield, the evening of January 8th, Mr. Daniel M. Lippard and Miss Nettie M. Waugh, Rev. J. H. Snyder officiating. A very pleasant company of friends and relatives were in attendance, brining many valuable presents. The occasion was a very enjoyable one. The COURIER tested the culinary taste of the bride in as fine an allotment of cake as ever tickled the palate.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.
UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH. Services every Sabbath at 11 a.m. and 7½ p.m. Sabbath School at 9 a.m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening. J. H. SNYDER, Pastor.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.
The Arkansas Valley Conference of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ is in session this week at Sedgwick City. Bishop E. B. Kephart, D. D., whom many of our citizens remember because of the able discourse preached by him in our city two years ago, will preside at this conference. Revs. P. B. Lee and J. H. Snyder have gone to take part in its sessions, consequently there will be no preaching at the United Brethren church in this city next Sabbath.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

Rev. J. H. Snyder has been returned by his conference to serve the United Brethren church in our city another year. Rev. Snyder is a minister of marked zealousness and culture and has brought his church here from a small beginning to one of good proportions and splendid prospects—with a comfortable church building and vigorous membership. We are indeed glad the Reverend is to continue the good work he has so energetically inaugurated.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.
Mr. John A. Moore, the sterling young son of Uncle Billy Moore, united fortunes at the house of his father, Sunday last, with Miss Nettie Allison, a young lady of winsomeness and worth. Rev. J. H. Snyder officiated, and a number of relatives and friends were present, and the mythical wedding bells jingled merrily. An installment of cake reached the COURIER force, that elicited high praises of the bride, while choice Havanas spoke loudly for the enterprise and good judgment of the groom. May their life-boat ever steer clear of crags and safely reach the haven that the present indicates—that of continued happiness and prosperity.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 9, 1885.
There will be quarterly meeting in the United Brethren church in this city the approaching Saturday and Sabbath. The Presiding Elder, Re. R. W. Parks, will conduct the services. A cordial invitation is extended to be with us on the occasion. J. H. SNYDER, Pastor.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 9, 1885.
Rev. William Fisher, an aged minister of the United Brethren Church, who moved into this county last fall, and settled near his son, Mr. Silas Fisher, five miles south of Winfield, died last Friday, and was buried on Sabbath in the Sumpter cemetery on the banks of the Arkansas. The funeral services were held in the Irwin Chapel at Constant. A large congregation assembled and were addressed by Rev. J. H. Snyder, pastor of the U. B. Church in this City.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 9, 1885.
Last Friday a gloom of sadness passed over our community when the death of Rev. Wm. Fisher was reported. His funeral took place Sunday from the Irwin Chapel. Rev. J. H. Snyder officiated and preached an eloquent and pathetic sermon from first Corinthians, 15th chapter, on the resurrection. Although the deceased was a comparative stranger in our midst, arriving from Ohio but a few months ago, such was the impression made on our people that a large number of neighbors and friends followed the remains to the silent city. The bereaved wife and disconsolate sons and relatives have the sincere sympathy of the entire community in their great affliction.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 16, 1885.
Rev. R. W. Parks, Presiding Elder of the Winfield district of the United Brethren church, with his wife, is the guest of Rev. J. H. Snyder.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 16, 1885.
The angels have visited our neighborhood, and taken from our midst one Mr. William Fisher. He was sick only a short time. Mr. Fisher was a minister of the gospel for 47 years; he was 72 years, 2 months, and 16 days old. The funeral was preached at the Irwin chapel by Rev. Snyder. The bereaved friends have our sympathy.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 23, 1885.

