Judge Thomas D. Soward


[Needs to be researched thoroughly.]

Winfield Courier, June 10, 1880.
Judge Soward has rented rooms in the Moorehouse building and will in a few days open his law office. The Judge comes to Winfield to stay, and has purchased property here.
Winfield Courier, November 25, 1880.
Messrs. T. H. Soward and Henry E. Asp have formed a law partnership. It will be an able and active firm.
Cowley County Courant, December 22, 1881.
James Kelly has resigned his position as Justice of the Peace in this city. Several petitions have been circulated praying for the appointment of persons to the vacancy. Among those petitioning are G. W. Buckman and T. H. Soward. We would be perfectly satisfied with either.
Winfield Courier, January 12, 1882.
Henry E. Asp has removed his office to Ninth Avenue, in Hackney & McDonald’s building, and has furnished the rooms nicely. Judge Soward holds forth in the old location.
Cowley County Courant, February 2, 1882.
T. H. Soward has a beautiful new gold lettered sign in front of his office. The work was done by T. J. Jones, Winfield’s boss sign writer.
Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.
T. H. Soward is a candidate for Justice of the Peace. Being a well read lawyer, he is peculiarly well qualified, and as his lameness unfits him for business requiring physical activity, it would be just and considerate to elect him and give him a chance.
Cowley County Courant, April 6, 1882.
The election for city officers in Winfield Tuesday resulted in the election of the following named gentlemen.
Justices of the Peace:  T. H. Soward and G. H. Buckman.
Cowley County Courant, April 20, 1882.
Judge Soward has opened his office as Justice of the Peace in his old office over the Postoffice and is now ready for business. Those who want to law, should give him a call.
Cowley County Courant, April 27, 1882.
W. E. Tansey has turned over the books in his office to Judge Soward, his successor.
Cowley County Courant, May 18, 1882.
The Republican county convention to elect delegates to the congressional convention to be held at Emporia on the 24th inst., met at Manning’s Hall at 11 o’clock Saturday. The conven­tion was called to order by D. A. Millington, chairman of the county central committee, who read the call. On motion of T. H. Soward, H. D. Gans was elected temporary chairman and J. V. Hines temporary secretary. On motion, committees were appointed.

Congressional State Convention to be held at Topeka June 28, 1882: C. R. Mitchell, M. G. Troup, C. M. Scott, M. L. Robinson, John Wallace, R. S. Walker, J. E. Conklin, H. D. Gans. Alter­nates: Henry E. Asp, J. B. Tucker, J. M. Harcourt, J. B. Evans, R. F. Burden, N. W. Dressie, W. P. Heath, T. H. Soward, H. C. McDorman.

On motion the delegates to Emporia were instructed to cast their votes for Hon. Thomas Ryan, for Congress. The delegates to the State Congressional convention were instructed to cast the vote of the delegation for Hon. W. P. Hackney for congress at large, and to use all honorable means to secure his nomination. On motion of T. H. Soward, a committee was appointed to inform Mr. Hackney of the action of the convention, and bring him to the hall. On motion a committee was appointed to inform Mr. Ryan of the action of the committee.
There being a lull in business, John Wallace, Esq., of Dexter, was called upon to make a speech but declined. Speeches were made by T. H. Soward and T. H. Rude.
Winfield Courier, May 18, 1882.
MARRIED. Judge T. H. Soward and Libbie E. Smith will be married Thursday evening at 5 o’clock at the Baptist Church. There are no special invitations so Mr. Soward’s friends can all have an opportunity to observe his transition from the peaceful role of bachelor to the more onerous one of head of the family.
Cowley County Courant, May 25, 1882.
TO BE MARRIED. Now, by the authority in us vested, and in accordance with a time-honored custom, we hereby make known and declare, no preventing Providence, that the ceremony that unites, cements and makes two loving hearts to beat as one, will be performed at the special instance and request of Judge Tom H. Soward and Miss Libbie E. Smith, on Thursday, the 18th inst., at the convenient hour of 5 o’clock P. M., sharp, at the Baptist Church in this city. Peace be with you.
Cowley County Courant, May 25, 1882.
MARRIED. Judge T. H. Soward and Miss Libbie Smith were united in the holy bonds of matrimony at the Baptist Church Thursday evening, May 18, 1882, Rev. J. Cairns, officiating. The ceremonies were witnessed by a large number of friends who united in wishing the happy couple a long and happy life.
Cowley County Courant, June 1, 1882.
We were truly sorry to be unable to attend the party at the residence of our young friend, Chas. Bahntge, Thursday evening, but those who attended enjoyed one of the most pleasant evenings spent in Winfield for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Bahntge have a large number of friends in Winfield, and those who were so royally entertained at their home Thursday evening think more of them now than ever before. The following is a list of those who were present: Misses McCoy, Jennie Hane, Amy Scothorn, Jessie Millington, Kate Millington, Margie Wallis, Lizzie Wallis, Roberts, Florence Beeny, Josie Bard, Mrs. French, Miss Smith, W. C. Robinson, Ivan Robinson, Lou. Zenor, Lovell Webb, H. Gold­smith, C. C. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Read, Mr. and Mrs. Spotswood, Mr. and Mrs. Hackney, Mr. and Mrs. Buckman, Mr. and Mrs. Soward, Mr. and Mrs. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. Thorpe, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. George Whitney, of Sedgwick, Mrs. Carson, of Cherryvale, Mrs. Geo. Rhodes, W. H. Smith, Chas. Fuller, Jas. Lawton, Mr. Campbell, C. H. Connell, Sam Davis, Richard Bowles, Eugene Wallis, O. M. Seward.
Cowley County Courant, June 8, 1882.