The services in the United Brethren church were attended with the usual congregations. Sabbath school was held at the usual morning hour, after which the pastor, Rev. J. H. Snyder, according to previous announcement, preached a sermon to the young people on the subject of “Early Piety.” Text, Prov. 8.17. The nature of early piety and its importance in moulding character, and fitting the heart and life for usefulness here, and for happiness hereafter, was set before his hearers, in a manner most beautiful and beneficial. In the evening the discourse was founded upon Bev. 22-5. “No night in heaven.” In this is set forth a negative view of heaven, night being an emblem of all that is in opposition to harmony and happiness, heaven becomes a realm of perfection and bliss.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 30, 1885.
The Maddux family, out of which the mother and three children perished in the Medicine Lodge flood, were the family whose team and wagon went over the embankment of the west bridge two weeks ago—mention of which was made in the COURIER. Revs. J. H. Snyder and P. B. Lee helped them out of the dilemma, learned that they were on their road to the west to pre-empt a home. Little did they think that all their bright hopes and inspirations were destined to death in an awful vortex ere they reached the promised land.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 7, 1885.
The Sabbath school was held at its usual hour, 10 o’clock, with a very good attendance. The regular prayer meeting for Wednesday evening was announced. Also the public reading in the Opera House Thursday evening by Miss Nellie F. Brown, an elocutionist of Boston, under the auspices of the Woman’s Relief corps. The pulpit was filled by Rev. O. W. Jones, in charge at Wichita. The pastor, Rev. Snyder, was also present, having been disappointed in his contemplated trip last week to Ohio. He will not go now until May 11th. . .
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 14, 1885.
Rev. J. H. Snyder preached the funeral of Mrs. Ed. A. Allen Sunday p.m. at schoolhouse 106, from the text, “Now they desire a better country.” Heb. 11:16. A large congregation was present, some being unable to get in the house.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 21, 1885.
Rev. P. B. Lee sends us papers containing preliminary reports of the doings of the General Conference of the United Brethren church, at Fostoria, Ohio. The attendance was very large. The sessions were most profitable and interesting. Rev. J. H. Snyder, of this city, was elected permanent secretary of the conference.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 4, 1885.
Rev. J. H. Snyder returned Saturday from the General Conference of the U. B. church, at Fostoria, Ohio. He was minute secretary of the Conference, and therefore returns much fatigued. The session held twelve days and was very interesting and profitable throughout. The attendance was large. Rev. P. B. Lee will visit in Ohio two weeks before returning.
The Citizens of Winfield Gather En Masse to Welcome the College Committee.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 18, 1885.
Thursday was the occasion of much joy to the people of Winfield and vicinity. The Opera House was filled with rejoicing people. Early in the evening the House commenced to fill, and impatiently waited for the gentlemen to put in an appearance for whom they had gathered to welcome. The Courier Cornet Band discoursed sweet music, sufficient to charm a God of olden times. Everybody felt happy. On motion of W. C. Robinson, John C. Long was unanimously elected chairman of the meeting. Mr. Long was heartily cheered upon taking the platform.
Among the more potent factors in obtaining this great enterprise for Winfield were the soliciting committees who circulated the sub-papers with wonderful energy and success. They raised nearly twenty thousand dollars in this way—almost every man, young and old, in the city made good subscriptions, with many donations from the ladies. Nothing could more plainly demonstrate the great liberality and public spirit of our citizens. There is no doubt that without such assiduous labor on the part of these soliciting committees, Winfield would never have got the college. The committee for Winfield city were: Capt. J. B. Nipp, Judge T. H. Soward, Judge H. D. Gans, Capt. T. B. Myers, Prof. A. Gridley, J. E. Conklin, Frank Bowen, and J. E. Farnsworth. Those soliciting in adjacent territory, as near as we can ascertain, were: Rev. B. Kelly, Col. Wm. Whiting, Rev. S. S. Holloway, Rev. J. H. Snyder, A. H. Limerick, J. A. Rinker, T. J. Johnson, Dr. S. R. Marsh, J. W. Browning, J. A. McGuire, George Gale, D. W. P. Rothrock, D. A. Sherrard, D. Gramme [?Graham],W. E. Martin, A. Staggers, W. D. Roberts, E. M. Reynolds, J. C. Roberts, and C. Hewitt.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 18, 1885.
Rev. Snyder reports a very interesting session of the board of Lane University and that the degree of D. D. was conferred upon Rev. P. B. Lee.
[Note: Winfield and Arkansas City paper (article supposedly taken from Winfield Telegram) do not agree on name of deceased. It was either “Pearce” or “Pierce.”]
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 2, 1885.
The funeral of Joseph W. Pearce was preached at his residence, in Beaver township, Thursday afternoon by Rev. J. H. Snyder. The deceased was 50 years 11 months and 6 days of age. A large family is thus bereft of a husband and father. A very large concourse of neighbors and friends attended the occasion of the funeral. The remains were interred in the Tannehill cemetery.
Arkansas City Republican, July 4, 1885.
DIED. Joseph W. Pierce died at his home in Beaver Township last Thursday morning and was buried in the afternoon, chronicles the Winfield Telegram. He would have been fifty-one years old next month. He leaves quite a family. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. J. H. Snyder and were largely attended.
Sunday’s Religious Transpirings as Gisted by the Scribes of the
Daily Courier. Spiritual Pointings, Worldly Truths, Etc.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 9, 1885.

A heavy rain took possession of the city Sunday morning, and encroached largely upon the audiences at the different churches. But the evening was calm and fair and all turned out to feast the spirit.
Owing to the sickness of its pastor, Rev. Snyder had no preaching yesterday. The Sunday School was held with its usual interest. The Methodist church was also without services, the church not yet being seated. The new seats and improvements will likely be finished by next Sunday. The M. E. S. S. was held at 3 in the Baptist church.
To be Held in Memory of General Grant in the Baptist Church,
Saturday, August 8, 1885,
At the Hour of the General Funeral Services in New York City.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 30, 1885.
All members of the G. A. R. and of the W. R. Corps will meet at the G. A. R. Hall one hour before the time arranged for the general funeral exercises, and under the general supervision of the Post Commander, march to the church. The Courier Band will march at the head of the procession. The instrumental music to be under the supervision of Geo. H. Crippen, leader of the band. The vocal music at the church to be under the management of H. E. Silliman, leader of the Baptist choir. Rev. B. Kelly, minister in charge. Rev. J. H. Snyder and Dr. W. R. Kirkwood to deliver memorial addresses. The ladies of the Relief Corps, assisted by H. H. Siverd and D. J. States, will have charge of the church decoration. All the bells of the city to be tolled fifteen minutes preceding the services, under the direction of the officer of the day. H. H. Siverd, chairman of ushers at the church. Messrs. Millington, Rembaugh, and Davis committee on memorial resolutions. All old soldiers are requested to meet with the Post at their hall. The general public is earnestly invited to attend the services. The G. A. R. Post room will be appropriately draped for thirty days.
By order of Committee,
B. Kelly, Chairman; D. J. States, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 30, 1885.
The attendance at Sunday School was quite encouraging for such a warm morning. After the usual announcements, the pastor, Rev. Snyder, discoursed to a well filled house from I Jno. 5:4. Theme, “A Conquering Faith.” The speaker said that men are much like children. They desire present good and are disposed to disbelieve whatever pertains to the future. This disposition interferes with the exercise of faith in the matter of religion. Faith is the ground or substitute of reality. Legal faith is belief or evidence. Evangelical faith combines assent with reliance, legal faith with personal trust.
Faith may be classified, 1st—as historical. Historical faith is the basis of evangelical faith.
2nd—Speculative faith. That is it may be employed in the analysis of metaphysical truth. It deals with such questions as “Is there a God?” “Is there an objective reality?” “Do we see things as they are or as they seem to be?” Speculative faith goes back of all existence and searches for a first cause—the underlying law of being.

3rd—We also have Fiducial or saving faith: Implicit trust or confidence. This was illustrated by introducing incidents. Saving faith is the most difficult doctrine to explain so as to make it tangible to the mind. This is the faith that is urged by the gospel; that is necessary to spiritual peace; that secures the favor of God; that comforts the battles of life, and in the ordeal of dying. As to the nature of faith, it is philosophical. It invests the soul with absolute power. It invests the present faith with the actuality of the future. The trials of faith are both conditional and unconditional. Examples of conditional faith were presented. Blind Bartimaeus, the leper, etc., examples of unconditional faith. The king’s faith for Daniel’s safety. The faith of the orphan sisters at the grave of Lazarus. The faith of the Centurion, whose servant was healed.
The subject of the evening discourse was founded on Matthew 13:58, “Unbelief.” Its nature, causes, and effects were discussed.
Laura and Lee Snyder, children of Rev. J. H. Snyder...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 6, 1885.
Lee and Laura Snyder were with many others, guests of the happy hostess, Miss Lettie Albert, one day last week.
Our Citizens, With the G. A. R., W. R. C., and K. N. G.,
Give Honor to the Nation’s Greatest Character.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 13, 1885.
The Grant Memorial Services Saturday were grand. The G. A. R. and the militia were out in full force. The Courier, the Juvenile, and the Union Cornet Bands discoursed sweet music; the city was draped in mourning and business suspended from 2 to 4 o’clock in honor of the dead hero. The south and the north joined hands and hearts in mourning for the silent man of Vicksburg. The procession started from the G. A. R. hall at 2 p.m., followed by the Militia, marching to the Baptist church where the services were held. The church was beautifully draped. Over the pulpit was a banner with the inscription, “Our Old Commander,” over a picture of Gen. Grant. The pulpit was draped in black, decorated with beautiful flowers arranged in crosses. The outside of the church was also appropriately in mourning. The G. A. R. occupied the front seats, with the militia and Woman’s Relief Corps. We cannot speak too highly of the music. The Courier Band rendered sweet music at the church. Also the choir of the church, composed of Miss Lola Silliman, organist; H. E. Silliman, Miss Walrath, Mrs. C. A. Bliss, and Prof. Merriman. As the Corps marched in, Crippen’s instrumental Quintette played Lincoln’s Funeral March—as charming as ever greeted the ear. Captain Siverd and Sam Gilbert showed their usual gallantry in conducting all to seats. After music and prayer by Rev. Myers, the Committee on resolutions, D. A. Millington, Geo. Rembaugh, and Buel Davis, read fitting resolutions lamenting the death of the old hero and eulogizing the acts of his life. After this Rev. J. H. Snyder, of the United Brethren church, and Dr. W. R. Kirkwood, of the Presbyterian church, delivered very fine discourses. Rev. B. Kelly, who conducted the services, made a few remarks about the General’s religious character. Mrs. Grant is a Methodist and the General always leaned that way. A few months before Grant’s death, the old friendly pastor called and the General made a confession of faith. Following are the addresses.

MY FELLOW CITIZENS: When, on the morning of the 23rd of July, the telegraph wires flashed to all parts of our country and to the nations across the deep waters, the sad intelligence that General Ulysses S. Grant, the distinguished soldier and statesman of the American Republic, was dead, no sadder tidings could have been heralded to a distressed people. At once the nation draped itself in the sombre habiliments of mourning. Public offices, marts of trade, and manufactories closed and curtained their doors. Flags on capitol and fortress were hung at half mast. From lakes to gulf and from ocean to ocean, a thousand bells tolled a nation’s requiem. Officers of public trust, from the president of the United States on down to governors of commonwealths and mayors of cities, issued proclamations to the people, reciting the nation’s loss and inviting them in some suitable manner, to give expression to their sorrow.
From every direction, at home and abroad, words of condolence were sent to the bereaved widow and stricken family; for in the death of General Grant, not only had a loving family that has tenderly and affectionately hung over his couch of suffering; nor a community whose every impulse had been dictated by generous feelings of sympathy; nor a nation for whose life and peace and prosperity he had unselfishly given all the years of his vigor and manhood and on whose scroll of worthies, side by side with the cherished names of the immortal Washington and Lincoln, had been indelibly inscribed the name of the fallen hero; but a civilized world throughout whose every part the name of Grant had become a household trophy, had come to sit as a common mourner.
For many long and weary months, this greatest of military chieftains had been a sufferer: protracted first by reason of injuries sustained in a fall, and then with a cancerous affection of the throat. Unable at times to eat or sleep, or to communicate with those at his bed side; assured by the persistency of the disease of the certainty of his dissolution; sensitive of the wrong committed in depriving him of the means to provide for his desolate household, yet never in any instance did a murmur or a word of complaint escape from his lips.
No one can adequately describe the deep suspense which filled the hearts of the American people during his prostration. All were anxious as to the probable outcome of his condition. The most eminent physicians were constantly at his side, directing every expedient that medical wisdom and skill were capable of employing. Every day, dispatches conveyed to all the land suitable information relative to his condition. Every wish of the sufferer was anticipated, and every want most faithfully gratified. The movements of his friends and physicians were closely observed by the eager throngs that gathered around the home of the patient. The whole land had its hand upon the throbbing pulse and its mutations of feeling rose or fell according to the symptoms.