A few evenings ago a number of old soldiers met at Judge Soward’s office for the purpose of organizing a post of the Grand Army of the Republic. After they were about all in the room, someone proposed that they all arise and repeat the Lord’s Prayer in concert. Each looked at the other to begin the prayer. Finally Judge Soward, seeing that nobody else would commence, started in as follows: “The Star Spangled banner in triumph ...” when Mayor Troup hunched him and told him he was wrong. The Judge was a little mad, and told him to go ahead himself, if he thought he knew it all, and the Mayor started in “Now I lay me down to sleep.”  Senator Hackney, who was present, stopped Troup, and told him that was not it, when Troup told Hackney to speak. The Senator cleared his throat and commenced, “Rock of Ages cleft for me,” when Dr. Wells pulled his coat and made him stop. Hackney quit, and told the doctor to work it up, and Wells began, “There’s a land that is fairer than this,” but they all told him to cheese it, and he quit, blushing like a school girl. Just at this point Charley Steuven became disgusted, said he was ashamed of the whole gang, and they told him to try to start it. Charles rolled his eyes up and started, “The Lord into the garden came.”  At this juncture General Green came in and asked what they were drilling on. He was informed of the condition of things, and relieved the suspense by starting, “Our Father who art in Heav­en.” They all joined in then, and after the prayer had been repeated, someone said that Green’s associations with the minis­try gave him a big advantage over the rest of them.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 15, 1883.
T. H. Soward, of Winfield, announces himself as a candidate for office of Register of Deeds of Cowley County subject to the action of the Republican Nominating Convention.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, October 31, 1883.
[T. H. Soward, from Winfield, Kansas, was running for Register of Deeds in the election.]
T. H. Soward. We are told that there are many Republicans in Winfield, Arkansas City, and other parts of the county who are ardent supporters of the balance of the ticket, yet will not vote for T. H. Soward on account of his prohibition principles. We do not, cannot believe it. The Republican anti-prohibitionists have not been discriminated against in the convention and the nominations, but such were nominated in the convention by the aid of prohibition votes. No questions were asked as to a candidate’s views on this question. The only questions asked were: “Is he capable?  Is he honest?  Will he do his duty?”  In the judgment of the convention, all the nominees stood these tests. No one has ever questioned Soward’s ability, integrity, or devotion to duty. No one questions his devotion to the Republican party. If McIntire or Nipp is elected, he will owe his election to T. H. Soward more than all others. Is it possible that any Republican who desires the election of the ticket, for a favorite candidate on it, will stab this champion in the back while he is doing such work for that favorite candidate or ticket?  It is not strange that Democrats should dislike Soward for the heavy blows he has given them. It is not strange that they should try to communicate their ill will to Republicans, but it would be strange if any Republican should be weak enough to hear to them, and ungrateful enough to withhold a vote from Soward. Rather it should be the pride and duty of every Republican to work enthusiastically for Soward’s election and give him a rousing majority, such a vote as will show that such services are appreciated.
Winfield Courier.
Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.
   A CARD.

EDITORS COURIER: In your kind notice of my announcement as a candidate for Register of Deeds, your statement regarding my injury while in the service of my country needs this explanation. Just after the capture of Atlanta, I was severely injured by the kick of a horse on my right leg which has increased my lameness.
Respectfully, T. H. SOWARD.