When the hot, sultry days of midsummer came, to avoid their enervating influence, General Grant was removed from his own residence in New York to a quiet, cool retreat generously tendered him on Mt. McGregor. It was hoped by all that the refreshing mountain air would give tone to the wasting system. For six weeks longer the vital functions performed their office, but the end came at last, and after a brave, patient, and persistent struggle with the last earthly energy, he who had passed unharmed through the countless dangers of a hundred battle fields, and at whose feet, had been laid, again and again, the arms of a fallen foe, was at last compelled to surrender to the conqueror of all. What the arts of war had failed to accomplish, was effected at last when the tocsin of war had been hushed into silence by the symphonies of peace.
In harmony with that spirit of homage that calls the people of the land together today to offer, with bowed heads and heavy hearts, a memorial tribute to the deceased hero, we have left our homes and occupations to drop with them a tear of sorrow, and to renew with them our devotion to the cause in whose defense he won his renown. This occasion calls for the laying aside of all sectionalism, of all distinctions of color or creed. Party lines should merge into the common sorrow and all classes should view this loss as their common heritage.
It is neither possible nor would it be proper, in the brief time before me, to enter into any minute analysis of the life and public services of General Grant. The journals of the land for these twenty years have so abounded with references to him that every child has grown familiar with his life and deeds. He has been the most striking figure of the nineteenth century. Other men have risen to distinction, but no other man ever obtained a position as world-wide in its prominence. No other person has won a record of such deserving merit in the face of such grave responsibilities. He had his opposition, but in every effort of his life, he acted upon convictions of duty and right, and proved himself true to the trust reposed in him. He came up from the ranks of the lowly. He was without the prestige of birth or wealth to secure to him nobility and influence. Every stage of progress reached bore evidences of the single-handed struggle through which he had come. His was a life of deeds and not of words. Modest to a fault, his reticence won him the title of “the silent man.” He was free from the spirit of fault finding. He was no croaker. Gentle as a woman, he was, nevertheless, as solid as the rock. Without ostentation; oblivious to the spirit of flattery; free from pride at his many achievements; firm in his convictions; indomitable in his undertakings, he moved forward in the open path of duty as only a true great man was able to do.
The heroism of his life has become the inspiration of thousands, infusing a profounder love of country, a grander ideal of manhood, a nobler love of duty, and a purer devotion to the right.
Three important epochs belong to the life of General Grant.
1st. It is in the profession and office of a soldier that General Grant appears to the best advantage. From time to time the world has produced many eminent military leaders, but no injustice will be done to the life and eminent services of any of them if it be said that the annals of history has failed to produce his equal.
Rome had its Caesar and Greece its Alexander. England reveres the name of Wellington and France points with pride to the first Napoleon. Victor Immanuel will live in the annals of liberated Italy, and Von Moltke in the sturdy heart of Germany. America does homage to the illustrated name of Washington.

But viewed in the light of the nineteenth century—in the light of every event that clusters around the lives of these heroes of history; in the light of the circumstances and issues involved in the struggles through which they obtained their distinction; in the light of advancement in both military prowess and the appliances of war; in the light of the cumulative experience which has come down through forty centuries to the assistance equally as well of friend and foe—the impartial historian, who shall hereafter write the history of the world’s great men, will feel amply justified in pronouncing General U. S. Grant the ablest general the world has ever produced. One already has called him “the first soldier and the first citizen” of the American Republic.
Many, whose names, like Philip of Macedon, and Alexander and Napoleon, have obtained a place in History’s Valhalla of heroes, after all, were actuated to the deeds performed by the love of self; by personal ambition; by the love of power. Little cared they for the welfare of others. Little cared they for the true ends of government. The love of glory became their inspiring genius. They fought for self and empire.
In an utterance made in 1877 in London, General Grant said, “Although a soldier by education and profession, I have never felt any sort of fondness for war, and I have never advocated it, except as a means of peace.” He sought the elevation of the public good and the welfare of his race. He was a hero in the typical, the truest, the divine sense.
His advancement in military rank came up by promotion on merit, through every grade of the military service from brevet lieutenant to general of the army. He entered the military academy at West Point at the age of 20. In the war between the United States and Mexico, he bore a valorous part with his regiment at the battles of Palo Alto, Resaca de la Palma; Monterey, and the siege of Vera Cruz. He was promoted for gallantry on the field of Molina del Ray, and again at the storming of Chapultepec.
In 1854 he resigned his commission in the army, having risen to the rank of captain, and for a few years he followed farming near St. Louis, afterward entering upon mercantile life with his father and brother in Galena.
On the 13th of April, 1861, Fort Sumpter fell. On the 15h President Lincoln issued his first call for troops, and on the 19th, just six days from the fall of Sumpter, Grant was drilling a company of volunteers in Galena. Four days later he took his company to the city of Springfield. Remaining for a few weeks to assist in organizing the troops of the state, Governor Yates commissioned him colonel and gave him command of the 21st regiment of Illinois infantry. Moving soon after to the seat of war, he reported to Brigadier General Pope and was stationed at Mexico, Missouri. On August 23rd he was commissioned brigadier general of volunteers, his commission taking rank from May 17th. His first military achievement was the seizure of Paducah, Kentucky. After this he fought the battles of Belmont, Ft. Henry, and Ft. Donelson. His reply to General Buckner, in command at Ft. Donelson, who sent to him asking terms of capitulation, revealed a trait that became eminently characteristic in his entire service. “No terms except unconditional and immediate surrender can be accepted. I propose to move immediately upon your works.”
For these services, General Grant was at once promoted to be Major-General, and appointed commander of the District of Tennessee. After this came the memorable battle of Shiloh; Corinth was taken; Vicksburg, that Gibraltar of the west, was besieged and captured. Johnston was driven out of Mississippi, Bragg was defeated at Chattanooga.
General Grant, following these victories, was made a Lieutenant General, and placed over the entire union army. In March, 1864, he began those grand movements, which led to the fall of Richmond; which gave Thomas victory in Tennessee; which gave us the fall of Atlanta and Sherman’s march down to the sea; which joined the armies of the east and west in a grand cordon of ruin around the army of Lee, and which culminated at last in the laying down of the arms of the confederacy at Appomattox.

2nd. To those who served in the Union army during these dark and bloody days, the death of General Grant comes with peculiar force. Hundreds of thousands of brave and noble men marched and fought under the very eye of that beloved and trusted leader, while under his supreme command, the mighty columns moved gradually forward to victory. To each one of these veterans of the war, the death of General Grant comes as a personal bereavement. Nor is there lack of the kindest feeling for the memory of the illustrious dead on the part of the defeated army. Those who espoused the cause of the South and followed under the leadership of Johnston and Lee, remember with gratitude the magnanimity of the victor in the hour of their humiliation and defeat.
History teaches us that the embers of civil warfare are slow to die. A contest waged between brother and brother is waged most bitterly of all. And yet, the short space of twenty years finds the whole South pouring forth tears of honest grief upon the bier of him to whom it yielded up the sword upon the field of battle.
One by one the heroes of the blue and of the gray are passing over the silent river. As we who remain unite in performing our last sad duties to the Nation’s dead, let us remember that with the same starry flag, floating over us, and with the benign influence of the same institutions yielding to us their protection, we are brothers, and laying aside the bitter memories of the past, let us devote ourselves to building up
A union of hearts, a union of hands,
A union that none may sever.
A union of lakes, and a union of lands,
And the American Union forever.
While he was preeminently a soldier, yet we must not fail to view the life of General Grant as possessing many of the distinguishing traits of statesmanship. We are no little surprised that one whose education and life had been so closely devoted to the duties of a soldier should have attained such eminence in the management of the machinery of government. In 1868, and again in 1872, by the suffrages of the people, he was elected to fill the highest office in the gift of the Nation. In the second election he received a popular majority over Horace Greeley of nearly 800,000 votes. At the Republican National Convention of 1880, his name was prominently urged for a third term, and defeated only on the ground of the precedent.

While no man, however capable and honest, has ever occupied the Presidential chair without carpings and criticism upon his plans and methods, nevertheless General Grant in the eight years of his public service as Chief Executive, gave almost unbounded satisfaction. It must be remembered that he assumed the reins of government at a critical juncture. The Nation was just emerging from the awful crisis of civil war. The machinery of state was not, as yet, properly adjusted. The spirit of bitterness that for so long a time had held sectional sway, was not assuaged. It was a time of peculiar embarrassment, and yet, in his recommendations to Congress, and in the administration of the laws of the land, General Grant exercised such wise discretion, such magnanimity of spirit, such discernment of the true wants of the people, such honesty of purpose in the maintenance of the law, and such loyalty to the welfare of the Federal Union, that he greatly aided in the removal of the dark shadows which had so long enveloped the whole land, and in inaugurating an era of peace and prosperity whose benign influences still continue to minister to and comfort the people.
In the field of statesmanship, those same elements of modesty and firmness attended him. He made no display. In public address his words were few and well chosen. He, unlike many others, magnified the office rather than that the office should magnify him.
At the close of his term of office, accompanied by Mrs. Grant, he made a tour around the world, visiting all the leading Nations, in whose courts he met a royal welcome that did honor to his native land. In the records of time, no other man ever met with such a royal ovation at the hands of the Nations. In honoring the man, they honored the land of his birth, and the principles enunciated and defended by him, and on which his country was founded. He went abroad as an American to study the methods of government in oriental lands, and to build up the spirit of amity that binds us to the Nations.
3rd. Viewing General Grant as a citizen, we observe that he recognized and practiced only those elements which build up and better the condition of a people. All his so-called mistakes and his misfortunes came from the abuse of confidence by others. He chose for companions those whom he believed to be worthy.
In his line of duty as a commander, he appointed only those to position in whose capability and integrity he felt to trust, and none of the many proved the wisdom of his choice as did the great Thomas—“the Rock of Chickamauga”—and Sherman, and Sheridan, “the hero of Winchester.”
In domestic life he was a kind husband and an affectionate father. In the closing scenes of his life, his love of home and the dear ones about him revealed itself in all its resplendency. After his death, a letter was found upon his person directed to his wife, in which he said: “Look after our dear children and direct them in the paths of rectitude. It would distress me far more to think that one of them could depart from an honorable, upright, and virtuous life than it would to know that they were prostrated on a bed of sickness from which they were never to arise alive. They have never given us any cause for alarm on their account, and I earnestly pray they never will. With these few injunctions, and the knowledge I have of your love and affection, and of the dutiful affection of our children, I bid you a final farewell until we meet in another, and I trust a better, world. You will find this on my person after my demise.”
In matters of religion, like many great men, he said but little. St. Augustine once being asked, “What is the first article in the Christian religion?” replied, “Humility.” “And what the second?” “Humility.” “And what the third?” “Humility.”
When General Grant approached the subject of religion while there was a broad, catholic spirit, yet there was revealed a spirit of reverence and commendable humility.
When he was in Paris on his tour around the world, a great Sunday race was arranged for the entertainment of the distinguished American traveler and his party. The French President was greatly surprised at the answer of General Grant to the invitation to attend the race arranged as a special mark of honor. The General sent a courteous declination with the explanation that as an American citizen he wished to observe the American Sabbath as a day of rest. At different times during his illustrious life, he showed a profound respect for the Lord’s day.

When asked by his pastor, Dr. Newman, “what was the supreme thought on his mind when eternity seemed so near?” he replied, “The comfort of the consciousness that I had tried to live a good and honorable life.” These words revealed “the hidden life of his soul.”
Among his last utterances was this one, given in response to the assurance that “we are praying for you.” “Yes, I know, and I feel very grateful to the christian people of the land for their prayers in my behalf: Catholics, Protestants, and Jews, and all the good people of the nation, of all parties as well as religions, and all nationalities, seem to have united in wishing or praying for my improvement. I am a great sufferer all the time, but the facts that I have related are compensation for much of it. All that I can do is to pray that the prayers of all those good people may be answered so far as to have us all meet in another and better world.”
So this hero lived, believed, and died. Unpretentious in life, of but few words, actuated by honorable convictions, choosing only such actions as were commendable, recognizing his supreme allegiance to God, loyal to his family and to his country, brave amid the most trying dangers, not unmindful of the esteem of his friends, wisely planning for his loved ones and for his own future, in the days of the greatest capability, he fell asleep.
The Nation mourns today a citizen, a statesman, a soldier fallen. He lived nobly; he did his duty well. He rests from his labors. May God bless the bereaved family, and his sorrowing countrymen who gather this day to do honor to his memory. And may God bless the land of his birth, on whose uplifted banners posterity will find inscribed the names of America’s illustrious trio: Washington—“The sage of Mt. Vernon,” “Lincoln—“The martyred President,” and Grant—“Our great commander.”
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 22, 1885.
An ice cream festival at Victor Schoolhouse last week on Thursday evening netted the Sabbath school twenty-five dollars.
Several couples of young folks were entertained at Mrs. Brown’s last Sunday. Among the number were Miss Laura and Mr. Lee Snyder of Rev. Snyder’s family of Winfield.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 3, 1885.
In the United Brethren church services were held in the morning. The pulpit was filled by Rev. Dr. Lee, pastor of the Mt. Zion circuit. Rev. Snyder filled the Doctor’s pulpit at Hackney.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 3, 1885.
At the residence of the bride’s mother in Beaver township, Wednesday afternoon, August 26th, Jabez B. Tannehill and Mary E. Pearce. Rev. J. H. Snyder of this city performed the ceremony. The young people went the same evening to their own home, where they pleasantly entertained many of their friends.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 5, 1885.

MARRIED. Buck. Tannehill and Miss Lizzie Pierce were married on the 19th of August at the bride’s home in northeast Beaver, by Rev. Snyder, of Winfield. We have thought all summer from Buck’s changed manner and strange appearance that he was going to commit suicide, but we are glad to know it was only matrimony.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 10, 1885.
Owing to the bad weather and Rev. Snyder’s rheumatic prostration, there were no services at this church Sunday.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 17, 1885.
The third Quarterly Meeting for the United Brethren Church, in Winfield, will be held the approaching Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 19 and 20. Prof. Geo. Kettering will conduct the services. Preaching Saturday evening. A cordial invitation is extended to the public.
J. H. Snyder, Pastor.
Laura Snyder, daughter of Rev. J. H. Snyder...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 19, 1885.
Miss Laura Snyder, daughter of Rev. J. H. Snyder, of Winfield, while enjoying the exhilarating exercise of equestrianism in company with two other young ladies last evening (Thursday) had the misfortune of being thrown violently to the ground because of the bursting of the saddle girth. The young ladies were visiting at the home of Mrs. Lewis Brown and the accident occurred when they had nicely started on their return home. No serious injury was sustained, only a little fright and embarrassment.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
The COURIER always looks out for the ministers, hence it would be neglecting its duty if it failed to note that the balcony on the main exhibition building, fronting the race course, affords one of the best points for seeing the races. We noticed several deacons taking in the flyers from there today. They had apparently just stepped out on the balcony to take a breath of fresh air. We have reserved a seat there for Rev. Kelly tomorrow and shall make ample room for Revs. Reider, Myers, and Snyder. No wagering allowed.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 1, 1885.
Rev. J. H. Snyder conducted the U. B. quarterly meeting at Hackney, in the absence of the presiding elder, Sunday evening. His pulpit here in consequence was vacant.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 15, 1885.
The funeral of the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Benson Rupp was held at their residence in Vernon, last Saturday. Rev. J. H. Snyder preached the discourse.
K. C. & S. W. DAMAGES.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1885.
The board of County Commissioners has filed its report of damages allowed on the K. C. & S. W. right of way from Winfield to the south line of Pleasant Valley township, as follows: J. H. Snyder, P. B. Lee and Dr. Marsh, $15; A. G. Robinson, $643.20; S. S. Linn, $725; M. E. Rodocker, $574; N. S. Perry, $31; H. R. Shaughness, $575; Z. B. Myers, $377; Uriah Copeland, $357; Lewis Fibbs, $519.50; W. H. H. Teter, $514; Z. S. Whitson, $431.50; Holtby Estate, $325; Lucius Walton, $349.50; John W. Snyder, $526.50; Wilson Shaw, $539; Daniel Mumaw, $509.50; L. Walton, $634; J. H. Wooley, $491.50; J. R. Turner, $460.
Aunt (Mrs. Mautz) and sister (Flora Snyder) of Rev. J. H. Snyder...

Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 29, 1885.
Mrs. Mautz and Miss Flora Snyder, aunt and sister of Rev. J. H. Snyder, of this city, left on the S. K. Monday for their home in Illinois, after a visit of four weeks. They were very much pleased with our city and county and will probably invest in property here.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 5, 1885.
Mr. Jesse Foster, of Akron, and Miss Josephine A. Davenport, of this city, were united in marriage Thursday afternoon by Rev. J. H. Snyder, at his residence near the west bridge. Quite a number of friends were present to witness and enjoy the occasion.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 24, 1885.
Mrs. Peter Howard, living near the brick yard, died Friday last, and was buried Saturday, in the south cemetery. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Snyder. She was a woman of admirable disposition, generous, energetic, and ambitious—cut off in the vigor of womanhood. She leaves a husband, but no children.
Its Grand Celebration in Winfield.
Christmas Tree, Amusements, and Glorious Life.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 31, 1885.
Christmas was grandly celebrated in Winfield. Never in the history of Cowley County has such generosity and good cheer been displayed. All our merchants report an unprecedented trade in holiday goods. The past year has been a prosperous one. With individual prosperity came general prosperity and all felt in a gift giving mood. The number of little stockings filled and the number of little and big ones made happy by Kris Kringle’s annual visit is wonderful. And the number of fat turkeys sacrificed on the altar of appetite is equally wonderful. Baden sold over four hundred turkeys, Thursday, and a thousand pounds of dressed chicken. And the other poultry dealers made remarkably big sales. Those unable to buy turkeys were not forgotten. P. H. Albright’s seventy-five charity turkeys, distributed by Capt. Siverd and Marshal McFadden, were the central figure in a big dinner in as many homes of the worthy poor. Nearly all the churches had Christmas doings of some kind.
At the Christmas dinner at Rev. J. H. Snyder’s, all had a chance to sample a watermelon, which was furnished by P. H. Marsh, a brother of Dr. Marsh, of this city. He waxed the stem and saved it from last fair time especially for Christmas. It was a great luxury, in harmony with the weather.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 31, 1885.
The United Brethren had their usual services Sunday, with good sermons from the pastor, Rev. Snyder.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 31, 1885.
Mr. Oliver P. Fuller and Miss Eva A. Tonkinson were united in marriage Thursday afternoon at the residence of the bride’s father, six miles northeast of this city. Quite a large assembly of friends were present to enjoy the occasion. Rev. J. H. Snyder tied the knot.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 31, 1885.

The wiles of Cupid cannot be resisted by even the shrewdest. Our best young people will succumb sooner or later to the inevitable, matrimony. The latest victims are Mr. Oliver P. Fuller and Miss Eva A. Tonkinson, both of Walnut township. They were married on last Thursday afternoon at the home of the bride’s father, Mr. David T. Tonkinson, by the Rev. J. H. Snyder, the United Brethren minister of this city. The wedding was a very quiet affair, only the families of the contracting parties witnessing the ceremony. On Friday the bridal pair were given a magnificent infair dinner by the groom’s mother, Mrs. O. P. Fuller, and owing to circumstances which we are requested to withhold, only the immediate relatives and four or five intimate friends were in attendance, making some twenty-five or thirty present, among whom was a COURIER representative. Mr. Fuller is a young gentleman possessed of many sterling qualities, and highly respected by the entire community in which he lives. Endowed with more than ordinary abilities, success awaits him in any direction he may choose to take. He is one of Cowley’s brightest and best school teachers and an honor to the profession. His bride is one of Maple Grove’s most intelligent and accomplished young ladies—a pleasant disposition, she will bring nothing but sunshine and joy to Mr. Fuller’s future. THE COURIER, with their many friends, joins in extending the heartiest congratulations and wishes for their unbounded prosperity, with just enough of the bitter mingled in their pathway to teach them to appreciate the sweets of this life.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 7, 1886.
The first of the series of union revival meetings led by Rev. Patterson, the Chicago revivalist, began at the Baptist church Sunday. The house was packed and the meeting one of much zeal. The choir was the largest ever together in Winfield, over twenty of the city’s best singers, including the members of the Presbyterian, Methodist, and Baptist choirs, with Miss Maud Kelly at the instrument. Revs. Kelly, Reider, Miller, and Snyder occupied the pulpit and assisted in the services. “One Thing Thou Lackest,” was the subject of Rev. Patterson’s sermon. It was very appropriately and effectively applied. Mr. Patterson is a gentleman of good appearance and talks business from the word go. There was no common-place exhortation about his sermon. He took a business foundation and in a quiet, conversational way argued his points. His manner, after he gets well started in, is winning, and his logic unanswerable. He has had great success all over the country in revival work. The meetings here start off very promisingly and much good is anticipated. Mr. Patterson’s subject this afternoon was “Why some people’s prayers are not answered.” The meetings convene at 2 o’clock in the afternoon and 7 in the evening, to continue indefinitely.
A Big Event For the G. A. R. “Boys” and the W. R. C. “Girls.”
Feast and Reason.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 14, 1886.
Monday evening was the occasion of a very enjoyable time at the Post, it being the installation of the new officers elect. The boys have a very roomy and well furnished Post room and well fitted for entertaining a crowd. The Woman’s Relief Corps was out in full strength and quite a number of visitors. Everybody was sociable and jolly and the reporter felt just like a school boy on holiday. We like to mingle in such a crowd. We feel better for days afterward.

The following were the officers installed: A. B. Limerick, Post Commander; J. E. Snow, S. V. P.; J. J. Carson, J. V. P.; T. H. Soward, Q. M.; H. L. Wells, Surgeon; H. H. Siverd, O. B.; J. H. Snyder, C.; C. L. McRoberts, O. G.; Lewis Conrad, A.; D. C. Beach, S. M.
The following are the officers of the Woman’s Relief Corps: Mrs. Elma Dalton, P.; Mrs. Julia Caton, S. V. P.; Mrs. H. L. Wells, J. V. P.; Mrs. Dr. Pickens, Treasurer; Mrs. D. C. Beach, Secretary; Mrs. Lewis Conrad, C.; Mrs. A. J. Thompson, C.; Mrs. C. Trump, G.
The installation ceremonies were beautiful. We don’t believe there is any city in Kansas that can boast of a better Post than Winfield.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 21, 1886.
Mr. and Mrs. Sim Beach mourn the loss of their little baby girl. She winged her flight to the spirit world last Friday evening, the 8th inst. The funeral obsequies were conducted by Rev. J. H. Snyder, of Winfield, the following day at the P. V. M. E. church. The text, “The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away,” etc., was beautifully expounded to a sympathetic audience.
Gone is the pet of the household,
Torn from the sweet, loving embrace
Of fond parents whose deep sorrows
Can no earthly pleasures displace.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 21, 1886.
G. G. Griffin, M. C. Beymer, Ed. R. Rhodes, and J. H. Snyder decorated the Brettun register Friday.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.
Rev. Snyder held the usual morning services at the United Brethren church, with a good sermon and the signification of a number for church membership.
Union services were held Sunday in the Baptist and Presbyterian churches. At the former Revs. Kelly and Snyder gave sermons and exhortations and at the latter Revs. Miller and Reider. At both places numbers arose for prayers and a signification of a change of heart. It is astonishing how the interest in these meetings continues.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
Rev. Snyder filled his pulpit as usual Sunday. We were unable to get his text. He is one of our soundest theologians and always delivers pithy discourses.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1886.
The United Brethren pulpit was filled Sunday as usual by the pastor, Rev. Snyder, with good audiences.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 25, 1886.
Dr. Marsh is very sick with fever. He will be removed to Rev. Snyder’s residence today.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 25, 1886.

The Sabbath School at the United Brethren Church was held at the usual hour, 10 a.m., and was well attended. The school is steadily growing in interest and numbers. There was no preaching in the morning as Rev. J. H. Snyder had been called to fill an appointment for Rev. Dr. Lee at Mt. Zion chapel, west of this city. An interesting class meeting was conducted by the leader, J. G. Myers. The church was filled at the evening service, Rev. Snyder preaching from Haggai ii.9: “The glory of the latter house shall be greater than the former.” The language admits of various appreciations, although it primarily alluded to the Jewish church. The word “house” was applied: 1st. To ancient forms and place of worship. 2nd. To the dispensations, old and new. 3rd. To the church of Christ, militant and triumphant. 4th. To the christians dwelling place, now on earth, at last in heaven. 5th. To man himself, from a state of nature to a state of grace; from the mortal to the immortality. It was observed that in the plans and purposes of God as viewed in the light of his dealings with men is revealed the blessed fact that from the beginning all down through the ages He has provided that the latter glory shall be greater than that of the former. It is true in civilization, in culture, in progress, in revelation, and in religion. It will be better as age follows age on down through the eternities.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.
Dr. S. R. Marsh has a severe attack of pneumonia, and won’t get out for a week or more. He is being cared for at Rev. Snyder’s house.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.
Rev. Snyder preached Sunday afternoon at the schoolhouse, No. 48, three miles west of the city, to a full house. An interesting Sabbath school has been kept up at this place all winter under the superintendency of Mr. Knapp.
The services at the United Brethren church Sunday were well attended. Sabbath School at 10 a.m. and preaching both morning and evening. Mrs. Lydia Sexton, as previously announced, occupied the pulpit of Rev. Snyder, preaching in the morning from Mat. 8:2-3, and in the evening from Isaiah 5:3-4. In the morning discourse Mrs. Sexton first noticed the awful nature and effects, and the divinely appointed manner of healing that oriental plague, leprosy. Then, after briefly noticing what she called modern or American leprosy—the sin of profanity, intemperance, lying, dancing, gambling, etc., she described the awful leprosy of sin, and the people were entreated to seek forgiveness and the cleansing in the blood of Christ as the antidote. The young man in the text came confessing his calamitous condition, and in the exercise of faith, obtained relief of the Great Physician. So the sinner was exhorted to come for health and healing. Many incidents occurring in Mrs. Sexton’s long experience were related, illustrating her views. It is remarkable how much of the vigor of youth still remains, for Mrs. Sexton will soon be 87 years of age. Services will continue through the week, and the people are cordially invited to attend.
Next item reveals that Rev. J. H. Snyder, J. C. Snyder of Hackney, and M. H. Snyder of Arkansas City were brothers...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

Daniel Smith and wife, uncle and aunt of Rev. J. H. Snyder, of our city, J. C. Snyder, of Hackney, and M. H. Snyder of Arkansas City, are here looking at the country. They are here from Butler County, Ohio, and propose locating somewhere in this grand country. Should they obtain a satisfactory location, several others from their county propose coming also. Let them come. Seeing is believing. There must be certainly quite a thinning out in some of those older states, judging from the crowds of people daily coming in from the east.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 11, 1886.
United Brethren Church. Although the morning was very inclement, yet there was a good attendance at the Sabbath School. The pastor announced that but one Sabbath remained before conference. The official boards are to meet next Saturday afternoon. At the morning hour Mrs. Sexton occupied the pulpit, preaching a sermon of great interest from Job 21:14-15. There was one accession to the church. Mrs. Sexton preached again at night from Ezekiel 33:11. The house would not hold half the people who came, fifteen or twenty arose for the prayers of the church. These meetings are growing in interest and in power. With the addition of members, and the constantly growing interest of the congregation, the time seems to have come for this church to build a commodious house of worship. The people of our wide awake city will surely assist such an effort. Rev. Snyder announced services to be held each evening this week.
Arkansas City Republican, August 27, 1886.
Rev. Snyder of Winfield delivered a sermon at Tannehill on last Sunday evening. His discourse was principally to the Christian and was ably handled, though the flesh was weak (for he had to lean on a cane while speaking), yet the spirit was willing.